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tP - / Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 amPRIMPWRI1 -PIP0 November 1960 :IMOBANDUK FOR: Assistant Director. Research and Reports FROM: Chief. GeograPhic Rcolmarch 2U3317ECT: GRA Activity Report for the Yonth of October 1960 A. Major Research and Technical Support Activity 1. he Geogramhy Division ccmpleted and disseminated two Geographic te-lligence Reports (Grt 60-4, The Olsztv. Region; and GR L-60-3, uev, l'art 1M; one Geogriphic fntelligeace Memorandum 6GM 60-3, Nepublic of the Comm); and eight Geographic Support Projects. -. The Cartography Division aceepted requests for 186 maim and charts and completed 229. Both requests and completiona were appreciably eipher than last meth, due largely to the special Electronics Atlas 90o3ect for ERA. This project also absorbed the major portion of the 25X1X4r 19i hours of overtime expended during the month. Contributions to the were reiativalv heavy during the month; six trip maps were completed and forwarded to St/1 and three new requests for trip maps were received, The Division also completed an up-to-date world blAx- map to fill a rreauing DiGL 3. 1u:urgent rroject to provide operational support to DD/P, involving the preparation of two atlases and a series of annexes, was undertaken early iv October in cocperation with S/COM/ERA. Because of its high priority, ether work in the Cartography Division was set aside and all resources recessarv to complete the project by 1 November were placed at the disposal of ERA. A total of 27 maps, 31 pages of text, IA covers, and 12 arnexes renuiring 535 man-hours -- were prepared arid sent to Reproduction. Due Primarily to the excellent cooperative effort of ERA and the Printing and Services Division the deadline for this project was met as originally planned. The Printing and Services Division should be complimented earticularly for the excellent printing job and their efforts to meet an extremely short deadline. atIoRPRPOPOONOwn Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 25X1A8a 25X1A8a Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 z a000000Wimiiim 3.10Fqa in3JECT: (4VA Activity ?pozc. t.CAr tat,: 1101112:1 01 uctober 1900 n. eae .k4ap La:A-eery Bi1ion forwaraea 50,081 items to requeezers eeeponse 4v cnenne requeues rur mups, related geograPhic publications, en retereace publieetione. The total number of requests was the second iebest oe ene efeae .1a 1..1.e. number ef items forwarded reached an all-time high. The high total refleets, in rert, a lerge number of items requested pv BD/V. n nnenificant leatea recei:ed Dy che Map Library Division included U0 nolgarian atlnses a 1960 Bulgarian road atlas and a 1959 Bulgarien echool ateaa); 1960 coverege of Austria at 1:200,000 and a 1960 map of L'eo dprnet othe Sahara, shoving oil and gas fields, pipe lines, nee internal edmieeetrative leouniaries. Mr. Rugg reported procurement en dOU items in ..eciane exur;og his recent trip and Dr. Niemela sent in following mateeeals: a) List ef Soviet maps displeyed at the Inter- -ettenai Geograehical Ueicen b) Bibliography of the History of Geodesy ere Dlapping in Fineand; k0,./ Liet ar USSR publications exhibited at the intelleatioenee Geo'eceieel Cornrelso; and d) List of maps exhibited at idle XX I Geological ecagreee. b. eupeort eetivities o the Special Gollection Support Branch, ')/GL, inAnded the followieg: fe) A meeting was held with representatives J3:? St/I, RQM, and nZA to aenlain high-priority Army requirements for *pe ;len aerial enotoeeephy of Syria. The meeting was held to acquaint DD/P, REA with a foreen Arley eenuirament for 4teT4 of this type Which will be levied on the Aeeecy ehortly. (b) nued on detailed target bei comeilen. in supporn of Onatacts were -made dun i the month with sonnel Biget new requiremente were initiat ur ng e ?Acoth, ave in ounpeet of the opeeial project and three for maps of non- Bloc areao. ylanning_pd Levelomeee le A memoranuum tit.L4 pitr:4?Ar :a aed eele: to ADihR requesting the re-establishment ox tee Westeia Tlemiaphere Branch in the Geography Di-Vital= utilizingexienieg persennel and slots. 2. Geogreehic Attache plane Atr ineimner ieclude tea Xolleaknee Mr. Rugg will cceleaete hie elesion in Yugeslavia and plane to reture to Bonn early le Vevereber. D. Nieweln will remain at his home poen in Coeethagen and will concentrate on reporting on his mission to Finland 4.1111004004046s nCeVeA Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 I Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 NOM)! SUBJECT: GRA Activity Report for the Month of October 1960 and. Great Britain. Dr. Held will return to Beirut, after a. brief mission to Cyprus. Dr. Chapman will be conducting procurement in Iran and will return to Delhi the last week of November. Dr. Bradley will remain in Tokyo during November. A ten-week procurement nission, to include South Vietnam, Thailand, Burma, and Indonesia is being planned for him for January 1961. Mr. Rogers is in Washington, revising the organization report of the IG, prior to leaving the Foreign Service. 3. The USSR, Far East/Pacific, and Europe Branches of the Geogre.phy Division began work on the assessment of the scope and significance of geographic and related earth science research in order to determine the extent to which this research is utilized in internal economic planning and development, in military planning, and in penetration of non-Soviet areas. 4. The Geography Division began preliminary research on PN 69.267, the Dtainican Repdblic, the first of three projects schedule& for WR/DD/P as a result of their restatement of priority requirements. Work already accompliahed for them on Guatemala has been tabled for future rescheduling. Sindlar :project initiations covering Haiti and Nicaragua were also sdheduled. 25X1A9a . Research was initiated in support of a request from for a study of the Republic of Mali. The project will entail an across-the-board study of Mali with particular emphasis on the economic geograOhy of the country. ONE, and concerning the Agency Taskrozino- 25X1A9a 6. Geo Division personnel held discussions with Soviet Relations an the nature of pmssible Wda contributions to the work of the group. A nuaber of pertinent earlier D/G0 issuances have been transmitted to the Task Force, and a. brief special study on the Sino- Soviet boundary in the Pamirs wag completed during the month. In addition, continuing scrutiny is being given to the entire Sino-Soviet frontier in an effort to discover additional areas of actual or potential friction between the Bloc powers. Preliminary examination suggests that a muMber of possible problem areas relating to past claims and unclear boundary treaties may be identified. 7. At the end of the month, four analysts from OG/8 were engaged in preparing area familiarization lectures, supplemented by maps and other graphic aids, to be given to a special DD/P group in early November. 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 3 NOFORN Approved For Release 1999/09/16: CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 r Approved For Release 1999/09/16: CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 milmesPIPIPP. ROMER SUBJECT: GRA Activity Report for the Month of October 1960 25X1A9a 8. The St/P/0 editors and GO/F, gave attention to a new format for the map appraisal series the Creogrorsby Division will Issue. The new format was first used for the appraisal of the new Soviet Ethnic Map of China, CIA/RR GP 60-107, which will be issued early in November. 25X1X7 25X1A5a1 9. The Cartotrathy Division series of maps NIS fermat. This project involves both compilation and drafting. No project. taR4414irk on the preparation of a tailored on the approximstely 15 naps and will require deadline has been proposed for this 10. Detailed drafting specifications forPehli&17 -al ustP 11......11#1M1111. ations being prepared under contract with th were submitted to e contractor. returned layout sketches2fpr19wAtigraphytivision consideration and approval. 11. 11111subud-tted the last group of drawinge of the 1:5,0000000 Asian series of five nape; these have been forwarded to AMS for final printiliiiiiiii o55,iese. drawings marked the conpletion of this contract 1 i.ka C. 21gElficant Outside Contacts and. Activities 25X1PLa1Chief, DAG, and MENEM GG/X, briefed the Chief, on past Wm support of Wil and discussed with him problems ofelMigricatice of reqairements, priorities, and coordination. As an outgrowth of the meeting, a new, in,,,--caling2d_nvirement was developed by WH. In addition, the Chief, will henceforth function as the coordinator of WU requirements for CR support on wear, other than Cuba. 25X1A5a1 25X1A9a 25X1A8a1 2. Chief, fl/GO, and Chief, 00/C, met with to discuss 25X1A9a implications of certain amendments to the NIS Chapter IX revision that were proposed (and subsequently agreed upon) by- the NIS Committee. The position of OBI is that the amendmauts involve only a minor retreat from the position recommended by the Chapter IX SUhcommittee and make it poesible to avoid an undesirable conflict within the NIS Committee. yGG considers, however, that the conflict may be only delayed. OBI c1 DOG are agreed on the necessity for CIA to continue to provide a basic editorial and substantive review contra over the Chapter IX whatever changes may evolve relating to the "packaging" of contributions by participating agencies. NOFORN Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 II if 7.1.1"tPfr, aBJECT: GRA Activity Report for the Month of October 1960 3. Chief, GG/X, met several times leith Mr. George Owen, head of the Antarctic star, State? on (1) the development of ideas for U.S. initiative to expand scientific cooperetion as provided in the Antarctic Treaty and (2) emeloration of the rroblem of implementing the inspection eemrielione of the Treaty. Mr. Oren invited to a special eeeting that included senior officers from the Office of the Secretary of Defense and the JCS to explore the preblems, prospects, limitations and alternatives in implementing the inspection provisions. A copy of the summary Of the meeting has beer forwarded to 0/DA/I. k. At the reqeest of the Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Arleigh 25X1A9a Burke, briefed the Admiral and his senior staff on Soviet ectivitiee in Amteretica. 25X1A6d 25X1X1 25X1X1 25X1A5a1 25X1A5a1 25X1A9a 5. Other briefing's of narticular interest given by OGG personne.. 25X1A9a eve the fr+Dowing: (1) At OrR's request, briefed several &eeney employees Dr. E.A. Stoneman, nev member of the staff of the Office of the Geographer, Deeartment of State. was briefed on A/GG activities. e. Chief. GOV., attended to nsetinga of the Tee Petarctica, 25X1A9a 25X1X1 7. Liaison activities of the Procureeept Eq-ench, A/GL, concerning problems in the Middle East inclue,ee dineensions with: a) Mee Schechtee, OCE, concerning prepoeed AMS mappene coetraW44410eaireetand with Israel; b) Mk. Charles Kellar, regarding eseletence can render him in hie assignment to set up a photogeaphic laboratory for the Jordan Lands end Surveys; c) Mt. Crawford, Political Desk Officer in the Department ef State, regarding restrictiona on the use of the 1:2 for exchange in Near F ? - Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 25X1A5a1 25X1A5a1 'Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 4.WARPONMmillmalmes eeeier4 aUBJECT: GRA Activity Report for the Month of October 1960 8. Mr. Thalley, ACIC, Detachment 1, visited the Special Collection Support Branch to discuss procurement of gravity data needed for Air Force trograms. The Branch will initiate collection of such gravity data es may be available from domestic sources, after clarification of ACIC reqairements. 25X1A9a 9. Ga/S, met with Major Chippeaux, AGM; Mr. Schechter, CCE, and Messrs. LeCompte, Alber, and Stearns, AMS, to discuss high-priority Army requirements in the Near East, Africa, and the Caribbean area. 25X1A9a , GL/S, net 'with Mr. Tater, AMS, Geodesy Division, aud Mr. Stearns, ANS, Planning Division, regarding the status of Russian mapping in Northern Afghanistan ano its connections with U.S. mapping in the southern part of the country. The meeting was held to obtain back- ground information for a staff stuay for the Assistant to the DD/I(Planning). Special Collection Support Branch, D/GL, personnel met with Mr. Alexander, Chief of Technical bervicen Department, AMS, and personnel of the Map Evaluation Division or that Department, concerning continued ouv-ort of our special project. Tentative plans call for assignment to GL/S of one AMS person on a full-time basis and two additional AMS people OX a part-time basis. 25X1A9a 12. At its October meeting, the Africa Roundtable discuseed USIA activities in Africa, under the ieedershlp of Mr. Henry Dunlap, USIA Program Coordinator for Africa. What has been done in Africa to date has been within a budget of spme 46 million by a staff of 6o persons. For FY 62 a budget increase or 50 percent in anticipated. 13. MMMMMM, GGeB, spoke on Arctic sovereignty and terri- torial problems before the Arctic Area Discussion Group during the month. D. Problems -------- 1. Because the special Atlas project took priority over other ccueitments, it was necessary to delay other scheduled projects of high priority. This disruption will result in the Cartography Division not 'being able to meet some commitments in the immedlate future. 2. A backlog is developing et Vital Storage, owing to the combiaa- tion of a shortage of personnel and a continuously heavy workload in the Collection Section of D/Ga. Approved For Release 1999/09/16: CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 'Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 ?PIR,FIRILMIP eliPaCT: ORA Activity Report for the Month of October 1960 3, The Geography Division is facing the probability that not all of the NIS ccreitments for the present and following fiscal years can be met. One of the two vacancies in We may be filled by the end of November, but the chance of having a fell complement in the foreseeable eutute An sltm. h. A Far East/Pacific Drench analyst reports, based on his attendance at the most recent IOC, that the role of geographic intelli- gence research in CIA as represented by the work of 1)/GO is presently receiving little or no attention in the lectures presented at loc. Vance GRA formerly was the subject of a fell hour lecture at each IOC, and since the present CR lecture in limited almost completely to economic intelligence, the eresent state of affairs appears to consti- tute a "great leap backward' for the dissemination of information eoncerning the existence, mission and functions, and capabilities of ORA. scellarteous I. At the reeeest of , the Geography Division 25X1A9a evepared an assessment of an Air Force memorendum of rebuttal relating 7,0 an Army proposal for har2SIORTereletic intelligence in the NIS. 2. An evaluation of production, based on past, present and, eotential future use in the geographic intelligence research activities.. UG/F and GG/X, was eddreseed to St/I. 3. GC/X, attended the 18th Seminar-Workshop en Visual Communication sponsored by the Tecbnifax Corporation,at Holyoke, Massachusetts from 25 to 27 October. 25X1A9a . cartography Division, attended the Printing Services Division Seminar on 18 - 20 October. 4. 111111111111111 GL/S, attended a two-week training course given by the U.S. Geological Survey to receive training in the techniques of topographic maps and to determine if the course would be of material assistance to other personnel of the Eranch. 25X1A9a -Istribution: 1 - AD/RR 1 - Ch/E 1 - St/A 4 - D/GG - St/I 3 - - St/I/R 2 - D/GL 1 - St/P 2 - Ch/G LeeChiGtJAB:RAN:jmc/4797(14 November 1960) 7 NOFCEN Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 ? Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 e OR THE CARTOGRAPHY DIVISIOE T.tbnth of October 1960 A. Fists Resparch_andiechnipekaupportrActivity Smnesey of Cartographic Preduction and Accomplishments: During October the Division empletel 229 maps and cherts and ac- cepted requests for 3138 fram the various components of the Agency and the Departreent of State, Both completions and requests during the month were appreeiably higher than the previous montn, due largely to the special nlectronics Atlas project for ERA. This particular project also absorbed the major portion of the 193 hours of overtime expended during the month. An urgent project to provide operational support to DD/P, involving the preperation of two Atlases and a aeries or Annexes, van undertaken early in October in cooperation 'with SiCOR/ERA. Because of its high priority: ether vork in the Division wee set aside and all resources necessaey to complete the project by 1 November were placed at the disposal of ERA. Ia all 27 map$, 31 pages of text, 14 covers, and 12 annexes, re- iltairing 535 man-hours, were prepared and sent to reproduction. Due primarily to the excellent cooperative effort of FRA? and the Printing end Services Division, the deadline for this project was met as orig- inally planned. The Printing and Services Division should be compli- mented part1cu3ar1y for the excellent printing job and their efforts tu meet an extremely short deadline. &Teen the ntojecte 'pleted during the month, the WI:Lowing are vorthy of eote: I. In cooperation with WOG 014 6o-4 report on South Vietnam ems peepared and distributed. Dim prepared an EIS Chapter I type I ap te accompany the text25X1X4 2. Contributions to were relatively heaey during the month. Six trip maps %ere com late d. forwarded to St/I and three new requests tor triiairciA7-11 iielea/4114,R(A0240240 3 nev town plans were received foe' forwerding to 2 peoductIon plant. Steme the initiation of the pregraa to amsist in printieg town plans which they peeper?, the Di4Okli7has received 14 of which25X13X.Ve been printed and.returned Aleol map shaving Poland was caapieted for St/X. 1. Daring the month. co up-to-date world base map to fill a pressing D/GL need was completed. This map in a number of veraions and.seales vas prepared in cooperation with the Department or state mtichTamilea the substeentive treatment of country bcvnderies. ?I.0011110inikiiimmo Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 4?3411 Monthly Report - Cartogrephy Division October 1960 3* EleMABLE4LUNIIIPEP42 Detailed drafting seecifications for all but one of the 17 special map projection being Dr4Pared under contract 25X1A5a1 vera submitted to the contractor. returned IA leyout sketches for Division consideration and approval. 25X1A5a1 25X1A5a1 25X1A5a1 enhaitbel the last group of drawings of the 15,000,000 Asian series of five maps. These vere forwarded to AMS for final printing. Receipt of these drawings marked the completion of this contract 25X1X7E The Division started vork on the peeperstion of a series of mops for tailored on the N18 formal. This project inv yes sprDx1mftte17 15 maps and viii require both compilation and drafting. No deadline has been proposed for thls project. C. ..S2M91_rintOutside contacts_ewl Aqtivittes. - Rene D. Prdblems: Because the special Atlas project took priority over other commit- ments, it was necessaey to delay other scheduled projects of high priority. This disruption il1 reeult in the Division not being Ole to meet some commitments in the tesediate future. 25X1A5a1 Z. Miscellaneous: 25X1A9a 1. chlacits, Deputy Cb/GC/S, 25X1A9a .m41111111111111111 Chief, Chart and Graph Section, OC/C, attended the Printing Service. Division Seminar on 26 - 20 October. 25X1A9a 2. Ch/GC/X, attended the 16th Sasinaradorkebtep in Visual Commanication eponsored. by the Tecnifex Corporation, at Bolyoke, Naseachusetts? 25-27 October. Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 25X1A9a r.4 3.11 U !al Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 "'")t" ? ON ..1:4 00 t? rt:T CO %g 0 0 PQMIQ Ess $P0 NT 2 LA MON CO \ 0 cp -j ttjt 3 P4 en dY 71:1 r-I r?I 4 41 1 tiffilk 0 44 0 44 0 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 D. NAPS AND CHARTS COMPLETED 311 PAST 6 MONTHS Agency ftt CIA 165 C/A/NIS 13 State State/NIB 1 Other 0 182 Z. SUMMARY OF WK LOAD June IHIE August SepteMber October 104 loo 181 73 199 24 24 33 8 27 1 2 2 1 2 3 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 132 129 216 83 ' 229 NAPS AND CHARTS AS OP 1 BOMBER 1960 - Does Not Include Service Jae Status sqsa 2CLS* ocJ TOTALS Completions Cancelled Matered 35 2 26 39 2 35 0 6 113 8 70 36 2 51 29 114. 188 In Reproduction 3 25 150 In Proof 23. 28 18 29 1 97 In Check 15 2 1 17 6 43. In Drafting 7 6 5 8o 4 102 In Compilation 37 16 9 62 98 56 36 156 36 382 *Excludes jobs assigned to Drafting Section from Compilation Branches -3- -0 3 CD a. 11 Si CD CD CD CD CD CD CD . . 0 0 cb a a a a a a 4=k a a a 4,1 : Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 11\ 11 00 o 0 0 9 op\ 0 r4 r4 CO Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 Approved For Release 1999/09716: t1A"-M63-00314R000200240003-3 3 Wavenber 1960 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Geographic Research, ORB SUBJECT: Geography Division Report for October 1960 A. Research and Technical Support Actiny_DElm October: 1. Reports Disseminated CIA/RR (ni 64-4 The Olsztyn Region CIA/RR GR L-60-3 Paraguay Part III CIA/RR GM 60-3 'CIA/RR GP 60-72:L Part III C/A/RR GP 60-105:L CIA/RR GP 60-106:L CIA/RR GP 60-108 The Republic of the Congo Notes on a Western Garman Sea Gravity Neter Available to the Bloc Brief on Ethiopia Analysis of Communist China for Possible Locations of Atomic Etlergy Plants and Test Sites Part 1. Long Distance Telephones: local Centers and Sugar Mills :,:txt 2. Telegraph Stations in Cuba, 1959 3Cl/RR GP 60-109:1, Sino-Soviet Boundary in the ramirs ICIA/RR GP 60-110:L List of Documents Pertaining to Fortifications on Austrian Borders with Czechoslovakia, Lungery, and Yugoslavia CIA/BR GP 60-L12:L NIS 34, Afghanigrtan, Section 19, hapter iiCIA/RB GP 60-113:1, NIS 17, Italy, Map and. Chart Lppraisal Component of Chapter 1 Annual *Jork Initiated. Luring the Month 1125euster Self-initiated WE, DD/P Self-initiated stivIRR 25X1A8 a AD/ac s/com/RR Task Force, Sino-Sov Rein- .tiona IRC/3E, State NIS Program NIS Program Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 ,risaaarmsosofmn Approved For Release 1999/09/16: CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 2. NewepmlectsUnder Way Requester _ _ _ 60.1818 BIS 50A0 Ghana, Chapter IX tin Program 60.1819 NIS 57, Rhodesia-Nyasaland, Chapter IX NIS Program (research) 60.1832 NIS 14M, Poland, Section 190 Chapter I NIS Program (research) 60.1844 Boundary Information on the USSR DD/P 60.1849 NIS 11, Sweden, Nap and Chart Appraisal NIS Program Component of Chapter I Annual (coordination) 25X1A8aD 64.1880 Special Area Lectures on the USSR 63.1881 Government Role of Geography and Self-initiated Related Earth Sciences in Communist Eastern Europe 61.1882 60.1885 62.1886 69.1887 Government Role of Geography and Related Earth Sciences in Communist China Self-initiated Support for the Sino-Soviet Relations Task Force 25X1A8a A. Brief of Nali to Support the Devel- opment or an Economic Action Program Military Geographic Survey of Dominican WH: DD/P eepublic B. Planning and. Development A memorandum was addressed to AD/RR, through channels, requesting the re-establishment Of the Western Hemisphere Branch in the Geography Division utilizing existing personnel and slots. The USSR, Far East/Pacific, and Europe Branches began work on the assessment of the scope and significance of geographic and related earth science research in order to determine the extent to which this research is utilized in internal economic planning and develppmene, in military planning, and in penetration of non-Soviet areas. .Preliminary research was begun on PH 69.1887, the Dominican Republic, the first of three projects scheduled for WH/DD/P as .a result of their restatement of priority requirements. Work already accomplished for them on Guatemala has been tabled for future rescheduling. Similar project initiations covering Haiti and Nicaragua were also scheduled. 2 - IIMPEININNIPIPII Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A8a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA--RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 Research was initiated in support of a request from 25X1A9a for a study of the Republic of Bali. The project will entail an across-the-board study of Mali 'with particular emphasis on the economic geography of the country. It is not yet possible to predict with any realism the final form of the study, both because made little or no attempt to be specific in his request and because pertinent subjects to be included must await further research. Discussions were held with , ONE, and. DD/P 25X1A9a concerning the Agency Task Force on Sino-Soviet Relations and the nature of possible D/OG contributions to the work of the group. A number of pertinent earlier 1)/C0 issuances have been transmitted to the Task Force, and a brief special study on the Sino-Soviet boundary in the Pamirs was completed during the month. In addition, continuing scrutiny is being given to the entire Mao-Soviet frontier in an effort to discover additional areas of actual or potential friction between the Bloc powers. Prel/m/naey examination suggests that a number of possible problem areas relating to past claims and unclear boundary treaties may be identified. The critical and confused situation in Laos, which presently focuses particular attention on the southern part of the country and adjacent portions of neighboring countries, prompted GG/F to propose the prepa- ration of a GM on the area from the Khorat Plateau of Thailand eastward to the South China Sea. Chief, fl/GO, suggested checking with OCI and DD/P before proceeding with submission of the project initiation memorane dum. This check is being made, and it is hoped that the formal project proposal can be submitted very early in November. At the end of the month, tour analysts from the USSR Branch were engaged in preparing area familiarization lectures, supplemented by maps and other graphic aids, to be given to a special DD/P group in early November. The St/P/G editors and gave attention to a new Vormat for the nap appraisal series the Division will issue. The new format was first used for the appraisal of the new Soviet Ethnic Map of China, CIA/BR GP 60-107, which willbe issued early in November. Attention was given to planning the selection and arrangement of furniture for Division space in the new CIA building. The proposed re-establishment of a Western Hemisphere Branch in the Division has complicated the problem of utilizing space allotted to 1)/GO and a ruling by the Chief of the Building Planning Staff will be necessary before Plans can be firmed up. C. Significant Contacts and Outside Activities 25X1A8a briefed the Chief, on past 1)/Ga support of WE and discussed with hem problems of clarification of requirements, priorities, and coordination. As an outgrowth of the meeting, a new, internally-coordinated requirement was developed by WE. - 3 miotiostiommiltot. Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 25X1A9a GRIlin Approved For Release 1999/09/16 :MOPOWO COft IA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 25X1A8a In addition, the Chief, will henceforth functeon as the coordinator of WH requirements for ORE support on areas other ? than Cuba. Subsequent to the above meeting, participated with 25X1A9a Chief, DAC, in a similar briefing on the subject of cartographic and map intelligence work done in support of WH. Chief, D/GG? and vet with to discuss the 25X1A9a implications of certain amendments to the EIS Chapter IX revision that were proposed (and subsequently agreed upon) by the NIS Committee. The position of OBI is that the amendments involve only a minor retreat fram the position recommendet by the Chapter IX Subcommittee and make It possible to avoid an undesirable conflict within the NIS Committee. D/GG considers, however, that the conflict may be only delayed. OBI and D/GG are agreed on the necessity for CIA to continue to provide a basic editorial and substantive review control over the Chapter IX whatever changes may evolve relating to the "packaging" of contributions by par- ticipating agencies. 25X1A9a met several times with Mr. G. Owen, head of the Antarctic Staff, State, on 1) the development of ideas for U.S. initiative to expand scientific cooperation as provided in the Antarctic Treaty end 2) exploration of the problem of implementing the inspection provisions of the Treaty. Mr. Owen invited to a apecial meeting that 25X1A9a included senior officers from the Office of the Secretary of Defease and the JCS to explore the problems, prospects, limitations, and. alter- natives in implementing the inspection provisions. A copy of the summary of the meeting has been forwarded to the SA/DD/I. Admiral Arleigh Burke, Chief of Naval Operations, and his senior 25X1A9a staff were briefed by on Soviet activities in Antarctica. The briefing was given at Admiral Burke's request. Other briefings of interest by D/GG personnel vere: I. At OTR's 25X1A9a request, briefed several Agency employees assigned either 25X1A6d The specific information and general impressions gained durin his recent orientation trip to Afrioa considerably enhanced the meeting. 2. 25X1X1 3. Dr. E. A. Stoneman, new member of the staff of the Office of the Geographer, Department of State, was briefed on D/GG activities. At its October nesting, the Africa Roundtable discussed USIA activi- ties In Africa, under the leadership of Mr. Henry Dunlap, USIA Program Coordinator for Africa. What has been done in Africa to date has been within a but of same $6 million by- E. staff of 60 persons. For FY 62 a budget Increase of 50 percent is anticipated. 25X1A9a spoke on Arctic sovereignty and territorial problems before the Arctic Discussion Group during the month. - 4 - milftirkiallatim Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 25X1X1 25X1A5a1 ammemilmBIT0 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 D. Problems The Division is facing the probability that not all of the IS com- mitments for the present and following fiscal years can be net. One of the two vacancies in GG/C may be filled by the end of November, but the chance of having a full complement in the foreseeable future is slim. Based on his attendance at the most recent IOC, reports that the role of geographic intelligence research in CIA as represented by the work of D/GG is presently receiving little or no attention in the lectures presented at IOC. E. Miscellaneous 25X1A9a At the request of the Division prepared an assessmem of an Air Force memorandum of rebuttal relating to an Army proposal for handling geodetic intelltgence in the NIS. The 1)/GO contribution to the Semi-Annual Report to the President's Board of Conaultants2mmipared during October. An evaluation of production, based on past, present, and potential future use in the geographic intelligence research activities of GG/F and GG/X, was addressed to St/I. 5 Chief, Geography Division Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 Projeetaj 1/ Control Geographic Title Requester Intellligence Reports /for standard distributionl; CIA/RR GE 61.1212 Geog. of Sinkiang DD/P 69.16,, ItcmiSov.. Activ. in Antarctica during 10 Self- mit 63.1767 Industrialization of Slovakia Self-init. 63.1861 Roads in Yugoslavia (OR 60..3) Self-init. Geopmels 69.1279 61.1357 63.3128 6o.1742 64.1786 69.184o 69.1876 1 04.881 ' 1.1882 064.1883 1887 .1888 ;069.1889 Est, Date or, status-, PUblication*/ In abeyance In abeyance Yext in Reprod. Intelliffience Reports (Sox limited and special distribution), CIA/Bit L-GR Satellite Geod. Activ. since Sofia Conf. North Korea Target Study: Ch!ongjin Agr. Region, Rumania Annexes to Tbp Klards in 1999 (OR D-60-2) Underground Nuclear Explosions Paragmay Guatemala Govt.Role, Geog./Earth Sciences, Go .Role, Geog./Earth Sciences, Oom.Chine Govt Role, GeogiNarth Sciences USSR DaminicanRepublic Haiti Nicaragua Geographic Inte1l4ence Memorandum 61.186o 62.1863 South Vietnam (01460-4) Coppetbelt of Northern Rhodesia', Self-init. DDJP AG/RR OIS for NEA AD/SI NH, IMO DD/P Self" flit Self-Init. Self-init. NH, DD/P WH, DD/P WK, DD/P Self-init. Self-init. Deferred In abeyance In abeyance Lu abeyance it4i* In abeyance In Reprod. 61 Open IV 60 Nov 6o Open Open Open Open Open Nov 6c Open ONell Open Open Feb 61 II 61 iii 61 Nov 60 1v60 1/. * In research and/or writing. Deferred: Work scheduled: due date or other work ** In Editing. does not warrant beginning project, *** In preparation for Reproduction. In abeyance: Same work done but higher priority work 44 Neu project initiated during month. has taken precedence. Raman NUmeral: Quarter of calendar year. Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 P.:Q*4th Control?' Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 Title Oeagr'hie or Projects CIA/BR 63.1341 64.1696 63471, 63.1741 63.1745 61.1776 6o4Bol 60.18o4 63.162k 63.18k1 6o.1844 25X1A5a1 61.187o 60.1871 63.181, 64.1878 i64.188o ido.18.85 #62.1886 External City Plan: Sofia, Bulgaria USSR City Plane Research for AW. Mhps of E. Germany Index for plotting mapping But. Satellites Safe Areas: USSR Soviet Dev. In Geodesy, etc. (ICBM) Boundary Inventory Article for Intelligence Studies Plotting Missile-Related Activities /*tern. Location, Certain Instal. in E. Europe Le:orders, Con. Bloc Mations Exploitation of W.China Materials Maps tram ComBloc Couatries Intel. Potential of the E.German 1:25,000 Soviet Missile Site in Zakarpatskaya Oblast' Special Area Lectures Support for Sinoreev Relations Task Force Mall Nyasaland Resesreh, C/A/RR X (OAU) 69.906 69.906 69.908 69.906 Bow. Geod. sedPhotogram. Instruments A. Report on Sov. CortOgrePhY Selected List of Ref. to Soy. Cartography Seleeted. Bibliogrephy ot Soy. Geodesy Est. Date of, Requester Statusli Publication-/ Deferred Aa Deferred Self-init. e SAC Self-init. In abeyance IRC/GE/Stat.e Self-init. In abeyance GM/TF Self-init. * DD/P Self-init. * * D/GL/S GM/TF ** 14 'A 111 Self-init. In abeyance In abeyance Di abeyance In abeyance In abeyance Open Open Open Open Open Open Feb 61 Open Open Open_ Dec 60 1962 Dec 60 Open Nov 60 Nov 6G Open Dec 60 Open Open Open ?Pell ()Pen * In research and/or writing. *11 In Editing. *** fl preparation for Reproduetion. # Wsr prosi?et tattiate4 itoring month. Deferred: In abeyance: Roman Numeral: Work scheduled; due date or other work does not warrant beginning project. Same work eone but higher priority work bee tehme preeedenee gparter of calendar year Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 Project Control 60.1832 60.1833 60.1834 60.1835 60.1836 60.1837 60.1838 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 NIS 14M, Poland Estimate Will Go to ow 30 Dec do NIS 381 Bur= 31 Jan 61 NIS 46, Tunisia 21 Feb 61 NIS NIS 16, Austria 31 Mar 61 Section 19 NIS 53A, tas 86, NIS 35, Amex, UAR: Part Al NIS 28A4 Syria Part Bo NIS 533, Egypt Venezuela Nepal 31 May 63. 31 Nay 61, 30 Jun 63. 30 Jun 61 Chapter / 60.1849 25X6EL jub veden 60.1850 60.18,1 Inmarmmmmmmmmmmml=rmm 60.1852 NIS 29, Jordan 02 60.18,3 pas 41B, South Korea i 60.1854 NIS 5, Belgium 60.1855 IS ek? Greece 60.1856 NIS 41A4 North Korea 60.1857 Mis 71, Denmark 60.1858 NIS 42, Thailand T Nov 60 ?* 23 Nov 60 15 Dec 60 1.6 Jan a 15 Fob 61 Section 19 7 Mar 61 Chapter I 23 Mar 61 ANNUAL APr 61 15 May 61 1.5 Jun 61 60.1818 NIS 50A, Ghana Jan 61 60.1819 NIS 57, Rhodesia and Nyasaland Mar 63. 60.1820 118 26m? USSR (5 studies) JUn 61 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 am Chapter IX Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 4. Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 WmilIMPIONWP KFOaN LIMITED DOMAN= FOR; Chief, Geographic Research 3 Novenber 1960 FROM: Chief, MA9 Library Division SUBJECT: D/GL Activity Report for the Month of Octeber, 1960 A, yAlor Research and TechnicAl SuRport Act 1. 5,692 maps and 861 related publications were received from foreign sources in October. 45% of the maps were purchased and 55% were received on exchaage or a3 gifts. 3:54 of the maps were retainei In the Agency; 31% were foewaried to the Army Map Service; 25%, to the Library of Congress; and 11%, to vaxioue other U.S. agencee3. While In Sofia, Dr. Burt obtained two Palgarian atlases, the first to be received in ten years: a 1960 .tilgarian road atlas and a 1959 Bulgarian school atlas. The latter contains a number of special subject maps o4 Bulgaria. Other significant items received included 1960 coverage of Austria at 1:200,000 and a 190 nap of two departments of the Sahara, showing oil and gas fields, pipe lines, and internal administrative boundaries. Mr. Rugg reported procurement of 200 items in Poland during his recent trip and Dr. Niemela sent in the followfng materiels: a) List of Soviet maps displayed at the Iaternational Geoarephicoal Union; b) Bibliography of the History of Geodesy and Napping in Vinland; c.), List of USSR publications e;ihibiLed at the XXI. internatioael Geolog:cal Congress; and d) List of maps axnibited at the XXI Geological Congress. 2. The Processing Branch processed 735 new specialty nap titles (1,256 sheets) and 15 new series titles (1,729 sheets) for the Loan Copy Collection. An additional 216 maps were processed for Vital Storage and entries for 338 new volumes were added to D/GL catalogs. 205 of the latter were retained for the Reference Collection. The ATMP Unit indexed 102 new SAC ehart. 3. The Collection Section of the Processing Branch furnished 58,869 maps in response to Reference requests. This waa aa unprecedented total, the average monthly total for the preceding nine months beiag 23,689 This monthis total waa approximately twice that of the hignest single month in the preceding nine-month period. The work of the Section was a major accomplishment, in view of the current persoanel shortage. NO2ORN LIMITED Approved For Release 1999/09/16: CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 " Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 4?111?1104?11011.11?0 NOF-AN SOBJE(fx: D/GI. 07.:* t,he 4th of October. :960 4. 5E081 items we forwaA.ed to reTzesters by the Eefere:ace Branch, in response to 2,2L9 o aps, related rice3ray:clic publications, end reference i-Af.)ri;latlo), aq follows: Maps Publ.ications Arm:.ti.....9 Place Name Requests Miscellaneous Reference Questios Lo. ?x:' e.s.aLs..ts .1SSo. f I.?? .?........_?,..?__. .2 3 3,635 1, ;K 3 1S,4 2,229 58,661 The total number of reqv.estsi.:.T.w the seccno. highest of the year vsaf5 the number of items forwarded reanhed an a:LI time high. The b1,3h total reflects, in part, a large nuc: of 5.?;e3 requested by InZp. 25X1A9a 25X1A8a 25X1A9a 5. Support .ctivit1e of tLe Spec? Collection Support :art':atch included the following: a. mat w;12 representatives of St/I, EQM, anl NEA to e4pluia high priorit:;' Amy reqairements for maps and aerial photogrvhy of Syria. Th.reet:;ng 1.'s,s held to acquaint DD/P, N3R with a fornal Amy requirlxnt for m&;erial of this type which will be levied on the .43'eDey- shorty. (Secretilloforn).- b. Work is coniAnulavoi deta. target analyses being compiled In support of elnd:i!stine collection of topc3raphic maps of the Bloc. Secre-'6Y. d. Eight new requirer::!ms viers initiated dtzing the. month. Five were in sport of special project; three were for Maps of non-Bloc (,Coa.fidentiaL):. e. rettyrred iron three-rznth dflJtl Europe wd the Near Eczt. Since h..7.s returrj,71.(f-,.)st of his time ha i been dertooted to debriefings, pre.parinz hi. 3 trip T:.eport and folloTrAz T..?T : made to field -ipc,:rsonnel. (,(C:InfidenlAal). .2 4?00.01?11?41?Ii Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 25X1A5a1 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 minemligimmi? zicro? u.4 SUBJECT: D/GL Activity Report 'or the Mbnth of October, 1960 B. Plannirov and Dovelonment Geographic Attach?ctivity; M7L- RT,ggwillcomplete his mission in YugoslEn-ia end plans to return to Bonn early in Novehar. or viemela will ra,,,in at b.:.s home post in Copenhagen ansi till concent-ate on reportinl on his mission to Finland and Great Britain. D. Held will otlur. to Beirut, after a brief missfor to Oyprvz. J. Held is pa-ahing accompany Mr. Kellar, of ANS, to Jordan, to assist him iq f:etting started on hi b nssignment of sec,ting up a photographic .1.1.4?rEtory for the Jordan Government. /, visit to B?ghdad to coneuc; rapping negotiations may develop. Dz. ...tapaan moll be conductin; procurement In Iran and will return to Dr:lbt the1..s" week of Lovemter. It is planned to transfer him to Prri early in 1961. Dr. Brailey will remain in Tokyo during Novomer. A ten-geek procuremn4t cSSiOfl to include South Vietnam, Theilend, Bvaum, and Indonesjk is being planned 2or hi n for January :061. Mr. Rogers is in WasPington, revising the organization report of the IGN, prior to J.E-rrne, the Foreign Serviee. Co iKnificant Outside Contrets 94J 1. LiF.-dson activities tue irocurkment Branch coTn:inf.., problems in the Middle Fest imtInded cascussions with: 3.)M Schmnter, OCE, concernio4 proposed AHS mLnping conk.racts with dvith Israel; b) Mr. Charles Kellar, regar&ng B 1stno D 1U ux nmder him in his assisnment to set up e photographic laborat,f the Jordi Lands and Surveys; c) t4r, Crex.n:ord, Political -T:;,k Officer the Department of State, r.?.0, rettrctions on the Itse of the 1:2 C 000 scale maps for excbatle in Ltlar East couatrler, 41nd 61 2. The Snecial Collection Sujport. Each condue .1 t1g& SS follows: Thalloy, ACIC, Det=h4ar discuss procurement of gravity data The Branch Nill initiate colla.ction be available Jrwl domestic sources, requirements. (Confidential). t 1, visited trk Branca to neoied for Air ,-OTCO programs. of such gravity data ao mlj after clarl:acaion of AC1C - 3 - 4mimis LIADE,f0 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 4: Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 ammirsolimIsTmo o LIMITED 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Ma:7MT: *GL Activiti Yorn-h of October, 3060 mak, Eajor Ltippesux, LO91: Schecter, 00E- and lvtessrs. LeCopte, 1Ler, and -,-tearns, AYS, to C!.SCUES hign prJori'w Aray r-lquireers in the Eear East, Vri.,:ft, FTW thy; Crtribhean nrer-4. (Confidential). 25X1A9a wital lir. 'rater, AMS, G.codeF r Division and Nr. Stearns, MS, Plc!r,tirg regarding the ?1nt. of 131/$3i1M 1;01Plng in K,1. then' tfgri?tet and its conric.='..;,om,itb U.S. orxppin; in the outhe-,-n part of t(e country wiz held to obtain background'._)rmation for a staff stucy for zhe Assistagt to the DD/I (1,1niug). (bocretilloforn). d, A:meeting was held Mr. Alexander, Chief of Technic91 Services Department, AMS, L personnel of the Mop EVauation Division of that Department, concervia continued support of our special project. Tentative piens call for assignment to the Special Collection Support Branch of One ANS person on a fula-time basis and two additional kiS people on apart-time basis. (ConfiCtentla D. Problem, ? , A backlog is developing at Vital Storage, owing to the combination of a shortage of personnel and a continuotsly heavy workload in the Collection Section. E. NIscellaneous Col) ion Support Branch returred to the Branch after a twa-eek trainiNT, course given by the U.S. Geological Survey. Mr. Odenkik attended. .t.s.1 course to receive in the techniques of topographic max, ayld to determine if the course would be of material assistance to other yiarsonnel of the Branch. (Confidential). - 4 - ?mmilmilimirilpm 'Lacv:aw Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 25X1 A9a 6: Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 miwommplimilimm 0 Ma MAP LXBFARY SUMMA1A OF STATISTICS RECEIPTS (For retention in Map Library) LIMITED DIVISION e OCTOBER 1960 Specialty Series Na! Sheets Me Sheet' Total 1.4hP Shes Meks_ Made in CIA/D/GC b. On automatic receipt and purchases for stock *13,e349 14,5i4 0 267363 13,319 40097 c. From other domestic sources 93 152 245 d. From foreign sources 80c 1,461 2,,e261 e. From foreign sources for stock 214 -037.0 Total 29,459 57, Atlases and other reference materials a. On automatic receipt and purchases b. From other domestic sources c. From foreign sources Total :.ROCESSING Map Cataloagg a. Special maps made in CIA/D/GC b. Special maps - all others c. Series indexed and cataloged Total Catslm&mx etc._of_Reference_materiale a. Atlases b. Place-name volumes e. Publisher's catalogs d. Other reference volumes Total DISBURSEMENTS ?I TO CIA 2. To Department of State 3. Foreign Service Posts 5. To Department of Defense a) Department of the Army b) Department of the Navy c) Department of the Air Force d) Other components of Defense 5. Other government agencies 6. Miscellaneous for etoek e?otal/Volumes oil 10 Lle38 1,059 'AtLes 3heets./Volumes 3 3 732 11;253 _ Jc 2LAVA 75C 2,985 15 16 52 Requgsts -659 2116 9' 223 115 55 1;0 23- Total Atlases and other reference meeriale a. To domestic establishments b. TO foreign establishments Total Information a. Place-name questions b. Other reference inquiries Total 1-111 of these were separste titles 9i TL15 194 195 145 12 47-7 5 - sql,PRPRIPP.Wom mramsT:LflITED Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 Titles 18 27 126 205 Request/Volumes '4-T056'- 3,171Z 641 2,054 41 85 1,532 7,977 636 4,930 544 215 1,204 137 5 4-7 455 940 1 273 331 5 .1 "6 Vg2. 850 X1Ala Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200240003-3