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? - _ Approv6ti'P-Oti;':R' ei6ate 2005/01/27. clAApit,6600o4o3Ro6/000170064=0 - A2S1 : -?q?: , ? . ? ? .- , leaders.I5roirt-Ote iiatIdat'a,Were'is'Of'thir'Vkeh,theaSitgrr1blY1.ihantrnOuSiY elected iewsl,,Pregreni dernandirdommiiiiity region-it-1a 1-mPortailt thef-theY-be able -to Prince Frederik to be king of Norway, , _ ?Oret.i61 and Praia-Mori:a and-figh-x-ii"Cal point toan aryari Of communities In excel- MY-id-en reacted by launching a Military at- taight,.. al_ScL._,inhst?,..?paas numerous lent phy cal condition with the community tack. After brief hostilities a truce was an4ilscal,problehii,--dffrignl- organization, understanding, and leadership negotiated. Under the Convention of Moss, sObadging,'fear oppbeitfOri-, apthy to keep_thglii_that Way., Norway and Sweden became united as sep- . ' g_"_.,',argO7;case j5l1OWS tow ffiesei-rOblems - SM-fe-kingdonis-iniefei One Mon-arch. At the ' In one nroper same t me, -king ?arl JOEan of Sweden _ a*ot? ConiniiinIty Where _y*100.1141 been agreed agyeed to recognize Norway's 'free constitu- "*s.tginaintiaojaollry - rueh5-1-d)0e1r1t0ak3e11i4i: fo renewal-nIe3 Norway's Constitutional sesqui cen- tion. union leated-nitil 1905, When 'it was peacefully dissolved on initiative of Nor- 'Pug? was local. A' detailed case historyre- tennial way's parliament. V?e'a1e,Slig4i Edtltieugh. the:PrOject was federally ?The Norwegian Constitution rests on four ,hiciffl.? percent prilie money 'anirv-irtuilly, EXTENSION OF REMARKS basic principles: National independence, ail of tb_e initiativ,g . ankl, a"ffiet were locilly , - .- .., ,r , . , ' . ,. ,. . . sovereignty of the people, a division of stipPlied. Plity-thregyercent of the' Money ' - -132' 'dale ?froM:Private ioiircia:'- -- - - -- ' - - ' HON.-THOR C.'TOIXEPSON- ''' Power, and the inviolable rights of the indi- vidual versus the state, .? A -41-1XV-el-- Of If-ii7phisfEarC5iiiittiOirori-4 - ' . , . OW wAsnrworou - -. . --As with the U.S. Constitution, the Nor- .811144etiti40:1441t4?4v- , ',. ,,a,,e0 , , - - ? -, , . ? ? ? -? ? ? wegian Constitution has been modified from ' ? iblig,hted are not necessarily t ose' Wit the ' IN THE gou.sE OF_RBMSSENTATIVSS .time to time. Among some changes made - 'highest-income or the fastest_ growth. 1.4 , _ -Monday, May 18, 1964 through the years are these: Parliamentari- ? __ pgefe depend Upon ideal regoilx-ceg and ? - - - anism was introduced in 1884, universal suf- .-effort in thesg communities,. also..,_ _ _ Mr. TOLLEFSON._ Mr. Speaker., yes- frage for men in 1898, and universal suffrage , ?-'" y smaller communities cannot muster terday the people of Norway observed the for women in 1913. - - le -?e'aer-*P or t1?-'a tlee-linical- Wa-*hia? -- 150th anniversary of their Constitution. As Foreign Minister Halyard Lange put it .r3xio-rolizia p.e43-33:0 - -. TheY-rdif-find- the Thousands Americans Ni . '4,y to suOcessfili action -hi _newfWonal , s o mercans o Norwegian in a Constitution Day address, "Democratic la04,4c40.4, 0,,,f -izitiniowttiej or--1,e_ , hew or, , descent also celebrated the occasion, government and a state base on law?that is - ,- 0.4esh4ed services-polo loggitufjoiii'aner,or, Yesterday's Tacoma News Tribune our heritage." an ns a , g- 'trailo' ' ' ' licadYeStablIalred`2---eXTelialOn.- -published' an excellent editorial describ- It is a fine heritage, and a fine background - ? OSIO-c'e of land gra-nt-Callcz-es?an--&-u_MY era- - ing. the eirents leading up to the historic for all in Tacoma of Norwegian extraction - -40; -1#1141:aipal leagues, -iissoC.,' iitt-64 ?I 9911/1- events._ .I ask that it be inserted in the who today are proudly observing the major ? ' nee, atia 's.tate _Planilin; clePartan,reil? ... RECORD, holiday the Independence Day?of our 413.-- sVin,..0-Pa-AeS, a .99,1n-F),Amj - IT'S NORWAY'S CONSTITUTIONAL SzsclumEN- proud, free friend, Norway. problems not of-ItS ow,p_ai4ingWhose Ise7,_ _ -TENNIAL Intions extend-1506nd the ral f ocal '?re& ill"ede's The solution to_tihlgsZporoblerns The people of Norway today are observing ' ? ' - ? to the region- and to 1 the 150th anniversary of their Constitution. , ? ,,.;:tkay be of importance , ,, ??we Icoric, anci? 4.?ico S,0?.4-, 24..?,,01,,,,pai ii..ri_ed _by the Constituent Assembly at Eids- Renewal of Hope VOLL on may 17, isi4, it is one of the oldest in - s stance. . - -The viiiited states has enteroAt ier* of the world. The sesquicentennial is being - goeierato iwzmi ryg Tul-.0,4104,4_,J, cemMein?crated_athroughout Norway, and Ta- EXTENSION OE REMARKS - OF higher level --Of rnaiOten-e4,4'1'9-9,:r 0, ' &Mins Of Norwegian extraction are having '? late of rfacernent- alit(demolifiOn. Of obso- ? - , . - .,, _ , .., -..... . .. . . __ .., , , . ._ HON. THOMAS L. ASHLEY an elaborate program at 2.30 this afternoon -lete .4:, Ogr/Priteil. structures. ,_ - -at Normanna Hall. 'Although Norway's Constitution was signed OF OHIO ' ' 10XgRP a reaet o tlifs_increaSeAPaCi, The ??? npperiAidwest must: IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in 1814, the nation's history goes back to 872 , , . at.. -, , , , , , '.I. 'Continue -Its relatively high postwar When it was united and founded by King Har- ? ald Haarfagre (Harold the Fair Haired). Monday, May 18, 1964 rate of replaCement construction, . g. Ago-elsemt04,404-414:_vtirncr,..4 awl, ?- These roving, seagoing Norsemen in thsir Mr. ASHLEY. Mr. Speaker, in the _ ,,, -, ',longboats had, by the middle of the 11th cen- Washington Evening Star of May 12, ? ;,Ilil,_.114provo natutiiatiyey'Jniinyarae.,'' --bury, conquered Iceland, Greenland, the Fa- there was a most interesting and ture_aStlillTa. roes, Orkneys, Hebrides, and Shetlands. Ice- thought-provoking editorial entitled _ , _ _ _ , ? . . ,r-4 setter -- -, ------tv - . i-----ii.? --- land had been discovered in 983 by Norwegian -- orin g ,peqp e w o oCcupy . "Renewal of Hope,? relating to the urban Eirik Halide. His son, Leif Erikson, who lived ? SUbstandard. libings throngh a combination ode= nousing and buil renewal legislation (S. 628) recently Of m ding codes, en- - . , . _ . _ __ . . ... . in Greenland, discovered America about =foregUlBli't, _S44 'edu6aftiiri. - low ordered reported by the House District laid the groundwork for the country's steady Committee. This editorial wholeheart- ? '-,--a--.-Tha' 464 illt.rijaii7-19-,60.1,10??li4-?il-A,.-alci ' The -Norwegian Constitution of 1814, which and peaceful progress toward democracy, was edly supports and indeed compliments _azia partly- evacuated-cerifral areas -of cities born in a period of fierce struggle for the the 11 members of the committee who ? larger 'than- 2,500 to 6,0mi, and -the ?small , , ?....?.?.--,-- -=','=',2 , spoils of the Napoleonic empire. For nearly have protested against the so-called agriculturallrade centers. - ? ' FOODOsl-Pill.Y.; or this itask Gen_ . 400 years Norway and Denmark had been safeguards which have been grafted onto -- be pia_ce0?:1-49,4 One,SOOfk Of gle,-.-4011*.y..91 united under one sovereign. an otherwise acceptable piece of legisla- , _ririg-?ipvel al, government. Renewal and re- Duringthis period, however, Norway was tion. The objections of the six Demo- glierifebil4 for carryliig , it out have been dominated by Denmark. The autocratic cratic Members and five Republican ,1541,11eAed...-b..,Yr.tlieir, _ eat /Obi1-4Y_ of Aiileil- ' king, ' 'Q'ene,e tel. an_q_14.e_90e- _Re9eWel-_:.k4ee time, with Danish officials. Nevertheless, the hope Members are contained in a minority re- residing in Copenhagen, ruled Norway slid " Are7.14 of achieving ultimate independence was kept port on S. 628 which was filed recently. and---la, -7,11n-PattOT-116.? .01..P.11.9-?NatiOncOrillnoe salve, .71.1,9EF-444,Ae-,..P9p1,11ation In view of the fact that the House may - _to_sujt, ,=:As?,a, ft, _SAO, a givenrenewal prob- In the 19th century Norway became Den- soon be considering this legislation, I ? 10.211.34ey be ef a. -9-eel eo-17.11. 919-eity e 9W.9-.9"1-41 mark's reluctant partner on the French side strongly urge all Members to read this nig and cable of iridepgrident local soiu- in the Napoleonic Wars, with Sweden fight- editorial and further I urge that they _., _,-- - - ,---------, - -----------lug on the opposite side. As hostilities came tion. ' Or It ll beresult of population . weigh carefully the incisive analysis set alio oUsinges 5 Ls ent rely heyond the corn- to an end, the Dano-Norwegian king, Fred- forth in the minority report. This bi- 11)...,,Mily's abilitir to hillience or copo with erik VI, was forced to sign the Treaty of Kiel partisan group has concluded that in- : - ?:"'`-',-"F- ------- ,-.3.," ",.7=='1.71-:f`''' , . 'CM January 14, 1814, thereby ceding Norway ?- ?c'Relardless of - how reneYval la finep_Peci? to Sweden.stead of facilitating downtown renewal ?' 01-lblicly or privately, locally or with outside News of the Kiel Treaty aroused a storm of and development, this legislation as , . tkelp-L'.ip is Still :1Sigair a local affair. Suc- _Indignation among patriotic Norwegians. ordered reported will virtually destroy .. ,_ ceSSful and col-143:4g YeOLOWal_clemancis local They resented having their country handed the whole urban renewal program in the ?initiative,,leadership_, cooperation, and fiscal from one monarch to another as if it were District of Columbia, and would impose ?- :Slip, _po_r-t. 1'6r example, iii the Federal-aided a private estate. As a result, young Prince restrictions on the District of Columbia 'renewal 134:919?Ot completed in Fargo, N. Dak., Christian Frederik, after discarding the which are not imposed on any other city -?-tha?local_RoppRUAl, _ty furnished 813.,?percent of thought to proclaim himself king of Norway, in the Nation, regardless of size or ttke._.,,_ -OaPital. uitiniate_ly invested in the_preject summoned a constituent assembly. location. - am-P.: AlINall.Y., all 9f. ?Pl-9....?41.1glitlY.P_Ancl. . _It was comprised of 59 government oft- , 1...9a444 . MSny enialk,SP,PP.1 ,11P.M.P.?q Will dale, 37 wealthy farmers, and 10 business- It is vitally important that the House ' 11:614',944,40:411.-#170.4.-., awl . Wee .0eliVened in. ..Eidevoll, near pass a good and workable urban renewal - It vita iy important that the upper Oslo, on April 10, 1814. The constitution bill for the District so that the Nation's 1VIldwest hold or improve its position in the was approved and signed on may 17, which Capital may have the same basic legal national xeriewai picture. ,. When regional has been observed ever since.- , authority to renew- and revitalize its _ . . - ' Approved 'Pot; keleqse 2605/01/27 : CIA-Rop6p504403A.60-0266-1711064-0 eatk Approved For Release 2005/01/27: CIA-RDP66600403R000200170064-0 A2582 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? APPENDIX May 18 downtown areas as all other cities throughout the country now have. The distinguished chairman of the Subcommittee on lousing, Mr. Rains: an acknowledged expert in the field of hous- ing and urban renewal, said several months ago that the city of Washington deserves the same tools that other cities have in other parts of the country. He went on to say that he "doesn't want a bill for the District that is not in keeping with the bill for the rest of the Nation." rthink that the Members will do well to heed these words of caution from one who has been in this complex field along, long time. Mr. Speaker, I ask that the editorial to which I have referred be inserted in the RECORD. Rkerzwati, Or HOPE When the House District Committee ap- proved its reprehensible version of the Wash- ington urban renewal bill in March, it was apparent that several members were not in accord with the action. Now the full scope of that disagreement has been disclosed. No less then 11 of the 24 committee members have joined in the strongly worded minority report just re- leased. The number of the group is im- mensely encouraging; its bipartisan char- acter is more so. The most impressive aspect of this minor- ity report, however, is its vigorous language. In its details, the 18-page analysis shreds the arguments in favor of the Crippling and un- necessary amendments which were added to the original bill under the guise of "safe- guards." Rather than safeguarding anything, these amendments, in the words of the report. "would virtually destroy the whole urban renewal program in the District of Colum- bia." As to intent, it states forthrightly that the bill as reported seems designed as "a precedent for attacking the whole urban re- newal program throughout the country." These are not new thoughts. Representa- tive Sum of California' expressed them force- fully some weeks ago. We have done so in these columns on numerous occasions, for there has never been the Slightest doubt as to the fiction of the amendments as "safe- guards." The essential purposes of this bill are to permit urban renewal projects in non- residential areas, and to improve the stand- ards under which these projects would be carried out. The Senate has passed a bill satisfying these purposes. The amendments added by the House committee attach a number of mischievous and thoroughly unnecessary re- strictions. Coincidentelly, an excellent anal- ysis of their effects has just been completed and sent to the appropriate congressional committees by the Washington Planning and Housing Association. The 11-member minority 'report does not. of course, actually solve anything. The re- vitalization of Washington's downtown busi- ness section Is still stymied. It will remain so until the city receives the required au- thorization to use urban renewal in business areas. That authorization cannot be pro- vided until the bill is called to the House for vote. When this eventually occurs, however, the prospects for passage of an adequate and equitable bill will have been enhanced im- measurably by the incisive and timely mi- nority report. Its signers were Representa- tives SIBIC, DewsoN, ConsaAN, Sr GERMAIN, TRIMBLE, and DIGGS, Democrats; and Repub- lican Representatives AcciiiNctoss, Nasatar, 07Loarsx.t, MATHIAS, and HORTON. To them all, the community owes 'a vote of thanks. Academy of American Poets EXTENSION OP REMARKS Or HON. JOHN V. LINDSAY Or NEW YORK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, April 22, 1964 Mr. LINDSAY. Mr. Speaker, the Academy of American Poets is an orga- nization that does much to advance the cause of American poetry. It is worthy of much wider notice. In many other countries much is done by society to promote young poets and to spread the richness of poetry among all the citizens. In the United States poetry has never been given proper recognition. In 1934 the Academy of American Poets was established in order to rectify this situation. Its founder is Mrs. Hugh Bullock who, born in France of American parents, was struck by American poets' lack of recognition and recurring financial crises. With the aid of the late Edwin Arlington Robinson and Louis Ledoux, poets themselves, and a great many others who were interested, Mrs. Bullock began developing plans to help poets, out of which finally evolved the idea for the Academy of American Poets. The five founder members were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Auslander, Mrs. Bullock, Messrs. Ridgely Torrence and Charles Hanson Towne. The purpose of the academy is stated in article LI of the charter as follows: To encourage, stimulate and foster the production of American poetry by providing fellowships for poets of proven merit, by granting scholarships, awards and prizes for poetic achievement, and by such other means as the board of cUrector with the approval of the board of chancellors may from time to to time devise and determine. The academy has been of very specific and practical help to poets and poetry. In the years between 1946 and 1963 $5,000 poetry fellowships were awarded to the following: Edgar Lee Masters, 1946; Ridgely Tor- rence, 1947; Percy MacKaye, 1948; Frost 1953; Louise Townsend Nicholl, 1954; Dr. Oliver St. John GogartY, 1954; Rolfe Humphries, 1955; Dr. William Carlos Williams, 1956; Conrad Aiken, 1957; Robinson Jeffers, 1958; Louise Bogan, 1959; Leonie Adams, 1959; Jesse Stuart, 1960; Horace Gregory, 1961; John Crowe Ransom, 1962; Ezra Pound, 1963; Allen Tate, 1963. In addition, the academy insures pub- lication of winning manuscripts of poetry by contracting to purchase a thousand copies of what is known as Lamont Poetry Selection. This was made possible by a bequest by the late Mrs. Thomas W. Lamont. In the last 10 years the Lamont poetry selections have been the following: Constance Carrier, '"The Middle Voice." Alan Swallow, 1954; Donald Hall, "Exiles and Marriages," the Viking Press, 1955; Philip Booth, "Letter from a Dis- tant Land," the Viking Press, 1956; Dan- iel Berrigan, S. J., "Time Without Num- ber," the Macmillan Co., 1957; Ned O'Gorman, "The Night of the Hammer," Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1958; Donald Justice, "The Summer Anniversaries," Wesleyan Universay Press, 1959; Robert Mezey, "The Lovemaker," the Cumining- ton Press, 1959; X. J. Kennedy, "Nude Descending a Staircase," Doubleday & Co., Inc., 1961: Edward Field, "Stand Up, Friend, With Me," Grove Press, Inc., 1962: no award, 1963. In addition to all of this, the academy has been sponsoring other kinds of awards, made possible by the bequests of interested persons and through these be- quests various colleges and universities have been the beneficiaries. Poetry readings have been sponsored. Most re- cently an interesting poetry reading took place at the Guggenheim Museum in New York. The Academy of American Poets is an organization worthy of support, and I am delighted that it is founded and chiefly sponsored by many of my con- stituents and friends. I salute them for their contribution to the American scene and for the advancement of a most Im- portant cause in the United States. A vote of thanks is owed most especially to Mrs. Hugh Bullock, the driving force behind the whole adventure. Brazil's Break With Cuba EXTENSION OF REMARKS Or HON. PAUL G. ROGERS Or rLOILDA IN THE HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, May 14, 1964 Mr. ROGERS of Florida. Mr. Speaker, credit is due the new Government of Bra- zil for ending diplomatic relations with the Communist regime of Cuba. This action taken by the Brazilians is a great victory in the struggle for free- dom in this hemisphere. Brazdl is one of Latin America's largest and most in- fluential nations. Prior to the fall of leftist Joao Goulart's regime this nation witnessed Brazil pursuing a path which seemed to be taking it away from the democratic community of this hemi- sphere. The United States and the other nations of this hemisphere were all greatly relieved when Goulart's govern- ment fell, and was replaced with the new regime of President Umberto Castello- Branco. Now that another nation of our sister continent has had the foresight to end Its relations with Castro, other nations yet maintaining recognition of Cuba should follow Brazil's example. Those nations which still dignify Castro by ex- tending him recognition are Chile, Bo- livia, Mexico, and Uruguay. I urge that stepped-up measures be taken by this Nation in the OAS as well as unilaterally in order that these four remaining Latin American countries may do as Brazil has done and end recognition of Castro. To do so will further isolate ifo...tnznunist Cuba in this hemisphere...... Approved For Release 2005/01/27: CIA-RDP66600403R000200170064-0