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Approved For Rele2000/05/24:CIA-RDP67-00059A000030006V Semi, Istfoi-nAtion 41a..0444.4. ORR, Dilsz, 31 Jul1 1952 25X1A Messrs., NUTTER and CASH 1ST WV! th0 ESTIMATES BOARD ON NIE-64. 2k1ir4) (3? Jai) NET WITH the ACRICULTURAI, PANEL to outline some of the work of D (1 hr) (30 Jul) 25X1A ONE cormlya ITH ON the FUNCTION OF STATY. RESERVES IN Tim; E;;OTIET E(.1.0PaITC SY. (. .2 hr) (30 Jul) stin,....naratan .11.I li,Jr.,t7 a02,21.0, VS Li,. 4,..4,111.2.1 25X6 Messrs. MET WITH repreaterl.titives 4.)t -OS an! OIR, STATE, and OTT, 25X1A COMMICE, Y.N.) PLAN COORDINATM EFFOhn ON COMODITY STUDIES REQUESTED BY the US DELEGATE TO coml. (2 in-s) f,29 Jul) -- In RESPONSE, TO an EMERGENCY' REQUES::::' Wih% CHEKICAL EQUIPMENT TASK - GROUP OIT Itient c OMMERVE: e IN COLLABORATION ITh 25X1A (OST), ADVISED tAil Chsiiiman (OIT) regarding CItts . NON-COMURRENCE IN PRO .POSED MODIFICi.TIONS IN the DEFINITION OF CEIVAIN 2SW4CCAL EQUIPMENT PROPOSED BY THE (1/2 hr) (29 Jul) ATTENDED a JYIETITINIG. OF the TrilE TT WORK ]1Q GROUP of EDAC which discussed the UK proposal regard:1216r, (*COM administrative principles -three and our and RECEI'VED a CIA DI ?T WORKING PAPER ON THE VULNE4A.- MITI OF 'THE SOVIET B:LOC TO A D13.111UTION OF IMPORTS OF IRON ORE FROM THE FREE WORLD. (2 hrs) (29 Ji) ATTENDED a 707.TINft' OF the .1ASeir TRANSIT 'MADE WORKING GROUP of 25X1A EDAC which (1) discinsed the remit amlouncenent by the Netherlands of their present position regordthls fianLai contr..ile on transit trade and (2) reviewed progress on .c,he report of the former Transit Free Port Stutr Groupe (2 hrs) (3t:' LIU) 25X1A CONFERRED WITH Cdr. lleyort-2.o1ef, Lto Cch.t.. Kelly, ONT, ON further MEG-RATION OF GoNSOEMATED TrifT1-2 R3PORTS -tJITII OTHER REIOETING PROGRAMS in order TO OBV,IN MTTEa rzi'OR COMIIDDITY MOVEMENTS THROUGH TIM K7EL CANAL it..:4DARD PLCO-;'ONTPLI,LED VESSELS. (1/2 hr) (3;0 Jul) mremms1230.120101,,x2.1 61.,,r141, 0: a ue, 2.02.4ofer. Approved For Release 2000/05/24: CIA-RDP67-00059A000400300066-2 25X1A Approved For Relew2000/05/24:CIA-RDP67-00059A00W300066-2 25X1A 25X1A D a ars. CONFERRED WITH Messrs. of another T.41 Office with REGARD TO a RLOUES' CR scme MAP MAKING SERVICES. (3/4 hr) (30 Jul) - 25X1A Mr, CONFERRED WITH 1!.. of another ca Office REGARDING GRAFARRiTERIAIS* (1/2 hr 30 Jul) Mr* CONFERRED WITH Mr. Bcgra, Department of STATE, with REGVID ID A MAP PROJECT. (1/2- hr) (3) Jul) 25X1A aaalVec D/GGu Mr. AND REPRESENTATIVES OF AMS AND the De PARTICIPATED IN the BRIEFING OF- $Irtnent of STATE 25X1A p in PREPARATION FOR his TRIP 25X1A ID AFRr245ATR THE NEAR EAST. (2 hr) (30 Jul) Messrs. DISCUSSED WITH and members 25X1A of his siAffs, USSR Branch, FDD, the ,,.iT,TAC LABILITY OF (=GRAPHIC MATERIAIS FOR A SETIITED PART OF ME USSR. (a bra) (30 Jul) WOIM,PO.M.Oft*,O11 iff.1.111.4111, 11111111111RMAIIIIIIMIN VISITED WITH Major Dewey Fournet, Oopical Division, Directorate of Intellivnec, UlAF-ONI., and DISCUSSED the INCREAS: IN UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT REPORTS. There were no Aokausions (1/2 hr). (29 Jul) (I/AR) VISITED WITH Colonel C. F. Gillis and Major John F. Allums, Estimates Divisions Directorate of Intelli- gence, USIIF-0a, and DISCUSSED the POSSIBILUY OF OBTAINING ADVANCE INFORMATION ON the TYPES OF AIRCRAFT USAF 'AILL CONSIDER IN ITS CON- TRIBUTION TO DIE-650 It was agreed that thit? information would be furnished on request. This request has been made. (1/2 hr) (29 Jul) 61?11411.0.....01.111(12110.101/....11.1MMIWOMIVADAIN.0116.40.11.41. ar. 25X1A (M/P) PARTICI- PATO IN a MEETING OF the PETROLEUM SUBCOMMITTEE OF the EIC. The primary subject under DISCUSSION WAS the FETR0LE111 BRANCH PROVISIONAL REPORT ON CONSUMPTION OF PETROLEUM PRODUCTS IN THE USSR:. (2 hlis) (30 Jul) 25X1A (NIP) CONFERRED WITH Mr. George Cale, NB, BUAEAU OF MINES, 25F4RDING CRUDE OIL AND NATURAL GAS LIQUIDS, (1 hr) (30 Jul) (M/P) CONFERRED WITH J. E. Brantly, pETRoLET ADMINISTRATION PDR DEFENSE, REGARDING IRAN. (2 hs) (30 Jul) The CHEMICAL SUBCOMMITTEE OF the EIC MET TO CONSIDER the SPECIAL RUBBER REPORT. Minor corrections ard additions were recomendede (2-),/2 bra) (30 Jul) Approved For Release 2000/05/24: CIA-RDP67-00059A000400300066-2 Approved For Re1%9 2000/05/24: CIA-RDP67-00059A00W300066-2 D/: (Continued) 25X1A Masora. 11111111111111111111111111(EVFM) TALKED WITH various members of the DISCUSSING IRON AAD STEEL AND related probleus. (2 brs)2 A4111- 25X6 25X1A - Messrs....(M/NF) and (M/FM) ATTENDED a MEETING OF the METALS AglAaNERALS WORKING SECTOR RELATIVE PD NIE-56,, (3-1/2 'km) (30 Jul). (11/17) NET WITH Jerome Deitch, OTT, Department of COERCE, MAIMING EXPORT CONTROLS ON LEAD. (1J2 85 Jul) of another CIA Office called onMIIMF(101F) to inquire about -STATUS OF COPPER IN CHILE. (,3A, tir 30 Jul TIVdr ..0026.5.???...1?0Mo PA: (5/1F) ATTENDED a MEETING:, in company WITH and various members of. fl/A, WITH Nis 3 Marion Worthing, STATE, OIR, TO DISCUSS CIA PARTICIPATION IN STMIES REGARDING STRATEGIC ITIS OF SOITIOC TRADE IN CONNECTION WITH DISTRLCTIONS SENT 10- US COCOM REPRE- SRNTATIVES. (2-1/2 hrs) (29 Jul) 25X1A Balance of ORR - Nothing to reports ? illEIMMINNYM110111?81.1.1*MIMMIM V.IIONO3.10.1M1040.1110111?"......e,.. mew sosiernoroameswanneaorx*veres+E?. OM. ,1:111 fon Approved For Release 2000/05/24: CIA-RDP67-00059A000400300066-2