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TABLE 2.-Work experience and weeks worked by full-time workers in 1964, for noninstitutional male var veterans in the United States,
- by age
1964 work experience
Age in March 1965
Under 30
80 to 34
35 to 99
40 to 44
45 to 49
50 to 54
55 to 59
60 to 64
65 to 69
70 years
and over
Number (in thousands)
Worked in 1964
20, 868
19, 084
2, 648
3, 541
1, 712
Full time
Part time
2, 607
4, 759
1, 663
Did not work in 1964
Full time
Part time
Worked in 1964
Full time
50 to 52 weeks
48 to 49 weeks
40 to 47 weeks
27 to 30 weeks
14 to 26 weeks
1 to 13 weeks
Part thne
Did not work in 1964
I Less than 0.5 percent.
Source of data
? Information about the 1964 work experi-
ence of male civilian noninstitutional war
veterans in the United States (obtained in
February 1965) was derived from the Bureau
of the Census' matched February-March cur-
rent population survey sample of approxi-
mately 25,000 households. The work experi-
ence distributions by age were applied to the
independent VA estimates by age of the male
civilian noninstitutional war veteran popula-
tion in the United States to develop the work
experience data presented in this report. Al-
though Work experience data are for the year
1964, the age refers to March 1965. (For
details Of the survey see Consumer Income,
Current Population Reports, series P-60, No.
47, Sept. 24, 1965, U.S. Bureau of the Census,
Washington, D.C.)
War veterans are men who served in the
Armed Forces during a war period (Spanish-
American War, World War I. World War II,
Korean conflict) and are now in the civilian
noninstitutional population of the United
States. The civilian noninstitutional popu-
lation excludes all members of the Armed
Forces and inmates of penal institutions,
chronic disease hospitals, nursing homes, and
the like.
Reliability of the estimates
Since the estimates are based on a sample,
they may differ somewhat from the figures
that would have been obtained if a complete
census had been taken using the same sched-
ules, instructions, and intreviewers. As in
any survey work, the results are subject to
errors of response and reporting, and to sam-
pling variability.
The standard error is primarily a measure
of sampling variability; that is, of the varia-
tions that occur by chance because a sam-
ple rather than the whole of the population
Is surveyed. As calculated for this report,
the standard error also partially measures
the effects of response and enumeration er-
rors but does not measure any systematic
biases in the data. The chances are about
68 out of 100 that an estimate from the sam-
ple will differ from a complete census figure
by less than one standard error. The
chances are about 95 out of 100 that the dif-
ference would be less than twice the stand-
ard error. The following table shows the ap-
proximate standard error of an estimated
percentage computed by using sample data
for both the numerator and denominator of
the percentage. The size of the standard er-
ror depends upon both the size of the per-
centage and the size of the class upon which
the percentage is based.
Standard errors of estimated percentages (68 changes out of 100)
Estimated percentage
Base of percentage (thousands)
2 or 98
5 or 95
10 or 90
15 or 85
20 or 80
28 or 75
35 or 61
3. 8
4. 6
6. 1
6. 6
6. 1
6. 4
2. 0
2. 5
3. 1
0. 6
. 6
. 8
1. 0
1. 1
Monday, January 10, 1966
Mr: TENZER. Mr. Speaker, as the
2d session of the 89th Congress begins,
people throughout the world are deeply
concerned about the war in Vietnam and
the course which will be taken in the
year ahead. The Members of this dis-
tinguished Chamber have a responsibility
to express themselves to their constitu-
ents, to the Nation, and to the world on
this, the most vital issue of the day.
uring the period of adjournment, I
had the opportunity to address thousands
of my constituents in 43 speaking en-
gagements and appearances, during
which I discussed a variety of subjects.
Invariably the first question raised was
on the subject of U.S. policy in southeast
Asia and our commitment in South Viet-
nam. While the greatest number ap-
peared to support the administration
policy, they seemed unanimous in urg-
ing that we find an avenue to peace.
I also visited Thailand where I dis-
cussed the situation in South Vietnam
with servicemen, some of whom reside in
Fifth Congressional District of New York.
They all seemed to under stand the rea-
sons for our commitment in southeast
Asia and they questioned why some at
home failed to understand as well. They
also shared the desire for peace and
urged that every diplomatic channel be-
kept open to encourage initiation of ne-
gotiations for peace.
Our Nation is the strongest and
greatest power in the world today-but
with that power goes responsibility. No
nation can have great power and a quiet
conscience. Its leaders and its people
must sometimes suffer either the re-
proaches of having used force or the re-
proaches of having failed to use it.
I am distressed by the increasing U.S.
losses and the increased role of our troops
in combat zones. I abhor war and the
misery caused by human conflict. Our
President had made it clear that our bi-
partisan foreign policy is to defend South
Vietnam so long as aggression from the
north continues. Our Nation wants
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peace and President Johnson has made
it clear that we stand ready to engage in
unconditional discussions to consider any
solution which will bring peace to this
troubled area of the world.
On December 18, 1965, in response to
the voices of my constituents, I sent the
following telegram to the President:
President of the United States,
White House, Washington, D.C.:
In light of the offer for a 12-hour truce to
permit American boys to celebrate Christmas,
respectfully suggest that you announce the
acceptance of the offer and implement im-
mediately negotiations to extend the truce.
I further respectfully recommend that as
evidence our announced intentions to nego-
tiate and to demonstrate American compas-
sion, you direct cessation of the bombing in
North Vietnam pending the negotiations
now under condideration. The month of
December should not be the only period to
practice peace on earth and good will toward
men. We must work at it 365 days a year.
Member of Congress.
I was as pleased as you were to listen
to the voices which followed and to see
how the administration responded to the
voice of the people. Diplomatic channels
were opened with dynamic and energetic
force. Every effort was made to con-
vince the nations of the world that the
United States truly wanted peace in
southeast Asia.
While we continue to meet our com-
mitment in South Vietnam we must al-
ways bear in mind that to negotiate is
not to capitulate. In the nuclear age
when man is capable of self-destruction
there is even greater reason to strive for
peace, however, in so doing we cannot
turn our back on tyranny and injustice
anywhere in the world.
In one of our southern cities, the home
of the 1st Air Cavalry Division, which
has the greatest number of families with
men in Vietnam per capita of any city
in the United States, there was a demon-
stration of women and children asking
that we "support their daddies in South
Vietnam." Not one sign read "Send my
daddy home."
Let those who demonstrated and par-
ticipated in paying for full page ads,
urging a cessation of bombings in North
Vietnam, now take ads urging Hanoi to
understand that our Government is seri-
ous in its efforts to transfer the war from
the battlefield to the conference table.
There were less ships of our allies
reaching the port of Haiphong with sup--
plies during 1965 than there were in 1964.
The progress in this area, while signif-
icant, is not yet enough. We should con.-
aider seriously the termination of any and
all aid to nations carrying supplies to
our enemies.
We should also give consideration to
the blockade of the port of Haiphong
thereby cutting off the supplies which
our enemy uses to support their aggres-
I favor a continuing dialog?both pub-
lic and in the Congress?on this most
vital issue of the day. The voices of
our Representatives should echo through
this Chamber during the session which
started today so that people in the United
States and throughout the world may
look to the strongest democracy in the
world for guidance and strength in the
trying hours and days which lie ahead.
This Chamber of freemen must not
shrink from its responsibility of sound-
ing the commitment for freedom and the
search for peace in the world. It should
distinguish itself by being both a forum
for freedom and a forum for peace. Our
President needs our support and the peo-
ple deserve our continuing exprc 'sion of
their hopes for peace.
Wyoming: Nation's No. 1 Oil State
Monday, January 10, 1966
Mr. RONCALIO. Mr. Speaker, the
men who come to Wyoming assist in its
development and contribute much to the
culture and personality of this great
State. Such a man is Roy H. Guess, a
Texas native who received his bachelor's
and master's degree in geology from the
University of Texas. After his gradua-
tion in 1940 he spent 4 years in the Air
Force during World War IT.
Two and a half years ago Mr. and Mrs.
Guess and their two children transferred
their base to Casper, the center of a
"wildcatters paradise," where he can
pursue his hobby of skiing and breathe
the fresh air of Wyoming.
He has written several articles. One
called "What Lures Drillers to Wyom-
ing," appeared in the May 10, 1965, issue
of Oil and Gas Journal; another "Oil
Exploration in Wyoming" appeared in
the South Texas Geological Society Bul-
letin in April 1965.
Most recently, Mr. Speaker, is "In-
creased Drilling Seen in 'Wildcatters
Paradise' -' which was published in the
December issue of Independent Petro-
leum Monthly.
The article follows:
The general health of the independent
segment of the oil industry today reminds
me of the story of two skeletons hanging in
a closet. One skeleton turned to the other
and said, "How in the world did we get
locked in here?" The other skeleton rattled
back, "I don't know. but if we had any guts
we'd get out."
A great deal of the highly infectious, ir-
resistible urge to "wildcat" for the yet un-
discovered wealth in giant oilfields seems to
have disappeared from the ranks of the in-
dependent producer today. We study mer-
gers, sellouts, stock swaps, diversification,
etc.: but if we have to consider pulling up
stakes and moving to greener pastures, the
obstacles are just too great.
During 1965, the Shell Oil Co. clearly
demonstrated that 100 million barrel oil-
fields can still be found in Wyoming. Their
Reno unit discovery is currently producing
2,500 barrels per day and has been con-
firmed by two offsets of equal caliber. A
6-mile step-out to the west appears to be
most promising at the present time. The
industry in Wyoming probably would have
assigned odds of 50 to 1 against Shell's dis-
covery being a commercial well in the Min-
nelusa (Tensleep) prior to drilling and, no
doubt, the odds of finding a 100 million bar-
rels would have been beyond estimation.
Undoubtedly, 1966 will bring intensive ef-
forts to find other large fields in the deep,
virtually unexplored interior portions of half
a dozen of Wyoming's basins that are ringed
by shallow highly prolific oilfields. Ten
seismic crews are currently working in the
Powder River Basin, trying to obtain infor-
mation that will help duplicate the Shell
It is certainly true that most of the shal-
low "sheepherder's structures" have been
drilled in Wyoming, but prospecting for
stratigraphic traps is just in its Infancy.
Sophisticated stratigraphic studies are cer-
tain to play in increasingly important role in
future exploration plans of both major and
independent oil companies. The Sundance
formation may be a real "sleeper" in several
Thermal recovery projects, in the shal-
low heavy oil and tar sand areas of Wyoming,
have ben included in the 1966 plans of sev-
eral companies. The next 5 years should
bring rapid increases in this type of produc-
tion. Due to the completion of several
1,000 barrel-per-day fractured shale wells
during 1965, this type of exploration will re-
ceive a great deal of attention during the
coming year. This will give subsurface infor-
mation that will lead to additional discoveries
in other formations.
Perhaps "Wyoming, the Wildcatter's Para-
dise," the title of a recent address by Dr
George R. Wulf, is a slightly optimistic
description, but with proration, a favorable
marketing situation, an abundance of un-
explored but highly prospective acreage, this
area come closer to fitting this description
than any other area in the United States. I
believe these factors will cause a gradual in-
crease in drilling activity in Wyoming and
surrounding States by aggressive independent
oil companies in 1966 and beyond.
On Throwing Tantrums
Monday, January 10, 1966
Mr. YOUNGER. Mr. Speaker, the f ol-
lowing editorial from the Wall Street
Journal of October 27, 1965, on the
present youthful demonstrations against
the Vietnam war strikes a very respon-
sive chord in the minds of those opposed
to such demonstrations:
Even after all the discounting is duly done,
the current rash of youthful demonstrations
against the Vietnam war must puzzle the
mind and conscience of thoughtful men. Is
it a case of young people failing society or
the other way around? Or some of both?
Granted, the eruptions do not represent
majority American opinion, including that of
college students themselves, however dis-
turbing may be the plain thread of extreme
leftist instigation or encouragement. It is
perhaps indicative of the general mood of
the country that the purported pacifists are
evoking counter-demonstrations in support
of the administration's Vietnam policy. In
any event, taking to the streets with a griev-
ance is nothing new. Finally, it can be con-
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the details in a letter from the wife of
the serviceman involved.
She received a Christmas package from
her husband with two sweaters and a
camera for her two daughters and her-
self. She had to pay a 421/2-percent duty
on the sweaters and a 15-percent duty on
the camera. All told, it cost her $10.81
in customs duties before the mailman
would release the gifts.
This is definitely not right. I have no
argument with the imposition of cus-
toms duties on foreign imports, but I cer-
tainly think we should make an excep-
tion when it comes to the gifts which
servicemen send home from combat
Most of the time these men must buy
the gifts whenever they have a free mo-
ment. Their shopping is usually limited
to the PX and they have to purchase
what is avttilable and not give too much
thought to the customs duties.
Gifts valued under $10 can be mailed
from foreign countries under present reg-
ulations as long as not more than one
gift is sent to any one person in any one
day. This is all well and good for tour-
ists who can take the time to be selective
and can make separate mailings. It does
not help a serviceman though, who has
to make his purchases at one time and
mail them in one package.
The bill I have introduced would in-
crease this $10 limitation to $50 and It
would apply only to servicemen in com-
bat zones as designated by the Presi-
dent. I think the $50 figure is a realistic
one and will cover most of the gift pur-
chases which servicemen make for their
families at Christmas time or whenever
there are birthdays and anniversaries to
be remembered.
Mr. Speaker, this is a little thing, but
it will mean a great deal to the members
of the Armed Forces and their families.
I would hope that hearings could be
scheduled on this legislation right away.
I am certain that the testimony will bear
out the soundness of making this special
concession for these people. I would
hope that this change could be made so
that another Christmas would not pass
without making some provision for
servicemen to send home duty free gifts
on a basis which is reasonable and just.
Eighty Years of Happy Marriage for
Pioneer Sholbergs
Monday, January 10, 1966
Mr. LANGEN. Mr. Speaker, it was my
privilege last week to send a telegram of
greetings and congratulations to a couple
In my congressional district who cele-
brated their 80th wedding anniversary on
January 5. These remarkable people are
Mr. and Mrs. Ole Sholberg, of Fergus
Falls, Minn., who represent the strength
of the pioneering spirit that made this
Nation so great.
The Associated Press carried a wire
story on the remarkable accomplish-
ments of the centenarian Sholbergs, and
I would like to share these observations
with you.
FERGUS FALLS, MINN.-01e Sholberg, 103,
and his little wife, Otila, 101, who live con-
tentedly while 'waiting for the Lord to call
us," will observe their 80th wedding anni-
versary Wednesday.
"We have never had an serious quarrel,"
said Mrs. Sholberg in a soft voice. "He has
been a good man, and we have had a happy
life. We still have a happy life."
Ole sat with his arm around Otila. He
tried to smile but the attrition of his years
made it difficult. His wife caressed his
hand, and smiled for both of them.
Sholberg has poor hearing and vision. His
face is strong, marbled by the winter spray
of the North Sea where as a boy in Norway
he helped his father fish. There are lines too
which somehow tell how he, as a frontier
husband and father in western Minnesota,
shielded his family from blizzards and forest
Families of the couple came to the United
Stat?s 2 years apart. Sholberg's from near
Kristiansund and Otila's from near Skarnes.
As a boy of 15, Ole customarily walked 16
miles day a to get the mail. One day he
found a short cut, which took him past a
country home where Otila Hill was picking
wild flowers. On his way back home with the
mail, Ole mustered courage to go to the
house and ask for a drink of water.
"It seemed that Ole got very thirsty," his
wife recalled. "He came back again."
On January 5, 1886, 7 years after their first
meeting, the two were married in the Hills'
farm home. Sholberg borrowed $100 as the
clown payment on a farm and hauled 60 loads
of hay into town the first summer to pay for
the lumber he used to build his first two-
room home. Ole was a good carpenter, and
he helped build many other pioneer homes.
The Sholbergs' six daughters and two sons
will be with the old couple to help observe
the anniversary. They will include Julius,
of Elizabeth, Minn., who celebrated his 55th
wedding anniversary last year.
On January 9, sitting in their tidy Fergus
Falls home which Ole built when he was 80,
the couple will listen by radio to a special
church service at Bethlehem Lutheran
Church, another building which Ole helped
build. The service will be dedicated to the
Sholbergs and letters of congratulations, in-
cluding one from President Lyndon Johnson,
will be read. Otila said she will repeat for
Ole any parts of the service he is unable to
Two of their children, Clara and the
widowed Mrs. Frank Meder, live with the
Sholbergs. Sholberg has never spent a day
in a hospital. He and his wife get along on
social security payments, and relatives say,
the couple has never thought about asking
for public assistance.
Mrs. Sholberg about in a wheelchair
and can walk by holding onto things. She
spends her time reading the Bible, daily
devotionals and a Norwegian language news-
Her husband sleeps most of the time but
comes to the table for all his meals.
The Reverend Otto Dale, their pastor, says
the Sholbergs are not afraid of death.
'They have had a long and glorious life,"
the Lutheran minister added. "They have
given something good and lasting to this
country. They are the people on whom this
country was built.
"They have a beautiful marriage."
Dividends From Korea?Nation's Aid in
Viet War
Monday, January 10, 1966
Mr. MURPHY of New York. Mr.
Speaker, under leave to extend my
remarks in the RECORD, I would like to
call to the attention of my colleagues,
an excellent article by Roscoe Drum-
mond which appeared in the New York
Herald Tribune of January 10, 1966:
(By Roscoe Drummond)
WASHINGTON.?It is 13 years since the
nightmare of the Korean war. And what did
it all mean?
Was it wasted strife or incalculable boon?
What is the answer from South Korea today?
The answer is that the American people
can be proud of what the United States did
for South Korea and has reason to be grate-
ful for what South Korea has done for itself.
This is the record:
With the help of a dozen other nations, but
primarily on its own, the United States
turned back the aggression to the 38th paral-
lel which divided the two Koreas.
Today, South Korea is secure, tranquil, and
It has a democratic government ruling by
the consent of the governed.
It is carrying forward significant social re-
It is stable?so stable that, despite some
demonstrations, it was able last year to
establish diplomatic relations with its once
hated enemy and occupier, Japan, which is
now providing it with $800 million in grants
and loans over a 10-year period.
South Korea is proving itself resourceful
and increasingly self-reliant. It is making
steady economic progress and, while U.S. aid
has been substantial, the South Koreans
have been showing what self-help can really
be. Their gross national product has been
rising at the rate of about 8 percent a year;
industrial production is up 15 percent.
Grievously short of land to enable its
people to be self-sufficient in food, the gov-
ernment of Chung Hee Park, by literally
carving terraces out of mountains, is doub-
ling its arable land.
South Korean industry is making rapid
strides. Exports are up from $20 million
in 1959 to $170 million today.
But this is only half of it. These are
some of the things South Korea has been
doing for itself. These are the ways South
Korea has been using its security from ag-
And now What is the other dividend be-
sides a free people secured from oppression?
What is the earned dividend, which has not
been asked, but which is now so welcome
and so helpful?
South Korea's dividend to the United
States is in South Vietnam today.
Defended against Communist aggression
by the United States, South Korea is today
helping the United States repel the Commu-
nist aggression against South Vietnam.
Not just with truck drivers and medical
supplies and behind-the-lines support:
But with 15,000 battle-hardened South
Korea freedom fighters trained for action
in the jungles and rice paddies where the
Vietcong are deadliest?plus 2,000 combat
Little South Korea, with a population
of 28 million, is doing far more than any
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the most suspicious associate or by Congress,
of allowing personal ambition to color or to
frighten in the smallest way his work or his
So it is that all Washington knows one
thing at least?that if he says something he
believes it, purely and simply. He is not
running for anything.
He is a man, this Harriman, who was twice
cruelly disappointed in politics. The first
time was when he was denied the presidential
nomination that Harry Truman had earn-
estly sought for him. The second time was
when Nelson Rockefeller unseated him as
Governor of New York.
Many would have curled up and quit when
the last and unsuspected blow had fallen.
Harriman, instead, stolidly came here to work
in the State Department, in his grumpily
quiet way, for President John F. Kennedy.
He was a poor politician. His speeches,
Jhoweven written, were unconquerably pedes-
trian in his mouth, and in affectionate im-
patience he evoked the nickname of "Honest
Ave, the Hair Splitter." For elective office,
the knack was simply not in him. He be-
came instead a most superior public official
of the appointive sort. He had, in spite of
himself, found his place. This is perhaps
why he is able to show the younger men how
duty is at last done.
Averell Harriman is a good type to have
around when the heat is on and they need a
man for a man's errand.
The Peace Corps and Protest
Monday, January 10, 1966
Mr. GROSS. Mr. Speaker, during the
recess, an article of an alarming nature
came to my attention. The article con-
cerns the Peace Corps and the recent
student protest demonstrations on ban-
ning the bomb, integrating Mississippi
Into the United States as they refer to
it, abolishing the State Department, or
turning the Metropolitan Opera House
over to folksingers. This article may
not have been so disturbing had it not
been for one detail?it appeared in the
Peace Corps News, a semiofficial publi-
cation of the Peace Corps itself.
The Peace Corps News is published
twice a year by the Peace Corps in co-
operation with the U.S Student Press
Association, an arm of the leftwing U.S.
National Student Association, and the
Associated College Press. This publi-
cation purports to reach more than 1
million students through the Nation's
college newspapers.
Mr. Speaker, I hesitate to request
unanimous consent that this article to
which I have referred be included in the
RECORD, for I dislike making it a part
of the history of this body. However,
knowing no other way that the text of
the article may be conveyed to my col-
leagues, I ask unanimous consent that
it be included in the RECORD:
Have you been arrested five times in the
last 5 months for sitting in?
Do you think we should ban the bomb,
integrate Mississippi into the United States,
abolish, the State Department and turn the
Met over to folksingers?
The Peace Corps is just your cup of es-
Once you can sneak through the glorified
college boards they use for selection 4 f orge
some good references and tell them you're
from Berkeley and you're in), and endure
the glorified Boy Scout training program (be
stoic) , you're on your own, free to foment
ferment and to organize community spirit
to build ever higher standards of living and
topple imperialists.
There's no business like revolution to stir
your blood, give you experience in fighting in-
justice, round out your education (the edu-
cated man simply must know how to debeak
chickens) and alienate the establishment.
It's the way out of every identity f:risis
(and if you aren't having an identity crisis,
the Peace Corps doesn't want you) , the road
to unification of the world behind a pro-
gram of eradicating evil.
What have you got to lose but your RC-
? ymity?
Independence Day of Chad
Monday, January 10, 1966
Mr. POWELL, Mr. Speaker, I take
great pride in calling to the attention of
this Congress the 11th of January, which
marks the national holiday of the Re-
public of Chad. This former colony of
France achieved its independence on Au-
gust 11, 1960, but proclaimed January 11
as its national holiday.
On this occasion, we wish to extend
warm and personal felicitations to His
Excellency Francois Tombalbaye, the
President of the Republic of Chad; and
to His Excellency Boukar Abdoul, Chad's
Ambassador to the United States.
It is fitting that the hearty and in-
dustrious people of Chad should adopt
"Unity, Work, Progress" as their motto.
Since gaining their independence, they
have kept these goals clearly in mind,
and have constantly striven to make
them a reality.
The Republic of Chad is the largest of
the former French Equatorial African
countries, more than twice the size of
France. Its population, estimated at
close to 3 million, is divided roughly into
two main parts. The segment in the
north is mostly Arabized, while the group
in the south is largely animist in religion
but with Christians among the leaders.
Little has been written on the early
history of Chad. Europeans did not be-
gin exploring the region until the early
19th century, and at that time the trade
In slaves was being carried on in vari-
ous parts of the region. During the pe-
riod when France was engaged in various
military campaigns in west Africa, Chad
was viewed as an area of great strategic
importance. As a result, it was organized
as a French military base area in 1900.
Chad became an administrative terri-
tory of the Federation of French Eoua-
tonal Africa in 1913. In the early stages
of World War H, Chad was the first of
the French territories in Africa to rally
to the support of the Free French, and
served as a supply base for Allied opera-
tions in East Africa and the Mediter-
The year 1946 saw increased autonomy
and French citizenship conferred on
Chad and other dependencies. The en-
abling act of 1956 and constitutional ref-
erendum of September 1, 1958, set the
basic framework for full Chadian inde-
pendence and membership in the French
Community in 1960.
Chad's economy, which is agricultural,
has two strong pillars: cotton and stock
raising. Cotton is the principal money
crop and accounts for approximately 80
percent of Chad's exports. During 1964
imports were up 15 percent while ex-
ports increased by 11 percent. France
continues to be the leading customer and
supplier, although trade with the U.S.A.
has also seen a steady increase.
Chad's landlocked position has thus
far proved to be a major handicap in
overcoming some of her economic diffi-
culties. This has resulted in the Gov-
ernment's placing highest priority on a
rail link to the sea via Cameroon.
Judging from the facts I have men-
tioned, it would appear that Chad is well
underway in its quest for "Unity, Work,
Progress." Her friends in the Congress
and the American people as a whole ex-
tend best wishes and congratulations to
the Republic of Chad, her Government,
and her hardworking people on their na-
tional independence day.
Servicemen Should Be Able To Mail Gifts
From Combat Zones Duty Free to Their
Families in the United States
Monday, January 10, 1966
Mr. MIZE. Mr. Speaker, today I am
introducing a bill to liberalize the dollar
limitation on gifts which can be mailed
duty free from foreign countries into the
United States. I have drafted this leg-
islation to apply specifically to our serv-
icemen in combat areas because I know
that some of the families of servicemen
had to pay customs duties on gifts which
they received from Vietnam last Christ-
mas. I had one specific instance brought
to my attention. I know there must be
An editorial in the Junction City
(Kans.) Daily Union on Wednesday, No-
vember 24, called attention to the fact
that the wife of a Fort Riley soldier, now
In Vietnam, received a shipment of
Christmas gifts from her husband on
which she was required to pay customs
ditties. The editorial writer was upset,
as well he should have been, and I be-
came upset myself when I learned all of
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other country except the United States and
is contributing more fighting men per capi-
ta than even the United States.
And why did the Government and Parlia-
ment of South Korea make this tremendous
decision to,cOmmit 17,000 men to the defense
of South Vietnam?
They know from their own experiences
the crucial need to defeat aggression I
South Vietnam?and are doing what t
can to help.
Neighborhood Youth Corps
Monday, January 10, 1966
Mr. FARNUM. Mr. Speaker, under
leave to extend my remarks in the REC-
ORD, I include the following resolution
adopted by the Michigan State Board
of Education, under date of September
24, 1965:
Resolution adopted by the Michigan Cur-
riculum Committee on School Holding Power
on September 24, 1965, requesting the Fed-
eral Office of Economic Opportunity, the
U.S. Department of Labor, and the Mem-
bers of Congress from this State to increase
the number of available training spaces to
a number sufficient to meet the purposes
for which the Economic- Opportunity Act of
1964 was conceived.
Whereas the Economic Opportunity Act of
1964 was approved by the Congress of the
United States for the purpose of breaking
the cycle of poverty; and
Whereas the Neighborhooll Youth Corps
was created as a result of this act to give
financial assistance to youth to stet in school
and to give needed work experience to youth
who have left school; and
Whereas the developing evidence indicates
that this program has already achieved a
degree of success; and
Whereas an ever-increasing number of
youth were being involved; and
Whereas a retrenchment in an on-going
program to which the Federal Government
has already committed itself can only cause
confusion and resentment on the part of
the youth and the community; and
Whereas It will be difficult to replace staff
laid off as a result of cutbacks should the
program be increased in the future; and
Whereas the U.S. Department of Labor has
seen fit to reduce the number of training
spaces available to present on-going pro.
grams for in-school and out-of-school youth
in Michigan: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Michigan Curriculum
Committee on School Holding Power here-
by goes on record as favoring the provision
for an adequate number of training spaces
for both in-school and out-of-school youth
who can benefit from them; and Be it fur-
Resolved, That the Michigan Curriculum
Committee on School Holding Power re-
quests the Michigan State Board of Educa-
tion to use its good offices with the Federal
Office of Economic Opportunity, the U.S. De-
partment of Labor and the Members of Con-
gress from the State to increase the number
of available training spaces to a number
sufficient to meet the purposes for which the
Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 was con-
Salute to Cameroon
Monday, January 10, 1966
Mr. POWELL. Mr. Speaker, on Jan-
uary 1, the Republic of Sudan celebrated
the 10th aniversary of her independence.
As you are aware, the 2d session of the
89th Congress had not yet convened.
However, I did not want the opportunity
overlooked to extend to the people and
the Government of Sudan the warmest
felicitations of this country on this oc-
casion. Congratulations are therefore
extended on this occasion to His Ex-
cellency Ismail el Ezhari, the President
of the Supreme Council of State; and to
His Excellency Abbash el Obeid, the Su-
danese Ambassador to the United States.
Traditionally, most Americans anx-
iously await the end of an old year and
look forward to the approach of the new
year in anticipation of prosperity, prog-
ress, and peace. But January 1 has even
more significance to the people of the
Republic of the Sudan.
It was on this date in 1956 that this
huge country was proclaimed an inde-
pendent and soverign state. Comprising
an area almost one-tenth of the African
continent, this young and dynamic Re-
public is a land of more than 12 million
However, it should be noted that while
the Sudan is celebrating its 10th anniver-
sary as an independent Republic, its his-
torical legacy goes back very far indeed.
Ancient Egyptian inscriptions and refer-
ences in the Old Testament?to the Land
of Kush?bear evidence of the Sudan's
past greatness. During most of the 19th
century, the Sudan was under Turkish-
Egyptian subjugation with a short period
of independence between 1885 and 1899.
Following the joint British-Egyptian re-
conquest of the country in 1896-98, a new
governmental system had to be devised.
This resulted in joint Anglo-Egyptian
administration or condominium, as the
system was called.
The Sudan is a land of sharp con-
trasts, divided between the economically
developed Moslem North and the largely
pagan and Christian underdeveloped
South. However, strong efforts are being
made to overcome these and other handi-
caps. .
Sudan's somewhat small and scattered
population and lack of known resources
has forced the country's economy to re-
main primarily an agricultural one.
Cotton is the mainstay of the Sudanese
economy, and accounts for approximately
70 percent of the country's total exports
and about 30 percent of the total world
production of the long staple variety.
The Gezira scheme, which developed a
large portion of the south to relative
wealth, has proved itself a model of agri-
cultural achievement which other un-
developed areas conceivably could adopt.
Extensive irrigation could increase the
chances for an even more diversified
economy. Liberal foreign trade policies
have aided in stimulating Sudan's ex-
ports and imports. Its world trade bal-
ance is satisfactory and foreign exchange
reserves have Steadily grown to over $150
million. Annual capital formation is at
approximately 10 percent and develop-
ment investments are growing at a rate
of more than 8 percent of the gross
national product, which has been esti-
mated at $900 million.
Internal problems have not prevented
the Sudan from taking an active part in
international affairs, as its membership
in the United Nations Economic Com-
mission for Africa has demonstrated; in
addition, the Sudan is an important
member in such organizations as the
League of Arab States, the Organization
of African Unity, and the International
Cotton Advisory Committee.
Though the Sudan has been "experi-
encing what one might call growing pains
there is little doubt as to the resolution
and determination of this large and
friendly country to meet the challenges
and overcome the difficulties which beset
I am certain that the entire American
people join me in extending warm and
sincere congratulations on this, the 10th
anniversary of the independence of the
Republic of the Sudan.
Hon. Myron Cowen
Monday, January 10, 1966
Mr. KEOGH. Mr. Speaker, Ambassa-
dor Cowen was my good and close friend
for more than 25 years. He was an out-
standing diplomat and served his coun-
try with great distinction as Ambassador
to the Philippines, Australia, and Bel-
gium. He was also widely known in legal
and business circles. Ambassador Cow-
en's passing is a great loss not only to
his family but to his many friends who
were privileged to know him over the
years and who profited by his wise coun-
sel and experienced views. I mourn the
loss of an old and dear friend.
[From the New, York World Telegram &
Sun, Nov. 4, 19651
Fifteen years ago the Communist Huks in
the Philippines were starting off about as
menacingly as did the Vietcong subsequently
in South Vietnam. And financial problems
in the Philippines were even more trouble-
But America, and the anti-Communist
Western World, were fortunate to have as
U.S. Ambassador in Manila a skilled diplomat
and businessman, Myron Id. Cowen. Work-
ing closely with President Elpidio Quirino
and Defense Minister Ramon Magsaysay, Mr,
Cowen lent a most effective hand in helping
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to solve both problems. The eminent Philip-
pines stature in Asia today stems from sur-
mounting those crises of 1950.
Mr. Cowen's death Monday night at 67, in
Washington, will be widely mourned. His
illustrious career included ambassadorships
also in Australia and Belgium. He distin-
guished himself as a diplomat, lawyer, and
businessman of consistent achievement.
Americans Have Not Been Told About
Monday, January 10, 1966
Mr. YOUNGER. Mr. Speaker, recent-
ly there came to my attention an edito-
rial entitled "Americans Have Not Been
Told About Communism," published in
the St. John News of St. John, Kans. It
seems to me that the editor, Clelland
Cole, makes a very important point in his
editorial about the lack of information
furnished our people about why we are
in Vietnam and the ultimate result which
we expect. 'I'he editorial follows:
President Lyndon Johnson and his mighty
machine evidently became so engrossed in
powering an avalanche of new programs
through the last session of Congress that they
forgot to explain to the American people our
reason for being involved in the war in Viet-
As a result there is a national apathy, and
hardly one person in a thousand understands
that we have any valid reason for the war:
ask the next hundred persons you meet and
see if any of them can really explain why it
is mandatory that we stay in that war?and
that we win it.
The American people simply have not been
advised. There has been no particular poi-
itical appeal, and no building of an image in
the grisly business of explaining why we are
pouring men into an angry meat grinder away
off on the other side of the world, so that to-
day there Is bewilderment, anxiety, frustra-
tion, bitterness, and a seething sea of mis-
uncterstancling, plus a lack of knowledge.
Why are we in Vietnam?
If we were ever to finally take a stand
against total world communism, it had to be
taken, but the American people have not
been told. They have not been told that the
Communist program of absorption, envelop-
ment, and adoption has been, and is, moving
ahead steadily, relentlessly, and that the
Communist program by which schools,
churches, cities, and nations, are enveloped
leaves but few opportunities for challenge.
The challenge was made in Vietnam. Should
that area be lost, Asia is lost. Should Asia
be lost, South America is almost certain to
be lost. Africa has been lost for years.
Should South America be lost, Australia, New
Zealand, and the United States would be sit-
ting ducks. And if the Vietnam struggle Is
continued long enough so that Red China
can mount a formidable nuclear attack,
America's peril would be too ghastly to even
But America has not been told. Evidently
L.B.J. and McNamara underestimated the
power of the Vietcong and thought the brush
fire could be stomped out at will, or they re-
fused to take the American people into their
confidence to the point of telline the stark
and shocking truth.
If America had been told, if all the high-
sounding spending programs had been
chucked so that we could get on with win-
ning the war?if Americans were told how
effectively the Communists are moving
against us, within our borders and without?
today there would be less draft card burning,
less public apathy, less resistance, and a pub-
lic patriotism which would place the Com-
munists, the radicals, the demonstrators, the
beatniks, and Red sympathizers in their
proper perspective.
We are in a wicked, desperate, terrible war.
We cannot win it on a manpower basis.
We cannot win it and carry on public
squandering at home with a business as
usual attitude in Washington and across the
Should we make the horrible mistake of
letting it drag out until such time as Red
China builds an effective nuclear arsenal,
we have led ourselves and whatever friends
we have left into the certainty of atomic
Political analysts, commentators of high
repute, all agree now that for all his acumen
In driving his will through Congress, L. B. J.
has almost a total inability to cope with vast
foreign problems. This, coupled with his
failure to explain, frankly and honestly, the
reasons back of the Vietnam war and the ab-
solute need for winning it if freedom is to
survive, has led to the pathetic public bewil-
derment today.
If we don't get ourselves united in this war
effort quickly, tragedy of the 'nest terrible
proportions could greet us on the :narrow.
L.B.J.'s Funny Money
Monday, January 10, 1966
Mr. GROSS. Mr. Speaker, the ap-
pearance last fall of Lyndon Johnson's
funny money prompted the following
timely verse by Charlie Gebhard in his
"Nowadaze" column in the Waverly
(Iowa) Democrat:
Now listen, friends, and you shall hear
Just why I'm crying in my beer.
It really is a tale of woe
That started many years ago.
My dad worked hard and saved his cash,
And taught me not to do things rash.
He said, "Now, son, please stay awake
And wooden nickels do not take."
I shunned the poolhalls in my youth
And booze and dames and things uncouth;
Yes, was prudent all my life
And found myself a thrifty wife,
We worked together, side by each,
Till wealth was nearly in our reach
But then there came the fateful day:
That "two-bit move" by L.B.J.
For coins he ruled that silver's out
And copper slugs he's spread about
He says they're just as good as gold
Farewell to honest coins of old.
Now I recall my father's words:
"Wooden nickels are for the birds."
New copper slugs seem worthless, too,
But what are you and I to do?
January 10, 1966
The day of reckoning is here;
That's why :I'm crying in my beer.
Life's no longer milk and honey?
Here we are with funny money.
Coast Guard Helicopter Rescue
Monday, January 10, 1966
Mr. WYATT. Mr. Speaker, immedi-
ately before Christmas the Coast Guard
helicopter unit stationed near the mouth
of the Columbia River, at Astoria, Oreg
proved once again conclusively the value
and wisdom in establishing this squad-
ron at this location.
Six people are living today who would
certainly be dead were it not for the
prompt, efficient, and heroic reaction of
the Coast Guard helicopter squadron
commanded by Comdr. Robert Lawlis.
A helicopter flying from the Shell Oil
Co. exploratory ship off the Oregon coast
experienced a loss of power and was
forced to ditch approximately 1 mile
west of Seaside, Oreg., and the six men
aboard were soon in the water clinging
to the floats of the lost helicopter. The
temperature in the water was between
30 and 40?.
When the Coast Guard was alerted,
surface vessels and the helicopter from
Astoria were at once dispatched and
within a very short period of time the
helicopter located the six men. Four
were immediately hoisted aboard and
taken to the Seaside Hospital and the
other two were saved within 20 minutes.
The survivors estimated that two of
them would not have lasted in the water
for more than 5 minutes and that the
remaining four probably could not have
survived for more than 20 additional
minutes. Surface vessels certainly would
not have located them within this time.
The rescue helicopter was commanded
by Lt. Comdr. Robert Burns and piloted
by Chief Aviation Pilot Clyde M. Calls--
ley. All of the rescued survived without
serious aftereffects.
I would like to emphasize that these
are not the first lives saved by this great
squadron but this is the largest number
saved at any one time and certainly the
most dramatic rescue. This emphasizes
the arguments made prior to the loca-
tion of the helicopter squadron at the
mouth of the Columbia River, and cer-
tainly if the squadron had engaged in no
other activity since its formation, this
one rescue would have justified its exist--
Likewise, I am pleased to point out
that the Coast Guard command has here-
tofore pressed for and secured authority
to erect a permanent hangar at the Clot-
sop County Airport which is even nearer
than the present base of the helicopters
near the town of Astoria itself.
This squadron presently has two heli--
copters and in normal course of events
one helicopter is apt to be engaged opera--
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Council of the City of New York, "Air
Pollution in New York City," June 22, 1965,
Publication No. M-970, p. 26.
4 Washington Post, Aug. 9, 1965.
Public Law 88-965, July 9, 1964.
Gemini Feat Puts United States in Space
Monday, January 10, 1966
Mr. TEAGUE of Texas. Mr. Speaker,
a recent editorial in the Fort Worth Star-
Telegram of December 17, 1965, well de-
scribes the current status of our manned
space program. The brilliant achieve-
ment of rendezvous of Gemini 6 and 7
needs now to be followed by the docking
of two vehicles. The lead which we hold
In the space program, as so aptly put in
this article, can only be maintained by
our continued full support of our national
space program. The editorial follows:
The American public does not get quite as
excited over space flight now as it did when
the first few flights were made. To a lay-
man who knows little about the fine details
of space science, space flights are space
flights. It was amazing to all of us that man
was able to orbit the earth in a space capsule
and return safely to earth. It still is amaz-
ing. But after it has been done more than a
dozen times it is natural that public excite-
ment should show a slight decline.
Most of us are not able to understand
enough of the scientific problems to share
the excitement of space scientists over proof
that some intricate calculations are accurate
or that some device will work under certain
The flight of Gemini '7 has turned up a
problem that the filling station man deals
with here on earth?a dirty windshield.
The pilots have had difficulty looking out
the windows, which were shiny clean at
liftoff. The obscuring substance is not dust,
which an electrostatic field might have col-
lected, but a kind of film, as if it were oil
or grease.
That raises the question of whether there
are greasy particles in space, which nobody
can answer. The substance presumably
could be analyzed if it were wiped off and
the wiping cloth sent to the laboratory, but
reentry burns off the whatever-it-is.
Offhand it would appear the astronauts
may have to send somebody outside to wipe
the windshield, or else equip future space-
crafts with windshield wipers.
But when Gemini 6 and Gemini 7 accom-
plished their historic rendezvous In space
we could be about as excited as when Navy
Cmdr. Alan B. Shepard, Jr. became the first
American in space or when Marine Lt. Col.
John H. Glenn, Jr., was the first American
in orbit. Flight Director Christopher Kraft
confirms the basis for our excitement over
the new feat by saying that it was "the big-
gest milestone since the flight of John H.
The Russians had put a man in orbit be-
'fore Commander Shepard made his suborbital
flight and had their second in orbit before
Colonel Glenn made his orbit. They got
the Jump on us in space flight because they
had more powerful rockets.
For some time it was being noted by a few
that the Russians were able to make the
most spectacular shows but that the Amer-
icans were proceeding with a broader base
of scientific experimentation which in time
'would prove its value. Now there is evidence
that it has.
The space meeting of two vehicles travel-
ing around the earth at more than 17,000
miles an hour was a feat that took the ut-
most precision in equipment, in calculation
and in execution. It also was something
that had to be done before there can be a
manned expedition to the moon. The Rus-
sians also have to master this technique, and
they have not yet done it.
The next step is to dock, that is, bring two
vehicles into physical contact. Gemini 6 was
launched while Gemini 7 was in orbit.
Gemini 6 went 105,000 miles on its course
before the two came to within 6 to 10 feet
?Peach other. They did not attempt a dock-
ing exercise.
This was a spectacular operation as well
as an important scientific and engineering
achievement. It gave America a definite
lead in space.
A Private Job Corps
Monday, January 10, 1966
Mr. CURTIS. Mr. Speaker, I wish to
call the attention of the House to an edi-
torial I am placing in the RECORD today
entitled "A Private Jobs Corps," written
and distributed by the U.S. Press Associa-
tion, Inc. Although the editorial refers
to the Prouty-Curtis Human Investment
Act, the observation is well made that
this act is not in any sense a partisan
proposal. Manpower training and re-
training is of such importance to our
economy and general welfare that I
would hope that this proposal receives
bipartisan consideration as an impor-
tant adjunct to our employment efforts.
The article follows:
A bill to give private industry a break?
specifically a tax break?on the costs of Job
training within industry, has recently been
introduced in the House of Representatives.
We find ourselves very much in agreement
with the basic concept on which the bill ap-
pears to be based.
? With some exceptions, of course, the Gov-
ernment-run Job-training programs have
been noted for their lack of success. And
there are several factors which would seem
to guarantee that Job training by private
Industry will be more effective and also more
There's the experience factor for one thing;
private industry has been giving Job training
in one way or another ever since the first
master craftsman took on his first apprentice.
There's a more definite purpose in a private
industry's training program, and an interest
in high-quality training, because a company
knows Just what skills its workers need. It
wants to be sure that the trainee can do
work that will meet company standards.
About the only way a Government-run Job-
training program can readily measure its
performance is by the number of people
pushed through the course. The number of
trainees, rather than the quality of training,
happens also to be the basis in a Government
program for hiring additional instructors
and raising the pay of the director.
Although this new bill to encourage Job
training in private industry was introduced
by a group of Republican Congressmen, it
doesn't strike us as being in any sense a par-
tisan proposal. We're confident that, given
the chance, private industries will do far
better at Job training than any Government
- agency has done or can do, for the simple
reason that a private employer wants to train
a man to do a Job, not Just to get one.
It's been our observation that the man
who can really do a Job rarely has to worry
about where to get one.
Statement by Latvian-Americans
of Detroit
Monday, January 10, 1966
Mr. DINGELL. Mr. Speaker, pursu-
ant to permission granted, I insert into
the Appendix of the CONGRESSIONAL REC-
ORD a statement adopted by Latvian-
Americans of Metropolitan Detroit, as-
sembled at the Detroit Institute of Arts
on November 14, 1965, to commemorate
the 47th anniversary of the independ-
ence of the Republic of Latvia.
I am sure all right thinking Americans
and freemen everywhere join in the sen-
timents expressed in that fine resolution
regarding restoration of freedom and
self-determination for the Baltic States
and indeed for all of the nations behind
the Iron Curtain.
The statement follows:
The American-Latvians of Metropolitan
Detroit, assembled at the Detroit Institute
of Arts, 6200 Woodward Avenue, Detroit,
Mich., on the 14th day of November 1965, to
commemorate the 47th anniversary of the
independence of the Republic of Lat via,
unanimously agreed to issue the following
1. As we pause today to observe the 47th
anniversary of the Republic of Latvia, we
again thank the U.S. Government for refus-
ing to recognize the forcible seizure by the
Soviet Union of the Baltic States of Latvia,
Estonia, and Lithuania. We urge that this
policy be continued.
2. We would like also to thank the U.S.
Congress for passing House Concurrent Res-
olution 416 which asks that the world opin-
ion be mobilized to the end that the Baltic
States be restored to the family of free na-
tions. We heartily support this resolution
and we hope that the question of the Baltic
States will be brought before the United
3. We urge favorable action by the U.S.
Senate on Senator THOMAS J. Donn's resolu-
tion (S. Con. Res. 51) which calls for the
right of self-determination for the Baltic
States and free elections in those Communist
oppressed countries of Latvia, Estonia, and
4. We Join with our fellow Americans in
urging passage of Congressman JOHN D.
DINGELL'S resolution (H. Con. Res. 392) that
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would establish a permanent House Com-
mittee on the Captive Nations.
5. We oppose the ratification of the treaty
with the Soviet Union to establish consulates
In the United States. Passed experience
shows these offices are nothing but nests of
spies and centers of subversion. We also fear
that the Soviet consulates in the United
States will be interpreted as American recog-
nition of the Soviet seizure of Latvia, Estonia,
and Lithuania.
6. As Americans of Latvian descent who
have seen the evil methods of communism in
our native land, we view with alarm the
demonstrations against American involve-
ment in Vietnam, carried to the extent of
even trying LIJ stop American troop trains.
We feel that a blow against communism any-
where in the world is a blow struck for
America, for Latvia, and for freedom. We
cannot understand how Americans, born and
reared in liberty, can use their freedom in
such a manner as to destroy their freedom
and we fully support the policies of the
President of the United States. We are
solidly behind American Armed Forces light-
ing the free world's battle.
7. We deplore the continued attempted
russification of Latvia by the Soviet Commu-
nists. The purpose of this is nothing more
than genocide, the destruction of a nation
and imposition of foreign colonial rule. We
pray that God will give strength to our
brethren in Latvia to maintain their re-
sistance aaginet the terror that stalks Latvia.
Done in Detroit, Mich., this 14th day of
November, Al)., 1965.
Press and Public Misled on Christmas
Monday, January 10, 1966
Mr. LIPSCOMB. Mr. Speaker, on De-
cember 31, 1965, the Los Angeles Times
carried a column by Ruben Salazar en-
titled, "Press and Public Misled on
Christmas Truce."
In view of the mounting gravity of the
situation in Vietnam and the right of the
press and public to know about the effect
of administration policies, I believe this
article will be of interest to many.
Under leave to extend my remarks, I
submit the column for inclusion in the
ly Ruben Salazar)
SsaioN.?Tet Nguyen Dan, the Vietnamese'
lunar New Year, comes January 21 this year,
and with it a new cease-fire crisis.
The year 1906 being the Vietnamese "Year
of the Horse," it is hoped that some horse-
sense will be used by our side in dealing with
the touchy and emotional subject of a Viet-
cong-inspired cease-fire proposal.
For the Vietcong have again taken the ini-
tiative by tantalizing the war-weary world
with a 4-hour cease-fire proposition on
the most important Vietnamese (North and
South) holiday.
It is doubtful that we can afford to pass
up the proposal even while ignoring it offi-
As we did after the Vietcong Christmas
cease-lire proposal, we will undoubtedly come
up with a better plan, a more sincere sug-
gestion, a more practical solution.
But with all our Madison Avenue training,
all our alleged propaganda knowhow, we may
botch it again?as we did during the Christ-
mas cease-fire fiasco?just for the sake of
sentimental and cheap publicity.
For it has now been established that our
Government decided not to let us know the
hard facts on Christmas Day. It apparently
felt that the truth is more palatable the day
And that is why such headlines as "Christ-
mas Sun Rises on Peaceful Vietnam" ran in
newspapers across the United States on
Christmas Day.
Reporters here will not soon forget that
as late as midnight Christmas Day (Saigon
time), U.S. information officers were still
telling us that there had been "some minor
cease-fire violations by the Vietcong Christ-
mas Eve and Christmas Day but that they
were probably due to misunderstandings."
Once the magic day of Christmas had
passed and the more mundane December 26
had arrived, however, the officers changed
their tune.
The official U.S. Military Assistance Com-
mand Vietnam (MACV) press release for the
5 p.m. briefing December 26 reads:
"The Vietcong resumed hostilities with a
vengeance by hitting outposts and district
headquarters, sniping and small arms at-
tacks, and continuous harassing action all
over the Republic yesterday (Christmas).
"There was a total of 84 significant initi-
ated incidents reported during the period 6
p.m. December 24 and 6 a.m. today, Decem-
ber 26."
Twenty of these incidents, we were finally
told on December 26 happened between 6
p.m. and midnight on Christmas Eve_ (The
Vietcong's cease-fire proposal had been for
6 p.m. Christmas Eve to 6 a.m. Christmas
The Christmas Eve incident occurred in
Binh Dinh Province where the Vietcong
"penetrated Ky Son hamlet and threw gre-
nades at local inhabitants," killing two civil-
ians, one Vietnamese soldier and wounding
five civilians and three Vietnamese soldiers.
By the time we were told at midnight
Christmas Day that here had been some
minor incidents, "probably due to mistakes,"
26 other "incidents" such as the one in Binh
Dinh Province had occurred.
Had we been told that the incidents were
minor because headquarters did not know
about their significance?
No. It was learned that Washington had
ordered information officers here not to tell
correspondents about the seriousness of the
Incidents "until we (Washington) determine
that the incidents follow a definite pattern."
Put in English, it means that Washington
had decided to play it smart and not rock
the boat on Christmas Day but allow the
Vietcong violations to add up and at
them dramatically on December 26.
That's why the poor information officers
here had to resort?after saying the viola-
tions were probably a mistake?to such lan-
guage (on December 26) as the "Vietcong re-
sumed hostilities with a vengeance."
But, as so often happens when the Gov-
ernment tries to manage the news, things
happen while news is being withheld that
upset the bureaucratic applecart.
For while the unfortunate information
officers were saying the Vietcong violations
were probably a mistake, reporters in the
field learned that the list Cavalry Division
(Airmobile) had not stopped its artillery
until 4 hours after our cease-fire period
began and lhalt the marines had been out
on defensive patrols during that time
had fought it out with the Vietcong?prob-
ably out also on defensive patrols.
And so now that we are faced with an-
other cease-lire period during the Vietnamese
lunar new year January 21, please, Wash-
ington, just give us the news as it comes.
The American public can decide how evil
the Vietcong are without a dramatic an-
nouncement a day after the news has hap-
If Improvement Is the Genuine Objective
Monday, January 10, 1966
Mr. YOUNGER. Mr. Speaker, much
has been written about the subversive ac-
tivities on the University of California
campus at Berkeley, but perhaps some of
the background and reasons for these
activities can be laid at the teachings of
the faculty. A recent publication re-
ported that Steven Smale, a mathematics
professor at Berkeley, has made the fol-
lowing statement:
We want the Vietcong to defeat the
United States for international reasons. If
the United States is defeated in southeast
Asia, this will help break American power
elsewhere in the world. This would give
new impetus to revolutionary social change
(wars of liberation) in such places as Africa
and Latin America. And if surrounded by
revolutionary change, it will in turn make it
easier to achieve radical change in the
United States.
If Professor Smale is accurately quot-
ed, it is plain to see the influence he
would exercise over the students with
whom he comes in contact.
This is certainly in direct contrast to
an address made by Dr. John Howard,
president of Rockford College--Illinois---
at the opening convocation on September
22, 1965, in which he made the following
statements relative to the activism of the
present college generation:
(Excerpts from the opening convocation ad-
dress, September 22, 1965, at Rockford Col-
lege (Illinois) by the president, Dr. John
Activism has become a dominant feature
of college life in America. A new set of cir-
cumstances now prevails. Unless the stu-
dent and the professor recognize their new
milieu and respond to it thoughtfully and
constructively, the educational process may,
with increasing frequency, be at the mercy
of the unscrupulous demagogs and self-serv-
ing bullies who assert themselves in the
midst of change and in the absence of firm
and purposeful leadership. Serious-minded
students must come to recognize that their
mass actions can lay waste at least as readily
as they can bring about constructive change.
I suggest three criteria by which a cause
might be judged. First, is it affirmative?
It takes no brains, no courage, and no spe-
cial talents to criticize or destroy. Since
man is imperfect, his institutions, even the
best of them, are imperfection compounded,
and any fool can find fault with them.
The difficulty is that as a student begins
to comprehend the scope of the problems of
this world, the inequities, and the injustices,
he becomes understandably dissatisfied and
Impatient with the generations that have
preceded him and with the evident failure of
their methods. But before he disposes of
their works and systems, he must remem-
ber that man's institutions, imperfect
though they be, are the social instruments
which have made possible the slow progress
from isolated creatures of the wilderness to
a human society of problems, yes, but also of
enormous potential for human comfort and
human kindness. These institutions have
been slowly built by trial and error, pain,
sweat, and sacrifice and should not be petu-
lantly discarded. Room for improvement
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scribers and then advertisers who aim, ads
at those subscribers. By taking that round-
about route, the post office winds up deny-
ering Thursday's paper on Monday. Who
wants Thursday's news on Monday? What
advertiser wants his Thursday sale ads read
by customers the next Monday?
After several fruitless complaints to post-
al authorities, Mr. Overmyer gave up. He
now sends papers to Mentone subscribers by
truck and pays for it from his own pocket.
Just as affected, but less vocal than the
newspapermen, are businessmen in Indiana's
small towns. L. J. Castaldi, vice president
of the Midwest Spring Co., in Mentone, says
he must "keep in constant and quick mail
communication with our offices in Chicago.
But an airmail, special delivery letter from
Chicago to Mentone-120 miles?usually
takes 2 days to get here." Mr. Castaldi says
the same letter would have made the trip "in
a matter of hours" before sdctional centers.
He estimates he has filed "100 to 150" corn.
plaints with the post office.
While permanent sectional centers are new
to Indiana, and this no doubt has caused
some of the trouble, checks in nine States
where the system has been in operation for
from 1 to nearly 2 years indicate that in most
eases slow delivery and jammed post offices
don't disappear with time. Pikeville, Ky.,
has been a sectional center for 18 monthe
but there was such a jam-up there in recent
weeks that second- and third-class mail was
stuck in the office for as much as '7 days
before harried mail clerks could sort it and
send it on its way.
"We're really in a mess here," says Zech C.
Justice, editor of the weekly Pikeville Coun-
ty News. "We're barraged with more delivery
complaints from rural subscribers than I've
ever seen before. Besides that, every day in
the mail I get anywhere from five to eight
letters that don't belong to me."
Similarly, in Pueblo, Colo., which has been
a sectional center for 13 months, postal
clerks are still working 56-hour weeks in an
attempt to move the mountain of mail which
descends on their station.
And in Wisconsin Rapids, Wis., which has
been part of a sectional center district for
18 months, the chamber of commerce kept
tabs recently on 2,087 pieces of first-class
mail sent to distant points. The chamber
says 57 percent of the letters mailed to Mil-
waukee, Minneapolis, and Chicago took 2
days to arrive and 12 percent took 3, 4, and
5 days. Further, one letter mailed to Wis-
consin Rapids from New York was 23 days
In transit and another from Fort Wayne,
Ind., made the trip in 17 days.
Bombarded by complaints from these di-
verse geographical points, the Post Office
Department in Washington is scrambling to
pump extra men and equipment into the
overloaded sectional centers. "But," says
a spokesman, "we're operating under tight
manpower and budgetary ceilings." The De-
partment has requested a- $41.5 million
emergency appropriation which it expects
Congress to approve once It reconvenes.
Meanwhile, "We're spending the money be-
fore we've got it," a spokesman says.
This move contrasts with statements made
last spring by former Postmaster General
John A. Gronouski to the effect that sec-
tional centers and ZIP coding could save the
Post Office $61 to $71 million a year in labor,
costs and that the new system would allow
the post office to eliminate 10,000 clerks
from its payroll.
W. L. Pierceson, Illinois president of the
United Federation of Postal Clerks, says sec-
tional centers and ZIP coding can and will
meet post office promises of speedier delivery
eventually. "But they were sure wrong," he
says, "when they said they could do that
at lower Costs and with less men at work."
To back up his view, Mr. Pierceson points
to the Rock Island, Ill., secional center, which
has been in operation for 2 years and which,
apparently, does speed mail delivery. "Hock
Island is successful," Mr. Pierces= says,
"because when it became a sectional center
personnel from nearby post offices?Daven-
port, Iowa, and Moline, Ill.?were transferred
to Rock Island to handle the load."
The feeling among some postmasters is
that with a new Postmaster General, Law-
rence F. O'Brien, the Department might be
less committed to meeting Mr. Gronouski's
goal of lower costs and fewer employe
Freed from these qualifications, they say, the
ZIP code system might well deliver on Mr.
O'Brien's recent promise of "overnight mail
delivery from any, point in the Nation."
But -until that day, in small hamlets
across the country similar to Rochester, men
like Mr. Overmyer would be more than
happy if they could get overnight delivery
to towns just across the nearest hill,
Extend GI Bill Benefits to Vietnam
Monday, January 10, 1966
Mr. RACE. Mr. Speaker, there is
growing sentiment in this country for
Congress to look into the matter of pro-
viding some form of special recognition
for our military veterans returning from
Recognition similar to the GI bill for
veterans of World War II and Korea.
Carl Zimmermann, , director of news
and public affairs for WITI?TV in Mil-
waukee, editorially commented on this
subject on December 28. Since WITI is a
major news voice in Wisconsin, this edi-
torial should be of particular interest to
Congress. I do, therefore, request that
it be printed in the RECORD:
It's a warm, good feeling to see all the
things that are being done for our fighting
men in Vietnam. Like Operation Christmas
Star, in which thousands of Americans sent
packages; of presents to those serving the
cause of freedom in southeast Asia. You can
be sure this thoughtfulness by the people
at home, will mean so much to the men in
uniform over there. And this was only one
example of many programs still underway.
Yet, there's more that should be done.
To truly award those men for the sacrifices
they're making, we need early approval of
a new GI bill of rights. The individual Viet-
nam veteran makes the same effort in the
defense of our country as any of the men
who served in World War II or Korea.
You can't minimize the Vietnam fighting
by the hundreds of thousands of men we've
committed by telling them this is not a real
war, riot a "declared" war. Try explaining
that technically to the man pinned down by
machine gun fire, or the man hopelessly sur-
rounded by Vietcong guerrillas. No, he's
fighting as valiantly and with the same ded-
ication as the men of those officially "de-
clared"-wars, and deserves the same benefits.
The most important part of the original
GI bill was the provision for advanced edu-
cation. If we can open the door of our uni-
versities and colleges for the men returning
from Vietnam, we are not only helping that
Individual serviceman, we're enriching our
!ictauary' 1O .1966
eroire pou0x7. 'What better Jnyestment in
the.tutUre? .
TV-6 teeth that investment should ..13i):APL..
awed. Let's tell our Representatives
Washington 'we went to see' our 'Vietnam
veterans receive the benefits of anew Gi bill
of rights.
Life in Vietnam
Monday, January 10, 1966
Mr. BROOMFTE'LD, Mr. Speaker, re-
cently a missionary and his family from
the Church of Christ, Royal Oak, Mich.,
returned to the United States after 21
months of living daily with danger in
In a letter to me, the Reverend Mau-
rice C. Hall outlined the steps he be-
lieved our Federal Government should
take to end the war there.
Reverend Hall, his wife and his son in-
lend to return to Vietnam in March, de-
spite the fact that they had to live be-
hind barbed wire in constant fear of ter-
rorist attacks. As long as our Nation
continues to produce families with the
courage and the dedication to God and
country that this family has so amply
demonstrated, we should have no doubt
about the future.
For the benefit of my colleagues, the
letter from Reverend Hall follows:
Royal Oak, Mich., December 15, 1965.
Member of Congress, State of Michigan,
House of Representatives,
Washington, D.C.
missionary of the Churches of Christ and
served in South Vietnam for the past 21
months. Presently, due in part to a general
buildup of nervous tension, especially by
my son Ronnie, 9 years of age, we are home
on a brief work furlough.
During World War II, I served in the Euro-
pean and South Pacific campaigns, rising
to the rank of captain. However, I make no
claim to being either a religious, political,
diplomatic, or military expert. I simply de-
sire to express my opinion as an individual
American citizen sincerely concerned with
the welfare of every human being; regardless
of race, creed, color, or national origin.
On the whole, I support your policies in
Vietnam, Nevertheless, permit me to humbly
call to your attention a few matters I believe
most pertinent to the conclusion of a just
and lasting peace.
First, and I believe you are aware of this,
the enemy we are dealing with is entirely
different from anyone we have ever met in
America. He has no concept of individual
rights or human dignity. He is obsessed with
the lust for power and world domination by
the atheistic Communist state. To this end,
any means is justified in his twisted mind.
Any agreement is kept by him only els long
as it is to his advantage.
I would suggest a tight blockade of all
North Vietnamese ports; including mining,
naval and air patrol. (This, of course, would
be publicly announced so no one could crit-
icize any resulting ship loss.) There should
also be naval bombardment, at least of Hai-
An increase, in the bombing targets to
every vital supply line and industrial center.
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We will continue to preserve individual
freedom and protect human rights only so
long as we adhere to this fundamental prin-
ciple. The courts and legislative halls,
rather than the streets, must be the places
where differences are reconciled and indi-
vidual rights are ultimately protected and
There are certainly no easy solutions to
thee.: trends and attitudes which so deeply
concern lawyers. And yet I think most of
us would agree upon the essentials: Amer-
ica needs a genuine revival of respect for
law and orderly processes, a reawakening of
individual responsibility, a new impatience
with those who violate and circumvent laws,
and a determined insistence that laws be
enforced, courts respected, and due process
At the same time, we must ever strive to
eliminate injustice and discrimination; we
must minimize the social and economic con-
ditions which breed crime and unrest; and,
perhaps most important of all, we must as-
sure adequate and equal educational oppor-
But underlying and sustaining all else?
indeed, the indispensable cornerstone of our
liberties and our opportunities-4s the rule
of law.
The average citizen, as well as lawyers and
judges, must understand the enduring values
of lawful means, and be as willing to rebuke
a departure from such means as we all are
to condemn crime.
Our freedoms can only survive in an
ordered society, where there is genuine re-
spect in action as well as words, for law and
orderly processes.
The bringing about of this understand-
ing must ever be a first duty of the orga-
nized bar and each individual lawyer.
" "The final answer will not be found in
armed confrontation but in the process of
law. We have acted to bring this conflict
from the streets to the courtroom." Presi-
dent Johnson at his Mar. 13, 1965, news
conference as reported in the New York
Times, Mar. 14, 1965, p. 62.
Worldwide Population Explosion
Monday. January 10, 1966
Mr. TODD. Mr. Speaker, although
the press has done an excellent job of
telling us what we will be doing in the
session which opens today, I have yet to
see included in the subjects for action the
establishment of a policy to deal with the
worldwide population explosion. The
press has forecast that the Congress will
deal with the symptoms of this explosion,
that we will attempt to prescribe pain-
killers to make them hurt a little less.
But the press has not forecast that we
will discuss the fundamentals of the
problem and take action which seems
Let us be blunt, Mr. Speaker. There
are a number of important issues which
will be acted upon by this 2d session of
the 89th Congress. But no issue is more
important and no set of problems are
more pressing than the world population
explosion. I would submit that if this
Congress will accept its clear responsibil-
ity to establish policies to deal with the
population explosion, it will be remem-
bered far more for this reason than for
any other.
We can take constructive action in this
field. We can support the efforts already
initiated by President Johnson. We can
encourage their expansion. And we can
pass legislation establishing our belief
that family planning information, serv-
ices, and supplies should be made avail-
able to all who request them. We should
also make it clear that such information,
services, and supplies should be a part of
our AID programs, upon request of the
foreign governments involved.
And, Mr. Speaker, we should make it
clear that we see no possibility whatso-
ever of providing enough surplus food
from our own lands to prevent mass
starvation in countries whose popula-
tions will at least double in the next 25
years if family planning programs are
not undertaken on a broad scale. We
would delude both oursleves and coun-
tries abroad if we claimed otherwise.
It is my greatest hope that this session
the Congress will address itself squarely
and vigorously to the problems of family
planning, birth control, and the popula-
tion?both here and abroad.
We made 5 days of progress last year,
but the problem grew by 365 days. We
cannot afford to allow another year to
slip by with no action. For the problem
will soon be so great that no solution
within our values will be possible.
Mail Mess
Monday, January 10, 1966
Mr. RUMSFELD. Mr. Speaker, on
several occasions in the past I have
called attention to the deteriorating
postal service and am inserting in today's
ItEcoin another telling example of a Gov-
ernment plan gone awry. Mr. Steven
M. Lovelady, writing in the Wall Street
Journal of November 22, 1965, relates the
story of snarls and long delays in rural
mail service.
The Congress has a responsibility to
see that these conditions are corrected
promptly?and I urge the House Com-
mittee on Post Office and Civil Service
to look into the situation and recommend
whatever funds are necessary to improve
the service.
Mr. Lovelady's article follows:
(By Steven M. Levelady)
ROCHESTER, Iwn.?How does a piece e.f mail
get from, this sleepy county seat of 4,900 in
the heart of central Indiana corn country to
Mentone, a hamlet of 800 a dozen miles to
the northeast?
It travels 190 miles in four different direc-
tions, none of them northeast, that's how.
Mentone-bound mail goes first to Kokomo,
50 miles south. There it's sorted from the
flood of mail that pours into Kokomo from
87 towns in the area. Next, it's trucked 80
miles north to South Bend, bypassing both
Rochester and Mentone on the way. From
South Bend, it goes 60 miles southeast to
Warsaw, and, finally southwest to Men tone,
where it's delivered, as much as 4 days after
leaving Rochester.
Paradoxically, the long, looping path this
mail takes is part of a complex Government
plan aimed at speeding deliveries and boost-
ing the efficiency of the postal system. But
talks with angry Hoosiers affected--and this
includes everyone from smalltown business-
men to overworked postal clerks--indicate
that the new system, far from speeding de-
liveries, is resulting in long delays, particu-
larly in rural areas, and is swamping some
post offices with incoming mail. These men
point to the decline in mail service brought
about by the new system 'as one more exam-
ple of Government planning gone awry.
The system is based on 553 sectional cen-
ters across the country. Each center sorts
all mail going to and coming from smaller
towns in a particular ZIP code district. The
first three numbers of a ZIP code designate
a sectional center. In cases where local train
routes have been discontinued, the sectional
centers do the sorting that was formerly done
in mail cars. The sectional centers are one
step in the Post Office plan to get the ZIP
system in gear by January 1967.
Although the first sectional centers were
set up as long ago as 1961, new ones con-
tinue to be opened. The snarls are particu-
larly bad during the period when an area is
changing over to the new system or rear-
ranging its established sectional centers. In
fact, here in Indiana, mail service under
sectional centers, while far from stream-
lined, brought few complaints until June,
when four new sectional centers were opened
and four old ones abolished. Then, as one
Indiana postmaster says, "The roof fell in.
On paper, the new setup looks smooth as
glass, but in practice it's led to logjams of
mail in the sectional centers and deliveries
as much as 7 days late."
This official points out that the letter
from Rochester to Mentone first goes to Ko-
komo because Kokomo is now Rochester's
sectional center. It then goes north to
South Bend before being sent to Mentone
because South Bend is Mentone's new sec-
tional center?even though Mentone is just a
few fields of corn up the road from Rochester.
Ideally, a letter could take that long,
roundabout path overnight and still be de-
livered the next morning. That was the Post
Office's original intent. However, what postal
authorities didn't count on or prepare for
was the overwhelming avalanche of mail
that poured into sectional centers such as
Kokomo and South Bend on initiation of the
new system. The Kokomo post office. in
fact, was buried under such a mountain of
mail that first week in June that it gave up
trying to deliver second- and third-class mail
and concentrated on trying to handle the
first class. "The sectional centers just don't
have the men or equipment needed to move
that much mail," comments another Indi-
ana postmaster.
Perhaps hardest hit by slow mail deliv-
eries are Indiana's 291 small local news-
papers?all of the State's weeklies and those
dailies with less than 10,000 circulation.
Most of them are delivered by mail to sub-
scribers, many of whom live on farms and
in nearby towns.
Typical is Jack K. Overmyer, editor of
this town's daily Rochester Sentinel, a thriv-
ing enterprise with a circulation of 4,239. As
Mr. Overmyer sits in his office looking out
on the century-old Rochester courthouse
square, he tells an inquirer that "slow mail
service can kill a small newspaper. When we
get to subscribers 2 or 3 days late, we
stand. a good chance of losing those sub-
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January .10, 1966 CONGRESSIONAL
This to include Hanoi, after, perhaps, a 3(1-
day grace period for the Vietcong cessation
of shooting.
? Also, the increase, as rapidly as practical,
of man and firepower, limited only by ne-
cessity for complete and total victory,. I
prayfully make this recommendation with
my eldest son serving as a marine in South
The defoliating of jungle areas that 'Il-
ford refuge and protection to the Vietcong.
The bombing of any country's supply
? routes that provide and/or permit transpor-
tation of Vietcong troops and/or supplies.
The immediate reclassification and induc-
tion of everyone, within the legal age limits,
participating in public demonstrations and/
or distribution of material detrimental to
morale and the prosecution of the war effort,
A promise of Use of every effort of your
good office to expose congressional Members
(especially, those experts who have spent a
couple of days in officers' clubs while on a
self-edifying Vietnamese tour) whose con-
duct and public statements impede the war
I humbly submit these viewpoints for
your consideration.
Yours very sincerely,
History Will Award McGeorge Bundy an
Honored Place
Monday, January 10, 1966
Mr. MOORHEAD. Mr. Speaker, a
distinguished American will soon leave
the Government for private life after a
unique period of service to two Presi-
dents and to. his country.
None but those two Presidents, at this
stage, can know how very valuable Mc-
George Bundy's service to his country
has been. History, however, will award
him an honored place in our Nation's
hall of fame.
Under leave to extend my remarks, I
Include two assessments of Mr. Bundy's
work in the Appendix of the RECORD.
One is the column by Mr. Joseph Alsop,
as published in the Washington Post,
December 10, 1965, and the other an edi-
torial in the same paper of the same
(By Joseph Alsop)
Now that McGeorge Bundy's prospective
departure from the White House has been
formally announced, it is worth asking what
gave this remarkable man his remarkable
influence and leverage.
He is, to begin with, a man with rather
strongly marked personal traits. He is
youthful, both in his zest and his appear-
ance (which probably prevented him from
becoming, first, president of Harvard and,
later, Secretary of State. He enjoys pleasure,
loves good company, likes simple jokes, and
has a remarkable capacity for friendship.
_ He is also oddly puritanical, in an old-
fashioned Bostonian way; and the fact must
be faced, he has a certain Philistine strain.
(The arts and even the more abstract learned
disciplines, like archeology, may well suffer
slightly while he remains at the head of the
Ford Foundation.) Add that he does not
suffer fools gladly, and if these be flaws, you
have the full list.
As can be seen, however, the notion of
these superficial traits by no means offers an
explanation of Bundy. Nor is his role ex-
plained by the opportunity that was given to
him by President Kennedy's decision to be
his own Secretary of State. What he did
with that opportunity is the measure of the
man, and it is this that needs to be explained.
The explanation, clearly, must begin with
his strong disinterestedness and deep sense
of public duty. It may be asked, of course,
how a man can be disinterested who is also
so obviously ambitious and so evidently en-
joys the exercise of power.
I3ut the answer is that a public servant who
is not ambitious and does not enjoy the ex-
ercise of power is at least a flawed if not an
entirely useless instrument. A hesitancy in
the face of power was in fact the flaw in the
late Adlai E. Stevenson. Disinterestedness
merely consists in putting public duty before
ambition, whenever circumstances may re-
quire this disagreeable choice.
This kind of disinterestedness Bundy has
more than amply proved he had, not least
when President Johnson was making his
painful but courageous basic decision about
Vietnam. To this basic quality, Bundy adds
two others of essential importance?the cour-
age to face hard decisions without boggling
at the consequences and the energy to do an
inordinate amount of daily work.
His power to work alone would have been
sufficient, all by itself, to set Bundy apart
from other men. For more than 6 years, and
for 7 days a week, with only the rarest holi-
day interruptions, the whole foreign business
of the United States of America has passed
across Bundy's desk; and every detail in this
enormous volume of business has been han-
dled with brisk dispatch and orderly effi-
Yet one may still guess, oddly enough, that
Bundy's key quality is neither in the moral
category of his disinterestedness nor in the
physical category of his power to get through
five or six normal men's work. His key qual-
ity, in fact, is intellectual; and it may be
described as simple intolerance of guff.
In a happier time, intolerance of guff
could be taken for granted among the
American policymakers. It was, indeed, the
distinguishing mark of the heroic postwar
era of U.S. foreign policy. In those days, no
one of any mark (except of course poor
Henry Wallace) proceeded from wishful as-
sumptions to ridiculous conclusions.
Nowadays, however, guff rises round us like
a horrid tide. Empty slogans, cheap self-de-
lusions, glaringly obvious nonfacts, are
solemnly peddled on every side and on an
enormous scale. Deceptive word substitu-
tions?"negotiations" for "surrender," for
example?are the common currency of politi-
cal discourse.
But Bundy, who does not gladly suffer
fools, is even more intolerant of wishful as-
stunptions, counterfeit ideas, nonfacts and
verbal disguises. This characteristic has
made him a good many enemies. For fools
not only expect to be suffered, and not
merely with patience, but with every evi-
dence of unalloyed delight; in the intel-
lectual realm, the counterfeiters also are
wonderfully self-righteous, and hence they
grow wonderfully indignant when their
counterfeit is rejected.
But one cannot think of an enemy of
Bundy's whose enmity is not in fact an
honor, Ile has been a public servant in
the tradition of Stimson and Root, Lovett
and McCloy, Acheson and Forrestal. As
these men dominated American foreign and
defense policymaking in their day, Mc-
George Bundy and Robert S. McNamara
have been the dominant advisers of President
Kennedy and President Johnson.
An era will therefore end when Bundy
goes. And it must be added that President
Johnson will have to search very far and
very hard if he is to have equally intelligent,
guff-free and courageous advice hereafter.
Butler's Dzasartraz
McGeorge Bundy will have no successors
at the White House?and no predecessors at
the Ford Foundation. This is only to say
that the former Harvard dean is a man who
so puts his own imprint upon any situation
that the job at hand becomes uniquely his.
A full assessment of his role in two adminis-
trations will await a later estimate?and that
estimate probably will have scant benefit of
his own contributions to it, for he is not
a "kiss and tell" public man. His method
of operating is institutional?notwithstand-
ing his individuality.
The President will have to fill the job with
a different man, but beyond this, he has a
different job to fill. In the Kennedy admin-
istration, Bundy was the ideal agent through
whom the President could exert his direct
leverage on foreign affairs. In the Johnson
administration, the Bundy role altered (and
in a way even broadened). His organization
probably acquired an even larger role in
helping to make Presidential decisions and
framing up the available alternative policies.
This was especially important in the first
period of the Johnson administration.
No doubt Bundy's successors will have a
much different charge and assuredly they
will carry it out differently. In this sense,
his departure closes a period and ends a re-
lationship to governmental policy unique in
American history. There will be new and
different channels between the President and
Defense and State Departments. These
changes can occur in the loose and flexible
and plastic American Government without
profound constitutional crisis or political up-
heaval. The Government apparatus will
speedily adjust to a new relationship.
When he departs from Washington in Feb-
ruary to go to the Ford Foundation, Mr.
Bundy will be able to look back upon a re-
markable record of service to his country. It
is gratifying to know that the President has
made arrangements to make further drafts
upon his judgment, wisdom and experience.
Whatever institutional arrangements are
made, of course, such men forever remain
first at the disposition of their country.
That is the impulse that brought him to
Washington and the one that kept him here
and the one that sooner or later may bring
him back.
It's Uncle Billy Frost's 103d Birthday
Monday, January 10, 1966
Mr. ROGERS of Texas. Mr. Speaker,
Mr. William B. "Uncle Billy" Frost of
Pampa, Tex., is celebrating his 103d
birthday today, and his many hundreds
of friends in Pampa, the Texas Panhan-
dle, and all over the United States are
flooding him with messages of congratu-
lations and best wishes.
"Uncle Billy" is an institution in our
hometown of Pampa not only because of
his personal charm but also because he is
one of the true pioneers of the U.S. petro-
leum industry, Uncle Billy's father
drilled a well in Drake, Pa., credited with
being the country's first. Uncle Billy,
when he was 14 years old, went to work
pumping oil wells and followed the
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petroleum boom through fields in Penn-
sylvania, Kansas, Ohio, Oklahoma, and
Texas before settling in Pampa, in the
heart of the great Panhandle oil and gas
We in Pampa and the Texas Panhan-
dle are proud to salute Uncle Billy Frost
on the occasion of his birthday and, God
willing, hope to enjoy his warm friend-
ship for many more years.
Behind Those Campus Demonstrations
Monday, January 10, 1966
Mr. DAVIS of Wisconsin. Mr. Speak-
er, I think all of us have felt pangs of
concern, even worry, relating to the cam-
pits demonstrations of recent months.
As I have mentioned to my colleagues
before, it very often takes a smalltown
newspaper editor to cut through the
words and acts of others, to bring far-
reaching events into focus.
C. W. Brown, editor of the Oconomo-
woc Enterprise, Oconomowoc, Wis., has
done exactly that and I use this means
to call one of his recent editorials to
their attention:
"Behind Those Campus Demonstrations"
Is the title of an article in the January issue
of Reader's Digest, page 43, that should be
"must" reading for every citizen. It was
written by h'ugene H. Methvin following a
5,000-mile tour across America's campuses.
The article should be of particular interest
to those brilliant and sincere students who
are participating in and sometimes leading
these campus demonstrations. Their public
image is that they are in the weird position
of attending a university presumably to be.
come educated but in fact are, without
depth of actual practical experience, trying
to -educate" their university.
Members of another group on the univer-
sity campuses represent those who just want
to join excitement.
Still another group consists of faculty
members who under the guise of personal
liberty indefensibly lend their influence to
creating turmoil not only at their places of
employment but also to the interruption
and obstruction of orderly teaching of young
minds the education essential to attaining
the foundations for sound judgment and
responsible citizenship.
It would do no good for the radical left-
wing agitators to read the article. They
would only gloat over the stupidity of per-
mitting them the liberty to openly work
under the cloak of the right of freedom so
that they may destroy freedom itself. To
those who do not believe that is the truth
just read the article. There is no difference
between these known Communist leaders on
campuses and their counterparts that have
created the Vietcong and the progressive up-
risings that are increasing in Central and
South America and the Caribbean area.
Even in Puerto Rico, the showplace of the
Caribbean in progress and liberty, they are
successfully accomplishing their dirty work.
Consider that American students in India
receiving U.S. Government_ scholarships un-
der a program administered by the University
of Wisconsin demonstrated against the
American Government policy and were rude
to a visiting congressional delegation which
included Wisconsin's Representative in Con-
gress, THOMSON. one editorial writer inter-
preted. this as something to be proud of,
pointing out that it is evidence that we
honor the rights granted in our Constitution.
American students' use of that right in In-
d.ia, will, in fact, be teaching Indian students
and the general public to do the same thing
against their own government?and If -that
doesn't threaten destruction to free govern-
rnents in those troubled countries, nothing
does. How stupid can we be? We at least
ought to see that students go over there who
will not exercise their rights in any such
manner. It's outright dangerous to the
whale effort to maintain freedom in the
world. It is high time that we faced that
It is fuzzy thinking when the rights of free
speech are interpreted to extend to the com-
mission of subversion and treason itself and
if it isn't treason, what is it?
Second City Syndrome
Monday, January 10, 1966
Mr. ROSTENKOWSKI. Mr. Speaker,
under leave to revise and extend my re-
marks, I would like to have printed in
the RECORD the editorial of Standpoint,
the editorial voice of WBBM-TV Chi-
cago, broadcasted Thursday, December 9,
and Friday, December 10, 1965 Titled
the "Second City Syndrome," it is as
Chicago wears the label of "second city."
That's mostly because it has fewer people
than New York City. And, by other normal
measuring rods, it is second to New York.
Less money is counted in our counting
houses, we have fewer theaters, fewer adver-
tising agencies.
We think that if we got some new, more
logical measuring sticks, Chicago would
measure up to the title of America's No. 1
city. Here is our case: Behind New York's
glittering facade is corrosion so deep that
the city is staring wide eyed at a $300 million
budget deficit. New York is now paying more
Interest on its debts alone than Chicago is
to run the whole city. While Manhattan
is losing industry at a rapid-fire rate, Chicago
is leading the Nation with a billion dollars
worth of new plants and equipment in the
last 10 years alone. And, we're known as
the Nation's automation capital with one
out of every seven workers in fully or par-
tially automated jobs.
When New York's major crime rate jumped
a jarring 17 percent last year, Chicago's
dropped 16 percent?a note underscored by
New York's recent attempt to hire our police
superintendent, 0. W. Wilson. At the pub-
lic welfare level, New York's aid to dependent
children rolls have risen more than 48 per-
cent in the last 3 years. Chicago's dropped
9 percent, the only major city in the Nation
to show a decline.
Sint parched from a crippling water
shortage and faced with the fact that its
World's Fair was a flop, New York can cast
covetous eyes on Chicago's brimming lake
and booming convention business?a busi-
ness that incidentally has already boc4sed
up sprawling McCormick Place for 1966, has
it 80 percent booked for 1967, and 66 percent
reserved for 1970. New York's per capita
debt is more than $430; Chicago's slightly
more than $60, the second lowest in the Na-
tion next to San Diego.
While New York has been battling over a
lower Manhattan expressway since the start
of World War II, Chicago has built the
Kennedy, Eisenhower, Stevenson, Dan Ryan,
and Edens expressways. Still another, built
on stilts, has been proposed for Chicago's
West Side. And even now, as the threat of a
major public transportation strike glares at
New Yorkers, Chicago has ironed out a new
CTA contract?at no increase in fares?and.
a million-dollar survey is in the works to ex-
pand our subway system by some $150 mil-.
lion. Chicago's port is having a record year;
our airport is the world's busiest and fast
becoming overcrowded. Skyscrapers?new,
shiny and towering?have hoisted our skyline
to new heights and they're still sprouting,
evidence to a building boom that has led
the Nation for the last decade.
Chicago knows how to move, and it is
moving, with the same kind. of "go" that
makes the Chicago Bears go. But we've
Still got a long way to go. We have slums
yet unremoved. We have racial problems yet
unresolved. We have a taxation system that
nee'- to be revised. Perhaps, most important
of all, we still have Chicago citizens with a
second city frame of mind.
That's where you come in. You have a
right to be proud of Chicago, and a right to
work to make it better, even though we
think we've already captured the title of the
Nation's No. 1 city in everything except
numbers. Perhaps it was because? being
second, we tried harder.
Resolution by City Council of
Lake Charles, La.
Monday, January 10, 1966
Mr. EDWARDS of Louisiana. Mr.
Speaker, as we commence this 2d session
of the 89th Congress amidst widespread
and irresponsible criticism of our Gov-
ernment's position and policies regard-
ing its relentless and admirable defenses
against Communist aggression through-
out the world and, particularly in south-
east Asia, it is with great pride that I
now add to the overwhelming voices of
countless millions of free and loyal Amer-
icans who are in vigorous support of our
Nation's stand against communism by
offering the resolution of the City Coun-
cil of the City of Lake Charles, La.,
unanimously adopted by it on November
17, 1965:
Resolution commending the American youth
who offer their lives in the service of their
country in Vietnam
Whereas it is the policy of the Government
of the United States to be concerned about
the health and welfare of all people; and
Whereas the Government of the United
States has given aid to all poor and distressed
nations in the world; and.
Whereas it is the policy of the Government
of the United States to oppose the enslave-
ment of the weak by the spread of atheistic
communism; and
Whereas our Government has sent Amer-
ican troops and American goods to Vietnam
to help that country in its fight against com-
munism: Now, therefore, be it
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[Mr. CLEVELAND'S remarks will ap-
pear hereafter in the Appendix.]
(Mr. WIDNALL (at the request of Mr.
HUTCHINSON) was granted permission to
extend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous
[Mr. WIDNALL'S remarks will appear
hereafter in the Appendix.]
(Mr. WIDNALL (at the request o
Mr. Husemnsox) was granted perm s-
sion to extend his remarks at this point
in the RECORD and to include extraneous
[Mr. 'WIDNALL'S remarks will ap-
pear hereafter in the Appendix.]
(Mr. RUMSFELD (at the request of
Mr. HUTCHINSON) was granted permis-
sion to extend his remarks at this point
in the RECORD and to include extraneous
Mr. RUMSFELD. Mr. Speaker, with
the death of Dr. Hugh L. Dryden, the
country lost a veteran of the U.S. space
program, a dedicated and brilliant scien-
tist-engineer who quietly gave much of
his life to government and to excellence
in government. Dr. Dryden was the first
and only Deputy Administrator that the
National Aeronautics and Space Admin-
istration has had since its creation in
1958. As much as any other single man
he was a symbol of progress in our space
efforts. His broad vision and devotion
to the idea that the United States should
go forward in the exploration of space
was the guidepost for progress in our
space program.
Dr. Dryden was highly respected by
his colleagues both as an administrator
and as a scientist-engineer. He will hold
an eminent place when the history of
man's accomplishments in space is writ-
ten. Although the country mourns his
passing he will be long remembered for
his many contributions to the good of
his country.
(Mr. CHAMBERLAIN (at the request
of Mr. HUTCHINSON) was granted permis-
sion to extend his remarks at this point
in the RECORD and to include extraneous
[Mr. CHAMBERLAIN'S remarks will
appear hereafter in the Appendix.]
(Mr. CHAMBERLAIN (at the request
of Mr. HUTCHINSON) was granted permis-
sion to extend his remarks at this point
In the RECORD and to include extraneous
[Mr. CHAMBERLAIN'S remarks will
appear hereafter in the Appendix.]
(Mr. CHAMBERLAIN (at the request
of Mr. HUTCHINSON) was granted permis-
sion to extend his remarks at this point
in the RECORD and to include extraneous
[Mr. CHAMBERLAIN'S remarks will
appear hereafter in the Appendix.]
(Mr. CHAMBERLAIN (at the request
of Mr. HUTCHINSON) was granted Permis-
sion to extend his remarks at this point
in the RECORD and to include extraneous
[Mr. CHAMBERLAIN'S remarks will
ap ereafter in the Appendix.]
(Mr. QUILLEN (at the request of Mr.
HUTCHINSON) was granted permission to
extend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous mat-
Mr. QUILLEN. Mr. Speaker, on this
1st day of the 2d session of the 89th
Congress, I would like to insert in the
RECORD a letter, which vividly reminds
us of the sacrifices our men in Vietnam
are making for us. This letter, which
appeared last month in the Greenville
Sun, one of Tennessee's leading dailies,
was written on Thanksgiving Day by
Capt. David T. ?Sites, a Marine Corps
aviator, to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. By-
ron D. Sites of Greenville, Tenn. Cap-
tain Sites relates what his life in Viet-
nam is like and expresses his gratitude
for his present duties.
I know that my colleagues and the
readers of the RECORD will read this letter
with the same overwhelming pride that
I did. For we can be justly proud that
our Nation has produced such a stanch
and loyal defender of freedom as David
A few days ago we read a letter from
Capt. David T. Sites, a Marine Corps aviator,
and son of Mr. and Mrs. Byron D. Sites
of Greeneville. The letter was written on
Thanksgiving Day from Chu Lai, the base
from which many of the ,Marine strikes
against the Vietcong are made. This let-
ter is such a touching reminder of the sac-
rifices being made by our men in Vietnam
in behalf of those of us in this country
who take our blessings largely for granted
that we are publishing the letter as an
editorial. It follows:
THANKSGIVING, Nov. 25,1965.
DEAR FOLKS: As unpleasant as this holi-
day seems to me now?for this year at any
rate?it is probably one that I will re-
member and appreciate as much as any other.
We have had a week of torrential rains
which was followed by a nice day yester-
day. About sunset yesterday the rains set
in again and we have had a steady drizzle
all clay. Up until the day before yesterday,
when we put up a new tent, life has been
almost unbearable. Our old tent was full
of dry rot and holes and gave very little
protection. We didn't have nearly enough
buckets or pans to put under all the holes
so the floor was awash also. During a couple
hours lull we put up a new tent. It is much
better, but even it came with 2 gaping holes
In the middle. Be that as it may, this tent
is far superior and gives adequate pro-
tection from the elements. I can put this
new tent down as one thing to be thankful
I can also be thankful for the Marines
living out in the holes around this airfield
who have the job of keeping me from getting
my throat cut. They probably haven't been
dry in weeks. Many of them will probably
be out in the jungle tonight eating their
Thanksgiving turkey out of a C ration can?
cold?cold?while I will be eating turkey
at our messhall, hot.
I am most thankful that such a thing will
?not happen in Greeneville, Texm., or Fort
Wayne, or Angola, Ind., or Jacksonville, N.C.,
or Florida as happened in Hiep Duo (Hep
Due) SVN. This outpost is 35 nautical miles
to the northeast of here. I do not know how
many times I have routinely escorted heli-
copters up the peaceful looking little valley,
which leads to this town from the rice paddy
studded coastal lowlands, to resupply the
ARVN troops who were stationed there.
When I found out that I would be going to
this place again to escort helos I would speak
of it as you might speak of going to Bulls
Gap or Morristown. A week ago this routine
little outpost was overrun by VC. The town
chief and other dignitaries and their fam-
ilies were disemboweled and impaled an
stakes in the town square.
True, similar incidents occur in the States,
but are the product of warped and twisted
minds. In this country it is a way of life.
No one is safe. Torture, murder, and other
Indescribable crimes against humanity are
the order of the clay. I am thankful for the
fact that this will not happen in my country.
I am thankful that I can make the pre-
ceding statement so emphatically. I can
make that statement because I can look
about me every day and see why it is true.
There are those who I work with that I ex-
pect to endure the privations and other dis-
comforts of military life because they have
chosen the Marine Corps and the other
branches of the service as their way of life;
their profession. The vast majority, how-
ever, are the people next door, the guy who
will live down the block from you next year
or service your car or handle your account
at Merrill, Lynch. Despite their varied back-
grounds, they are able to put up with the
horror and terror of war and all its attendant
misfortunes and function efficiently; just
as if they were back at the corner garage
or Merrill, Lynch. They are also able, if it
must be, to fight and die here, as long as it
may take, until the job is done. This is
a characteristic of the American people
which has manifested itself from our very
beginning and has not died, despite the
claims of the sociologists. This is still basi-
cally a citizen army which has a belief?
for some it is not as clear as for others?
and will see it through to the end. For the
younger ones, the demonstrators, et al., give
the mometary doubts and arouse their anger,
but this is in their leisure; this is infrequent.
For the older ones, like myself, there is no
serious question as to where our duty lies.
I do not delude myself with visions of a
world like the one described by the idealistic
teacher of the New Testament, but I do
believe that I may be instrumental in hast-
ening the arrival of a state of the world
which may approach it. I know this because
there are so many fine people here working
together to achieve this end.
I am thankful that I have a life and a
skilled body to offer, or sacrifice if the need
be, to our way of life. I am not afraid be-
cause I have been there and I know there
are many others like me who will see that
my loved ones are safe if I am unable to do
so myself.
(Mr. FARNUM (at the request of Mr.
Bosos) was granted permission to ex-
tend his remarks at this point in the REC-
ORD and to include extraneous matter.)
Mr. FARNUM. Mr. Speaker, I should
like to make a brief statement concern-
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ing a bill I have introduced to amend
the laws relating to pensions for veterans
and their survivors.
A number of amendments to liberalize
and improve the pension laws were en-
acted in 1964 under Public Law 88-664.
Other deficiencies and injustices in these
laws, however, remain in need of correc-
tion. The bill I am proposing would
make several important corrections in
this area of veterans' legislation, par-
ticularly with respect to the types of in-
come that are included in applying the
income limitations of the pension laws.
The bill provides, first, that the retire-
ment income of a pensioner shall be ex-
cluded in computing his income for the
purposes of the income limitations of the
pension laws. This means that income
received from social security, civil service
retirement, or a private pension plan
could not, as it now may, be used to re-
duce the amount of a veteran's pension
or to completely disqualify him from re-
ceiving a pension.
The enactment of this provision would
eliminate the possibility of another
anomalous situation from arising such :as
arose last year when the enactment of a
cash benefit increase by the Social Secu-
rity Amendments of 1965 resulted in
some 20,000 veterans and veterans' wid-
ows having their VA pensions reduced or
Under existing law, 10 percent of a
pensioner's retirement income is disre-
garded in determining his pension. This
makes very little sense and adds complex-
ity to the law. I believe that a total ex-
clusion of such income should be enacted.
The second amendment contained in
the bill is intended to add simplicity and
uniformity to provisions of the pension
laws that are now overly complex and
discriminatory. This amendment would
allow the entire income of a veteran's
spouse to be disregarded in determini:ng
his income. Under existing law there
are two pension programs in operation.
One of these is for those who were on
the pension rolls prior to July 1, 19130.
The other pension system, established
by Public Law 86-211, is for those whose
pensions were initiated since that date.
Pensioners under the old pension system
may elect, if they so wish, to come under
the new system. The rules that apply
with regard to the income of a spouse
are different under the two systems. All
of such income is disregarded for those
under the old system, while under the
new system the law provides for the ex-
clusion of all of the spouse's earned in-
come, or $1,200 of her other income,
whichever is the greater. This change in
the bill would merely apply the same
rule?the one that now applies to those
under the old system?to all pensioners.
This is not a great change in terms of
dollars and cents, but it would improve
the law by ridding it of its present con-
fusing provisions.
The third section of the bill would
similarly provide uniform treatment for
those under the two pension systems. It
would eliminate the "net worth" test
which applies to pensioners under the
new system but not to those under the
older system. This test allows the VA to
consider the total assets of a pensioner,
not merely his income, in determining
his eligibility for, or the amount of, his
pension. The present "net worth" test
should be abolished because it tends to
penalize veterans who have had the fore-
sight and initiative to provide some sav-
ings or a home for themselves and favors
those who have not.
The last section of the bill eliminates
a provision of the law that requires a
veteran's pension to be reduced while he
is a patient in a VA hospital. This is an-
other provision that applies only to those
under the new pension system. As with
the two changes preceding it, this amend-
me:nt would merely apply the same rule
that now applies under the old pension
system to all pensioners.
Mr. Speaker, the veterans' pension
rolls are made up predominantly of aged
veterans and their widows. Monthly
pension payments are small in relation to
today's living cOsts, ranging from $43 to
$100 a month for a veteran with no de-
pendents and from 827 to $64 a month
for a veteran's widow. These payments
are circumscribed by stringent income
limitations. The bill I am offering would
grant a moderate amount of relief to
those in need of pension assistance. I
do not think it is too much to ask for
(Mr. TEAGUE of Texas 4at the re-
quest of Mr. HUTCHINSON) was granted
permission to extend his remarks at this
point in the RECORD and to include ex-
traneous matter.)
Mr. TEAGUE of Texas. Mr. Speaker,
this country has always felt that a vet-
eran who has served his country should
not be left untended in his time of need.
As part of the country's gratitude for the
devotion of its servicemen, the Govern-
ment has established numerous facilities
to provide medical care for its veterans.
The first such medical facility was
located at Togas, Maine. It was in
March of 1866 that this national home
opened its doors. Togus, originally a
luxury resort, built to draw visitors from
Saratoga, N.Y., was bought by the Gov-
ernment and remodeled to provide hous-
ing for disabled veterans. On October 6,
1866, the first veterans arrived at Togus.
From that modest beginning, Togus
rapidly expanded until in the early 20th
century, Togus contained, not only medi-
cal and housing facilities, but also a zoo,
a theater where Broadway shows were
performed by road companies, and even
a hotel for visitors who came there.
The Togus Band, which was discon-
tinued in the twenties, gave concerts
every day except Monday for the veter-
ans and visitors from the surrounding
countryside. This band became famous
statewide and even received national rec-
ognition for its excellent performances.
In 1930, Togus because a Veterans' Ad-
ministration facility when the Consoli-
dation Act of that year was passed. A
modernization program was begun and
many buildings were remodeled and re-
built. After 1945, Togus became known
as a VA center, a hospital with regional
office facilities.
The Togus reservation today comprises
1,323 acres with beautifully landscaped
lawns, woodland with ponds and streams,
recreational areas, and a farm. Tagus
contains one of the most modern hos-
pitals in the country, staffed by a dis-
tinguished personnel who have gained
national and international renown in
their fields. Togus has become one of
the most respected psychiatric hospitals
in the East.
The Veterans Affairs Committee and
the entire Nation take great pride in the
progress that Togus has made since its
inception. The committee and the Na-
tion sends its heartiest congratulations
to Togus VA Center on its 100th an-
niversary. We all hope that its progress
will go on and that it will continue to
stand as a standard of excellence for
the entire veterans hospital program..
(Mr. RODINO (at the request of Mr.
Bocos) was granted permission to ex-
tend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous
Mr. RC)DINO. Mr. Speaker, perhaps
no group of men in any business better
appreciates the value of the press than
those of us in this body. Newspapers are
indeed indispensable in our business, not
only as a medium for bringing our own
views and programs to our constituents,
but, more importantly, for bringing all
facts of all cases, all sides of all stories,
all shades of opinions before all the peo-
ple, all the time. Newspapers do this, but
only because the quality of the men
who write and edit and publish the news.
Ours is a country where the tradition
of great newsmen predated our own ex-
istence as a country. And from the days
of John Peter Zenger, Tom Paine, and
Ben Franklin we have had newsmen who
have been thorough in their research,
courageous in their writing. Doubtless
there are many who fit that tradition
now. None fits its better than a dear
friend of mine, Aaron Benesch, who has
just retired after more than 50 years of
distinguished service in his career.
A New Years Day article that appeared
in my area in the Newark Star-Ledger,
as well as in other Newhouse newspapers
across the country, set forth the simple
chronology of Aaron's career ; and I am
pleased to include it with my remarks so
that those who may only have known
him casually may understand just what
experience this man had as a reporter,
political writer, city editor, and managing
editor, as well as the Washington bureau
chief for a major newspaper syndicate.
Aaron's professional competence has
been recognized, from the beginning, in
the variety of his responsible positions.
This you can easily gather from the
article. But what most of you cannot
know is the story of the man behind the
story. Painstaking, but never petty;
analytical, but never acrimonious. This
was Aaron hunting down his story. He
asked a lot of question: hard-hitting,
direct, precise questions without any
curves of innuendo. And when he wrote.
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he presumed nothing of his readers.
They did not have to dig out a back-
ground story from an old paper. Aaron
gave them the full story, complete to the
minute it went onto the presses. He
respected confidences, but never abused
the truth. His inherent wisdom and vast
experience combined to give him an
acute insight into a problem and if one
were intelligent enough, an interview or
talk with Aaron could give the one being
interviewed a much better understanding
of the subject matter. But this was for
one to gather for himself, Aaron never
thrust it unwanted upon him.
Perhaps the best measure of the
esteem and affection in which his col-
leagues hold him was to be seen in the
party given in Aaron's honor last Friday
night in Washington. Many of us, like
myself, could not break away from com-
mitments at home. Many did, a hundred
or more coming from all over the coun-
try to pay their respects. Those of us
who did not send wires or letters, warm,
unpretentious words of genuine feeling
for a dear friend. Among these were the
senior Senator from Missouri, Mr.
SYMINGTON; former Mayor A. P. Kauf-
men, of St. Louis; Harry S. Kramer, a
prominent attorney from St. Louis;
Norman Isaacs, vice president and ex-
ecutive editor of the Louisville Courier
and Times; Richard H. Amberg, publish-
er of the St. Louis Globe-Democrat;
Mort Pye, editor of the Newark Star-
Ledger; Irving Dilliard, former editor of
the St. Louis Post Dispatch; Howard B.
Wood, of USIA; FBI Director J. Edgar
Hoover and his Assistant Director, C. D.
DeLoach; the two Senators from New
Jersey, Mr. CASE and Mr. WILLIAMS; the
gentlemen from Saddle River, Mr. WID-
NALL; the gentleman from Collingwood,
Mr. CAHILL; the gentleman from Jersey
City, Mr. DANIELS; the gentleman from
Bayonne, Mr. GALLAGHER; the gentleman
from Paterson, Mr. JOELSEN; the gentle-
man from West Orange, Mr. Mmrsit;
and the gentleman from Livingston; Mr.
KREBS. Perhaps the most memorable of
all such testimonials came from a dis-
tinguished surgeon from St. Louis, Dr.
I. C. Middleman, who, as a young lad,
was Aaron's copy boy. And among the
friends who were there was Aaron's long-
time associate and friend, Duncan Bau-
mann, general manager of the St. Louis
Fortunately, though Aaron will no
longer have a regular byline, he will con-
tinue to be a regular visitor in our midst,
for he and his gracious lady, Eva, will
remain in Washington. I look forward
to spending many a happy hour with
[From Newark Star-Ledger, Jan. 1, 19661
WASHINGTON?Aaron G. Benesch, associate
editor of the Newhouse National News Serv-
ice, retired Friday after a career spanning
more than a half century of newspaper work
in St. Louis and Washington.
Mr. Benesch is a former managing editor
of the St. Louis Globe-Democrat and of the
old St. Louis Times. In Washington, he has
covered every administration since President
Mr. Benesch, a native of St. Louis, entered
newspaper work in 1913 as a $3-a-week copy-
boy on the St. Louis Star, and became a re-
porter a year later "when I donned long
pants." He joined the St. Louis Times in
1924 as a political writer and columnist, and
subsequently served as city editor and man-
aging editor.
When the Star and Times were consoli-
dated in 1932, Mr. Benesch became a political
writer for the combined daily. He was
named city editor in 1934 and held that posi-
tion until the Star-Times suspended publi-
cation in 1951.
His first tour of duty in Washington was
from 1951 to 1963, when he headed the
Globe-Democrat's bureau. He was man-
aging editor of the Globe-Democrat from
1953 to 1957, and has been in the Capital
since, first as bureau chief for the New-
house newspapers and from 1962 as associate
editor of the Newhouse newspapers.
Mr, Benesch, a veteran of a colorful era in
St. Louis journalism, had a key investigative
role in two sensational kidnaping cases?the
Hellas Mailer abduction in 1916 and the
Muench baby hoax case in 1935?and testi-
fied as a witness at both trials.
His coverage of national politics dates back
to the 1928 Republican convention in Kan-
sas City, that nominated Herbert Hoover for
the Presidency.
A member of Sigma Delta Chi, the National
Press Club, and the White House Corre-
spondents Association, Mr. Benesch lives
with his wife, Eva, in Chevy Chase, Md. A
daughter, Mrs. Harry Block, lives in Paris,
where her husband is a civilian engineer for
the U.S. Defense Department. There are two
(Mr. FARBSTEIN (at the request of
Mr. Boas) was granted permission to
extend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous mat-
[Mr. FARBSTEIN'S remarks will ap-
pear hereafter in the Appendix.]
(Mr. BOLLING (at the request of Mr.
BOGGS) was granted permission to extend
his remarks at this point in the RECORD
and to include extraneous matter.)
Mr. BOLLING. Mr. Speaker, it is ap-
propriate, I think, on the 1st day of the
2d session of the 89th Congress to bring
to the attention of our colleagues a re-
port which deals with the results of some
of our recent legislative activity. I re-
fer, Mr. Speaker, to the work of the Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission.
Although its program started with great
handicaps it is now operating effectively
and persuasively. On Monday, January
20, an article appeared in the St. Louis
Post-Dispatch which delineates the fine
work this Commission has been doing:
(By James C. Millstone)
WASHINGTON, January 1.?The Federal
Government's newest civil rights arm?the
Equal Employment Opportunity Commis-
sion?has overcome early setbacks to achieve
a notable start at grappling with the prob-
lems of job discrimination.
A major source of strength has been the al-
most universal acceptance its representatives
have received from business and labor, in the
South as well as the North.
Staff members?Negroes and whites?speak
of the unfailing courtesy of their reception
when working on complaints of job discrimi-
nation, and of the tremendous reservoir of
good will they find among employer and la-
bor groups on behalf of equal employment
Of more than 700 complaints investigated,
only 2 companies involved have declined
to cooperate. Many employers sent repre-
sentatives to Washington to work out prob-
lems of compliance with the Commission
staff. Others made top executives available
to Commission investigators on weekends
and at night.
Commission Chairman Franklin D. Roose-
velt, Jr., said, "Each day our staff brings back
from the field a new report of a company or
a union which has coupled recognition of
the law with good will. The Commission
believes there are thousands of employers
and labor leaders prepared to take the extra
step to give effect to the spirit of the law."
The Commission's responsibility is to as-
sure that all Americans are considered for
hiring, firing, and promotion on the basis of
ability and qualifications, without regard to
race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
It went into business 6 months ago under
two handicaps: The five Commissioners were
appointed late, delaying the agency's organi-
zational period, and Congress cut their first-
year budget by nearly 16 percent.
The shortage of staff and money has hurt
all the more because, in its first 6 months,
the Commission received 3,100 complaints,
more than it expected to handle in its first
full year. Staff members now expect to re-
ceive 4 times as many as the 2,000 com-
plaints they estimated when they prepared
their current budget.
Nonetheless the promise of the Commis-
sion's 'work is evident from the ,appraisals
made for the Post-Dispatch by spokesmen Riir
business, labor, and civil rights groups. There
were minor criticisms, but each segment sub-
scribed to the view that the Commission had
assembled an able staff, had demonstrated
the desire to do a good job, and deserved the
confidence of all sides.
A concrete and dramatic example of the
Commission's value came 2 weeks ago when
Roosevelt's intervention helped solve a racial
labor dispute in Bogalusa, La., hotbed of Ku
Klux Klan activity and of racial violence.
Bogalusa's largest employer Is the Crown-
Zellerbach Corp. paper plant. As do con-
cerns in many Southern cities, the plant has
separate job classifications for Negroes and
Whites, with two sets of lines for seniority
and promotion.
At the request of what the Commission will
identify only as "interested parties," Roose-
velt brought together leaders of the Negro
and white unions and of the company. In
a closed, 3-hour meeting in the Federal build-
ing in New Orleans?a meeting that included
an emotional, personal appeal by Roosevelt?
the group reached agreement. The segre-
gated lines of seniority would be merged;
principles established thereby would be ex-
tended to other sections of the plant.
The Bogalusa accord demonstrated one of
the Commission's most valuable functions.
Kenneth F. Holbert, Deputy Chief of Con-
ciliation, explained It this way:
"We provide an apparatus for bringing to-
gether the views of Government, manage-
ment, and employees of all colors within an
orderly framework where differences can be
discussed and adjusted in a fashion that is
not tainted from the beginning by ill feel-
Commissioners believe that much of their
early success can be attributed to the order-
liness of the procedures they have estab-
lished?which appeal to all parties involved?
and to the low key, skilled work of their 24
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Commissioner Samuel C. Jackson, a To-
peka, Kans., attorney who formerly was a
member of the board of directors of the
National Association for the Advancement of
Colored People, said the investigative work
was vital to the Commission's task.
"We have professionally trained investi-
gators who know their jobs," Jackson said.
"They do not conduct inquisitions but make
a bona fide effort to gather facts. They know
we do not want to punish business or labor.
We just want everybody to comply with the
We are ..)eginning to see results. The end
product of a successful conciliation demon-
strates that we have developed rules of pro-
cedure that business can live with and have
put together a good staff."
the complaint procedure has taken up the
bulk of the Commission's time thus far. It
begins with the filing of a complaint of some
form of discrimination. If it meets the
qualifications, the complaint is assigned to an
investigator. He reports to the Commission,
which determines whether a violation of the
law appears to have occurred. If so, cirzii
dilators attempt to resolve the complaln.
The accent throughout is on persuasion,
conciliation, voluntary compliance. The
Commission has no enforcement powers. :if
conciliation fails, the complainant may take
the issue to a U.S. court. Thus far, six cases
have gone to court, but none has been con-
cluded. About 20 cases have been success-
fully conciliated.
'Whether the Commission should have ad-
ditional power?such as authority to order a
company to stop discriminating?is a subject
of debate. Business is leery of efforts to
strengthen the Commission, believing that a
club in the Commission's hands would shat-
ter the cooperative relationship so quickly
The most difficult cases, Holbert said, con-
cern discrimination in upgrading employees,
in training opportunities and in hiring, and
segregated or discriminatory local unions.
Although some adjustments have resulted
from every case to reach conciliation, he said,
many such cases "have not yielded to con-
ciliation with any marked success."
On the ether hand, industry has agreed -;,io
end segregated facilities in every instance
that has come to the Commission's attention.
Satisfied that its complaint and concilia-
tion system is off to a sound start, the
Commission next will turn its attention to a
broader program. This will be an approach
to business and industrial leaders in virtu-
ally every major city in the United States
to encourage what the Commissioners call
"affirmative action."
The Commission wants business to actively
recruit, train, hire, and promote minority-
group employees. To achieve that end, the
Commission has developed a 60-city plan
that will be tested in the next few weeks.
"The name of the game is jobs," said
Roger B. McKenzie, Director of the Commis-
sion's Office of Technical Assistance and a
former California business executive. "If
there is to be real progress in equal employ-
ment opportunities, it will have to be fos-
tered by the business community, because
they have the jobs."
The Commission is organizing a series of
1-day conferences for business leaders in 60
cities with populatons exceeding 150,000 to
urge them to form local councils to promote
minority employment. The first will be in
Atlanta and will involve businessmen from
key cities throughout the South.
Those attending will be briefed on the ad-
vantages of merit employment and will be
told of the efforts of business councils hi
cities such as Milwaukee and Chicago to work
on the problem. After the meetings. M2,-
Kenzie hopes they will go back to their com-
munities and establish this program.
Will the approach work?
"We don't know," McKenzie said. "We
do know that there has been progress for
business wherever the work force has been
Integrated. It is to the advantage of busi-
,ness to ease community problems.
"We feel we have a chance of success in
the South by using the principle of together-
ness, so that no one businessman is forced
to go the equal-employment route alone.
"Also, business has got to understand that
if we can't make this law work as it is
written, the statute is going to be changed
and teeth will be added to make it work."
Its early success has given the Commission
confidence and hope for the future. Both
attributes are revealed in tlh! agency's
budget expectations. Facing a year where
budget cutbacks are the order of Ilse day, the
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
fully expects to receive a substantial incraase
from the White House for the coming year.
(Mr. JOELSON (at the request of Mr.
Bocos) was granted permission to ex-
tend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous
Mr. JOELSON. Mr. Speaker, on the
occasion of the resumption of the 89th
Congress for 1966, I think we must face
the fiscal facts and ask the American
people to dc so as welt.
The central and essential fact we must
recognize is that over 75 percent of our
national budget is devoted to current
military expenditures and paying the
cost of our involvement in World War
II and the Korean conflict. We must
remember that over 75 cents of every tax
dollar received by the United States is
spent for these purposes.
Thus, we are left with less than 25
cents of every tax dollar to meet the en-
tire cost of Federal Government not con-
nected with the military. This includes
all Federal salaries, operation of all Fed-
eral departments and agencies and all
nonmilitary Federal programs.
In view of this fact, it is irresponsible
for any lawmaker to suggest that in
terms of the national budget, a signif-
icant percentage of otar total expenditure
can be eliminated by scuttling social pro-
grams enacted within the past few years.
I must point out that in many cases,
those who call for such action are those
who opposed the programs the most ve-
hemently in the first place.
It must also be noted that those who
are the quickest to vote for huge military
appropriations are the loudest in de-
nunciation of taxation. As one of only
six Members of the House who voted
against eliminating $5 billion in. revenue
annually from excise taxes, many of
which were on luxury items, I think I
have the right to say this.
As a result of our involvement in Viet-
nam, our young men are making terrible
and tragic sacrifices. Why then do we
not face the fact that it is in order for
us to make some pocketbook sacrifices
at home to support them?
It is demagoguery to suggest that the
financial burden of the Vietnam struggle
can be met in any significant or mean-
ingful way by cutting down on a few pro-
grams designed to help the underprivi-
leged. If we really mean what we say
January 10, 1966
about Vietnam, we will be men and
women enough to pay the cost in taxa-
tion and not ask the poor and under-
privileged of our land to do so for us.
(Mr. SWEENEY (at the request of Mr.
Boces) was granted permission to extend
his remarks at this point in the RECOR)
and to include extraneous matter.)
Mr. SWEENEY. Mr. Speaker, I have
just learned of the announcement this
past week of Mr. Louis B. Seltzer, editor
of the Cleveland Press, Ohio's largest
daily newspaper, to retire.
Louis B. Seltzer by this announcement
concludes approximately 50 years of
service with this Scripps-Howard news-
paper. During the span of years, and in
particular, during the last 37 years
while he served as editor of the Press,
Louis B. Seltzer has developed a proud,
national reputation in not only the field
of journalism, but in the field of brother-
hood and positive civic action.
Mr. Seltzer often referred to as "Mr.
Cleveland" seemed to develop the faculty
of adjusting to the level of those with
whom he would come in contact and
seemed always able to comprehend and
understand not only the problems of the
lofty and the mighty, but the problems
and the concerns of the lowliest Amer-
icans. As editor of the Cleveland Press,
he has always displayed a keen under-
standing of his community and its social,
economic, and political problems.
He seemed to always enjoy being near
the heart of the controversy within the
community in taking strong positive
positions on the issues. Whether one
agreed with Mr. Seltzer or not, one could
still respect the skill, the energy, and the
dedication that poured forth from this
one individual. One could sense that
right or wrong here was a leader, un-
afraid to lead.
Throug:h the years he has been both
damned and praised and as he leaves the
arena of controversy and passes his re-
sponsibility to his successor, there truly
will be a void in the community life of
Cleveland. He has been honored to serve
on the Pulitzer Prize Advisory Board and
he helped found the American Press In-
stitute at Columbia University. But I
do believe that one of the proudest mo-
ments of his life came in 1951 when the
men and women of the Nation honored
him for his work in the field of brothcr-
hood by naming him as tile 1951 Broth-
erhood Award Winner of the National
Conference olf Christians and Jews.
On the personal and professional
levels, Louis Seltzer's life, wherever his
work has taken him, has been a symbol
of brotherhood and he has lived out that
principle, truly a man who walks as he
talks with respect to the principles of
love, fraternity, and friendship without
regard to race, color, or national origin.
Mr. Speaker, it would be my hope that
Louis B. Seltzer would find new fields
to conquer and new challenges to inter-
est him. Were he to retire and withdraw
from concern it would be a waste of
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the rich talents which God endowed
him and I would certainly express on
the occasion of his retirement the hope
that he be blessed with good health to
enable him to participate to the great-
est and fullest extent in the future.
(Mr. GIBBONS (at the request of Mr.
BOGGS) was granted permission to extend
his remarks at this point in the RECORD
and to include extraneous matter.)
Mr. GIBBONS. Mr. Speaker, one of
the prominent columnists of our day, Mr.
Roscoe Drummond, has written an article
entitled "A Worthy Beginning?Results
in the War on Poverty." Because it
very perceptive and honest appraisal of
the war on poverty, I commend it to the
membershop of the House.
The article follows:
[From the New York Herald Tribune,
Jan. 5, 19661
(By Roscoe DrUMMORGI)
WASHINGTON.?The war on poverty isn't in
a "mess"; it isn't falling apart. And his
enemies are not going to "bury" Director
Sargent Shriver.
The purpose of this report is to try to put
things in better perspective.
Certainly there have been failures and
shortcomings, frustrations, and acts of in-
competence. You simply don't get 26,000
projects off the launching pad in 13 months
to help directly 1,500,000 of the very poor
without some things going haywire at some
points. They are.
But nothing could be more inaccurate than
the impression that the war on poverty is
mostly chaff. It isn't. The grain is begin-
ning to grow.
It is too early to measure the end results,
but it is not too early to report that a worthy
beginning has been made,
The war on poverty has aroused a fuller
awareness that in the midst of an affluent
America there is "another America" where
several million families with an average
yearly income of $1,800 languish in poverty
without the means or stimulus to escape.
Not just among social workers but among
businessmen, labor leaders, educators, stu-
dents, the professions, and the public, the
conviction has come that it doesn't have to
be so, that much can be done?and should be.
The war on poverty, even with some false
starts, is mobilizing this conviction and giv-
ing it expression. The Federal Government
Is being joined by State and local govern-
ments, by private industry and universities,
labor unions, veterans' groups, civic and
social organizations.
Enough has been done to show that there
is far more that is right than wrong about
what has been done so far:
More than 625 local communities pooled
private and public resources to help the poor
help themselves.
The Job Corps has already enrolled 17,307
young men and women in 84 basic-education
and work-skill training centers in 36 States.
The Neighborhood Youth Corps has pro-
vided work experience and training for
500,000 people in 1,400 projects in 50 States.
This enables them to stay in or return to
school or increase their employability.
The work-study program is doing a needed
job toward halting the waste of human re-
sources because each year at least 100,000
qualified students have been kept from
college through lack of funds. Grants to
No. 1-5
1,120 institutions are now providing work
opportunities to 100,000 students so they can
help pay their way.
Undoubtedly, many of these and other
projects need self-examination and correc-
tion. The Office of Economic Opportunity is
at the crossfire of conflicting ideas on how
best to operate such a complex program.
There is no book on this subject. It is in-
evitably being written from trial and error
and it will need to be rewritten at many
points. The danger is to attempt too much
too fast, and here a second look is in order.
But, in addition to constructive scrutiny
and criticism, the war on poverty deserves
support for a eginning which is enlisting
the Nation i a venture to break the cycle
of po4 or many people.
(Mr. MoGRATH (at the request of Mr.
BOGGS) was granted permission to ex-
tend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous mat-
Mr. McGRATH. Mr. Speaker, I had
the honor and pleasure of spending the
Christmas holidays with our Army, Navy,
Air Force, and Marine troops in Vietnam,
and I am thrilled to be able to report to
you and to my colleagues that the morale
of the U.S. forces fighting in that terrible
war is tremendously high.
It is a compliment to the 195 million
Americans that, when a tiny group of
their number began creating the impres-
sion that our people were not behind our
Vietnamese effort and that our troops
there were forgotten men, the major-
ity of our Nation showed by actions as
well as talk that they are, indeed, be-
hind our war effort and, more important,
highly cognizant of the sacrifices being
made by our military men and of the
wonderful job they are doing against
tremendous, unimaginable odds.
Mr. Speaker, no American who has not
seen it for himself can imagine what type
of war our men are being called upon to
fight. Never in the history of modern
warfare have trained, well-equipped
troops been sent to fight an army of
guerrilla fighters in terrain such as the
terrible landscape of South Vietnam.
Yet, our troops are proving themselves
adaptable to their situations and are
making tremendous inroads in Vietcong-
held territory, are taking a fearsome toll
among Vietcong and North Vietnam
soldiers, and, just as important, are con-
vincing the Vietnamese people that they
are in that country only as liberators and
without any other motives.
The example of American-styled de-
mocracy being exported to South Viet-
nam by our fighting men is, slowly, per-
haps, but nonetheless surely impressing
the Vietnamese with its many benefits.
In the ultimate test?the choice Vietna-
mese villagers are daily called upon to
make between loyalty to the Vietcong or
partnership with the Americans?more
and more of these decisions are going
to our side.
And our fighting forces are backed up
In Vietnam by thoughtful, workable plans
for the self-governing of villages and
hamlets liberated from the Vietcong, and
these programs have been accelerated as
of January 1. Our psychological war-
fare tactics are making ever greater im-
pressions upon individual Vietcong, and
today, desertions from their forces are
taking place at a faster rate than our
military forces can kill them in battle.
Mr. Speaker, we have sent dedicated,
highly motivated men to fight in Viet-
nam. During my Christmastime tour
of the battle areas and to our 7th Fleet's
nuclear task force in the South China
Sea, I asked every commander to whom
I spoke how he compared the men un-
der his command with those over whom
he served in World War II and the Ko-
rean conflict.
Mr. Speaker, we have sent dedicated,
highly motivated men to fight in Viet-
nam. During my Christmastime tour
of the battle areas and to our 7th Fleet's
nuclear task force in the South China
Sea, I asked every commander to whom
I spoke how he compared the men un-
der his command with those over whom
he served in World War II and the
Korean conflict.
Without exception, generals, admirals,
colonels, majors, and captains told me
that today's American fighting man is
superior to their counterparts of one
and two generations ago. Our military
men today are more highly educated
and, thus, better able to understand
what is at stake in southeast Asia. And
they are more adaptable to conditions
under which they must prosecute the
war, and this is of high importance in
There is no question among our fight-
ing men that the vast majority, of the
American people is solidly behind them
and behind the administration's policy
in southeast Asia. What is more, they
are deeply and vocally appreciative of
the tremendous outpouring of support
in the form of letters and gifts received
by them at Christmastime.
The picture in Vietnam is by no means
entirely rosy, Mr. Speaker. Nor are our
troops able to understand our military
policy in this warfare completely. Like
many of us in the United States, they
cannot understand why we do not dis-
rupt North Vietnamese supply lines by
blockading or bombing the harbor at
Haiphong and by other means.
But their loyalty to our cause is un-
questioned and unquestioning, and they
are acquitting themselves wonderfully
under conditions of warfare and civil
disruption which could turn the mili-
tary efforts of lesser men into shambles.
The principal impression which I
brought away from Vietnam is that of
the great military job being done by
our fighting men and of their fine morale.
But, Mr. Speaker, there is a second im-
pression which I have gained while there
and that is the necessity to improve the
scope of the information we at home
receive of that strange and terrible war.
Americans living today can recall
World War I, World War II, and the
Korean fighting, in all of which there
were organized lines along which the
fighting took place. When our troops
advanced in a certain direction, we were
making progress. When the enemy ad-
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vanced in the opposite direction, we were
There is nothing like that in this war.
Our forces secure pockets, or enclaves, in
a nation which is otherwise completely
held by the enemy. Our troops can en-
large these cleared areas, but they are
not linked by any front lines. Our pock-
ets dot the South Vietnamese map. Some
of them are close to Saigon, the capital.
Others are dozens of miles south and
hundreds of miles to the north or west.
When the Vietcong attacks or overruns a
Vietnamese or American position near
Saigon, for instance, in the absence of
real knowledge of the situation, many
Americans are apt to think, as I have
heard some of my constituents say:
They're within a few miles of the capital.
We've just about lost the war.
Nothing could be more incorrect, Mr.
Speaker, but if our people are only given
daily reports of fire fights or patrol
movements or air strikes, they will never
be able to understand what kind of war
their sons and friends are fighting, and
if our military participation should be
necessary for a long period of time, they
will have no knowledge on which to base
their evaluation of our efforts.
We are in the Vietnamese war to stay
until an honorable settlement has been
achieved, and, therefore, I think greater
pains must be taken to inform the Amer-
ican people who have, so far, given their
unstinting support to our involvement in
it, a better picture of what that war is
like, since it cannot be likened to any
other war in winch Americans now living
have fought or watched.
My trip to Vietnam was tremendously
worthwhile, Mr. Speaker, since it gave
me a full picture of what type of war it is
and what we are doing to win it, both in
battle and in the hearts and minds of the
Vietnamese. Most important, it made me
tremendous*/ proud to be an American
and a Representative of Americans who
are fighting this difficult war and of those
who are supporting it at home.
(Mr. BOLAND asked and was given
permission to extend his remarks at this
point in the RECORD and to include
extraneous matter.)
Mr. BOLAND addressed the House.
His remarks will appear hereafter in the
Appendix. I
(Mr. BOLAND asked and was given
permission to extend his remarks at this
point in the RECORD and to include
extraneous matter.)
Mr. BOLAND addressed the House.
His remarks will appear hereafter in the
Appendix. I
awn GOODELL asked and was given
permission to extend his remarks at this
point in the RECORD and to include ex-
traneous matter.)
Mr. GOODELL. Mr. Speaker, as we
begin the 2d session of the 89th Congress,
the operation of the war on poverty con-
tinues to be of major concern to the
Nation and to the Congress.
The gentleman from Minnesota [Mr.
Qum] who is the ranking member of the
ad hoc subcommittee on poverty, and I
have proposed major reforms in the anti-
poverty battle.
So that the House will be aware of our
views, I am pleased to include at this
point in the RECORD a joint statement
spelling out our intention:
Congressman ALBERT QUM, Of Minnesota.
and CHARLES K GOODELL, of New York, today
proposed. "a drastic redirection and new
strategy in the war on poverty that will do
something besides create controversy and
waste money." The two Republicans. mem-
bers of the Education and Labor Committee
which handles the poverty legislation in the
House, said "positive progress toward human
dignity for all Americans will flow from these
reforms," They said they would iroroduce
their proposal soon after the new Congress
meets next week.
"The first thing that must be done is to
enlist the poor themselves in the cauee. You
can't win a war unless the people you're fight-
ing for are on your side. Under our pro-
posal a minimum of one-third of the members
of every community action board will be
selected by the poor themselves. This will
place them on an equal level with local
officials and social welfare agencies who now
dominate the poverty program to the point
of suffocation. A clear requirement as to
the makeup of community action boards
would eliminate the bloody and bitter battle
among those at the local level who should
be fighting the common enemy 01 poverty
rather than each other. Involvement of the
poor at policymaking levels can give a new
direction to the poverty program, help free it
from the old welfare dole approach tad offer
hope that the poor can get some of the
money now siphoned off into poll: ical ma-
chines. A properly representative commu-
nity action board can, exercise truly local
control of community action programs with-
out constant intrusions by administrators
from Washington."
Congressman GOODELL released a memoran-
dum he had sent to Republican Congressmen
outlining in detail the significance of in-
volvement of the poor in the poverty
"Although the Director, Sargent Shriver,
apparently believes in this kind of approach,
the administration opposed amendments to
the law that would require involvement of
the poor and it now appears that Mr. Shriver
has been forced to surrender control of criti-
cal aspects of the program to other powers in
the administration. As much as 0E0 crows
about involvement of the poor, it ts unlikely
that more than 1 out of 20 members of com-
munity action boards are truly selected by
and representative of the poor themselves.
For example, Chicago, Los Angeles, Cleveland,
St. Louis and Oakland?to name only a few?
have virtually no representatives of the poor
Oil the policymaking boards.
"The failure to exploit this new exciting
potential of the poverty program, combined
widi the administrative chaos at 0E0, leads
us to the sad conclusion that Mr Shriver is
a marked man in the aclministral ion."
Aside from representation of the poor on
local community action boards, a truly ef-
fective war on poverty should c10 the fol-
lowing things:
To interrupt the cycle of poverty is the
first priority. It is obvious that all prob-
lems of poverty cannot be solved overnight
and it is intolerable that any poverty funds
be diverted from neglected children who
could be saved by a relatively small effort on
the part of society.
Head Start, proposed by Republicans 3
years ago and the most successful part of the
poverty program, has been brought to almost
complete halt by one of the worst bureau-
cratic tangles in the history of our country.
0E0, having observed the glittering promise
and demonstrated performance of preschool
training, has arbitrarily reduced Head Start
funds. Head Start should be transferred to
HEW and funded under the Elementary and
Secondary Education Act through State and
local education agencies and the local com-
munity action boards. State advisory coun-
cils composed of individuals experienced in
preschool programs should be required in
every State.
Child development and care centers should
be a major emphasis under community action
The community action phases of the pov-
erty program should remain under 0E0. All
other programs, including agricultural, small
business and adult education, should be sep-
arately funded and transferred to existing
agencies, to be coordinated at the local level
through involvement of the community ac-
tion boards.
Rural community action programs should
be separately funded and operate under
different structures than urban programs.
More than half the poor in this country live
In rural areas, yet community action pro-
grams, which are oriented to urban areas, by
and large are not meeting the needs of the
rural poor. Only 5 to 10 percent of the
money has been granted to rural community
action programs. The problems of rural
poor are quite different than the urban poor.
Private industry must be brought more
effectively into the war on poverty. The
Republican Human Investment Act would
offer a tax credit to employers which develop
special programs to train and employ workers
with low levels of education. Since tax
credits are not a part of the jurisdiction of
our committee, we recommend early action
on this proposal in the Ways and Means
The Neighborhood Youth Corps should em-
ploy only youngsters from poor families.
It is a national scandal that so many friends
and relatives of politicians have been em-
ployed under this program designed to give
work experience and income to poor young-
sters so they will recognize the necessity of
education in getting a good job,
- Private employers, as well as public and
nonprofit agencies, should be encouraged to
hire youngsters from the Neighborhood
Youth Corps, with the Federal Government
paying one-third of their wages rather than
90 percent. Job Corps centers should be
transferred from 0E0 and integrated under
the Manpower Development and Training
Act. Wherever possible, Job Corps centers
should be operated under contract with pri-
vate industry.
A bonus plan should be enacted for those
States willing to match Federal funds on a
50-50 basis above the present level of fund-
ing. Under this plan, present allocations by
State would continue, but additional funds
would go to those States willing to participate
as partners in the poverty war.
To date, the war on poverty fails com-
pletely to utilize the vast resources and ex-
perience of State agencies. State govern-
ments have been completely bypassed. This
represents a tremendous loss of potential
in the poverty war.
De facto racial discrimination must be re-
moved from the urban renewal program
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