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Al proved For Release 2003/10/1 TE.. April 30, 1965 CIA-RDP67B00446R00030'b150016-6', political aicicmists alnong us have a a woridxous,sclleAie for southeast Asia. All we have to do, they say, is recog- nize that we must have an accommoda- tion with Red China in Asia anc; presto- instant peace. The pressure. will vanish in Vietnam, the"will no longer have to battle a war In Bich we are Aeluding ourselves, and peace-loving America will be drawn back train the edge of the chasm, But, Mr. President, in my judgment, that talk is arrant nonsense, a concept oX, certain, theorists as circular as the be- Iief that base metal could be transformed ill to gold. X was heartened Tuesday by the fact tf~at;. President Johnson, at his new con- irerence,.demonstrated with magnificent flxrqness that [7.S,, leadership will not be ayecl from within by an anxiety neu- r and that it, will not depart from Wit I. elieYe. to., be the, best and most productive path to peace in Vietnam Presdent Johnso}~ said; 'rcm 141wii 11 l jil,today, we have learned t kt to yield to aggression brings only greater eaand more destructive war, To-stand fir~in Is the only guarantee of lasting peace. Overwhelm} evidence, exists-from t ose bray men serving in South Viet- i r , to of r citi.geps at. Mime-that .the l 4ority of Americaps subscribe to the 1 esident's cieardeadcrshjp., tI subscribe to the.policies he enunci- 'ated-that we discuss without ciznditions, !the path to peace with any government- ~but.tliat we will not retreat. ? .M ??The Gallup poll shows that by a ratio rofmore than 2 to 1, the American people prove of the Government's handling pf the situation. in Vietnam. this philosophers' debate, not unlike tn9se, ancients of the Sanhedrin, who pondered and agonized over the mean- ings,of the Bible. So perfectly could some of these men spin their abstractions that they refused to be confounded by realities, So it was with the rabbi who said that he was sure that God's law would always make a piece ofbread fall with the hnt_ us only that the path we ,.talde is the wrong one. There is a curious obsessive pattern to pradtical substitute courses. They tell the risks-but what are the alternatives? When a colleague proceeded to test him by dropping a piece of buttered bread, the servant watched it fall face down to the earth and then with a tri- umphant'smile said, "But you buttered it off the wrong side." ,.,,And thus it .is today. Tf Secretary of State Dean Rusk pro- 1uces evidence of systematic aggressive acts by Hanoi since 1959, the critics say the United States refuses to recognize a civil war when it sees one. If Secretary of Defense Robert McNa- mara displays confiscated weapons which betray their origin from the powers to the north, the critics say most of the in- surgents are South Vietnamese using American arms. And, say the peace-at-any-price crit- ics, all the United States could lose by pulling out of Vietnam would be a little prestige-something easily repairrd in a few years' time. Mr. President, there is more than pres- tige involved-it is no less than human- ity. Ambassador W. Averell Harriman , who knows as much about the struggle for men's minds as anyone, says the issue at stake is the "outward thrust of com- munism." And, says Ambassador Harriman, the outwq, rd.thrust.mtl t bechecked in south- east Asia just as it was in Europe. Ambassador Harriman said recently: The Communists firmly believe that what they call wars of liberation will be victorious for them. They also believe those wars are something we cannot deal with. I look upon what is happening in South Vietnam as an ultimate expression of what the Communists intend to do in this respect. Mr. Harriman suggests, and I agree, that it may take a long time to convince the Communists they cannot win in Viet- uam-but-the firmer we are, the shorter that time will be. Communist strategy thrives on the proliferation of dissent at home. I do not suggest for a minute we should t all sicu~.Qf .our. national goals and objectives in Asia, but I believe any critic of our leadership should weigh the responsibilities he takes. :. 1?oJdit.out that-peaceful coexistence is part of the Communist arsenal. Would our abrupt withdrawal from Vietnam bring peace or only the illusion of peace? Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP.67B00446R000300150016-6 April 30, 1965 CONGRESSIONAL -RECORD SEN There are many Kremlinologists who think that Russia's apparent moves to- ward a detente in recent years are only an effort to induce a relaxation of ten- sions, even a national euphoria, and that our Inability to recognize this could prove fatal. Would Asian communism be any less likely to use such a stratagem? I do not say that communism is a mon- olithic_ foe and that we must react like Pavlov's dogs to any Communist move. But, let us not mistake our carefully controlled air responses to North Viet- namese aggression as anything akin to total U.S. involvement in that conflict, either. All that we have done so far-from the replies of our forces in the Gulf of Ton- kin. to the recent air strikes-has been carefully controlled-measured. Ninety-five percent of the troops en- gaged in field missions are South Viet- namese troops-there are 450,000 of them, to 22,500 of our officers and men. Certainly the commitment of the South Vietnamese, people, despite ter- rorist attacks on the civilian population and sustained' military casualties of heavy proportions, should tell us that here Is a people with a will to fight. As President Johnson said to us: ~ think that if the enemy there beileves that we are going to stay, that we are not going to tuck our tails and run home and abandon our friends, I believe In due time that peace can be observed In that area. Perhaps, we should remind our col- leagues-here at home-and perhaps Gen- eral de Gaulle as well-that a nation foul ded in liberty's name does not read- ily abandon its friends, even when the riskq are great. A convenient amnesia is not something which the United States can afford at this critical juncture of history. Perhaps France can forget who came to As rescue twice in this century, but the United States cannot and will not forget its pledge to freedom. VOTING RIGHTS ACT OF 1965 The Senate resumed the consideration of the bill. (S. 1564) to enforce the 15th amendmelt of the Constitution of the United States. PROPOSED AMENDMENT RE DEMONSTRATIONS Mr. STENNIS. , Mr. President, the re- cent marches, sit-ins, and other demon- strations that have disrupted the conduct of. government in counties, cities, and even entire States make it apparent that our public officials must . have some ef- fective and legal protection, from the demonstrators, who seem determined to continue a campaign of harassment. The law-abiding residents who as tax- payers must pay the bill caused by these demonstrators are also entitled to a means of relief. The innocent private citizens who must suffer inconveniences and the dedicated public officials who must do their work are entitled to the 'assistance of the U.S. Attorney General in the protection of their right to per- form their duties without unreasonable ha#;tt?sment. If it is proper to provide by law that the Attorney General must throw the full weight and assistance of his office into the effort to secure for some people the right to vote-as under this bill a petition by 20 persons would do=then it is proper to provide by law that the Attorney General must throw the full weight and assistance of his office into the effort of public officials and pri- vate citizens to secure the right to live in peace and perform their duties. This amendment simply provides that the Attorney General, if requested to do so, must assist State, county, and local government officials to do the same thing the Attorney General did when demon- strators invaded his office-that is, throw them out so he "could get some work done." Both the Attorney General and the White House have recognized that demonstrations interfere with and pre- vent the orderly and efficient accom- plishment of work. This was admitted when demonstrators were ordered re- moved from the Attorney General's office and from inside the White House. under this amendment, the Attorney General would be compelled to come to the assistance of public officials of any political subdivision when persons who have not been denied the right to vote and are not residents therein, neverthe- less storm into an area and create strife and discord; and interfere with public officials in the discharge and perform- ance of their duty, including the registra- tion of voters. In brief, this amendment simply im- poses upon the Attorney General the duty,` when he is requested to do so, to see that the rights of all individuals are protected. The necessity of adopting this amend- ment is underscored and emphasized by the recent statement of Martin Luther King that he felt he was under no moral obligation to obey laws with which he did not personally agree. He, in fact, went so far as to say that he had a moral duty to violate any law which he did not mo- rally approve. It would be a mockery of justice for us to provide that the full weight of the Federal Government must be thrown be- hind an. individual who has openly stated that he will not obey the law if he does not agree with it, and at the same time give, the assistance of the Fed- refuse to eral Government to those who want to obey the.lawand are anxious to discharge their duty to enforce and apply the laws. The proposed voting rights bill, if it passes, will give to the Attorney General every legal and necessary authority to secure the right of every citizen to vote. It goes so far in giving him this authority that it violates the Constitution, and I am opposed to its passage for the reason that it tramples upon constitutional princi- ples. I shall oppose it with all my strength. But the hard facts are that 66 Senators have signed this bill. That is only one vote short of the necessary votes' to invoke cloture. If it is passed, the At- torney General will be empowered with more authority than has ever been given to one individual in the history of this Government. I am opposed to giving one man the power that is given the Attorney General under the terms of this bill, but if he is 'to have such power, he should be compelled to use it in the protection of all -Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67B00446R00030015001$-6 0M /N1 CIA-RDP67B00446R000?0 =6 T that the Senate proceed to the consid- eration of House Concurrent Resolution ,PRESIDING OFFtC t The clergy will read the concurrent resolution. current resolution, as follows: S,bereas the ,Dag Hammarskjold Interria- tional Foundation, the American Association for 'the United Natioris, the State of Califor- nia `Dag "Hammarskjold Memorial Grove Committee and numerous cooperating groups including the Save-the-Redwoods League are carrying forward the proposal for as Dag Hammarskjold Memorial Redwood Grove: and Whereas the life of Dag Hammarskjold was in opncorelance with the deep and pervading majesty of the redwoods, among which we find spiritual refuge and gain a more pro- found realization of his own thought that "we each have within, us a center of stillness surrounded by silence"; and Whereas, Dag Hammarskjold, until his death on September 17, 1961, served eight years as Secretary-General of the United Nations, carrying on ' his widely significant and courageous search for world peace; and Whereas by their very grandeur the giant redwoods imbue us with a stronger realiza- tion of human'dignity, tolerance, and state- liness so characteristic of Dag Hammarsk- fold's life: Now, therefore, be it ;Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That it is the sense of the Congress that it is appropriate to designate a grove of redwood trees as selected by ''the State of California, as the Dag flaSnmarskjold Memorial Redwood Grove. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there abjection? The Chair hears none. There tieing no objection, the Senate proceeded to consider the concurrent res- olution (H. Con. Res. 305). Mr. KUCHEL. Mr. President, the name of Dag Hammarskjold is a most gallant, illustrious, and courageous name which will live forever in history. Dag Hammarskj old devoted his life to the pursuit of peace with justice for all .mankind. Americans will join the -peace-loving nations of the world in re- calling the majesty and dignity with which Dag Hammarskjold'conducted the 'business of the United Nations, un- -da;uhted by taunts, oblivious to threats, 'fearless of criticism, heaped upon him by 'those who sought to weaken and damage, if not indeed to destroy, the "town meet- magnificent Lutheran Cathedral for the state funeral_'of hagHarnmarskjold. This resolution indicatesit is the sense of Congress that it is appropriate to des- ignate a grove of redwood trees, selected by the State of California, as the Dag Hammarskjold Memorial Redwood Grove. 'I believe the resolution represents a fit- ting indication of the high -and never- ending esteem in which the men and women in the legislative branch of our Government, representing the American people, continue to hold the memory of a profoundly dedicated human being who labored unceasingly for the great cause .of, honorable peace among all nations. ..I know that every other Senator will join me in voting for the approval of this resolution. Mr. CARLSON. Mr. President, will the Senator yield? Mr. KUCHEL. I yield. Mr. CARLSON. I appreciate very much the distinguished Senator from California's offering the resolution hon- oring a great patriot who served with distinction and honor and, as a matter of fact, gave his life in the interest of peace. It happened that I was in Stockholm, Sweden, on the very day it was an- nounced that he had been selected Secre- tary General of the United Nations. I shall never forget the enthusiasm that swept the people and the press stories, to the effect that one who had given so much service would give even greater service to_ the cause of- peace. It was natural for me, having a Swedish back- ground,a to be proud of his services. Dur- ing my . service as a delegate, I viewed the plaque in the United Nations commemo- rating the services and memory of Dag Hammarskjold. 'Mr. KUCHEL. rthank the Senator. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The question is on agreeing to the concur- rent resolution. The concurrent resolution (H.\Con. Res. 305) was agreed to. WHITE HOUSE BRIEFING ON DE- VELOPMENTS IN SOUTHEAST ASIA AND THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Ping of the world." He was not, nor could Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, I ask she be, intimidated by those who sought unanimous consent that I be given the to scuttle peace. Quite literally, Dag necessary time to read a 21/2-page state= Hammarskjold gave his life to the cause ment. that he so devotedly pursued. The PRESIDING OFFICER: .Is there It was my great honor to be appointed objection? Without objection, it is so by the late President of the United ordered. States, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, to rep- Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, President resent the Republican Party, as a mem- Johnson called to the White House this ber of an American delegation which morning for a briefing members of the -flew overseas from this city, and which House and Senate Appropriations Com- W led by the then Vice President, now mittees, Armed Services Committees, and the President of our country, to repre- Foreign Policy Committees. He briefed sent America at the final rites held in these Members of Congress with the Uppsala, Sweden, at which the free na- press present on the most recent develop- tions of the world gave their last, tearful ments in southeast Asia and the Domini- salute to the memory of this gallant man, can Republic. struck down in the prime of life. The President stated that under Ares - That recollection to me is a oignant ent law, he is authorized to transfer oAe, as I saW the delegations from" dozens funds already ' appropriated in the de- of free countries, all In their native garb fense-budget to the unexpected financial -arid costume, gathered together in the defense needs of the war in southeast Approved For Release 2003/10/14 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000300150016-6