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January 8, 1964
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Contacts 15 Approved For Release 2005/01/27 CIA-RDP66B00403R0W'W063C6alls 20 Incoming correspondence 4 Outgoing correspondence 1 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Wednesday - 8 January 1964 1. Met with Mr. Samuel Archibald and Mr. i Barnaby of House Government Operations Information Subcommittee concerning the Committee questionnaire concerning qualifications of polygraph operators. Mr. Archibald indicated that the Committee desire is simply to acquire answers in uniform format from the 19 answering agencies and if desired, no formal response would be necessary. 2? Received a request from Miss Comfort, Assistant to Congressman Ed Foreman (R. , Tex.) for unclassified information that she might forward to a high school junior who is writing on the subject of the Central Intelligence Agency. I advised that I would drop it off to her on my next visit to the Hill. 3? Mr. Blandford, House Armed Services Committee staff, inquired on the status of our response to Mr. Vinson's letter on the query from Congressman Farbstein on AFME. I reminded him that he and I had talked with the Chairman who had requested that this matter be brought up at the next meeting of the Agency with the Subcommittee. Blandford then recalled that this was so. NE Division was reminded that a report will be expected for our next meeting. 4. Talked with Robert Michaels., House Appropriations Committee staff, who stated that Mr. Mahon wanted six copies of the report on the Soviet economy which formed a basis of the column in the NEW YORK TIMES of today by Edwin Dale. I said I would provide these as soon as possible. Mr. Cline was alerted to this as well as Mr. Elder. Advised Mr. Michaels that the Director would be glad to brief the Mahon Defense Subcommittee on Soviet posture and possibly the time of the 15th is all right although I asked him not to send forward any final word on this until I have confirmed it to. him. Mr. Michaels said Mr. Mahon is most anxious to get this one settled. Approved For Rele~se'2005/01/27: CIA-RDP66B00403R000200210063-6 Approved For Release 2005/01/27 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000200210063-6 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel page 2 Wednesday ?- 8 January 1964 5. Talked with Marian Czarnecki several times. I advised him that the Director did not believe that it would be appropriate for him to appear before the Fascell Subcommittee concerned with hearings on the U. S. Ideological Effort. On the other hand, in order to be helpful I pointed out we would be glad to brief Fascell on some of the procedures. Later Czarnecki said that Fascell was insistent and wished the Director to appear and that if he could not get the information from the Agency he would get it from other sources. I indicated to Czarnecki that while we did not wish to appear uncooperative the Director's position on this was firm. 6. Talked with Boyd Crawford, Staff Director, House Foreign Affairs Committee, to advise him of our position on the Fascell request. He again pointed out that Chairman Morgan thought that the entire series of hearings was more or less of a fishing expedition and he certainly was not in sympathy with Fascell's request to have the Director appear. 0 0 25X1 ?5X1 Approved For Release 2005/01/27 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000200210063-6 Approved For Release 2005/01/27 : CIA-R 6eB Y0403RD,00200210063-6 Journal -. Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Wednesday - 8 January 1964 9. Miss Natalie Martin, in the office of Senator George A. Smathers, provided for our information a copy of a letter which the Senator had received from Maneul A. de Varona entitled "An Intelligence Report on the Changes Made by Venezuela Against the Cuban Communist Regime," This is being forwarded to SAS for their information, Miss Martin made reference to an item in the MIAMI HERALD of 5 January 1964 on the subject of missiles in Cuba. It quotes Dr. Luis Conte-Aguero as stating that the Cubans have three 70-foot missiles "in a position ready to fire" toward the United States;. No action is necessary on this item, 10, Robert McManus, Senate Internal Security Subcommittee staff, asked if we could provide the Subcommittee with the information referred to in the WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS today under the headline "CIA Paints Red Economy Black." I told McManus I would look into this and be in touch with him. Frank Schroeder, of the Subcommittee staff, asked if we could provided on an informal basis any information which we might have on who is supposedly an IZVESTIA correspondent, Schroeder is interested in knowing whether he is still in the United States. He said had written a damaging article criticizing the U. S. Congress and the U.S. Government generally.: I told him I would look into this. 25X1 / /JOHN S. WARNER egislative Counsel cc: Ex/Dir DD /S Mr. Chretien Item #7 - CA Staff Item #9 - SAS Item #10 .. BR Approved For Release 2005/01/27 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000200210063-6