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Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP67-00059AO00100140026-7
Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP67-00059AO00100140026-7
Approved For Rase 2001/08/SE~91R67-00059A090100140026-7
V 11 December 31, 1946
Subject: Notes on ICAPS Accomplishments for the Period September
1 - December 31, 19L16.
1. Contact Register. Exploitation of American foreign sources in
the United States. (Reference CIG Directive No. 15,) Arrangements to
cover sources of foreign intelligence in the United States through GIG
local offices and field representatives of member agencies operating
under a single coordinated program have been finally concluded. As a
part of this enterprise, a contact register of available information,
individuals, etc., operating for the benefit of all member agencies
centrally in CIG, has been established. This contact register will
eventually be one section of a large machine recording system providing
centralized service for all member agencies and CIG, and recording all
types of intelligence.
2. Study of Foreign Industrial Establishments. This paper is CIG
Memorandum No. 22. It is being handled by Captain Doan, but was handled
by me for a time. The problem divides into two phases:
a. Survey of all information available in government quarters
pertaining to foreign industrial plants and establishments.
b. Establishment of procedures whereby field reports in future
on ttese subjects will be submitted on a standard form so designed
as to satisfy the information requirements of each agency.
The problem of accomplishing the first step has been complicated by
the fact that each agency wants very different information about plants
and establishments and that some agencies consider information of this
nature of relatively minor importance, However, as a result of numerous
interagency conferences on this subject, the respective representatives
have learnt not only to appreciate the reciirements of other agencies,
but also have come to appreciate the importance of this type of informa-
tion to their respective intelligence picture,
The fact that all reports are filed by different systems and are
compiled by the reporting offices in such a way as to satisfy the needs
of their on home agencies without consideration of other agency needs
makes the problem of extracting available information and compiling it
for general use a difficult one that requires considerable manpower,
which is not available according to the agencies. The procedures pro-
posed by CIG in CIG Memorandum No. 22 will try to harness such facili-
ties as can be made. available and will provide active constant direction
of the project, but it is anticipated that progress will be very slow,
at least at first, On the other hand, there is no reason why new re-
ports coming from the field cannot be made generally useful under the
coordination of CIG.
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3. Collection. The numerous attempts made throughout the year
to establish some form of coordinated collection procedure have finally
resulted in the approval of 18/3 by the IAB. This paper represents the.
maximum that the agencies as a whole agree to at this time. While it
falls short of ICAPS recommendations, it is nevertheless an important
first step which if, carefully followed will lead to the ultimate desi-
In these negotations, State has tried to limit the spheres of
collection covered by the services, and G-2, particularly, has resisted
any effort to curb its freedom of reporting. These contrary attitudes
stem from the fact that State's reporting from the past has not given
consideration to the requirements of the rrilitary. I believe that the
solution is a thorough course of training of State's reporting offi-
cers in the needs of other agencies in such fields as political, socio-
logical, etc., which logically should be a primary reporting responsibili-
ty of the State Department. I feel that the best way to accomplish this
in the quickest time is for experts from War, Navy, Air and State to
travel from post to post and brief the Ambassador and his staff on the
requir rents of the respective agencies. No amount of writing will be
as valuable, and the money spent would be. saved in the useless duplica-
tion which will continue until reporting is adequate.
4. NIR. In an attempt to focus field collection on items of na-
tional interest, the NIR program (sde CIG Memorandum No. 19) has been
developed first covering the China rea, and then to be extended to
other areas. NIR-China is still awaiting IAB approval.. While it may
seem considerable time was spent in ICAPS and ORS over the preparation
of this first sample of NIR, the subsequent delays up the line had
been such as to greatly reduce its potential value. Something must be
done to speed up action on papers of this kind..
5. Production. A draft production plan has been prepared by ICAPS
and informally shown to the agencies, but is awaiting official circula-
tion to the IAB agencies for consideration bythe ad hoc committee. It
has been waiting since December 19. In the meantime in an effort to
speed up part of the work that will r.:sult from this paper, G-2 has
given the Defense Committee a job which will make a preliminary study
and outline the intelligence required by all agencies. The plan for
coordination of production proposes that the NIA approve a general
scheme of action which will then be undertaken by the Director of Cen-
tral Intelligence in coordination with the other agencies on a more or
less continuing basis, and will result in the gradual allocation of
production responsibilities of all the agencies and CIG. In this con-
nection, efforts to get from ORE an idea of an outline of intelligence
subjects which would cover the research field of intelligence have so
far been fruitless. The present ICAPS proposal will eventually place
upon GIG the responsibility for producing basic intelligence handbooks
on all countries and areas in the world.
6. Dissemination. Following a meeting of the representatives of
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the member IAB agencies, reports were received from each agency out-
lining the dissemination procedures, problems, equipment and personnel.
A study of these revealed that not much could be done to improve agency
dissemination procedures until CIG had developed an efficient dissemi-
nating and reproducing establishment. "When such has been accomplished,
an attempt will be made to integrate and unify dissemination procedures
and reproduction facilities.
Colonel, GSC
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