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1964 Approved For Release 2005/01/27 : CIA-RDP66B004i000200170024-4 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - APPENDIX A4143 which needs no further repetition here. I did want to inject this comment to show that our U.S. Navy was among the very first agencies of our Government to see the enormous possibilities of the fis- sionable atom. And now three powerful new ships of our nuclear Navy are proving a vital quality which has always been essential to a nation's defense forces: mobility- in a depth and meaning we have never known before. The incredible endur- ance of ships that can cruise several times around the world without refuel- ing and at top speed, gives a new mean- ing to the old term. It means our ships can go anywhere on the high seas they are needed, stay as long as they are re- quired, and then move swiftly to a new troubled area 'which may require their presence. They can rapidly come to the assistance of a beleaguered ally, or strengthen another of our forces which may require additional assistance. The greatest, most restricting logistic con- cern of any seagoing `commander-the availability of ship's. fuel-Is no longer a consideration. And this, to me, is the connection be- tween the events of the past weekend which took place on opposite sides of the world. Somewhere in the world the Communists challenge us on the high seas. If further strength is needed at the point of the challenge, the nuclear- powered ships of a modern Navy from any point on the globe can be dispatched immediately at 'top speed to the area and arrive there full of fight and ready for extended operations. This is true mobility. It is the lesson to be derived from the shootings in the Gulf of Tonkin and the quiet passage of our three nu- clear-powered ships down the West Coast of Africa. Only 3, alas, when the need is for 300. But it does repre- sent the start. of what must be one of the really essential undertakings of the American people of this decade: to bring the potential of nuclear power to full reality 3n ,the surface. fleet as well as its undersea arm,- so that our Navy an reap the enormous advantages avail- able, to it .through. true', mobility of its ships. I pledge to you ou . all, and to the people of our Nation, an unrelenting ef- fort to complete the work in which we have, only fairly begun: the rebuilding of a modern, nuclear-powered Navy which will give our Nation the true mo- bility on the, sea which it needs and, must have in the years ahead. , This we must do, if we want to be remembered as a great nation which, honored its obliga- tion to keep the priceless asset of the seas on the side of freedom, Molybdenum Disposal Program EXTENSION OF REMARKS oF. HON. PHILIP J. PHILBIN OF & SmCHUSErrS IN THE HOUSE OF I~EPTtESENTATJVE Wednesday, August 5, 1964 Mr. l:.'HILBIN. Mr. Speaker, Subcom- mittee No, 2 of the House Armed Services Committee of which I am chairman, has recently been considering and acting upon several measures authorizing the disposal of certain materials from the national stockpile, and many of these have passed the House and are being im- plemented by the General Services Administration. One of these dealt with the disposal of molybdenum. Since certain statements have been made cirticizing the manner in which this particular disposal is being conducted at the present, I think I should furnish a brief explanatory state- ment outlining the situation for the benefit of the Members of the House and those concerned. H.R. 11235 became law on July 14, 1964. During the hearings on this mat- ter on June 17, 1964, before, Subcommit- tee No. 2 of the House Ared Services Committee, Mr. Maurice J. Connell, Commissioner, Defense Materials Serv- ice, General Services Administration, testified that consultation by mail had been conducted with industry and that there was substantial agreement on the ,plan to make an initial offering of 2 mil- lion pounds on a competitive basis and that such disposal would be limited to domestic consumption. Thereafter, the subsequent offerings will be made peri- odically, depending upon the evaluation of previous sales and of existing market conditions, but that all sales would be limited to domestic consumption. Following the plan outlined before this subcommittee, the General Services is- sued invitations for bids on July 16, 1964, to 255 invitees. Sealed bids were received from 38 parties. There were responses from five others that they did not intend to submit a bid. In order to broaden the base so that small users could participate in the bid- ding, the 2 million pounds offered were broken into lots varying between 24,000 and 25,000 pounds. Any bidder could bid on all of the lots or any part there- of, but not on less than one lot. The invitation. for bids stated that the, entire 2 million pounds would be re- stricted for domestic consumption and that the sales would be. limited to: First those who would use or consume the molybdenum in the puurchaser's own domestic facility; or second those who would process the molybdenum or would have it processed,, and would then sell it to domestic consumers. Each was notified in the invitation for bids that prior to award, the successful bidders would be required to furnish certifica- tion that they were in one or the other of the two above-mentioned categories. In addition, to speed the flow of molyb- denum to domestic industry, a require- ment was included requiring the process- ing and sale of the molybdenum within 90 days from the date of delivery. The terms for the sale are cash, free on board storage location. The sealed bids were publicly opened on July 27, 1964. Bids ranged from a low of $158 for the entire 2 million pounds to a high of $3.44 per pound. is latter figure covers a bid for one lot tinily' No awards have been made as yet. At the present time, the General Serv- ices Administration is in the process of screening information which will verify the bidders' certification. Thus, prior to award, GSA will require the bidders to name their processors and to give the location of the plants where the molyb- denum will be processed. Prior to being permitted to take delivery, the success- ful bidder wil be required to name the domestic consumer to whom he has made the sale. While handling this initial offering, GSA met with industry on Friday, July 31, 1964, to make plans for the dis- posal of an additional 5 million pounds of molybdenum. Invitations for bids were sent out August 1, 1964. Again, all of the material is restricted for do- mestic consumption, and except for one lot of about 120,000 pounds, the molybdenum has been divided into lots of 24,000 to 25,000 pounds. While the terms for this second offering are sub- stantially the same as in the first, a few new restrictions have been added to safe- guard all segments of domestic industry. These new restrictions will limit anyone other than a processor from acquiring more than 250,006 pounds.. A processor will be limited from acquiring more than 2 million pounds. All bidders, except those who will directly consume the ma- terial in the form sold by the Gov- ernment, will be required to name the domestic processor at the time of submitting his bid. In my opinion, Mr. Bernard Boutin, Administrator, General Services Admin- istration, Commissioner Connell and his staff at GSA are to be commended for the dispatch with which they are pro- ceeding and the safeguards they have imposed at the request of the committee in getting this 2 million pounds of molybdenum into domestic consumption. Let me make it clear that our sub- committee is very conscious of the need for making available to domestic in- dustry excess stockpile critical materials at the most favorable terms to the Gov- ernment and in this process also making available through careful disposal pro- cedures such quantities of these materi- als excess to Government requirements' which may be disposed of to meet the ur- gent needs of certain industries that find these materials in short supply and ur- gently required for their operations. Our committee has insisted in all the disposal measures that there must be orderly disposal that will not disrupt the markets, avoid any attempt to establish price fixing as a guiding policy of such disposals, and give all users a fair op- portunity to bid and procure. I should point out that while the com- mittee deplores the short supply in in- dustry of any of these materials, it is not our practice to recommend disposal of them until appropriate guarantees can be given by the Government agencies concerned regarding the strategic and security factors, and until we receive as- surances that our orderly disposal policy will be complied with by the General Services Administration, I hope it will be noted and understood by the Members and the industry and all concerned that it is not possible for the, committee to recommend disposal from existing stockpiles solely to relieve short supply in industry of stockpile materials. The needs of the Government come first Approved For Release 2005/01/27 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000200170024-4 A4144 Approved For Release 2005/01/27 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000200170024-4 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - APPENDIX and only excess materials can be chan- neled inter domestic markets. Moreover, It has been our committee policy to recommend the disposal of ex- cess materials primarily for domestic Consumption. Up to this time that pol- icy has been accepted and followed by disposal agencies. I regret, that there should be any.mis- understanding with reference to the pol- icy, practice, and procedure followed with respect to the disposal program, and trust that this statement will clarify the facts. Another Cambridge Honor-Patricia "Pat" Gannon, 16, Named Nation's No. I Catholic Daughter EXTENSION OF REMARKS or HON. THOMAS P. O'NEILL, JR. o! aLA983cEuanr b IN THE HOUSE OP'REPRESENTATIVEs Wednesday, August 5, 1964 Mr. O'NEII,L- Mr. Speaker, it is with great personal pride that I have the priv- ilege and pleasure today of inserting into the records of the Congress of the United States an article which appeared In the Cambridge Chronicle on July 23 regard- ing the lovely "Pat" Gannon of my home city. Pat and her family are neighbors and friends. She Is truly a delightful and devoted girl, a splendid young American, and a shining example to all. She has accomplished much in her few abort years and the award is a richly deserved recognition of her tremendous talent. I commend the following to my colleagues here In the U.S, House of Representa- tives: ANOTHER CAMBRTDGE HONORPATarCtA (PAT) CANNON,' 16, NAMED NATION'S No 1 CATHO- r TC DAVCBTra Cambridge, famed for poets, scholars, scien- tists, Harvard, MIT, Radcliffe, and the like, added another star to its crown Sunday night. This one, prettier than the rest, is 18-year- old Patricia (Pat) Gannon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John F. {cannon of 32 Rice Street. "Her title-Outel:anding Junior Catholic Daughter of America.- Her opposition en route to the symbolic gold medal presented at the Hotel Diplomat in Hollywood, Fla., comprised a total of 9,657 'other girls from 33 States. An honor student at Arlington Catholic High, Patricia was the unanimous selection 'of the national board of judges. In addition to the medal, she, gets an all-expense week at the Florida hotel, Patricia, eldest of three Gannon girls, has been president for 2 years of LaRabida Junior Court here. She was selected as Massachu- setts No. 1 Catholic, Daughter this year from among 2,000 juniors for her leadership quali- ties, scholastic rating, and community and parish service. The presentation of a gold bracelet of the sacred heart was made at'the Staterally day at Framingham State College early this sum- mer by the Reverend Henry F. Barry of St. John's Church. TRAIIQED A 81'ODEN'r Among 'the feats that earned her national recognition was the training of a 21-year-old retarded student who wanted to make her first holly communion. Patricia spent several hours each week teaching the essential catechism lessons and other particulars. The student made her first communion In December. and Patricia then spent some 4 more months in prepar- Ing the girl for the reception of the sacra- ment of confirmation. This came around Easter time. Top awards, capped by this latest one, are nothing new to Patricia. She was one of three girls who represented the State at the New York convention of the Junior Catholic Daughters last fail. She was the first girl to win a Marian Medal for her local JCD Court. She was the winner in her school's science fair last year, and was runner-up in the Irish-American essay contest sponsored by the Irish-American Association of Middlesex County. She now is also vice president of St. John's Parish Girls' Sodailty. in her acceptance speech In Florida Sun- day night, Patricia said her honor belonged "to every local Junior Catholic Daughter In these United States." Those who bestowed the honor on her, however, believe she best exemplifies the JCD theme-"To Love God, To Serve Others, and ToLive Nobly." Patricia's two sisters are Janice M., a 15- year-old sophomore at North Cambridge Catholic High, and Jacqueline RJackip) a No Time To Let Up on Castro EXTENSION OF REMARKS or August 5 the form of a 3-ton arms'cache and then refused to let his terrorists scare them out of holding an honest election, thus frustrating his major political objective of 1983. Still another blow to Castro came from an unexpected source: his sister Juanita. Just before, the OAS meeting, she shocked Castro's remaining friends and foot-draggers with a broadcast from Mexico City. An early sup- porter of the revolution. Juanita Castro soon learned that "our ideals had been betrayed," but kept silence in Havana until this June. She described the terror, the hunger, the forced labor, the 75,000 political prisoners; and she testified "that Cuba Is directing the Communist subversion in Latin America" through its Department of State Security. Her country, concluded Juanita Castro, has become "a giant prison surrounded by water. ? ? ? It is my desire, and that of all Cubans, that [the OAS] take definite action against the dictatorial Government of Cuba." As his troubles deepened, Castro last month turned like a marlin and ran toward the boat. In an Impetuous 3 days of Inter- views, he admitted exporting his revolution (what he bad previously denied) but offered to stop if the United States would let up on him (e.g., resume trade relations): Rusk was not buying that. He told the OAS for- eign ministers that subversion "is not a sub- ject for bargaining. It simply must stop. It hasn't stopped. Castro's agents still wage guerrilla war In the hills of Venezuela, have been sighted in British Guiana, and picked up in the Argentine. His embassies still agitate in touchy situations like the Chilean election. A U.S. expatriate, Robert Williams, uses a Havana radio to incite U.S. HON. PAUL G. ROGERS OAS declaration, which he called "garbage," or ti.orrm was to declare his policy of subversion "non- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ,negotiable So 13o be It, As Rusk says, "Castro has no Monday, August 3, 1964 future in Cuba or in this hemisphere." But If we are serious about helping the Cuban Mr. ROGERS of Florida. Mr. Speak- people get rid of him, the OAS victory must or, the recent OAS sanctions adopted be followed up. Castro is hurting: his econ- against Communist Cuba rank as a dip- omy, now 80 percent dependent on the Soviet lomatic victory for the United States and bloc, is a stagnant mess. Since most of his the freedom-loving nations of this remaining hemisphere trade Is food, which Is hemisphere exempt, the new OAS trade sanctions won't And although the tide is turning hurt him much more. But the OAS declar- against Fidel Castro, and the OAS action ation also summoned other Western States to reconsider their trade with Castro (e.g. is but one example of proof of his decline, British buses, French locomotives, Spanish the United States must not relax Its ef- boats). The State Department has a new forts to topple the Cuban Communist argument against this trade: It's not just the regime. United States that objects to it, it is now 15 In a recent editorial appearing in the American nations who do. Chairman FvL- Atigust 7 issue of We magazine, refer- 'Om of the Senate Foreign Relations Com- ence was made to the significance of mittee to the contrary, the ostracism of Cas- the OAS steps, and the problem of con- tro has been eaective, and the United States should now renew its pressure on other coun- tinuing allied trade with Cuba was per- tries to make it more complete. ceptively treated as well. I insert the excellent editorial from Life magazine In the Rxcoan at this point: No Tier To Lsr UP on CASTRO For the moment at least, the State Depart- ment can feel pretty good about its diplo- matic war with Fidel Castro. The Orga- nization of American States has voted 15-4 to apply sanctions against him for trying to overthrow the democratic government of Venezuela. Even Mexico, Bolivia. Uruguay, and Chile, who voted against sanctions, are nd m lomattc relations with e d t us t Straggle in the Sino-Soviet Bloc EXTENSION OF REMARKS or HON. CLEMENT J. ZABLOCKI or wnconsis! IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, August 4, 1964 a o expec s p p Cuba in due course. Castro is also warned Mr. ZABLOCKI. Mr. Speaker, the In- that his subversive interventions in this creasing complexity of world affairs hemisphere are "aggression" under the Rio caused by changes in the Sino-Soviet Treaty and could justify military retaliation bloc Indicates that we may be in need of unless he calls them off, a cautious reassessment of our policy to- Secretary Rusk and his deputy. Thomas ward the international Communist Mann, deserve much credit for proving that movement. the Inter-American system can work. And There are signs that the Communist so do the made Venezuelans, a c case ase against t hbn him that prime the target, OAS monolith may be crumbling. This is w who investigating committee just had to believe. not to say that the Communists are no The Venezuelans got the goods on Castro in longer intent on burying us. They are Approved For Release 2005/01/27 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000200170024-4