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Publication Date: 
September 16, 1952
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Approved For Rase 2000/0512 ,:(916,75,RP.67-00059A0400300 NNW' :.'24ourity information ? I, neg,non.rwmaeonervor, ey oaa Diarr 16 t,7e ber 1952 ? * * * * 4 * id? * * * * * * * * * * NOTICE' * More E11 not ba an ORR Statf leoting this week. * * * if? * * 4 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 9,1r file AD /RE ATTEND&D the regular MEETING OF the IAWs, (1-1/2 hre) 1..15 Set)) ACCOWANIED BY mr11111111 (D/OG) and Mt. (D/CTL), TJ'ONFERREZWITH Colonel Tiedelom, 0-2 AND representativen tram Offixe of thl Chief of ENGINEERS AND of the ARMY MAP t.:ERVICE AilARDING STEPS to be taken IN ESTABLISHING a COORDINATED NAPPING '2ROGRAMtITH the 7UGO5LAV ARMY OEOURAPHICAL INSTITUTE. A tele- ,:ram was drafted and later formrded to the Geographic Attache Bnlgisda. (1 hr) (12 25X1A 1A ACCOMP:INIED BY (D/GL) the Acting Edaector of OEI/State and tho Chiatv IAD/Statep CONFEiRED at length WITH the ...if.r44ng.ftecutivo Officeri Ourposan AftaIrc/5IATH6 REGARDING AS-, 3IANMENT OF 7MALT,CATIT:in.:?R?X;11REMENT OFFICIRS AND GEOGRAPHIC AV,t1RHES IN the ZUROPE,A.NAFtEk. (1 -hr) (12 Ntp) ATTEND:t.7) a BRIEFING BY the PHOTO UCONNAISSANCE LABORA Writat kir Developmont (entert-held a Bolling Field, hr) 15 Sep) an n ? WW1. 25X1A 25X1A MET 1111.1011.11.11111.0.1MET WITH Ussare. FOL', RELATIVE TO dymment requiremonts for TRANSPORT COATROLS, FINANCIAL gMOLSp AND CgTrFP. ECCNOMIO MEASURES. (2 hra: (322i3131)A WETIRED Mira &re0 fitm OCD, REGARDING the 5OURCES USED AND INCLUSICN OF ti.1PECT IVERNATYNIAL TRADINO FIRMS IN the INDMTRIAL RECISTER0 2641/2 hr.) (12 f,:c.r.) 25X1A rasoussm WITH'-sr 4? CCD, the SOURCES OF LAW. AND INCLUSION OF OE' 'JSPF.,O1E INIWINATIONAL TIMMS IN THE EIOGRAPHIC REGISTM. 6')(43A`) Sep) VTEND W) a special METING OF the OIT TRANSPaRTATION iDNENT paw, GROUP Vrillat rtEVIETIED the AM DID LIST OF RAILROAD L1fJIPMENT T1EMS tobe COVERED IN the PROPOSED COCOA INTERNATIONAL TT REVI3ZNS. (2 hr) OL5 Sep) , 4..oporivommisz. vmeuamitoatswsrx,..7?. Approved For Release 2000/05/24: CIA-RDP67-00059A000400300034-7 ,47,1 4.0 S-&-C-R-E-T ApprizpvildifkorRepse 2000/05/24: CIA-RDP67-00059A94400300034-7 EILD 111.1111.1 (0) ATTENDED the MEETING WITH the INTERROGATOR OF SINKIANG PROVINCE DPgs il0fA 117 Central Building. (11m) (15 Sep) 25X1A Messrs. OTE) and (0) VISITED the GUIDED MISSILE PLANTS of Aircraft. the Naval guided missile center at Pt. Mugu, and the Am,' 25X1A guided missile center at Ft. Bliss and White Sands. Their missions were TO OBTAIN US MISSILE PRODUCTION DATA in order TO MEASURE the. 25X1C SOVIET GUIDED MISSILE PROGRAM J and TO PAVE the IT FOR a 25X1C .11111.1111GROUP WHO FOLLOWED a week later, Thi 25X1C the US TO ATTEND a JOINT CONFMENCE ON SOVIET GUIDED MISSILE INTF LI- GENCE being held at CIA 15-26 September. Both missions were very successful, Much DATA was OBTAINED CONCERNING INPUTS, FLOOR SPACE, MACHINE LOADING, LEAD-TIME, etc.; and the well satisried with the ideas and data they obtained. (2 -25X1A 25X1A Aug 3 25X1A 25X1A 8 - 1 San) 25X1A Members of the ORR WORKING GROUP ON CHINA Mbseca. (P/A); (1S);and 25X1A (WM); lhassrs.ger, Dto and (WI) MET WITH the HAIRMAN OF tt iuu (D/I) TO SCUSS PLANS FOR A num OF AVAILABLE INFORMATION ON CHINA. (1-1/2 bre) (12 Se1315X1A 25X1A25X1,A_ zoX1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Messrs. of OCD, of 01C and and of FDD MET WITH Ve sre. WI) 25X1A (D/A) OM an e DEVELOPMENT OF a CLASSIFICATION CODE FOR CLASSIFYING ACC SIONS OF CHINESE ECONOMIC MATERIAL by subject matter. The MEETING was ARRANGED BY 25X1A 2gAyRR (2 hra) (15 Sap) 25X1A MET DIM AIR TARGETS, TO DISCUSS ORR ElFLOITA- TION OF AIR TARGETS MATERIAIS ON CHINESE INDUSTRY. (1 hr) (11 &sip) 25X1A (both I/AR) VISITED the NORTH AAERICIIN AVIATION FACILITY at Inglewood, California, WHERE the F-86F AND D ARE PRODUCED. FAMILIARIZATION WITH AIRCRAFT PRODUCTION, ita PLANNING and METHODS, WAS the PURPOSE or the visit. (5 days) A(1pru 12 Sep) eie 25X1C 25X1A (I/CC) MET WITH Messrs. my and Weiss of the Foreign Trade Division of the Bureau. of CENSUS TO DISCUSS LEND-LEASE SHIP- MENTS OF CONSTRUCTION AND CONVEYING MACHINERY TO USSR. (2 hra) (11 Sep) 1414MaiterMaca.r.,...,reafamrval,Wr.VMOMOMMISVAIMMX.ektintleMISS.R1r...r0011111Warrn........02.110....00163*VilermesiNteVARVOM, CONFERRED WITH Mr. Deffald and Mr. Vogel, AMS, REGARDING INTER-AGENCY PROCUREMENT BY INTER-AMERICAN GEODETIC SURVEY IN LATIN AMERICA. (1 hr) (12 Sep) Ira .10.810*.ateeM42***.W.SMOVNIMM411.144/0* Approved For Release 2000/05/24: CIA-RDP67-00059A000400300034-7 ppis S-E-C-R-TrT Approved For Release 2000/05/24: diA-RDP67-00059 00 400300034-7 25X1A 75X1A OSI 2 OBTAINED INFORMATION FROM I (WS) ON COAL ESOPERTIES THAT INFLUENCE YIELDS OF SYNTHETIC LIQUID FUELS WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO SWEDE'S. (1/2 hr) (11 Sep) Three members of the PETROLEUM ADVISORY PANEL are meeting 35 and 16 September. WItt,IIReAT Balance of ORR - nothing to report .....0*.ar1?111MInft..1111?0?1.11wWW.110.1.1..1111.1......N.11.6?111. 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/05/24: CIA-RDP67-00059A000400300034-7