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Approved F,r Release 20618728 :-RDP67-09A000400170069-4 2CIA ;MMrk Aid ZU12" at ~~e 8a 9= AU (with narsnthetiet1 reference to the topics listed and co nteI upon in the Leh torandum to JIG50 Committee from Sub -Committee" of 15 August 1%9) I. P IflOT?LES OF Cot , j (Cf. Part A of the 1, aorar ) A continuing analysis of their development with partiOulaX" reepeot poi A. Theory Communist doctr3 (A-I) Commnist Organization (A-2) Communist etretegy and taotics (Aa3) Communism and the USSR .?To includ, the role of the USSR it the modification a d and interpretation of Marxist-Leninist principles doctrine,; the use of doctrine for Soviet political purposes; and the ftmotion of the Soviet state in the growing Communist movement as represented in Communist theory and documents a ) (s) Non-orthodox theories; eapecially "Titoism" The payehology and soelology of Communion and of Communist activit es Itd htNAT1XfiIAL COt~"dlht?I?RGANI~I~TSON tub ACT. The nature, activities, and persona? ities of the various International organisations in which Communists are in total or partial control; USSR. sponsorship and utilization of such organization, (a) Overt international Communist agencies; e.g., Cominformn (B-5) Approved For Release 2%olioeli tCiA-RDP67-00059A000400170069-4 ApproveV r Release$2100%46 ' CIA-RDP67-0O 9A000400170069-4 ~~1TERNA9 ~rI. A CO M9 ?MAI A(1V AMID (Con't) (b) Clandestine internatiouei CoMnMiSt organization and aotivit s (B- ) Control of national or' roglonal GPs, espionage and sabotage, ate* (a) International front organizations (B4) and Coffimist- infiltrated or -controlled organizationO (labor, wo )n, Youth, student, professional, ethni-a, ate.) (i) Communist penetration of strategic induptrios (3-3) (d) Comm rdat operations in International non-Communist agencies (3-13) (e) International Communist Propaganda t Organization, ana.rsis and effects, etc. (B-7) (t) The over-'all network and integration of . (the above) inter- national Communist organisatiozaa and activities; and the re"oe importance of their respective capabilities and vulnorabi lines (g) Leaders and personalities in International Con i st ,organizatioan (13-10) (h) Anti.. and counter+.Conminnist elements in internatior : organisa- tiona and movements (13-8, B-9) III. NA QiW. CM'P. i1N7 T PAZ. A COMER SIT Organization activities, personnel, and relative importance In Sviet- Commxnist power politics A series of cowntz7-b7-00u1A1,rY studies of j 3ividual national. Communist parties each in its own setting (13-4) (From a planning iriewpoint, it would seem advisable that the study of each national party be more or less comparable with the studies of the rest. This would permit, for Instance, an analysis of the relative pr?wn- lence of fundamental features, and might give clues to the variations e nectable under various emerging or proenective conditions. Because a number of individual party studies are concerned and no committoo on a single party" would be responsible for drawing an outline for possible .. 2 r Approved For Release 2(W1 JO%f22 A-RDP67-00059A000400170069-4 SECRET Approver Release 2001/08/28 : CIA-RDP67-0U 9A000400170069-4 cotmuon features of any study, it would seam wise for 3IGnSA as a holes to pass upon an outline for national parties before recommeudixag priorit} for any sin-as party study. Such an outline 'which the Sub-Coimnitte a V ill submit at a later. date may be accepted for bath intelligence collection and production.) B. Type studies and comparative sum ies (a) The organization of national Communist parties - a type study (4) (b) C .andestine and undergroun organizaticrand summery pomp ariacn (B-l4) (a), Capabilities and ,vulnerabi .sties of. nati 5Yal parties in rel Lion to their respective national or 1 Ga situa#.iona (D-n) - summary comparison utilizing espeeal1' data on capabilities and vd.nerabi lties in the national party studies., (d) Interrelations between national Communist parties (within and outside of the framework of i :a*. nnational organizations) IV. O0! U ms AS- IMTRUUM Cp saV Cts PC?UY Based on continuous coordination of relevant material from studies from x. XX, and III above, of separate study of Soviet foreign policy, and of other apeoial. studies. To include for the time being, but not to be confined tot (a) tISSRIs p otion direction and utilization of national and internatIon a . Cost and non-Communist organizations and activities fox' the furtherance of its political and cconord.a aims (b) The participation of Soviet embassies and missions in its promotion, direction, and utilization of Communism (c) Impairm t to USSR foreign policy tbru ill-advised Communist or thru anti- and counter-Corr ist activities (d) Communism in coloniaal and semi-oolonin. areas (B-1) (a) Soviet-Communist sabotage of sta'ategio industries, transpor- tation and communication systems, and public utilities (BB3) (f) The seizure of political and military power, and the Soviet's role therein, r 3 Approved For Release 0~,1/`p8j2i:. lA-RDP67-00059AO00400170069-4