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January 12, 2000
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Publication Date:
June 10, 1963
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Approved For Release 2000
8/21 CIA-RDP66B00664R000200190013-5
10 June 1963
MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Operations Division, OSA
Critique on Missions GRC 153 and GRC 154
1. Following is a list of discrepancies and comments
derived from the critique of missions GRC 153 and GRC 154.
The critique was late getting started because of the late
arrival of a few participants. Development Division and the
Security Staff were not represented. All those who were
present were reminded that the critique is a required action
and should note that prompt arrival is necessary so that the
critique will proceed with dispatch.
a. The on both tracks showed tracker
plots almost precise y on the briefed track. Many
of them were on briefed points.
Comment: INTEL was requested to compare the
briefed route with the NPIC readout and report
their findings. (Closed item unless there is a 25X1A
marked divergence from the
b. ID/OSA was requested to determine the exact
location of the suspect SAM Site at Lan-chou.
Comment: This will be provided on the NPIC
readout. (Item closed)
c. The weather forecasts for both missions were
very accurate, and the Weather Staff was requested
to give a "well done" to Weather Central.
Comment: This has been accomplished. (Item closed)
d. On mission GRC 154 the pilot turned short of
point W because he mistook one airfield for another
one. will be reminded to emphasize the value of 25X1A
dead reckoning procedures.
Comment: IDEALIST action. Report for _ :L54 25X1C
was not available. INTEL has procedure under way
to provide intercept reports earlier. (Open item)
IDEA 1229/A
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e. There is a possibility of a spurious signal
on the System XII activator at Lan-chou; a possible
failure of System VI, and there were extraneous
signals on System VI on GRC 154.
Comment: Communications Staff has taken action
to verify the signals recorded from System XII to
ascertain the possible two-minute failure on System
VI from They have a modification which
will eliminate extraneous signals on the master
recorder of System VI. (Item closed)
2. Recommend this memorandum be distributed to all
participants as a guide for their comments. All participants
are reminded that notification of action taken and com-
pleted is required.
IDEA 1229/A
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