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Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP64-00014A000100120019-9 *DOC Exempt Letter On File* BHST COPY AVAILABLE N/Ex-T PAGE-c Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP64-00014A000100120019-9 For Release 2001/03/02 ? , c 1h117*f4.3- e ort.tbrItica' .110par brier t or Cc,itAtt":4tive is, to the et.:461,1,t. n?flr, qutit1OT by ttklS vtt Rim AAR which are directly v,c si gnif reie?c;e:dji criint1td tn the ovie t I31, 1,ri.thout th.ingtt chiic1 d4'111 nor;i: IrLP vv,r1d. hats ''Prfirr701 t...rmin ;741011 corIcerns, ts elf) ,vr tint nnly.Atithori 1.4* ic.M f or the 'eXPC+X`t resTxrnsittliity of t hr.! TX, rvu? trner, t of 3Utt?., - ochmi ,t1 hr .Lc 1 t4 means pro'f Lont. fi mr4.1.61 , I f crtt, Ivo cinscr t,tive nr te01,1n1 11'3'3 411:k c 111 'ted . r n q rt onnitl+. . , :1)4 8 ri` ft,i '*tion th-04wri.:4tu ct 11.1n yl up,,eture < , I; rtech!" .) grphi Th or nt1.16r hrtIc1e'or,?,111001,t117,1,v..c. , 0'1 ;11 :1.11 cies or rtl,te,t1013,8. fed ri.tri,' artri-,"" elat (If ??.i?t8-311. etc. 6, reift,Salf tcell d ? ? ? ? ? ser k, ortfi-dOn d 61,1-533-f- . (P `g* ' .t.,,PF ? q. Go'wv. ') by en 1:2talkats - ts ,,fricer o r ag e he wi. it t.401, tion of the' 63.ritstrying gov(!rragent ;IgonicY 'or Plit, 3tlah:t rapnrtation of such cl as e if 1.(,(' date. may th 0.4r1 er it '.. , h ,? 1.1111 111 ' elease 2001/,03/02 : CIA-RD!' 0114M DEIERNINTICI NO. 1192 MI'ta art C r_ -01/51) tont 'dOverae. - , 'AInc1-Masifiedtectu4e41dat400011k tvni1abi in rub _ jorni:,ray'be'jexported teSubgr64'4, destin4tidhs'Under liconse-authority, prawideld'aUchtechnical.Oata are (A,4 -newsstands or book5tdrps;,'04*Vai1ab1e without rostri: t.'7 any person by subscriptinipurchase,.orAWithoUt cc* (c) granted seCond -class m41ling4rivilogoiCbythOU.S.; mentvor "(d) freo4 avniiab% ?at-publie.libSries Sciontific information. .wliethtic' or not genee0,14$ avail published, may he exported`Under-gcnorAl license :to SU destinatins provided suchinformatibn is not ,directly: eificantly roiated to dcsign.',.-Profluetian, or utilitetiO Industrial processes. 30 Instruction in acm!emic institutions Ind academic L-A,ortil ? 411 B. Validated License Uovtreve. validated export :Ifoon.. sha required foi---TEe oxportation-tc Subgroup dostiwitions of technieal other than thit unCor ,trn, nal lic,:ans,.! covvrage. Licensing (ritertl. bl't stinti aeny xiort license applicltions fer techuic 'online/1i s t h tni rx! N rt,r. Koro . Y. BFG 3hail oenerally deny exl.ort liconso application ti ;-Le? %,thcr oebgroup A dastfnations, but may app, 4CPlications where tho technical.tata do not (a) rolatn. ]y and significantly to commodities which would 'he Je _ limited for export to .such destinations; nnd (b) (pinion of BFC, significant ,questions of national ao.. special political importanceor frustration of toward onnunist Chilla and North Koron. chnicai Jata lial,ort Controls to Friendly Countries. Genonii Laconse Coverage. Technical data may to export() friendly :foreign countries under goneral liconsc, authority. B. Volunt, Control S atum.' Exporters 5h:)11 ho invitoi to T official Adiiiery Dp..niun rom -Department :.)f Commerce pripr.:7t* undor genera] license any technicnJ r'ata which involve (A) ,advane:., nology', know-how, prototypes, or special instali,tiOns related : export to the Soviet Bloc is restricted by the Department .of Con0- , udostionable security implications (e.g., postablo transshipment to Sloe, of the data or ciroct products thereof, etc.); or (c) considor which in the opinion nt the exporter, are inimical to the common sod- and dufunse. .crtfITIDENTIAL s IIIII Pi! 14444t#41 or d 1111,11,0711i'llinh Jihifiufi rIANTIAL roved For Release 2001103/02 EP PROGWA D4TERKIN:*TION ..CriteriA;fdr!.:17.61iint ? tli iniOnS. BFC s}- x'Ond6!IdV. .pinibill*:t,1 .0xportts , . ? ? . --; with th0'., nOel...:.OresumptiOn 1.0',r 'Ifi of pCninvAiticStan4 ,. ., . .,, ( friendly,ctiUnti4s, but with:, , ?,1,',of'd00?:Yirilaric6.4*,. ions which (41) Involve trrsaaidnt.,tr., thi0,.yi,t Bloc of th ;,ct productsthordof; (b) .rditid.r.0 gnificInt tpcstions 'n_ilate,d . ,.. ,rpstr-Ition pplicy; or (c) iSlithcr 8i4ni1icant 111.0s.i9ns tty. C,inSi dor qtiOn sh nul d *,?iti'ven to the cr.ntrol ? Cocsiiip; , .,.. .,.., :,,government of'dostinition''::4nd 'the orfectivness cf qn ,,,'...! on in -,.ccomplishinr; the Ntpose of this Progr;un Dot,am. . . . . : ? th . ... , 2., ;n order tit. advice t 7 (xcc'irters rrly bo ?ffeo a7 mi. 1,11at in oxce.pt 1 oral, ensGs FIFO . rnp.y revoke gonl,Hlioi.; o . 8,pec1fic tr Inslc ti .:I) , i turn, lr .1-7,ject. When such acti.m is .. ahrUl: ropt,)rt promptly tr. members n f .r.FT relat iv,-. t(- such ac tion,, in p1v1rL c fltr1 3 . 4.1*.;"'sn1 I r , qs recess rtry vitn Gr?Vi-TTIM7:.711 (14 artm4,Nt9 in, it sh:,, . . ? titht ?CET- st nictu.r. f r r 1 w fq, ?U.3, ? ; ri 3 , rk..-crrutlimda.# ihi Lfl rr 1 1:? r ? rt. -ency :? si. rAtion. Ef feet . Thi l'roi;r1,:n Dot4irmirv: t I n. up4 rsu -lids I r :rrim 4nd :.sloncitlent 1 int 1 t t ? . nrriatt Imacutive Socrotlry AdvUbry Committe,_ on FXport Policy 111117,,11:1 :111 I 111111,1U I I I