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Document Creation Date: 
December 19, 2016
Document Release Date: 
January 25, 2006
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Publication Date: 
September 21, 1961
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Approved For Release 2006/03 A-RDP63-00313A 0600080017-0 ULT: II? "A-0476 : Act Nawi$ational Uadin VP for IDWZ$T Aircraft l sndu* tai the Chief, Msteri?1 from the Chief', Special Projects Via; dated 9 August 1961; Subject as above amozandun cantatas it recasseendati+ as the of improved navigational radio equipment in all 'craft. such recce eu Eat Ian is Included in pars - ph S. 2- As guested in the above referenced - and , radio equipeent as ropisarneut for the AR N-6 ATE In Z-31 air- craft: TACAW/ASF 't/ATJ? TACAII/MW a. This equipment be installed in all. aircraft. It can be installed Ponmumatly in aircraft which do not have r 1d have to be installed in apseS, fOrVXc'd Of the $3$ ItCb is now reserved for alternate Installation of System VI a taip- most when system VIZ is Installed. The TAW O4u1PWWt xld be easily rss able if It becomes n essarY to use this spy for system VI. The ATE' portion would romain perasneutlg in ats Heed. b. in aircraft without $59, the substitution of TACAN/ATE' for the A S-d will result in a weft increase of amt 11 per. In aircraft with $So, the weight Ivereaso ,111 be about 110 pounds. Force priority can be obtained. c. The procurement load time for TACAN equips "t Is one year. This might be reduced to d scathe if a special Approved For Release 2006/01/30 : CIA-RDP63-00313A000600080017-0 ET Approved For Release 2006/01/3%.f11P63-00313A000600080017-0 EA..0478 equt slop, install and flight test prototype .pravide seen TAB production kite for field installation at each ADY production kits for field installation at eat (4) Provide Sight =I convertor kits for f e ld is stalition at each flatten of TA /AD1 The installation of this c iastion is not ica ly feasible. a. This embization can be Installed In all aircraft. prohleec exists as with TACAN egtaipnent. h. A weight sae of about 11 pounds will result a esistiag i ` with ,x-58 ADP and AIC/157 Aircraft equipped with 989 will r quire only ~ the VOR portion a will sustain a net increase in weight Of about TR pounds. The procuros nt lead tine for ae tpsent is d. fte estimated coat for a follows (1) Provide eight TOR production kits for f Laid installation at each 25X1 25X1 1Ly E Approved For Release 2006/01/30 : CIA-RDP63-00313A000600080017-0 Approved For Release 2006/01/30 :163-00313A000600080017-0 I l A .O4?8 25X1 Provide eight RMI convertor kits for field installation a A et mry of each type TAC /A ?" I Year 60 days 8 a seder LAC Contract 'SP-1922 to /ADF obtain fumls required forthe TACAW/A> " 25X1A netalled (2) Provide four A preftctioe kits for field installation at each each +110 The +71 Its of TMIAZW equipment. . An Activity Pro as ld lighter weight and cheaper t of the a, it is rye e+ ed that this *qu# at be I IDRALISt aircraft. 11"U f for . a. r Materiel Staff, CC 3RR C : +e s Bra c Recommendation contained is raph g I L L E G I B to approved: 1) Sta~~'ey W. Beerli 22 SEP 1961 0-443A 0006000800 Acting Chief, DPD.-DD/P livery Approved For Release 2006/01/30 CIA-RDP63-00313AO00600080017-0 25X1A / D..D! / Dist: Cy 3 3 - AC Pi w S/DPD 3 4 a. OOMO/WD / Rl/ski) Approved For Release 2006/01/30': -DP63-00313A000600080017-0