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Document Release Date: 
January 30, 2006
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Publication Date: 
July 7, 1960
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Approved For Release 2006/02/07: CIA-RDP63-00313A000600060038-9 7 Juty 1960 A""CvS U44 ,PA T 1. aenerntb#. of oft ever the . It is assumed that two decision wit reuaain arm and of a U-Z gapabtttty so, faear what i pooer. on what scael fir decision has be -n mods, that, at least for Me wilt be to cwt rec ais a+ tit Deere is cba . should occur in 1 iio any amendmemt to that 4AMisioo. However# it is hence, Tb* pr em to wUtorr e r...zsni . and that it *y in the wortd slteeaaoo resolution of . problem would appear duct on following questions: U A it be promptly recorattituted in the event of no. U. Are there firm? sitiserd *rou& ahead within the limits of C. must the vutnera tir of *0 U-Z be pro anticipated a: gutrem+ of U -Z de on sttied te; and. If so, will sack taxes b* &v*WM*? seep tad Approved For Release 2006/0/' .ADP;-00313A000600060038-9 Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP63-00313Aa00600060038-9 U maintenance (or smpt +** kpesre warrsut*d* to there sue', taar than in is U the .Uisg were completely Uqutdstad, it could .1* mouth* d et*y. Zqsipua Ad of coerce be r d hays to rocrt seed could be mot is wally. permit the greatest possible ose of as porie ere, is oxtst g .Z personnel (incta s-g tots) roxsvow a- d or sod s*ew, xwv*n with a desired to r*eo" a *144 ca b tlty titer in d" bt .d sod AS, from 3 low* personnel 0, importa cso could so be ft nisg to Considerations boa ring the tvatinaed seed for a tit ed a. During past fir y s the *44 has been %Wnt Missions we Oltowing Purposes. which: as 110cat and tary has;srd. Approved For Release 2006/02/07 RDP63-00313A000600060038-9 , Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP63-00313AO00600060038-9 once overf is of Satelutte; sseece .rf" ; suck crcnxnets*Cos have jiwttn*4*o (4) Ferret Lstetugence oatt*ctLoa miecti ate st the borderer of y, gust +cottec d be noted that mission, is the third n :sbw work" activities. Ra r, they are ddto Es rtee of its srtreriot attite vehicle, as to the ease 04spubtlitlos Provided s ed that the decision Los (at toast for tbe, present) to the +srer a s*t*1Utes *0 my ch Middle 25X1 D Approved For Release 2006/02/07 CIA-l DP63-00313A000600060038-9 Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP63-00313AQ.00600060038-9 c. Wirer i .Rn *vge*t *Ad Sh prts-rttry r spy Vie: Carsst Z ** U_:4 .ba d e Mel hLerPrUtty ft X#* tumtr IS t ear 4"n * V" that US e pWq prttetei 'wad tus US". HOW -4 to compute t tovwSaw of Primary tim fore air `#nss$ der* have tau ftert r i*tpr v s . 25X1 D it. sere is at t pr. R lU a rsr sl ei`etraa l ec c reie r+> e n presatej re$rete%t to tom, rtaa t. S%gb regt eeeeet$ the Mtddt* "*to ,t A# J* eod *e Ca ribbe*n. poaari ty ersss to Usefut to etUg.esCe cott*tt ou a be rep rat missions with treasas et rte t to trsUef of tE ett eenent to less of s Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP63-00313A000600060038-9 Approved For Release 2006/02/07: CIA-RDP63-00313AQ00600060038-9 tisbt out profit *st atom of pro ty 40.000 fort where it sc rod either d a fr a grss -toter tnd-to-air softy bMA * 000 and a of iais ag o at o that of pr btUty a rcopd*u pros. or as *zoo* f meoat. asatiy*tt does *046 rof o, d for over a -Z is:steas atro supports tbo ; a o tratioaal Soviet aircraft woad suet I I ttv iaf tctinf dama t* on the U-A #Ott* (or c *Lvabty **or qtr acti ).1 uat d a$o iafitctod at cr i ttit dE or a so" of a ttoa to Bosco Uowsrsr* was that tu* aircra ob*biUty .* got Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP63-00313A000600060038-9 w.:.. Approved For Release b`6/02/0mo7 : C.IA-RDP63-00313A000600060038-9 The coo? to*toni draw from the.. eittiatee awes :4 ei wt h mtgb.1 the faturo a**w xod over the . it to boll Oty tee. or 1r oiwe have o Was but *at* so yo M a.e sacringo rase. ski tc ignition which P*rmIt4 an cte to Ott crULIL attitude ja evert of c s ooet$+ < radio +. raid Approved For Release 2006/02/07 ~C1 RD 3.00313A000600060038-9 Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP63-00313A000600060038-9 25X6 25X6 vat b..w*d C4 sd *at the - .11 so atttss which or,* add to th. US=. U'-ifs for h t re nt m pct.0 to sons". At**, 69 t promixts sstons that s oin - s. DMZ cs-psbilty s d to r.ph 3 preca+ um. Wit tip nsc.esttyr to &vo 25X1 C eb tcat r lei s.tf could be ern t Moon. tut old get ors&., sos Uvttd 4ppU.s eitb to Approved For Release 2006/00 7 ;;CIA-RDP63-00313A000600060038-9 Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP63-00313A000600060038-9 w1atsod '1*t Odwr it seas for ads bade It aMMU Was C adw strstty. framework and Use of command. A s# egty sj'afoareug end oorottssy rssaoa for Agonc, p was activity be xsilfta ry a ft r Witt still CWWWWo c.rt iiy V. apply is ssss des"* to rooOmmisss s of rat wane. only I regard to pori :srst *d.si st mot seerocy be at vocoaftry importance. erstioxi (set i aetossttbty ( ems' it secret prtmsry asks . At dwir primary fa engaged is o -dc*dfl+ rattan. With r#a c Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CiA-RDP63-00313A000600060038-9 Approved For Release 2006/02/07: CIA-RDP63-00313A000600060038-9 atvtttaa *aaraa ~ Us: a armed tt wont **d awor a*rlaga Oftt* BEd DEL to ac + is t US *rmmmatat spa . p of "b"O of kl& cd to tat fto osout ca r tt Ukowlso be aaaad to 25X1 C 25X1 C tf.' ?2}o w*ate*tty o' 4 to Ow 74 mW tataa a*dopia d Via: cep#+stflg r *V r s most t+aart actually *ad their aw Ord ty to #d* Turkey Ate.. program. It. v"mW = *A* kao-a tam It a+r be $tat ants tt ag 014 aclaatt a tau from wrbieb c ar t had from time a "berrvw* it to ttt Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP63-00313A000600060038-9 Approved For Release 2006/04/Q7,j 1cJA-RDP63-00313A000600060038-9 that c nusUei under We ei no O"d tend, ,tlasast =taste" be 25X1 C 25X1 C r v* ss yet bssn w or 25X1A 25X1A 25X1 C a. will r nt n a ssttreds City. 0 returned 9.200 now in e will stay inl S*bs Watt tie 25X1 but end out saver oaten bty s+ ptatiag a NAagra tar taty f rasaths. 'hereafter tbsy wilt be returned to the 25X1 C App Approved For Release t20O6f0217 : ClA-RDP63-00313A,00600060038-9 25X1 C 25X1A 25X1A I .Zs* rmt be mewed for t&-: gbt r.f el and with r m+ # attO 1 #"d above in W f. s as rme c,et#Oerr $r* carrrt*d Wit, sppr ste A,*c . 'e west iW*Dtor'y of ^ -zas *s4 ARM Approved For Release 2006/02!1?7) QA- P;,6 i-00313A000600060038-9 As r&04ty ss r bta these *ad sssoctata er milt be tur d suer to l Air Farce for at* Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP63-00313A000600060038-9 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP63-00313A000600060038-9