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Approved For. Relea
B.R. 8074. An act to amend the Distriot~oil
Columbia Income and 1~'ranchise Tax Act of
1947, as amended, and tt District of Colum..
bia Business {Corporation Act,' as aniendedt
with respect to certain foreign corporations
(Rept. No. 2146)
NO. 2102)_
Mr. BYRD 'of Virginia. Mr. Presi-
dent, from the Committee on Finances
I report favorably, with amendments
the bill 260) to make perm. aneii
the existing suspensions of. the tax on
the first domestic processing of coconut
soil, palm oil, palm kernel oil, and fatty
acids, salts, and combinations or mix=
'tares thereof, and I submit a reporf
thereon aS,that the report be print-
ed, together with my supplemental views
and the supplemental views of the Sen-
ator from Illinois [Mr, DOUGL,SSI.
pore. The report will be received, anc
the bill will be, placed on the calendar;
and, without objection, the report will
be printed, as requested by the Senator'
from Virginia.
VIEWS (S. KEPT. 146'A1051)'
Mr. ROBES TSON. Mr. President
from the Committee on Banking and
Currency, 'I report favorably, the bill
(H.R. 887k) to authorize certain banks
to invest in co porations whose purpose
port, together with supplementaJl. dfewsl.'I
.~f member
the with
spect to the oiil may be filed as late
midnight tonight.
Mr. President, I also ask unanimous
Consent that these supplemental views
may be printed along with the commit
pore. Without objection, the report will'
be received an the bill will be placed
on the calep ar, and the report, together
with the supplemental views, will be
printed, as .requested by the Senator
from Virginia.
Mr. JOI# f$T'ON, from the Joint Select
Committee on the Disposition of Papers,
in the Executive Departments, to which
was referred fqr examination and rec-
oaitliendatl u ',a list of records trans
~e 2007/01/20: CIA-RDP64B00346R000200150015-1
1962, that appeared to have no perma-
nent value or historical interest, sub-
mitted a report thereon, pursuant to law.
As in executive session,
The following favorable report was
submitted :
By Mr. SPARKMAN, from the Committee
on Foreign Relations:
Executive B, 87th Congress, 2d sessio
Treaty of Friendship, Establishment, and
Navigation between the United States of
America and the Grand Duchy of Luxem-
bourg, together with a related protocol (Ex.
Rept. No. 7).
.Bills were introduced, read the first
time, and, by unanimous consent, the
second time, and referred as follows:
By. Mr. STENNIS (for himself and Mr.
B. 3726. A bill for the relief of Charles F.
McKellar, Jr.; to the Committee on the
S. 3627. A bill for the relief of Barry T.
Thorndycraft; to the Committee on the
By Mr. DODD:
-5.3728. A bill for the relief of Evanthia
Haji-Christou; to the Committee on the
Mr. SMATHERS submitted a resolu-
tion (S. Res. 393) favoring the creation
of a Western Hemisphere Military Al-
liance, which was referred to the Com-
mittee on Foreign Relations.
(See the above resolution printed in
full when submitted by Mr. SMATHERS,
which appears under a separate head-
Mr. SMATHERS (for himself, Mr.
HUMPHREY, and Mr. BEALL) also submit-
ted a resolution (S. Res. 394) concerning
the recognition ol a free Cuba Govern-
ment-in-exile, which was referred to the
Committee on Foreign Relations.
(See the above resolution printed in
full when submitted by Mr. SMATHERS,
which appears under a separate head-
.;Mr. GOLDWATER submitted the fol-
ring resolution (S.Res. 395).; which
was referred to the Committee on Rules
Resolved, That there be printed as a Sen-
ate 0CUment a Senate Republican Policy
Comrittee staff study entitled "United.
States Private Foreign Aid Programs"; and
that one hundred and three thousand addi-
tional copies be printed for the use of the
Mr. B'CISU submitted amendments,
intended to be proposed by him, to the
bill (H.R. 11970) to promote the general
welfare, foreign policy, and security of
the United States through international
trade agreements and through adjust-
ment assistance to domestic industry,
agriculture, and labor, and for other
purposes, which were ordered to lie on
the table and to be printed.
Mr. PROUTY submitted an amend-
ment, intended to be proposed by him,
to House bill 1970, supra, which was or-
dered to lie on the table and to be
Mr. SPARKMAN. Mr. President, on
behalf of the chairman of the Commit-
tee on Foreign Relations, I desire to an-
nounce that yesterday the Senate re-
ceived the nomination of W. Walton But-
terworth, of Louisiana, a Foreign Service
officer of the class of career ambassador,
to be Ambassador to Canada.
In accordance with the committee rule
this pending nomination may not be con- or to the expiration of 6 days
bf its receipt in the Senate.
A message from the House of Repre-
sentatives, by Mr. Bartlett, one of its
reading clerks, announced that the
House had passed, without amendment,
the bill (S. 319) to amend part I of the
Interstate Commerce Act in order to pro-
vide that the provisions of section 4(1)
thereof, relating to long- and short-haul
charges, shall not apply to express com-
The message also announced that the
House had passed the bill (S. 455) to pro-
vide for public hearings on air pollution
problems of more than local significance
under, and extend the duration of, the
Federal air pollution control law, and for
other purposes, with amendments, in
which it requested the concurrence of the
The message further announced that
the House had passed the following bills
of, the Senate, each with an amendment,
in which it requested the concurrence of
the Senate:
6. 2511. An act to provide for the produc-
tion and distribution of educational and
training films for use by deaf persons, and
for other purposes; and
S. 3408. An act to establish in the Library
of Congress a library of musical scores and
other instructional materials to further edu-
cational, vocational, and cultural opportu-
nities in the field of music for blind persons.
On request, and by unanimous con-
sent, addresses, editorials, articles, etc.,
Approved For Relba e 2007/01/20: CIA-RDP64B00346R
Approved i ot',ReTease-2O&7/Q'1124 LLQA-R 3P64BOO346fR04t120al5Q 5-
were ordered to be printed ,in the Ap= member nations. These staff members takes to assist in n e-eting-the attack in the
pendix, as follows: total in the hundreds. The question exercise of the inherent right of individual
By Mr. GOLDWATER: arises: Is this freedom from prosecu- or collective self-defense recognized by Arti-
Address delivered by W. P. Shofstall, dean tion and trial likewise to be applied to and 1 of the Charter of the United Nations";
of men, Arizona State University, Tempe, each of them? Whereas the Foreign Ministers of the Org-
Ariz., before Young Americans for Freedom,- We are thankful that these two enemy anization of American States at Punta del
Phoenix, Ariz September 15, 1962. agents were detected. But how many Este in January, 1962, unanimously de-
Article entitled "The Relationship Between others have gone undetected? The his- Glared, "The present Government of Cuba has
NA- published
News,' E:ing inure August 10, identified itself with the principles of
Profits 1962, Isssuue e o of NAM Jobs,"
1, aneconomiic tort' of the betrayal of atomic bomb
analysis by the National Association of lvtaii secrets by cur-country's enemies carries Marxist-Leninist ideology, has established a
political economic and social system based
ufacturers, which will appear hereafter in the
By Mr. HAhTBE:
Address entitled "Knowledge: The ey to
a Century of Agricultural Progress,' deliv-
ered by Claude R. Wickard at the Purdue
Centennial Celebration, Purdue University,
on July 27, 1962.
By Mr. ENGLE i
Article entitled "Cuba: Watchful Wait-
ing," written by Walter Lippmann, published
in the Washington (D.C.) Poet of today,
September 18, 1962.
Editorial entitled "America's Power Sys-
tem," published in the Greenville (Wis)
Press-Gazette of September 12, 1982.
Mr. STENNIS. Mr. President; I feel
certain gnat many, if not-all,- Tn this
Chamber felt as I did on learning that
certain Russian United Naticins-employ-
ees were leaving the country--scot free-
after "engaging in illegitimate -intelli-
gence" activities, following a 3-year ef-
fort on their part to bribe a student as-
sistant in the office of the U.S. attorney
for the southern district of New York.
These spies offered $3,000 in exchange
for "information .regarding internal op-
erations of U.S. Government agencies."
To put it mildly, I was surprised, in-
dignant, and apprehensive. Then, on
learning that, even without diplomatic
immunity, these men were able to leave
the country virtually un.cha;aenged, my
apprehensions grew even stronger.
There is some basis for granting immu-,
nity to those with diplomatic status, be-
cause we, in turn, are granted the same
immunity for our own diplomats. But
there is no reason whatsoever. to give
relatively minor United Nations employ-
ees diplomatic status. Certainly, it can-
not be justified on the basis of reciprocity
for our employees, since the-United Na-
tions is in New York.
It is well known that official repre-
sentatives, of foreign governments in the
diplomatic service enjoy full diplomatic
immunity. I have checked today with
the State Department, however, and am
advised that employees of the United
Nations are not included in the category
of diplomats, but under the United Na-
tions Headquarters Agreement are
granted the privilege of residence in~New
York City while employees of the United
These employees are not riven diplo-
matic immunity, and their privilege of
residence can be withdrawn at any time.
While residing in New '.i'ork City, they
are able to assemble and gather infor-
mation to be used by the soviets or
others against us. New York City Is a
fertile ground for such activity by United
Nations staff members attached to the
Soviet Union or to any of the Communist
on that doctrine, and accepts military assis-
tance from extra-continental Communist
powers, including even the threat of military
intervention in America on the part of the
Soviet Union"; and
Whereas the United States has joined with
certain other nations of Europe in the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization in order to
offer mutual protection against Communist
attack or threat of-attack and thereby has
successfully halted Communist encroach-
men in that area of the world; and
Whereas the United States has joined with
other countries of the Western Hemisphere
in an effort to prevent Communist penetra-
tion of this hemisphere, as evidenced by pro-
visions set forth in such inter-American
agreements as the Rio Treaty (1947), the
Charter of the Organization of American
States (1948) the Caracas Agreement (1954),
and the Declaration of Punta Del Este
(1962) ; and
Whereas international communism now
controls Cuba and has created a massive
arms build-tip there and threatens to extend
its political, economic, and military sphere
of influence to other nations of the hemi-
sphere; and
Whereas, in order to protect and preserve
the security of this hemisphere against the
threat of international communism, the
agreements referred to above, including
Articles 6 and 8 of the Rio Treaty, must be
fulfilled by all of those nations that are
willing to act; Therefore be it
Resolved, That it is hereby declared to be
the sense of the Senate that the United
States Government should support the for-
mation of an Inter-American Military Alli-
ance, joined by all nations in the Western
Hemisphere who voluntarily wish to do so,
for the purpose of carrying out the princi-
ples previously enunciated. -
S. RES. 394
Whereas historically Cuba has been a mem-
ber of the Inter-American family of free
and democratic nations; and
Whereas the present Cuban dictatorship is
now under the- domination of an alien Sino-
Soviet Communist power and was publicly
denounced and expelled from the Inter-
American System at the Eighth Meeting of
Foreign Ministers at Punta del Este in Jan-
uary of 1962; and
Whereas that dictatorship has destroyed
the personal and political freedoms of the
people of Cuba; and
Whereas the existence of that dictator-
ship Is a continuing threat to the peace and
security of the other Western. Hemisphere
nations, and violates the Monroe Doctrine
of 1823 as well as theInter-American Treaty
of Reciprocal Assistance (1947), the Charter
of the Organization of American States
(1948), the Declaration of Caracas (1954),
the Declaration of Santiago de Chile (1969),
and the Declaration of San Jose (1960),
which the nations of the Inter-American
System have pledged to support and uphold;
Whereas the United States has historically
given aid and comfort to oppressed peoples
through the recognition of governments In
exile, when free nations were overrun and
occupied by totalitarian powers, as was the
case in World War I with the recognition by
the United States of the Czechoslovak Na-
security through espionage. Yet, in this
instance, two enemy agents and spies
are ordered to leave the country, without
trial or punishment.
This incident brings into focus the
possibility of continuing, vigilant, insid-
ious -activities of Soviet spies in our
midst, with complete immunity to prose-
cution and punishment, so long as they
are membe':s of the Soviet United Na-
tions staff. It is time to be upset and
alarmed. 'this is an intolerable state
of affairs. It must be remedied.
Are we to sit idly by, giving haven to
spies and enemy agents, and even en-
couragfhg them, to-plot, plan, and bring
about our own destruction? Any treach-
erous act must be punished.
These two agents should be prosecuted
and punished. This is the only method
of dealing with them and any others
guilty of espionage activity.
I demand that the Nation be advised
of the full facts in this case. We must
know where we stand. We must have an
effective plan to protect the security of
our Nation,
There must be it full explanation as
to just what happened, and the reason
for the end result of no prosecution. To
this end, I am calling on the United
Nations Ambassador, the State Depart-
ment, and the Justice Department for
a full explanation.
Mr. Eresideyit, I yield tl* fl
Mr. SM?,THERS. Mr. President, I
submit, and send to the desk, two resolu-
tions which have to do with the problem
of Cuba. ]; ask that the resolutions be
printed and be appropriately referred,
and also that they be printed in the
pore. The resolutions will be received,
printed, and appropriately referred; and,
under the rule, the resolutions will be
printed in the RECORD.
The resolutions submitted by Mr.
SMATHERS were referred to the Commit-
tee on Foreign Relations, as follows:
S. RES. 393
Whereas President James Monroe, an-
nouncing the Monroe Doctrine in 1823, de-
clared to the Congress that we should con-
sider any attempt on the part of European
powers "to extend their system to any por-
tion of this Hemisphere as dangerous to our
peace and safety"; and
- Whereas in the Rio Treaty of 1947 the
-parties thereto agreed that "an armed at-
tack by any State against an American State
shall be considered as an attack against all
the American States, and consequently, each
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tional Council in 1918 (at a time when this
territory was still part of the Austro-Hungar-
Ian Empire) and in World War II when the
United States recognized seven European
governments in exile whose homelands were
occupied by the Nazi armies; and
Whereas, a Cuban government in exile
would (1)' provide a rallying point for
two hundred thousand Cuban refugees
who have demonstrated their desire to
liberate their homeland and return to a
free Cuba, i2) provide a legal and effec-
tive means whereby the Government of the
United States and the other nations of the
Western Hemisphere could help freedom-
loving Cubans to regain their homeland, (3)
provide an instrument whereby freedom-lov-
Ing Cubans could ask for and receive the as-
sistance that is necessary if they are to throw
oft the yoke of communism, (4) provide an
effective contact with those brave people in-
side Cuba who are already opposing the Com-
munist dictatorship in whatever way they
can, and (5) assure the people of the world
that the fight against a Communist Cuba is
not ended and will not end until Cuba is
free: Therefore, be it
Resolved, That it is hereby declared to be
the sense of the Senate that the United
States should recognize as the true govern-
ment of Cuba a Cuban Revolutionary Gov-
ernment in Exile whose avowed purpose is to
lead the Cuban people In the liberation and
recovery of their homeland;
Resolved /urther, That the United States
should recognize only a Cuban Revolutionary
Government in Exile which agrees, prior to
recognition by'the United States, that it will,
upon the liberation of Cuba, transfer its
power and authority to the Cuban people by
the holding of free elections.
Mr. SMATHERS. Mr. President,'one
of the resolutions calls for the creation
of a Western Hemisphere military alli-
ance. Personally, I cannot help but be-
lieve that before we get rid of commu-
nism in Cuba and before we get rid of
Castro, some action, and possibly some
military action, will be required. It
seems to me it is not the wisest course
for the United States to let this situation
continue to develop, and then finally
have to make this move and act unilat-
erally. It seems to me quite important
that steps be undertaken now to get the
countries of Latin America who feel
about communism and Castro very much
the same way that we do, and who are
willing to enter into a type of alliance
similar to that which we have with
NATO, to act. I understand that NATO
is 'an organization formed wholly to use
military force to stop Communists wher-
ever and however it is deemed important
to use that force to stop them; and the
same thing is true of the Southeast Asia
Treaty Organization.
There are in Central America and in
South America a number of countries
which I believe would be willing to join
in an alliance of this type; and I believe
the time has come for-the United States
to take the lead in organizing such an
alliance, so that if the day comes when
troops are finally put into Cuba, they
will go thereunder the direction of an
organization in which many countries
are represented, and in which at least a
large number' of them will be Latin
;American countries. In that event, if
the substance `of my other resolution is
adopted, when that day comes, many of
..the Cubans themselves will be leading
the invasion. That is what the Cuban
refugees would like to do, and that is
what should be done.
So, Mr. President, one resolution calls
for the creation of a Western Hemi-
sphere military alliance. I shall not read
the resolution for it appears in the REC-
oRn along with these remarks.
The other resolution calls for recog-
nition of a free Cuban government in
exile. There is a great deal of precedent
for such action. In World War I, we
recognized the exile government of
Czechoslovakia. In World War II, we
recognized many exile governments. For
all practical purposes, there is today an
exile government of Chiang Kai-shek,
which operates from the Island of Tai-
wan. We have refused to recognize the
Communist government of China; but
we recognize the government of Chiang
Kai-shek, and we give to that govern-
ment a great deal of funds and much
So it seems to me that we should recog-
nize a free Cuban government in exile,
which could enter into treaties and
agreements with the United States and
the other countries of Central America
and South America. These governments
could then openly and legally send ma-
terials, equipment and money to the
Cuban revolutionary government. In
that way the Cuban exiles can receive
the materials and funds they need in
order to begin to do the job they wish
to do, which is to free Cuba from Castro.
I am told that many of the Cuban refu-
gees are in touch with the Cuban free-
dom fighters who remain in the Escam-
bray Mountains of Cuba. One of the
reasons why the freedom fighters there
are not more active is that they do not
have sufficient equipment with which to
fight, and they have no means of ob-
taining funds with which to purchase
such equipment. They can obtain it only
from friendly governments, but they do
not have funds with which to pay for it.
But under the treaties and diplomatic
arrangements we have made with all the
countries in the Western Hemisphere, if
we recognize a Cuban government in
exile, we can then turn . over to it the
equipment and material it needs, and
they can be put into the hands of the
freedom fighters who are still in Cuba,
so that they can oppose Castro more
Mr. BEALL. Mr. President, will the
Senator from Florida yield?
Mr. SMATHERS. I yield to the Sen-
ator from Maryland.
Mr. BEALL. I wish to Join the Sen-
ator from Florida in sponsoring the two
resolutions, and I congratulate him for
submitting them.
I am glad to hear him state that there
is ample precedent for them, partic-
ularly our recognition of the government
of Chiang Kai-shek.
Does the Senator from Florida believe
that it we were to recognize a Cuban
government in exile, it would be able to
form its own organization perhaps to
take over and recapture Cuba?
Mr. SMATHERS. There is no ques-
tion about it. Today, there are roughly
200,000 Cubans in Florida. Let us say
75,000 of them are in a position to do
some fighting and, if necessary, to go
to war. When the day comes when
troops are finally put into Cuba, I can
think of nothing better for all concerned
than to have Cubans lead the fight.
They want to do it, and they should do
it; and, at the same time, that will
negate the Communist propaganda-
which otherwise would be made against
us-that that was "U.S. imperialism"
and all that sort of thing. Certainly
the Cubans must have some financial
means and assistance, in order to take
that lead.
Mr. President, I have submitted the
resolutions. I cannot help but believe
that ultimately we shall have to come
to this idea, and I believe we should do
Mr. CHAVEZ. Mr. President, Dr.
James R. Shaw has been rendering serv-
ice in matters of health among Ameri-
can Indians for many years. He has
recently retired from the program of that
service to 400,000 American Indians.
The Gallup Independent of Gallup, N.
Mex., has published several articles on
Dr. Shaw's service. I ask unanimous
consent that the said articles be printed
in the RECORD.
There being no objection, the articles
were ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
[From the Gallup Daily Independent, Gallup,
N. Mex., Aug. 3, 1962]
When the overall health of a racial or
ethnic group within a progressive society is
considerably below that of the rest of the
population, it is an indictment of that
society. Using this criteria, the United
States has been open to indictment in the
matter of health standards among American
Twenty years ago, a newborn Indian baby
could expect to live no longer than a half
century. In less advanced societies in the
world, the average life span is even below
that, but it Is a sad commentary that it
was true in the United States even 20 years
ago. Indians were particularly susceptible
to such diseases as tuberculosis, infant diar-
rhea, respiratory illnesses, and deformity.
Half of all Indians hospitalized in 1956 had
tuberculosis, but the mortality rate has been
reduced considerably. In the past 8 or 7
years, infant mortality among Indians has
declined 30 percent. Tuberculosis has de-
clined 44 percent in the past few years.
The problem of improving the health of
Indians is one of education and improved
facilities, and one man who has contributed
a great deal in both respects is Dr. James R,
Dr. Shaw, 54, stepped down Wednesday as
head of the Division of Indian Health with-
in the U.S. Public Health Service, a post
he had held for 9 years.
There were vast changes made In Indian
health care during his tenure. From an
organizational standpoint, the biggest step
was transfer of Indian health care from the
Bureau of Indian Affairs to the Public Health
Service. This was accomplished in 1955 and
Dr. Shaw was one of the prime movers.
He has seen appropriations increased from
$20 million in 1955 to $61 million in 1962,
an increase In personnel and new Indian
hospitals built around the country, one In
As Dr. Shaw retires to a more placid life
in Arizona, it is his hope that the trail he
has blazed will be pursued until Indian
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Approved For t, s,2007/01/20: CIA= 4B0346R0002001.50015-1
ex.) ally Inds- facilities in their homes, dispose of erandof Indianssemiprofessionalwill be ingroupthis profes-
pendent, August 1, 1962 garbage sional , Shaw said.
1 andref ass, .Under special legislation
ns standard of li-ving continue to attract younger doctors, nurses,
employs Of the., _ pf Indian Health and laboratory technicians. An Increasing
elioI the Gallu IN M wed the Indians how t to improve sanitary numb
["ro D
bealt,"h reaches the same level-As.that of gram initiated by Congress in 1959. In 1958 that he has been in charge of the Indian
*~ i x people in this country. It is axiomatic the Elko Indian: Colony, the city of Elko and health program, Shaw said.
t with improved health and_a longer life the U.S. Public Health Service shared the The Indian health program is now and will
?ere will follow other improvements in the cost of building water and sewer lines cit
jaa`#n G~TGR~,SQN . ~_AL RD -.S ]VATE
_.. ~ . September Y8
ecause of cultural differences, he antici-
Li>i, _. AMF;s SrIAW RErIR 0 AS, HEAham in 1957, the U.S. Public_ Health Service re-
ress Pates that few young Indians will become
AnMINISxanxnx celved $34.000 from Con
Y nurses aids, sanitation aids, practical nurses,
changes will take plaice during the next benefits flowed from this initial construe- registered nurses, public health nurses, decade with Wagner at the helm, tion, Shaw said. The Indians began improv- munity health workers, and some specialists.
A major milestone occurred in 1955, when, lug and broadening their streets. They else- This group will not only increase in num-
oh July 1 of that year, it was transferred trifled their houses and bought refrigerators. ber, but there will be an increasing number
from the Bureau of Indian Affairs to the "The initial sanitation training program of Indians within it, and there will be an
U.S. Public Health Service. i3haw was instru- for Indians proved to be the mechanism that increasing migration of these trained Indians
mental in the transition. He had been de- brought the whole community together in from their reservations to nearby communi-
tailed by the U.S. Public health Service to meeting the health problems of the whole ties," he said. "Many Indian nurses now
take over the BIA Indian health program population, Indian and white alike," Shaw marry in the community and do not return
in July 1953. Two years later Shaw and the said. to their reservations," Shaw said. "This
3,400 employees in the Indian health service The Elko experiment was so successful that trend will continue," he said.
.were transferred'. tq, U.S. Public Health Serv- other programs have been patterned after it "The turnover of personnel in the Indian
ice within the Department c f Health, Educa- in the Indian sanitation program begun in Health Service was once high because of
tion, and Welfare. 1959, Shaw said. It proved that "there must inferior quarters. This is no longer the case,
In the Interim the Indian health pro- be participation by Indians in the program, as 600 sets of quarters for the medical staff
gram has made more progress than any from the. very beginning, If they have no have been built along with new hospital,
other Indian program. Interior Secretary responsibility for it, they may reject the clinic, and outpatient facilities," Shaw said.
Stewart L. Udall on July 25 hailed the In- whole thing." Shaw said. Turnover will continue to decrease as mpd-
dian health program as one of the major Under the 1959 program, the U.S. Public ernization of Indian health facilities con-
accomplishments of the Eisenhower admire- Health Service was given authority to make tinues, he anticipates.
istration-quite a compliment coming from agreements with Indians and communities Shaw anticipates that the Division of In-
a highly partisan Democrat for a Republican in India..i-border areas to build sanitation than Health will continue so to elevate the
administration. facilities for Indians. They include domestic level of Indian health as rapidly as possible.
Dr. Luther L. Terry, Surgeon General of and community water supplies and facilities, With better health and better education,
the U.S. Public Health Service, said on July drainage, sewage and waste-disposal facili- Indians will achieve a greater measure of
12, that Shaw had been a 'prime mover in ties. The facilities are transferred to the self-sufficiency sooner and many will auto-
transferring the Indian hE:alth service to Indians or communities to operate and matically leave their reservations for better
U.S. Public Health Service, the Federal agency maintain, jobs in urban areas, Shaw believes.
which spec%alizes in health: that he had Shaw has been absolutely insistent that Shaw believes that the Division of Indian
spearheaded the initiation of the highly suc- it be a self-help program. For every dollar Health must continue to have both a short-
cessful Indian sanitation program in 1959: spent by V.S. Public Health Service under range goal and a long-range goal. Presently
and that he had spearheaded legislation the program, the Indians must put up 40 its short-range goal is to clean up all out-
passed In 1958 providing Federal funds for cents either in cash or in work toward con- standing cases of chronic illness and illness
the construction of hospital beds for Indians struction of the facilities. "No money is ob- due to poor sanitation on reservations. Its
within community hospitals. ligated until and unless we have agreements long-range goal is to make Indian health
So outstanding has Shaw'is work been in With the Indians on each project, includ- equal, at least, to that of the general
the field of Indian hea}t:h that on November ing the role of participation of the Indians population.
7 In61 -h i
->w - ??w'_= ?c, uses anticipate that a number of Indians
ti}rnel over to Dr. Uarruth J. Wagner the main and the necessary service lines for 28 will become doctors and will go into private
Federal program providing health services to Indian homes. These were connected with practice on their own in non-Indian com-
about 400,000 American Indians. the sewer and water mains of the city. U.S. munities.
Dramatic changes took in the 9 Public Health Service entered into agree- place years "The Division of Indian Health now op,
that Shaw was in charge of Indian health, tents with the city of Elko Rtes schools to train dental technicians,
and he anticipates that equally dramatic to operate te and and maintain the facilities Man
e received the Gcrgas Medal for it, he said.
his work in conquering diseases among --
American Indians at the 68th annual meet- [From the Gallup (N, Max.) Daily Inde-
ing of the Association of Military Surgeons pendent, Aug. 2, 1962]
Of the United States. This ii the top award SHAW PREDICTS CHANGES IN INDIAN HEALTH
of the association and is those who PLAN
have made outstanding contributions to WASHINGTON.--Dr. James it. Shaw, retiring
the field of preventive medicine. chief, of the Division of Indian Health of the
[From the Gallup (N. Mex.) Ti ail _Inde end- U.S. Public Health Service, foresees major
ent, Aug. 1, 196 ] Y P changes in the Indian health program over
WASHiNGTON.-The Indian sanitation pro-
gram undertaken by the U.S. Public Health
"The Public Health Service will be treating
more vertical cases, fewer horizontal pa-
tients," Slaw told the Independent in an
interview. "Mora na tied+o ~? __?_
=e a will be fewer
dian do their part in carrying out the pro- cases of patients being hospitalized for long
gram, periods of time," he said.
That is the view of Lr. James R. Shaw, Indians will no longer be so plagued by the
retiring Chief of the Division of Indian diseases to which they have been particu-
Health or U.S. Public Health Service. He be- larly susceptible in the past, notably tuber-
lieves the Indian sanitation facilities bill culosis, ini'ant diarrhea, and respiratory ill-
enacted by Congress in 1959 vms a landmark nesses. T.aere already has been a marked
in preventive medicine, decrease in these diseases, and as the health
"As I looked at the whole Indian health of Indians approaches that of the general
program, I became convinced that we had to population, they will have the same life-
attack the cause of disease among Indians span as other Americans and be subject to
at the source. From 30 to 40 )percent of. dis- the same illnesses.
eases we were treating Indianli for were due Indians no longer will be moved hundreds
to environmental conditions. They were due of miles to a hospital. Their own hospitals,
to lack of sanitation, lack of information including the four new ones at Shiprock,
and lack of ability by individual Indians to Gallup, Sells, Ariz., and Kotzebue, Alaska,
provide proper sanitation, facilities," Shaw are comparable to the hospitals built under
stated last week in an interviewwe._ the Hill-Burton
An Indian sanitation program at Elko, a marked up program. "There has been
lies Of, of hospitals, hospital
Neva. Proved tQ be thQ forerunr er of the pro- staffs and B'4
ppies Of_ all kinds" in the 9 years
Mr. LONG of Missouri. Mr. President,
our Nation's policy toward Castro and
Cuba is of great concern to all Ameri-
cans. The President at his recent press
conference made our Nation's policy
quite clear. The President has my com-
plete support in any action he finds
necessary to protect the Western
The Daily Dunklin Democrat of Ken-
nett, Mo.; recently published a thought-
ful editorial pointing out the many facets
of the Cuban problem. I ask unanimous
consent that it be printed in the RECORD.
There being no objection, the editorial
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
Most Americans have not thought the
Cuban problem through.
There is reason for this. The President,
who has thought the problem through, can-
not talk about it in public without getting
In trouble. He cannot lay all the American
bargaining problems with the Soviet Union
on the table.
But civilians can.
Fundamentally, American policy on Ber- I
lire IS establiehed
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Fundamentally, American policy on Cuba
is not.
The Issue at` Berlin is' whether Commu-
nist power can break out of the East-West
line-the military and political circle which
holds it in place.
=The issue in Cuba is whetheF the Conn-, American nations are just as concerned over
munists can leapfrog over that circle and the Cuban situation as is this Nation. Mul-
establish their power in the vast, unguarded tilateral action against Cuba is necessary if
.territories behind the East-West line, They the future of American solidarity is to be
have often tried this kind of penetration. safeguarded and preserved.
tip to now they have never, for very long It may well be that a naval blockade will
at least, succeeded. be necessary, but certainly at this point,
any serious doubt as to where the West one way. Democracy must demonstrate to
stood. Some persons would act to stop the world that communism will fail in all
creeping aggression at an earlier point, some climates except where it is the sole ideology.
later. But the ijV;'gst stands strongly agreed A Cuba collapsing despite Russian assist-
on the fundaine. Rtal. If the Communists ante will offer a far more graphic picture to
cut Western access to Berlin and the right to the world than thousands of Cubans starving
keep West Berlin free and economically because a U.S. Navy blockade has prevented
alive, the West will fight. them from receiving foodstuffs.
If the Russians make a military base out America was driven to war over Cuba, once
of Cuba, on the other hand, it is not decided before, and the single origin of this was hys-
what to do. Or if they stop short of treat- teria. The cries of war were heard over the
ing a Soviet base and continue to build up voices of reason on Cuba a little more than
Cuba as an ally,as the United States has a generation ago. Let America not make the
armed Pakistan, there is still no decision on same tragic error it committed once before-
what to do with Cuba itself. The only let the voice of reason be heard over the land
firm decision is to prevent the use of Cuban 'and let the freedom which America promises
force elsewhere in Latin America, , have full meaning to the rest of the world.
American public opinion is understandably
on, edge. Serious minded persons of all
viewpoints are gravely concerned, some in NONDIPLOMATIC ACTIVITIES OF
a state of great alarm,
There are several conflicting concerns REPRESENTATIVES OF FOREIGN
which the United" States must resolve, GOVERNMENTS
It must consider the threat to our own Mr. LONG of Missouri. Mr. President,
immediate security. Now damaging is a
nearby base? the Foreign Relations Committee is ex-
It must consider Latin America. Would ' petted to schedule within the near fu-
an American invasion of Cuba deliver signif? ture hearings on "Nondiplomatic Ac-
scant, angry Latin American forces into the ' tivities of Representatives of Foreign
hands of Castroism without firing a shot? Governments."
Could the United,States then invade those In this connection, I should like to
countries? Would time and persuasion, commend the distinguished junior Sena-
prior to a showdown with Cuba, prepare
Latin American opinion for it? tor from Minnesota, Senator EUGENE J.
The United States must consider Ameri- MCCARTHY, for his cogent analysis of
can bases and military missions overseas. the role of the lobbyist in an article
They ring the Communist island. They which recently appeared in the Sunday
bring American land power closer to the magazine section of the New York Times.
heart of Communist strength than Com- I personally feel this is an area amply
munist land bases can approach their in need of clarification, if not actual
American targets. If the United States In-
vades Cuba, will the Soviet Union invade a
U.S. base ,or mission? What will the fusion exists in the public mind as to
United States do then? the respective roles of the lobbyist and
It must consider world opinion as well as 'the foreign agent. Many people appar-
Latin American. The peoples once colo- , ently believe they are one and the same.
nized by Europe have a deep and undiscrimi- Such is certainly not the case.
nating mistrust of Western military action Now, we are all cogniz~nt of the fact
again small countries like Cuba. The Com-
munists play skillfully on this'. In dealing that abuses and unsavory activities have
forcibly with one `Cuba, the United States 'occurred in the past in this field. Prin-
would have to be extremely careful not to cipally, this is why we now have strin-
create other and perhaps more damaging , gent laws controlling the activities of
Cubas out of Asian and African resentment. lobbyists and foreign agents.
The Cuban question remains a peculiarly I think, however, that it is time that
awkward one. When Castro communism
seemed to be failing economicallyand politi the role of the legitimate, responsible
call United States pressure and a 'lobbyist or foreign agent be redefined
rising tider of nantf-Castro feeling in the and the constructive contributions
Americas, the Soviet Union converted It, by which he makes to proper legislation be
signing an arms agreement,' into a military analyzed. That is why I am very glad
outpost. The special nature of this new that the Foreign Relations Committee is
type of threat, an armed satellite deepp inside
planning hearings on the subject.
the free world, needs to be ana1j d' atthougli
it has not yet developed very far in
military direction.
Two fountainheads ,of enlightened think-
ping in the State, the St. Louis Globe-
Democrat and Rep I ublican Senatorial can-
didate Crosby Kemper, Jr., have demanded
an immediate V.S. naval blockade arourio
Cuba. We are certain both sources fiave
been deliberate in their'thinking processes
and have considered all the ramifications
of such an overt act. Have they considered,
for instance, the fact that a U.S. blockade is
a unilatexal action in the American hems,-,
sphere when this Nation has sought, over a
period of many, years, pacts against such ac-
tioners of the art of public relations have ing this service with such an able
been unduly maligned by being grouped
resentation of the facts
together with overly, aggressive and less In this regard, I might mention that
conscionable individuals. several ' unfortunate articles recently
I think one of the most concise analy- have appeared on the subject in the
sis of the role of the lobbyist was writ- German press. It was obvious that these
ten- by President Kennedy, when, as a publications did not even comprehend
Senator, he wrote the following in an the difference between a lobbyist and a
Approved For 'Release 2007/01/20 : CIA-RDP64;
article prepared for the New York Times
in 1956:
"Lobbyists are in many cases expert tech-
nicians and capable of explaining complex
and difficult subjects in a clear, understand-
able fashion. They engage in personal dis-
cussion with Members of Congress in which
they can explain in detail the reason for
positions they advocate.
Lobbyists prepare briefs, memoranda, leg-
islative analyses and draft legislation for use
by committees and Members of Congress;
they are necessarily masters of their subject
and, in fact, they frequently can provide
useful statistics and information not other-
wise available.
. Competent lobbyists can present the most
persuasive arguments in support of their
positions. Indeed, there is no more effective
manner of learning all important arguments
and facts on a controversial issue than to
have the opposing lobbyists present their
Concededly, each is biased; but such a
procedure is not unlike' the advocacy of
lawyers in court which has proven so suc-
cessful in resolving judicial controversies.
-Because our congressional representation is
based on geographical boundaries, the lob-
byists who speak for the various economic,
commercial and other functional interests of
this country serve a very useful purpose and
have assumed an important role in the leg-
islative process. I
I think that adequately explains the
role of the lobbyist-a role, by and large,
that most of us appreciate. Frequent-
ly, the prospect arises of legislation af-
fecting areas which are beyond the ex-
pertise of most of us. Here is where the
lobbyist often is invaluable, regardless of
which side of the issue he represents.
He is an expert on the subject, he is well
informed, and he has all the facts at his
command. He is capable of briefing the
Senator in infinitely less time than
would be involved if the latter had to do
the research himself. Thus does he per-
form a service to those who must bear
the responsibility of enacting legislation.
As the Senator from Minnesota
pointed out in his article:
The most common method of lobbying is
that of simply appearing before a commit-
tee of Congress or speaking to individual
Members in an attempt to bring them to
understand one's position or to influence
them to support that position.
Elsewhere in his article, Senator Mc-
CARTHY writes:
Although lobbying does not usually in-
volve a physical assembly-such as the 1932
veterans bonus march on Washington or
current picketing of the White House-it
does involve organization, a bringing togeth-
er of citizens seeking a common objective.
Thus the act of lobbying is basically an ex-
ercise of the right to petition the Govern-
ment-a right set forth in the Constitution.
Lobbying also involves, in a way, the exer-
cise 'of the right of assembly.
I believe it is important that all citi-
zens be informed of the proper functions
of lobbying groups and I congratulate
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~ONGRESSh~NAL RECOR~~ SATE Septerrtber 18
foreign agent, the latter being a public
relations professional, a lawyer or a per-
son who is registered with the Depart-
rnerlt of Justice as the U.S. representative
of a foreign official body.
Some Carman newspapers went so far
as to write that one of the ;most reputa-
' ble foreign agents in the United States
may be involved in "a court hearing by
the State Department," This statement
certainly reflects misunderstanding 'and
confusion. Perhaps they were referring
to the forthcoming hearingsby the For
eign Relations Committee, but if so,
something was very definitQly lost in the
I certainly hope that representatives
of these newspapers will avail themselves
of the opportunity to attend the For-r
eign Relations Committee's hearings.
This country spends many millions of
dollars annually to protect a proper
image of America in foreign countries.
It is heartening that the Western Eu-
ropean democracies are cooperating in
encouraging mutual understanding.
In his foreword to the.. preliminary
study, the distinguished ch?aArman of the
Foreign Relations Colnmitttee, Senator
FULBRIGHT, very properly points out:
"In many instances, ti,tate Department
officials themselves a;ree that legit-
imate representation by U.,3. citizens on
behalf of certain foreign governments is
necessary due to the complexities of cur-
rent international problems. 'however,
it is believed that this corr.mittee has a
responsibility to obtain for itself, for the
Senate, and for the American` people a
full and accurate picture of activity of
this kind, particularly since the tempo of
has increased in almost
ch ac
derful job General Klein performed in
direct proportion to our Government's dert l special, General Klein d consultant erfor performed in
growing political, military, and economic 1954 as a the Armed Services Subcommittee of the
s a
Committee on Appropriations. General
When hearings on this subject are Klein's report, following his mission to
held, I believe they will accomplish a Western Europe, called for increased mil-
great deal in clarifying this entire area itary self-reliance by the United States,
of activity. consolidation of American oversea oper-
While on this subject, Mr. President, , ations, greater centralization of admin-
I might say that in my opinion the dis- istrative :Functions, and the adoption of
tinguished Senator from Arkansas re- policies to encourage Western European
cently hhas made a most commendable nations in seeking solutions to their own
and sensible suggestion that our coun- military and economic problems.
try's law schools carry on what he termed General Klein's report, I might add,
imaginative and thorough research in
the field of foreign representation in the was highly praised on both sides of the
United States. As he liointed out, there aisle. In fact, if I recall correctly, its
have been no cases at all under the label- only critic was Pravda.
ing provisions of the Foreign Agents A former Chicago newspaperman and
Registration Act of 1938 anal, since 1945, author, General Klein is a pioneer in the
none have been brought uxCder_ the actrs field of public relations. Much of his
full disclosure requirements. present activity involves industries with-
Certainly an examination of possible in West Germany, where he enjoys also
loopholes in the act by our law schools the confidence a respect of top offi-
is logical and quite probably would prove vials in the he Federal Federral l Republic.
fruitful In singling out General Klein, whom
It is unfortunate that many people are :I have known for years, I wish only to
wont to confuse the activities of one per- point out-for the edification of those
sufficiently interested-that at there is
son such as Alexander G uterma, who nothing at all sinister or cloak-and-dag-
represented the dictator Trujillo and was gerish about a registered foreign agent
prosecuted for not registering-as a for- who performs his activities above board,
eign agent, when the actual foreign in the open and within the letter of the
agent registration files in the Depart- law.
ment of Justice include the names of - I look forward to the hearings con-
some of the most prominent men in our templated by the Senate Foreign Rela-
country'. tions Committee, as I believe a public
I might list just a few of these gentle- - discussion of this whole area of activity
at age 10 learn languages faster than they do
in high school.
There is a great need for Americans to
understand Russian. Russian pupils long
have been encouraged to learn English. As
as result, the Russians know more,about us
on a level of direct communication than we
know about them.
The stakes are big in this experiment.
Success in Bayonne could stimulate similar
experiments and successes in other school
systems throughout New Jersey-and even
beyond our State's borders.
This could do much toward eliminating
the advantages the Russians enjoy over us
in the language field.
Mr. WILLIAMS of New Jersey. Mr.
President, our Constitution has served us
well for 175 years. It has given us pro-
tection and security, it has proven capa-
ble of change without compromise of
basic principles; it has become part of
our very thinking processes about lib-
erty and hopes for this Nation.
We hear many comments during this
week-Constitution Week-about the
great document offered to the Nation in
Philadelphia175 years ago. These com-
ments are significant, I think, because
they indicate the continuing vitality of
this document. We continue to argue
about the Constitution; we continue to
interpret it in different ways. And we
find that there is room for such argu-
ment; there is room for such interpreta-
Approved For Release 2007/01120: CIA-RBP64B00346R000200150015-1
- --
tered foreign agents: 11'tormer, Secretary BAYONNE EXPERT E?NT
of State Dean Acheson, the Honorable Mr. WILLIAMS of New Jersey. Mr.
Thomas E. Dewey, John and Franklin President, we have heard much of late
Roosevelt, Jr., Under Secretary of State about the language lag in our Nation.
George W. Ba11, and Maj. Gen. Julius Justice William O. Douglas, in a recent
Klein. statement, warned that we seem to be
I had the pleasure, incidentally of see- falling farther behind. Our educators
Ing General Klein just recently when he sense the need, but there seems to be a
was invited to attend the luncheon which lack of organized effort to produce a
Speaker McCormack gave for General well-defined system -for instruction in
MacArthur. foreign languages at all levels of our ed-
General. Klein, of course, is known ucational system.
and respected as a distinguished soldier For that reason it is heartening to read
and one of our leading citizens. He about the efforts made in the primary
commanded combat troops under Gen- school system of Bayonne, N.J. There,
eral MacArthur in the South Pacific and fifth grade pupils in some schools are
his personal decorations include the Sol- studying Russian. School authorities
dier's Medal for Heroism, the Philippine believe that this project will help serve
Distingui;.hed Service Star, the Legion of a definite need. We know, of course,
Merit, and the Bronze Star. that English is a major subject in many
He was the author of the original Russian schools. We know, too, that
Army combat public relations plan. This there is a need in this Nation for experts
project, d:'afted before Pearl Harbor, was who are qualified to study Russian news-
the foundation of our psychological war- papers and documents. The Bayonne
fare activities. After completing his tour school system is to be congratulated for
of duty in the Pacific, he served with this experiment.
distinction after the armistice in a mili- An editorial in the Jersey Journal of
tary capacity, as special assistant to the September 14, comments on the project.
late Secretary of War Robert P. Patter- I ask unanimous consent to have it
son, participating in the unification pro- printed in the RECORD.
gram which resulted in the establish- There being no objection, the edi-
ment of the Department of Defense. torial was ordered to be printed in the
General Klein is a lifelong resident of RECORD, as follows:
Illinois, the good neighbor of my native BAYONNE ExPERIMENT
Missouri. He also is a lifelong Repub- That Bayonne experiment in teaching
lican. I can state unequivocally, how- Russian to primary school pupils probably
ever, that when it comes to matters in- will be watched carefully by educators every-
volving the national interest, he is above where in New Jersey.
partisan politics. General Klein is the So far as is known to educational author-
type of American whose politics ends at ities, Bayonne is the only community in the
the water's edge. State where fifth grade pupils in a number
Russian This is the
re stud
Many Senators will recall the won- o
logical level at which to begin, for children
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lug the respective States to conserve or pro-
tect fishery resources, or
(4) takes any action, contrary to the prin-
ciples of international law, to harass or
otherwise interfere with the United States-
flag fishing vessels engaged in lawful activ-
ities on the high seas.
On page 22, line 10, strike out "or"
after the comma.
On page 22, line 13, strike out the
period and insert " ,or".
On page 22, between lines 13 and 14,
insert the following:
(C) take such action to adjust imports of
products of such country or instrumentality
as he deems ecess
Mr. HARTKE. Mr. President, will the
,Senator from Alaska yield to me for
about 5 minutes?
Mr. BARTLETT. I yield.
Mr. HARTKE. Mr. President, for
several weeks the American people have
been listening to those who are on the
other side of the aisle frantically seek-
ing for some straw which, through
magic-known only to themselves, can
be turned into a campaign issue.
The oratory has been splendiferous-
the flag has been waved vigorously and
the voices have been loud-but, unfor-
tunately for their purpose, the words arld
the logic, have been unconvincing.
The American people, wise in their
understanding and mature in their judg-
ment because of their heritage of de-
mocracy, recognize the purpose of this
shouting and shadow boxing for what it
truly is-a desperate search for an issue
which can be used in the, election cam-
paign that is now upon us.
The issue that is being belabored is
American policy in Cuba.
It is a strange fact of history that ex-
actly 60 years ago our Nation was faced
with, the problem of another power-mad
dictator also named Castro who, gripping
the people of Venezuela by their throats,
forced upon them a rule by corrupt and
revolutionary methods.
,Theodore Roosevelt, our President at
that time, discarded the soft language
of diplomacy in describing this Castro-
the Venezuelan Castro-as an "unspeak-
able, villainous little monkey."
Somehow the words 'evoke a similar
image today. One must agree with the
sage known as "the Preacher" who,
nearly 2,000 years ago, in setting down
his thoughts and reflections regarding
man and his deeds-in what is.cailgd
"Ecclesiastes" said: "There is no new
thing under the sun."
This power-mad, blood-lusting Castro
of 1902 refused to honor his debts and
his committments causing three power-
ful nations, Great Britain, Germany, and
Italy to begin a combined naval demon-
stration ,off t11e epast ofVenezuela.
President Roosevelt calmly, and from
a position of strength, saw to it that
the battleships were withdrawn and
made the,ditatir Castro see reason and
honor his golitlents-not with arms,
not with.weapons, and not with troops-
Last Thursday afternoon at his press
conference, President Kennedy-in
measured and reasoned words-coun-
seled watchful restraint.
His unruffled and impressive statement
is in keeping with the policy of "speak
a softly and carry a big stick."
What our Republican friends either
have forgotten or purposely ignore are
the facts of geography.
Yes, Cuba is only 90 miles from our
shores. But remember and mark this
well, we are firmly based on the island
of Cuba.
At Guantanamo we have an impreg-
nable position, manned by thousands of
highly trained and skilled marines armed
with the latest weapons. Hugging the
shores and on the alert are units of the
powerful U.S. fleet, including aircraft
Yes, Castro is only 90 miles from our
shores, but we are in his kitchen-armed
with a great big stick and looking
straight down his throat.
Mr. President, is not ours a wise and
clear-sighted policy? That, first spoken
by Theodore Roosevelt-"Speak softly
and carry a big stick."
President Kennedy spoke as a states-
man-and a student of history.
I am grateful to the Senator for yield-
ing some of his time to me after yielding
time to other Senators.
The Senate resumed the consideration
of the bill (H.R. 11970) to promote the
general welfare, foreign policy, and secu-
rity of the United States through inter-
national trade agreements and through
adjustment assistance to domestic in-
dustry, agriculture, and labor, and for
other purposes.
Mr. BARTLETT. Mr. President, be-
fore the Senator from Indiana spoke,
I was about to say that I did not know
exactly where the Senate had been in
the few minutes before that. I was
about to suggest a cooling off period,
since I proposed, in discussing my
amendment, to take Senators below the
briny surface of the ocean. But before
doing so, I am minded to say that fol-
lowing the discussion among the Senator
from Illinois [Mr. DOUGLAS], the Senator
from Oregon [Mr. MORSE], the Senator
from Florida [Mr. SMATHERS], and the
Senator from Minnesota [Mr. Mc-
CARTHY], the Senator from Minnesota,
who is a close student of "Alice in Won-
derland" and possesses a most retentive
memory, suggested that the end result
of the discussion might have been long
since settled in "Alice in Wonderland."
He referred especially to the caucus
-race recited in that book. Apparently
the question was who had won the race.
It was finally settled, said the Senator
from Minnesota, in the deathless words
of the dodo, who said:
Everybody has won, and all must have
Mr. President, I turn now to the
amendment which I have.. offered, which
is_ cosponsore(1 by the distinguished sen-
ior Senator from Michigan [Mr, MAGNU-
sorr], the chairman of the Committee.
on Commerce, which has jurisdiction
over all measures related to the fishery;
and by the Senator from Oregon [Mr.
MORSE], the Senator from Maine [Mr.
MUSKIE], and the Senator from Texas
[Mr. YARBOROUGH]. The purpose of the
amendment is to authorize the Presi-
dent to use the trade power given him
under the bill for the purpose of con-
serving our fishery resources. The ap-
proach employed by the amendment is
direct. It amends section 252(b) of the
bill by adding two conditions under
which the President may suspend trade
concessions granted other nations. The
amendment would permit the President
after public hearing and within his own
discretion to withhold trade concessions
if he determines that a country is en-
gaged in practices which tend to defeat
our efforts to conserve fishery resources
or if he determines a country is taking
any action contrary to the principles of
international law to harass U.S. fishing
vessels on the high seas. In addition, the
amendment supplements the present au-
thority given the President under the
trade bill by adding the power to adjust
imports of products of a country there-
by permitting the use of import quotas
or embargoes.
Mr. President, this amendment was
submitted and referred to the Commit-
tee on Finance 6 weeks ago, giving a full
opportunity to assess the merits of the
proposal. At the time the amendment
was submitted a clear record was made
of the need for this amendment. In
joining me when offering the amendment
the Senator from Washington [Mr. MAG-
NusoN] stated:
Surely the United States, which has a deep
interest in fisheries and international wa-
ters, and which is a country that practices
conservation, should have authority to allow
the President to do what he can to persuade
and influence other nations to do the same,
and if necessary, to do it through economic
I fully concurred with the Senator
from Washington.
At the time the amendment was sub-
mitted I pointed out that the United
States is an important market for for-
eign fish products, that we likewise are
an important fishing nation. I felt then,
as I do now, that it is imperative that
we insist upon proper conservation of
our fisheries and those international
fisheries upon which we rely. We will be
judged harshly if we, through inadver-
tence or for any other reason, give trade
incentives and thereby encourage foreign
governments to violate sound conserva-
tion practices, to overfish areas and
stocks of fish and to use fishing gear
and techniques contrary to proper con-
I pointed out then, and I do so again,
that this is not merely an Alaska local
problem. It is a serious matter of con-
cern for the entire fishing industry of
the Northwest, for the California tuna
industry, the gulf coast,chrimpindustry,
and the important fishing industry off
the east coast. On numerous occasions
my colleagues and I have pointed out
with alarm the recent efforts on the part
of }lot only Japan but Russia to accel-
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.vote their fishing efforts on the high
"The attention of the Senate, of the
Nation, and, indeed, of the world was
most forcefully called to this situation
only a ;Pew months ago by the distin-
.guished, junior Senator from Massachu-
setts, (ly;;r. SMITH], who is now presiding
.over the Senate, in one of the most logical
.speeches that it has ever been my
privilege to hear.
We would not be alarmed if this ef-
fort were directed only at tapping here-
tofore unharvested resources but such is
not the case. Attention was also called
to the ineffective efforts by our. State
Department to protect our own fisher-
men from harassment inth.e Gulf Coast
and off Central and South America. Ad-
ditional instances have been reported this
month. At the close of my remarks when
Introducing this amendment I stated that
so long as we do nothing to protect the
rights of our fishermen on the high seas,
we can only expect further aggression
.and further oppressive acts against our
fishermen from foreign., governments.
To avoid possible misjudgments as to
the merits of this amendment, the Sen-
ator from Washington [Mr. 1VfAGxusoN]
and I wrote the Director of the Bureau
of the Budget and the Secretary of State
advising them of the importance of 'the
proposed amendment and soliciting their
favorable consideration. In the letter we
pointed out that the amendment is con-
sistent with the purposes of the bill. It
would encourage the expansion of for-
eign trade in fishery products by assur-
ing the conservation of our fishery re-
sources and defending our fishermen on
the high seas. If our fishery resources
are exploited foreign trade in fishery
products will decline. 'We warned in the
letter that our fishery resources will be
devastated by a blind. continuation of
the sudden and tremendous surge by for-
eign governments on to the high seas
with technologically advanced fishing
vessels and gear. As evidence of this
rush we cited that the world catch of
fish increased 33 percent from 1955 to
1960. just within the past 10 years
Japan has entered the North `Pacific to
catch salmon on the high seas and has
moved into the Bering Sea with factory
ships In search of bottom fish. Research
scientists have forecast that bottom fish
resources in the Bering Sea will be
destroyed within 10 years if adequate
conservation practices are not followed
by all Nations engaged in the harvest-
ing of these rich resources. We will then
be faced with the same bleak situation
now threatening the bottom fish re-
sources of the North Atlantic.' Russia,
too, has launched its commercial fishing
fleet around the globe searching out the
fishery resources off George's Bank, the
Bering Sea and into the Gulf of Alaska.
As a dramatic illustration of the
deterioration of the U.S. position 'in
viet Union. These facts were first called -Fish move in and out of territorial
to our atten tion in this Chamber, so far waters and on the high seas. Salmon
as I-know, by the junior Senator from return to the inland streams to spawn.
Massachusetts [Mr. SMITH]. Conservation -practices may be regulat-
We stated that the amendment is con- -ed, therefore, only by international
sistent a.'so with the organizational agreement; and international agree-
structure provided by the bill, in which ments, like other agreements, can be se-
wide discretion is given the President to cured and enforced only when adequate
solve these complex and interrelated sanctions are available. Traditionally,
problems.' A broad range of economic trade sanctions have proved most ac-
responses must be available to the Pres- ceptable and effective. This is a valid
ident, so he can tailor the remedy to and traditional use of trade power. I
meet situations involving any particular call attention specifically to trade sanc-
country a',- any time in the future. tions found in our legislation protect-
In'sumrnary, we believe it obvious that ing our halibut resources.
there is a serious threat to our fishery Mr. President, I stated that the pres-
resources, that the proposed amendment ent administration has recognized that
provides on effective answer to the prob- trade sanctions are required in order to
lem, and that there is a direct relation- protect fishery resources. I refer to the
ship between fishery resources conserva- legislation, introduced in the 87th Con-
tion and trade. ?gress, at the request of the State De-
Mr. President, only 2 weeks ago the partment, to amend and strengthen the
Department of State informed me that regulation of tuna on the high seas.
the Finance Committee had been noti- On September 14, 1 year ago, the Sec-
fied that the administration considered retary of State wrote the Senate, re-
the amendment unacceptable. In op- questing an amendment to the Tuna
posing the amendment the State De- Convention. Sounding as if he repre-
partment informed me that fishery sented Alaska himself, Secretary Rusk
conservation is unrelated to trade agree- called for urgent action on his legisla-
ments, and that there would be a risk tive proposal, so as to discharge the
of retaliation against our exports if the U.S. "general responsibility to the in-
amendment were to be adopted. It was ternational community to follow sound
also stated that legislation independent conservation practices with respect to
of the trade bill was being considered, high seas resources." -I shall not quar-
in order to accomplish the purposes of rel with that. I ask only that we do it.
my amendment. The letter from the Secretary of State
Mr. President, if my amendment is un- included a draft of a bill which, among
acceptable to them, I should like to make other things, provides:
it a matter of public record that their That upon the,promulgation of any such
position is unacceptable to me. It is a regulation and upon notification thereof, the
further example of the disregard of the Secretary of the Treasury shall promulgate
State Department of all our fishery regulations to limit on p` ohibit the entry
into the United States, of fish of spe-
problems. ties covered by the convention and taken
I am perfectly willing to run the risk from convention waters. Any such regu-
of commercial trade concession retalia- lations to limit or, prohibit the entry of such
tion in order to conserve our public fish shall require the concurrence of the
fishery resources. I presume that the Secretary of State.
President would use discretion in the So we find that 1 year ago the Secre-
exercise of such power. Under Secre- tary of State proposed the use of trade
tary of 31tate Ball testified before the sanctions, under his close supervision, to
Senate Finance Committee that mili- conserve tuna resources found and taken
tary, eccnomic, and political pressure primarily in tropical Pacific waters.
had been exercised on other countries, to Japan is the world's exporter of tuna.
persuade them to adopt our concepts of This administration, as well as others,
commercial trade negotiation. If we are has recognized the necessity of assuring
capable of such dedication and interna- fishery conservation through the use of
tional leadership in this area, can we not trade sanctions.
use trade power to protect in a responsi- Mr. President, I also call attention to
ble manner our fishery resources? I the numerous bills, which I and other
believe it. may be a matter of priority; Senators have sponsored, which would
and I, for one, place fishery conserva- place a restriction on the importation
tion extremely high on my list of na- of fishery products from countries which
tional goals. violate salmon conservation efforts in
Mr. President, the difference between the North Pacific.
fish and so many other products is this: When I first came to the Senate, I in-
Once fish are gone, they are gone, for- troduced an Alaska salmon bill which in
ever, and are lost both to the United substance would do for Bristol Bay
States and to all other nations in the salmon what my present amendment
world. would do for all fishery resources. That
On first impression, the response of was in the 86th Congress. Hearings
the State Department may sound genu- were held by me and by other Senators
ine. W:aat, it asks, has international in Alaska and elsewhere. On May 6,
world fisheries, attention should be trade to do with fishery. conservation?
given to a recent report by the Bureau My answer is that international trade
of Commercial Fisheries indicating that sanctions have been recognized for years
the United States held second position by prior administrations, and even by
only 0 short years ago and, as of 19-91, this administration, and on numerous
had backed down to fifth position, bow- occasions by Congress, as the only ef-
ing to the more energetile efforts made _ fective means of safeguarding fishery
by Communist China, Peru, and the So- resources: Why? The answer is clear.
1959, the State Department wrote the
Senator from Washington [Mr. MAGNU
soN], chairman of the Committee on
Commerce, expressing opposition to the
bill, and giving five reasons why the bill
would be ineffective, inappropriate, and,
in fact, would endanger the free world's
stake in the Pacific. The Department
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Many'year6 ago,'the' late Geri. George' C.' to defend as worthwhile budget items. movie."
Marshall, testifying before Congress, at- I am convinced that we get more for
tempted to summarize what he regarded as our idea dollar than we can ever hope
the characteristic Impatience of the Ameri- to get from our hardware dollar. This
can people Said'he" They regard as 'a stalemate any problem Nation is famous for an idea officially which arises in the morning and cannot be proclaimed on July 4, 1776. If we can
settled by afternoon." sell that idea and the ideas that devel-
This is, the mark of a youthful' oped from it we will do mankind a great
and people, an we are still essentially that,'for service.
an our 186 years as a nation. A measure of our effectiveness in sell-
If this Is so, then it suggests that we should ing these ideas is found in an article en-
comment with, some restraint on the fre-
quently titled "How Democracy Is Nudged Ahead
newly emeexhibited impatientce of many in the in Ecuador," which appeared in the Sep
of ewly the rest of trginghe or q'upward struggling nations tember 17 issue of the National Observer.
We d.
We canont always easily curb our exaspera- ? It is the story of a United States Infor-
tion at some manifestations of this impa- mation Service post in Guayaquil. This
tience in others.. Peoples seek freedom be- story shows how efficient and dedicated
fe. budgets,
for its responsibilities- . n and thereafare tereth ready row themselves sandittheir can advance epe the e a cause e of freedom
can a.
problems at the world's door. They demand
status In the United Nations before their I ask unanimous consent that this ar-
leaders' voices speak with effective authority' idle be printed in the RECORD.
within their own borders. There being no objection, the article
Their young men sometimes come to the' was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
United ,, tasts, assailing our "failures and as follows:
stupidities" in dealing with their problems. How DEMOCRACY Is NUDGED AHEAD IN
What this often iribans is that we have not ECUADOR
shaped policies to their 'specific' national (By Hunter S. Thompson)
taste. They forget that we are a great power
which must weigh the broad world impact' GUAYAQUIL, ECUADOR.-Fred Shaffer, chief
of everything it does. We have many , con- of the U.S. Information Service office in
cerns, while they seldom have more than one. Guayaquil, looked up from his desk as the
Yet, thou h we may have'matured enough visitor entered. "Did you see that little man
to be critica of impatience in other peoples, ` who just left?" he asked with a smile.
we evidently retain a, large quota of it our- "Didn't seem very happy, did he?"
Selves. The visitor recalled the man, a small
You would expect to find a lot of it in our Ecuadorian with a large satchel. He had
youngsters-and you do. come out of the office, looking slightly sick,
A midwestern college lad was asking a and nearly bowled over the receptionist as he
Washington newsman about som.eof'thekey fled through the door to the street.s, " Mr.
world and national issues of the da Th "I think that man has trouble
answers he got seemed-to pile complexity on Shaffer explained. "He owns a radio station
complexity. He finally smiled and said: that used to broadcast so much anti-
"I find it hard to get very interested in American stuff that we nicknamed it the
things on which `you can't get a fairly im Voice of Moscow," He shook his head sadly.
mediate solution;'' ' "Then he had some bad luck; suddenly all
It did not seem to trouble him that he had his advertisers quit him and now he's nearly
just ruled out of bounds nearly'al1 the great bankrupt." He smiled faintly. "And he
matters of the day-the-cold war disarma- has the gall to come in here and try to blame
meat, unemployment, the booming popula- it on me-can you imagine such a thing?"
tion; The visitor detected a note of irony.
But he has plenty of company in this land. 'A CRISIS OVER DELEGATES
For any, youth is still a time-here as else-' It was a hot afternoon in Guayaquil,
where-for fast, sure, clean, rewarding where the year-round temperature averages
answers. 77 degrees, but in the USIS office no one had
The great trial lawyer, Clarence barrow; time to mop his brow. The scene was one
once said: of apparent chaos: Visitors were constantly
"When you're young, you want to reform arriving; the phone rang incessantly; and
the world and you think 'you can'.' When crises succeeded themselves in an appar-
you're old, you still want`to, but you know ently interminable progression.
you can't." Jim Smith, the press officer, entered the
Maybe Darrow has it about right. But per- room and introduced another crisis. "Those
haps our impatient young folk get some good women are outside, Fred," he said. "Did
things done before they discover how im- we get word on the other delegates?"
possible it is. Without their zeal for quick Mr, Shaffer picked up the phone and
results, we might 'not make even the slow, dialed a number. "Guillermo? We're wait-
social advances We do.
ing on your people-they coming over?"
There was a pause, and a horrified expres-
Sion crossed his face, "Great balls of fire!"
he exclaimed. "I don't want you to think
SAD IN P1C1JADOR I'm pressing you on this thing, Guillermo,
ve set up this meeting four times
Mr, 9c Mr. President, in the but we
Words of I adison Avenue, this country now-can you give me some idea when you'll
get around to appointing your delegates?"
must project its image if 'we are to help He hung up the phone and fell back in
freedom and democracy in the battle for his chair. W. Smith groaned and shook
men's minds. his head. "I can't face those women again,"
This body is seldom hesitant to grant' he said helplessly. "You'll have to do it,
your turn."
ose4 who we! _ hope will be our friends Mike Eisenstadt, the cultural anairs omcer,
appeared in the door. "What about the
Itzer is a suostantial piece of equipment, Mr, Smith.., beamed, ".Right. Eighteen
pointed out in d. 's that for
and is easily d emonstra hundred to eleven hundred-how
tion of value received for an expendi-' an upset?"
Lure.' A radio broadcast or a news serv-' Mr. Eisenstadt gave a mock salute and
ice Item in a foreign newspaper are less_ turned' to go. "Tell me later on. I have
The phone rang; a sack of powdered milk,
donated by an American welfare agency,
had been found on the black market and
the story was in-the afternoon paper. The
phone rang again; the USIS office in Quito
was demanding photos of 15 dump trucks
that had arrived that morning from the
United States. While Mr. Shaffer checked
on the milk, Mr. Smith went to see what
had happened to the photos.
He returned with a long face; the film
had not been developed because the photo
lab man had taken a religious holiday. The
receptionist reported that a local journalist,
a friend of Mr. Shaffer, was demanding to
know why he'd been refused a visa to go to
the States. And the women were getting
Out in the hot sun, the cabs rolled back
and forth like animals looking for meat,
honking their horns incessantly at every
walking prospect. Several American tourists
were sitting at P. sidewalk cafe talking
excitedly about a Communist demonstra-
tion the night before. It had been broken
UP "by a cavalry charge through the Plaza
Centepario,- the city's principal park.
At the Phoenix Club, where Anglo-Ameri-
cans gather in the evenings to reaffirm their
solidarity over beer and bridge, an unem-
ployed helicopter pilot was idly tossing darts
at a much-punctured board, killing time
until somebody arrived to keep him com-
pany. For Guayaquil it was a day like any
other day, with a lot to talk about and not
much to do. -
Even at USIS, despite the apparent chaos,
it was a pretty routine day. Nothing had
happened that could not have been pre-
dicted-and at the same time everything had
been unexpected.
The USIS is the oversea arm of the United
States Information Agency, headquartered
in Washington and headed by Edward R.
Murrow. Each year, when Congress is asked
to appropriate new funds for USIS, legisla-
tors want to know: "Why do they need all
that money? What do they do with it?
The agency's reply could easily be lifted
from one of its own pamphlets: "The young
officers, now being recruited, will, carry out
a mission long ago established-to submit
evidence to people of other nations that the
objectives and policies of the United States
are in harmony with and will advance their
legitimate aspirations for freedom, progress,
and peace. They must also be able to coun-
ter hostile propaganda."
Doing things like "countering hostile
propaganda" costs money-especially when
the propaganda is put out by such practiced
craftsmen as the editors of Prensa Latina
(Fidel Castro's news service) and the New
China News Agency, both operative in Ecua-
dor. And money is a commodity USIS offi-
cials would like in greater abundance.
When Mr. Shaffer was program manager
of a radio and TV station in York, Pa., he
points out, the station had an annual budget
of slightly over $300,000. The 1962 USIS
budget for all of Ecuador, by comparison, is
$151,160. And for all of Latin America-20
countries-it's approximately $4 million
with almost one-fifth for Brazil.
These figures are slightly misleading, how-
ever, because the USIS operation in South
America is given a considerable boost by ad-
ditional money spent in Washington. A good
example is the Voice of America-which
comes in very clearly, all over the continent,
7 days a week. The "Voice" transmits reg-
ular broadcasts from Washington, and also
provides taped programs used by 235 local
stations in 16 Latin American countries.
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Another worldwide service is the USIA cause the prodemocratic students were split proffer our hearty cooperation in the work
press wire, which sends out a steady stream into seven or eight factions. of the United Nations.
of news, stories for local papers. These Although USIS maintained a strictly Outside the U.S. Senate Chamber, in which
stories are not so much slanted as selected. handsoff stance, Mr. Smith worked hard in I am privileged to serve, there is a statuary
A recent day's fare, for exam; ie, included private conversations to convince the anti- bust of former U.S. Secretary of State Cordell
coverage of.Ecuadorian President Arosomena Bonini students that their only hope was in Hull, my fellow townsman, friend, and bene-
in New'1 btk; a wrap-up of the previous unity. And Marcello Santos, a stanch pro- factor. On the base of this bust appear these
night's 'T'elstar activity; a report on the Dis- American, upset Bonini by a vote of 1,800 words: "'Father of the United Nations." I
armamei i; Committee meeting in Geneva; to 1,00. know Secretary Hull would have been pleased
and Senate comments on :Puerto Rico's an- Still a third aspect of this personal con- to have foreseen the growth of this organi-
niversary, tact is-a Ui'.IS-sponsored community center zation to a membership more than twice that
,ere's locally Originated Ul3IS material, taking shape in Guayaquil's barrios at its beginning.
too- n4 newspapers welcome it. "Our suburbanos, one of the worst slums in the In common, I believe, with mankind of
functio is propaganda," says Frank Dean, Western Hemisphere. The community cen- the world, the people of the United States
press' b1 Cer in Quito, "but we don't like to ter idea, one of the biggest factors in the regard with hope, not unmixed with awe, the
use that term because.. of its unfortunate _ U W progrs.m, is basically aself-help con- marvelous growth of the United Nations or-
connotation." cept: The people of some community- ganization. Today we welcome to member-
Whatever` the material is called, how- usaliy a lower class one- et together and ship four nations, each newly possessed of
ever, VSIS places a lot of it. T!ie Guayaquil undertake projects to lift themselves up by the fruits of self-determination, real inde-
branch, distributing to 3 local papers the bootstraps. Usually this involves build- pendence, and genuine national sovereignty.
and 18 in the coastal provinces, placed 12,540 ing houses or schools. Two of these countries rest in the midst of
inches during June alone. Mr. Dean's office For sometime, Guayaquil has had a make- a sunny ocean close to our shore.
,in Quito, serving 3 papers In the caps- shift center functioning in several rooms of Two of them are nestled in the majestic
tal and 31 in the mountain provinces, racked a barrios municipal school. Now land has reaches of the central African highlands,
up another 13,000 inches. been donated for a new building, and roughly . almost half a world away. Yet; for all the
What kind of propaganda? In Guayaquil, $12,000 has been pledged" to build the strut- distance that separates them Ruanda and
the June breakdown included 1,396 inches of ture. Some of, this money will come from Jamaica, Trinidad-Tobago and Burundi
science news (space achievements, medicine, USIS; most, plus the land donation, comes share a Common strain of blood and .expert-
and so on); 464 on 11.S. .foreign from local American and Ecuadorian bust- ence. And today, joining with us in the
policy; 2,370 on "inter-Anneriaan subjects" nessmen. I,ast month, a Peace Corps con- U.N. each of them makes a commitment to
(Organization of American States activity, tingent arrived to help build the center and the single community of man which in
news from other countries) ; 404 on sports, get it underway. previous epochs was obscured and hidden,
snd 1,934: on "Cultural, Educational and During the day of apparent chaos at USIS but which today is plain for all to see and
Agricultural subjects," a catch-all category described earlier, Mr. Smith was trying for which best explains why each of us and all
covering everything from Pal to Casals to the fourth time to set up a meeting of the the countries we represent are here.
trenchmo':Ith In the Argentine, center's board of directors. Three earlier _ So, Mr. President, on behalf of my coun-
LOCAL SUBJECTS GIVEN SIC, PLAY attempts had failed, because the business- trymen and the President of the United
There's outright anti-COmmtxrxist maters- men's representatives had not appeared. States I congratulate and welcome the rep-
al, too, of course-2,103 inches of, it, ixiclud- Now the fot:rth meeting would also be called resentatives of Ruanda, Jamaica, Trinidad-
ing photo stories on the Berlin wall, food off. The only people on hand were the three Tobago and Burundi.
rationing in Cuba, famine in China, and so women from the barrios suburbanos, and
forth, And the month's biggest news Cate- somebody bad to tell them it was another
gory is local subjects (3,3:(7 inches), which false alarm. TRANSACTION OF ADDITIONAL
means stories from Guayaquil and the nearby Getting people to honor appointments is ROUTINE BUSINESS
provinces. Most of these cent t,k on the AI- only one of the USIS's frustrations in
By unanimous consent
the following
for qua- - Guayaquil. Another, pro
fiance for Progress, what it means
dor, and specific ways it's be.:ng put into is trying to convince them they can solve additional routine business was trans-
effect. their own problems. Progress is slow, and all acted:.
A tremendous amount of USIS effort goes Of it come:; in spite of daily Communist
-harassment. The people themselves are
Into what thehandbook calls p reone cox;- often exasperating; there is never enough ADDITIONAL BILL INTRODUCED
tact. This is a "gray, uncertain area where money; and sometimes a tiny detail will
imagination, quick wits, and a good sense of stall entire program. An additional bill was introduced, read
humor Cain tip the balance ' between triumph by unanimous Cori-
Anyo Anyone In Guayaquil for any length of the first time, and, b
and disaster. If the businessman of Guaya- time, though, is encouraged by what he sees. sent, the second time, and referred, as
quil didn't respect Mr. Shaffer, for instance, It is on this sort of level-in the barrios follows:
he couldn't have reduced the J"oice_of Moe- and the daily papers and local student else- By Mr. HART:
cow" to financial ruin in a few E.hort weeks-'
Lions-that the battle to make democracy S. 3729. A bill for the relief of Wilhelm
-rile stabion was a steady outlet Ior Prensa lost.
Latina material. Its viewpoint was patently
anti-American, yet most of its advertising RESOLUTION
revenue was coming from representatives of ADDRESS BY SENATOR GORE BE- I
American-owned firms .wl;oxe, interests clo FORE THE UNITED NATIONS GEN-
not lie in exactly the same area, as those of NECESSARY TO DEAL WITH COM-
Presna .La.tina. ERAL ASSEMBLY
SPONSORS QUICKLY 1wiTSWRAW Mr. MONRONEY. Mr. President, this submitted a resolution (S.
-So Mr. Shaffer became a regular listener afternoon our colleague, Senator GORE, Mr
with a tape recorder. "In 5 days," he says, made his first address as a member of Res. tArmed uth the President to
"I picked up one open denunciation of our the U.S. delegation to the United Na- use . . SCOTT TT submitted
the where Forces to of deal the with the
point 4 program; one of Irv' "Rubenstein, tion8.
the point ,'4 labor representative; one of It was a, message of congratulations Communist buildup in Cuba, which was
the Peace Corps; one of the Alliance for and welcome to four new members of referred to the Committees on Foreign
Relations and Armed Services, jointly, as
-Progress; and, one of the Ernpressa Electrica, the U.N. :Because of its importance in
a U.S.-owied light and power oompany-all follows'
rowth of this organization I com- follows:
preceded and followed by advertisements for the growth'
American products," mend Senator GoRE's statement .for the Whereas President James Monroe, an-
He then notified the companies involved, information of the Senate. pouncing the Monroe Doctrine in 1823, de-
asking if they were aware of what their ad- I ask unanimous consent to have the clared eider to the Congress that we should con-
eider attempt on the part of European
vertising dollars were sponsorini;. They were address by Senator GORE printed in the powers "to extend their system to any por-
not, but they quickly withdrew their com- RECORD at this point as a part of my tion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our
mereials. _ remarks. peace and safety"; and
Another example of improvised USIS There being no objection, the state- Whereas in the Rio Treaty of 1947 the
work was a recent election for the presi- meet was ordered to be printed in the parties agreed that "an armed attack by
dency of the Guayaquil chapter of FEUE, the any state against an American state shall national association of university students RECORD, as follows: be considered as an attack against all the
Mr. Smith, who does a lot oC work with STATEMENT BY SENATOR GORE American states, and, consequently, each
various student"groups, was convinced that Mr. President, on behalf of the United one of the said contracting parties under
Luis Bonini, a rabid Leftist, was going to States it is a pleasure to congratulate you, takes to assist in meeting the attack in the
win-not because he had a majority, but be- Mr. President, upon your election and to exercise of the inherent right of individual
Approvedi sr:Release 2007 01729-- `CIA-RDP64B00346R000200150015-1
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or collective self-defense recognized by ar-
ticle 51 of the Charter of the United Na-
tions"; and
Whereas in the Rio Treaty of 1947 the
Parties further agreed that: "If the in-
.violability or the integrity of the territory
or the sovereignty or political independence
of any American state should be affected
by an aggression which is not an armed at-
tack or by an extracontinental or intra-
continental conflict, or by any other fact or
situation that might endanger the peace of
America, the Organ of Consultation shall
meet immediately in order to agree on the
measures which must be taken in case of
aggression to assist the victim of the ag-
gression or, in any case, the measures which
should be taken for the common defense
and for the maintenance of the peace and
security of the Continent"; and
Whereas in the Rio Treaty of 1947 the
Parties ' further agreed that "the measures
on which the Organ of Consultation may
agree will comprise one or more of the fol-
lowing: recall of chiefs of diplomatic mis-
sions; breaking of diplomatic relations;
breaking of consular relations; partial or
complete interruption of economic relations
or of rail, sea, air, postal, telegraphic, tele-
phone, and radiotelephonic or radio-
telegraphic communications; and use of
armed force"; and
Whereas the Charter of the Organization
of American States, signed in Bogota in 1948,
states: "If the inviolability or the integrity
of the territory or the, sovereignty or politi-
cal independence of any American state
should be affected by an armed attack or
by an act of aggression that is not an armed
attack, or by an extracontinental conflict,
or by a conflict between two or more Ameri-
can states, or by any other fact or situation
that might endanger the peace of America,
the American states, in furtherance of the
principles of continental solidarity or collec-
tive self-defense, shall apply the measures
and procedures established in the special
treaties on the subject"; and
Whereas the Foreign Ministers of the Or-
ganization of American States at Punta del
Este in January 1962 unanimously declared:
"The present Government of Cuba has identi-
fled itself with the principles of Marxist-
Leninist Ideology, has established a political
economic, and social system based on that
doctrine, and accepts military assistance
from extracontinental Communist powers,
Including even the threat of military inter-
vention in America on the part of the Soviet
Union"; and
Whereas the international Cquununist
movement is increasingly extending into
Cuba and its political, economic, and mili-
e 2007/01/20: CIA-RDP64B00346R000200150015-1
Whereas the Government of Cuba is now
a part of the international Communist move-
mend, defined by the Caracas Conference of
1954 as of "anti-democratic nature and
* * * interventionist tendency * * * in-
compatible with the concept of the Ameri-
can freedom."; and
Whereas the Declaration of Caracas con-
demned the activities of the international
Communist movement as constituting inter-
vention in American affairs and expressed
the determination of the American States to
take the necessary measures to protect their
political independence against the interven-
tion of international communism, acting in
the interests of an alien despotism: Now,
therefore, be it
Resolved, That it is the sense of the Sen-
ate that the President of the United Staten
in addition to his authority as Chief Execu-
tive, is specifically authorized to employ the
Armed Forces of the United States as he
deems necessary-
(a) to prevent by whatever means may be
necessary, including the use of arms, the
Castro regime from exporting its aggres-
sive purposes to any part of this hemisphere
by force or the threat of force;
(b) to prevent in Cuba the creation or
use of an externally supported offensive mil-
itary base capable of endangering the United
States naval base at Guantanamo, free pas-
sage to the Panama Canal, United States
missile and space preparations or the secu-
rity of this Nation and its citizens;
(c) to work with other free citizens of this
hemisphere and with freedom-loving Cuban
refugees to support the legitimate aspira-
tions of the people of Cuba for a return to
self-determination; and
(d) to use such measures as may be nec-
essary to halt, Impede or counter the build-
up of Cuba with Communist arms as a Com-
munist military base, including the use of
economic and military boycott and blockade.
Mr. KERR proposed an amendment to
the bill (H.R. 11970) to promote the gen-
eral welfare, foreign policy, and secu-
rity of the United States through inter-
national trade agreements and through
adjustment assistance to domestic indus-
try, agriculture, and labor, and for other
purposes, which was ordered to be
Mr. WILLIAMS of Delaware submitted
an amendment in the nature of a sub-
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,titute for the amendment of Mr. KERR
to House bill 11970, supra, which was
ordered to be printed.
Under authority of the order of the
Senate of September 14, 1962, the names
Mr. JACKSON were added as additional
cosponsors of the resolution (S. Res. 392)
to express the sense of the Senate on
International Conference on the Conser-
vation of Fishery Resources, which was
submitted by Mr. MAGNUSON (for him-
self and other Senators) on September
14, 1962.
Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I
move, pursuant to the previous order,
that the Senate stand in adjournment
until 12 o'clock noon today.
The motion was agreed to; and (at 12
o'clock and 20 minutes a.m. on Wednes-
day, September 19, 1962) the Senate ad-
journed, pursuant to the previous order,
until 12 o'clock meridian of the same day.
Executive nominations confirmed by
the Senate, September 18, 1962:
Gienn T. Seaborg, of California, to be the
Representative of the United States of Amer-
ica to the sixth session of the General Con-
ference of the International Atomic Energy
The following-named persons to be Alter-
nate Representatives of the United States of
America to the sixth session of the General
Conference of the International Atomic En-
ergy Agency:
Henry DeWolf Smyth, of New Jersey.
Robert E. Wilson, of Illinois.
James T. Ramey, of Illinois.
William I. Cargo, of Florida.
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America's greatest Invention was a crea-
ture of compromise from start to finish, and
yet the invention created a strong Central
Government, and protected the liberty of
citizens and retained', the authority of the
William Gladstone said the U.S. Constitt}-
tion,was the greatest work ever struck off
by the mind of man.
Considering the obstacles, the rivalries,
open warfare, suspicion among the States, It
is all the more remarkable that the Cor1-
vention of 1787 should have produced this
"Fifth Symphony" of statesmanship. As
Washington had predicted the event was in
the hand of God,
Surely a power greater than man contrived
to resolve the antagonisms of the day and
to inspire those 39 men to create in this
greatest of all American inventions a shield
for liberty that would survive the test of
time and become an example for others to
Here indeed was raised a standard to whic i
the wise and honest can repair-In 1787-
and in 1962. 119w fully we understand and
appreciate this great charter will determine
In large measure how well we fulfill our
stewardship in keeping high the torch of
The great historian of the period, John
Fiske, concluding his study entitled "The
Critical Period of American History," had
this to say: "In some future still grandeur
convention?we trust the same thing will be
done between States that have been wholly
sovereign, whereby peace may gain and vi-, diminished over other lands that
this which has set the example.
Fiske wrote these words .80 years ago. And
today leaders in both political parties speak
hopefully and confidently of this stillgrander convention Fiske foretold.
"Sail on, 0 ship of state. .
Sail on, Union strong and free.
HiAmanity in all its fears
In all its hopes for future years
Hangs breathless on thy, fate."
Tuesci'ay, September 1..8,1962
Mr. ENGLE. Mr. President, I am glad
that Walter Lipplnann, with his usual
Clarity and. good sense, has spoken up
on the Cuba issue. 'I commend his ar_;
ticle appearing today-in the Washington
Post to the attention: of my colleagues-
and ask unanimous consent that the ar.
title .be printed in the Appendix of the
There being no objection, the article
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,,
(By Walter Lippmannj
deployment of aircraft and tanks and artil-
There may be some doubt whether we have
located every missile site in the vastness of
the Soviet Union. But in Cuba, unless our
cameras are failing us, we are completely
As a result, we are quite able to know about
the development of anything like a Soviet
missile base directed against the United
States, and what may be more realistic, we
are able to spot anything like an expedition-
ary force against Cuba's neighbors in the
islands and in the Caribbean.
Our policy at the present is to keep our-
selves completely informed, and to wait and
see whether Castro and his Soviet helpers
do any overt act, against the United States
or its neighbors. Beyond this, there is no
serious action the United States can taken
to remove him that would not. be an act of
The United States is, of course, able easily
to blockade Cuba. But stopping ships under
threat of seizure or sinking would be an act
of war not only against Cuba but against
the Soviet Union. For we would be seizing
or sinking Soviet ships.
The invasion of Cuba would, of course, be
an act of war against Cuba. To be sure, the
United States could easily win a war against
Cuba. We could close the Cuban ports
within a few hours and we could occupy very
quickly Havana and a few big cities. The
countryside might be another story.
But what we could not be sure of doing is
to prevent the retaliatory moves to which we
would have laid ourselves wide open, moves
against Berlin, or against Turkey, or against
For we would have acted on the rule that
a possible threat against our security or our
interests justifies us in going to war.
We would be saying that because Cuba,
which is only 90 miles away, Is in the grip
of an unfriendly European power, we have
a right to blockade or occupy the island;
we would be saying too that the Soviet
Union has no such right to act against the
American military positions in Turkey, Iran,
Pakistan, right on her own frontier.
Let us not fool ourselves. Such an argu-
ment will not wash. It would be rejected,
probably even laughed at, not only by all
neutrals but by powerful elements among
our closest allies.
There are some who think foreign opinion
doesn't matter. But when it comes to war,
it means a great deal to the belligerent who
is for him and who is against him. We
could go to war if Castro injures us. But we
cannot go to war, even against Castro, be-
cause of what he may conceivably do in the
We cannot wage a preventive war against
Castro without establishing the rule that
a preventive war is legitimate against . our
military position in Berlin, Turkey, Iran,
Pakistan, Thailand, South Vietnam, Tai-
wan, Okinawa, South Korea and Japan.
It is true, of course, that the Soviet lodg-
ment in Cuba is a 'gross violation of the
Monroe Doctrine. Yet we cannot invoke the
Monroe Doctrine. Why not?
The Monroe Doctrine declares that "any
interposition" by a European power in this
hemisphere would be "the manifestation of
an unfriendly disposition toward the United
But, and this is the crucial point, the
American claim for the isolation of the West-
ern Hemisphere was coupled with a renun-
ciation of American interest in the Eastern
Hemisphere: "In the wars of the European
powers in matters relating to themselves we
have never taken any part, nor does it com-
port with our policy so to do."
This fundamental passage in Monroe's
message is, of course, a 'restatement of the
principle laid down by Washington In his
Although there are some who say that we
are doing nothing about Cuba, the fact is
that we are'doing just about everything that.
';Can be done .short of going to war.
-Be- gides the economic embargo, we are
keeping the island 'under surveillance. We
are watching every ship that comes to and
goes from the island, and we are keeping a
close watch on the loading and unloading
of these ships. We have accurate and cur-
rent records of building operations and 'the
farewell address: "Europe has a set of pri-
mary interests which to us have none, or a
very remote relation."
This basis of the Monroe Doctrine disap-
peared in the 20th century, in the two World
Wars, the Korean war, and the cold war,
We cannot Invoke the Monroe Doctrine
without, meeting the question of what we
are doing all over. Europe and Asia.
Our right to put Cuba under surveillance,
and if necessary to blockade and invade
it, rests not on the Monroe Doctrine but
on the elementary right of a people to in-
sure its own security.
For two centuries the British felt that
way about the occupation of Belgium by an
unfriendly power. The Russians felt that
way about Turkey. This right can, how-
ever, be exercised only when there is a clear
and present danger.
Castro isan insulting nuisance but is
not, and is not now remotely capable of
becoming a clear and present danger to the
United States. So we must practice watch-
ful waiting, and hold ourselves in readi-
ness, never for a moment forgetting the
vastly greater dangers elsewhere.
In a time of watchful waiting, Congress
and the newspapers are compelled to re-
member that the President is conducting a
delicate and dangerous operation, and that
he is seriously interferred with if he is forced
to dot every "i" and to cross every "t" in
advance of a decision.
The President should not be asked to say
whether he will go to war. He should not
be driven to say that he won't go to war.
A certain mystery and uncertainty are
desirable, and will be deterrent to our ad-
Role of Lawyer in Alliance for Progress
Tuesday, September 18; 1962
Mr. O'HARA of Illinois. Mr. Speaker,
perhaps no organization has as potent
an influence on hemispheric thinking as
the Inter-American Bar Association.
William Roy Vallance is the secretary
general of the association. Mr. Valiance
retired a year or so ago after an out-
standingly distinguished career with the
State Department.
By unanimous consent, I am extending
my remarks to include an address by
F. V. Garcia-Amador at a meeting of the
Inter-American Bar.Association on Sep-
tember 13, 1962, at the National Lawyers'
Club in Washington. Mr. Garcia-Ama-
dor' Is the Director of the Department of
Legal Affairs of the Organization of
American States.
His address follows:
The great undertaking in the hemisphere
today, the one to which all our attention is
turned, is the Alliance for Progress. As you
are well aware, the Alliance for Progress pro-
grams for economic development and social
-improvement are of such magnitude that
profound transformations in the legal insti-
tutions of the Latin American countries are
inevitable. As a matter of fact, these
changes, particularly as to land reform and
taxation, are explicitly contemplated in the
Punta del Este Charter. The question which
concerns us is what is the role of the lawyer
in this. program? What can we do to aid the
transformation and adaptation of the exist-
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Ing legal institutions so that they can better There are also the problems of commer-
-serve the ends and the aims of the Alliance? cial law, techniques of public control of
We, at the Pan American 17nioll, occupy a
very strategic role in the development of the
Alliance. Vrehave the facilities of the entire
hemisphere at our disposal, and we can speak
In an imppasrtial voice to the entire hemi-
sphere. We recognize our role; we recognize
our responsibilities. It is, howe'7er, so vast
an undertaking that we cannot possibly be-
gin'to do fi; all ourselves. To the contrary;
it is a never=ending task in which the more
help we will have, tfie more we will have to
do. That is why the most important thing
which I have to say- to you tdday is that we
of the legal department at the Pan American
Union welcome your help. We welcome your
poly and restraint of trade about which you
here have so much to teach us. The prob-
lem of expropriations and of nationaliza-
tions is one which will be with us for a
long time. ICow can this be handled in a
fair manner with aggravating international
tensions? W:nat can the law do to promote
and facilitate the flow of capital across na-
tional border. ?
What means can be devised for encourag-
ing small business while, at the same time,
preventing fradulent operators and profes-
sional manipulators from taking advantage
of those laws? What are the possibilities
suggestions your cooperation. We welcome ` for protecting international creditors, im-
y'ou and invite you to join with us in attack-' proving the security of secured transactions?
log these problems which muss; be-solved Is there a possibility for paving the legal
before the political stability and well-being road to international security transactions
of our entire hemisphere is to be secure. ? in stocks and bonds so that private investors
What are some of these problems? Let may be encouraged to put their money into
me name a few to you. To begin at the base the public securities of foreign firms? What
of the structure there are the iegei rights about labor law and protection for honest,
and, role of the new national plaamin$ agen- responsible labor unions?
ties'. These agencies are comparatively new There are, gentlemen; all these and more,
in administrative law. Whit is-their-legal I haven't even begun to mention the poe-
status to be? What will their ad inistrative sibilities in banking regulations; improve-
tble be? Are they to be created simply to ment of Jud'cial procedures and remedies
snake recommendations, formulate' plans, both within the individual countries and in
and then disintegrate? Should' they' take international intercourse; improvement of
the form of an overall commission on the the civil service laws; the problems of the law
grder of the great Tennessee 'Galley Authority of civil-rights; methods for improving the
here in this country? Is it better, in the election laws and procedures, and many oth-
alternative, that they become some sort of ers. Some of these problems are already
superagencj7 to oversee and administer other being dealt with in respect to individual
agencies which will carry out the work? If countries; In others general studies are well
them to insure that their plans and recom-
mendations are properly carried out? Will
they be able to investigate, to ~aorrect and
compel? Should they be insulated from
political pressures and influence? And if
that is a desirable end, how can it be accom-
plished? We have here, you seta, a myriad
of problems, relating to this one initial aspect
of the program, the purpose, role, and func-
tioning of the development agency itself.
In the. substantive field, the list is poten-
tially endless, and it touches ail phases of
economic activity and coop/)ratlon. To
mention just a few there is the pressing
problem of agrarian reform. What are the
different., possibilities in fair and equitable
yet uncumbersome agrarian reform laws?
that legal protection can be devised for the
new land owners, many of whom will be
illiterate, against those who mad seek to
take advantage of them, while, at the same
time, safeguarding bona fide cred:Ltors' rights.
Bow shall the new programs of agricultural
credit be administered and protected?
What about insuring good title, and sim-
nary studies will have to be made. There
are no general solutions which will serve in
all countries. The existing record will have
to be detailed so that we can know the exist-
ing situation in all of the Latin American
States. This means research and digging at
a moment when we have little time for re-
search and digging. We must begin to act,
but we have also to understand fully the
kind of action we must take, We must know
what we are talking about-what problems
we are facing-and what we are going to do
about it. We must acquaint the lawyers
of the hemisphere with these problems.
This means discussion, seminars, exchange of
We at the legal department of the Pan
American Un',on are getting ready to under-
take a vast 'grogram in this sphere. It is
simmering now, and we invite you to join
with us in making it a` reality. We invite
your suggestions and proposals of topics,
plans of action, and methods of disseminat-
ing our call to the lawyers of the hemisphere.
plifying methods for clearing title? You have a conference scheduled in Panama
to tax law, I don't have to S[ scribe tI e , early '-next year. That conference could
problems to you. Even the most developed make a tremendous contribution to our prog-
1'developed countries havx their share of ress and we should like very much to discuss
problems here.
uit the needs of the Latin Amer- wthe ho possibilities responsible for it. of your officers
It. Together, let us
lean nations: Direct taxes as you have. In hope, we can begin to chip away at the tre-
the United. States, or indirect? What are mendous task in front of us,
the rights to be established to ascertain
that all levels of Government;, National,
State, and local, get their proportional share
of the revenues,, and to what extent is it
possible to insure: that these revenues are
properly allocated on the local `