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Approved For Release 2005/02(9r QR.$6B00403R000200060010-1 USIB-M-282 7 August 1963 Minutes of Two-hundred-eighty-second Meeting United States Intelligence Board USIB Conference Room Central Intelligence Agency, at 1030 hours, 7 August 1963 Acting Director of Central Intelligence Lieutenant General Marshall S. Carter Presiding Mr. Ray S. Cline, acting for Deputy Director of Central Intelligence Mr. Thomas L. Hughes,Director of Intelligence and Research, Department of State Lieutenant General Joseph F. Carroll, Director, Defense Intelligence Agency Major General Alva R. Fitch, Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of the Army Rear. Admiral Rufus L. Taylor, Assistant Chief of Naval Operations (Intelligence), Department of the Navy Brigadier General P. D. Wynne, Jr. , acting for Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, United States Air Force Dr. Louis W. Tordella, Acting Director, National Security Agency Mr. Harry S. Traynor, Atomic Energy Commission representative to USIB Mr. Alan H. Belmont, Federal Bureau of Investigation representative to USIB Approved For Release 2005/02/ EtftL3f66B00403R000200060010-1 Approved For Release 2005/021W- 1R 5 6B00403R000200060010-1 USIB -M-282 7 August 1963 25X1 2. Approval of Minutes 31 July Meeting (USIB-M-281, including Annex a. Approved as circulated, including the Special Annex and the record of action on item 8 which was set forth separately in USIB -D - 41, 14/59. 25X1 3. Watch Report No. 676 Approved as amended. 4. Biweekly COMOR Report on High-Level Coverage of Cuba (USIB-D-41. 14/60, 6 August) (A record of USIB action on this item is set forth in USIB -D- 41. 14/61, 7 August 1963, limited distribution through restricted channels. ) - 2 - Approved For Release 2005/02 P4&,G6B00403R000200060010-1 Approved For Release 2005/02/,VEi Y66B00403R000200060010-1 5. Proposed Memorandum from Chairman, JCS to the Secretary of Defense (USIB -M-275, 18 June, item 4; Memorandum for USIB, 14 June; USIB-D-17.1/12, 7 June) /r;o o.pqp USIB -M-282 7 August 1963 After an explanation of the status of this matter by the Acting Chairman and the DIA member, USIB, in light of further discussion of the previous ONE memorandum (TS # 185633, 14 June 1963),agreed upon an amended version of that memorandum, subject to coordination of the text with Board members or their representatives. * 6. Request for Estimate by a Member of Congress The AEC member tabled a letter from Senator Morse to the Chairman, AEC, dated 2 August which included requests for estimates on nuclear matters concerning certain countries in the -free World and the Communist world. After a discussion of Senator Morse's letter and previous USIB positions regarding release of national intelligence estimates to Congress, the Acting Chairman suggested, and the AEC and other Board members concurred, that it would be appropriate if the Chairman, AEC, while responding to the second paragraph of the Senator's letter,,advised Senator Morse that he was referring to the DCI for response the requests in the third and fourth paragraphs of the letter. General Carter proposed, and the Board concurred, that the response by the DCI be through a suitable bral briefing rather than by the release of any national intelligence estimate. *The memorandum as amended, coordinated and signed by the Acting Chairman on 8 August subsequently circulated for record purposes as USIB -D-17. 1 /13, 8 August 1963. Approved For Release 2005/0211 66 B00403R000200060010-1 SEUWLr Approved For Release 2005/021W 1R 6B00403R000200060010-1 USIB -M-282 7 August 1963 Executive Session The Acting Chairman convened the Board in Executive Session at 1145, during which a number of matters were discussed, including the following. 7. USIB -S-14.1 /5, 11 July (USIB-M-281, 31 July, item 6, Special Annex) (The discussion on this item is contained in the Special Annex to these rniralites. ) 8. National Indications Center (NIC) Working Paper General Carter called to the Board's attention a very fine NIC working paper titled "The Soviet Armed Forces and the Cuban Crisis--A Discussion of Readiness Measures". The Acting Chairman stated that the paper was in no sense a post-mortem of the Cuban situation, but should be of considerable interest and assistance to those persons in the indications business. General Carter and General Fitch expressed appreciation and the desirability of recognition for the excellent work consistently produced by the author of this paper, Miss Cynthia Grabo, an Army employee. 9. USIB Review of SNIE 13 -4 -63, "Possibilities of Greater Militancy by the Chinese Communists" After a preliminary discussion on the subject, the Acting Chairman and the Acting CIA member collaborated in presenting a review of develop- ments with reference to the subject SNIE since last week's USIB meeting. As requested by the Secretary of State, USIB considered the question of issuing a modified version of SNIE 13-4-63, in the light of the review of this document conducted by the USIB representatives on 6 August, following which no changes had been recommended, Approved For Release 2005/02/U p 166B00403R000200060010-1 Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000200060010-1 SECRET USIB-M-282 7 August 1963 The State member distributed at the meeting an INR paper on "Possibility of Greater Chinese Militancy" for the information of USIB members and the Board of National Estimates (BNE). a. Agreed that no further action on SNIE 13-4-63 was necessary at this time. b. Agreed that USIB members and BNE would study the tabled INR paper, and noted that the State member would welcome receipt of any comments or suggestions regarding the paper during the next few days. 10. Requirement for a Paper in Support of a Specific Collection Effort (An account of the Board discussion and action on this subject is contained in the Special Annex to these minutes. ) Adjournment: 1240 25X1 Executive Secretary Approved For Release 2005/0'21~P66B00403R000200060010-1 Approved For Release 2005/02SEG- 66B00403R000200060010-1 USIB -M-282 7 August 1963 25X1 SECRETARY'S NOTES 1. Interim Status Report on (USIB-D- , 44 July 1963) As of 5 Au ust 1963, all USIB members had concurred in the 25X1 continuance of as recommended by the CCPC Committee in the reference. 2. Release of Memorandum to Holders of NIE 11 -8-62 25X1. (USIB-D-17.8 44, 25 April) 25X1 -6- Approved For Release 2005/02/1gJ Jia.KR"1-6B00403R000200060010-1