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r STANDARD FORM NO. B4 ~~~~~~ ~~ ` ,ppro For Ruse 01/03/02 :CIA-RDP64-OQ~8A C8 1~8~120y'G~~Z~ZL??Z UNITED STATES GOVERNME T N TO . FROM . SUBJECT: Refs i ch:~r~' Acting ~, Central Planning Staff Security Branch Censorship Planning DATE; 24 A~ay 1946 a. Central Planning Staff Planning Directives ~, 5a, ~, 5c and 5d. b. Confidential Memorandum, Director of Censorship, dated 2~.~,ugusi 1945, Subject: "A Basis for Censorship Planning~~ (Enclosure 1). c. N.I.A:'Directive No. 1, dated $ February 1946. 1. In accordance with the instructions contained in Reference a, an initial study of Reference b, as well as other factors affecting censorship planning, has been completed by this Branch. 2. Reference b was submitted by to the President by letter of transmittal, dated 24 August 194. The Secretary of the N.I.A. has informed the undersigned that subsequently, the Executive Branch instructed the Director of the Bureau of the Budget to study the matter and recommend appropriate action. The Bureau of the Budget has held the matter in abeyance to date as it feels that Ref- erence b should be sent to the National Intelligence Authority for consideration and preparation of recommended action when the N.I.A. is prepared to assume responsi- bility therefor. 3? a. Essent3.ally, Reference b~ which broadly outlines suggested .censorship policies and administrative procedures to be utilized i.n the event of a future state of emergency or war,, proposes that censorship planning be resumed without de]a y and -that a continuing National Censorship Planning Comauission be created to fulfil]. that planning responsibility. (see page b, Reference b) b. Particular emphasis is placed in Reference b upon the non-existence of a national, coordinated censorship plan prior to World~War II which imposed unnecessary handicaps and costly delays in the organization and efficient operation of wartime censorship. tither factors which adversely affected national security in the field of censorship at the outbreak of war-were: (1)Separate and, in some respects, contradictory censorship policies of the War and Navy Departments. (2) Failure to plan for complete and comprehensive coverage of all aspects of censorship, such as press, broadcasting, exports and imports, and technical operations. (3) Absence of files of basic data covering past censorship experience, bath foreign and domestic. ' (!~) Lack of even a nucleus of trained, keys censorship specialist personnel. 25X1A -1- ~ONFIDENT~AL Approved For Release 2001/03/02 :CIA-RDP64-006 8A000100100011-5 Approved For Ruse 2001/03/02 :CIA-RDP64-008A0001b{~0~~~~~~~ i (5) Non-availability of requisite specialized equipment for censorship operations. (1) The recommended membership of a National Censorship Planning Cor~nission together with its suggested responsibilities and functions. (2} The proper organization and conduct of censorship during any future emergency or war, such as: the scope and policy of any future Office of Censorship; the legal authority for censorship; the organ- ization chart of the Office of Censorship; personnel requirements. and functions; successive measures to be implemented when establishing censorship;. and the termination of censorship at the end of hostilities. !~. a. liar Department activity in censorship planning since the termination of the hosti~5.ities has been confined to: (1) Completion and publication of histories of 'Tar Department P~ilitary and Civil Censorship operations during World War II. (2 } Preparation of a proposed '~dar Department T~anual on Civil Censorship which is now receiving staff concurrence and will be published shortly as a War Department Training Manual. (3) Preparation of a proposed War Department T~ianual on Prisoner of War Censorship which., after final approval, will be published as a War Department Training manual. (~t) T~evision of Field Manual 30-28, subject: Military Censorship. This revision is presently in work. b. The Office of the Chief Military and Civil Censor, under the Director of Intelligence, Headquarters, .Army Service Forces, has been the agency engaged in the above activity. This office is now in the process of being trans- ferred to the Office of the Director of Intelligence, War i~epartment and will eventually be composed of one officer and three civilians. Zhe Chief Military and Civil Censor will, under the Director of Intelligence of the ~Yar Department, be responsible for: (1}. Continuing planning pertaining to Wa.r Department policies and procedures for i~ii.litary and Civil Censorship operations under the War Department. (2) Exercising staff supervision of the operations of the Gi oil Censorship 1etachments in the U. S. Zones of Occupation of Germany and Japan. (3} Disseminating censorship submission slips received from Civil Censorship Detachments in the U. S. Zones of Occupation of Germany and Japan to interested agencies. Approved For Release 2001/03/822:~~IA-RDP64-00658A046~O~1g08'0~~3 ~~~ u _~~ur.~iT~AL Approved For-Tease 2001/03/02 :CIA-RDP64='~d658A000TOD~~011-5 ;~. Captain 'Wharton, C}P~t, Navy Department, has informed the undersigned that the Navy'Department censorship planning activity since the end of the war has been similar to that conducted by the ~~ar Department, except that emphasis has been placed on telecommunications censorship matters, as well as upon cen- sorship procedures affecting naval personnel. Captain 'P~i.arton further states that the Navy Department will, in the near future, forward its criticisms of Inference b to the Central Tntelli~;ence Group, exception being taken to the Price recommendations that the War and Navy Departments should earn~.rk personnel during peacetime to be assigned to an Office of Censorship v~hen established, and that the Office of Censorship should be a civilian agency. 6. It is considered that a coordinated planning program for censorship, a counterintelligence or security function, should be initiated under the staff supervision of the Security Branch, Central Planning Staff, Central Intelligence Group, under the National Intelligence Authority. Specific authority for the Director of Central Intelligence, under the N.I.A., to enter into this field of activity is~believed contained in paragraph 3 of~the Enclosure to Reference e. _ 7. It is recoiarnended that the undersigned be o roftthetBureaulofrtheest the Secretary, Id .I. A. to informally advise the Direct Budget that the N.I.A. is now prepared to recei be ad rouriateference b with a view to recommending such action thereon as may pp P 25X1A Colonel, U. S. Army Enclosure CaxLf . Memo dtd 2~ .dug IBS, ~ R,ef b ~ ~- ~ - i ENT~AL Approved For Release 2001./03/02 :CIA-RDP64-00658A00~1"~~0~011-5