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Document Release Date:
July 12, 2000
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Publication Date:
May 12, 1960
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CIA-RDP67-00896R000100170066-4.pdf | 103.23 KB |
Approved For Release 2001}167-008968000100170066-4
12 May 1960
MEMORANDUM TOR: Secretary of State
Secretary of Osten.
The Attorney General
Director of C.atsal Intelligence
Chairman. Atara1c Zuergy Con mission
SUBJECT : Disclosures of Classified Intelligence
1. Our national security and the coating success of the intel-
ligence effort of this Government are being adversely affected by the ap-
pearanc. in public information media of classified inteUigonce, including
information teading to ssveal intelligence sources and methods. Sources
of a continuing nature and methods of intelligence collection have been
jeopardised and in some instances great harm has been does to the intel-
ligencs: effort. I am concerned over the asrjous damage thus cawed to
national security.. It is clear that certain recipients of elassiflsd info:.:.ar
tion. including intelligence, havd not been made sufficiently agars of the
detrimental effect which their disclosures may have or t W inch recip-
ients have been careless in the haadlins ad such information.
2. I direct that immediate action be taken in your respective
departments and agencies to prevent the disclosure of classified tnt.l-
ligence except to properly authorised recipients. Farther, I direct that
action be taken to ensure that the disclosure of classified intelligence
be made solely in consonance with applicable statutes. regulations and
*NSC DeApo IFPSNAVfte bif f11H'uU'-C6,R*P97F&996R000100170066-4
Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP67-00896R000100170066-4-
this dir:a#t.e.. R.aipt.erts of awc..kau b.~nas4. ?.p.-
dally smsr. at as damage art can ace.w to itrtelltsesce sassce s a,nd
methods tkso"A s._ ts.prop.r discl.swe at ftt jal... d.ltas pro-
ceder.. fK fire C"Voll at 4 "~ i r. .. and I ipr access
the rate. be rend.wsd a& cots+sdhe A dim ebaM be Isum rl er. duLU
3. -.In patt dar .aeh d i s fl $
coatiaq rovtow ad Us dlsss:aivat1.s Of a3s.sfll.d iaRs lra trio. a
view to aasuriat that suck disssmtaatios is tomRa d t atLislI d re-
dpt.ats bock witlda the Gsrerr..M .ad to sosaavtaats asd t ctor.
an a strict z s.d-to-kaaw b.sis. Ito ftf*n dig tea d a ck in-
formation will be said. ostsids al thsss aattiort sd cksts.ia w"Oft
asses.." by lilts $ui .i the so -0 P mw
a:Uansl s.cmily sal to tics tatnuawwo s sad i vac
4. Is k m$iaa wM the respvsatili T.a d i^ at
Central IAWU9smO for tk. peat dies St [.acs a. : suet
methods. I .Mail lo* to that official to tie issom d -
prim. g idaacs to 4spartmeats had agpoCdl., ss t.jviivi M So tatpla--
mentation at this directive. I *haIl asgras! iia it sad prep meads
go Nf j6&T fit
Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP6-7-60896R0001001470066-4
=A ms :.hiss.. is s ia.. at a sis awd ods am-- so
Approved For Release 2001/03/02?; G n00896R000100170066-4
t,-" , INT A V*
receiving this guidance to see that it is carried out within their depart-
ments and agencies. The Director'*( Central Intelligence shall keep me
informed of developments under this directive and make appropriate
recommendations, including additional legislation as may be proposed
by the United States Intelligence Board,
Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP67-00896R000100170066-4