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December 9, 2016
Document Release Date:
May 4, 2001
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Publication Date:
January 26, 1955
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DIA Declassification/Release Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIAI-~~~~g0~0~Q~037-2 ter-Air, Lt Colonel N,i3d-ail Guirine his wife, m~ xife and m~aelf" wt put.~eaial affairs Celenel Guirine has"been,pl4aeanQ_but rer.~~~ ~er-ed; His vile has inl~ e~ng'age~~ in eonvsraatiena 'xith ink wife ;c and agaelt ea twr ether osetaien*" 3~4 the past txe ,and: orrnr halt ~e,u Heinver, an this particular night-the Guiriadd were extremely ,~: 'aftaDL sad vent cut et their va7 to engage aenverswtioa,>~?'~F Hse. vent a~ far a^ t? arses the large room at the Ankara-" Talaa to greet uq vile. ~: ~ _ .,_r ~~ _., ~ .y.tpairine and I engaged in a oenveraatlon ?t .a-light nature iwsLl~ plwantriea during the, evening until the, time. a;~ baftet,~,''{, capper vas wrTed-Kra. Guiriaa and ~~r4? Vei~~ partibip'ated iti~ eenv~raatiea Upei, passing int the dirliiig roost Rn~;Dptaiii~.rlg''~'; aupper,Krs. Veigt'and"fFlr~,c#uiriiis'trent baefc, into a rsaend:'roes~ rher~ tablei and ahaira i-siv, leeatrd and'had ` auDDer ~'teaetktir ~"~ } ~~~ ".Col Guirine`engaged fn aemeraation with eth~r'attaehes "~ (~ogliahmDtttch-Amer.). chile I did the aacu with acme ilirkiah A13 ., ,, Forty eSficsra, _ , (C~i arron t~klgRANLUM'DATE~1 JANIIARX-_26,* ]~9 _ qb lendy 17 Ja:cuar! 1955 t2u Chief of Ints111genoA~ _Tiirkisl; a~nera2 Staff, Brig General Pertev gekfe,gav~:a,ceaktail parts atr; ;r the -nkara Palaa fop all of the ;~jttachea Turkej pl;ta ke ; Turlc~i.1 militai7 effioiala. tl ~. ~~x ~.~'t~~? t ~ ~ -~~ ~a -eF~~'~d~}., ~ . .~~ - ,~~ ,~;~. it was aeticed that the ~tuea'i ~t aa~ie were present .iu ?, fera~-plus their wives, It xaa further acted that all Ruaaiaw '~? 4: Attaclus plus the wives xere ?ztremelT cordial and engaged in aoa< veraatiea xith everJene at the partT, ~+ 1'. One of -the moat netewerth~ ~eb~ervatiena regarding the ltiaesiari {aotieaia during the evening involved the Msistant :.SlitarJ.Attaohe' tea. nb:_ L)a{a Nom ~; I+ggNil, ' Lt. bel. Voght, ` Aoting Air Attache .,r ~,,, '~Y; ~, Tqt *smbasat 'tor. tlendella ` b. ~, x~? _ :d.. _ 2 senatantl~ watched :tits. Voigt and ::ra. Guirine t? ebaerti. an7 aotioa b~ ether mambera of the Russian group t~ Join. the tx~~ ladies>theie vac neuxe. ... 4 ~' a?~~~~~r~~~_~ .-`-;4I belisira -the ?s~gnif aaaae;if~ the ?adaver~it ast ire*,~t t'h~x~~ tao~.'t'hat ,during the entire , etletiing rro,{o~her ~smb~r; ,ef. the ~tusaiatt gr+up~ attempted to join: Col Guirine'and` misa"Lf ar ~~;ra. Veigt and,, . M~r~",Guirine during these prolengei oondaraatiena. ~speciallTT ' Interesting aloe xaa the teat that .:ra. 3uirlne felt free to lia+ii' the Bain dining,reem for a table in a aide roost to have dinned '' with an American woman, without there being a sixsgle Rusalaa Li th Approved For Release 2001/08/27 :CIA-RDP65-007568000600040037-2