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Document Creation Date: 
December 9, 2016
Document Release Date: 
September 15, 2000
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Publication Date: 
February 13, 1963
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PDF icon CIA-RDP66B00560R000100080140-2.pdf80.67 KB
Approved For Release 2-001/03/02: CIA- P66B00560Re001000 0140 copy, -~!.. C V Ite I a V Eb 1"~0J MEMORAN THROUGH: SUBJECT: R., TALENT 66curity Offtc,rf i TALENT Coutrol Officer/CM 25X1A 1.. This inetnoraaedum. will confirm the verbal request On 12 February 1963 for a TALENT and TALENT KEYHOLE billet 25X1 A and clearances for This m.i orundum will also Confirm your verbal approval on the some date. 25X1 A 2. an Electronics E:n neer, Research and Development Division, Office of FLINT. must r.calve certain basic Warn atinn during the conduct of his "search and development typo work. This basic information is obtainable only under the TALENT gad TALENT #YHOL". systems. Therefore, 25X1 A must have these clearance it he is to perform bis work in. a satisfactory manner. `-S/ GEORGE ILL.ER Assistant Director Office of ELF" Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : C1 P66B Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CI RET61300560RM0100080140-2 25X1A Subj APPROVAL: 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A ^leNED Tcs_-23Zo-63/ .H P. 2 12FEB1963 25X1A O/DDR/~:4427:dnm (12 Feb 63) Distribution: 1 & Z - Addressee 3 - Mr. Miller 4 - SO/ DDR Sub j 5 - SO/ DDR Chrono - O/DDR Reg. SubJ 7 - O/DDR Reg. Chrono Approved For Release 2001/03/02 CIA-RDP66B005 140-2