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Approved For Release 2005/04/13: CIA-RDP64I 87th congress 2d Session A BILL That the Internal Security lot of 1950 ( Stat. 987 et seq.) is amended by adding at the and thereof the following new titles "TITLE III -0 E8AL "Personnel Procedures in National Security Agency "Sec. 301, (a) Subject to the provisions of thisisection, the Secretary of Defense (hereafter in this section referred to as the 'Secretary') shall prescribe such regulations 'relating to continuing security procedures as he may deem necessary to *emare- Be it enacted by the Senate and Huse of Rlpren-mt To amend the Internal Security Act of 1950. 25X1. Approved For Release 2005/04/13 : CIA-RDP64B0.0346R000200060001-7 Approved For Release 2005/04/13 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000200060001-7 .4. "(1) that no person Ball be employed in, or detailed or assigned to, the National Security Agency (hereafter in this section referred to as the 'Agency'), or continue to be so employed, detailed, or assigned; and (2) that no person Flo employed, detailed, or assigned shall have access to any classified information; unless such eaployment, detail, assignffient, or access to classi. fied information is clearly consistent with the national security. "(b) Except as otherwise prodded in this subsection, no person shall be employed in, or detailed or assigned to, the Agency unless he has been the subject of a full field investigation in oonneotion with such employment, detail, or. assignnt, and is cleared for access to classified informa?- tion in accordance with the provisions of this section. The Federal Bureau of Investigation of the Department of Justice Shall conduct the full field investigation required by this subsection in the case of any position in the Agency desig. nated by the Secretary as a key position, and in the case of any detail or assignment of a person to the Agency for the Performance of duties designated by the Secretary as key duties. Approved;For Release 2005/04/13 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000200060001-7 ? ~ d - K *. . D 36 Approv For F~elease 20b5/04 / 3 : - A4R I 4B0 36F00200060001-7 During any period of war declared by the Congress, or during any period when the Secrretary determinds that a national di,sr- aster exists, or in exceptional oases in which the Secretary makes a determination in writing that his action is necessary or advisable in the -national interest, he may authorise the employment of any person in, or the detail or assig n nt of. any per4 n to, the Agency, and may grant to, any seoh person accesso classified iaa'ormation, an a temporar'y basis;' pending the completion of the full field investigation and the clearance for access to classified information required by this subsection, if-the Secretary determines that such action is clearly consistent with the national security. N(c) In order to assist the Secretary in carrying out his duties under this section, he shall appoint, from among the personnel of the Department of Defense, one or more boards of appraisal of three members each, which boards" shall appraise, and submit to the Secretary (or his designee for such purpoao ) a report and recoxnendations with respect to/.the loyalty,, f stability, and fitness of any person in oOnneation withw- Approved For Release 2005/04/13 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000200060001-7 Approved For Release 2005/04/13 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000200060001-7 R{1) his wVloyment in the Agenoyl or (2) his detail or assignment to perform duties in the Agency= and (3) his clearance" for aacess to classified information. Bah member of any such board shall be specially qualified and trained for his duties as a member of such a board, shall have been the subject of a full field investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation of the Department of Justice in connection with his appointment as a member of any such board, and shall have been cleared by the Secretary for access .to classified information at, the time of such appointment. No person shall be employed in, or detailed or assigned to, the Agency, or cleared for access to classified information, contrary to the recommendations of any such board, unless the Secretary (or his designee .for such purpose) shall make a determination in writing that such employment, detail, assignment, or access to classified information is in the national interest. ? (d) ]?or the purpose of c nduoting any investigation under this section, other than an investigation required to be conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation of the Department of Justice, the Secretary is authorised to utilize the services of any investigative agency of the United States, with the consent of the head of such agency, Approved For Release 2005/04/13 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000200060001-7 ' Approved For Release 2005/04/13 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000200060001-7 ?15 e (e) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 6 of the Act of August 24. 1912 (S U. S. C. W) s or of any other law, the Secretary (or his dsaign" for such purpose) may terminate the employment of any officer or employee of the Agenor when- ever he deems it to be in the interest of the United States. Termination of employment under this section shall not affect the right of the officer or employee involved to seek or accept employment with any other department or agency of the United States if he is otherwise eligible for such employments "(f) Por the purposes of this section, the terra 'cias3ei?._= fled information' means information vhioh, for reasons of national sQOUrity, is specifically designated by a United States Government Agency for limited or restricted diaecmina- tiop/di stribution. "(g) The first sentence of seotion 2 of the Act of May 29, 1959 (50 U.S.O. 402 note), is amended by inserting to without regard to the civil service lave,' immediately after ''and to appoint thereto' , Nh) Subsection (b) of section 2 of the Performance Rating dot of 1950 (5 U.S.O. 20O1(b)) is amended-?? "(1) by striking out the period at the and of paragraph (13) and inserting in lieu thereof a uOmicolOng and Approved For Release 2005/04/13 CIA-RDP64B00346R000200060001-7 w Approved For Release 2005/04/13 : CIA-RDP64BOO346R000200060001-7 (2) by adding at thu and thsof the followin g new pareg g " (14~) The Rattona3, 8s t ' i,ganoy.0" Approved For Release 2005/04/13 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000200060001-7