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196.E Approved for Release 2005/01/27: CIA-RDP66B00403R01'!'00170087-5 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD SENATE catlonal; shocpmmgs_ of these schools should be re etfied, The prolonged m s treatment o, the oyersea eachers should be rectified in order that' their salaries may be paid in conformity with the law of this land. I asn deeply disappointed with the con- treatent given tiriued. substandard be-'--_ these teachers by'the partment of De- fense and appeal to this body to rise as one to correct the obvious and myriad problems of the oversea dependents schools. MISSILE RELIABILITY-A QUESTION OF PACT Mr. SIMPSON. Mr. President, few controversies in recent weeks have elici- ted such cries of outraged indignation from the Johnson administration as those which met the statement by the Senator from . Arizona[Mr. GOLDWATER] that this Nation's missile weapons sys- tems left something to be desired in the. As all Members of this body are aware, Mr. President, the statement by the Sen- ator from Arizona was countered with a heated denial by Secretary 'of Defense Robert McNamara, who termed' the charge "completely misleading, politi- cally irresponsible, and damaging to the tary of Defense, a transcript of hearings held by the Senate Committee on Armed Services only a year ago reveals that Mr, McNamara, h imself ? had testified that none of our missile weapons systems had passed reliability tests. Because this tes- timony by the Secretary of Defense, un- der questioning by the distinguished Sen- ator from Mississippi [Mr. STENNIS] so vitally concerns the current charges and countercharges about our'national secu- rity, I ask that the exchange, as, taken from pages 95 and 96 of the published hearings of the Committee on Armed Services on February 20, 1963, be printed in the RECORD, There being no objection, the state- ment was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: Senator STENNIS. This is not a matter of thought control and anything like that, or news control. That is not the issue, as I see It, This. is a matter of national security, nd I believe In whopping up our side, but that doesn't mean: being misleading. Now, that is the background. I am advised with reference to-the Minute - man, for instance, considered a proven weap- ons system, that so far there have been only two Minuteman firings at Vandenberg Air Force Base and that they have been both unsuccessful. Do you recall, is that correct? Secretary MCNAMARA. I understand there have been four, and all unsuccessful.. Senator STENNIS? Pour. Secretary MCNAMARA, The Minuteman is operational In the sense that the first flight has been turned over to the Air Force and is operated by operational personnel, but it has only been a matter of days since that happened. [Deleted.] The Air Force has done, I think, a truly remarkable job in bringing that system in rapidly and well. [Deleted.] Senator STENNIS. I wasn't suggesting it was unreliable, either, but my point is that It is not yet proven- Secretary MCNAMARA. It Is not yet, Senator STENNIS. [Deleted.] Secretary MCNAMARA. I think that is a fair statement. Senator STENNIS. I understand further that you have had serious problems, too, in the Minuteman guidance system, and that of the eight Minuteman tests which were scheduled at Vandenberg to take place be- tween June 11, 1962, and February 15, 1963, that the actual launchings were only two, and that they were both unsuccessful. You say there were four and how many of them were unsuccessful? Secretary McNAMARA. There were four launchings, all unsuccessful, I believe. Senator STENNIS. Yes. Now, this Titan II is scheduled to be op- erational this year, in March, although the only launch of a Titan U at Vandenberg was last week, and this missile blew up shortly after the launch, is that correct? Secretary McNAMARA. Yes. Senator STENNIS. You can't consider it then a proven weapons system. Secretary McNAMARA, I don't believe, Sen- ator Stennis, that we can consider any of our missile systems today, proven in the sense in which you are using the word. Senator STENNIS. That was my next ques- tion, just what, if any, of them do you con- sider a proven weapons system? Secretary MCNAMARA. I don't believe any of them are proven in the sense you are using the word. For statistical reasons, based on the law of probability, we must carry out a specified number of launchings under opera- tional conditions in order to develop any accurate estimate of missile reliability. None of the weapons systems have passed through that what I call reliability testing program as yet. They haven't passed through it be- cause of lack of time. OUR UNCIVIL TREATMENT OF CIVIL SERVAN'T'S Mr. MUSKIE. Mr. President, in our so,iety the politican is a favorite target of criticism, sometimes deserved but so often unjustified. Dedication to duty, positive accomplishments are overlooked while extraneous issues become all im- portant. The noted columnist Paul Harvey ef- fectively described this attitude in a recent column which I think it would be well for every American to review. I ask unanimous consent that Mr. Harvey's column be printed in the RECORD at this point. There being no objection, the article was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: OUR UNCIVIL TREATMENT OF CIVIL SERVANTS (By Paul Harvey) You and I would not think of treating the servants in our kitchen the way we treat our civil servants. A businessman with- money is respected. A politician with money is suspected. In business, reciprocity is necessary, pru- dent, and wise. In politics it's called "a deal." You make a gigantic mistake in business, you declare bankruptcy. You make a gigantic mistake in politics, you and your family are permanently dis- graced. The businessman offers a bribe, "that's business." A politician accepts a bribe, "that's a crime." Defenders of this double standard insist that what politicians do is "public," what in- dustry does is "private." Why? 4507 Does that defense really make sense when the consuming public pays for the hanky- panky in industry as surely as the taxpaying public pays for the politician's boondoggle? Another thing: It's smart for a "working man" to get more than he's worth for work- ing less than he's able. But the politician is expected to "sacri- fice," to accept less than he's worth, but be always "on duty." And who ever heard of time-and-a-half for a Congressman? A factory hand tries to get into to see the chairman of the board and he'll get old wait- ing. In politics your door is expected to be open all the time, you are expected to be available to anybody. That's not all: In business, longtime ex- perience is an asset, an endorsement, a vir- tue. in politics too long and you're a "hack." A businessman's careless remark would never get out of the board room. A politician's total image is crucified by one, Intemperate utterance quoted out of cotext. The press contributes to this double- standard; let's admit it. There are too many "it has been rumored" accusations about politicians which get printed on the front page and retracted, if at all, somewhere in the want ads. If you are in one business and buy stock in others, you are "diversifying." If you are a politician with outside income, you are "profiteering." If you give a few hours to the community fund you are hailed as a selfless, public- spirited citizen. A lawmaker sacrifices precious months out of his year to attend legislative sessions and you wonder "what's he getting out of it?" The Subcommittee on Labor and Public Welfare recently published a report called "Ethical Standards in Government." It was the judgment of the committee that ethical standards among public officials are generally higher than those prevailing in so-called pri- vate business. In a Republic we elect men to do our de- ciding for us. Theoretically we elect our best men. Ac- tually we tend to elect men our own size. How is it that we presume to demand of these ordinary creatures such extraordinary conduct? ADDRESS BY SECRETARY WIRTZ AT NEW REPUBLIC 50TH ANNIVER- SARY BANQUET Mr. McGOVERN, Mr. President, last night I attended the 50th Anniversary Banquet of the New Republic. This re- markable journal has for half a century served as a vehicle for the expression of stimulating, constructive thought on -public affairs. One of the distinguished guests who addressed the banquet was our brilliant Secretary of Labor, Mr. Willard Wirtz. I ask unanimous consent that his superb address be printed at this point in the RECORD. There being no objection, the' address was ordered to be printed in the REC- ORD, as follows: It Is hardly equal time, after reading the New Republic for over 30 years, to be ra- tioned to 5 minutes in reply. Josh Billings was right that "brevity is the child of silence and a great credit to the old Mean"but there was good sense, too, in Woodrow Wilson's unyielding protest against campaign whistlestop speeches, that "5 min- Approved For Release 2005/01/27 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000200170087-5 JON% Approved For Release 2005/01/27 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000200170087-5 4508 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE March 6 utes Is only time to commit a compound fracture of an idea." Gil Harrison's Instructions are not to look back tonight, but ahead I see the future more clearly in the soft lantern light of faith than in the glaring headlight of reason. Eternity has already shrunk, in the Illumi- nation of logic, to a matter of minutes: that little time that can run while man lives a single spark away from ultimate destruction, his knowledge of power daily outstripping his wisdom about its use, with more and more of democracy's decisionmakers know- ing less and less of what they are deciding. To care about the future only as it will see the ascendancy of human over material values is to watch with a fascination that fights against fear a generation of machines maturing as no generation of human beings ever has-so that any moment now some clanking robot will pull itself erect and an- nounce: Cogito, ergo gum. We take, nevertheless, the brief against that kind of reason, the brief for faith and for the future. Children of unfathomable mystery, sur- rounded still by secrets that dwarf to in- significance what Is sc far known, we have no basis-unless the premise be taken as itself the conclusion-for asserting that only Wiiat can be proved is true. The only dangers, except for cataclysmic accident, are that we will build our syl- logisms too much on experience, too little on vision; that we will forget that "the In- evitable is only what we don't resist" and the unattainable only what we don't at- tempt; that we will st,unble and fall on the sword of our own stupidity. It is not the stupidity of the Ignorant that threatens so much as the stupidity of the successful-who seek to protect their pet- ty conceits behind maginot lines of race or religion or geography, content with the lit- tle innovations of their own dubious piety, fighting change because the status quo has been good to them. The divine right of the successful is as false a notion as the divine right of kings. We look ahead ton.ght knowing the fu- ture is still infinite it we will stretch our minds far enough and fast enough to keep ideas abreast of ideals; If we will reassess, under technology's pressure, the revolution- ary new relationship between war and peace and between work and leisure,' if we will seize the sense of the future that will let us stand on a clear night and look at a heaven full of more stars than the number of all the men and women who have ever lived, and realize that those stars are now very close to our reach and are part of our children's future. If I am because I think, I will be because I believe-even if only in the grand mystery of it all, and that it is worth the eternal quest. That search is not wisely or even safely made alone. Free minds need testing by free minds, by critics who are not common scolds, by wasps with the sense of humor to separate what is important from what Isn't, by those who, while "starting little insurrections In the realm of conviction," still believe in more than disbelief. So It is that we depend upon the editors of the New Republic we who would push reason beyond reason to faith-in a fuller MOMENT OF TRUTH FOR THE OAS Mr. KEATING. Mr. President, the spe- cial committee appointed by the OAS to investigate charges of Cuban aggression against Venezuela has made Its report. Beyond any doubt it has been proven with detailed evide?ce and photographs that a substantial cache of arms was conference on war and peace held in Mexico buried for use In guerrilla fighting City in 1945 to consider World War II Nazi against the Government of Venezuela and Fascist threats to the hemisphere. -_,,, It says. in effect. that if the OA8 finds any country guilty of tary eq alpment shipped to Cuba in 1957 They 1:icluded very substantial amounts. of ammunition, guns, submachine guns and sc forth, produced in Belgium ir. 1959, s- lipped to Cuba,'and then brought. to the Latin American continent. Anc. they a:so included a small boat and out- board motor shipped from Canada to Cuba in the fall of 1963, allegedly for use by poultry experts in the Cubar. Department of Agriculture. Mr.'resident, to date, Castro has been formally accused of aggression by star different Latin American countries. Cer.. tainly, in this case, the evidence is in.. contro iertible. The question now before the OP S is a critical one. Will the group take action and show that It is an effec. Live International body capable of deal' ing with aggression and subversion, o: will It drop the Issue from lack lack of leader: hip or effective political guidance' On .,wo previous occasions the OAiI has m !t to consider the Cuban danger, and filled to reach meaningful accord on total isolation of this cancer. Mr. President. this issue is a critical one for the future of the OAS, It is most perceptively analyzed In an article b:f Charles Keely of the Copley News Serv- ice. Charles Keely has considerable backgi ound and experience in reporting Communist subversion in Cuba and Lath Amen :a and this article is a lucid expo- sition of the issue now before the OAc3 and it effect before every nation of this hernia: there. Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- sent to include following my remarks i3 the RECORD the text of the article by Charles Keely. The ?e being no objection, the article was of dered to be printed in the RECORD, as foil )ws: Ot S AaarvE3 AT MOMENT or TanTH (By Charles Keely) aggression against one of its members, a series of sanctions, up to and Including the use of armed force, can be Imposed upon the aggressor. The treaty was used, for example, by Venezuela in 1960 to impose sanctions on Dictator Rafael Trujillo who was accused of trying to assassinate President Romulo Betancourt. OAS nations broke relations and applied economic sanctions on the Dominican Republic. Whether the OAS will take similar steps against Castro is the most Intriguing ques- tion In the hemisphere today. It Is also one which vitally concerns the Johnson ad- ministration during this election year. The Rio Treaty is a cornerstone of the OAS and inter-American system. To do nothing to Cuba would solidify criticism of the OAS as nothing but a debating society and render the mutual defense pact valueless. Five Latin nations still maintain diplo- matic and economic ties with the Castro regime which was expelled from the OAS in 1962. Brazil, Mexico, Uruguay, Chile, and Bolivia exchange Ambassadors with Havana and have limited trade ties with Cuba. Since Venezuela cannot vote on its own case, it will take 13 of the OAS members- or a two-thirds majority-to impose sanc- tions on Cuba. Nose counting Is already under way in Washington and throughout the hemisphere. Venezuela reportedly will ask the OAS, probably at a mid-April foreign ministers conference, to break all hemispheric ties with Cuba. This would mean the curtail- ment of only about $16 million In trade. But it would mean that Castro would have to close his five Latin embassies, centers of Communist subversion In Latin America. It also would mean that Cuba would have to cease commercial air flights to. Mexico, her loan remaining transportation link to Latin America. The United States is concerned that strong sanctions might further strain relations with so-called "neutralist" Latin nations which still deal with Cubs. But the heat of an election year is firing up the U.S. stand. cently told the House Foreign Affairs Com- mittee that the United States would support any Venezuelan proposal, Including the diplomatic and economic sanctions. Amerlc an States does not impose sanctions on Cuos, the future of the organization I It has been learned that additional sup- .:- self will be endangered. the Costa Rican port may come from unexpected quarters. Ambas iaidor here said. Venezuela has sent a mission to each of the "Ver rzuela has presented a clear case of five Latin nations which still recognize Cuba, Cuban aggression." said Gonzalo Facto, the man attempt to gain support for the sane- Ambas>ador. "If the OAS does not penal- tions. Ize the aggressor, the inter-American sy. Bolivia and Uruguay reportedly have tern Is in jeopardy of collapse." promised President pledges to support his Fact i'a fears concerning the future of the demands. If these pledges hold, only Chile, OAS a-e widespread among Latin diplomats Mexico, and Brazil are expected to oppose and U.S. oflicfals. sanctions. Chile is in the midst of a presi- "It is the moment of truth." said en dential campaign which the extreme left has Urugu cyan diplomat. "The Western Hem I_ a chance to win. Brazil's strong leftist sphere is at the crossroads." movement is friendly to Cuba. Mexico Facia was Chairman of the OAS Counidi traditionally has opposed Intervention in the in 1961. He was also a member of the live- affairs of another country and would like the natior investigating committee that we: it matter to be taken up by the United Nations to Vei iezueia to look into charges that Ca- where it would certainly die. tro an uggled arms, agents, ammunition and The issue at stake in the OAS is that after propaF ands into that country last Noveri- live bids by Castro to openly subvert Latin nations, Venezuela finally has dragged him bar. The committee found Cuba guilty, and has p:esented its finding to the OAS, which If he is not found guilty and severely penalized, his next aggression could sue- will consider sanctions against Castro. po cxissiul, the hemisphere would have e two To late. Castro has been accused of ag- Cubes, and the Rio Treaty would be reduced gressbon by six Latin countries -Panama, to a scrap of paper. the Lominican Republic, Nicaragua, Haiti, Honduras and Venezuela. Uncer OA$ laws, this aggression Is in (U- rect i loiation of the inter-American treaty of rep iprocat assistance-the so-called 11o Treat ' of 1947. The pact grew out of the KING PAUL OF GREECE Mr. KEATING. Mr. President, it is with sincere sorrow and regret that the Approved For Release 2005/01/27 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000200170087-5