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Publication Date: 
September 19, 1949
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Approved For Release 2000 67-00059AO002QQi 10059-3 19 September 19149 ICAPS ONLY SUBJECT: s Memorandum re ICAPS 25X1A9a After my first glance at this, in a Very cursory manner, herewith are my comments:- 1. His paragraph 1 about rotation of ICAPS personnel is very good, but on the other hand it does have its value, in keeping this section of CIA at any rate, from becoming~'too sot in its ways: Later on he refers to "reconcilia- tion" among the Assistant Directors, and to "allegiance" to certain components of CIA, which indicate what happens when one is too permanently associated with a particular segment of this organization. 2. I (alone in the wilderness). strongly favor simplification, a word that apparently is not in any dictionary used in Washington. I concede that this is a complex town, and that any large agency or department therein is a complex organism, but I think we should try to simplify and control cellular growth in this"Atomic`Age. A difficulty during the past couple of years has been that ICAPS, by instruction, has not had duties "within CIA," but only in the interdepartmental field; so there has grown up, I believe, in each CIA office a planning staff now well entrenched. Rather than transfer ICAPS planning responsibilities to a new planning staff, I should think that these office planning staffs should be instructed to clear with ICAPS before going off into the blue or elsewhere, .aeTheir eager beavers may have many good ideas, but some of them may be wholly impractical for reasons not known to them or because of the Director's policy 1regarding this new agency. As a counter-proposal, I would suggest that the Chief of the Offices' planning staffjrhave the "planning ability, operational experience, and long-term duty in the agency," and that they present their wishes and desires and ideas, etc# to ICAPS daily, or weekly, or whenever they wish. I think it unnecessary that they be assigned permanently to ICAPS "with- out allegiance to any other component," and I also think it unnecessary that ICAPS be built into a big departmentalized office within CIA. 3. The four ideas presented in this paragraph are, I believe, contem- plated by the Executive in the new charter for ICAPS. 14. This responsibility, too, I believe, is contemplated by the Executive (without the assignment of OCD to ICAPS). See also the attached memorandum frou- especially the first of it. PRESCOTT CHILDS Chief, ICAPS Approved For Release 2000/05/04 67 OOO59AOOO2OO11OO59-3