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;:.,.a;,;_. Approved For ReI Qg j 27 ? G[A -RDP 66BOO403ROO`0170076-7 Q - 1964 ORD APPENDI A1769 Fnally, the time has come for the tele- roof and walls of pressed tin cans, palm mothers club. Because the Vilche's in- vision industry to heed the advice of Ma-leaves Or cardboard. Picture a hillside come is so small, each member of the clay t6 `%e0' if you would conserve:' of these "houses"-either in a remote vii- family also receives a monthly supple= You canlzi3t et protection without providing gage or a plush resort city-and it is a meet of 5 pounds of food-for-peace s me ice wor otectfn `You cannot beat typical Latin American scene often de- flour, corn, and powdered milk. olnetlxing with nothing. _ Tour ,clail4l to,proteetion against competi- scribed as "local color" by the American Good housing and food has left an tfon, from community antenna systems and tourist. amazing effect on Alicia. Much more from pay rests iargel i upon the fact that Picture also a flock o f Half naked chil- attentive in class, she has a new spirit you provide -local service. _ If that claim is to dren who consider one of these dwellings and enthusiasm. Gone are. the haunt- be persuasive, your service to local needs and their home by night, for they only can ing memories of poverty, sickness, and interests must _1e r"Qal and aub$t tai It sleep there. Regardless of the weather, malnourishment which retarded her ear- cannot be ltmited to pne,or two regularly their daylight hours are spent on a hill- her development. Now, thanks to scheduled. news programs and a very occa- sional local special." Riding the network side playground of rock and dirt. When American loans and food distributions, and relying upon the projection of old movies evening comes the children take over the Alicia and other children like her have may be as easy a life as riding the rails, but shelter, sleeping on pallets of flat, woven hope for a bright future in which they in the long run it may be just as_dangero,us. straw while the adults gossip over kero- can contribute their part toward build- Moreover, the search for maximurn'T fits sene . lamps on the ground outside, the ing a modern nation. in the short run does not represent maxi- smell of charcoal and cooking oils filling mum wisdom fix tl}e lorj run. With every the dank night air. This is the life of dollar that drops into your till from the sale L the atin peasant and their niiios. of advertising, you are creating a greater public willingness to ay for programs with- If youngsters are raised in squalor, out cozn " ercisls;. ?" eres',, ch a thl as with inadequate food and without edu- pushing e loiig-suffering public too far, cation, they cannot develop strong bodies and those who do so rxaay - 11 find the eggs that and clear minds necessary for a full life. are laid far,fram golden. Instead they will face a hostile world of Buj above all, wired television systems frustration and disappointment. As the challeMace' you to bring 'more variety and leaders and workers of tomorrow, more into the present system. In children should, and do, receive addition to emphasizing program diversity special In order to give the public more choice on attention in our aid program. present outlets, the Commission has sought Two American assistance programs, In every way to encourage the development involving both private and public co- of, `additional outlets on UHF channels, operation, offer hope for a better life Your long-range interests and the inter- to the children of Chile. One is an Al- ests of 'free television generally are depend- ent upon the enterprise success of cannot UHF come, to a self-help program where the new own- sion to tele sion via lITh' channels, it will do so by means er does most of the construction work, of wires and microwave relays. The result the Alliance furnishes the tools and may not be all that you-or I-would hope, equipment, and the Chilean Govern- But in the long. run the choice is inexorable. lnent offers, technical assistance to the For modern technology and. the modern new owner-builder. The other is Op- m arketplace afford us.ano easy resting place. eration Niflos, a food-for-peace pro- In today's communications industry we are gram, in which our surplus food helps to 'propelled around the bend ,and into ?the feed 10 million hungry Latin Amer- future not, to the steady chug-chug of a icon children. Mississippi riverboat, bit to the piercing whine of an Atlas Agena rocket. How, we Well illustrating the effective assist- will navigate depends both on the natural ance these two programs are giving to forces within the industry and our response underprivileged Latin American chil- ta them. Can we ereateA cox siltions under dren, is the story of 6-year-old Alicia which the, constructive forces of tape market- Vilche, a dark-eyed, black-haired Chil- place will flourish and the destructive forces controlled? can moppet who was living in a shanty leenge that t confronts cTThat, I us today. is the chat- suggest, town one room shack with dirt floor, t vold of windows, heat, electricity or Foreign Aid-Operation Ninos HON. ROBERT R. BA,IRY or N iw $QItK 'hursday, April 9 1964 and building materials furnished by AID ,I , _ .; through an Alliance for Progress loan Mr, BARRY... Mx. Speaker, many of of $713,000 to the Chilean Government. the social problems In Latin America are Payments on the $680 house are geared staggering. For instance, it is the rule, to the $18 per month salary of Senior rather than the exception, that the ma- Vilche. Sority of the population of Latin. America Last year Alicia began school in near- live in stibstandard. dwellings that are by San Salvador community center overcrowded and without sanitary facil- which is operated by the Church World ities. Often whole, families?live in one Service, a private American voluntary room, sharing Itwith,tlielr chickens, pig- relief organization. Here Alicia first lets, and working tools. If the family is came in contact with Operation Niiios. fortunate,` they have a meager, plot of Every morning Alicia and her 3- and ground to cultygte,whicli,wouIdbecon- 4-year~old sisters receive a hot break- sidered ulitillable, by American stand- fast at the community center which Ards Their ahai ties,are bordered within .their mother, again in the vein of self- a few feet by the same type of dwelling, help, assists in preparing as a volunteer ;often consisting of a simple thatched member of the community center's water , Two years ago, Alicia moved with her family into a 4,000-unit housing develop- ment called.San Grgorio on the outskirts of Santiago, which was sponsored by the Chilean Government and the Alliance for Progress. In line with the self-help emphasis of the program, Alicia's father, a construction worker, built his own It's Time for United Statesmanship EXTENSION OF REMARKS HON. J. ARTHUR YOUNGER OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, April 9, 1964 Mr. YOUNGER. Mr. Speaker, re- cently I encountered an article entitled, "It's Time for United Statesmanship," which I am sure is worthy of publication in the RECORD and should have the wide circulation enjoyed by the RECORD. The article follows: IT's TIME FOR UNITED STATESMANSHIP (By a puzzled and worried American citizen) There are some things happening around the world that scare the living daylights out, of me and I hope you share this concern. I read in the papers recently that the Soviet Union is setting up a satellite obser- vation station in Cuba. This followed on the heels of a report from Cuban exiles, whose underground frequently has been more accurate than our CIA, that at a base 30 miles west of Havana and 5 miles from the northern coast of Cuba, three missiles 70 feet tall are aimed at the United States, manned by Soviet troops; and that nine other missiles are stored underground at the base. 'These reports, in turn, followed Castro's impudent action in turning off the fresh water supply at Guantanamo and our weak- kneed and fainthearted. "retaliation" which is costing American taxpayers untold mil- lions to haul water from Fort Lauderdale and to distill it from the sea. Here, obvi- ously, we muffed a real chance to show some signs of strength. These events, in turn, followed the mur- der by the Communists of three American flyers over East Germany. You don't have to have access to the secret information of the State Department, the CIA or the White House, or to be an expert of foreign affairs to conclude that as of now this country has no positive program re- garding Cuba and the elimination of com- munism in this hemisphere, and that it is suffering from what can be described only as a deterioration of the backbone and a softening of the muscles, I can't and don't believe that this is the will of the American people. _ On July 24, 1963, our Embassy in Havana was confiscated. Representative YOUNGER, of California, dug into this and found that only once before in our history has this been done. That was when the Japanese moved into Vietnam and temporarily took over our Embassy in Saigon. The Germans, the Ital- ApprovedFor Release 2005/01/27 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000200170076-7 Approv d For Release 2005/01/27: CIA-RDP6G'B*60403R00020017007f:.7_ A1770 CONGRESS (ONAL RECORD - APPI NDIX April 9 tans and the Jape did not bother our Em- There are several ugly questions hang1u ' Consequently, Republicans have called on basales during World War IT. Even the In the Jr .that need answers, and these an. the President to resume discussions leading Chinese have not made a move toward our ewers d) not appear to be forthcoming frorl. to the onsite inspections demanded in Octo- Embassy this adrinistration. Here area few of them' her 1962, and waived a few days later. In the opinion of many Congressmen this 1. Tie INTELLIGENCE GAP What has happened to the recommenda- ?action by Castro was tantamount to an at- tions in the Stennis report? tack on Miami or Washington. What did Many Members of Congress feel there Iii s potentially highly dangerous lutelilgenco A. sera PORT Or DANES our administration do about It? As far as "hat wit' have known since Feb. With very little effort, Russian submarine gap, I know, it did nothing and said nothing rruaary 1963-low-level reconnatasanai bases can be established In Cuban ports. Al- Back Tut. Well. Well:" - nights over Cuba by Navy and Air PorCi ready there are widely published reports that meantime k to Cuba in a moment, but in the pilots I eve been suspended on direct order:( a Soviet naval base Is under construction at me let'Is look at s how the United States by the A'hite House. despite protests by both the Port of Banes. This, of course, could Is being regarded today around the world, services that these flights are necessary I: neutralize the American base at Guantanamo. an article appearing n we are to know what is really going on in The administration is silent when the ques- leanHenryed J. Features Taylor, S att and d Cuba; and that high-level U-2 reconnais? tion of Banes Is raised. in leading newspapers, , had this to sa : "Are re we sg gradualism?"' he seuice Eights. now under the direction of thi e. mz Isla OF PINES falling for rs Soviet Central intelligence Agency, have been kept asks. Here's s part of what he e says: We know beyond any doubt that there is "A Castro-trained Zanzibar pigmy can put to a minimum, with none passing directl? a tremendous Soviet buildup on the Isle of a gun at the back of our American consul over C iba. Pines. True or false? We know that this is the transshipment and walk him to the docks. Do our ships move to protect him? Oh, no, he's just 2. THOSE "FISHING BOATS" point for arms drops to Latin America and booted off to East Africa like a bag of burlap. I am told that Russia Is using a fleet of that the Russians have asked that the Isle of "Three American airmen cah be shot down highsp' ed so-called "fishing boats" to ex- Pines be turned over for use exclusively by in East Germany, and so what? port Fl let Castro's Communist revolution t) the Russians for such arms buildup and as "Soviet stooges can bomb the U.S. Em- other '.stin American countries. I under- an available depot for arms drops to other bassy on Cyprus. surrounded by the great stand t tat there are now around 200 of them: Latin American countries. U.S. 7th Fleet, and photograph our Ambasaa- That these oceangoing vessels which have v. TRAINING IN TERRORISM dor struggling in the debris and dust. The the de ?eptive configuration of trawlers an ! Nation's intelligence front-page pictures were a sellout in Nicosia which an sall rings around the World War Early chief, Early J. A. in Mc 19833 the , he e N Nado 's the CIA, r- while the population watched the Americans II nay it vessels of neighboring Caribbean Led a subcommiecto of the CIA, Foreign flee nation: , are transporting arms and guer- pce "Two-penny Ghanaian tyrant Kwame Nkru- riilas. Affairs Committee of the House that 1,000 to mah makes Red hay with anti-American In- That those "fishing boats" have a carrying 1,500 trainees from every Latin American 'suits, and threatened, helpless U.S. teachers capacity of 150 to 250 passengers, or Soo to country, save one, went to Cuba to receive are given 24 hours to get out of the country. 550 tra tons of fish or arms, that their training in guerrilla warfare, sabotage, and anges up to 30 knots. As far as flea terrorism. "Connta Congolese . bus i a mockery of our official are d There are ample grounds for believing that pieces. and tearing a xr~cet ost of ed, them the well-founded have yet to wet to wea s net and d Cuba is the campus for an even greater um- n American passports in s Into our flogs today. "Panamanian whatr.ots. led by more than that t:iey are built strictly for dirty work her of s such trainees shocking new policy 70 Castro-trained goons, can ambush and kill at the Latin American crossroads. Today by our repo Department a sht are gaining ir our soldiers In the Balboa High School and Tru` or false? culation. bomb our Embassy to boot. Our dead are s. THOSE CAVES AND TUNNEts The Hail Syndicate, Inc., reveals that be- quietly returned to America. You hear a lot about the caves in Cuba. hind the recently announced orders to with- "For the past 2 years, some place in the Maj. Gen. Alva R. Pitch, testifying before draw military dependents from Guantanamo world, American embassies, consulates or the Senate Armed Services Committee in there is an inner, long-range State Depart- agencies have been attacked, burned or 1963 sated that there are Indeed countlerts ment plan to "phase out" this country's oc- looted at the rate of one a month with ab- thoust ads of caves in Cuba and that mar y cupancy of the big, strategic naval base. solute impunity. Ar.d every time even a of these are large enough for storing military This report says: "A major premise of the little bobtailed tyrant kicks us in the teeth, weapo is. including missiles. Furthermore, State Departments plan Is that sooner or to say nothing of Khr.ishchev or Mao. Wash- be stated that aerial reconnaissance lit- later Castro will take the Guantanamo issue ington hastens to say he didn't mean It. dicate'I roads recently built to known ca"e to the United Nations, and the United States "Castro can cut off a U.B. naval base's locatitats. should be ready to give up the base rather water. We talk tough on Monday and decide On April 1, 1963, Representative CLEVELAIm than risk a censure vote." on Tuesday that he doesn't mean too much lnaertri in the CONGRESSIONAL RRCORD a I think that the American people are en. trouble, after all. Meanwhile, Soviet troops piece from the Saturday Evening Post ton titled to acme straight nonpolitical answers can remain 90 miles off our shores 15 months this subject, pointing out the highly signiil- now to the questions I have raised, and after the President of the United States told cant fact that It was possible for some caves others. the world that they must leave. frontt)g on the ocean to contain submarine How about It. Mr. President? "In all this we are supposed to find a for- pens, .rid there has been additional inform;- What about the intelligence gap? eign policy? We are to believe a policy exists? tion a ace to indicate that this in so. What about those fishing boats? This is not a policy; It is a catastrophe. Is I' any wonder that Castro doesn't wart What about those caves and tunnels? "The result? It is not easy for a country on-sit 3 inspections? What about those 70-foot missiles west of to chop the world's leading nation down to Acc=irtiing to Free Cuba News, the nee- Havaana? elm. But the U.S.S.R. is doing a first-class letter of the Citizens Committee for a Free What about the Isle of Pines? job of it. Cuba. the Soviets have secreted guided me- Is a Soviet naval base with submarine pens "What we are seeing Is the Soviet technique sites it the Russian-made tunnels in La- under construction at the Cuban port of of grafiualism. Accustom people to retreat- Clobeir,adora hills, near Cuba's principal Banes, Or isn't it? ing and you cannot only push them out of naval base of Martel. Electrical systems ere What is your attitude about the Monroe firm positions (Ike Cuba) but they'll even also a t`d to be Installed at the nearby base of Doctrine? begin to believe that ducking into doorways Meseta de Anafe and are connected with the What about the Stennis report? Is really much better than walking down the guide i-missile stations at IaGobernadora street. True or false? How much Is It costing American taxpay- "This means the aggressor is getting what 4. THE STENNIS REPORT era to provide fresh water to Guantanamo? he wants by having it given to him. In '"y 1963 the Stennis senatorial invest3- If it is such a good idea to convert sea pre- Throughout all history that has always It bea water at the bane, why didn't we start pre- gauo't committee, including both Reps b- paring to do it years ago when trouble with the road finally to war (or surrender). or licant and Democrats, issued a hard-hittilig. Cosiz+o started instead of waiting until now? peace. unan Inous report stressing the gravity of 1 he "Our momentum down this disastrous road aitua Ion. The committee gathered Its in- How many Russian troops and technicians, must be broken. Never in history have form iron from top people in the adminis- or whatever you call them, still remain in enemies won so much by so little. Never tenth n. Cuba, and what functions are they perform- have our incredible losses in strategic posi- Th,: Stennis group was particularly ctgn- Ing? Are they actually running things in tions and world authority mounted so cerncd over repeated published reports from Cuba or aren't they? - rapidly and on all rides. exiles and refugees that Soviet missiles ire What are our long-range plans regarding "If we do not retaliate against the cal- cone( Fled In Cuban eaves. Guantanamo? Is there any truth to the culated humiliations we're suffering all over Tb ire reports are all the more alarming In rumors of the "phasing out" policy of our the globe, our days as the world's No. I view cf the administration's ad-'salon ttat. State Department? power are numbered. - The Soviet and Its lacks ig onsite inspection, no one can any for Certainly these are not things somebody stooges cry 'Frog' and we jump. This must ewe shat all the Russian missiles have ben dreamed up to embarrass you politically. stop, or God help the United States." remceed. There has been too much sober, well-in- Approved For Release 2005/01/27 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000200170076-7 1964 Approved For Rele 2005/01/27: CIA-RDP66B00403R00170076-7 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - APPENDIX . formed _djscuss on Qf them in Congress to justify such a notion. ev, vtr President what about Cuba and what. ar,.e yie ;going to do about it? The Anieri. people are entitled to know. Congressmen' are getting a lot of mail these days from puzzled voters who can't under- stand why we are su liorPry- g a Communist coalition or} Laas yet we fight the Commu hists in Vietnam, with more than, 15,000 Amerigan,5 stationed there, continue to lose a an- spend. around $1.5 lot of lives, d }nilllon, day and do practically nothing about the Communist threat at our door- step. This Cuban situation. oiivlously is a nasty thorn in the sine of this administration it should be, The da nothing; welt-and-see policy, if you Can oau this ,a::.policy, seems to be rooted in the philosophy that any positive action would risk a nuclear war; that anyone who brings up the ubject is a warmonger, play- ing politics, or'- some kind of a nut or some- thing. Administration spokesmen then promptly a ttempt to sweep it under the rug. This is, obviously a matter of grave ra- tional concern and should' not be.,a partisan issue, but it is becoming abundantly clear that today we can look only to Republican leadership to restore what ex-President Ei- senhower has aptly called "United States- manship," to erase the tragic and threaten- ing mess in Cuba, which is obviously our first essential step in building new respect for ourselves, not only throughout Latin Amer- ica, but throughout the world. Obviously the only thing that is going to get action is a truly aroused electorate. It seems pretty clear by now that, in spite Of All it ccists tilem,_the Russians have good thing going for themselves in Cuba as part of their historic, long range strategy of world domination and what Henry J. Taylor calls gradttalism. It is an advanced intelligence base which can,be use l,Jor e,lectxonic .sur- veillance of our military and space activities in the southeast United States and the entire Caribbean area, and which is an ideal sub- marine base. klven'Harry Truman is critical of our for- eIgn policy. In an article copyrighted by the North American Hewapaper Alliance appearing Sunday, March 1, he said: "'It is all too obvious, that the position of the United States in the affairs of the world is not what it, should bo.- ,. , _ . "Our leadership has been steadily losing its effectiveness.' Our hopes fora world com- mitted to peace, freedom and security for all seem to have faded in the resumed struggle for power and trade. "It serves no useful purpose to protest or to ignore this unpleasant state. But we had better face ,up to it.." White 'Rouse. which claims We are loved The time has clearly come to stop drifting throughout the world. and dreaming, speechifying, pacifying, and How much of this soft Soap, I wonder, are alibiing about Cuba and about communism the American people willing to take? in this hemisphere. What can be done about i_t with minimum It is equally obvious that we cannot look risk of war? to this administration to do anything about Let's not be-trapped by`the familiarad- it. ministration argument and psychosis that That's why I believe we must look to ex- to do - something constructive we have to President Eisenhower's "United Statesman- invade Cuba and risk a.nuclear war. ship" which is rapidly becoming the philoso- Representative FOREMAN, of Tellas, says: phy of the Republican Party. "I think the American people are correct in That's why more and more people, as they saying that they are tired of this business watch the behavior of this administration in What are some of the right things we can everybody-at-less-cost are deciding that it's do in a positive program? time to be a Republican-American for a Here are some of the , most elemental change. things that best informed Members of. Con- They feel it is time to shore up America; gress have demanded,: that it is time to stand up in the eyes of 11 Step up our surveillance at least to the the world and that it' ti some, teeth into trade restrictions which will Americans, I am sure, want to close the ever- prevent the free world from feeding the widening leadership gap and to vote America Cuban economy and relieving Russia in the back on the track. That's mainly why they process. Many practical measures have been are going to vote Republican. proposed toward that end, They feel that this is the best thing they 3. Restate and enforce the Monroe Doc- can do for their country, which right now trines which is based on ? the principle that a needs a lot done for it. It is later than you foreign government shall not colonize in the think. , s me or guts-not point where it was prior to the blockade of buts. Yellow simply doesn't go with red, WINSTEAr], was called upon to give rou- October 1962, white, and blue, and the American people tine clearance to a land acquisition proj- Western Hemisphere. 4. Recognize a Cuban Government in exile and take the initiative in helping to form one. 5. Revise the present punitive policy against Cuban patriots in exile, who through their independent activities, can at least buoy up the hopes of their helpless freedom-loving friends and.l, relatives in. Cuba. . 6. In collaboration with the Organization of American States (a) forbid all travel be- tween Cuba and the Latin American States and (b) stop all trade between Cuba and the Latin American States. We should have learned by now that this Organization of American States welcomes the leadership of this country. Have we forgotten how quickly they rallied behind us when we initiated and followed through on the naval blockade of 1962? The Latins respect strength. Most of the Latin countries are genuinely with us. They are simply waiting for us to act-and we don't. The time for action obviously is now. Every month, every week, the situation worsens. More Cubans are constantly being in- doctrinated in Moscow to hate us. Every week more subversives are trained and planted in South America. Every day more military equipment is ac- cumulated in Cuba and more men are trained to use it. The patriotic rebels in Cuba, who a year or two ago were raising havoc with the sugar harvest, are constantly growing less effective in their power to resist under the increasing surveillance of an increasingly powerful police state. The Cuban economy grows stronger- rather than weaker, as we are often led to believe. And we are permitting this to happen. Many Congressmen are of the view that with a policy of firmness on our part, the necessary results can be accomplished with- out a shot being fired, but that if it involves limited war it is a risk we must take, that the sooner, we take it the better, and that this represents the will and true spirit of the American people. It seems obvious that until this Red cancer is removed, and as long as we remain soft with this condition staring us in the face, our foreign policy in all other parts of the world, from Saigon to Havana and at all stops in between, is properly suspect and, in fact, a expedient and wobbly, jerry'.built policy throughout the world and in its obviously Air Force Electronic Systems Division Best Served at Hanscom EXTENSION OF REMARKS HON. PHILIP J. PHILBIN OF MASSACHUSETTS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, April 9, 1964 Mr. PHILBIN. Mr. Speaker, the deci- sion of Secretary of the Air Force Eugene M. Zuckert to retain the vitally impor- tant Electronic Systems Division at Laurence G. Hanscom Field in Massa- chusetts is one that the entire Massachu- setts delegation in Congress wholeheart- edly approves and applauds. While it has been known for the past few days that the decision on Hanscom would. be a favorable one, Secretary Zuckert today in a lengthy memorandum made known the reasons which prompted him to reject the request for transfer of some. or all of the. Hanscom functions to Griffiss Air Force Base in New York. I ask unanimous consent to include as part of my remarks correspondence deal- ing with Hanscom. While I am sympathetic with the Rome, N.Y., area over its concern about the relocation of certain Griffiss functions, I am most disturbed over the efforts of some of my colleagues from New York to raid Hanscom and I see little justification for efforts of this kind at a time when all defense installations are under review for possible closing by the Department of Defense. For those of us in Massachusetts who have been aware of the ESD contribu- tions to the defense effort for some time past, largely generated by the huge sci- entific-research complex Boston is for- tunate enough to have, the decision on Hanscom was the only one possible un- der the circumstances. However, very many people became alarmed when what can only be de- scribed as a power grab began some weeks ago by some members of the New York delegation. Letters of protest des- cended upon Massachusetts Congress- men in growing numbers, but there was little in the way of positive assurances for these good people until the Air Force had completed its survey of the func- tions at Hanscom. This Air Force decision was expedited in great measure, in my opinion, through recent actions of our Committee on Armed Services when the Subcommittee on Real Estate, of which I was chairman a few years ago, now ably directed by our distinguished colleague, the courteous and capable gentleman from Mississippi, my valued and esteemed friend [Mr. A.1771 Approved For: Release 20051Q1127 : CIA-RDP66,B00403R000200170076-7 A1772 Approved For Release 2005/01/27 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000200170076--f- CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - APPENDIX April 9 The project called for the acquisition of- some 40 acres of land near Hanscom for the 200-unit housing project, au- thorized and funded by the Congress last year. Early this year the Air Force re- leased $31,~ million jr funds so that the work, already long delayed, could get underway. The Air Force presentation to justify the project had just begun when ques- tions were raised about the necessity for such housing at a time when the Air Force was surveying Hanscom. The House met at 11 a.m. that day and the subcommittee adjourned without taking any action on the Hanscom proj- ect. In view of the need for early approval of the land acquisition project for Hans- com, Chairman VINSC'N of our committee wrote Secretary Zuckert on March 16, reciting the facts and urging an early decision on the over-all Hanscom survey so that some disposition of the subordi- nate land acquisition problem could be made. That subcommittee decision was also made today, Mr. Speaker, and I am pleased to report that the subcommittee endorsed Secretary Zuckert's decision on Hanscom by a vote of five to two In favor of the acquisition of needed land for Hanscom housing. If it had not been for Chairman Vin- son and our committee, 1. feel sure it is quite possible that Hanscom would still be the subject of conjecture and un- certainty. Let me make it clear that Chairman Vinson took no sides on this issue. He simply let It be known that it would be desirable to have an early Hanscom de- cision, one way or the other. The members of the Massachusetts delegation in Congress from the outset vigorouslyprotested the New York raid on the Hanscom functions. While it is difficult to see how the AIr Force could have come to any other conclusion on Hanscom, especially In view of the huge investment the Federal Government al- ready has made in the Hanscom facili- ties, totaling over $70 million and the obvious invaluable character of the un- matched scientific and research and de- velopment advantages of this base, the delegation worked most energetically as a unit to retain Hanscom at full strength. There is a lesson for all of us in the Hanscom situation, Mr. Speaker. There is every indication that more and - more of the outmoded or surplus defense activities will be curtailed or phased out partially or completely in the months and years ahead. When that time comes, congressional efforts should not be geared to raids on other parts of the country with requests for time-consum- ing and expensive surveys, as has been done here. Rather, it would seem to me that action be directed toward the reten- tion of the facilities in question and the best possible case made with the officials concerned and our colleagues here in the Congress. In that way, sectional differences would be eliminated and a more sympa- thetic and greater awareness of the problems of other areas might well result when these matters come up for discus- sion in the House. Moreover, interested groups ,hould exercise good judgment In not jumping the gun on rumors and speculative reports and conclusions. Perti lent correspondence on Hanscom follows MAscu 24, 1964. Hon. Et GCNE M. ZUCKERT, Secretor U of the Air Force, Washin!'ion, D.C.: Have t --,-n greatly concerned about your survey possibly designed to remove Elec- tronics System Division from Hanscom to Grtmss. Believe such a move would be ex- tremely Il advised. costly, wasteful, iaem- elent, I.nd harmful to national defense. Strongl: urge your rejection incredible pro- posal Ni w York Senators and early activation before for Real Estate Committee your own prior pr )posal commencement housing proj- ect at tcanscom. Will be most grateful your conalde: ion and favorable action in this matter. Thanks and regards. PHILIP J. PHILBIN. Member of Congress. LI.PAaTMENT OF THE Ant FORCE, Washington. Hon. PHILIP J. PHU.sZN, House e) Representatives. Dana Mx. PHILBIN: This is to acknowledge your telegram of March 24 concerning I, propose 1 to transfer the Electronic System'; Divisonl: from Hanscom Field to OrIMBs Al:. Force L Lae, N.Y. This Iwoposal was placed before the At, Force o I an official basis by several members; of the :Iew York State congressional delega tion. ' ney also approached the Nationsl Aerona sties and Space Agency (NASA) with a view to determining whether NASA could use an, facilities vacated by TED. We ere conducting a study of this pro- posal ;and have established contact with NASA c Metals. This study is necessarily com- plex b i:ause of the wide range of ESP activiti n. We expect that a final answer will be available next month. At that time w? will pr rmptly inform you. t 4 ncerely, GEORGE M. LOCKHART, Co.onel, U.S. Air Force, Deputy, Diree- IGr, Legislative Liaison. DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE, Washington. April 9. 1984. Hon. P cusp J. PHILBIN. House )f Repersentatit-es. Dsra Ma. PHILSIN: This Is In response to your nevnt letter, signed jointly with other membtrs of the Massachusetts congressional delega: ton. In which you recommended tb e ratenti )n of the Electronic Systems Division (ESD) Eat Laurence G. Hanscom Field, Masi. Severa members of the New York State cot - greesicaal delegation had suggested that E5:3 be moved to Grifties Air Force Base, N.". Their :.uggeation was predicated on the prc - jected availability of resources at Orimss re - sultini from the phase out of the Rome Ar Maters l Area (ROAMA) and the need of tie Natloral Aeronautic= and $pace Administri.- tion ( ASA) for facilities and capabiliti;a to eat tbliBh their proposed Electronic Rw- search Center in the Boston area. We .lave made a detailed. objective anal;?- ais of this proposal. considering the impact on m: iipower. facilities, and dollars. The result, are described In the attached outline. Our conclusion, after these evaluations, is that t'ue retention of ESD at Hanscom wou d best s-rve the Government's interest. Sincerely, EUGENE M. ZUCKERT. Secretary of the Air Force. CONCLOSIONS RESULTING FROM ANALYSIS OF PSO:IHuAL To RELOCATE THE ELECTRONIC SYS- Tx= I DIVISION (ESD) FROM LAURENCE '3. MaxscOM FIELD, MASS., TO GRIr7185 Ala FOR- 1A BASE, N.Y. Sevi rat members of the New York State congatsional delegation have proposed that the Electronic Systems Division (ESD), now located at Laurence O. Hanscom Field (near Boston, Maas.), be moved to GriMss Air Force Base, N.Y. It was postulated that ESD could use resources at Grtmss made available by the phaseout of ROAMA. This, In turn, would make available to NASA the facilities and capabilities of ESD for the pro- posed NASA electronics center in the Boston area. The first step in our analysis was to consider the resources and missions of the major Ails Force activities Involved In the proposal. (a) At Griffiss Air Force Base, the follow- ing situation prevails: 1. The Rome Air Materiel Area (ROAMA) is being phased out. This will make avail- able nine warehouse-type buildings, of which about 315.000 square feet have been modified for administrative purpose. The more mod- ern of these facilities are under considera- tion for use by other Air Force activities scheduled to remain at Grilses. 2. The Rome Air Development Center (RADC) executes the systems command exploratory and advanced development pro- grams in electromagnetics. It also provides technical support to > in the design, en- gineering, and development of subsystem components and equipment. Some 40 per- cent of RADC work is done for ESD. Less than 10 percent of the total ESD work is accomplished by LADC. (b) Located on or near Hanscom Field, Mass., are the Lincoln Laboratory, the Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratory. (AFCRL), the Systems Development Cor- portation (SDC), the Electronics Systems Division. and the MITRE Corporation. The effect of the proposed move of ESD on these activities Is as follows: 1. Lincoln Laboratory and AFCRL accom- plish basic research functions. While their colocation with ESD is not essential, the nearby availability of their considerable human talents does substantially assist in the accomplishment of the ESD mission. 2. SDC is a service activity of ESD. Again, although colocatlon with ESD is not ab- solutely essential, it Is desirable. 3. ESD is primarily responsible for man- aging the acquisition of electronic informa- tion and communications systems from initial concept to their Installation as a part of the Air Force Inventory. There is a con- tinuing shortage of Air Force personnel sumciently trained to perform the in-house engineering and technical support required In the acquisition of modern Air Force weap- ons and support equipment. As a result, "not-for-profit" corporations have been established to provide systems engineering and integration for Air Force programs. In the case of electronic systems. MITRE per- forms this vital function. Thus, it is an essential part of the overall ESD operation and any separation of these two activities would bring about unacceptable Increases in costs, and slippages in urgent national com- mand and control programs. 4. MITRE is presently located 4 miles from Hanscom in facilities which cost over $9 mil- lion. The mortgage on their buildings (owed by MITRE) eras a present unpaid balance of some $5.1 million. (c) The following information concerning the proposed NASA Electronic Research Cen- ter was developed: 1. NASA has budgeted approximately $56 million for the Center (exclusive of land costs). They have estimated that approxi- mately 40 percent of this is for building con- struction, with the remaining 60 percent to be Spent for equipment acquisition and in- stallation. This Is subject to refinement after the final site selection. 2. On the basis of moving ESD, and its in- tegral component MITRE, to Grimss, the Civil Engineer, Hanscom Field, after study- Approved For Release 2005/01/27 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000200170076-7