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NOV 21953+ T ; v For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000100260092-4 Kili: GT 9 x Adenauer Says U. S. Showed Fear atVall' By MARGUERITE HIGGINS "I believe," sslr- l?" Adeusu- 6p 101 to Tas atsr 'er, that Americans i.e clearly BONN. Nov. 3-Dr. Konrad th't Germany Is the key to Eu-, Adenauer, who has retired rot'' If that key falls into bads hands, it will be bad for Eu- f"ct!t the West German than' rope." turlloishtp Kitt emphatically not The two-hour interview was. fruit the international political the first the 88-year-old states- fray. ,tvs America chewed it- man has granted to an Amer- st It "too much atraid" of the can newspaper since he retin-i C'cmmunists at the time of the quished the chancellorship to, e: ^, lion of the Berlin wall in Ludwig Erhard. August, 1961. 1 first met Dr. Adenauer, ins ;as a result of American fears, the late a u in in e r of 1945 In the chancellor said. Bonn- Berlin. A mutual friend. Ernst' Wasninacon relations reached, j,emmer, who later became a t 11F it lowest ebb at that ttme.;hl,zh official himself. r e c o m- peakiroa out frankly on mended Dr. Adenauer. then a matters on which he had kept mere 70 years old, as an up- Iilrut chile Tice in Germany's German politician. h i it h e s t office, Dr. . Adena Adenaue-? -- - reediled In an exclusive Inter- We shared a (1111Tler of spar view that "for 60 hours after, and mashed pota:.oes. :he Berlin wall began to go up.i Now times h:1vv chanced. but the mayor of Berlin could not not Dr. Adenauer. His :tare, g1 t any response out of Wash-; austere a p p e a r a n c e is only inpton. slightly different and his vigor- -Perhaps if some sort of pro. astonishing. He r c n1 a i n!4. of te: t or action had been taken course. an important power as at once, the Russians might; head of the majority Christian have backed down. But for 601D e m o c rat I c Party and also: hours absolutely nothing hap-serves as a member of Parlia- pencd Even though the Rus- mdrtt. sians had broken their treaties I Khrushchev Fears China War anti erected the wall, the Amer- icai s put up with it. f Dr. Adenauer revealed t tali 'The Americans even tried to as Ion ago as 195.5 3 o v i e t tell us it was a good thing be- Premier Khri chchcv spoke to cause the flow of refugees wa3.1+im frank:y of fears chat one stopped. The German p e o p 1 e day Russia might find itself at' 'mere horrified. It was a ire- .vnr with Rrd China. The con-' :ner,rlous success for Moscow. vvtsation occurred during an The Americans were too touch' official visit the former chan al;;ltd. You cannot imagine the cellos made to Moscow, despair of the German people." U: Adenauer expressed the ;or.\ fiction that "Russia cannot Questions Cuban Success fi afford var." Or. A d e n a u e r was risked Sc "long as the United States r m a is c P l I r whether the success a year lat- realizes that it as the main tar- The f er of the Cuban confrontation get f the r',ovlet TJnion aid doubted that ?.Tr i{! sus .c1 ~" did not in effect even the score, that its interests in resisting w on i d take an:. 1,, anin;ri' more or less, with the Russians. R ;1 s i a is encroachments are .,tops to lessor) ' t;r' ~ '!d war ;- 'Was Cuba really a success, " ,',lcal kviti: those of Europe, cent to ::et It .j I it wiiat it. nr. Adenauer countered, point- thrn there wtl. not be a war. ,needs said. rthe t ls+ gAuie. Inc out that the Russians still 1ie continued seemed to be in the Caribbean. '?Khiushchev Is a .'levor. un-!1M ghat he needs to th" way Nonet.helesS. Dr. .,Ndenauer,r-unu'ouz man..' slid Dr. Ade of wheat and +'y~emiral fac- ;aid had "hopes" That the : !lacer. "1 have told Presldentitrn'ies. frr cxarnple. without ask-+ L'nnited States would in the fu- ? K e n r dy many times not toPnc anything in return to les- Lure react firmly to any at-' truss ;lttl . Khrushchev em-,son tensions, 1' tmpted Sovict rnctrnarhrnents. pr,as-sc:, neacctul co-exlsrr^ee; Dr, Adrnsut r "retire sment" He l cpeattdly c m, Iui ?; : d ;=er- bectl+tse things are going badly has not sit a.r time many"s dcpendanrr',,;i Amt?ri-' for '11m and for the Russian day. "I take my have col.!. art even walk ." he people. He :reeds to say these to cc's military sllie.d uu-t said he lained ^ I -was sure that the, "wind States 'hin,,F to deceive his own peo-.COMP Cun~ntm i j ti scold ever kanuu~r.~ snake a App qye tForrRalease.2OG4k0Of23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000100260092-4