
Document Type: 
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Document Creation Date: 
December 9, 2016
Document Release Date: 
September 15, 2000
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Publication Date: 
March 13, 1963
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PDF icon CIA-RDP66B00560R000100080096-2.pdf53.67 KB
~096-2 Approved For Release..2001/03/02 : C A-RDP66B0056OR000100080h1 SECRET TCS-2334-63iKH of THROUGH*. SUBJECT: FOR: TALENT Security OfficerICIA TALENT Control Officer/ ;,A 25X1A 1. It to r.que$t+ed that TALENT and TALENT KEYHOI..E eiearaecea and bUet be approved for 25X1 A 25X1 A 2. it is necessary that receives these clearances to 25X1 A eaahie him to attend the ~ Pwwi M eeting which sill take place "0' 19, and 24 March 1963. He is as tutenigence Officer (Physical Sciez c. assigned to the Office Of Research and Development/DD/R. APPROVAL: 25X1A E,D'AD B. FILLER Acting A.stst*zt Director oijice of Resourch and Development DIR TALENT s,ec ty 3#ficerf D R TALENT 25X1A O/DD/R 4427:dnrn (13 Mar 63). Distribution: 1 & 2 - Addressee 3 - SO/ DD/ R Subj Ter/ CIA. 4 - SO/ DD/ R Chrono 5 - Col. Giller 4-DD/R Registry Subj 7 - DD/R Registry Chrono TALENT Security Officer/ CIA ECCET MA 7963 GROUP t cludod from autemAG Approved For Release 2001/03/02: CIA-RDP66BU6500 0080096-2 as %1?b fieclan qv