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February 18, 1964
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Approved For Release` 05/01/27 : CIA-RDP66B00403R00020 0110-8
tion mute and disorganized while Mr. John- most vicious brand of colonial rule known cozying up to dictators to enrich "capitalist
son had the opportunity to demonstrate his to modern man. Their aim has been to imperialists."
skill unhampered. Certainly his stock is break the spirit of the men, women, and Whatever the extent of this dollar di-
now at an alltime high. The danger, to him,
is that it is so high that there is no children they conquered. It is a testi- plomacy, and it isn't much, it is peanuts
way to
go but down. Things can happen mighty monial to the Lithuanians and the peo- compared with the rescue of Fidel Castro's
collapsing economy by greedy English and
fast in this modern world. It took almost Ales of other captive nations that th
e French industrialists.
no time at all for Mr. Kennedy's skyrocketing Communists have never completely sue- First, Britain approved the sale of 1oi/
popularity which followed his inauguration naar1a 1 an +h,i, 4-r1,..,
agenda and subversive activity designed of nuclear war when Americans talked of
and his Red band. the the
to smother the nation's freedom. Short- attacking Fidel
ly after the outbreak of World War II, , world, rth economic the full a burden of susta
Soviet forces overran the country and ing Cuba on Russia and the Red bloc.
destroyed its freedom. Over the years The policy never had much prospect of
the 3 million people of this unhappy state success, but at least it was causing increasing
have kept alive the hope of liberty and difficulty for Khrushchev and his Cuban
independence in spite of harsh restric- buddy. As the economic squeeze tightened,
ei the chance
there was tions, deportations, suppression of reli- might save always
their u country from ruin than by get byget-
gion, and other repressive measures. ting rid of Castro themselves.
Their friends and relatives here are help- Now the quarantine, such as it was, is
Ing to keep alive this hope that in the not shattered. That leaves the U.S. with the
too distant future, Lithuania will once bitter alternatives of (1) living indefinitely
again become free and independent. I with this Communist cancer, (2) imposing a
share in that hope and the historic need full blockade or (3) invading Cuba to throw
the Red bums out. All involve grave risks
to gain for Lithuania freedom from Com-
o w'ron ai new buses to Cuba, where
Any student earthward of after the tray government of
almost halted.
knows rigs M JAVITS. Mr. President, I am Now Public France has transportation had authorized a $10 million
that awesome pitfalls await the Johnson leg- pleased to join in paying tribute to the truck and tractor deal. Others are pending.
islative program on Capitol Hill. He rides brave people of Lithuania on the 46th And Belgium and Spain want their hare of
tall in the saddle right now but it will be anniversary of their independence. the Cuba trade.
nothing less than miraculous if he can main- Lithuania's existence as an independent As a final back-of-the-hand to Washing-
ain this fantastic pace during the months republic was shortlived, covering only 21 ton, the goods will be sent in East German
that lie between this
and the moment in November when performance years between 1918 and 1940. These freighters to evade the U.S. blacklist of ships
present his political promissory notes he must at the years were made very difficult and trou- which trade with the Cuban enemy.
lot box Soviet prop- These "allied" governments cringed in fear
ppr bank, bled because of the constant
Mr. HUMPHREY, Mr. President, it
appears that the Senate has completed
morning business.
objection, _.morning business is closed.
The Chair lays before the Senate Sen-
ate Resolution 275, the unfinished busi-
ness, which will be stated by title.
tion-Senate Resolution 275-providing
additional funds for the Committee on
Interior and Insular Affairs.
Chair reminds the Senate of the effec-
tiveness of the rule of germaneness at
this time.
Mr. KEATING. Mr. President, I ask
unanimous consent that I may proceed
to discuss a matter not having to do with
the resolution, and that the rule of ger-
maneness be waived temporarily.
objection, it is so ordered.
Mr. KEATING. Mr. President, there
was great rejoicing 46 years ago Febru-
ary 16 as the Lithuanians proclaimed
independence after more than a century
of Russian control. This freedom was
enjoyed for 21 years, only to be crushed
by Nazis and Communists in a ravaging
pincer movement.
Once again this brave people was
forced to wear the shackles of oppres-
sion. Hundreds of thousands were ex-
iled to Siberia, where some still remain.
Tens of thousands were executed. Un-
der occupation Lithuania came to know
collectivization, increased poverty, and
religious persecution.
The institutions of freedom in Lithu-
ania were destroyed, but the spirit of
those institutions, conviction and hope
could not be so easily extinguished. It
is this flame that we of the free world
dare not forget. To us it must serve as
a reminder of the great courage with
which the oppressed fight for survival.
But that is not all. Our duty is to keep
that flame of hope alive, to let the peo-
ple of Lithuania know that we have not
forgotten their fight for freedom, and
to remind the free world that the Sov-
iets, who call themselves champions of
anticolonialism, have in fact imposed the
TIME TO PUT SOME MUSC>;L' INTO ?y` L1 wno Darn a even ootnered to stage the
usual Communist referendum, let alone hold
ECONOMIC SQUEEZE ON CUBA a free election. They seem undisturbed over
Mr. KEATING. Mr. President, one of the efforts of Castro's agents to stir up
the most disturbing aspects of our failure trouble from Panama to Chile, from Caracas
to come to grips with the problem of com- to Rio de Janeiro.
So the United States must act on its
munism in Cuba has been the manner in own-if it has the will-against Castro's
which our allies have refused to join us threats, ranging from the annoyance of cut-
in the program of economic pressure. Al- ting off Guantanamo's water supply to the
though the problem of trade with Com- far graver matter of providing a sheltered
munist nations is admittedly a thorny Western Hemisphere base for Communist
one, to which there are no easy answers, ?O Bu
our Government has failed to put suffi- But t it
it share s tragic that devotion nations which say
dent pressure on our free world friends have forcd the United States to consider
to insure that they keep up the economic suoh a harsh and difficult change of course.
squeeze on Mr. Castro.
Recent developments involving Brit-
ain and France have highlighted the de-
terioration of our Cuban policy and the
rise of business-as-usual sentiment in
Western Europe. Unless something is
done, and done promptly, to reverse this
trend, we might as well scrap our pro-
gram to put the economic screws to Cas-
A perceptive editorial published in the
Rochester Times-Union of February 10
outlines the manner in which our friends
have sabotaged the Cuban quarantine.
It should be must reading for all Mem-
bers of this body and of the executive
branch who are concerned about the
threat posed by this Communist beach-
head so close to our shores. I ask unani-
mous consent that it be printed at this
point in the RECORD.
There being no objection, the editorial
was ordered to-be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
Mr. KEATING. Mr. President, dur-
ing the recent rioting and crisis activi-
ties in the Panama Canal Zone, one
volunteer agency that continued to per-
form in a calm and praiseworthy man-
ner was the National Jewish Welfare
Board's Armed Forces Service Center in
Balboa. From the. moment the rioting
commenced, the center remained open
day and night to individuals and fami-
lies who sought refuge there. The cen-
ter's director, Rabbi Nathan Witkin, co-
operated successfully with the police in
finding ways and means for many
American and Panamanian families to
return safely to their homes.
Mr. President, this prompt and quiet
reaction to the need of servicemen and
others requiring assistance in unusual -
circumstances is typical of the fine work
done at ho
me an
abroad by the Na-
[From, the Rochester Times-Union, Feb. 10, tional -Jewish Welfare Board. I ask
19641 unanimous consent to have
this point in the RECORD a detailed ac-
For years, Europe's Communist-line bleed- count of Rabbi Witkin's efforts during
ing hearts have accused the United States of the Panama crisis,
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40ft AMA
Approved For Release 2005/01/27 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000200170110-8
There being no objection, the account Idaho IMr. CHURCH). I ask unanimous stressed the importance of keeping the main
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, consent to have printed in the RECORD focus of U.S. foreign policy on the central
goals of peace and freedom. He urged the
as follows: a rstaten.ent eside it jprepared by him dealing with Nation to avoid dealing with every interna-
JWB CANAL ZONE CENTI~t IS FOCUS or Wit.- Preside it ohnson's leadership in foreign tional difficulty on an emergency basis and
FARE WORK IN RINAsA CRISIS affairs, together with an editorial en- to strive, Instead, for practical solutions that
BALBOA, C.Z.-The National Jewish Welfare titled "Johnson on Foreign Affairs," pub- not only meet the immediacies but will stand
Board's JWB Armed Forces Service Center in lished n the Philadelphia Inquirer of u Tover President h long gems to be following his
Balbort served as a focal point for welfare February 3, 1964. oven ep t se ms to t olnhis
activities during the ?ecent crisis in the Ther ~ being no objection, the state- own one of numerous southeast trouble spots
Canal Zone. According to word received by went end editorial were ordered to be hjust farflung
e mentioned In the course of the news con-
JWB from the center's ci rector, Rabbi Nathan printed in the RECORD, as follows: ference. As Mr. Johnson sees it, neutraliza-
Intthe Canagan also Zone, e, at the moment fie Araohat the S %TtMENT BY SENATOR CHURCH tion of southeast Asia, an idea being ad-
rng began, the cen Atl As iericans are well aware of the ability vented by Charles de Gaulle, offers no real
rioting was host to a a large ge
group of American military personnel and dedicat rn and experience which Lyndon B hope for peace and freedom if the neutral-
their wives, civilians, Panamanian citizens Johnsoi brought to the Presidency when he izing is to be done under terms favorable
and U.S. residents of the Republic of Pan- assume+ that office under such tragic c1r. to the Communists. supports Presi-
ama who were attending a lecture. cumsta' Ices. It has been widely noted here- History, past and present, As the lecture ended, word came to the and abroad that no other Vice President o:' dent Johnson's thesis. China was lost to
center that the borders were closed, and the Ur lied States, succeeding a stricker, the Communists in the late 1940's after
no one could return to Panama because of Preside it, has been nearly so well qualified, Chiang Kai-shek was was forcibly persuaded
violence on Fourth of July Avenue, the street so well tqulpped to perform the duties of the by the United o St giiv thed l adeers
which forms the border between the Canal most dr manding office in the world, positions Zone and the Republic. As a result, the Presi lent Johnson has clearly demon. establishment and the civil administration.
center remained open all night and many strated in both foreign and domestic affairs This. in effect, is the same technique the
families slept there. Rabbi Witkin was that. 10 weeks after entering the Whit! Communists now like to employ under the
successful In working with police to find House. i.e is giving the Nation wise, aggres. high-sounding label of neutralization, This
routes home for other Panamanian families live. aid imaginative leadership. already is apparent in Laos. It would be-
before blockades were .Iet up. But today I wish to invite the attention of come clear In South Vietnam, also, if the
The center serves American military and Benato r. particularly to President Johnson's neutralization formula were applied there.
civilian personnel in the area and has be- leaders nip in foreign affairs. The Nation In the light of what is known about Com-
come a favored locale for communal activi- has be-'ii beset by crises all over the worll inunist objectives of conquest, whether en-
ties involving citizens of the Republic as In the fist few weeks-in Cyprus. in Malssiii, gineered In Moscow or Pieping, It would be
well as U.S. families. It was pictured on in Eas; Africa. in Panama, in Paris, and incredibly naive to assume that the neutral-
a recent postage stamp issued by the Re- elsewh 're. The problem of Vietnam col- ization of southeast Asia under existing
public saluting religious freedom. The tinues to fester with increasing intensit:f. circumstances could achieve anything exc pt
center conducts a fu'l-scale religious. cul- Alread' President Johnson has had bilateral Pavia way for a complete
tural and recreations:. program, and as its meetings with the leaders of Germany, Brier takeover.
Johnson son the right track President sponsor JWB is the only mainland national Sin, It sly. and Canada on a variety of sulb- when he opposes neutralization on terms trace
Zone. Jewish organization operating in the Canal to tthe'str ngthening of the NATO Alliance favorable to Communists. It Is a dangerous
illusion-more akin to appeasement than
Daring the first n5ght of the upheaval. ma and wof into the he early morning-with his than in the long run.
had to leave their homes because of threat- own edvisers: the Secretary of State, the peace the
Pres ened violence and carne, with police assist- Secret cry of Defense and others charged with matter
his attent Din Is finds si aenttneedsoto
ance, to the center. Rabbi Witkin and his respor eibility for the Nation's security. Ily act
in tr South t on inssoutheast
aids got in touch with the refugees' husbands virtue of the vast experience he acquired as a Asia. spit ly neutralization
and in the morning helped them to transfer the majority leader of this body and as a favors sfor the time being, at ietnasosteppiHt
toreception centers :+et up by the military Vice Iresident with unprecedented duties In
authorities. Since that time. personnel as- the fl, Id of foreign affairs. Lyndon Johnsrn up tuhis military campaign is greater thprospecte hope sociated with the center have helped at these has b ton able to deal with global probletna go victor than has been egreate thus far.
reception centers, where more than 3.000 with I rmness. assurance, and wisdom. Meet y
dependents were taken after leaving the Re- impo?,antiy. perhaps, he has dealt with tae
public. Tasks have included gathering cloth- day-tL,-day crises on the International sceae
ing, toys and contributions, working with withoit Ignoring the long-range objectives IT TAKES TWO TO MAKE A PART-
children and giving special assistance to of the American people. NERSHIP WORK
adults. A prominent metropolitan newspaper BOGfiB. Mr. President, the sig-
iMr B to our national interests of ig-
servicemen Within has been visiting wounded whict does not always see eye to eye with Mr.
servicemen at hospitals in the Canal Zone Demc :ratic administrations carried an etii- n eratlon betwen Government and
and has distributed comfort articles and torial Monday saying some things tt$t op
other supplies provided by JWB. shook be emphasized to all Americans. business cannot be overemphasized.
An amateur radio station at the center The 'hiiadelphia Inquirer told its readers There is no doubt that we need under-
handled thousands of messages to the States. that President Johnson had offered "gtoct standing and cooperation between busi-
No mail was moving, and it was virtually advic s" at his weekend news conference, ness and Government to effectively in-
impossible to place commercial telephone parti? ularly with regard to the South Viet- sure employment opportunity and eCO-
calls, so the station provided an important ram situation. The Inquirer is particularly
Bowie growth.
link between personnel in the Canal Zone impr. salve I the historical per P mic week one of the Nation's out-
Despite their people at home. the r naturit and balance, the rseveretice Last Despite tensions Which have existed be- and firmness and long-term view-which standing business leaders most effec-
tween Panama and the United States over the editorial reemphasizes the President tive hsttat stated between need bfor
a a net er rela-
the Canal Zone issue, the Republic of Panama bring s to his leadership on International business
more important,
has from time to time recognized the con- issue : went urged and, what
sahat t is take even more a initiative.
tributions made by the center. In 1962
Rabbi Within received the Order of Balboa. IPro n the Philadellphia (Pa.) Inquirer. Feb. urged address, entitled " it Takes Two
the highest decoration given by Panama, in 3, 10641 This to Make a Pas, entitle Work," was w
honor of his 26 yews of service. The cita- JOHNSON ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS livered by Ma. Lanlmpt o Pont Cope-du activities tion accompanying the award paid tribute to Pr zsident Johnson, in opening his week?tnd land, president of E. I. du Pont de Nem-
bo "social wmae d Cana which civlian newt conference with extensive remarks on ours & Co. on February 10 before the
both the Panama and Canal Zone csilian U.S. problems abroad, set the general tone
ambas a ors" and hailed him as a "silent of tis approach to foreign policy matters. New York Chamber of Commerce, New
r the civilian who re l been able within Late ? in answering newsmen's questions he York City.
the ~inn and ref Man ona- area," groups within his expeanded on some specific situations, hot- It is a noteworthy address, which I
mission in the Caribbe ably In southeast Asia. heartily recommend to my colleagues;
~--- W) believe the President made several and I ask unanimous consent that it be
PRESIDENT JOHNSON'S LEADER- points that deserve emphasis. He s),tOkt of printed in the RECORD.
the need for the American people to dew There being no objection, the address
SHIP IN FOREIGN AFFAIRS tact international crisis in proper pers:,ec- was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
behalf of the dl t :igui Senator from of e lie otwhas an ole ipanoramaciofnh story. r He asfollows:
Approved For Release 2005/01127 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000200170110-8