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December 19, 2016
Document Release Date: 
April 18, 2000
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Publication Date: 
May 18, 1962
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PDF icon CIA-RDP66B00728R000100040023-0.pdf67.69 KB
Approved For Release 2006/03/10: CIA-RDP66B00728R000100040023-0 18 1"~4Y 1962 Gent:Lement As a result of the meeting held with on 16 May 1962 at our facility, I am su t ng he following revised documents. L. Technical work statement covering prepeeration of design plan 2. Firm cost estimate for the design plan and budgetary estimate for the fabrication of either the Gamma I or the Gamma II equipment. The budgetary figures, you realize, are submitted merely for appropri_ ~, ation considerations in that a firm cost estimate will be supplied in the report of results covering Phase I (the Resign Plan). It appears as a result of the aforementioned meeting-that both the representative of the Government and our organization are in complete accord as to the plans, specifications, and requirements of the Government. However, there is one point I would like to attempt to clarify at this time. It seems that some months ago at a pre-award briefing held in Washington .certain ~tOM figures for the fabrication of a unit of the type outlined in this work statement were req eceived. The figures pre- STA~INTL rented at this time ranged from depending~on certain additional features which were to. be incorporated in the equipments. Since that .time, more formal specifications, requirements, and under- standings have been drawn, and on the basis of this additional inform- " ation, we have expended a good deal of effort in attempting to arrive STATINTL at mare accurate figures than those presented. The figures presented at this time amount to a roximately ~. This amounts to a wide STAT~IVTL variance between the which was voiced at the 3oint meeting in January. .The variance is due to three mayor points; first, to a completely impromptu request for cost data. Secondly, the engineer,' who voiced the estimate not having tines to analyze the complexities of the equipment in certain areas which were not normally his speciality, failed to consider selected items, and as a final point, in retrospect, he had predicated these figures on the supposition that existing equip- - went of a similar nature would be supplied GFE for use in the fabrica- tion of this item .of equipment. The aforementioned reasons may be ~ viewed as mere excuses; however, they do have a basis in fact and are our only ~uistification for the variance in dollars-question, which was presented to us on 16 May 1962. I hope this will aid you in your decision that we may expect a contract authorization in the very near future. Very truly yours, StATI NTL Approved For Release 2006/03/10: CIA-RDP66B00728R000100040023-0