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1964 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/21 C'lly8-RDP66B00403R000300070010-2 V CONGRESSIONAL REC D ? SENATE HAVE DECIDED TO REMAIN He said at the time, "I have decided to re- main in Baltimore because it seems to me, after careful consideration of all the elements in the case, that I can do my most effective work at Hopkins." The renowned surgeon came from a non- medical family. His soft accent and the re- laxed pace of his speech reflected his south- ern origin. He was born in Culloden, Ga., in 1899, and decided at the age of 13 to become a doctor after his father had been a patient at the Hopkins. Again, as might be expected, Dr. Blalock was a man of many honors, and member- ships. HONORARY DEGREES During his career, a, number of honorary degrees were bestowed upon him by such schools as Yale University, the University of Turin, the University of Rochester, the Uni- versity of Chicago, Lehigh University, Hamp- den-Sydney College, Emory University, and Georgetown University. At one time or another, he held 10 ap- pointments as visiting lecturer, professor, or consultant to various medical institutions around the world. He was on the editorial boards of several medical journals, and be- longed to a number of professional organiza- tions. ACADEMIES 'AND SOCIETIES Dr. Blalock gave 42 endowed lectures dur- ing his career, and held membership in more than 45 medical socieities and fraternities. He belonged to both the National Academy of Sciences and "the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, was elected in 1963 to the American Philosophical Society, elected in 1951 to the American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science, and was associe etranger of the Academie des Sciences, In- stitut de Prance. Membership in the Institute of Prance is an honor regarded as one of the highest honors in the scientific world. Perhaps the greatest honor came to Dr. Blalock in 1949 when he was named as the world's outstanding vascular surgeon by the International Society of Surgery. In 1960 he was awarded the Rudolph Matas Award in Vascular Surgery, one of the world's great honors for surgeons of the heart and blood vessels. The American Medical Association award- ed him the highest honor it can bestow in 1953 when it named him for its Distin- guished Service Award. He was, the 16th American to'receive the award. Modern Medicine magazine picked him in 1960 for one of its distinguished service cita- tions. Election to the American Philosophi- cal Society is one of the most prized aca- demic honors in the country. Winner of a number of local awards, Dr. Blalock was cited in 1948 by the Advertising Club of Baltimore as "man of the year." BUILDING RENAMED FOR Him And only this year, the Hopkins, to which he gave so much, honored him by renaming the Clinical Science Building the Bla- lock Building. Dr. Blalock, who lived at 117 Churchwar- dens Road, was married twice. His first wife, whom he married in 1930, was the former Mary Chambers O'Bryan, who died in 1958 at the age of 49. A year later, he married Mrs. Alice Seney Waters, a widow. Besides his wife, Dr. Blalock is survived by three children, Mrs. William C. Sadtler, William R. Blalock, assistant administra- tor of the Hopkins Hospital, and Alfred Dandy Blalock, and a- sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Blackford. TO PRINT AS A SENATE DOCUMENT A REPORT ON THE IMPLEMENTA- TION OF THE HUMPHREY AMEND- MENT TO THE FOREIGN ASSIST- ANCE ACT Mr. HUMPHREY. Mr. President, in all the discussion about foreign assist- ance, there is one area that has been free of criticism, and in fact has enjoyed the blessing of all Members of Congress. I refer to what AID is doing to encourage U.S. private enterprise to be more active- ly engaged in our foreign assistance efforts. Here in the arena of private initiative, competition becomes a matter of ideas as well as commodities. We constantly are in search for new and better ways of do- ing things. In this field the 'U.S. cooperatives, sav- ings and loan associations, and credit unions have an enviable record. They are applying abroad the same know-how and skills that have made them so suc- cessful in our country. I have received from Mr. David Bell, the Administrator of AID, the third an- nual report of our cooperative activities In AID, for the fiscal year 1964. I am delighted with our achievements. These cooperative developments were carried out under section 601 of the For- eign Assistance Act of 1961. I proposed this section of the act to make certain that the people in charge of our foreign aid would be aware of the good that co- operatives, savings and loan associations, and credit unions can do among the un- derprivileged people in the emerging countries. U.S. cooperatives are engaged in a wide range of activities. Our U.S. cooperative enterprises now are helping in 48 coun- tries. What was only an idea 3 years ago is a worldwide reality today. In the co- operative idea, we are exporting one of the finest products of a democratic so- ciety. And the cooperative program is not one of dollars, but of people. During fiscal year 1964, AID obligated only $13 million for technical assistance for cooperative development and $52 mil- lion for loans for cooperative-type proj- ects. Our success was due in large meas- ure to the skill and dedication of 360 cooperative technicians and consultants, recruited from all parts of our Nation. They took their know-how, their experi- ence, and their missionary zeal with them to foreign lands, and showed people how they can do great things just by working together. They were helped, of course, by the people in these countries. Their effectiveness was multiplied many times by the people they had trained to carry on. More than 27,000 persons received training in cooperative subjects in AID-supported centers or schools in Pent, Colombia, Venezuela, the Central American countries, Uganda, Kenya, Thailand, Korea, and Vietnam. In this connection, we should not over- look the dedication of the thousands of Americans abroad who are working with voluntary relief organizations. Thirty- 21783 one of the 242 voluntary relief agencies, missions or foundations eligible to work with AID in oversea programs included the development of "cooperative credit unions and loans" among their objectives: This report provides one part of an answer to our critics who declare that AID does not reach down to the vast masses of people. It also brings out the importance of having nongovernment or- ganizations participate in our foreign assistance efforts. In its cooperative un- dertakings, AID has tried to do as much of the work as is feasible by contracts with nongovernment organizations. In the field of cooperative enterprise, these organizations were mostly federations representing many hundreds of local as- sociations. They include: National Farmers Union, National Grange, National Council of Farmer Co- -operatives, National Rural Electric Co- operative Association, Credit Union National Association, National League of Insured Savings Associations, Founda- tion for Cooperative Housing, and the Cooperative League of the USA. I wish time would permit me to call the roll of new cooperative developments that have been carried out under the banner of AID during the past fiscal year. The outstanding developments, of course, have been in Latin America, un- der the Alliance for Progress. And they will continue to grow. Promising begin- nings now are noticeable in Africa, and there is a growing interest in the Far East and Near East, south Asia regions. There has been a substantial growth in the formation of credit unions, savings and loan associations, and housing co- operatives. Rural electric cooperatives were established in Colombia, Ecuador, and Nicaragua. In Latin America, 1,100 credit unions have been organized. The 300,000 depositors, mostly from lower- income families, have invested $12 mil- lion in savings. The '77 savings and loan associations have financed nearly 22,000 new homes. This is a report of what we are doing in the new and developing countries. I would be remiss, -however, if I did not mention an event which took place in our capital city this week. There were 80 campesinos?young farm leaders?in our city. They were not tourists. They had just completed 6 months of living and working on our farms in the Middle West. They learned for themselves how our institutions work. They learned that life Is not all peaches and cream here. They shared the good things, and took part in the townhall meetings, and the coopera- tive sessions. They went to church and to school. They learned what Main Street is like. They saw what makes America tick. There was sweat and hard work, leisure and fun, and the kind of life that goes on in small towns and rural areas all over America. These 80 young farm leaders came from Bolivia, Chile, Peru, Colombia, and Venezuela. They were here as part of an AID project, carried out under a con- tract with the National Farmers Union. Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/21 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000300070010-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/21: CIA-RDP66B00403R000300070010-2 21784 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE These young farmers understand what makes America the land of the free and the home of the -brave, understand bet- ter how democracy works, and how the people do have a voice in running their business and their country. This too, is what this report suggests. Cooperatives can be a source for de- veloping new leadership, which is a wel- come element when older institutions and authorities are being replaced by new structures and new loyalties. They are a strong factor in social and national cohesion. They bring people together for constructive purposes,. and break down isolation and factional hostilities that so often hamper development in new countries. What is extremely significant, too, is that in the emerging countries, coopera- tive development is a means of strength- ening the private enterprise economy, and many of the emerging countries are aware of this. It is the simplest and most direct means for helping people to gain some positive economic advantages through their own efforts. I share with Mr. Bell his observation that "marshaling the human, material, and financial resources of the U.S. co- operative organizations can, we believe, help provide the know-how and the seed capital essential to the development of sound self-help measures by people in developing countries." Mr. President, in order to make this document available for use of the many people and organizations interested, I introduce, for appropriate reference, a resolution providing that this Third Annual Cooperative Report to the Con- gress on the Implementation of the Humphrey Amendment to the Foreign Assistance Act 00961 be printed as a Senate document. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- pore. The resolution will be received, printed, and appropriately referred. The resolution (S. Res. 371) was re- ferred to the Committee on Rules and Administration, as follows: Resolved, .That there shall be printed as a Senate document the third annual report to the Congress on the implementation of the Humphrey amendment, prepared by the Agency for International Development, fiscal year 1964, and that an additional five thou- sand copies be printed for use by the Com- mittee on Foreign Relations. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE A message from the House of Repre- sentatives, by Mr. Hackney, one of its reading clerks, announced that the House insisted upon its amendments to the bill (S. 646) to prohibit the location of chanceries and other business offices of foreign governments in any residen- tial area in the District of Columbia, dis- agreed to by the Senate; agreed to the conference asked by the Senate on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses thereon, and that Mr. MULTER, Mr. ABER- NETHY, Mr. HUDDLESTON, Mr. SPRINGER, and Mr. Howrox were appointed man- agers on the part of the House at the con- ference. The message also announced that the House insisted upon its amendment to the bill (S. 745) to provide for adjust- ments in annuities under the Foreign Service retirement and disability system, disagreed to by the Senate; agreed to the conference asked by the Senate on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses thereon, and that Mr. HAYS, Mrs. KELLY, Mr. ZABLOCKI, Mr. ADAIR, and Mr. THOM- SON of Wisconsin were appointed man- agers on the part of the House at the conference. ADDRESSES, EDITORIALS, ARTI- CLES, ETC., PRINTED IN THE AP- PENDIX On request, and by unanimous consent, addresses, editorials, articles, etc., were ordered to be printed in the Appendix, as follows: By Mr. HARTKE: Editorial on the recent legislative salary increases, published in the Hoosier Farmer for August 1964. By Mr. MUNDT: Excerpt entitled "The Charity Business," from Paul Harvey News for August 22; 1964. THE SERVICE CORPS OF RETIRED EXECUTIVES (SCORE) ?NEW OR- GANIZATION OF THE SMALL BUSI- NESS ADMINISTRATION Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, a short time ago, the Small Business Ad- ministration undertook to launch a new program known as SCORE. SCORE stands for "Service Corps of Retired Ex- ecutives." Under this program, retired executives will call on small businessmen and give them the benefit of their management know-how. I ask unanimous consent to printed in the RECORD an article about this new organization published in the September 13 issue of the New York Times. ? There being no objection, the article was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: SMALL BUSINESSES To TAP THE RETIRED FOR EXECUTIVE SKILL (By Edward Cowan) WASHINGTON, September 12.7-The Gov- ernment anounced today that more than 1,100 retired executives have signed up as volunteer consultants who will try to help small businesses find the road to greater sales and profits. Under the aegis of the Small Business Administration, they will make up the Serv- ice Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE). They will advise struggling small business- men eager for help, said Eugene P. Foley, Ad- ministrator of the SBA. The agency will assign the volunteers pri- marily to companies and proprietors who have borrowed money from the SBA or who will obtain loans under the 1964 Economic Opportunity Act. The act is the corner- stone legislation of President Johnson's anti- poverty program. In pilot projects in Boston and Washing- ton, consultants have been assigned to 32 companies. The counseling program will be formally started nationally on October 5 in New York and other cities. On that day, SBA field office officials will meet with SCORE volunteers, civic leaders and small businessmen to discuss how to put the program into operation. September 22 The basic idea of the program is to make available to small concerns and individual proprietors the know-how of retired men who themselves were successful entrepre- neurs and corporation executives. Account- ants, lawyers, and marketing specialists also are wanted for the program. While the SBA has not flatly ruled out assigning a volunteer to any businessman who cannot afford to hire a professional consultant, it wants to concentrate the talent available on companies that have borrowed money from the Government. One reason for doing so is to increase the prospects for repayment of the loan. An- other is the SBA already has much informa- tion about such companies. One of the agency's major problems may be determining which volunteers are unqual- ified to be consultants. While the agency has attempted to direct its recruiting ap- peal to men of proved accomplishments, of- ficials recognize that some of the retired men who volunteer may be more bored than competent. LOCAL CREDIT CHECKS Local credit checks may turn up some useful information about the applicants. Routine Federal Bureau of Investigation checks presumably will identify any volun- teers who have unsavory backgrounds. The agency is loath to undertake any ex- tensive evaluation program because of the manpower, money, paperwork, and delay it would involve. Screening procedures so far are intended primarily to determine the na- ture of volunteers' talent and experience, in order to assign them to cases they will be most qualified to work on. For example, Sidney Klein, the founder of S. Klein's department store in New York, has been working with small retailers in Washington. Lt. T. White, who directed training programs for Cities Service gasoline station managers, will perform similar duties for SCORE. The volunteers will serve without pay. The agency plans to assign them to cases in their hometowns, to, avoiding travel expenses. About 20 percent of the recruits so far have come from the New York area. Most needed are volunteers from outside the big urban areas?from Maine, the Rocky Moun- tain States, and Mississippi, for example, an official said. While the SBA's definition of a small busi- ness is not rigid, Mr. Foley said the typical counseling case would involve a concern with fewer than 25 employees. THE' NATION'S UNFINISHED BUSI- NESS?ADDRESS BY GEORGE MEANY Mr. McNAMARA. Mr. President, one of our Nation's greatest strength is that it has a labor movement dedicated to the betterment of our social and economic society. As the major spokesman for the Amer- ican labor movement, AFL-CIO Presi- dent George Meany in his Labor Day ad- dress this year placed in perspective the work of Congress and the unfinished work before us. His message is a tribute to our efforts and accomplishments. It also is a re- minder of what remains to be done. ? I ask unanimous consent that the text of Mr. Meany's remarks be printed at this point in the body of the RECORD. There being no objection, the remarks were ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/02/21: CIA-RDP66B00403R000300070010-2