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Approved For Release 2002/10/31 : CIA-RDP63-00313AQQ0600070027-0 IDEA 0060 Copy jeof ,i 7 December 1960 MEMORANDUM FOR: Acting Chief, DPD PLA. Activities Report for Operations Branch 27 November - 3 December 1360 b. Primary and spare GREEN EYES missions 3010 and 30102 aborted 4 December due heavy, persistent contrails. c. GREEN EYES mission 3003 take distributed to all customers. Pending Actions: Actionee: OPS/ COR, (1) Subject: CORONA 9013 Date: 7 December Act ions e: CPS/ COR.. (2) Subject: ARGON 9014A Date: January 1961 Actionee: OPS/P1ans, (3) Subject: GREEN EYES Date: Dependent on Weather CONTROL CENTER: a. Negative report for this period. Routine Control Center activities. b. Pending Actions: (1) Subject: Replacement Requested: 1 June Suspense: 22 July Actionee: ADMIN/PER.S 25X1A 25X1~ i 25X1~ 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/10/31 : CIA-RDP63-00313A000600070027-0 Approved For Release 2002/10/31 : CIA-RDP63-00313A000600070027-0 Subject: Requested: b October Actionee: ADMIN/PERS OPERATIONS REQUIREMENTS SECTION: a. Report received of arrival of I at overseas location 25X1 on Z6 November. I will conduct flight tests and training flights to familiarise Detachment personnel with the statlation. 25X1/ b. I acquaint main maintenance. capability In land to rsonnee w procedures installations, and 25X 25X1 25X1 O . Subje onducted a visit to (I) Destruction device for Installation of defensive position in B-17. Check on B-17 to ascertain corrosion damage. (4) Engine changes for B-17 and Accompanyinj to obtain destruction device. (Items listed will be amplified upon in trip report). 25XJ1 25X14 25X1 25X1 d. Comparison photographic runs by U-Z and aircraft have 25X1 been tentatively setup for 13 December. Delay is due to higher priority commitments for Plans Section. e, Testing of HRB beacon has been shceduled for 6 December. will monitor bight. Pending Actions; (1) Subject: B-1 Installation Requ ested: 8 July Suspense: I February Actionee: OPS / RS Approved For Release 2002/10/31 : CIA-RDP63-00313A000600070027-0 Approved For Release 2002/10/31 : CIA-RDP63-00313A000600070027-0 (2) Su R Su A bject: HBR Beacon Tests equested: 12 August spense: I April ctionee: OPS/RS and DB Su bject: Modification and IRAN (Cargo Version) R Su A equested: 15 November spense: 15 February ctionee: OPS/.RS and MB (4) Su bject: 25X R u A equested: 21 November spense: I March ctione:e: OFS 1 RS Su bje ct: 25X R Su A (6) Su equested: November spense: ) December ctionee: OPS/RS bject: Factory Proposal for Defensive Position in B-17 R Su A equested: Z December spense: 9 December ctlonee: LAC 4. INTELLIGENCE SECTION: a. On 28 November a meeting was held with the Chairman, COMOR, SO/DPI), TCO CIA and a representative from PIC to discuss a security I I It was agreed unanimously to recommend that the materials be handled outside the Talent system and classified "SECRET - It was also agreed that It would be desirable to make the materials and/or information available to the if agreement can be obtained from the The Chairman, COMOR, suggested that th be 25X1 solicited as to his views on the latter proposal before any approach is made b. A meeting was held on 28 November with AC/DPI and. SC?/DPI) to discuss implementation of Cps Policy Letters 6. 11, and 12. SO/DPE3 will assume the initiative in this program, and will call on Operations for whatever assistance to required. Approved For Release 2002/10/31 : CIA-RDP63-00313A000600070027-0 Approved For Release 2002/10/31 : CIA-RDP63-00313AQ00600070027-0 c. Meeting hod on I December with representatives of NSA to cuss NSA representatives re briefed on present procedures for obtaining requirements and advised =nsibility for all requirements, including theater needs, and provide requirements for CIA to accomplish thaty they assume full NSA I. going to take over responsibility for coordinating and sub- us, on a timely basis, with a final and fully coordinated list reflecting requirements of the entire Intelligence community and with priorities indicated. d. Meeting hold on 1 December with Chairman CI OL modify the to discuss OS! proposal to accommodate a Consideration of the proposal led to the conclusions that the requirement is not firm at We time, there are alternative methods of fulfilling the requirement should It be Justified later, and that any action on the proposal be deferred. greed. e. Meeting held on 2 December with Mr. Reber a Air Weather Service. to discuss Headquarters USAF request to approve approximately clearances for personnel at AWS and Weather Central. Hq USAF indicated that these were needed for opera- tional support of CORONA and should therefore be charged against the Project rather than USAF. s advised that limited operational data could be given to CORONA c eared personnel on a `'neeed- to know" baste and that T- I. clearances were nbt required for the purpose, agreed to re-examine his requirements on the haste of this t ormatton. Prepared a study for AC/DPD on S. Prepared briefing aid for proposed presentation by Colonel Beeerli to JCL h. Prepared briefin ]operations for book an Opeeratio code 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1A 25X 25X1 25X1A departed PCS to the Joint Target Planning 25X1A Headquarters SAC, Omaha. I has assumed Cdr. duties. Pending Actions: None Approved For Release 2002/10/31 : CIA-RDP63-00313A000600070027-0 Approved For Release 2002/10/31 : CIA-RDP63-00313A000600070027-0 COMMUNICATIONS SECTION: a. I visited Warner-Robins AFB to make arrange- meats for activation of the cryptographic link with Headquarters. The target date has been sat for 8 December. b. lso inspected found to comply 25X1', F__ I The new center. already in operation, fully with all communications security standards. C. I on i December fort d. Pending Actions: None 6. AIR SUPPORT SECTION. a. 3M-ARC ~eparted Headquarters 25X1 On Z December, USAF flow one C-1Z4 from Kelly to Eglin b. I was postponed by the Director due to titical ulties encountered on the and various oth ~o h ~~ &e Director problems with countries concerned. As a result of this meeting/t decided that DPD would present necessary papers proposing the purchase of a C-130B aircraft. If approval is received and aircraft delivered in time two xslsstons will be planned for late December or early January 1961. C. I Planning is well underway in Detachment Z to procure all items necessary for a realistic mobility concept. Upon completion, the Detachment will capable of supporting I lupon short notice and conducting operations with very little more than a landing ip being furnished. Received 12 overflight laps for approval, all of which are under study. Five of these are 25X1 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/10/31 : CIA-RDP63-00313A000600070027-0 Approved For Release 2002/10/31 : CIA-RDP63-00313A000600070027-0 Advised by LAC that B-17 has corrosion on certain wing 25X1A ets. 250 manhours authorised to pull inpeection on same. e. :Pending Actions: (1) Subject: Requested: Suspense: Actioneee: 25X11 (2) Subject: 1 Jung I August ADMIT/ RE RS Financt tat ion Requested: 21 July Suspense: 29 August Actionee: DPD/FIN 25X 25X1A O/P Approved For Release 2002/10/31 : CIA-RDP63-00313A000600070027-0