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.INCOMING TfEORAMor Rel% W ftpDo f5,C(F OOQV0130041-8 76 4-L Action EUR FROM:Moscow Info SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION Control: 5627 Recd: January 15, 1953 7.21 p.m. SS TO: Secretary of State G NO: 1040, January 15, 9 p.m. GER NEA FE' UN DEPARTMENT PASS LONDON, PARIS BONN. SENT DEPARTMENT 1010, IINA REPEATED INFORMATION LONDON 118, PARIS 339, BONN 197- CIA-- .ARMY Have completed formal calls on Foreign Office and seen most _OSD chiefs diplomatic missions. While I indicated readiness call AIR on whomever he desired, Protocol chief suggested only Malik NM and USA affairs officer Bazykin, not (repeat not) mentioning SAM Vishinsky, whom I have not (repeat not) asked to see. Except p for three long interviews convoked by Malik, who alleged USA PSB delay in providing plumbing for new building, Foreign Office conversations were confined to polite exchanges with no (repeat no) reference political problems. Speculation, which is chief activity diplomatic corps, centers at present on possible new USA moves Far East and on Soviet, reaction in coming TJSA administration. Anti-Anlerican campaign. has shown no (repeat no) relaxation except to continue to exempt General Eisenhower and his associates from advice and attacks. Hard, skeptical line is taken by British and Commonwealth repre- sentatives who, although acknowled ing Soviet political activity in waiting posture, see as yet no.(repeat no) concrete evidence change Soviet policy of intransigence and enmity to West. New Turkish Ambassador believes Soviets will make no (repeat no) basic concession unless forced by danger of war, which they desire avoid at all costs. He considers Soviets satisfied with USA commitment in Far Eastern war without similar involvement themselves and feels they will be encouraged in divide and con- quer' tactics by what he regards as Western retreat last NATO meeting. Following Soviet rejection UN prisoner of war resolu- tion, Indian Ambassador, who is man independent thinking. also' forsees small hope immediate change. He claims certain.`ow'ledge Chinese were ready accept face-saving solution whereby they would disinterest themselves in numerical proportion prisoners of war in Korea, but he admits he made no (repeat no) headway in1 -ap rO ch to Chinese colleague here, who consistently maintained USA blocked settlement. Indian Ambassador of opinion Kremlin persuaded Chinese prisoner of war agreement would not (repeat not)''. produce settlement Far Eastern problems at this time. Indian more balanced than some neutralist colleagues like$urpese and Iranian, who regard world conflict as chief responsibility of US and EPRODUCTION FROM THIS Approved For Rele T/O Ail2[ 5 @ 500130041-~OPV, IF CLASSIFIED, IS State Dept. declassification instructions on file PROHIBITED Approved For Release 2002/07/22 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000500130041-8 SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION -2- 1.040, January 15, 9 P.M., from Moscow of US and USSR, within power of each to stop. Portrayal by Soviet press of USA as chief antagonist has obviously produced some effect local diplomatic circles, as it may have elsewhere. British Ambassador concerned about impression Soviets have succeeded in creating of isolated US position., and he feels other countries freely subscribing to Western system and accept- ing USA aid should voluntarily or through suggestion defend USA motives as common to all. Middle ground of pure theory and speculation is adopted by the French and Italian colleagues who, while acknowledging Russian strategy of subversion and. confusion will continue, nevertheless feel coming year may produce some flexibility in Soviet tactics. Stalin. replies to Reston interview are cited as possible first maneuver aimed yield results any one of which would be advantage- ous to Kremlin. (1) Stalin has made peaceful gesture, rejection of which would be USA responsibility; (2) USA leading role in' any future discussions with Soviets would be admission of res can sibility provoking doubt and discord. amore; Allies; (3) should" great power discussions eventuate after successful preparation, Soviets might propose over-all modus vivendi which would doom development Western defense and permit them consolidate their bloc and relieve their economy. As to pivotal question of ' Germany, one theory is advanced that Soviets might be prepared to concede that total of German forces in both Eastern and Western zones be kept militarily inferior to those of France. French Ambassador, who is entirely skeptical Soviet intentions, feels, however, Russians may produce new maneuver capitalize on recent evidences Western division. While not (repeat not) in- alined to believe Stalin is sentimentalist he thinks Stalin' nevertheless retains great respect for Allied wartime associates and might wish to renew contacts with Churchill and General" Eisenhower in attempt to produce a relaxation of tension aril vigilance useful for Soviet ends. Above presented as summary various local opinions rather than Embassy view, which remains one of reserved skepticism pen.,ng Soviet reaction to events of next few weeks, which in turn" ay yield clearer indication Soviet tactics. Re domestic affairs observers report noticeable physical improve- ment, particularly last two months, due availability conse goods from satellites which has helped city population clothe themselves not (repeat not) stylishly, but warmly and fairly` .adequately. Foreigners making recent trips state individual' Russians seem to accept propaganda re USA aggression in Far'East but apparently without much bitterness as yet since they do riot (repeat not) regard themselves as directly involved. No (repeat no) signs hostility to Western representatives in Moscow a-ad feeling only occasionally evident at anti-US plays attended"' by model Soviet workers. Compared to the sullen individualistic Approved For Rele se 2002/07/22 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000500130141-8 oppos ion of SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION Approved For Releis ? p( 25 1~- TC5-0070RMAT5 130041-8 -3- 1040, January 15, 9 p..m., from Moscow opposition of Yugoslavs, Moscow city population seems accustomed accept moral debasement and demands communism in more business- like manner with principal aim of staying out of trouble. In Moscow at least, national pride and dread of another war seem diluted by atmosphere of artificial calm prevailing in storm center of world conflict. Corruption and inefficiency almost daily criticized in press and administration is held to have sufficient experience and momentum to produce at least most planned results. Deficiencies attacked in current propaganda drive are those inherent in system itself where state is only and harshest employer. Anti-Semitic action at first regarded by some observers as primarily aimed, with subsidiary purpose of appealing to Germans and Arabs, at type of Jewish intellectual whose mime., manner of discussion and international interest do not (repeat not) submit readily to regidity Communist doctrine. Many now (repeat now) fearful however that unless checked, anti-Semitism will extend to mistreatment Jewish population in cities and Ukraine. Troubles underlying Slansky and Moscow doctor's trials apparently suffi- ciently serious to warrant Communists taking measures forfeiting leftwing liberal support to which peace congresses intended to appeal. Although extent to which Moscow doctor's may have ramifications among top hierarchy is uncertain, effects of suggested disciplinary and vigilance measures, which. in themselves may reflect expectation of intensified enmity with West, may be far-reaching among certain classes, and a few observers report some general uneasiness. These stresses which are possibly fur- ther evidenced in running press dispute over economic theory cannot (repeat not) but help diminish show of strength and sta- bility staged at party congress. As yet they do not (repeat not) seem to have tarnished the facade of Stalin's recent public appearances where his commanding stature contrasts strongly with the relative lack of appeal other leaders. BA:SJM-10 NOTE: Passed to London, Paris, Bonn 1/15/53, 8:15 p.m., GC. Approved For Re RAQO _tNI~l 4d1t 8 R~00500130041-8