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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
July 30, 1952
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Approved For Release 2000/05/24: CIA-RDP67-00059A00 400300067-1 ORR Dim 30 J 1952 SECURITY INFORNATIOIJ .; 25X1A D I: 25X1A COMING EVENTS .. will be in-the Industrial Division, Electrical ?- Branch, throughout most of these two days. (Extension 3696) is '.`r ::' >. * # .. * .'r .P * ~(? ;. * ',f .'c ~; 3, it .a is * Messrs. with other ORR members. ATTr:LI1DED a ME.%TI:hG in State Department TO DISCUSS CIA SUPPORT FOR COCOIi. Representatives of State and Conruaeree fitment were present. (3 hrs) (29 July) (I A,?;;) I:;LT WITH Yr. R, Cuthill, Engineer- ing and Inspection Section, Industrial Division, ARUY ORDNA11CE, and DISCUSS. D .A?RTILLE Y ALLMNTITION LANUFACTURE, REQUIREI.''jENTS, AND I-`LANNT VISITATION. (1 hr) (29 July) 'Jessrs. _ (IVNF) and ~ (M/FM) ATTENDED a IMETING OF the I.1ETALS AND .INERAIS WORKING SECTOR RELATIVE TO NIE-56, (3 bra) (29 July) (S/TR) ATTENDED MEETING at the Pentagon V,TITH Messrs. Judd, NAVY, Robinson, MUNITIONS BOARD, Rappoport, STATE, Nottingham, ;,;SA, and Iious`hnaref'f, CONMERCE, of the Working Party of the Trap ortation Subcommittee ON "IMPACT STUDY." (3 bra). (28 July ,,.r. Mayock 1b?. Pfeiffer, AIR FORCE INTELLIGENCE? CALLED ON Messrs. (S/EP) TO DISCUSS matters with respect to the ELECTRIC PO,".'ER INDUSTRY IN THE USSR., and also with relation to the RECENT PO-','ER PLANT BOMBINGS IN NORTh KOREA. (1-1/2 bra) (29 July) P CONFERRED ',"+'ITH (S/L) CONCERNING SOVIET MANPOWER. (3 hr.) (29 July 25X1A S-;-CSR E-T Approved For Release 2000/05/24: CIA-RDP67-00059AO00400300067-1 Approved For Rele 2000/05/24: CIA-RDP67-00059A000U4(0300067-1 D S (Conti! $I 25X1A (5/L) CONFERRED 71'n ONE, AND Y x,, Jacob son, GIR, Depa e-tenant of STATE, REGARDING the CENSUS OF TA IA`L. (1/2 hr) (29 Juiy) COMIMIi) WITH representatives of other CIA offices and AMS CONCERNING the TEATU ENT OF SURVEI REPORTS FOR a CONSTRUCTION PROJECT IN the UIDDLE EAST. (1-1/2 hrs) 2$$ZAJUly) ATTENDED the DEBRIEFING OF Mr. Howard Brandon, f o r1y in the Economic Section, US, EmbasEq., New Deelhi, India. Mr? Brandon discussed recent economic developments in India and the v vlidity of economic statistics available in India. (I hr) (29 July) OSI, N M, WITH Mr. TO DISCUSS 'MUTUAL PRUDLEISS OF EDITORIAL REVIEW There viere also DISCUSSED the early completion of an OSI/ORR AG ? MOT ON THE GUIDED MIS ILE,S PROJECT AND the CONCLUSION OF PROCE- DURES FOR HANDLING JOINT PROJECTS AND INTEROFFICE CONTRIBU- TIONS IN 1111E FUTURE. An understanding was reached in this connection in the case of CIA/SI 5-52. (3/4 hr) (29 July) (29 July) F2.ESIDED AT a MEETING OF the NIS COUMITT. , . (2.1/2 hr Balance of ORR - Nothing to report Approved For Release 2000/05/24: CIA-RDP67-00059AO00400300067-1