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Approved For Release 2002/09/03 CIA-RDP63-00313A 9 Qa1p O .. it UJNIT?ED NATIONS EN E R A L r .ASS EMBLY -1aWWT COtII I' EE fi r. a item 21 pistr. LIMITED A/C.1/L. 3rl/Re V-1 11 December 1961 ORIGIRAL: ENGL4.l3B 1116'I'I'I IG'ill' III Ili l'Ill I I l i I''i1 I II l RI CF It CCKNUTTEE C 'lE P A EPUL U W3 V e CUMIR $PA dv A.1bania, Argentin-l Australl$ , Austria $el Braai.L ? Bul. ax ft Canacl.. CZechos).uvakia r': arm Indi.$ ~a Ita3, r TIcb anen our-ats Z*denp ono Boyiet Socialist Ur ited =Pu Ki om 4 Great ? B r1ta international Co-aPextti.on ,t'lyt ~ne'4~~axe~. Aesemb r,,~ e n :the c ,3aters 4t of outer space ant tngt,yr Ot t, in' this Sao tent ; ft t* -41 "r yyy~y ~!! I St~ etdtes Srxe~erpeCti l1Ofr''i f the betterment-of `. ari,f k of their eCOnotdc or $eigntiflc ,1h0 >Qb 1- Ce nds 'to $tatel . for. outer apace the foll,&w, pri.nciv].+esl (a) luternat#.onj . outer apace ftr4 4 e3A# *` } . a (b) Outer Space .R **'l , i!Ir re-a for 6X~i sti 11 ;Mates in conformi.ty- vitb, ~uxaon.. 7.dw, end are not subes+t to :t1ruz-1 Ipprapriution; 63.-30133+ Approved For Release 20021091Q3.:.CIA-RDP63-00313A000600180074-6 1/ i/.L. y9.1/Ret'? 6:]cigo 2 Approved For Release 20Q2/09/0i, GIA-F bP63.9D313 QOO6DO180074-6 vhic1 and report on the. legal P utter Space. The General Apse, ? a of Outer Space to study 'tj '41 ites the Cc nittee? oil the Pe fu; ~ 2 Inv ,..~...-. - -? s the exploration ate. Ltae of ps3.ieviM that the United N$tica e22 1 ode a' 'ocel Paint for rterr-ational co-operation :in the peace ]. + It ti ri and use of outer q ca, _ rt 1 Cr ].le V. on States )unehi ib oe into O'b t or beygnd to furnish .m orittic ^prontly to the bonanittae a Peat tkr] Urea of Outer Erase thrr the Secretary-Oene;,-ti . for zrpase:s of ?e,; W "fl .~aunchin s, ? Ath a, rub c registry of' the Rc a stir the SecretaG~'d M to in rrcntion fu,-r,=Shed in accordanae vit p *Ph 1 above; ueOta the Couunittee t t # d t1l Uve+a of rter apace, In st ~ .a ..r.i. co-opertioD with the : eerot~xy Dez t'c~..e' ' and resources of the SecretariSt. ? ; ~k~ ?;" (a) To uairtain-GIOfie C0nt,ct vitb' nrganizatios concerned, w t.,T2 . a , (b) To provide f " the" jm it space activities, as govA, rclaaotian of i nt4 (c) To .assist in the study, #,f maeiure ( 7l .3fl/Rev.1 English Page 3 Convinced of the world-wide benefits to be derived from international co-operation in weather research and analysis, 1. Reccicrends to all Member States and to the World Meteorological Organization and other appropriate specialized agencies the early and core rehensive study, in the' light of developments in outer space, of measures: (a.) To advance the state of atmospheric science and technology so as to provide greater knowledge of basic physical forces affecting climate and the possibility of large-scale weather modification; (b) To develop existing w ather forecaating capabilities and help Member States crake effective use of such capabilities through regional meteorological centres; 2. Requests the World 1' teorological,Organization, consulting as appropriate with the United Nations Educational, Scientific-and Cultural Organization, and other specialized agencies and 'governmental and con-governmental organizations, such as the International Council of Scientific Unions, to submit a report; to its member governments ,and to the Econovj,c and Social Council at its thirty-fourth session regarding appropriate brganizatipnal and financial arrangements to achieve 'these ends, with a view to their further consideration by the General Assembly pt?ita,seventeenth session; 3, - Requests the- Ccrmnittee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, as it deems appropriate, to review this report and submit its comments and recommendations to the Economic and Social Council and to 'the ,General Assembly. . The General Assemb , believing that copmaunication by mans of- satellites. should be available to the.nations of the world as soon as practicable on a global and non-discriminatory basis, Convinced of the need to prepare the way-for the establishment of effective operational satellite ccrrmunication; 1. Notes with satisfaction that the International Telecommunication Union plan; to call a special conference in 1963 to make allocations of radio frequency Lands 'or outer spice activities; Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP63-00313A000600180074-6 J. ; s r Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-F DP63-00313A000600180074-6 i ,e 4 2. r:ec^rrnend7 that the International, Telecousruntcation Union consider at this conference those aspects of space carmunication in which international co-operation will be required; 3. Notes the potential importance of comunication satellites for use by the United Nations and its principal organs and specialized agencies for both operational and' informational requirements;; 1~. Invites the Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance and the United Nations Special Fund in consultation with the International Telecommunication Union to give s-,ynpathetic consideration to requests from Member States for technical and other assistance for the survey of their con=unication needs and for the development of their domestic comnudcation facilities so that they may make effective use of space corm .initiation; 5. Requuesta the Internatioml Telecoamunlcation Union, consulting as appropriate with Member States, the United Natics . Educatignal, Scientific and Cultural Organization, and other specialized agencies and'goveknmental and non-governihtal organizations, such as the Cotmnittee on Space Research of the International Council of Scientific Unions, to.'submit a report on the implementation of these proposals to the`Lconadnic and Social Council at its thirty-fourth session and'to the- its seventeenth session'j! 6. Reauests the' Committee on the' Pe&cefua..Uses of Outer Space, as it "Zi deems appropriate,' to review this. report eu~bmit its comments ; and re ommez ti to 'the Economic and Social bounoiI'an4 the General ,Assembly. Recce its resolution 1472 (XXV) of '. ecember 1959, Voting that the membership of the 'Cc imittee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space expires at the end of 1963,, Nom the report of the Committee: on the Peaceful Uses of Outer., apace (A/4987), 1. Decides to continue the membership of. the Committee on the Peaceful L'se3 of Outer Space as contained in resq;,ption 1472 (XIV) and' to add Chad, Ghana, Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP63-00313A000600180074-6 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP63-00313A00060018OQ74T "icrrr. Bore to its ncr;:berskiip in rec^ r:it.ion of the .r:crenscd F, , ...,. tl~r United. Natirns since the Ccrn ttee t-s established; tiic Ccjrjrittec to not 1%ter than 31 March 1962 to carry r.s (:?xntained. in resolution 1472 (XIV) and to review tine activitiesr (?v do z 'or in thi i res,:1ution and to make such reports a it ray consider Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP63-00313A000600180074-6