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Publication Date: 
April 20, 1962
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ikiFeBgFpl CaGUOVIGIr 5R000200110005-7 SECRET, 196z an Log go. 62-1988 Cc 'y per - 18 IIE)RAnxIt FOR "N ASSISTANT SHCRSiARi OF THE AIR FOJ (R&D) SUBJWT: MIDAS Develagoent Plan I am in general agreement with the revised ?S Development Plan submitted by your memorandum of 10 April. The most important reserntioa which I have concerns the planning for the "Devoloymaiital Test Series" (Series 4). This arises because of the probable lack of capability of the Series 4 payload against low-radiance targets, combined with the increasing probability that this is the type of target which would coafroat DIMS In the are of its deployment. A recent measurement on TIM II indicates radiance of about 200-300kv per steradian in the MIDAS band. Since the design of the Series 4 payload is based on a ainisra 300 v/steradian target, it is probable that the MIDAS performance would be only marginal against advanced ICS! designs. It is not known precisely that the U.S.S.R. will use low-r dience fuels on its second generation missile, but indications are that the fuel has been changed from that used on the first generation missile, and logic and military utility point to the use of storable propellants, simiilar to that being used on TITAN II. Solid propellant missiles of the D17 type would also be poorly detected. When the schedule in your development plan is exeained, it is noted that twelve Series 4 launches are planned, beginning in June 1963, and culminating in December 1964, with six launches in three m ontha to provide a multi-satellite test. Obviously, this series is being designed as an operational prototype, similar to the old Series 4a and 4b in the earlier development program. The Series 5 payload, designed to be effective against lour-radianci targets, is not scheduled to fly until September 1966. Although the foregoing concl-;tslons may be modified by future intelli- g ce reports and test results, it seems dubious at this time that a deployment decision would be made on the basis of the capability planned for Series 4 payloads. Hence, it is important that the : ri e e 4 flights be regarded as, and treated as, Rii) flights designed to arrive at a capability against low- radiance targets as soon as possible, and not as a pre-production prototype. Such a plan vou. d intersperse flights - crying advanced payload components among those cart-11ng .the presently pl*':ined Series 4_ 4,X __d hi 1w-1khould - ,. .s un:ant c ~ecioe ~....~'? r Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP66R00546R000200110005-7 tbat tae. Air .-: p1aad Into some of tar 93 tank to `h to detsi dse tard it l04oal amid -M-Moo ,. OD ,n Il s o lrll~san or for the .et bli # at m"00 016 . of *IN stu4, halo tar sftocts ao f w a. or ; 4Py,,. iii 1~ 4 Tehtales awU rlsed in Hof a - " fhnal appram of tbs Sams 4 to s mdss m of the twfm4, no Vat at Ot imm, loft, to *stablisb * UWUte T"t ONEW ,aa ledd aut to ast sb a ter lour-ra ial lit . - dmmce with the aboma .raosoat n&. in t teb 4 With respect to f ,, a tinl deterataatia- of the caeeibined fiscal 1961-63 level (set at $334 nd.]lica in your de"el t piss) is datarrrd The wd dust ae of the study. However, to eeod4 s slow down in the n ros s 4Mrovel is s&Va- u ftV -#te relies. 'of utlUcm oar 1964 ItnQs, as you have reins . d. mad ode prim. .gam O-. a e astian has ben odd itth l ( W " )_ ars i Project ra" 12 '1"i.1... log atl lity at fma reaatraes aad fore aot at , t e- of. p ptsar fic. a+e s A D (CceWt) &argent/t /l9 'U. - rerv ittn Dm,r., ANA c a f / Dir. 1fdst. & Kgut. - SECRET -2- Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP66R00546R000200110005-7