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Approved For Release (~C~~2~9~~ IC - 2C PE 7(BRD 46 HOUSE 020007-9 ell u r'iy 19 6'
Inc :,rcirolesnooter, and James Jackson and
ArimIii Johnson.
Iia st of them have been out there pitching
a.rwind the college campuses. As FBI Direc-
tor I loover tells it: "The unvarnished truth
is t:t at the Communist conspiracy is seizing
this insurrectionary climate (on, some col-
lege campuses) to captivate the thinking of
rebellious-minded youth and coax them into
the Communist movement itself or at least
agitate them Into serving the Communist
Co the new left will be back picketing
around the White House tomorrow, or next
week, many of the marchers perhaps un-
mindful of the potential danger to the coun-
try packed into the mouthings of the old
faces in the near background.
Some demonstrators not yet thoroughly
hooked might find it profitable to think over
I;he closing lines in the memoirs of retired
Gen. Curtis LeMay, the old bomber man.
[Is had a parting thought for a younger
"T hope that the United States of America
has not yet passed the peak of honor and
beauty and that our people can still sustain
certain simple philosophies at which some
miserable souls feel it incumbent to sneer.
I refer to some of the Psalms and to the
Gettysburg Address and the Scout oath. I
refer to the Lord's Prayer and to that other
oath, which a man must take when he stands
with hand uplifted and swears that he will
defend his country."
The soul can get pretty miserable walking
the sidewalk in front of the White House on
a day like this.
(From the :FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin,
Feb. 1, 1.9$6 j
t By John Edgar Hoover, Director)
'['ht' American college student today is
being subjected to a bewildering and danger-
ous ronspiracy perhaps unlike any social
challenge ever before encountered by our
youth. On many campuses he faces a tur-
bulence built on unrestrained individualism,
rcpul:;ive dress and speech, outright ob-
scenity, disdain for moral and spiritual
values, and disrespect for law and order.
'ibis movement, commonly referred to as the
"new left is complex in its deceitful ab-
surdity and characterized by its lack of
Fortunately, a high percentage of the more
than 3 million full-time college students are
dedicated, hardworking. and serious-minded
young people; however, their good deeds and is nothing to be sneezed at. Too bad
achievements are greatly overshadowed by then that it is a mirage, a myth, a fig-
those who are doing a tremendous amount of ment of a numbers game, or what you
talking but very little thinking. will.
Much of this turmoil has been connected Mr. Speaker, according to the Depart-
with a feigned concern for the vital rights of
free speech, dissent, and petition. Hard-care ment of Commerce, our 1.965 imports
fanatics have used these basic rights of our came to $21.36 billion, compared with ex-
deemocratic society to distort the issues and ports of $26.56 billion. These are pretty
betray the public. However, millions of figures to contemplate. Unfortunately
Americans, who know from experience that for our inclination to complacency, our
freedom and rights also mean duties and re- imports were not $21.36 billion but more
sponst5il1ties, are becoming alarmed over the nearly $25 billion. The discrepancy
anarebistie and seditious ring of these comes from the way the Treasury De-
eampus disturbances. They know liberty and
Justice are not possible without law and paritnent and the Department of Com-
order. coerce record our import statistics.
The Communist Party, U.S.A., as well as 'T'hey base them on foreign value, as if
other subversive groups, is jubilant Over these it cost nothing to bring the goods to our
a.ew rebellious activities. The unvarnished shores. Everyone of us knows that this
truth is, that the Communist conspiracy is adds up to a false representation. What
seizing this insurrectionary climate to capti- is worse, this country incurred a deficit
vate the thinking of rebellious-minded youth of $227 million in 1964 in its interna-
arad coax them Into the Communist move- tional transportation account-Statisti-
,nent itself or at least agitate them into serv- ,at Abstract of the United States, 1965,
ing the Communist cause- This is being ae-
compli:hed primarily by a two-pronged of- table 844.
Pensive--a much-publicized college speak- Several months ago I inserted in the
in g, prr,!;ram and the campus-oriented Conl- RECORD a calculation provided by O. R.
Strackbein, chairman of the Nationwide
Committee on Import-Export Policy, in
which he estimated the average global
burden of freight and insurance on our
total imports. His estimate, based on
our trade with England and Japan, was
17%2 percent for our trade with the world
as a whole. I have no reason for ques-
tioning Mr. Strackbein's estimate. It
was well documented.
Virtually all other countries record
their imports on a c.i.f. basis, which in-
cludes not only the cost but also insur-
ance and freight charges incurred in
bringing the goods from the foreign
port to the port of entry. This AS what
we should do as a basis for reporting
our imports. Because of the method we
follow our imports are undervalued by
the amount of the shipping charges, in-
eluding insurance.
That is why it creates the wrong im-
pression to report that our 1965 imports
were only $21.36 billion when it cost some
$3.7 billion more to bring the goods to
our ports of entry. We swell our breasts
with pride over our ability to compete
with other countries. Well, at this point
we should release $3.7 billion of this air
from our lungs and bring in our chest
by that much.
On the export side, in order to feel
good and in order to prove that the trade
agreements program has been a huge
success, we commit an equally unpardon-
able sin-one of about the same propor-
tions as the one just described.
Our executive departments--not in-
eluding Agricultural which should be
given honorable mention for showing
the volume of farm exports generated
by Public Law 480 and Federal subsidies
of wheat, cotton, and so forth--namely,
Treasury and Commerce, have not been
satisfied to show our private commercial
exports, free of vast subsidies, but in-
clude giveaways, sales for foreign in-
edible currencies and seemingly what-
ever else they can lay their hands on.
They do leave military shipments out
of total exports, but that is about the
only place where they draw the line.
Mr. Speaker, I do not know how large
the 19,65 exports were under Public Law
480, AID, and so forth, but in 1964 the
combined exports generated in this
fashion plus those called commercial-
because they were sold through private
channels but were subsidized-amounted
to $3.7 billion. The outstanding ones
among., the so-called commercial sales
were wheat, wheat flour, and cotton.
Our disposal of these products did noth-
ing to prove our competitive capacity.
Quite the contrary. Without the subsi-
dies we could not have met the world
price and could only have sold at cut
prices, if at all.
It is safe to say that the 1965 exports
under .AID, Public Law 480, and so north,
were at least equal to the $3.7 billion
of 1964.
Add this to the $3.7 billion by which
we undervalued our imports in 1965 and
we reach a total of $7.4 billion. This is
a respectable distortion.
Reduce our reported experts of $:16.56
billion by $3.7 billion and the figure drops
to $22.9 billion. This operation might
be called trimming away the blubber
and streamlining our figures. Compare
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monist W. E. B. DuBois Clubs of America.
Therefore, the Communist influencer
nfluence Is
cleverly injected into civil disobedience and
reprisals against our economic, political, and
social system.
There are those who scoff at the signifi-
cance of these student flareups, but let us
make no mistake: the Communist Party does
not consider them insignificant, The partic-
ipants of the new left are part of the 100,000
"state of rnind" members Gus Hall, the
party's general secretary, refers to when he
talks of party strength. He recently stated
the party is experiencing the: greatest upsurge
In its history with a "one to two thousand"
increase in membership in the last year.
For the first time since 1959, the party
plans a national convention this spring. We
can be sure that high on the agenda will be
strategy and plans to win the new left and
other new members. A Communist student,
writing in an official party organ, recently
stated, "There is no question but that the
new left will be won."
'T'hus, the Communists' intentions are
abundantly clear. We hove already seen
the effects of some of their stepped-up
activities, and I firmly believe a, vast majority
of the American public is disgusted and
sickened by such social orgies. One recourse
is to support and encourage the million of
youth who refuse to swallow the Communist
bait. Another is to let it be known far and
wide that we do not intend to stand idly
by and let demagogs make a mockery of our
laws and demolish the foundation of our
(Mr. DENT (at the request of Mr.
VIVIAN) was granted permission to ex-
tend his remarks at this point in the
RECOx) and to include extraneous mat-
Mr. DENT, Mr.' Speaker, the Depart-
ment of Commerce recently issued a re-
port on our balance of trade for 1965.
According to that report this country
ran up an export surplus of $5.2 billion
last year.
This was a decline of $1.5 billion from
the surplus reported for 1964, which was
given as $6.7 billion. The setback came
from an import increase of 14 percent in
1965 over 1964: while exports rose only
4 percent.
Even so, the 1965 surplus, of $5.2 billion
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The Job Corps in Idaho
Monday, February 7, 1966
Mr. WHITE of Idaho. Mr, Speaker,
the Job Corps program in Idaho has re-
cently become a subject of national In-
terest. To assure that the membership
is kept fully informed on current devel-
opments, I offer for publication in
the RECORD the following three news-
paper articles:
[From the Owyhee (Idaho) Nugget,
Feb. 10, 1966]
Two corpsmen, Roland Bland and Jeffery
Bolden, Jr., received certificates of comple-
tion February 7, 1966 at the Marsing Job
Corps Conservation Center.
Roland Bland, 17, is from Petersburg, Va.
and was transferred to the Marsing Center
from Curlew Job Corps Conservation Center,
Curlew, Wash., on October 25, 1965. He
originally entered the Job Corps program
June 10, 1965. Roland was promoted to as-
sistant corpsman leader while at Curlew and
was promoted to corpsman leader when he
arrived at Marsing. He was sent to our cen-
ter to assist us by providing corpsman lead-
ership at our initial stages.
While at Marsing he was assigned duties
of teacher's aid and as work leader. He per-
formed these duties in an excellent manner.
He previously completed the education pro-
gram while at Curlew Job Corps Conservation
Center. Roland was transferred to Kilmer
Job Corps Urban Center in Edison, N.J.,
to further his training in his desired
trade skills of machinist and welding.
This Urban Center has a maximum enroll-
ment of 2,500 corpsmen and Roland will be
able to stay up to a maximum of 2 years at
this center starting from the time he entered
the Job Corps in June 1965
Jeffery Bolden, Jr., 20, is from Mount Ver-
non, Ala., and came to this center November
23, 1965. Jeffery excelled in the education
and work program and progressed rapidly.
He advanced from the Job Corps fourth level
to the ninth level In approximately 3 months
and has completed the basic education pro-
gram. He also has learned and practiced
basic work attitudes and skills.
His qualifications were discussed with the
employment service at his hometown and
they stated that with his basic knowledge,
work habits and attitudes, he can have a
choice of several jobs at the present time.
Because he has completed the basic educa-
tion-work program and has been assured of
job placement, he has fulfilled the purpose of
the Job Corps program and was graduated to
become a taxpayer.
[From the Owyhee (Idaho) Nugget, Feb.
10, 1966]
Enrollees at the Marsing Job Corps Con-
servation Center will be increased by 56
corpsmen by June 15, from the 112 now at
the Center, reported Daniel Weir, regional
Job Corps coordinator, Bureau of Reclama-
tion, and Cleve S. Bolingbroke, Center direc-
tor. This will make a total of 168 corpsmen,
and the staff will be increased from the
present 31 to 47.
"By expanding the Center," the men said,
"it will mean a far better vocational training
program in automotive maintenance, heavy
equipment operation, concrete and brick
work, carpentry, welding, and many more
vocational trades. More and better equip-
ment will be brought to the site.
Over $150,000 will be spent at the Center
between now and June 15 for expanded fa-
cilities which will include a new 58-man
dormitory, a 1,000-square-foot dispensary, a
new gym 90 by 96 feet, and a new shop
Plans are being formulated to develop the
corpsmen's social abilities and help them
find a better place in society.
Wednesday morning Mr. Weir, Mr. Boling-
broke, E. R. Indreland, deputy director of
the Marsing Job Corps works program, met
with Marsing Mayor Dave Haken, and Harold
Curt, president of the Marsing Rod and Gun
Club, to discuss plans on beautifying the
Marsing Island Park. The Center plans to
spend several thousand dollars on the island
project, which should make a beautiful place
for all to enjoy.
[From the Cottonwood (Idaho) Chronicle,
Feb. 10, 1966]
The need for better communication be-
tween citizens of Cottonwood and the sur-
rounding communities and the Job Corps
Conservation Center at Cottonwood has
been recognized since the opening of the
camp and the arrival of the corpsmen at the
In November, a group of public-spirited
citizens of Cottonwood from social-action
groups and churches met with the staff at
the Center and established a coordinating
council. This council has now become a
point of contact between the town and the
On February 1 the group met for the first
time in the new year, to continue discus-
sions of ways and means for interesting
other organizations of the community in
the work at the Job Corps Center, and es-
pecially to devise methods for establishing
more points of contact between the two
It was felt that one of the important
ways in which men and women of Cotton-
wood could observe the educational facili-
ties and the accomplishments of the Job
Corps conservation crews was by actual visits
to the camp. During these visits, the staff
and various counselors and instructors
could answer questions and explain the
educational and vocational facilities open
to the corpsmen. The boys, themselves,
would be available for answering questions
about their life at the Center and in the
forest "spike camps" to which they go vol-
untarily for ranger training and experience.
Another effective form of communication,
it was felt, would be having some of the
young men attend open meetings of the
social-action groups in Cottonwood to ob-
serve how these function-especially how
various community projects are proposed,
carried out, completed, or tabled. They
also hope some of the women's organiza-
tions might participate, so a broader under-
standing of the aims and objectives of the
program of the Job Corps might lessen the
communication gap between the town and
the Center.
Attending the meeting were Len Kuther,
chairman; Cletus Uhlorn for the business
community, Bud Walkup and Ladd Arnoti;
Center Director Robert R. Lusk, Margaret
Raymond, VISTA Volunteer; Sam Jordan,
and Otto H. Ost.
An Important Warning for the Future
Wednesday, February 16, 1966
Mr. MULTER. Mr. Speaker, Samuel
F. Pryor has just returned from a tour
of all of our bases in southeast Asia and
has made some very important observa-
tions which should serve as a warning
for the future.
Some of his conclusions are given in
the following column by Ruth Mont-
gomery which appeared in the New York
Journal American of February 11, 1966:
(By Ruth Montgomery)
WASHINGTON.-A nongovernmental avia-
tion expert who directed the development of
50 overseas military airfields during World
War II has just returned from a compre-
hensive tour of all U.S. bases in southeast
Asia. His conclusion: President Johnson
has been right every step of the way in his
Vietnam policy.
Samuel F. Pryor, longtime executive of
Pan American World Airways, made the trip
in company with our Air Force Pacific Com-
mander In Chief, Gen. Hunter Harris, Jr.
Having convinced himself of the rightness
of our policy-both the lull and the resumed
bombing-Pryor reserves his scorn for those
who say that America should pull out of the
area. He has this word of warning for the
doves, and for the fence-sitting nations of the
world :
"Add together our guided missile program,
our ICBM's and nuclear capacity, our Air
Force, Polaris submarines, Navy, Marines,
artillery and Army, and you have the great-
est military strength In the history of man-
kind. Couple this with our productive ca-
pacity, which is half of the entire world's,
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and imagine what would happen if the Red
Chinese possessed this strength.
"They'd be in MoVow and Paris, Africa
and South America right now, and half of
our American cities would be bombed out.
Let's face facts. Do we want this to hap-
pen to our children, or do we want to stop
the Red Chinese now? Do we want them
to overrun southeast Asia and Thailand, and
then pick off sparsely settled Australia?
That's our choice."
Pryor visited every U.S. base in South Viet-
nam, Taiwan, and Okinawa, plus all the "mil-
it.ixy assistance" places in Thailand. From
long experience lie says that no war is
kind, but that we are "fighting a kind war
in Vietnam." He explains that during the
recent bombing lclll, the Presdent was in
effect saying to the Vietcong: "Now you see
what's happening. Please stop. We don't
want to hurt you."
When the Reds refused to listen to the
voice of reason, Pryor thinks the President
had "no alternative but to give them another
taste of our strength." He also assures the
hawks that the lull was by no means wasted
on our side.
We were using that period, he says, to
build up "tremendous strength," and through
intelligence and flyovers to gage the cap-
ability of the enemy in rebuilding its
bombed-out bridges and supply roads.
As a narcotics expert, Pryor looked into
its smuggling problem during the Asian
tour. The contraband drugs are moving out
of Red China into the black markets of the
world, and Pryor says: "Heroin is the stuff
you would only want your enemies to use.
Iced China has a strict ban on its use by its
own people, but it is moving out for sale
.n the free world."
Pryor, despite his conviction that the Pres-
ident is right in stepping up the pace of
the war, is anything but a saber rattler.
Returning here only long enough to make
a private report to the Bureau of Narcotics,
he is now off to the Holy Land in company
with Bishop Walter Gray of the Connecticut
liipiscopal diocese.
"We will visit every spot in Jordan and
Israel that was trod by the Prince of Peace,"
he says. Pryor and the bishop even have
rare permission to pass both ways through
the Mandelbaum Gate which separates the
two warring nations.
The U.S. Merchant Marine Academy-
Training School for Our Nation's Sea-
going Heroes
Wednesday. February 16, 1966
Mr. WOLFF. Mr. Speaker, the Mer-
chant Marine Academy at Kings Point,
N.Y., which is located in the congres-
sional district I have the honor to repre-
sent in this distinguished body, has been
a steady source of stalwart men of the
sea. That the Academy produces men is
evidenced by the fact that three Kings
Point alumni have been cited for bravery
and outstanding service in Vietnam. I
would like at this point to include in the
RECORD a newspaper story about the most
recent Kings Point graduate, Navy
Comdr. Alexander C. Kuegler, Jr., and
his service to our Nation:
Navy Colndr. Alexander C. Kuegler, Jr_, of
Sea Cliff is the latest of three graduate.' of
the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy in Kings
Point to be cited for outstanding service in
Kuegler was recently awarded the Viet-
namese Medial of Honor and the Navy Com-
mendation Medal for bravery under gun Lire
while U.S. military adviser to the Com-
mander, River Force.
Previously, Lt. Comdr. Harvey E. Rod:ers,
of Smithtown, was awarded the Vietnamese
Medal for Gallantry for his part in sinking a
Vietcong armored vessel in Vung Ro Bay md
Comdr. Paul C. Ewing, of McLean, Va., re-
ceived the Navy Commendation Medal for
establishing and operating a complex mari-
time advisory program.
Kuegler, a member with Ewing of the
class of 194:4, was cited for his service be-
tween July 4, 1963, and July 4, 1964, which
"provided advisory assistance which proved
combat readiness of Vietnamese Navy in
support of counterinsurgency of ellort
against Vietcong."
Water Pollution in Michigan-A Way to
Its Solution
Michigan, like all other States, has been a
bit like the farmer who was approached by
the county agent and offered new advice on
the latest and best ways to farm. The farm-
er replied, "Thank you very much for your
help, but I am not farming right now as
well as I know how." I say this with due
deference to Mr. Loring F. Deming, the execu-
tive secretary, and to the other members of
our Michigan Water Resources Commission
who over the years have done one of the best
jobs in the United States of managing water
I can well recall that for a long time I used
to receive a visit during- just about every
Congress from either Milt Adams, former ex-
ecutive secretary of the Michigan Water Re-
sources Commission, or from our able assist-
ant attorney general, Nick Olds, two of any
very dear friends. Both of these men are
among the most able officials and public-
interest oriented individuals anywhere, and
I think that all three of us looked forward to
these visits. They initiated a regular tilt
dealing with legislation sponsored by me
which each of these good gentlemen sin-
cerely felt would put our State agencies out
of business, a calamity desired by none of us.
Our contacts started back in 1956 when
Congressman Joarr BLATNIK first began the
fight for meaningful water pollution control
with the introduction of what was to become
Public Law 660, the fundamental Federal
water pollution :law. This was enacted
after the opposition of the States, some com-
munities, and most industries, as well as the
dedicated opposition of the Eisenhower ad-
ministration, was overcome. All of the op
ponents of this legislation; industrial groups,
State agencies, and the administration,
stressed what to them were valid reasons for
opposition. Industry pleaded the problems
of compliance and cost increase; State agen-
cies feared that the proposed legislation im-
pinged upon their treasured jurisdiction; and
the Eisenhower administration argued that
"water pollution was a uniquely local blight,"
and of course worried that the legislation
would provide $50 million a year to assist
communities in construction of desperately
needed sewage abatement works.
Ultimately the differences with the State
administrators were resolved by limiting the
Federal activity to areas of pollution origi-
nating in one State and affecting health, life,
and welfare in other States. The objections
of the polluters and of the executive branch
were simply battered aside, or compromises
were made which resulted in garnering of a
vote here or there, sufficient unto the need
for passage of the legislation.
To their great credit, the Michigan Water
Resources Commission, and my old friend,
Milt Adams, recognized the wisdom of that
legislation and fought valiantly for it at the
I saw my two beloved friends at the time
I introduced a draft of the bill permitting
communities to request the assistance of the
Federal Government in the abatement of
pollution coming; from their upstream
neighbors. This bill was changed to pro-
vide that the Governor of the State could
request the Public Health Service to com-
mence proceedings for the abatement of
intrastate pollution. It then became :law
and was supported by my two friends and
Michigan's State agencies. Parenthetically,
it was this legislation which was utilized. to
initiate the Federal cleanup now taking
place on the Detroit River at the request of
former Governor Swainson.
I was again visited by my two old friends
when I introduced legislation to establish
Federal standards for the abatement of pol-
lution of interstate and navigable waters
and to establish a. Federal agency to handle
pollution of our waters.
It has been a remarkable experience to me
to observe the continuing opposition of
Wednesday, February 16, 1966
Mr. BLATNIK. Mr. Speaker, I am
proud to commend to my colleagues the
very excellent speech delivered by our
good friend JOHN DINGELL at the Clean
Water Conference of the Michigan State
Association of Supervisors on the subject
of water pollution:
(Address of Hon. JOHN D. DINGELL, Democrat,
16th Congressional District of Michigan, to
the Michigan State Association of Super-
visors, on. January 18, 1966, at their Clean
Water Conference in Lansing, Mich.)
Nly dear friends, I want to express my
graaitude to you for the privilege of being
here today and for the opportunity of dis-
cussing one of the most pressing resource
problems of our day. I want to commend
both my valued friend, Ed Connor, one of
our outstanding public officials, for his ex-
pression of confidence in me, and the asso-
ciation for its interest in this desperate p: ob-
lem. of water pollution.
The title assigned to me was, "Water Pollu-
tion in Michigan." I would like to take the
liberty of adding to that title the word:-, "A
Way to Its Solution." Briefly that solution
is Federal, State, and local cooperation, large
expenditures of funds, and vigorous enforce-
ment of our antipollution laws.
Before I observe any of you going to steep,
I want to make it very clear that it is not. my
purpose to commence a doleful recitation of
contamination of our State's once pristine
waters. Nor do I intend to descend to a
lugubrious recital of the effects of this con-
lamination on health, welfare, and recrea-
tional opportunities of our people. Neither
will I go into its devastating effects upon
fish and wildlife and on the attracting of new
industry to our State.
Certain of my comments will necessarily
touch on these matters but only as incidental
to a calm discussion of our water problems.
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Tuesday, January 25, 1966
Mr. DADDARIO. Mr. Speaker, the
American Football Coaches Association
recently installed Daniel Jessee to be its
new president, the first Connecticut and
small college coach to be given this honor,
I have spoken earlier of the career which
brought hind to this peak. I was privi-
leged to be present at a reception held
by his fellow small college and high
school coaches of Connecticut, and I in-
sert an account of that fellowship and
comradeship at the meeting which was
held here in Washington to be added to
This account is written by Bill Garrett
of the Gannett News Bureau, and demon-
strates the warm friendship which all in
Connecticut feel for Dan Jessee:
(By William A. Garrett)
WASHINGTON, D.C.-Every Nutmegger with
a warm spot for football-from the Governor
on down-told Dan Jessee last night how
fortunate Trinity College and Connecticut
were that he elected to go East rather than
stay West years ago.
The Trinity coach-formally Prof. Daniel
Jessee-received the accolade on the eve of
his installation as president of the American
Football Coaches Association, at a reception
put on by Connecticut college and high
school coaches.
This noon Jessee and some colleagues were
to lunch with President Johnson at the
White House.
It was Gov. John N. Dempsey who pointed
up in a citation presented to Jessee by Don
Russell of Wesleyan the gooc: fortune that
accrued to Connecticut when Jessee left the
Pacifio coast, where he already had demon-
strated his prowess as athlete and mentor.
Looking on were scores of football's finest,
from admiring State colleagues to national
figures such as Syracuse's Ben Schwartz-
walder, Penn State's Rip Engle, Otto Graham
of Coast Guard, Army's Paul Dietzel and
Eddie Enos of Montreal Loyola, a University
of Connecticut product.
Representative EMILIO Q. DADDARIO, Demo-
crat of Hartford, a Little All-America back
at Wesleyan, added to the applause. Senator
ABRAHAM RiBrcoFF, Democrat of Hartford,
had commended Jessee earlier. Joe Fontana
of Southington, who chaired the event,
lauded Jessee as one of sports' "most fierce
Jessee will be AFCA's first Connecticut and
small college president. Dempsey cited the
coach's record of 144 victories to 74 defeats
and 7 ties, and his 4 perfect seasons.
The Governor saluted Jessee as "a man
wholly dedicated to the well-being and bet-
terment of intercollegiate sports." Karl
Kurth, Trinity line coach who is to succeed
Ray Oosting as athletic director at the col-
lege, introduced Costing at a brief ceremony.
Jessee's wife, Charlotte, also was acclaimed
for her contribution to the coach's
Weaver High's Edward T. Knurek presented
matched luggage to Jessee. There also were
comments from Trinity Dean Bob Vogel,
Fred Tonzel, of New York, called the col-
lege's most loyal fan, and George Ferris, its
most loyal alumnus.
Also there were Wesleyai 's Norm Daniels,
Hugh McCurdy, its athletic director, and
Waino Fallback, of Middletown High. Jesse
Dow represented southern Connecticut, and
Bill Moore and Bill Loika were from cen-
tral Connecticut. Tom Kelly, of Manchester,
was among the football editors on hand,
and Tom Monahan, athletic director at
Bristol, and Connecticut's Bob Engels were
among other well-wishers.
Fern Tetreau, of Fairfield, spoke for the.
Connecticut Football Coaches Association,
which he heads. Connecticut's J. Orleans
Christian, newly inducted into the College
Baseball Hall of Fame, shared the throng's
congratulations. "I'm pretty proud," said
Christian-of both his and Jessee's honors.
Affiliated Young Democrats, Inc., of New
York State Call for Positive Democratic
Leadership in the New York State
Monday, February 7, 1966
Mr. MULTER. Mr. Speaker, Harold
R. Moskovit, president of the Affiliated
Young Democrats, made the following
The State legislative committee of the
Affiliated Young Democrats of New York, at
a meeting held on January 8, 1966, at the
Hotel Piccadilly in New York City, called
for active and positive leadership of Demo-
crats in the assembly and State senate with
full responsibility to all the people of the
State to assure reelection in 1966.
The organization expects its legislative
program for 1966 to be introduced in the
State legislature by their 22 members in
the State senate of which the chairman
is Senator Samuel L. Greenberg, of
Brooklyn, and their 47 members in the
assembly, of-which the chairman is As-
semblyman Daniel M. Kelly, of New
York County.
Their legislative program follows:
We demand a bipartisan committee in
State and New York City to set up a long-
range tax program for 25 years and not the
yearly rush for expediency.
We urge the legislators to support the fol-
lowing program which we consider impor-
tant to the welfare of the people of this State
and pledge ourselves to devote every effort
to the enactment thereof; to wit:
"Raise drinking age to 21 years; primary
election for all State officers; adopt new code
of New York City Air Pollution Control
Board for cleaner air; more housing; perma-
nent personal registration be made state-
wide, with two changes, (1) must vote at
two consecutive national elections and (2)
do not have to reregister if voter moves within
same county; vote at 18 years; stop turn-
stile justice by recodifying the statutes as
they relate to juveniles, with uniformity of
Federal and State laws; more vocational
camps, rehabilitation and training centers,
2 voting days for national elections, first
Mondays and Tuesdays in November; more
State aid to education; extend ban on racial
discrimination in housing; protection
against slum landlords; create more judge-
ships; legalize off-track betting by referen-
dum; raise minimum wage to $1.50 an hour.;
mandatory free tuition at an State
universities and all community colleges;
outlaw boxing; permanent spring primary
election day in June; stronger code of ethics;
presidential preference primaries; legislature
to at last ratify the 15th amendment; pre-
serve our great natural resources; program
to discourage dropouts in schools; State aid
to public museums; create statewide recre-
ation department; bonus for Korean vet-
erans; increase teachers salaries; more and
better aid to the aged and mentally ill;
3-day-weekend plan to celebrate all holidays,
except religious holidays; help migrant work-
ers; stronger law against dope peddlers; and
finally, that a printed verbatim record of
all the proceedings of the State legislature
be made, and be made available to the
Diseases Aren't Cured by Treating Symp-
toms-A Responsible Student Speaks
Out on Vietnam War
Monday, February 7, 1966
Mr. O'KONSKI. Mr. Speaker, amid
all the dissensions and the violence on
our campuses today, unfortunately the
voice of the dissenter gets the most pub-
licity. The voice of the fairminded, in-
telligent, and responsible student is sel-
dom seen on TV or printed in the news-
This article written by Richard Rus-
sell, a student in his junior year at Wis-
consin State University-Eau Claire, and
appearing in the Spectator, the student
newspaper is one of the best appraisals
of the Vietnam war that I have yet seen.
I recommend this article to my col-
(ABOUT THE AUTHOR.-A 21/2-year veteran
of the Spectator staff, Richard Russell has
closely pursued the development of the Viet-
nam war through extensive daily reading.
("America can't keep playing diplomacy to
please countries like the Upper Volta Repub-
lic. It's about time our Government realized
that, if we don't act in our own self-interest,
no one else will do it for us," Russell says.
(Russell's article is the first on "The Soap-
box," a page of opinion and depth reporting
which will be featured throughout the year.)
(By Richard Russell)
Take an area of 40 million people and
284,000 square miles (about the same as Wis-
consin, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and
Kentucky). Give it a steady temperature of
70-plus degrees and a summer rainy season
which yields 80 inches of precipitation an-
nually (much like southern Florida). Run
a mountain range of 9,000 feet (like Oregon's
Cascades) through the middle of it, and
cover the rest with densely overgrown swamp-
land (like Louisiana's).
Attack the inhabitants with 200,000 native
guerrillas and respond with 200,000 fcreign
mercenaries. You now have a recipe for war
in Indochina.
The people of the peninsula are largely a
mixture of the Indonesians of the south
and the Chinese of the north-whence the
Indochinese. They had a flourishing civiliza-
tion of their own between 600 and 1750 A.D.
The Khmers, as they then called themselves,
had their capital and chief religious center
in the city of Angkor. The recently discov-
ered ruins of the Angkor Wat (temple) indi-
cate a high level of architectural development.
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But buddhism and inner political conflict
combined to destroy the Khmers, and the
region underwent a period of regression until
reawakened by French colonial forces. Be-
tween 1859 and 1893, France occupied the
splinter states of Cambodia, Laos, Cochin
China, Annam, and Tonkin. Cochin China
was made a colony; the rest were pro-
France improved the region somewhat,
with roads, harbors, and commerce, but kept
a firm hand on the controls of government.
The native rulers were allowed to continue,
but they had only nominal power. France
operated Indochina as a. monopoly.
There was considerable resentment built;
up against this attitude of the French by
the time World War II started. When Vichy
Prance ceded control of Indochina to the
tyrannical Japarese, resentment continued
to mount. After Japan had lost the war,
France had difficulty reasserting its terri-
torial claim because of increasing pressure
From Indochinese nationalists.
Now, for a moment, let us look at another
time and another place. Back in 1917, while
Germany was at war with the world, a revo-
lution broke out in Russia against the op..
pressive regime of Czar Nicholas II. Nicholas
was defeated, deposed, and later killed. A
democratic government lasted only a few
months before Bolsheviks led by Nikolai
Lenin and Leon Trotsky overthrew it for
their own Communist regime.
The Communists also gained control of
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Mongolia, and
parts of Finland and Japan. World War II
presented them with an opportunity to seize
Czechoslovakia, Rumania, Albania. Bulgaria,
Hungary, Yugoslavia, East Germany, and
Mast Austria.
In 1947 they saw another opportunity.
The world was weary of war, and dismissed
and rebellion in China as insignificant. It
was really a Communist invasion. In 2 years,
Red leader Mao Tse-tung had driven the na-
tionalist forces of Chiang Kai-shek onto the
island of Taiwan, thus bringing into the
Communist fold the most populous nation
on earth.
in later years, the world has seen commu-
nism expand into North Korea, Tibet, East
Congo, and Cub-a, with influence in Egypt,
Algeria, Guinea, Indonesia, and any number
of South American nations.
In all their gore s, the Communists never
once won a democratic election. Their only
loss was East Alt=,tria, when that nation was
neutralized. Yugoslavia, although pursuing
its own course under Josef Tito, remains
firmly Communist.
Returning to the Indochina of 1947, we
find that France had granted greater auton-
omy to Cambodia and Laos. Cochin China,
Anna.m, and Tonkin had been combined into
the single country of Vietnam. All three
nations were undergoing very gradual
lint some Indochinese could not wait. Na-
tionalist forces demanded immediate sover-
eignty. Rebellions flared. The French For-
eign Legion busied itself with brush fire
During this period, the expansionist Mao
met Vietnam's Lo Chi Minh, a leader who,
like Mao himsel:, was it self-made man of
great personal appeal and considerable mili-
tary ability. With Mao's support, Ho organ-
lied the immodestly named Vietminh, mas-
queraded. as it nationalist to solicit support,
and launched a. vicious guerrilla war against
French rule in Indochina.
As this war drew international attention,
O.S. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles
recognized the scope of the problem: "The
propagandists of Red China and Russia make
it apparent that their purpose is to domi-
nate all of southeast Asia * * * the so-
called rice bowl which helps to feed the
densely populated region that extends
from India to Japan. It is rich in Inany
ra,w materials, such as tin, oil, rubber. and
iron ore."
Unfortunately for the French colonial
forces, they placed too many eggs in one
basket. 'When that basket-the heavily
fortified bastion at Dienbienphu was
crushed by the Vietminh on May 7, 1954,
the end was in sight.
By an agreement of the major powers at
Geneva, July 21, 1954, independence from
France was granted to Laos, Cambodia. and
Vietnam. and the latter was partitioned
along the 17th parallel. The northern none,
capitaled at Hanoi, went to Ho. The south
had a West-oriented native government. A
plebiscite was to be held in both zones in
July 1956 to determine if the country should
be reunified. However, Red-hating Pouth
Vietnamese Premier Ngo Dinh Diem flatly
refused to believe that the Communists
would permit it free vote. Ii-.. July 19115 he
virtually eliminated any chance of hold-
ing elections, and the country has bee i di-
vided ever since.
To prevent further Communist incursions
into southeast Asia, the United State: has
joined in defensive alliances with Japan, Aus-
tralia, the Philippine Republic. New Zea land,
Great Britain, France, Pakistan, and Thai-
land. This has not prevented the Pathet Lao
from taking over half of Laos and forcing the
rest to be neutralized. It has not prevented
wavering toward communism by Camb,idia's
Prince Norodom Sihanouk. It has not pre-
vented the Vietcong from wreaking de: truc-
tions over all of South Vietnam.
't'he United States has 200,000 troops in
Vietnam, and will double that number by
year's end. It has the 7th Fleet and
heivy air support. It has the aid c, the
South Vietnamese Government. Yet it, has
not stopped the Vietcong.
'When the Cong is exhausted, it slips back
into the rain forest. When it is defeated,
it recruits in North Vietnam. When it is
hungry, it terrorizes villages When it is
ill-equipped, it ships in supplies along the
Ho Chi Minh Trail.
'Who remembers the strategic ha!niet?
Last year, the United States reverted to the
medieval system of fortifying hamlets, ;end-
ing the villagers out to work by day, and
locking them behind barbed wire at right.
Horrified French officials pointed out that
Di.enbienphu was no more than a large 'stra-
tegic hamlet." After losing several villages,
the United States conceded,
Who remembers the "advisers"? Thin was
America's title for the 40,000 troops i' had
stationed in Vietnam before 1965. Tha'v are
now combatants.
Who remembers the American p?omi:.a not
to bomb in Laos? South Vietnamese Pre- Nguyen Cao Ky revealed recently that
the United States has been doing so for over
a, year.
All these incidents are indications th; t the
war is escalating. The United States is corn-
nutted now to war, and war it must fif,ht to
the logical end. But, as any physician, will
testify, in fighting a disease, one doe!; not
treat the symptom; one treats the cause.
We must circumvent the symptom - the
Vietcong--and strike directly at the ca we-
Red China. And we must not stop untI the
disease is totally exterminated.
"War is hell," remarked Gen. William
Tecumseh Sherman, and Benjamin Franklin
agreed, "There never was a good war or n bad
'Then why are wars fought.? In nron gilt inunediate rejection by Hanoi.
R:r.ther, the American proposal would place
the Security Council officially in back of a.
g}encral search for peace, such as the United
:;rates has already, informally, asked the
G.N. co undertake. This would include a
conference, with the objective of applying
the Geneva accords of 1954 and 1962 (the
latter concerned Laos) and of setting up and
supervising a cease-fire. Composition of the
conference is not spelled out; the door re-
mains open l or mediation or arbitra Lion, as
suggested by Pope Paul.
The effect of such a resolution would bring
pressure upon the Soviet Union to do what
it has thus far refused to do-vsponsor an-
other session of the Geneva Conference. It
would also, if adopted (or even if accepted
by a majority and lose through a Soviet veto)
furnish Security Council support for Ameri-
can peace efforts. And in any case, by ac-
companying the bombs with a resolution,
President Johnson dramatizes anew the
American position: to fight if necessary; to
negotiate if possible.
Federal Funds Already Have Aided Many
Persons in Volusia County
Monday, February 7, 1966
Mr. GIBBONS. Mr. Speaker I am
proud to say that the great :sate of
Florida is moving into the vanguard of
those States making maximum use of
provisions of the Economic Opportunity
Act, the war on poverty.
I am proud of the tremendous prog-
ress being made by the city of Tampa
and Hillsborough County which comprise
the congressional district which I have
the privilege to represent in the House
of Representatives. On our east coast,
Volusia County is moving forward in
several antipoverty programs. 'Inc 'Day-
tona Beach News-Journal, one of Flor-
ida's great newspapers, is running a se-
ries of articles dealing with that coun-
Ly's efforts in this battle.
The article follows:
(By Ray LaPrise)
As Project Upgrade officials are struggling
to get approval from the Office of Economic
Opportunity, Atlanta, on their own applica-
tion for working funds and the application
from the West Volusia Council on Human
Relations, some Federal money to fight
poverty already has come into the county.
Volusia school officials got a $71,088 grant
last summer to operate Head Start This is
the project under which 526 5- and 6-year-
olds from low-income families throughout
the county got kindergarten instruction,
medical care and nutritious lunches in 13
schools from June 8 to July 27.
As the program went on for tuts, their
parents also were invited to attend night
meetings at the schools where qualified
speakers lectured on such topics as legal aid
and how to manage on low budgets
The antipoverty program also has been
felt through Neighborhood Youth Corps.
John Shaw, manager of the local :Florida
State Employment Service, said his office was
asked to recruit young people-mostly high
school. dropouts-by the Florida Park Serv-
ice, Florida Forestry Service and Road
Shaw, who also serves as chairman of
Upgrade's committee on employment, job
training and counseling, said 37 young people
from this area were hired out of the 61 who
applied for Neighborhood Youth Corps since
last June.
As rnenibcrs of the Neighborhood Youth
Corps, they work 32 hours a week and spend
another 2 hours a day studying. Among
them are eight youths and one girl on duty
at Tomoka State Park.
Financially handicapped students fat
Bethune -Cookman College here and at
Stetson University, DeLand, have been en-
abled to continue their work because of what
is called the work-study program.
Bethune- Cookman College got a grant of
$18,000 for the spring and summer semesters
last year and another grant of $90,000 for the
fall 1965 semester and 1966 spring semester.
College officials distribute the money to
student:, hired for such campus jobs as
laboratory and library assistants and dormi-
tory supervisors.
A number of Stetson students also bene-
fited by work-study grants received by the
university, including $14,235 for last spring's
semester, $40,000, last summer and $22,306
for the 1965 fall semester.
Upgrade's present officers are former Day-
tona Beach Commissioner Stanley Nass,
president; Mrs. Glenn A. Bassett, Daytona
Beach, secretary; Volusia School Superin-
tendent John Smiley, vice president; and
Volusia Juvenile Judge Robert L. Lee,
Upgrade also has 11 committees, whose
chairmen are:
Rev. Rogers P. Fair, resident partic:.potion,
15 members; Volusia Health Officer D. V.
Galloway, health, 7 members; Florida. State
Employment Service Manager John Shaw,
employment, job training, and counseling,
5 members; Juvenile Judge Lee, finance, 4
members; Dr.:Harland Merriam, evaluation to
programs, 5 members; County Commissioner
Smith, governmental, 4 members; Mars.
Richard Fellows, welfare, 8 members; urban
renewal relocation officer, Jannes Daniels,
housing and home management, 6 members;
Julian Markham, education, 7 members; Rev.
Lilburn Moseley, consumer education and
information, 6 members; and Daytona Beach
Attorney Leon van Wert, legal aid, 7
Upgrade, until it gets money to rent its own
office space, will go on filling out forms and
storing its files in Van Wert's office at 136'
South Beach Street.
Public Land Treatment: Watershed
Project Problem
Monday, February 7, 1966
Mr. WHIT of Idaho. Mr. Spcakel', I
am impressed by the efforts being, made
in the State through local soil conserva-
tion districts to improve and make better
use of our land and water resources. I
am particularly interested in the work
being done in local watershed projects to
reduce flooding, protect lands and. homes,
and bring about a brighter economic
future. I am concerned that this work
move ahead as rapidly as possible.
Serious flooding in 1962 and 1964
produced millions of dollars in dar,mages
in my State; we need to be better
prepared in the future.
One problem in watershed progress is
potentially of concern in many States
where public and private lands are inter-
mingled. In several cases, public land
agency funds have been insufficient to
meet land treatment needs; but projects
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Buffalo's New Urban Renewal
Monday, January 24, 1966
Mr. McCARTHY. Mr. Speaker, my
hometown of Buffalo faces all the chal-
lenges which other major U.S. metro-
politan areas face: the decline of the
central commercial core, blight in the
gray areas, traffic congestion, a dwin-
dling tax base, and so forth.
But I am happy to report the city of
Buffalo, behind the leadership of Mayor
Frank A. Sedita, is tackling these prob-
lems with new vigor and determination.
A keyman in this great undertaking is
our new urban renewal commissioner,
Richard L. Miller. I am proud to say
that Mr. Miller is an old and close friend
of mine. He played a key role in the
conception and development of the Buf-
falo urban renewal program and he
comes to his new post with la,urels won
In pushing forward Buffalo's dynamic
downtown renewal program.
Buffalo is on the move. And young
men like 40-year-old Richard Miller are
playing key roles. Under leave to extend
my remarks, I here. include an article
from the Buffalo Courier-Express of
January 25, which sets forth Mr. Miller's
view of his new and challenging
assignment :
(By Jim McAvey)
Buffalo's new $17,500 a year urban renewal
commissioner, Richard L. Miller, is no builder
of castles in the sky.
He is a hardheaded pragmatist with visions
of a more beautiful city. He believes these
visions can be made realities only through
the down-to-earth, patient expenditure of
energy needed to sail programs over seas of
"We are going to have to combine our
aspirations with realism," Miller said.
"There is a lot of redtape to go through and
it takes time."
Just turned 40, the fair-skinned, 6-foot,
200-pound commissioner looks askance on
"miracle working" urban renewal schemes.
"I think Buffalo can be made a greater city,
but this job is only part of it," he said.
"Urban renewal can only provide the physi-
cal setting for living. There are other as-
pects-economic, political, social, cultural."
A native of Buffalo, the blue-eyed Miller
has a full head of blond hair that sweeps
straight back from a high forehead. He has
the broad shoulders and coordinated move-
ments of the athlete he was.
He gives the impression of being intensely
sincere about the job he is undertaking.
"I'm not starting anything," Miller said.
"This is a continuing program that has to
grow. We have to develop a sound and ex-
panding program, one that will gain the
confidence of the people of Buffalo and of
the Federal Government, which provides
most of the money."
Miller believes most people have a feeling
the Federal Government runs the whole ur-
ban'renewal program.
"Actually," ; he, said, "the responsibility is
on the city. We. have to merit continued
Federal support or the Federal Government
can put the brake on. Our local perform-
ance 1s what counts."
Miller said he is depending on men
who have been working in the urban renewal
department to brief him on the status of
programs. There are 66 employees in the
But he gave much evidence of having de-
tailed knowledge of the programs.
He said his work as executive director and
secretary of the Greater Buffalo Development
Foundation had much to do with his views
on urban renewal. He was executive direc-
tor of the foundation from May 1958 until
he took over his present job January 1.
The foundation played a vital role in the
planning and promotion of the downtown
renewal project. Miller sees the downtown
project as an excellent example of what can
be brought about without Government
"Downtown is showing what we can do on
our own," he said. "Part of the deal is for
people in official capacities to encourage peo-
ple to do something about their environ-
Miller does not believe that rehabilitation
of dilapidated houses and neighborhoods.
"just happens," or that enforcement of hous-
ing codes is, of itself, enough.
"People have to be convinced that some-
thing good is. going to come from their efforts
to improve their properties," Miller said.
"We must give people incentives, through
public actions, to upgrade their properties
far beyond minimum standards required by
the code."
A 1949 Dartmouth graduate who served in
the Navy In World War II and the Korean
war, Miller started out to be a newspaper-
man. He was a reporter for the Buffalo
Evening News in 1951 and again from 1953 to
He smokes a pack a day, golfs, bowls,
reads, and spends a lot of time "amusing my
four kids."
He is married to the former Patrizia Nagy
of Toledo, Ohio, a sculptress who has given
him "a great deal of interest in the arts."
They live at 650 Lafayette Avenue.
Monday, February 7, 1966
Mr. PELLY. Mr. Speaker, passage of
H.R. 12410, the GI education bill, was not
only morally right but economically
sound for our Government.
To provide for the smooth and con-
structive return of our servicemen to
civilian life is just as essential as it Is to
prepare him with needed training and
equipment to enable him to do a proper
job in the Armed Forces.
I venture to say, Mr. Speaker, that this
action will pay similar dividends to those
realized from the investment in educa-
tion, for veterans of World War II and the
Korea l conflict. I am sure this assist-
ance will account for an increase in our
gross. national product as did the invest-
ment in the education of veterans of .
World War II and Korea.
Mr. Speaker, the passage of this legis-
lation was long overdue.
America Understand/ f
Monday, February 7, 1966
Mr. BROOKS. Mr. Speaker, with the
resumption of bombing of North Viet-
nam there has risen considerable contro-
versy in the American press concerning
the bombing and the intensified peace
efforts that preceded it and are continu-
Extensive coverage has been given to
a very vocal minority that opposes our
efforts to maintain the freedom of the
Vietnamese with the result that it is, at
times, difficult to determine how the
average American views these activities.
However, a recent editorial, which ap-
peared on February 2, 1966, in the Beau-
mont Enterprise, an outstanding news-
paper published in southeast Texas,
states succinctly the feelings of an over-
whelming majority of our citizens who
support the President and who under-
stand and are aware of our responsibility
and purpose in southeast Asia.
The text of the editorial follows:
In spite of our disappointment that the
37-day lull in the bombing of North Vietnam
failed to bring peace talks, we feel that the
long pause was on the whole a net gain for
this country.
We have underscored our devotion to a
peaceful settlement in Vietnam in a way
that neither friend nor foe can misinterpret.
We have cut the ground from underneath
the feet of those critics in Europe and Asia,
who, for varying reasons, have tried to paint
us in the colors of aggressors or new colo-
Our reconnaissance has been such that,
now that the bombing is being resumed, we
know where the enemy troop and supply
buildups have taken place and we can hit
those places quickly and in great force.
Thus, it seems to us that the pause did
more good than harm.
Given the intransigence of Hanoi and Pei-
ping, the negative, churlish and unyielding
attitude of the Communists, the President
had no choice but to renew the bombing
attacks on the enemy's staging grounds in
North Vietnam.
Be it noted, also, that during the entire
period of the bombing pause, there was never
the slightest lull in the terrorist tactics of the
Vietcong on the ground. Unharmed men,
women, and children among civilian refugees
were savagely slain, along with American and
South Vietnamese soldiers.
We are glad that President Johnson made
a new Vietnam peace bid, even as he ordered
the bombers back into action. The two ac-
tions taken together would seem to indicate
that we will, in' the words of the late Presi-
dent Kennedy; "never negotiate from fear,
but never fear to negotiate."
It is likely that hard decisions and harder
days are ahead for President Johnson and all
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Americans, But we can face them secure in
the knowledge that we have done all that
reasonable men can do to gain a just and
honorable peace in southeast Asia.
Monday, February 7, 1966
Mr. GILBEH,T. Mr. Speaker, a few
days ago I called to the attention of MY
colleagues in the House the plight of
our merchant marine and expressed dis-
appointment and concern over the cut
in the 1967 budget funds for this im-
portant fourth arm of our country's de-
fense. In this connection, I insert in
the RECORD a statement by Mr. Joseph
Curran, chairman of the AFL-CIO Mari-
time Committee, which follows:
The budget request for the Maritime Ad-
ministration this year is sadly inadequate.
It reflects an adoption of the Interagency
Maritime Task Force report. This report
was rejected by the President's Maritime
Advisory Committee. We also understand
that this report is opposed by the Secre-
taries of Commerce and Labor.
Longstanding national policy provides
that we shall have a merchant marine to
carry a substantial portion of our waterborne
import-export foreign commerce, and also
capable of serving as a naval auxiliary in
time of war or national emergency. To as-
sure that our merchant marine would serve
the Nation in this dual capacity. various
aids such as the operating and construction
subsidies are extended to qualified operators.
because of the lack of Government lead-
ership which reflects indifference and neglect
in advancing this policy, our merchant ma-
rine has declined to where it carries less than
9 percent of our waterborne foreign
The Secretary of Commerce must have
realized the cause of the declining fleet
clearly when just recently he stated that he
is opposed to building foreign and that the
Government has not fulfilled its obligation
in building a merchant marine.
in realization of the sad state of our mer-
chant marine, the President established the
Maritime Advisory Committee. At its first
meeting. the Maritime Advisory Committee
adopted a resolution endorsing our national
maritime policy, as stated in the 1936 Mer-
chant Marine Act, as in the public interest.
Following this, the Committee developed a
program, the basic theme of which is the
renewal and expansion of the American
merchant marine.
At the time it became obvious that the
Maritime Advisory Committee was going to
come up with a program for developing a
merchant marine, the Interagency Maritime
Task Force was estabished to counter and
add confusion to the MAC recommenda-
tions. To add to the confusion, the task
force, which' contains the Maritime Admin-
istrator's recommendations, has advocated
less ships to carry less cargo and even these
ships to be built principally in foreign yards.
This year's budget request of $85 million
for construction subsidies ($47 million less
than last year) provides for building only
11 ships. This is raised to 13 after some
doubtful and very peculiar juggling of fig.
The operating-differential subsidy request
is $185 million ($5 million less than last
Members of the House and Senate have
expressed their disappointment of the budg-
et request. Their course of action to cor-
rect the situation is not known at this time.
Even If Congress should increase the inade-
quate budget request, as its been suggested,
it is doubtful that the Administration would
use the funds.
The Interagency Task Force report and
this year's budget request highlight.; the
fact that administrative dedication to our
Nation's maritime policy is a prerequisite to
the successful administration of our mari-
time laws. Currently, the Maritime Admin-
istration is set on a completely opposite
course of action which would administer the
merchant marine Out of existence.
If this confusion and neglect is not, cor-
meted soon, there will be no merchant marine
to transfer into the President's proposed
Department of Transportation.
Monday, February 7, 1966
Mr. WALKER of Mississippi. Mr.
Speaker, the development of foreign
trade in the poultry industry is most
important for the continued growth of
this vital industry in the United States,
as well as the contribution it would make
toward a more favorable balance-of-pay-
ments picture for our country.
I call to the attention of my colleagues
a news release of the National Broiler
Council, an organization dedicated to
the growth, development, and improve-
rnent of the poultry industry. This
news release. dated December 23, 1965,
announced participation of Mr. G Ted
Cameron, president of the National
Broiler Council, and Mr. Frank Frazier,
executive vice president, in the U.S. Feed
Grain Trade Exhibits and Seminar,
scheduled to take place March 7 to 18,
1966, in Tokyo, Japan.
Participation in this project by the
National Broiler Council I am sure
will prove most valuable in the de-
velopment of foreign markets for the
poultry industry in the United States.
The article follows:
DECEMBER 23, 1h65.
WASHINGTON. D.C.-The appearance of two
American broiler industry leaders on the
program of the U.S. Feed Grain Trade Ex-
hibits and Seminar scheduled for next March
7--18 at the U.S. Trade Center in Tokyo,
Japan was announced here this we,,,k by
Clarence D. Palnlby, executive vice pre:=.ident
of the U.S. Feed Grains Council.
Palmby announced that G. Ted Cameron,
president of Mountaire Poultry Co., Inc.,
North Little Rock, Ark., and Frank Frazier,
executive vice president of the National
Boiler Council, Washington, D.C., will be
key participants during various segments of
the entire seminar. Cameron is president of
the National Broiler Council.
In making the announcement, Pnhnby
pointed to the timely topics to be presented
by each of the broiler industrymen. "The
realm of 'Practical Broiler Production in a
Scientific Age' and `The Broiler Busir,ess-
Finance, Controls, and Marketing' constitute
two papers bearing important messages to
be given by Mr. Cameron. He is a true prac-
titioner and exemplifies the executive who
heads the multiphased operation which
comprises a modern broiler firm, and the Far
East audience will be especially interested in
what he has to say."
The Feed Grains Council executive em-
phasized that the topic Frazier will cover,
"Consumer Information, Market Research,
and Market Support Functions of a Com-
modity Organization," will not only benefit
the sponsors of the trade show, but will
strengthen market development programs in
"We were especially glad to receive the re-
port that the Broiler Council's board of di-
rectors accepted our invitation extended to
Frank Frazier," stated Palmby who is acting
for the various groups cooperating with the
Foreign Agricultural Service of USDA in
making the arrangements for the Tokyo
event. "We have observed the outstanding
job that the National Broiler Council has
done during the past several years, and con-
sider it a classic example of intelligent self
help in molding a production-oriented in-
dustry into a hard-hitting, market-oriented
group using strong programs in merchandis-
ing, research, and consumer education-all
to the benefit of both the industry and the
general public," he added.
Palmby noted that the Feed Grains Coun-
cil cooperates wherever possible on. worth-
while projects that can be of value to groups
promoting the export of agricultural prod-
ucts. "We feel the planned trade show,
done in cooperation with the American Soy-
bean Association, the National Renderers As-
sociation, the U.S. Agricultural Attachc's of-
fice in Japan, and the International Trade
Fairs division of FAS to be one of these ex-
tremely worthwhile projects," he stated.
The announcement from the U.S. Feed
Grains Council concluded noting the satis-
faction and appreciation of the council's
executive when he said, "Cameron and
Frazier, along with the others who will make
up the program, insure our efforts in making
a positive contribution to our expanding dol-
lar sales of an important, interrelated group
of American agricultural products to Japan.
We certainly are indebted to the National
Broiler Council leadership for their coopera-
Monday, February 7, 1966
Mr. RIVERS of South Carolina. Mr.
Speaker, those of you who know and
respect Vice Adm. John S. McCain will be
as pleased as I to learn of the outstand-
ing tribute paid' to Admiral McCain by
our United Nations Ambassador Arthur
J. Goldberg.
On January 29, the Old Guard of the
city of New York honored Admiral and
Mrs. McCain. Ambassador and Mrs.
Goldberg were unable to attend the ban-
quet but the Ambassador sent the follow-
ing telegram to the Old Guard Com-
mandant. Colonel Rizza:
I regret indeed that matters of state over
which I have no control will prevent me from
being with the Old Guard on Saturday
evening, January 29, when you honor my
friend and colleague, Vice Adm. John S. Mc-
Cain, Jr. I am especially sorry I cannot be
present because I have the highest regard for
Admiral McCain. Please convey my regrets
to the members of the Old Guard. I would
like to tell you that Admiral McCain is
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February 7, 196Approvedftjki/0??9of61-RI#RR000400020007-9
ployers for the year 1964 was 1.60 percent- . program should of necessity be geared to To take political advantage of this, the Re-
tae- Agreed 9legislation 5 is noa haille as ed Of 1966 this the economic conditions existing within the publican leaders are pulling back from direct
particular State. The Federal Government's criticism of the Johnson policy and are de-
increased weekly benefits almost 20 percent, role should be limited to supplementing emphasizing their former hard line on how
and made other improvements in the law. benefits for unemployed workers who have the war should be conducted.
Does this sound like the unemployment exhausted their State benefit rights, to be- Since Mr. Johnson is Commander in Chief,
compensation programs of this Nation are come effective during periods of national they reason, they will not insist that he fol-
outdated and the States are asleep as Rip depression or other nationwide conditions low a particular course or attempt to impose
Van Winkle in discharging their duty? Ab- warranting such supplemental benefits. .a Republican strategy solutely not. It is our considered opinion that the pro- , him. The en-
The provision in H.R. 8282 which increases visions of H.R. 8282 which prescribe certain effect, political these leaders hope, will t conc --
the taxable wage base from the $3,000 per predetermined bility for as the well war squarely on arely onthe he re-
the Sta es by limiting blanket h benefit standards ta for
year to $5,600 in 1967, and to $6,600 in 1971 all States by limiting the Federal l tax credit ident
and thereafter is totally unnecessary to on one hand by completely eliminating such
finance Federal and State costs of unem- Federal tax credit on the other hand, thereb By 1968
they believe, Mutt of Johnson mbearing at be
y ttro uble as a r
ployment compensation programs, enforcing adherence by penalty, are unrea- responsibility and u ready
On several occasions during the past 16 sonable and constitute an unnecessary en- sturn t e the country may b turned to
years, the Secretary of Labor has asked a croachment of Federal control into the General
turn to a Re, just D. it turned er
Federal Advisory Council on Unemployment socioeconomic area of unemployment com- in 1952 u the Army Dwight war.
Compensation matters, composed of 34 mem- pensation programs which have been and nn t2 during the Korean war.
bers, and created by the Secretary of Labor continue to be best served by remaining do In not that rule event, the some Republican strategists
in 1949, to consider an increase in the unem- within the determination and control of i out that date
ployment compensation taxable wage base, those nearest the issue and most directly party might run a presidential candidate
On each occasion, this Council has advised concerned; namely, the respective States. who would promise to end the war by eyg-
against the Federal taxable wage base, and Thank you. tiations, wan as did General any possibility ower Tby n-
have stated that such an increase was not not want to on a Republican any by in-
only unnecessary for benefit financing pur- Icy ng now on a they would h e to cam pen
poses, but was in fact undesirable. Icy the future.
they would have to campaign
Increasing the taxable wage base at the In the future.
Federal level would tend to discourage wage GOP Sees Issue in Expanded War For now, Republicans hope to exploit the
increases for employees and bring about division within the Democratic Party to win
more automation thus causing more unem- EXTENSION E} S the House of Representatives, or to strength-
ployment and aggravating, rather than al- O ti their delegation there, in the 1966 elec-
leviating, the problem. The States finding it bons.
necessary to find more funds for benefit pur- HON. JOSEPH E. KARTH For instance, Republican leaders left al-
poses have on their own initiative increased OF MINNESOTA most entirely to the Democrats last week the
their taxable wage bases. congressional debate on resuming the bomb-
House Resolution 8282 undermines and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing of North Vietnam. Some Republican
destroys the concept of "experience rating," Monday, February 7, 1966 Senators like GEORGE AIKEN, of Vermont, and
which offers employers tax advantages for JOHN SHERMAN COOPER, of Kentucky, op-
maintaining -employment at steady levels. Mr. KARTH. Mr. Speaker, I have posed the resumption, but senator EVERETT
The Senate Finance Committee's report on permission to insert in the Appendix of MCKINLEY DIRKSEN, of Illinois, the majority
the 1935 social security bill. stated: - the RECORD an article by Tom Wicker leader, carefully refrained from speaking out
. "We propose, as a further amendment, a appearing in the New York Times, Feb- on what he said was a military decision. that
provision that the Federal. Government shall ruary 2, 1966, entitled "GOP Sees Issue only the President could make.
recognize credits in the form of lower con- In addition, Re
tribution rates which may be granted by the in Expanded War."
take little pnyli fo leaders plan con-
states to employers who have stabilized Similar stories have appeared in other on part debate on any effort
Vietnam ffort to force a on
their employment * * w all unemployment newspapers around the country as well on the President's dto conduct or a limitation
cannot be prevented by employers, but many as in other media. Many believe dissident Democrats, dent cthe war.
employers can do much more than they have I, for one, do not want to accuse the a a stronger diplomatic effort to en who want
end the war,
done in the past to regularize employment. Republican Party of playing partisan will try to force such a debate. That would
Everyone will agree that it is much better to Politics with this Nation's very security, emphasize with their Mr. among them-
prevent unemployment than to compen- . Johnson.
sate it." Certainly the major political parties of
The "experience rating" system has largely the country owe loyalty and allegiance A NEW APPROACH
been responsible for encouraging stabilized to their Government and its security Republican congressional candidates next
employment, elimination of fraud and, has above all else. I want to be confident fall also will be advised to force Democratic
effectively engaged the employers' interest that neither of them would play cheap incumbents on the defensive by making them
and active support in maintaining an ads- politics with such an important issue. either accept or reject President Johnson's
quote trust fund and a prudent unemploy- However, publicity on this matter has - b policy. The idea would be h totryito
ment compensation program. been SO widespread that I am sure it win by stating ta dissension rather than to try
Benefit increases and extending coverage:
By tying average weekly benefits to average creates doubt in the minds of those who ducting the wr Republican policy for con-
love their country weekly gross wages, House Resolution 8282 first and their party This new approach to the politics of the
would produce some stunning increases in no better than second. Vietnamese war is in clear contrast to the
the payment of unemployment compensation. I do suppose, however, the Korean war earlier Republican approach of urging a
The bill would extend coverage to every and the irresponsible literature distrib- stronger military policy and warning against
employer who employs even one person for uted during the 1952 presidential Cam- a negotiated settlement.
as much as 20 weeks in a year. All told, an
additioanl 4.6 million new workers would be paign remain fresh in many minds. It reflects h depth the general political uncertainty about brought under the program. The costs of ex- At any rate, I insert the article and I Vietnamese war,, as well as a desire to main-
tending coverage to this new group of work- am sure the Republican Party will want tain a flexible position of support for the
ers could become astronomical in that it to take every step to refute its infer- Commander in Chief without being pinned to
covers a group where the incidence of unem- ences and further, Will make sure such a fixed policy for winning the war.
ployment runs high. predictions as to its future action will It also reflects some Republicans' resent-
Disqualification: H.R. 8282 permits pay-
mend of unemployment compensation to prove to be false. ment at the President, who they believe has
the undeserving, changing the present insur- GOP SEES ISSUE IN EXPANDED WAR sought their support for tough measures
ante system into a welfare giveaway-sev- (By Tom Wicker like bombing the North but who has not at-
erance pay program. States would be ) tempted to associate them with more imme-
prohibited from disqualifying an individual WASH.t .Republican congressional diately popular developments like the pause
strategists s believe divisions within the Dem- In the bombing and the peace offensive.
for more than 6 weeks even though he ocratic Party and the prospect of an expand- The shift in Republican strategy can be
quit the job voluntarily without good cause, ing land war in Vietnam may be giving them clearly traced In statements by Representa-
was fired for willful misconduct or refused a winning political issue against President tive GERALD R. FORD, of Michigan, the House
suitable work while drawing benefits. Johnson.
The purpose of unemployment compensa- minority leader.
tion was, purpose
we trust still Is, to tide over They believe the country may eventually In January of 1965 he insisted on a change
lit w shard we ust pals s, periods er turn against a President whose party does of policy in'' Vietnam and called bombing
joblessness thteeemploypes who periods their not fully` support him and whose war policy supply lines In North Vietnam a "highly de-
jobl mess ough no fm loge the close The -may produce long casualty lists without mil- sirable first? step.". Mr. Johnson ordered the
itary victory or a negotiated settlement. bombing of. these routes in February.
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`..n July Mr. Pose urged air attacks on
soviet-supplied missiles in North Vietnam,
not long before the President ordered the
missile sites bombed. In August the Repub-
lican leader called for a declaration of war.
Also In August, Republicans under Mr.
FORD'S leadership issued a "white paper" on
the war charging that Mr. Johnson, in seek-
ing a negotiated settlement, "seemed to dis-
card the independence of South Vietnam as
an objective" of the war.
But when Congress reconvened this year,
Mr. Foan's first newsletter to his constituents
i;ook a different tone.
"We will support anything which Mr. John-
on does to obtain a prompt, just, and secure
ocace," he wrote. "If this can be accom-
plished by immediate negotiations through
diplomatic, channels, we favor such negotia-
tions. it the Commander of Chief finds that
Further military action is necessary to achieve
freedom and independence for the Viet-
namese, we will support such action. Know-
ing that there is no substitute for victory, we
will back the President in his every effort to
achieve military or diplomatic success."
The concluding word, "success," appeared
to observers here to be the key to the state-
ment. In effect, the Republican leader was
backing Mr. Johnson fully, both diploniati-
cally and militarily; but he was also insisting
that the Johnson policy produce "freedom
and independence for the Vietnamese."
Staternents by former Vice President Rich-
ard M. Nixon also seem to reflect the develop-
ing Republican position. Mr. Nixon con-
ferred with Republican Congressmen before
appearing on "Issues and Answers" on Ameri-
can Broadcasting Co. television last Sunday.
In that appearance he attacked Democrats
who took "the appeasement line" but re-
frained from direct criticism of Mr. Johnson.
'vlonday, February 7, 1966
Mr. YOUNGER. Mr. Speaker, Mr. Jo-
seph Alsop has given a very good analysis
of the Vietnam war and the changes
which have taken place in his column.
published in the Washington Post. His
column follows:
SAIGON.-Behind all the churning and wal-
lowing and tergiversation of American policy
in th'..'se last 6 weeks, there is one very simple,
bleak fact. The war in Vietnam has been
radically transformed, almost to the point
of becoming a new war.
The last major transformation occurred
last suinmer, with the commitment of U.S.
ground forces on it big scale. The President's
decision to make this commitment was ex-
tremely courageous, and the commitment
paid :Ill magnificently.
largely as a result of Secretary McNamara's
reform and modernization of the Armed
t0orces, every unit committed was hard
trained and combat ready. Green troops
fought like veterans. Brilliant victories were
won against heavy odds-which will no
(10WA surprise a lot of people at home, for
we in the United States for some strange
reason, were only told about the casualties.
;did not about the victories.
Iii consequence, by the beginning of
November, "the Vietcong main forces were
nearly on the ropes." This summary was
given by Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge.
His view is shared by just about every other
American out here with experience to form a
judgment. At this juncture, however, the
next transformation of the war began to
be evident.
Precisely because the American commit-
ment threatened to break the fighting
strength of the Vietcong main force, as well
as the North Vietnamese unite already in
South Vietnam, a massive further invasion
of South Vietnam by North Vietnamese regu-
lars was ordered in Hanoi. The new units
swiftly moving in quite naturally upset the
whole balance of the war.
This lied, in turn, to the exceedingly grim
briefing given to Secretary McNamara when *
he was last here. The chances are, in truth,
that it was much too grim. For example,
the North Vietnamese were credited with the
capability of laying down 138 icons a day on
the South Vietnamese border, via the Ho Chi
Minh Trail. This tonnage, of course, would
sustain all too many North Vietnamese
In fact, however, if the enemy is currently
laying down 60 tons a day oii the border,
he is now doing a lot better than the wisest
analysts believe. Furthermore, distribution
from the border forward to the fighting units
of 138 tons a day would require an army of
at least 80,000 coolies, who would in turn
consume about 65 tons of rice day.
Thus there can be little doubt that Secre-
tary McNamara was given a n exaggerated
picture of the number of additional North
Vietnamese units that can be permanently
supported in South Vietnam. "Per-
manently" is the key word, however, for the
desperate decision to eat up all the stocks
accumulated and cached in the jungles by
the Vietcong would, of course, permit a good
many additional units to be temporarily
supported. And in any case. without regard
to future capabilities, the stepped up North
Vietnamese invasion of the south had al-
ready created a wholly new situation.
Secretary McNamara's report on the de-
mands of the new situation thereupon
touched off the churning and wallowing in
U.S. Policy, typified by the peace offensive
and the bombing pause. But no amount of
wallowing and churning can change the
necessities, as the outcome has shown.
Three additional divisions. either three
American or two American and one South
Korea ii, are needed to redress the balance and
recapture the initiative enjoyed in October.
This increase in General Westmoreland's
troop requirement, from six to nine division
equivalents, in turn means a requirement
for more U.S. troops than can be rapidly pro-
vided without calling up the Reserves. For
the time being, the President may perhaps
think he can escape from meeting General
Westmoreland's requirement by one dodge
or another. If so, the enemy will soon
enough teach him his error.
It is far more likely, however, that the
President thinks he can meet General West-
more.tand's requirement without calling up
the Reserves, by using a whole series of clever
dodges. For example, all sorts of-specialized
troop units, easily obtainable by a callup,
are desperately needed to break the logistical
logjam. here, without which larger forces
cannot easily be supported.
But at the cost of some delay, private con-
tractors can be hired to attack the logistical
logjam. By the same token, the Army's au-
thorized troop strength has been greatly in-
creased. Ready divisions may therefore be
borrowed from the United States, with
skeleton divisions taking their place in the
Strategic Reserve.
But such dodges are dangerous and un-
worthy. They mean delay wh%n speed is
vital. They mean a further show of irresolu-
tion when stern resolve is vital. They mean
no margin for the future., when the con-
spicuous existence of a margin is vital, Thus
Lyndon Johnson's fiber, as a leader of a na-
tion at war, is now being put to a supreme
Where Were a Pickets? Nowhere To
Be Seen
Monday, February 7_1966
Mr. O'NEAL of Georgia. Mr. Speaker,
a newspaper in my congressional district
has raised a very pertinent and interest-
ing question. Where were the antiwar
demonstrators last month when the
United States undertook its worldwide
peace offensive? It is now apparent
that the Vietcong, Hanoi, and. other
members of the international Commu-
nist conspiracy have thumbed their col-
lective noses at President Johnson's 37-
day bombing pause and his peace mis-
sions throughout the world.
If the noisy pacifists in America were
sincere in their desire for a peaceful set-
tlement of the Vietnam conflict, it ap-
pears that demonstrations against the
Hanoi regime would have been in order.
But they are not sincere. As a matter
of fact, this is added proof that they are
simply disloyal persons intent on em-
barrassing America and giving aid,
comfort, and political help to our ene-
An editorial appearing in the February
1 edition of the Tifton, Ga., Daily Ga-
zette, concludes that the Vietniks oper-
ate under a double standard.
I wholeheartedly concur with the edi-
torial which follows:
Any time during the past month would
have been an ideal time for a demonstration
by the Vietnam war protesters-a demon-
stration not against the United States but
against the Hanoi regime.
It was that long and more since this coun-
try first halted bombing raids over North
Vietnam. For 4 days during the Vietnamese
new year's celebrations our troops main-
tained a strictly defensive posture, although
the Vietcong's unilateral cease-fire did not
include Americans.
In the meantime, Presidential peace emis-
saries continued to scurry between Wash-
ington and a dozen world capitals seeking
the diplomatic formula that could lead to an
Why did we not see a march on Washing-
ton, or at least a few pickets outside the
White House, to dramatize support for these
efforts of the Government? Why no mass
meetings putting a bit of pressure on the
North Vietnamese who, as they themselves
said, have been heartened by the activities of
peace-loving American students'?
Why indeed?
The silence of the past weeks has done
more than the noisiest demonstration to ex-
pose th double standard of the vietniks and
to prove the shallowness, naivete, and essen-
tial futility of their cause.
This is not to charge them with the blame
for the failure of the peace offensive. They
are not that important, and in any event
a demonstration in support of the Govern-
ment at this stage would probably have
Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400020007-9
e~-F lI.5PPgPI'I NWXNM5.F5iB ~.1: APP inn NP5IaiIaaMMW'WIOPPgIWn,M5. III ~F'm l lFiU n minpi4nii::rr#MPOSa wnxww,wii
91NMIME'AMWCgFpP'~^a~gn7PgXKKWO?~F4aId~M&Mts+~F'nYR'W+a ytuwll'W':i i4uwwnanp =WmwwexnnnPrtwmm~xmw , nnuiuNUwenw~NMMNNINImpW~ P!;i~Hiu~q,PdtlanaadlWi
February App d For RVl J2g? AE CJ1 7B0,Rf 00020007-9
counted for little in the international bal-
It would, however, have been a welcome
gesture of moderation and conciliation at
home and have gone far toward reversing
the trend that seems to be driving Americans
into two extreme camps.
Thomas M. O'Ryan: A Professional
Monday, February 7, 1966
Mr. GRIDER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to-
day to pay homage to a distinguished
citizen of Memphis, Tenn.-Thomas M.
O'Ryan, chairman of the board of
O'Ryan & Batchelder, Inc., largest tran-
sit advertising firm in the United States.
Tom O'Ryan's story reads like a chapter
from the saga of Horatio Alger. His
amazing rise in our free enterprise sys-
tem has been the subject of a United
Press International success profile, and
his career will be the subject of a chapter
in a forthcoming book on outstanding
American businessmen.
Under unanimous consent I insert in
the Appendix to the RECORD a profile of
this outstanding American and resident
of the Ninth Congressional District of
A 19-year-old Irish immigrant named
O'Ryan applied for work with a New York
section gang in 1932.
The job, digging a subway tunnel through
Manhattan's bedrock.
Thirty years later, a new advertising poster
went up in New York subways: "An O'Ryan
& Batchelder Operation."
It was the same O'Ryan.
In the years between, Thomas Michael
O'Ryan had become chairman of the Na-
tion's largest transit advertising firm. When
he was awarded the New York subways ad-
vertising franchise In 1962, O'Ryan had pro-
gressed from subway laborer to subway ad-
vertising czar.
His story begins in Ireland.
Tom O'Ryan, second of six sons born (in
1912) to Edward O'Ryan and Mary Cusack
O'Ryan in Limerick City, Ireland, didn't ex-
actly begin life with a silver spoon in his
In 1928, a family financial crisis developed.
The elder O'Ryan's business plunged down-
ward. Mary O'Ryan decided to make extra
money opening a small hotel. Edward
O'Ryan's wrath was old fashioned and quite
"No matter what happens, a woman's place
is in the home," he raged.
The rift grew. Living at home became
At 17, Tom O'Ryan booked passage for the
United States.
With $400 he arrived in New York in Sep-
tember 1929, registered at a YMCA, began
j obhunting.
Within a short time, he was hired as a file
clerk at a salary of $27.50 every 2 weeks.
Indeed, the streets were paved with gold.
One month later, the stock market crashed.
Tom O'Ryan was out of a job.
The era of wonderful nonsense skidded
to a fast stop. In job interview lines, O'Ryan
often heard:
"Look at that Irish immigrant taking jobs
away from good American citizens."
Even that traditional Irish haven, the
police department, was closed to O'Ryan as a
Right then O'Ryan filed citizenship papers.
Later, he was awarded citizenship in the
minimum time possible.
O'Ryan took spot jobs on boats. He worked
as a messenger. He even applied as doorman
at Radio City Music Hall.
"Sorry," the Music Hall's chief of service
said. "You're big-but you're not big
Would there be an usher's job available?
"You're too big to qualify as an usher,"
the chief said.
Size did prove helpful in landing the sub-
way tunneling job. Unfortunately, it
didn't last long.
One day, as a messenger, O'Ryan delivered
a package to a company trying to sell a con-
signment of damaged men's suits.
He volunteered to take on the job, invest-
ing his last few dollars in sales brochures
describing the suits. Soon he was holding
sales meetings during lunch periods, handing
out brochures, taking orders.
"Within 20 days, I had sold several hun-
dred suits," O'Ryan said.
Then, bitten by the free enterprise bug,
O'Ryan borrowed $20, rented a horse and
wagon for $4 per day. Every morning, at
4 a.m. he would arrive at New York's whole-
sale vegetable center, buy a load of produce,
then clop-clop over the Brooklyn Bridge
to sell it house to house in Flatbush. Often
it was 10 p.m. when he reached home.
"On a good day, I made enough to buy
food-for the horse," O'Ryan said.
"Why not specialize?" a friend asked.
That sounded good. O'Ryan chose rhu-
barb. He bought stocks of rhubarb, stored
the boxes in his landlady's basement.
Unfortunately, the hot-water pipes caused
fermentation in the rhubarb. The house
took on a most distinctive smell. Pedes-
trians began using the other side of the
O'Ryan's landlady was irate. Only native
Gaelic charm-and an. offer to whitewash
her cellar free of charge-saved the day.
At that time, to the envy of friends,
O'Ryan got a full-time job as elevator opera-
tor at Saks Department Store. O'Ryan, soon
catching the eye of management, was pro-
moted to floorwalker.
From Saks, O'Ryan kept an eye on Wall
r' --et. When he heard a brokerage house
~.._s hiring runners, he took the job at pay
no higher than his Saks salary. He figured
investment opportunity as a side benefit.
Soon he was investing a few dollars, then
plowing It back. He parlayed his capital into
several hundred dollars. When he had ac-
cumulated close to $5,000, his longtime
dream of a tropical island became stranger.
Why not go to the island paradise-Hawaii?
He quit his job and booked passage.
In Hawaii, he became restless. He started
teaching school part time. Money dwindled
steadily. When he got down to passage
money, he sailed for San Francisco. He then
crossed the continent in his entire fortune:
a secondhand car with Hawaiian plates.
"I soon realized I could have gone to
Hawaii and invested my money at the same
time," he said. "I made a mistake: living
off capital. I never did that again."
In 1936, he returned to Saks 34th Street
store-broke, tanned,, wiser. By 1937, Saks
had promoted O'Ryan to assistant to dress
buyer at $75 per week.
Back in 1890, Tennessee's Barron G. Col-
lier started selling streetcar ads In Memphis.
By the time O'Ryan went to Saks, Collier was
selling and servicing transit advertising
throughout the United States.
In 1938, O'Ryan heard Collier was hiring
salesmen in New York. He applied. The
sales manager raised his eyebrows at the
lusty Irish brogue.
"Ever sell transit advertising?"
"Look, fellow, we're turning down ex-
perienced salesmen," the manager said.
"What makes you think you can do it?"
"I'm willing to work," said O'Ryan, turning
red. "If I don't sell anything, don't pay
me. Try me and see."
If a man offered to pay his own expenses,
he must have confidence, at least.
"You're on," he told O'Ryan. "Twenty-
five dollars per week draw."
O'Ryan joined several new men in for
training. Then Collier announced out-of-
town territories. O'Ryan was told:
"Your territory is Georgia and the Caro-
linas. You leave tonight."
Although he'd never been south, O'Ryan
suspected a greenhorn Irishman would not
be particularly welcome. However, admit-
ting defeat was not within O'Ryan's char-
acter. He caught a train.
O'Ryan will never forget his first pros-
pect-Craig's Honey Bread-in Columbus,
"Young man, we've never used your ad-
vertising, and we don't intend to start now,"
the baker told him.
O'Ryan went back Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, and Friday. No sale. On Satur-
day, he took a new tack.
"I've been taught to answer all sorts of
objections," he said, spreading his literature
on the table. "Anything you ask I can find-
even if I don't know the answer."
The baker sighed, "Looks like I'm going
to have to have it. Better sign me up.
O'Ryan said later, "I think he bought so
he could close shop and go home. But it
gave me a big lift. After that, I started
And sell he did. In 1938, O'Ryan ranked
No. 1 in the Nation among Collier salesmen
in bringing in 5-year contracts-the longest
term sold. In 1939, O'Ryan's outstanding
sales record won him promotion to Collier
district manager for Tennessee, Mississippi,
and Arkansas.
In 1940, shortly after founder Collier's
death, the organization went bankrupt.
Funds from the advertising business had
financed disastrous real estate ventures.
O'Ryan joined a newly organized nation-
wide firm-National Transitads. He became
southern division manager in 1942. When he
became a vice president in 1944, he moved to
Memphis, his home and business headquar-
ters since. In the meantime, he made per-
manent contributions to the transit adver-
tising field-
In Oklahoma City when all Interior transit
space was sold, O'Ryan developed the first
exterior bus poster. (Exterior transit ads
had been carried by streetcars. This was the
first exterior bus poster.) Today, 65.9 per-
cent of transit's volume comes from exterior
vehicle posters.
O'Ryan expanded the exterior poster into
the prototype of today's king-size poster-
the mass display panel seen today on buses
throughout the United States.
O'Ryan organized and served as first dean
of National Transitdds new sales school.
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in 1947, O'Ryan resigned. In 1948, he
formed Tom O'Ryan Advertising Co. He be-
t*arI by signing an agreement to manage bus
advertising in Memphis. In 1949, he ac-
quired the Atlanta franchise.
In 1951. Tom O'Ryan was looking for a
dramatic way to help Libby Foods get dis-
h'ibution for a new product. His reasoning:
Why not put samples of advertising and the
product on a bus- -then drive it directly to
wholesalers and retailers?
'thus the first merchandising bus was
horn. Since that time, O'Ryan has directed
dozens of merchandising bus promotions.
()ther transit ad firma have put the concept
to work, too.
[a November 1953, a nine-city transit sys-
ioIri in the Carolinas called for advertising
scuds. O'Ryan's firm was invited. So was
't'ransit Advertising Co., Peoria, Ill., operated
I,y Joseph H. Batchelder, Jr.
O'Ryan, who knew Batchelder from in-
dustry meetings, telephoned him and sug-
=;ested: "Why not come by Memphis, and
we'll go together?"
Batchelder agreed.
I?n the plane from Memphis to Charlotte,
N.C., Tom O'Ryan and Joe Batchelder found
considerable common ground in business
philosophy. By 'the time plane landed, the
two men had decided to bid as O'Ryan and
'['he new combination got the contract.
t )'Ryan & Batchelder, Inc., was underway.
By 1955, 0. & B. was offering transit adver-
Lising in Charleston, W. Va., Indianapolis,
t .ouisville, Milwaukee-plus 19 other cities.
;ty 1960, Cleveland, Philadelphia, Boston, and
;laltimore had been added. Chicago was
signed in 1964.
'today, 0. & B. holds franchises in 70 U.S.
urban areas. Advertising coverage through-
out nearly 25.000 vehicles makes 0. & B. the
Nation's largest transit advertising company.
r. & B. sales volume during 1965 was more
than $16 million.
't'om o'R.yan, in the meantime, has been
,-hairman or Transit Advertising Association,
his industry's trade group. He was a prime
louver in forming the World Transad Asso-
, ia.tion-with members in the United States,
France, Italy, Canada. He represents his
industry as board member of Brand Names
taut for 01$yan-a most active chairman
f the Memphis-based 0. & B. network-the
bent recognition came in 1962 when his firm
acquired the New York subway advertising
Franchise. The immigrant Irish laborer had
returned to the subways-in style.
1'/honda?t, February 7, 1966
Mr. BECKWORTH. Mr. Speaker, I
desire to include in the CONGRESSIONAL
larcoRD an article that was written by Mr.
i)ale 'T'horn, of the Tyler Morning Tele-
,raph, Tyler, Tex., about Hon. Brady
(!entry, one of the finest and most be-
loved citizens of Tyler and Texas as a
whole. The article was reprinted in the
Kilgore News Herald, on Tuesday, Jan-
ualv 18, 1966.
Judge Gentry served with many of
those who yet are Members of Congress.
We all are pleased he is making a splen-
did recovery and wish for him every hap??
piness and success in the future.
(By Dale Thorn)
Each afternoon, Brady Gentry walks his
niece from his fourth-floor hospital room to
the front door of Medical Center Hospital.
About 2 months ago (November 7, to be
exact), the former third district Congres-
mar.. was stricken by a cerebral hemorrhage
causing speech problems and partial paral-
ysis of the upper and lower extremities.
Today, only the speech problem remains
and the 70-year-old native eest Texan is
greatly improved, according to his noire,
Oscelie Thompson of 1223 Peach.
Ten years ago, while still a Member of the
House, Gentry was in his prime. Just he-
fore Gentry's retirement from Congress, Rep-
resentative CLARK FISHER of San Angelo paid
tribute to the quiet-spoken Tyler solon, de-
scribing him as 'the most interesting person
I have met in Congress during the 14 years
f have served."
"Never a party hack or a narrow party-
liner," Fisher continued, "Brady Gentry al-
ways put the good of the country ahea.:a of
political considerations as he cast his votes.
"What greater tribute can be paid any
man? His stature rises high above the run
of party politics and back-scratching t !ch-
On the Washington scene 4 years and
seldom raising his voice in the House, Gentry
wars recognition as one who diligently in-
formed himself on bills and voted his ~!on-
victions with apparently no regard for party
lines or political expediency.
'6a this and other respects, he was recog-
nized as one of the most unorthodox poli-
ticians in Congress. He often voted in pat-
terns that might be expected to lose a man
support among his constituents.
Yet, in his one bid for reelection, against
a formidable foe, he came out on top. In
1954 he defeated the man. who had pre-
ceded hint. LINDLEY BECKWORTH, of Glade-
wr:;ter. who in 1952 made an unsuccessful bid
for the U.S. Senate against Price Daniel
Gentry spent virtually the entire campaign
period of 1954 in Washington and repeal edly
told friends that, BECKw0RTI3 was very popu-
lar and would probably beat him.
But Gentry won in a close vote and 11e:cx-
wORTH returned to Congress in 1957 after
Gentry stepped down. Ironically, the only
election Gentry ever lost was a congress onal
election back in the 1930's.
The victor in that race was a former school-
teacher by the name of LTNDLEY BECKWORTH.
in 1957 Gov. Price Daniel named Gentry as
otairman of the State highway commission.
to making the appointment, the Governor
referred to Gentry as "the best informed per-
sen on highway administration and legiala-
Gentry declined Daniel's appointment, but
earlier, from 1939 to 1945, he had serv,-d as
chairman of the commission and was presi-
dent of the American Association of State
Highway OHic:eats in 1943. In the House he
served on the Committee on Highways and
During his four terms as county judge of
South County, one of his major achievements
was the developrne:nt of an improved sy:I tern
of county roads,
Later, lie took the lead in the pro.lram
to correlate the State and National higivvay
A bachelor, Gentry was born on a farm
near Colfax, in Van Zandt County, on March
25, 1895. He borrowed money from a Van
Zaandt County farmer to pay for his educa-
tion at Cumberland University and 'Tyler
Commercial College.
:His first political job was a clerkshp its
the Van Zandt County tax collector's .Dice.
After moving to Tyler he served first as os-
sistant city tax collector, then as county at-
torney and later as county judge.
With his background of farm life, Gentry
has always had a warm spot in his heart for
the man who follows the plow. It was under
his leadership that the Texas system of faun-
to-market roads was established.
For over 20 years, Gentry has taken Iui
avid interest. in the golfing career of Ben
Hogan and traveled all over the United
States to watch him play in tournaments.
A member of Willow Brook Country Club,
Gentry has never had much interest in play-
ing the game himself, but last spring a Dal-
las sportswriter tagged him with the title
"Ben Hogan's Shadow."
In Congress Gentry was a conservative.
He preached governmental economy and was
opposed to foreign aid on the scale proposed
by the national administration.
Today, Brady Gentry looks forward to re-
gaining his full strength and leaving the hos-
Gentry seldom bothers to reminisce about
his past-a record of achievement that rivals
Horatio Alger stories.
Politics may never again know such an
unpolitical man.
Monday, February 7, 1966
Mr. BANDSTRA. Mr. Speaker, now
that the Vietnam issue is before the U.N.
Security Council the delegates there will
no doubt discover some of the difficulties
the United States has struggled with in
its efforts to deal with the Communists
in southeast Asia.
The U.S. resolution to the U.N. Secu-
rity Council on Vietnam recommended
that "appropriate interested govern-
ments" arrange a conference "looking
toward the application of the Geneva Ac-
cords of 1954 and 1962 and the establish-
ment of a durable peace in southeast
In an editorial of February 2, 1966,
the Chicago Daily News stated that the
United States "comes to the U.N. at a
time when all else seems to have failed."
Yet, the editorial says, "If it does noth-
ing else, the United States appeal to the
U.N. Security Council cuts the ground
from under some of the critics of the ad-
ministration's Vietnam policy."
The Daily News reminds us that the
U.N. members "have seen for themselves
how Hanoi and Peiping rejected all U.S.
peace overtures."
Because of its realistic analysis of an
issue with which we all must deal realis-
tically, I hereby include the editorial in
If it does nothing else, the United States
appeal to the U.N. Security Council cuts the
ground from under some of the critics of he
administration's Vietnam policy. These
critics have protested long and loudly that
the proper way to handle the Vietnam prob-
lem was to dump it in the lap of the United
Nations, as if that body had a magical s,Au-
tion for every problem anywhere.
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-,n~'~' r-nXT(.R FC T N
Some of the reasons why the U.N. was not
earlier and formally brought into the Viet-
nam war are quite apparent now that the
step has been taken. The first and perhaps
the only result is to bring into the U.N.
chamber the same acrimonious debate that
has been raging outside it.
Moreover, the formal setting of this de-
bate seems more likely to harden attitudes
than soften them, and force irreversible
decisdons by record voting, including the use
of the U.N. veto. Perhaps this no longer
matters; at this stage attitudes have already
hardened, and the formality of voting may
not change the situation.
For all practical purposes, the United
Nations has been involved in the Vietnam
war all along, if only on an informal basis.
whatever advantages now comes of involv-
ing it formally is largely tactical, for the
situation in Vietnam is hardly comparable
to those that have been resolved in the past
by U.N. intervention. The only rough par-
allel is Korea, and the U.N. was able to act
then only because Russia was on a tempo-
rary "walkout" at the time.
Nevertheless, the United States comes to
the U.N at a time when all else seems to have
failed. The members of the U.N. have seen
for themselves how Hanoi and Peiping have
rejected all U.S. peace overtures. And they
have seen how North Vietnam-not the
United States-curtly rejected in advance
any ideas for a settlement the United Na-
tions might produce.
This in itself ought to be proof for the
U.N. as to who wants peace and who doesn't.
Unfortunately, proof of this kind isn't what
tips the scales in the United Nations, any
more than it alters the opinion of those in
this country who would have peace at the
price of dishonor.
Indiana Celebrates Its Sesquicentennial
undermanned, Governor Henry made the
momentus decison to send an army to capture
it. To do the job, he called upon a militia
officer who represented the county of Ken-
tucky in the Virginia Legislature; George
Rogers Clark.
Governor Henry commissioned Clark a lieu-
tenant colonel, authorized him to draw 1,200
pounds from Virginia's treasury, and to enlist
an army for the confrontation. By May of
1778, Clark had gathered in 150 men and he
assembled them on the Ohio River near the
present city of Jeffersonville. On July 4,
1778, he moved against the British, first cap-
turing Kaskaskia. On July 14, be moved
onward to Fort Sackville. To his amazement,
the British garrison had left and the Ameri-
can flag was raised without a shot being fired.
When the British commander at Detroit
got news of Clarks' success, he was enraged.
In December, he rushed 600 troops to Vin-
cennes and recaptured this beseiged outpost.
Again the British flag went up.
When Clark, who had returned to Kaskas-
kia, heard the news, he decided to retake the
fort. This momentus decision to march again
upon *Fort Sackville has been recorded as
one of the great moments in Hoosier history.
Unknown at first to Clark was the decision
of the British commander at Fort Sackville
to release most of his troops for the winter.
Clark would never have learned of this had it
not been for the heroic journey of Francis
Vigo, a rich trader of Vincennes, who fled
the town and took the news to Clark.
With Vigo's financial backing, Clark man-
aged to scrape together 170 volunteers. On
February 23, he set up camp just' 2 miles
from the fort. While his men cleaned their
firearms, Clark sent a message to the inhabi-
tants of Vincennes, warning them of the im-
pending attack. That night they moved for-
story loghouse. He helped his father build
the second one in 1811.
At that time roads were only worn paths
or perhaps corduroy (logs laid close together
across the path). Horseback or foot was the
only means of travel. Some progressive per-
sons learned from the Indians and built
drags-two shafts with their one end tied on
either side of a horse and the other dragging
the ground with a box of a seat.
Even wagons were a rarity. Yarbro reports
that the first two-horse wagons were as much
a curiosity as were the first telephones or
"iron horses."
Money then was also a rarity. Most com-
merce was carried out by barter and trading.
The man who had a dollar of good money
was a wealthy person. Beaver skins and
pelts were often a medium of exchange.
Times have indeed changed since those
first hardy Hoosiers crossed the Ohio River
and moved north or followed the rivers south
from Wayne County. Fantastic changes have
occurred in the past 150 years.
During 1966, our Indiana sesquicentennial
year, the Hoosier Farmer will examine the
times and tales of those pioneer days. And
along the way we will consider too, some of
the great men who have forged and shaped
the history and the heritage of our State and
Nation. And, too, we will report upon special
events that will commemorate our Indiana
sesquicentennial and 150 years of progress.
How Could Anybody DDesser Them Now?
Monday, February 7, 1966
Mr. HAYS. Mr. Speaker, under leave
to extend my remarks, I am including
an editorial by the owner of the Martins
Ferry-Bellaire Times Leader, Mr. A. V.
Dix, who is one of the owners of the Dix
newspapers in Ohio and Kentucky. I
think this should be must reading for
every Member of Congress and especial-
ly those who say we should pull out of
Vietnam. Mr. Dix has been to the Far
East several times, and I consider his
knowledge on political matters in that
area to be outstanding.
It was a sweltering day in Saigon, as most
of them are.
Standing on the corner of Tu Do, which,
under French rule had been called Catinat
Boulevard, and the wide street that runs
along the Saigon River, I watched a big,
white Navy transport, one of ours, standing
at the dock, its decks crowded with poorly
clad Vietnamese, all pushing against the
ship's rails starring at a great city which
until that morning had been only a name to
Earlier that morning, from the roof of
the Majestic Hotel I had watched its prog-
ress up the Saigon River, a sludgy stream,
full of garbage and filth, human and other-
wise, all the way from Cap St. Jacques. It
had come from Haiphong, far to the north,
where it had picked up its human cargo
of Vietnamese fleeing from the advancing
forces of Ho Chi Minh's Communist army.
Many of them had been taken off the beaches
when the Communists entered the city and
made their way to the docks in an attempt
to halt the exodus.
Along Catinat, and other nearby streets,
the sidewalks were full of refugees who had
The fort was quickly surrounded and Clark
began a harassing barrage of rifle fire. With
the morning came an increased barrage so
furious the Britishers in the fort could not
get into position to return the fire. W lth
Monday, February 7, 1966
Mr. ROUDEBUSH. Mr. Speaker, this
year, 1966, Indiana celebrates its ses-
quicentennial year.
The accomplishments of the people of
Indiana during the past 150 years have
been many, and the contributions to the
Nation in times of peace and war have
been a source of pride to all Hoosiers.
In the January 1966, issue of the
Hoosier Farmer, the official magazine of
the Indiana Farm Bureau, a very authen-
tic and interesting portrayal of the era
in America when Indiana was settled
In order that the Members of Congress
share in the knowledge contained in this
interesting article, under unanimous con-
sent, I request its publication in the
The article follows:
The American Revolution was underway.
The British were on the move and as they
strengthened their garrisons across this
young country, they gathered into their fold
the Indians who were violently in opposition
to the American settlement.
Virginia, under the governorship of Patrick
itl t the Northwest and
d t
only 30 able-bodied defenders, and 60
from help, Fort Sackville surrendered. At
10 a.m. on the morning of February 25, 1779,
the American flag was raised again over Vin-
cennes never to come down again.
The consequence of this battle was to be
of significant importance to the Colonies and
to the growth and expansion of the United
States. Virginia ceded Vincennes to the
United States in 1784. The formation of the
Northwest Territory followed in 1787. With-
in a year, 20,000 Americans came down the
Ohio to the new land, for with the Northwest
Territory came the prohibition of slavery,
public education, and the guarantee of re-
ligious freedom and civil rights to all people.
And when the Indiana territory was created
in 1800, Vincennes became the seat of gov-
The early Indiana pioneer was hardworking
and practical. The new country offered a
challenge to muscle rather than to mind.
The early settler contented himself with the
limited culture he had brought with him.
The family Bible and sometimes one other
book were the extent of his cultural tools.
The woman had the most difficult time.
She usually had only an iron skillet for cook-
ing. The only lamp was a clay pot filled
with bear grease. The food she put on the
table consisted of cornbread, wild berries,
plums and apples, turnips, potatoes, and all
sorts of wild game and fish.
These early trailblazers had their good
times in spite of the daily struggle for exist-
ence. The boys rassled, ran foot races, and
participated in shooting matches. Standard
amusements included sugar making, bee
hunting, husking bees, and apple cuttings.
Henry, clarme
hence to Vincennes, under her charter of An early Hoosier citizen, one Randall Yar-
1609. When American spies learned that Fort bro, when interviewed in 1889, recalled seeing
Sackville, the English fort at Vincennes, was the first house built in Jeffersonville-a one-
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come earlier. 'T'hey had been living there
for days, doing their cooking, washing, giv-
ing birth to babies, and, some of them dying,
waiting to be moved to refugee camps and
later to resettlement areas.
Soon the moving began, and then the big
white ship began to spew forth its human
cargo to take the places of the people on the
sidewalks until they, too, could be moved.
All of their possessions, except the little
they could carry on their backs, had been
abandoned in their flight.
't'hey were frightened and hungry. They
had been told by the Communists the Amer-
icans were cruel sadists, and even cannibals
who might kill them and grind them into
hamburger. These stories were told them by
a people who themselves had tortured those
they were able to capture in their escape at-
tempt. Viet Minh soldiers caught one escap-
ing boy, put his bare feet on a rock, and beat
them to a pulp with rifle butts. "Now walk
to freedom," they told him. The boy crawled
to freedom and was in a Saigon hospital
where a then U.S. Navy doctor, a Lieutenant
Dooley, was trying to save his feet. They
had driven a row of tacks, more than 100 of
them, around the top of one man's head.
"There is your crown of thorns," they told
him. And they had driven bamboo chop-
sticks through the eardrums of another
because they suspected him of listening to a
Bible reading by a priest.
Other ships came later. The Saigon River
is so winding and so obscured by high reed
grass that the shins seemed to be skimming
right over the meadows,
'1'bcy could come in only with the tide
which along with the ships brought back the
[filth it had taken seaward earlier in the day
is the tide went out. To turn around they
must nose the prow firmly against a muddy
bank, swing the stern around, then back off
and head. back downstream.
They did this time and again until nearly
a, million refugees had flooded into Saigon,
and meanwhile uncounted thousands more
fled over the border at the 17th parallel a
little north of the old capital of Hue. On
the way down they were given generous por-
lions Of sticky rice. Many, thinking it might
he their last meal for days, hoarded it. They
would compress it into balls and hide it in
remote corners of the ship where it would
later be traced through a fetid odor.
71. was quite tin operation, especially as
ranch of it went on under the guns of Sai-
gon's Binh Xuyen rebellion which was aided
und abetted by the departing French who
didn't want anybody to succeed in southeast
Asia as long as they couldn't have it.
Many of the tailenders were mowed down
by Communist rnachineguns on the Hai-
pliong beaches, and some we just had to
leave behind as they stood chest deep in the
n;iirr, pleading arms outstretched.
They finally resettled these people. In vil-
lages throughout the land, providing them
with meager shelter and In all about 5 acres
of ground, half of it uncleared jungle.
They did very well. They improved their
homes. tilled their soil, built churches and
little industries. They became self-support-
ing even though marry were preyed upon by
renal small-time politicians. In fact, the
,uutire economy or the country began to im-
prove, and that was something the Commies
in. adjoining countreis just couldn't permit,
if they were to stay in power.
S o. the campaign started. The beginnings
were small, but everything was employed.
'they used economic pressures, political dis-
t.ri ;t, and the very foulest sort of terror tac-
ties. Now it has snowballed into is major
affair. How it happened is of little conse-
quence; it is now a fait accompli and we
]lave to do something about it, or "the ter-
ror" will spill out all over Asia. and from
there, who knows where.
'T'here are those who would have us desert
these hundreds of thousands of people who
put their trust in us. Should we pull out
they would all he liquidated and in ways
not very nice. Most of those who would
have us quit Vietnam have never seen either
it or any of the people who left their homes,
farms or business enterprises to begin all
over again under freedom, because we said
It would be all right and we'd look after
Maybe we shouldn't have said it; maybe we
Shouldn't have made those promises. But
the fact, is, we did. And. I have the feeling
that if we desert them now to a certain and
horrible fate, then we will face sure retribu-
tion of some sort. And maybe we'd deserve
Personally, I'm glad I'm not Pre-ident
Johnson, to face the decisions he must hake.
I'm afraid I wouldn't have the courage But
I've seen these things in South Vietnam
many times over the years. I've seen the
refugees; I've been in their new villages, in
the jungles in between. I've talked to then
and know their hopes and their gratitude
for being saved from the Communists So,
desert them now? How could anybod} ?
Ellbie Jay Plans a Marrying
Monday, February 7, 1966
Mr. YOUNGER. Mr. Speaker, under
authority to insert my own remarks and
extraneous matter in the Appendix of
the RECORD, I wish to insert another col-
umn by Art Hoppe, the master satirist.
His column, published in the San Fran-
cisco Chronicle, of January 30, follows:
Howdy there, folks. How y'all? Time for
another tee-vee visit with the rootin'-t.'otin'
Jay family, starring of Elbie Jay, wh,' call
rope, hogtie and brand 500 Co:ngresslnen
q'uicker'n a wink. 'Course, he's also got two
young daughters.
As we join up with of Elbie today, Ili! and
his pretty wife, Birdie Bird, are in the parlor
of the big white house, Birdie Bird keeps
lookin' out the window and of Elbie appears
a mite fidgety.
ELBIE. Well, I suppose we got to talk to
them about the marrying. Where they from?
Waukegan, Illinois? Waukegan. It ain't
even in Cook County.
Cranes BIRD. Now, Elbie, you know Ps i's a
very nice boy. And I'm sure his parents are
Er.BIE. M'aybe so. But what's wrong with
that daughter of ours? Why, she could've
married a duke or :a. prince--some your fel-
low whose folks we could treat as equals.
]31RDIE BIRD. Shhhh. Here they come row.
Now you be nice, you hear'?
(The parents of the intended groom, a
pleasant-looking middle-class couple enter.
Elbie extends his hand with a professional
ELBIE. Sure nice of you to cerise howdy
and press the flesh. That's a fine boy you
gc t. You must be mighty proud of hirn,
serving in his country's uniform.
GROOM'S MOTHER. Yes. Of course, 'very
time I think of how fortunate he was I o be
assigned to duty right here in Washin;ton,
I thank God.
I]LSIE (with a wave of his hand). Don't
mention it. Glad ta'r do it for the young man
our daughter has democratically chosen as
her intended. Like I said to Birdie Bird
here, "Our country ain't got no room for
class distinctions."
GROOM's FATHER. How odd. That's
virtually what I said to Mother here after
Pat broke the news to us.
GROOM'S MOTHER. Yes, I will admit I was a
little disappointed at first. I did have my
heart set on Pat marrying a college girl,.
ELBIE (frowning). What do you mean?
She goes to college.
GROOM'S MOTHER. Oh, yes, a nursing col-
lege, isn't it? ]['d thought more of a real
college. But then father here said there was
no disgrace in having a nurse in the family
these days. Not if she's a registered nurse.
And by the way, how are her grades?
ELBIE (testily). She's had a lot on her
mind lately. Arid her sister does real well
in college.
GROOM'S MOTHER. Oh, the one that runs
around with movie stars? I suppose girls in
Texas do mature early, don't they? For Pat's
sake, I hope so. Not that we have anything
against Texans, mind you. In Waukegan we
treat them as equals.
GROOM'S FATHER. Yes, as I said to mother
here, "At least it beats Pat's fighting in Viet-
nam." And after all, I said, this is a democ-
racy. So despite the obvious handicap of an
immature wife with a penchant for notoriety
who comes from the backwoods section of
Texas and who is not-er-academically in-
clined, I'm sure that Pat will somehow still
manage to go far.
ELBIF. (thundering). Yep, about 10,000
miles. Just as soon as I can sign his trans-
fer orders.
Well tune in to our next episode, friends.
And meantime as you mosey on down the
long trail of life, remember what lilbie's of
granddaddy used to say:
" 'Tain't no use for proud daddies to fret
about their tads marrying beneath 'ern.
They ain't got no other choice."
Little Help From Allies
Monday, February 7, 1966
Mr. DUNCAN of Tennessee. Mr.
Speaker, nations around the world ex-
tend open hands for assistance from the
United States. Even our wealthiest al-
lies depend on our trade, loans, and mil-
itary support. Yet how many are stand-
ing by us today in our struggle for peace
in Vietnam? Very few. Not only are
they not helping us, they are speaking
out against our actions. An excellent
proposal to this situation was suggested
in an editorial in the February 3, Knox-
ville, Tenn., Journal, which I ask to be
printed in the RECORD:
A man we know recently spent a few days
in the hospital. He got a letter which
read this way: "There are two who are pull-
ing for your early recovery. I am one of
them and Blue Cross is the other."
Sometimes it looks as if Uncle Sam is in
a predicament similar to that of our man
in the hospital, except that we frequent-
ly find it impossible to name some gov-
ernment friendly enough to us to be counted
in the same class as Blue Cross.
On cold, snowy days some Americans have
time to brood over the evident lack of ap-
preciation for the role which the United
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States of America has played in modern his-
tory and especially in relation to certain
American arms and troops have twice In
this century saved Europe from subjuga-
tion by a powerful enemy. American arms
and troops in defense against Communist
aggression halted the Reds in their tracks in
South Korea.. The protective umbrella of
these same arms and troops have been spread
over Britain, Europe, Greece, Japan, the
Philippines and free nations everywhere since
the end of World War II.
Yet, with the exception of token contin-
gents from Australia and South Korea, not
one of these nations which have been pro-
tected by American military and financial
strength for a quarter of a century has vol-
unteered assistance in the critical South
Vietnam situation. Not only has there been
a lack of physical assistance from all but a
few of these countries which have been the
beneficiaries of our manpower and money,
but we have even been denied their moral
support. In the case of France, for example,
we have seen a former ally actually consort
with the Communists who plan the destruc-
tion of that country no less than ours.
It should be kept in mind, too, that the
protection of the United States has provided
for a long list of countries-more than 100 of
them-which have been the recipients of the
Marshall plan or other foreign aid, has been
at our own expense. As a matter of fact the
tremendous cost of maintaining our military
forces in Europe, for example, is one of the
factors which make it impossible for the
American Government to achieve a favorable
balance of payments and to reduce the run
on our store of gold at Fort Knox.
As a result of our insistence upon financ-
ing, in effect, the whole world, the claims
against our gold supply, now reduced to
about $13 billion, are about twice that
amount. Most of these I 0 U's are in the
hands of central banks in Europe and are at
least legally callable on demand.
Of course, the President will not have the
nerve to do it, but this fact does not obscure
the picture of action that deserves to be
taken. Such action would be far more dras-
tic than the reference he has recently made
to withholding foreign aid handouts from
countries which are hostile to us in every
way until it comes time for them to be on
the receiving end of Federal gifts.
What the President should do, if he were
free to do it, would be to pull out of Europe
all American troops, weapons, and equip-
ment and to use these forces in the South
Vietnam war. This would be an act of
simple justice and at the same time would
relieve both our adverse balance of pay-
ments and shake up the economies of every
nation in which we now have our troops
quartered, primarily for their own protection.
One may entertain himself on a winter's
day by imagining the indignant cries of
alarm and consternation that would arise
if any such action were announced by the
White House. Not only would deathly fear
grip the chancelleries of our European friends
at being left without the protection of U.S.
forces against the looming threat of Russian
communism, but there would be equal con-
cern about a cessation of U.S. spending to
support these forces.
The United States is still in position to
arotect itself from any external threat
which may be brought against it. It must
be conceded, however, that there is a basis
for unhappiness on the part of the Amer-
ican people to find that we are on a one-way
street .when it comes to a crisis such as
exists in South Vietnam. Every other na-
tion is willing to accept help from us, but
few are willing to stand with us in our need.
Bombing Only Choice
Monday, February 7, 1966
Mr. DERWINSKI. Mr. Speaker, the
shrill cries of Communist-infiltrated
peacenik groups are being heard far out
of proportion to their numbers and re-
spectability. I am pleased to note that
the President, as Commander in Chief, is
being supported by respectable voices
across the country, one of which is the
Park Forest Reporter, an outstanding
independent publication serving that
community in Illinois, which carried a
most timely editorial in its February 2
courage to take the fight to the enemy and
will be resolute enough to persevere until
the victory tide turns in his favor.
The role the United Nations will play is
vague at this writing. Many of our stanchest
i allies have no stomach for this war, particu-
larly in its undeclared status. If the Con-
gress declared a state of war existed they
would have to suffer the risks a blockade
would create. It might take just this action
to determine which of our allies are friends
and which are neutrals or worse.
We don't believe that mainland China will
get involved in an all-out war. They are a
decade or more away from risking their very
existence as a power. Their dragon may
snort fire, yet they are wary enough. to save
their strength for a day when chances for
success are not limited.
Acceleration of the war in Vietnam was
inevitable as Communist foes pay little at-
tention to peace efforts. It was obvious
that President Johnson ordered the resump-
tion of bombing of military targets in the
north with reluctance, still he had no other
The 37-day moratorium which was used
to probe every possible avenue toward a
peaceful settlement of the Viet situation
met a firm rebuff from a stubborn foe who
remains defiant and unyielding. The Viet-
cong are unwilling to negotiate unless their
terms of removal of all U.S. and other for-
eign forces from Vietnam are carried out.
From their point of view, any other com-
promise would be surrender, at least in the
military sense. The harsh realization is that
they are convinced they will win the war.
They already control nearly 70 percent of
South Vietnam territory. A heavily armed
200,000 man U.S. force augmented by South
Viet troops has been unable to uproot them.
Despite suffering heavy losses of men, they
continue their harassing tactics in the face of
their enemies, inflict their damages and often
manage to flee undetected. Physically, it's
nigh impossible to tell a friend from a foe.
The enemy who an hour earlier tossed a
bomb into an American billet, lolls around a
South Vietnamese compound at chow time
to take his meal of U.S.-provided foods.
The Vietcong is relying on what they con-
sider the softness of Americans. They rec-
ognize that the slow bleeding process of a
war which could last as long as a generation,
and not completely popular in our land, will
provide the impetus for an eventual pullout,
similar to the defeat the French were forced
to accept after a 10-year struggle in Indo-
An unsettled South Vietnam Government
adds to the confusion of a clearcut victory
effort and the corrupt practices by friendly
officials tends to extend the war and to ac-
celerate its cost.
Yet only a decisive victory will turn the
tide in our favor. It dictates a fight that
should go all out, short of use of nuclear
weapons. There are many reasons for a
peace now, but it takes two to come to terms
at the peace table, Hanoi just isn't ready
to talk terms and our talk must become the inequity of the old rates some weeks ago, the
echo of bombs raining down on their ar- Government owes its bond-holding citizens
senals, strategic highways, and ports. . more consideration than market forces might,
The Vietcong have as yet faced no major alone, require. This move to protect their
manpower problem. All the land battles interests is the proper complement to the
have been fought on enemy ground. Bomb- patriotic appeal, enunciated afresh by Mr.
ings on their soil may awaken them to the Johnson, on which the savings bond pro-
reality that Uncle Sam isn't soft, has the gram is founded.
Monday, February ?7, 1966
Mr. BARRETT. Mr. Speaker, any
businessman recognizes that a "good
deal" is one in which both sides-or all
The Government recognizes this, also.
The administration's decision to raise
savings bond interest rates is a realistic
reaction to changing conditions in the
money markets.
A higher savings bond interest rate
can serve individual savers and the gen-
eral economy.
Everyone stands to benefit.
Many newspapers across the land have
praised the action taken to increase the
interest rates. One such editorial ap-
peared recently in the Philadelphia Eve-
ning Bulletin, and because I feel it is
typical of many, I offer it for the REC-
President Johnson has simply recognized
the Government's fiduciary responsibility to
the holders and purchasers of E and H sav-
ings bonds in directing the Treasury to in-
crease the interest rate, since Interest rates
paid on competitive forms of savings have
climbed well above the 3%-percent E and
H bond rate.
There will, of course,. be some added cost
to the Government. But failure to bring
these bonds into line with the market could,
in time, erode their attractiveness, and in-
crease the burden on other kinds of Treas-
ury financing. More important, the typical
small saver would be cheated of his due re-
ward unless he switched his savings to a bank
or savings and loan account.
The move could have been postponed for
a time, of course, until there were more
definite signs of buyer resistance. But, as
J. A. Livingston, the Bulletin's financial edi-
tor, noted in first calling attention to the
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Vincent J. DiMattina: A Real
Monday, February 7, 1966
Mr. ROONEY of New York. Mr.
Speaker, in the immediate past we have
seen the rise of a breed of American who
has no place either in the traditions or
future of this country. I refer to the
draft card burners, those who deny and
shirk their military obligation to the
country because they "disagree" with the
military policy of the administration. It
is with some pride and a great deal of
pleasure, therefore, that I would like to
talk about Vincent J. DiMattina of
Vincent J. DiMattina is the New York
commander of the Veterans of
Foreign Wars. But he is much more
than that. He is, for example, a man
who at the age of 16 had to leave school
and go to work. on the Brooklyn docks.
The Brooklyn docks, like waterfronts all
the world over, are a tough place to make
:I living. But Vincent DiMattina did.
Then the war came along. In 1942 he
unlisted in the Navy and after boot camp
took instruction in deep sea diving and
was assigned to Seabee Battalion 104.
He served with that unit for almost 4
years in the Pacific theater of war and
reached the rank of chief boatswain's
mate by the time he was discharged in
December of 1945.
Returning to Brooklyn in 1946, Com-
inander DiMattina once again went to
work on the docks. But like so many
others in those days, the war had shown
him that an education was not a lux-
ury but a necessity. In Commander
DiMattina's case it was not merely a re-
turn to college. He had to go back to
high school. Working a full week on the
docks, he somehow managed to complete
his high school and then went on to
college. From there it was law school.
And all this while working a full, hard
day. In 1954, some 8 years later, he was
admitted to the bar of the State of New
Even more amazing, Commander Di-
Mattina, while working and going to
school, found time for an active role in
veterans' affairs in Brooklyn. In 1951
he was elected county commander of the
VFW in Kings County. He also man-
aged to organize and recruit members
for 16 new VFW posts in Brooklyn.
Along the way he served the VFW and
his fellow veterans well. He served as
Loyalty Day chairman, chairman of the
department rehabilitation committee,
department inspector, judge advocate,
and was elected to the successive posts of
.junior and senior vice commander of the
Department of New York. He was
elected commander of the Department of
New York at the 46th annual conven-
tion in Lake Placid, N.Y., on June 26,
Commander DiMattina is a member of
the Brooklyn Bar Association, the Fed-
eral Bar Association of New York, New
Jersey, and Connecticut. U.S. Govern-
ment Appeals Agent for the local draft
board, a member of the civilian advisory
board to the 3d Naval District, and past
grand knight of the Our Lady of Loretto
Council No. 585 of the Knights of Co-
lumbus. He has also served as assistant
counsel to the minority leader of the
New York State Assembly in 1963 and
1964 and presently is counsel to the
speaker of the New York State Assem-
bly on military and patriotic affair:
Mr. Speaker, I have known Vincent J.
DeMattina for many years and am happy
and proud that our association has led
to a close and warm friendship. I would
like to offer a salute to the VFW's New
York Department commander, Vincent
J. DiMattina-a real American.
Monday, February 7, 1966
Mr. GILBERT. Mr. Speaker, Assem-
blyman Alexander Chananau, a dis-
tinguished member of our New York
State Legislature, recently testified be-
fore the traffic safety hearings of the
Subcommittee on Executive Reorgani-
zation of the Senate Government Opera-
tions Committee. Assemblyman Chana-
nau cosponsored the 1965 safety car
law in the New York State Assembly,
and as an authority on automotive
safety, he has spoken on a subject of
major concern and interest to all of us.
I wish to call Assemblyman Chanai au's
testimony to the attention of my col-
leagues in the House of Representat.ves:
Chairman RIBICOFF and members o1 the
subcommittee, as a member of this New York
State Joint Legislative Committee for 3 ]ears
and cosponsor of the 1965 safety car law
under which the prototype program was
initiated, I can testify that it is the one
program Detroit wants to stop cold.
This is bipartisan legislation we are dis-
cussing in New York State, and we hope at
the congressional level. The problems this
essential legislation runs into are bipartisan
With Assemblyman Julius Volker. Re-
publican, of Buffalo, I battled for it on the
floor of the assembly in 1965 while Senator
Speno, a Republican who had developed the
program, put it through in the senate In
this matter, and in our prior and current
efforts to have the first equipment and new
tire safety laws passed, we felt the power of
Detroit at work.
This New York State Legislative Commit-
tee has considered and legislated in every
major field from visual acuity to speed limits
to alcohol impairment to drug use to psy-
chiatric and psychological prediction.
Gentlemen, we have found that the cur-
rent automobile is unnecessarily unsafe and
productive of injuries and deaths, and we
have found that getting essential changes
made, device by device, is a long and difficult
We have followed Senator Speno's leader-
ship in the New York Legislature as has,
directly and indirectly, the rest of the Na-
tion. We have found that obsolete concepts
of salability based on styling still reign in
Detroit, despite recent assurances to the con-
trary. As an indication, there is no one in
the automobile industry in charge of safety
design who has vice-presidential status, but
each of the Big Three has a vice president
for styling.
A much better indication is the fact that
50,000 Americans were killed last year and
3,500,000 injured by smashing around inside
the interior of the car, by being projected
outside the car, or by being hit by a car.
We cannot stop the majority of accidents
from occurring because we don't, at this
point, have the knowledge which would per-
mit such a utopia.
But we can stop the majority of the deaths
and injuries from. occurring because the car
is readily, changed for safety purposes. Peo-
ple are not readily changed.
In 1966, we again have bipartisan legisla-
tion under consideration to continue the
safety car project, a $250,000 appropriation
directed toward Federal grant subsidies and
any and all public or private financial assist-
ance. Cosponsors at this point are Senators
Speno and Liebowits and Assemblyman
Joseph M. Margiotta, Republicans of Long
Island, and me, two Democrats and two Re-
publicans. We expect trouble.
Now, what have we here before us in this
feasibility report? We have the first au.Ito-
mobile design safety check list, consisting of
several hundred identified automobile haz-
ards, the first such checklist for designers
ever compiled in l30 years of automobile engi-
neering literature.
We have proof' that a car can be built,
the New York State safety car prototype,
that will prevent 75 percent of injuries and.
fatalities at crash-impacts of 50 miles per
hour, 75 percent in side collisions, 90 per-
cent in rollover accidents, and 90 percent
when a car runs into the rear of another.
The study before us also shows ways to re-
duce accidents through mechanical changes
and to out down ;pedestrian injuries.
We have the concept of a car designed ac-
cording to aerospace systems analysis which
protects astronauts.
It took 7 years of concentrated effort based
on dedication and conviction to produce the
safety car prototype project in New York
State. We believe that we are, by experi-
ence, experts in this subject of automotive
safety and we have had the advice and serv-
ice of the best technicians, engineers, sci-
entists and physicians in doing our job.
We urge the Federal Government to join
us in this essential effort now, continuing
the only existent safety car prototype proj-
ect of its type in the world. We welcome
greater Federal effort in traffic safety and
trust that the enthusiasm now being shown
by certain Members of the Congress and
various Federal agencies will not wane. We
welcome guidance from the Federal Govern
merit as time passes. Massive research proj-
ects will, we hope, be initiated and carried
through. We ask you to show your intent,
fighting spirit and conviction by joining us
now in getting this prototype built. It will
tell us all what should be done, what can be
done and how to do it. It is design, safety
design from the beginning, that marks the
difference between this project and the "saf-
est" car now being manufactured for sale.
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February 7, AYp~roved For` 8-P~6.7M$f0400020007-9
dence, detailed information, and entree to the
principals handling this project In Mexico."
In conclusion, the question might be asked,
What has been done and what Is being done?
Hundreds of thousands of pages in dozens of
studies have been compiled-one of which
seem to give the answers some people want-
so they pile up and gather dust.
The most recent of these studies Is a work
by Harland Padfield and William E. Martin
for the University of Arizona entitled-
"Farmers, Workers, and Machines." This is,
in my opinion, a well prepared document,
and like some other, I am afraid, their con-
clusions might not be what some people
For example, on. page 294, this report
"Public Law 78 and Its Administration.
"1. Public Law 78 should be extended or
some similar law enacted. However, no in-
creases in the total foreign farm labor supply
should be allowed.
"Even with an extension of this law, the
use of Mexican national workers would de-
crease rapidly without the aid of restricted
legislation under technological and eco-
nomic pressures already set in motion. - The
only restriction should he on greatly Increas-
ing the importation of Mexican nationals,
thus avoiding formation of some new capi-
tal-saving, labor-using technology. Ending
the program now will cause chaotic condi-
tions within some crops and regions as adop-
tion of new methods and technologies will
be forced at too rapid a rate. During this
period, consumer prices may rise precipi-
"The removal of the braceros simply im-
plies the elimination of jobs they were per-
forming. At the same time, the lower occu-
pational classes, now complementary to the
braceros`.tasks, will be also eliminated. New
but fewer jobs will be created for a different
(and higher) occupational class. Continua-
tion of the bracero program would cause
these changes to occur more gradually while
economic, social, and technological processes
eliminate the program within the next few
years in a smooth and relatively nondisrup-
tive manner."
On page 295, we find the following:
"To attempt to alleviate farm labor short-
ages by a naturalization process, such as un-
der Public Law 414, is most undesirable.
The green card worker cannot be regulated
precisely in accordance with labor demand.
Once admitted to the United States he is
free to move to any area and any industry.
If he encounters social or economic diffi-
culty he becomes a problem to society as a
whole rather than being only a farm labor
cost. He is a year-round problem imported
to answer a seasonal labor demand."
And we quote from page 296 of this report
as follows:
"Whose responsibility are these technolog-
ically obsolete workers?. To use a specific
example, whose responsibility are the Anglo-
isolates described in chapter 17 or the Indi-
ans described in chapter 18? Certainly we
cannot blame their impoverished condition
on the farmers for whom they usually work.
The farm provides them a job where no other
sector of our economy can. The Anglo-iso-
latex are on the farm because they have
been rejected elsewhere, The Indians are
on the farm because the-farm allows them
to continue to participate in reservation
And finally, may I go back to the front
of the book under "Acknowledgments"-it
says this : -
"This study was financed by contract
funds from the Bureau of Employment Se-
curity of the U.S. Department of Labor."
A World Leader Spoke
of -
Monday, February 7, 1966
Mr. WILLIAM D. FORD. Mr. Speak-
er, those who watched the President of
the United States deliver his state of the
Union address, either in person or on
television, saw an outstanding leader at
his very best.
The Detroit News, in an editorial on
January 13, declared that the President
"was at his best-persuasive, nonevasive,
rock firm without being belligerent, de-
terminedly hopeful for peace but offer-
ing Americans no easy way out, at times
quite eloquently moving, and throughout,
utterly convincing."
The editorial added, "It was the true
voice of America the world heard last
I share this editorial view of the De-
troit News, and I am sure that few other
editorials, columns, or news articles ana-
lyzed or interpreted the President's state
of the Union message as thoughtfully or
as clearly as did the News editorial writer.
I have permission, Mr. Speaker, to have
this editorial made a part of the CONGRES-
Bringing the Vietnam record up to date for
the Nation, Its foes and the whole world,
President Johnson last night was at his
best-persuasive, nonevasive, rock firm with-
out being belligerent, determinedly hopeful
for peace but offering Americans no easy
way out, at times quite eloquently moving,
and throughout utterly convincing.
He spoke of our military might without
bragging. He underlined our decade-long
commitment to the South Vietnamese people
which some of his critics-but not President
Johnson-would have us- run out on. He
warned that foe that their strategy was il-
lusory; that the enemy was no longer close
to victory and no longer had time on his
side. -
Mr. Johnson brought it home to the Amer-
ican people that not Americans alone are
fighting and dying. Eight South Vietnamese
died for every American who gave his life
last year. And to those of his countrymen
doing today in Vietnam what Americans had
done before them In Flanders fields, against
the forces of Hitler and Toio and Mussolini,
and in Korea, he pledged: "You will have
everything you must have: every gun, every
'dollar, and every decision-whatever the
cost and whatever the challenge."
Thankfully, he wasted no time or words
on those who would snatch at peace at al-
most any price, that frenetic fringe ranging
from professors to draft card-burning stu-
dents. He had no time to waste on their
state of mind in his state of the Union
Yet it was in this field, in his determina-
tion to seek an honorable peace that he
spoke with the most warming conviction of
all. Mr. Johnson said:
"We have made it clear, from Hanoi to
New York, there are no arbitrary limits to
our search for peace. We stand by the
Geneva agreements of 1954 and 1962. We
will meet at any conference table, discuss
any proposals-4 points, or 14, or 40-
and consider the views of any group. We
Will work for a. ceasefire now or once the dis-
cussions begin, We will respond if others
reduce their use of force. - We will with-
draw our soldiers once South Vietnam is
securely guaranteed the right to shape its
own future."
It is all there. What more can a man do?
What more. can a foe expect? What else
would the critics have him say? We stand
by the terms. that ended- the first Viet-
nam war. We are prepared to stand by
and for the neutrality of Laos spared 4
years ago from what its neighbors suffer
today. "We will consider the views of any
group." This is perhaps the most telling
offer of all.
means we now accept that we
to the Vietcong or its political
National Liberation Front. Mr.
didn't say we'd buy what they demand.
didn't promise them a seat in any fu-
ture South Vietnam Government. That's
up to the South Vietnamese when, safe from
coercion and bullets, they can make a free'
He didn't contend the Reds' 4 points or
his own 14 (like President Wilson's two
generations ago) were the limit. The field
is wide open. And, on this, he warned Amer-
icans, also, that, should a cease-fire come
about, it will be only the start, not the end.
There'll be a long, hard pull for all at any
conference table. -
He confirmed we have communicated pri-
vately wth our adversaries and he publicly
offered them another choice: Either a cease-
fire now even before negotiations begin-a
tacit, unpoliced moratorium-or when talks
are underway. He did not set a time limit
on our, bombing pause, which was wise. We
have an obligation to our GI's on the ground,
too. But he did say: "We will respond if
others reduce their use of force."
There it is, clear and unequivocal-an
open-ended offer to talk peace. So far there
has been no definitive response. If there
be none at all, then it may be days and
months and years, but: "We shall stay as long
as aggression commands us to battle," We
shall not abandon Asia to conquest.
The mailed fist and the hand of friendship
at the same time, the warning we'll see it
through- whatever the cost, yet the offer also
of aid to all Vietnamese, North and South.
Here was compassion and determination, re-
solve without riproaring threats. It was the
true voice of America, the world heard last
War on Poverty Allocated $8 Million
Monday, February 7, 1966
Mr. GILLIGAN. Mr. Speaker, a re-
porter,. Margaret Josten, of the Cincin-
nati Enquirer, has written a seven-part
series on the antipoverty program in
Cincinnati. Today, I include the fourth
part of her series to illustrate the kind
of reporting that helps inform the public
about the various antipoverty programs
at work in our communities under the
U.S. Office of Economic Opportunity,
(By Margaret Josten)
It costs about $8 million to buy a 707 jet
or to build a significant stretch of express-
way through an urban area.
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Approved Fof-Pil -sMSMI20t lR3 P-6 040002O ar2>? 7- 1 Qei'
to? ~ f-5 ~, . poverty is expensive business poor of Cincinnati are given a voice in
m-if the approximately $8 million (90 policymaking.
percent Federal, 10 percent local) allocated Each neighborhood project has a resident
in the Cincinnati area since January 1965 board of directors which sends a representa-
is any indication of what it will cost before tive to the metropolitan. community action
the big job is done. board where, as Mr. Hansan says, "You've
Explaining the reasons for the cost of the got to be poor to belong." At MCAB four
war on poverty has been and probably will persons are elected to serve on the governing
remain a major chore of the U.S. Office of body Of the community action commission.
Economic Opportunity, Washington, as well There, in practice as well as theory, the
as for John E. Hansan, executive director of people from the poverty pockets have the
the Community Action Commission, local same voice as the representatives from the
a.rm of the operation. Greater Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce
HOW MANY BENEFIT' or the AFL-CIO Labor Council of Cincinnati.
How many of the poor are actually getting They have shown, too, that the social
benefits? sophistication of the poor Is sometimes un-
Can the cost (the current appropriation derrated. Take as an example the little
for the entire United States is $1.5 ab ppropriation speech a new representative made when she
be related to the effect? introduced herself and the three others at a
The second question is the most difficult recent CAC session.
to answer at this stage of the war. Even has a She white pointed: "faceHe has a black fain She
in Cincinnati, far ahead of cities which have "face. He
has abrown face.
been plagued by political bickering
the ef- And I have a freckled face."
fort is mostly in a stage of mobilization.
Dr. Joseph Kershaw, formerly of the Rand
Corp., now OEO's director of planning and
evaluation, currently is computing the cost-
effect on nine major battlefronts.
This cannot be done overnight, he says,
principally because the programs are so new
they have yet to show output.
To compute the effectiveness of the Job
corps, for instance, he will have to follow
graduates into jobs.
Did the teenagers in the Neighborhood
Youth Corps actually finish high school or
(lid they get jobs on the open market? Did
the children in Operation Head Start really
get enough help to overcome environments
The West End Special Services Project, op-
erating under sponsorship of Seven Hills
Neighborhood Houses, Inc., is a good I oxample
of the number of poor getting employment
out of an antipoverty program.
Of 72 employees, 65 are residents of the
West End. Eight are Neighborhood Youth
Corps enrollees receiving $1.25 an hour. The
other residents on the payroll are older per-
sons getting either $1.25 or $1.50 for their
efforts as neighborhood organizers or program
The project has directly or indirectly
reached. approximately 27,353 residents of an
area still considered the prime example of
deprivation in Cincinnati.
Mr. Hansan says essentially the same ratios
be answerable for a generation. ~V ..wy 11V4 ees exist in other neighborhood projects. /
Bringing the cost-effect question to Cin- MORE THAN MONEY
cinnati in connection with its $8 million in "The poverty we're trying to eliminate is
projects is just as difficult. Speculation is not just poverty of the purse," Mrs. liansan
easier hero, however. reminds.
It, is no secret that Cincinnati's civil rights "It's poverty of opportunity to enjoy the
leaders and city officials had some uneasy recognition of status and respect that comes
moments in the wake of Los Angeles riots from serving on boards and committee:, work-
which cost 34 lives and millions in property ing for the public good.
damage. "Even though they are poor they have as
Mr. Hansan observes that Los Angeles had much desire to give of themselves as busi-
no antipoverty program at the time, while r:essmen or professional people.
Cincinnati did. Neither he nor anybody else "What we are trying to do Is to open the
can say this was the reason or even one of doors to them-to let them share the same
the reasons trouble never erupted here. opportunities as others."
But he does point out that 3,000 young
persons in the critical 16-to-21 age group,
generally from slum families, were employed
in the Neighborhood Youth Corps at the
time. Ti) have gotten into trouble would
have cost them their $1.25-an-hour jobs.
Then, too, community centers were oper-
ating In the slum neighborhoods. Adults,
teenagers, and children were getting aid
ranging from remedial reading to recreation
to job counseling. Mr. Hansan says they
were at least being shown that somebody
outside the ghetto eared--which was hardly
the case in Los Angeles.
Of the $8 million allocated to Cincinnati,
about $4 million has been spent.
Mr. Hansan points out that the bulk of
that money is being paid out in wages to
people who have many material needs. It
is not setting in savings accounts, he says.
Rather it is going to department stores, in-
surance agents, grocers, shoe repairmen,
'It is only reasonable to expect these ex-
penditures have a rippling effect throughout
he entire metropolitan community in the
form of expanded business," he adds.
How many of the poor are really bene-
fiting from the antipoverty program here?
First, unlike the custom in some cities, the
,Increased Federal Control Sought in Un-
employment Compensation Legislation
Monday, February 7, 1966
Mr. MARTIN of Alabama. Mr. Speak-
er, members of the Alabama delega-
tion were privileged to listen to a
thoughtful report on H.R. 8282, unem-
ployment compensation, at the recent
meeting of the Associated Industries of
Alabama. I would like to share with all
the Members the thoughts contained in
this report by Mr. Hubert T. Sullivan,
director of industrial relations, Opp
Cotton Mills, Opp, Ala.
(By Hubert T. Sullivan)
Subject: H.R. 8282, unemployment com-
President Lem, member of the Alabama
congressional delegation, and my fellow rep-
resentatives of Alabama business and indus-
try, I wish to thank you for the opportunity
to say a few words in regard to the attempts
that are being made by the administration
to overhaul and completely modernize the
so-called antiquated unemployment eoun-
pensation systems of the various States.
You are familar with the administration
bill, H.R. 828:2, which has been introduced
and on which hearings have been completed
by the Ways and Means Committee. The ad-
ministration with the full backing of labor,
is attempting to sell this bill as a moderniza-
tion program, claiming that the program has
not been overhauled in a good many years:
This is simply not true-the unemployment
program is constantly being modernized and
overhauled. Nearly every session of the var-
ious State legislatures make some changes
in their unemployment compensation laws to
meet changing economic conditions or to
solve some problem peculiar to their State.
The overwhelming majority of the changes
are in the nature of increased benefits or
other liberalization of the program.
During the year 1965 alone, 30 States (in-
cluding Alabama) increased their weekly
benefit amount, All but two States pro-
vide for at least 26 weeks of coverage. Dur-
ing 1965, four States increased their tax
base over the $3,000 floor provided in the
Federal act. This brings to 18 the number
of States with tax base in excess of $3,000.
Maximum tax rates were increased in. eight
States during 1965. Thirty-seven States have
UC taxes above the required 2.7-percent
A fair test to measure Federal legislation
affecting socioeconomic legislative programs
of the various States should be whether the
proposed Federal legislation is designed to
preserve and foster an environment In which
the States themselves determine how best to
balance change with stability and how best
to tailor the programs to meet the needs and
situations of the people of the various States.
Instead of preserving the existing systems
of State unemployment programs which have
kept pace with economic and other changes,
H.R. 8282 seeks to displace, if not demolish,.
the State systems by substituting it cen-
tralized Federal system operating Out of
Washington, under the Department of Labor,
which superimposes its own predetermined
blanket requirements upon all States alike,
the richest, the poorest, the largest, and the
smallest, the most industrial, and the most
agricultural. Does this meet the "test"' out-
lined above? Absolutely not.
The present unemployment compensation
program has furnished us one of the finest,
if not the finest, example of Federal-State
cooperation that we have.
In Alabama, our unemployment compen-
sation program has operated most efficiently
under the direction of the Alabama Depart-
ment of Industrial Relations. Scarcely it
session of the legislature passes without the
enactment of improvements in the Alabama
law. For the most part, these improve-
ments are worked out between employer
and labor groups in cooperation with the
State agency and are presented to the leg-
islature as "agreed" legislation. In this way,
the law is kept up to date and meets the
needs for which it was created. Several
minor crises have threatened and have been
As an example, in 1961, the trust fund had
declined from a high of $85 million to a low
of $44 million. A bill was rushed through
the legislature which not only increased
benefits and made other liberalizations in
the law, but which imposed a higher tax on
employers-with the result that the trust
fund has built up to approximately $90 :mil-
lion at the present time. This trust fund
balance represents 5.23 percent of the total
taxable wages for 1964. Even with these im-
provements, the average tax on Alabama em-
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232 T
Approved For Rel@M(21X@tt,X:lA 0390 OR040002000F'-abruary 7, 1966
strengthen our American educational
resources for international studies and
research. But, this intention, itself, is
based upon other convictions about the
purposes of legislation concerning in-
ternational education. Fundamentally,
we are committed to the study of other
nations because we believe nations are
more inclined to cooperate if they know
and understand each other. This seems
like commonsense to me.
Furthermore, it is appropriate for the
Federal Government of a prosperous
Nation to initiate this work among the
nations by taking the work upon itself
-on one hand perhaps only to assist the
development of resources for interna-
tional study at home; but, on the other,
also to assist the progress of education
in the developing nations.
We believe in this country that our
citizens should relate to other countries
from a position of educational strength.
And we also believe in full opportunity
for all Americans to acquire the fullest
possible knowledge of other nations,
peoples, and cultures.
More specifically, the International
Education Act of 1966 intends to
strengthen American educational re-
sources for international study and re-
search by setting up a grant program un-
der the authority of the Secretary of
Health, Education, and Welfare. Our
resources in this area would be strength-
ened in two ways.
Under section 3 of the act, grants may
be made to institutions of higher educa-
tion in order to establish, strengthen, and
operate graduate centers, which will
serve as national and international re-
sources, for research and training in in-
ternational studies. These graduate cen-
ters would be free to focus either on spe-
cific geographic areas, or on particular
issues in international affairs.
Under section 4 of this act, grants
would be made to institutions of higher
learning to assist them in the planning
developing and executing of a compre-
hensive program to strengthen and im-
prove undergraduate instruction in in-
ternational studies. The grants would be
used for a variety of activities, such as:
facility planning of undergraduate
courses; training faculty members in a
foreign country; expanding foreign lan-
guage courses; working in other fields re-
lated to international studies; student
work-study-travel programs; for visiting
faculty of foreign teachers and scholars.
The appealing feature about the assist-
ance given to undergraduate schools is
the fact that these grants are made both
in an effort toward equitable distribution
throughout the States, and with prefer-
ence given to institutions showing need
as well as promise in international
The bill authorizes the Secretary of
Health, Education, and Welfare to utilize
other governmental services and facili-
ties-section 5. No Federal Department
or employee is in any way authorized to
exert influence over curriculum, teach-
ing, administration, or personnel of
the educational institutions receiving
grants--section 6.
The bill authorizes the grant program
for the duration of 5 years-section 7.
Finally, one section of this bill improves
title VI of the National Defense Educa-
tion Act of 1958, as amended, by ex-
panding the language and area centers'
Mr. Speaker, with 4 out of every 10
of the world's adults unable to read or
write, with large sections of some coun-
tries having an illiteracy rate of 98 per-
cent, a total commitment to the cause
of universal learning is no doubt our
most constructive instrument of world
The New York Times recently ran an
outstanding editorial dealing with the
subject of international education. I
Domestic educational strength is indivis-
ible from success overseas. Shortages of
highly educated, competent and committed
manpower at home will continue to jeopard-
ize the American impact in other lands.
In his message on international edu-
cation, President Johnson has reminded
us of the inescapable connection of
learning and freedom. He said men pur-
sued knowledge no matter what the con-
sequences, that the increase of learning
was the first work of a nation that wants
to be free, that is what this bill would
help bring about.
It has been said that "education is
It is the power to transform. To
change. Through such legislation, I feel
the United States will eventually be able
to strike a mighty blow against the chains
which enslave millions around the globe
in misery, ignorance, and disease.
(Mr. GIBBONS (at the request of Mr.
KREBS) was granted permission to ex-
tend his remarks at this point in the REC-
ORD and to include extraneous matter.)
Mr. GIBBONS. Mr. Speaker, today
I introduce a bill to establish a National
Highway Traffic Safety Agency in the
U.S. Department of Commerce. The pur-
pose of this legislation is to attack our
country's mounting highway death rate
from a national perspective.
Our distinguished colleague, the gen-
tleman from Georgia, Congressman
JAMES A. MACKAY, has taken the lead in
this fight in the House of Representa-
tives, as today he introduced legislation
of this nature. I would like to associate
myself with the remarks of the gentle-
man from Georgia [Mr. MACKAY] and
urge quick action on this legislation, for
surely it is needed to help stop the ter-
rible carnage on our highways.
Mr. Speaker, 1,284 of our fellow Amer-
icans lost their lives on the Christmas
and New Year weekends. No, they did
not die fighting in South Vietnam. They
died right here in the United States of
America on our streets and highways.
Traffic accidents cost this Nation a
great price. Last year, it has been esti-
mated that some 50,000 individuals lost
their lives on our roads and highways.
This figure represents a greater number
of deaths than this country suffered in
the Korean war and is a substantial per-
centage of our World War II casualties.
Besides these shocking figures, total fi-
nancial loss suffered every year from
highway accidents of all types runs up
to $9 billion. That is one-fourth of the
total expenditures of the United States
on all forms of education.
The President of the United States in
a speech recently before the American
Trial Lawyers Association said the
gravest "problem before this Nation-
next to the war in Vietnam is the death
and destruction" from auto accidents.
The legislation which I introduce
today will establish in the Commerce De-
partment a National Highway Traffic
Safety Agency and center for research
into methods of more effectively attack-
ing this problem which most certainly
is a national one.
Through this Agency, national leader-
ship would be available through joint co-
operative State and local campaigns and
the assistance of the American auto in-
dustry so that drastic cuts can be brought
about in our staggering highway fatality
Such an agency in the Commerce De-
partment would give overall direction
and assistance to highway safety efforts
now made by 16 existing Federal agen-
cies and some 45 private agencies. It is
the thought of Congressman MACKAY,
and I would agree with him, that such
a National Highway Traffic Safety
Agency would be to highway safety much
as the Federal Aviation Agency is to air
traffic safety. This makes a lot of sense
to me.
This would be no Federal police force.
This would be a fact-finding, research
organization which would help our local,
State, and other governmental bodies in
the formulation of adequate safety re-
quirements for automobiles and driving
standards throughout the country. I
agree with Congressman MACKAY that
this legislation is overdue and needed
now. I urge its swift consideration by
this Congress.
(Mr. McGRATH (at the request of Mr.
KREBS) was granted permission- to ex-
tend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous mat-
[Mr. McGRATH'S remarks will ap-
pear hereafter in the Appendix.]
(Mr. HELSTOSKI (at the request of
Mr. KREBS) was granted permission to
extend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous mat-
[Mr. HELSTOSKI'S remarks will ap-
pear hereafter in the Appendix.]
(Mr. o a (at the re-
quest of Mr. KREBS) was granted per-
mission to extend his remarks at this
point in the RECORD and to include ex-
traneous matter.)
Mr. HANSEN of Iowa. Mr. Speaker,
watching President Johnson make his
dramatic announcement about resump-
tion of North Vietnam bomb raids, mil-
lions of TV viewers saw in the back-
ground the symbolic American eagle,
clutching in one set of claws the arrows
of war, and in the other the olive
branch of peace.
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(,rc,by?uai' roved F / / DP 6R000400020007-9 y 7, 1.96 pp @ 2321
power might well be justified. But
though it is not; without the bounds of
possibility that the increased use of some
armed protective force may yet be neces-
sary, I believe that other measures are
still available.
The State Department has worked at
length to find such a solution but their
methods of persuasion and argument
have often proved unavailing. The na-
I,ions concerned---Chile, Ecuador, Peru,
and now Colombia. have seemed im-
mune to argument and persuasion. In
the absence of firm worldwide law, none
has been willing to make an agreement
on the basis of generally accepted prac-
The time has come for a consideration
of methods stronger than mere persua-
sion, methods that will serve to convince
every nation that while the United States
will scrupulously regard the rights of
others on the high seas, we will insist
that others give equal regard to our own
The time has come to make it clear
;o all nations that we will protect the
rights and freedoms of our citizens
wherever they may be engaged in law-
ful activities on the high seas, and that
this protection will be extended by what-
wer means that may become necessary.
If this determination is made known,
and this resolve becomes clear, it is my
:cope that nations which have been
harassing our fishing vessels, and na-
,ions which might be tempted to do so,
will instead be inclined to accept our re-
peated invitation to "come, let us reason
;,)gether." From such reasoning alone
an come the international agreements
needed to forestall the strife that may
sell lie ahead without them.
(Mr. FEIGHAN at the request of Mr.
KREBS) was granted permission to ex-
tend his remarks tit this point in the
].?.',CORD and to include extraneous
l Mr. FEIGHAN addressed the House.
I !is remarks will appear hereafter in the
Appendix. I
(Mr. CRALEY (at the request of Mr.
I(nEns) was granted permission to extend
his remarks at this point in the RECORD
and to include extraneous matter.)
Mr. CRALEY. Mr. Speaker, we hear
end read a great deal these days about
juvenile delinquents, vandalism by teen-
agers, and other sordid acts by young-
sters in the Nation.
Because of the destructive nature of
such actions, too often little attention is
given to the constructive acts and accom-
plishments of the vast majority of the
t,enagers who are laying the founda-
tions of their futures as responsible cit-
I; have in my district a very outstand-
icr young man who, I believe, epitomizes
the responsible teenagers. He is Ronald
it.. Boggs, of Carlisle, Pa., who was se-
lected as one of the 14 representatives
of the 5,600,000 Boy Scouts of America
who will make the annual "Report to the
Nation" to President Johnson on Febru-
ac-y 9 of this year.
The 14 boys making the report were
selected on a competitive basis which
took into account school, church, com-
munity, and scouting records.
Ronald is 17 years old and attends
Carlisle High School where he is on the
honor roll, a member of weight lifting,
speech, art, chess, and science clubs. He
holds two letters in music and has par-
ticipated in the Boys Glee Club and he
high school chorus.
Among the scouting awards he has
won are the Bronze and Gold Palm Ea ,;le,
15 Miler Award, God and Country
Award, and Order of Arrow. In addition
to scouting, he is interested in science
and has received two science awards, one
by the Institute of Radio Engineers :,.nd
another by the institute of Electrical .i nd
Electronic Engineers.
I am sure his parents, Col. and Mrs.
William H. Boggs are very proud of l:irn.
I commend him for his outstanding
achievements and am most happy to
have such a well-rounded, outstanding
young citizen in the 19th District of
(Mr. MINISH (at the request of Mr.
KREBS) was granted permission to extend
his remarks at this point in the RECOsn
and to include extraneous matter.)
I Mr. MINISH addressed the Horse.
His remarks will appear hereafter in Ihe
Appendix. 1
(Mr. GONZALEZ (at the recuest of
Mr. KREBS) was granted permission to
extend his remarks at this point in 'tie
RECORD and to include extraneous
I Mr. GONZALEZ addressed the Horu.;e.
His :remarks will appear hereafter in ! he
Appendix, I
(Mr. GONZALEZ (at the request of
Mr. KREBS) was granted permission i.o
extend his remarks at this point in Cie
RECORD and to include oxtranet us
I Mr. GONZALEZ addressed the Hou:.e.
His remarks will appear hereafter in the
Appendix. I
(Mr. FLYNT (at the request of All'.
KREBS) was granted permission to ex-
tend his remarks at this point in the
REaorn and to include extraneous mol-
Mr. FLYNT. Mr. Speaker, today I
introduce a House concurrent resolution
commemorating the Boy Scouts of Amer-
ica, on the occasion of the 50th anniver-
sary of the granting of its charter.
During the 50 years that this organi-
zation has been in existence, it has fos-
tered in our youth the highest of ideal;;:
it has promoted the manly qualities of
self-reliance, endurance, and physical Ili I-
ness; and it has developed honesty, it -
tegrity, and leadership in the youth of
our Nation.
I *have been a Boy Scout myself and
have continued to take an active interest
in. scouting activities. Both of my sons
were also active in scouting work.
I introduce this resolution to appro-
priately recognize this memorable year
because of my belief in the ideals and
principles for which the Boy Scouts of
America stands.
I hope that this resolution will be fav-
orably considered by the House of Rep-
resentatives and approved.
OF 1966
(Mr. GIBBONS (at the request of Mr.
KREBS) was granted permission to ex-
tend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous
Mr. GIBBONS. Mr. Speaker, today. I
introduce a bill to implement provisions
of the President's message to the Con-
gress on international education.
This bill would be the International
Education Act of 1966.
I support the President in his call for
this action because it is consistent with
the present administration's objectives,
both for educational citizenship within
the Nation, and for the Nation's respon-
sible citizenship within a larger world.
A world which continues to shrink every
We have long been aware of the ira-
portance of educating the American pub-
lic for responsible citizenship in our own
country. In a ]L957 speech, our late.
beloved President John F. Kennedy,
whom the people of my city of Tampa
loved so much, when he was a Member
of the Senate reaffirmed the positive re-
lationship which exists between ediie:i-
tion and public responsibility.
President Kennedy said every man no
the street was a citizen.
Every man was a citizen "who held
office"; every citizen held office, as
Abraham Lincoln had said, by virtue of
the vote and opinion with which he made
statutes either possible or impossible to
Moreover, President Kennedy acknowl-
edged how some citizens were slow and
shortsighted; but the remedy to provin-
cial opinions, according to Thomas Jet'-
ferson, rests not in removing, but in in-
forming the citizen's "discretion and
With the demands of responsible
citizenship so clearly unavoidable, than,
Senator Kennedy said that youn!s
Americans ought to be educated for
playing an active and informed role in
the political affairs of the Nation.
The President of the United States in
his February 2 message to the Congress
and the American people, suggested that.
we not limit to our own shores our battle
with ignorance and disease. This is the
cause, the world task, he pointed out.
that we may commit ourselves to by
passing the International Education Act
of 1966.
As a member of the House Education
and Labor Committee, and as one deeply
committed to our fight against poverty
and ignorance at home, I wholehearted],,-
support President Johnson.
Mr. Speaker, the bill I introduce to-
day will help to increase the dimensions
of American citizenship. This is my
hope and my earnest desire.
The single intention of my bill is to
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February 7Ap g-?ged For Reba 9 A 1#
It is perhaps important for us to re-
member that the eagle looks toward
peace-while having all of the arrows
of war which he needs at his ready
Praising the stand taken by this ad-
ministration, Newsday said that the deci-
sion of the President "reflects well on the
system and on the man." It adds:
For the President did not merely resume
a military operation; he put fresh impetus
into the search for a peaceful conclusion by
directing that the Vietnam struggle be
brought before the United Nations Security
The newspaper feels that the request
demonstrates :
Two fundamentals of our Vietnam policy:
that we will honor our commitments to pro-
tect South Vietnam from aggression and
that we will seek all means to move the Is-
sue from the battlefield to the conference
I commend this editorial for the pe-
rusal of my colleagues, and with their
permission I submit it for the RECORD.
[From Newsday, Feb. 1, 19661
Seldom has the loneliness of the man in
the White House been more apparent than in
the past several weeks. President Johnson's
decision to end the 37-day pause in the
bombing of North Vietnam was subjected to
the harsh discipline of the Presidency and it
did not come easily. Many could advise and
Inform, but the President, ever conscious of
his awesome responsibility, had to make the
final choice himself. We think his decision
reflects well on the system and on the man.
For the President did not merely resume a
military operation; he put fresh impetus into
the search for a peaceful conclusion by di-
recting that the Vietnam struggle be brought
before the United Nations Security Council.
His request demonstrates anew President
Johnson's determination to adhere to the two
fundamentals of our Vietnam policy; that we
will honor our commitment to protect South
Vietnam from aggression and that we will
seek all means to move the issue from the
battlefield to the conference table.
The President has now forcefully and dra-
matically answered both the foreign and do-
mestic critics of his Vietnam policy. Hanoi
had 37 days to respond favorably to the pause
in bombing. But the only response was
negative, coupled with a demand for total
victory on Hanoi's own terms. Moreover, the
U.S. pause in bombing produced only con-
tinued Communist infiltration, continued
terrorism In South Vietnam, continued in-
sistence on terms utterly detached from
reality and, of course, continued invective.
The renewed use of air power in the north
again will be controlled, as it had been, with
great caxe and aimed only at military targets.
The resumption serves two purposes, one
military and the other diplomatic. The mili-
tary purpose is obvious. The bombing will
attempt to destroy the troops and supplies
being infiltrated from the north. The diplo-.
matic purpose should be just as obvious. It
is a warning to Hanoi and Peiping that the
United States is not prepared to abandon
South Vietnam to the Vietcong.
The decision to bring the Vietnam im-
passe to the U.N. Security Council is as sig-
nificant as the decision to resume bombing.
During the pause, the quiet diplomacy of
President Johnson's peace offensive saw six
envoys visit 34 countries. The President is
now bringing his case to the world forum in
another mode of diplomacy at a moment
when the pause in bombing and the Presi-
dent's peace offensive are fresh exhibits be-
fore the court of world opinion.
The Security Council, of course, is power-
less without great power, agreement. The
President's initiative in that council, there-
fore, may not open the door to negotiations.
But the Security, Council is an organ of the
organization that has become the diplomatic
home of the neutral nations. Pope Paul VI
has suggested that the neutral nations be
used to arbitrate the impasse In Vienam.
And yesterday Secretary of State Rusk said
the United States would suggest to the Se-
curity Council the role that neutral nations
could play in opening the way to the con-
ference table. If neutral participation can
bring about a solution, the U.N. is the arena
in which to seek it.
The move to the U.N. Is an expansion of
the President's peace offensive. It is another
demonstration of the desire of the United
States to substitute diplomacy for military
action. The bombing Is a controlled re-
sumption of the air war; the Security Coun-
cil initiative is an escalation of the peace
We think the decision represents a wise
mixture. The President is entitled to the
full support of all Americans.
(Mr. HANSEN of Iowa (at the request
of Mr. KREBS) was granted permission
to extend his, remarks at this point in
the RECORD and to include extraneous
Mr. HANSEN of Iowa. Mr. Speaker,
the request of the President for authority
for the United States to participate in the
Asian Development Bank should be
greeted with quick approval by the Con-
Under H.R. 12563, our participation is
authorized with a share of $100 million
in direct capital and an additional $100
million In callable shares. This will be
20 percent of the bank's total capitaliza-
tion of $1 billion. Our contribution
would equal that given by Japan.+
This is one" of the most creative pro-
posals made for the trouble ridden na-
tions of southeast Asia. It will make
possible the building of roads, dams,
powerplants, harbors, and other facili-
ties essential to a modern economy. The
lack of these facilities has been a major
factor in the poverty and tragedy that
has made the foment of internal dissen-
sion possible.
Just as was the case in the Americas
a decade or so ago, the nations of south-
east Asia have come to realize that ade-
quate fiscal resources are a basic re-
quirement for peace and prosperity.
The ability to transfer these resources
to areas of great need has also been
lacking. Through the Asian Develop-
ment Bank this mobility can be achieved
and it will bring greater stability and
an opportunity to develop the peaceful
pursuits within the nations of the entire
All of us have felt that more should
be done in Vietnam than assist in re-
establishing peace. The stability brought
about by the Asian Development Bank
will do much to meet the needs of Viet-
nam. Further, it will bring about cir-
cumstances that will assist in stemming
the spread of Communist ideology. Not
only will this help Vietnam, but it will
materially lessen for the United States
the need for maintaining troop concen-
trations in Vietnam.
The need for the Asian Development
Bank has been demonstrated. I urge
my colleagues to give this bill their full
(Mr. BOLAND (at the request of Mr.
KREBS) was granted permission to ex-
tend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous mat-
[Mr. BOLAND'S remarks will appear
hereafter in the Appendix.]
(Mr. VANIK (at the request of Mr.
KREBS) was granted permission to ex-
tend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous mat-
Mr. VANIK. Mr. Speaker, last week
President Johnson sent up to Congress
his economic report, and presently this
report is receiving thorough and careful
study by the Joint Economic Committee,
under the chairmanship of the gentle-
man from Texas, the Honorable WRIGHT
Our productive and ever growing
economy and the effects that the con-
flict in Vietnam are causing to it, is rea-
son for intensive study. Our Republican
colleagues are demanding great cutbacks
in vital domestic programs so as to off-
set the budgetary requirements for Viet-
nam. Yet, next to our national defense
needs, the item that has grown the most
in this budget is the amount paid on our
Due to the tighter money policies of
the Federal Reserve and its decision last
December to raise the discount rate and
regulation Q, the cost of borrowing for
both the public and the Government has
increased substantially.
A recent editorial by Bob Cronin in the
Rural Electric Minuteman, a publication
of the National Rural Electric Coopera-
tive Association, discusses the great in-
creases in our public debt due to higher
interest rates. The chairman of our
Banking and Currency Committee, the
gentleman from Texas, is quoted in this
editorial on the Fed's irresponsible action
and their responsibility for the higher
costs to the taxpayer. Perhaps if our
Republican colleagues would take time
to study the effects that higher interest
rates have on our economy, they might
find that this might be an area to cut
back increased spending.
Mr. Speaker, I ask that the editorial
"The Interest Rate Caper: How It Hap-
pened" follow my remarks.
[From the Rural Electric Minuteman,
Jan. 28, 1966]
Anyone who doubted the effect that last
December's actions by the Federal Reserve
Board would have on the Nation's economy
will be interested in an item contained in
the President's new budget proposal, an-
nounced to Congress this week.
This is the estimate of an increase of $654
million in the cost of interest the Federal
Government must pay in fiscal 1067 on the
national debt. The total interest bill will
therefore jump to nearly $13 billion.
A number of seasoned Congressmen and
economists trace the huge increase in interest
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446R000400g~g7-}y 7, 19f;6
costs directly to the action taken last De- ADDRESS OF THE HONORABLE DR. common rather than uncommon, what unites
comber by the Federal Reserve Board when it ]?URNEPdDU KUMAR BANERJI+F, us rather than what divides us. This would
raised the discount rate on loans to member MINISTER, EMBASSY OF INL)IA be possible if we accept and applaud the ex-
banks and increased the maximum rate the MINISTER, , isting and emerging international community
banks may pay on certificates of deposit. BEFORE THE DELAWARE CHAP-
By it curious coincidence, the amount of TER OF THE UNITED NATIONS
he estimated increase in the cost of interest ASSOCIATION
charges on the national debt is nearly the
unount an NRECA survey found would be The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under
needed for the REA electric loan fund in a previous order of the House, the gentie-
lOcal 1967. Thus, If the Federal Reserve man from Delaware [Mr. MCDOWELL 1 is
board. had not acted so rashly, this amount recognized. for 15 minutes.
if money would have been available without p/Ir. McDOWELL. Mr. Speaker, I call
^ifecting other budgetary demands. to ,he attention of my colleagues in the
Congressman WRICaT PATMAN of Texas,
whose longtime criticism of the Federal Re- Congress a significant speech by the
;crve's high interest, tight money policies has Honorable Dr. Purnendu Kumar Baner-
linally stirred up more of his colleagues, had jee, Minister, Embassy of India, belore
:;-line further comments on the matter this the Delaware Chapter of the United Na-
week, Here is what he told Congress, in part, tions Association of the United States.
r>n January 25: The text of the speech follows:
"'she interest war is putting a heavy pros-
lire on all Government credit programs. INnT;RNATCO NAL COOPERATION ' YEAR AND THE
One interest rate leaps over another interest LTCOOP NA
rote and then on and on we go. The con- (Address by the Honorable Dr. Purmuidu
turner, who must ultimately pay all of these Kumar Banerjee, Minister, Embass: of
ncreased costs, its on the sidelines power- India, Washington, Before the Dela care
less to act. in his own behalf. Chapter of the United Nations Associ:ition
"It is we, as Members of Congress, who have of the United States of America, Wilming-
a solemn duty to provide protection for the ton, Del.)
uihlic in this vital area. If we fall, we are It is a privilege and a pleasure to address
certain to see pressures for even higher in- this erudite and august audience. I wi. h to
crest rates. And who doubts that the Fed- share with you a few thoughts on an issue
oral Reserve Boarcl will give in as quickly to which is not esoteric but inspiring-the In-
Lhese new requests as they did in December. ternational. Cooperation Year and the United
"the facts are there in black and white. A Nations. You may recall that this concept
tnall number GC big banks were holding was originally propounded by the late Indian
about $lsi/., billion in certificates of deposits prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, when he
on December 3 when the Federal Reserve addressed the General Assembly of the U r ,iced
Board acted. The great majority of these Nations in 1961. In emphasizing the need
certificates were coming due in December, for promoting the cause of cooperation, he
.lanuary, February, and March. The banks said: "We live in a world of conflict and yet
desperately wanted to hold on to these de- the world goes on, undoubtedly becaus;e of
posits. the cooperation of nations and individ-
?To do this, the banks had to have higher uals * * *)even today, between countries
Interest rates. Otherwise, the corporations which are opposed to each other in tho po-
would have pulled out the funds and in- litical and other fields, there is a vast amount
vested in other securities which were paying of cooperation. Little is known or lithe is
higher interest rates created by the Federal said about this cooperation that is going on
Reserve board's tight money policies which anal a great deal is said about every pot at of
has been created and continued throughout conflict, and so the world is full of this idea
1965. For example, 91-day Treasury bills had that the conflicts go on and we live on the
been. pushed above 4i/2 percent and as a re- verge of disaster. Perhaps, it would be it
cult were becoming more attractive than cer- triter picture if the cooperating elements in
t:ificates of deposit. the world today were put forward and we
"ho these big brinks were desperate to leap- were made to think that the world depends
frog the interest rates and thus hang onto on cooperation and not on conflict."
the certificates of deposit. Remember, about 'rhe United Nations commended this prop-
'75 percent of the $16'/2-billion of certificates osition. In declaring 1965 as the Interna-
of deposit were being held by just 30 big tional Cooperation Year, the General As-
banks. sembly accepted "wider and more intensive
"On December 2, the pressure reached the in ternational cooperation" as one of the most
boiling point. "that afternoon, the Federal "effective means of dispensing internal tonal
Reserve Banks of New York-at 4:01 p.m.- tensions." President Johnson, while pro-
:and Chicago-at 4:20 p.m.-suddenly sent claiming the International Cooperation Year,
identical telegrams to the Federal Reserve went further to add that It is "not an idea
Hoard in Washington demanding an Increase nor an ideal. We think it is a clear necessity
in interest rates. Without question, these for our survival. The greater the nation, the
two banks were speaking for the huge finan- greater is its need to work cooperatively with
cial institutions residing in those two cities other people, with other countries, with other
and who had the great majority of the cer- nations."
tillcates of deposit. Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shasta also
"With almost automatic reaction to the underlined the need for united effort: and
desires of these two financial centers, the emphasized that international cooperation is
l'ederal Reserve Board-within 24 hours- the only means "to rid they world of the an-
acted in accordance with the identical tele- dent ills of hunger, ignorance, and di;;case,
grams." of the new terror of the nuclear holocaust."
PATnrAN pointed out that the increase in This concurrence of views, on the Inter-
the discount rate represented a hike of 12i/2 national Cooperation Year, is based on a
percent in the wholesale cost of money and conviction that cooperation is not a corollary
a probable retail Increase-the consumers' but the core of coexistence, which is the only
r?ost--of at least 25 percent. alternative to coextinction.
"All of these increases are huge by any- The conceptual framework that focuses
one's mathematics or economics. Imagine our viewpoint to cooperation rests on the
the line and cry if any union or any indus- premise that there is a clear need for :,hift-
try--other than banking--had attempted to in.g the positive factors in the life if the
raise its prices by a similar percentage. What world community and placing them promi-
would this have done to the wage-price nently on a pedestal. In other words, nnan-
guidelines'?" kind could profitably stress that which is
To take the latter first, the idea of toler-
ance based on mutual respect comes to In-
dians quite naturally.' From Budda to
Gandhi, the idea of cooperation and co-
existence has permeated our ethos and has
formed a powerful link in forging the unity
of India. India too, like the United States,
is a land of diversity. It has developed a
multiracial and multireligious society. More
by choice than by compulsion, India, has
nourished and nurtured through centuries
a composite culture wherein differing ideas
and ideologies could live together peacefully.
It is no wonder, as Arnold Toynbee described,
that "the Indian missionaries of art Indian
philosophy, Buddhism, were the first people
in history to think and feel in terms of
human race as a whole. They felt a concern
for all their fellow human beings; they had
a vision of mankind as being potentially a
single family and they set themselves to
turn this potential unity into an accom-
plished fact by peaceful persuasion."
Wisdom, not sword, was their weapon.
They believed, like the Indian Emperor
Asoka, in the great principle that "concord
alone is meritorious." This idea has always
acted as a beacon to the Indian people.
Though this concept of unity of humanity
has been with us almost since the dawn of
history, it received public acclaim only 20
years ago. The Charter of the United Na-
tions opens with the most significant phr*tse
"We the peoples of the United Na-
tions * * The charter was not a docu-
ment negotiated by "The high contracting
parties." It must be admitted that along
with the charter, the concept of world com-
munity gained belated recognition. There
was in 1945, a great concern that we were
already too late in dismantling the walls
that vertically divided the world based. on
unbridled and uncompromising territorial
sovereignty. Before long, this oneness of
humanity became a historic and political
A million factors have made this possible.
Primarily, science and technology were
making the nations interdependent and in-
terconnected irrespective of their political
attitude. The liquidation of distance has
altered the rhythm of life. Science has bro-
ken the artificial barriers. Art and culture
have come to be common links between
peoples and nations. The isolated existence
of human groups has become outdated and
even impossible. The tools, ideas and media
of communications available to man have
generated a historical process that has uni-
fied the world.
In many matters of our daily life, there
is a direct impact of cooperation through in-
ternational organizations such as the World
Meteorological Organization, which has es-
tablished it worldwide weather reporting
system; the International Atomic Energy
Agency, which oversees the peaceful use of
atomic energy; the aerial navigation super-
vised by the International Civil Aviation
Organization; the frequency allocations of
broadcasts controlled by the International
Communication Union; and the maritime
regulations instituted by the Inter-Govern-
mental Maritime Consultative Organiza-
tion-to mention a few. The United States,
for example, participates in more than 600
international conferences annually and has
nearly 4,300 treaties and agreements to hon-
or. It is, therefore, dangerous and harm-
ful to seek to split this technologically and
sociologically unified world into isolated
compartments of the past. As Whyte (in
his book "The Next Development of Man")
put it, "the separation of East and West is
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2300 Approved For Release 5/ / 6 AALR[ P 7 $446F %W0.20007-9 February 7,
4. Harvest productivity per man-hour sunk
5. Prices of fresh and canned asparagus
in grocery stores skyrocketed and substan-
tially broke the administration's so-called
maximum guidelines of 3.2 percent. This
penalized the housewife. Nevertheless, you
didn't hear the administration make the
usual threats of retaliatory action which it
did with proposed steel, copper, and alumi-
num price increases. The administration
must have had a guilty conscience since it
was primarily responsible for the increases.
6. The number of illegal Mexican "wet-
backs" who came into the United States com-
pletely illegally to obtain temporary farm
jobs doubled during the year.
7. In the meantime, the administration re-
peatedly discriminated against California
and in favor of Florida by being more liberal
in allowing West Indians to come into Florida
to work in harvest fields at rates substan-
tially lower than those it set for California.
The SPEAKS -Hader a previous or-
der of the House, the gentleman from
Michigan [Mr. CHAMBERLAIN] is recog-
nized for 30 minutes.
(Mr. CHAMBERLAIN asked and was
given permission to revise and extend his
Mr. CHAMBERLAIN. Mr. Speaker,
having followed for some months the
question of free world shipping to North
Vietnam and reported from time to time
to my colleagues, I should like to take
this opportunity to present a status re-
port concerning activities during the past
In 1965 there were more free world
ships than Communist ships engaged in
carrying goods to and from North Viet-
nam. Unfortunately, I cannot disclose
the exact figures of this traffic, because
they are classified, but I invite any and
every interested Member to examine
them closely. I know there are many
who are concerned about this phase of
the war and already have expressed
themselves this session.
Before presenting what information I
can about the nature and extension of
free world shipping into North Vietnam,
I am aware that some may justifiably
wonder why any of this information
should be classified. It certainly is no
secret to Ho Chi Minh. One reason, I am
told, is that to reveal such data might
place in jeopardy our own sources of
information. No one, of course, wishes to
hamper our intelligence network. How-
ever, I am satisfied that a great deal more
of this information can and should be
made public. When American boys are
dying from North Vietnamese bullets,
the American people have a right to ade-
quate information about who is aiding
the enemy. As it stands now, and as it
stood throughout 1965, the American
people simply have not been told the
whole truth about the shocking support
being given by free world ships to a na-
tion blatantly engaged in Communist
aggression and subversion.
The unclassified data that is made
available to me by the Department of De-
fense indicates that while there has been
some reduction in the volume of this
trade in 1965 over that of 1964, a dis-
turbing amount persists. At this point
in the RECORD I ask unanimous consent
to include an itemization by month of
arrivals of free world ships in North
Vietnam during 1965.
The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr.
MINISH). Is there objection to the re-
quest of the gentleman from Michigan?
There was no objection
7, 868
June 7
Alkon- ---------------
7, 150
June 6
The matter referred to is
June 28
CHART A. Free world ships arriving North
9, 360
Julie 1
----- do -------
June 13
Julie 29
Phoenician Dawn.....
----- do -------
8, 708
June 13
Greek -------
7, 181
June 5
Agios Therapon________
July 11
Aiolos II______________
----- do-------
July 6
British ------
2, 314
Ardrossmore____._____ _
July 24
Elbow River ______-__
July --
Goldoal Zeta___________
4, 474
Fortune Wind_________
July 6
llakuyo Maru _
Japanese ----
6, 430
Hellos ___ ____
July 11
British __
Ilerborg__ _ __ _ _
July 9
Do _ ___ _
do --
do -------
1, 261
Shirley Christine__ ___
7, 127
6, 724
July 1
----- do-------
7, 133
Greek -------
Santa Granda_________
Wakasa Bay_
7, 040
Maltese _ _ _ _ _
Aug. 28
Aug. 8
_ __-do_------
3, 321
Aug. 2
Aug. 28
_ _ _ _ ____
Aug. 30
Cardamilitis-__ __ _ _ --
Elbow River__________
Fortune Wind_________
Fortune Wind
---- do-------
----- do-------
Jessolton Bay__
----- do-------
----- do-------
----- do------
Sept. 23
Moiwa Marti ___________
----- do -------
3, 324
----- do -------
Greek -------
7, 176
Wakasa Bay-----------
Oct. 16
----- do -------
3, 464
Oct. 14
----- do-------
Oct. -
Oct. 22
Oct. 15
Oct. 19
Santa Granda_
----- do--
British ------
----- do-------
Mar. 15
Elbow River -_________
Mar. 4
Golden Alpha---------
Mar. 7
I follands Diep_________
Mar. 31
5, 820
Nov. 26
Max. 27
----- do ----- :--
2, 739
Nov. 17
Nissos Pares -__________
Mar. 4
Fortune Wind_________
----- do -------
Nov. 26
Mar, 23
Nov. 9
Sambas_______ _________
Mar. 14
IIo Fung______________
British ------
Nov. 10
Mar. 25
----- do------
8, 650
Santa Granda_________
Mar. 27
Greek _______
Nov. -
San Spyridon__________
Mar. 13
Nov. 2
3, 464
Nov. 12
Grecian Isles__________
Apr. 23
Mul Hong .____________
Norwegi an_ _
Apr. 29
Santa Granda--_______
British ------
7, 229
Apr, -
6, 993
Dec. 12
Sletf7ord ------ - _------
1, 705
Apr. 4
Isabel Erica __________
Dec. 11
----- do-------
Apr, 13
Greek ------
7, 240
- _ _ _ _
Dec. 2
----- do ------
7, 040
Dec. 12
8, 785
May 21
Mr. CHAMBERLAIN. Mr. Speaker, as
Cardross --------------
----- do-------
May 5
Do ----------------
----- do-------
May 29
f J
Fortune Wind_________
----- do-------
May 6
May 5
401 free world ships arrived in North
----- do-------
----- do-------
May 29
May 21
Vietnam. According to the unclassified
Irena------ - - - --------
figures there were 119 free world ship ar-
Nancy Dec____________
----- do -------
May 27
May 31
rivals in North Vietnam in 1965. Of this
Greek -------
May 1
119 figure 107 involved ships flying the
May 16
Shirley Christine ------
May 30
flags of NATO countries.
Lebanese__. _
1, 705
May 6
May 3
Mr. Speaker, at this. point in the REC-
ORD I ask unanimous consent to insert a
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Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400020007-9
February 7, 19(6 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 2299
UNESCO will find and hire the technicians,
but they must be acceptable to Havana. Be)
we may easily see U.S. taxpayer funds giving
the Communist world a double benefit. For
the experts to be hired will most likely come
from. Russia and other iron Curtain coun-
Any assistance to Bavaria University,
especially technical assistance, is direct aid
to the central dynamo of the Cuban regime.
Ccstro officials have specifically declared
that students who attend the technical fac-
ulties go there not only for technical studies,
but to become perfected in Marxist-Lenin-
(]vir. WYDLER (at the request of Mr.
HU''CHINSON) was granted permission to
extend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous
I Mr. WYDLER'S remarks will appear
hereafter in the Appendix. ]
C\/Ir. HORTON cat the request of Mr.
fl(Jtrcl-IINSON) was granted permission to
extend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous
matter. )
Mr. HORTON. Mr. Speaker, last
September 30, the House of Representa-
tives passed H.R. 10281, the Government
Employees Salary Comparability Act of
1965 by an overwhelming majority, 370
t,o 7. It was a good bill. It provided in-
creased pay for Government workers, in-
cluding postal workers, and contained a
number of other provisions beneficial to
postal workers.
l,Iost of its provisions were retained
in the bill after passage by the Senate
and as it was finally approved by the
President on October 29, 1965 as Public
Law 89-301. But the Senate made one
change in the House bill which was re-
tained in the final version as passed and
which is distinctly unfair and must be
promptly rectified.
In the bill as it passed the House, sub-
stitute employees in the Post Office De-
partment were entitled to overtime pay
for work-
(A) in excess of 8 hours a day or (B) in ex-
esi of 40 hours a week.
As the bill passed the Senate and was
finally approved, the provision for over-
time for substitute postal employees was
limited to overtime pay for work in ex-
ecss of 40 hours a week. The provision
'or overtime after 8 hours a day was
It, is this latter provision which would
be restored by the bill I am introducing
tocay. It is in the interests of both
fairness and efficiency that substitute
employees of the post office should be
laid overtime not just for work in excess
of 40 hours a week, but also for any
work in excess of 8 hours in any one day.
Regular employees paid on an hourly
rate already are granted overtime in ex-
ce: s of 8 hours a day. In fairness substi-
tute employees should receive no less.
It is the substitute employees who are
called upon in emergencies and often on
little notice and who, without the pro-
tection of this bill, can be called upon
to work. 12 consecutive hours in 1 day
and again on 2 more days during the
same week without getting overtime.
My bill would not only put substitute
employees on the same footing as regu-
lar hourly employees. It would also put
the Post; Office Department on the same
basis as industry generally. Our substi-
tute mail carriers and other postal
workers should not be made to suffer
a second-class status. They deserve the
same consideration as other postal em-
ployees because of the uncertainties of
their employment and the long hours
they are likely to work.
I therefore urge prompt consideration
and adoption of my bill.
(Mr. TALCOTT (at the request of Mr.
HUTCIuNSON) was granted permission to
extend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous mat-
Mr. TALCOTT. Mr. Speaker, one of
the most able, conscientious, and knowl-
edgeable Members of this House, the
gentleman from California I Mr. BALD-
WIN1 has recently completed a thorough
and comprehensive study concerning the
effect of the termination of the bracero
program on various crops grown in his
His :IF ebruary 3, 1966, report concerns
white asparagus, only one of many com-
modities affected by Public Law 78, Pub-
lic Law 414, and the many executive de-
cisions and regulations of the Secretary
of Labor regarding supplemental labor.
Other crops, and the growers, workers
and. consumers involved, were also ad-
versely affected. I ask unanimous con-
sent to include the report of Mr. BALDWIN
so that Members of Congress will have a
true and accurate report of the conditions,
of agriculture and consequences of the
supplemental labor experiments of the
Secretary of Labor.
P^AR FRIENDS: There has been much dis-
cussion in California as to the specific impact
of the termination of the Mexican national
or bracero program on the various crops for
which such supplemental labor had been has been set as a maximum. Hundreds of
formerly used. Since the program term
- jobs of cannery workers in Contra Costa and
noted on December 31, 1964, there has now adjoining counties were either terminated
been a, full crop year since its termination, or greatly reduced from a time standpoint
so it is possible to rnak.e some specific com - Scores of truckers lost their jobs bec.ilusc
parsons. Perhaps the crop that has beer: there was no asparagus to haul. Some a.,-
formerly used exclusively ma any D bracero cr crop, sa Cnd which paragus farmers went bankrupt. The price
labbo orers, , was the asparagus s crop. . California ifornia of asparagus in grocery stores skyrocketed.
produces 100 percent of the white asparagu: Here are a few of the results of the adrnin-
crop grown in the United States, and this i:;, istration's unyielding policy against provid-
grown exclusively in San Joaquin, Contra ing adequately for the harvest labor require-
Costa, Yolo, and Sacramento Counties. In ments of the California asparagus farmer:
fact, these 4 counties grow 80 percent of thy 1. California white asparagus lost half of
world production of white asparagus. its export market in 1 year because orders
White asparagus has been a major export couldn't be filled, although it had taken
item and has been an important part of our many painstaking years to build up tlxf',
foreign market trade. From 1960 to 1964 market.
canned white asparagus in California aver 2. This was a serious, adverse blow to our
aged approximately 2.4 million cases. Durin;;; U.S. balance of payments.
the same period the percentage of the white 3. At least one-fourth of our total Delta
asparagus pack of the total asparagus pack it: asparagus was plowed up, at staggering losses
California averaged 63.5 percent. During the to growers. as this is normally a 5-year crop.
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period 1959 to 1964 the number of cases of
asparagus exported by the United States in-
creased from 1,007,995 to 2.058,150, and their
dollar export value increased from $5,785,090
to $15,571,300. In 1963 and 1964 U.S. exported
canned asparagus represented more than 50
percent of all export vegetable items from the
United States. In these same 2 years Cali-
fornia white asparagus represented approx-
imately 98 percent of our total U.S. asparagus
exports (the remaining 2 percent was green
asparagus). California white asparagus ex-
ports from 1960 to 19,64 averaged approxi-
mately 1.9 million cases.
Although the specific. Mexican national or
bracero law expired on December 31, 1964, the
Secretary of Labor still has authority under
the general immigration law to issue permits
for supplemental foreign labor to come into
this country to assist in harvesting any crop
where the Secretary makes a determination
that the supply of domestic labor ready and
willing to do that type of work is not ade-
quate and that prevailing wages in the area
will be paid. The Secretary has repeatedly
exercised this authority on behalf of the
State of Florida and has allowed many people
from the West Indies to come into Florida to
help harvest crops in that State at substan-
tially lower wages than are paid in California.
However, he discriminated against California
by refusing to do the same for our State.
When he has allowed a few to be admitted,
they have been too few and too late.
What happened in California in 1965 be-
cause of lack of labor willing to harvest as-
paragus? The 1965 California white aspara-
gus pack was reduced to 1,269,000 cases, a
reduction of 52.7 percent. This was down
from 2,659,000 cases in 1964. The foreign
trade demand for white asparagus in 1965
was greater than in any previous year. As-
paragus acreage which was originally planned
for harvest in 1965 was sufficient to more
than adequately serve this foreign demand.
:However, when Public Law 78 terminated tin-
der which braceros could be specifically ad-
mitted to this country, 16,243 acres of aspara-
gus was plowed up by farmers who felt that,
it would he impossible to get adequate labor
to harvest the crop. In addition, during the
year 1965 an estimated 8,423 acres was plowed
up by farmers who tried but found it im-
possible to get adequate competent labor to
harvest the fields. Unharvested asparagus
losses were estimated at $6.6 million. It is
estimated that if this asparagus could have
been harvested, at least 50 or 55 percent of
this lost value would have been paid in wages
to labor. Half of our foreign market export
trade was lost because we could not fill the
orders. The productivity of the domestic
labor used in. the asparagus fields fell off sub-
stantially, because much of it was not experi-
enced and some not conscientious. Wage
rates in picking asparagus went up substan-
tially, far in excess of the administration's
so-called maximum guidelines under which
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chart presenting a monthly breakdown
by country of free world ships arriving in
North Vietnam during 1965.
The SPEAKER pro-tempore. Is there
objection to the request of the gentle-
man from Michigan?
There was no objection.
The matter referred to is as follows:
Mr. CHAMBERLAIN. Mr. Speaker, as
the monthly unclassified figures are un-
doubtedly meant to suggest, some prog-
ress has been made in reducing this
trade but unfortunately that success is
not as marked as the unclassified figures
would have us believe. I can tell you
that the true figure is more than double
what we are being told; and that
amounts, as I said before, to more ar-
rivals by free world ships than by Com-
munist ships during 1965.
Just what is the nature of this trade?
First of all it is true that the great
majority of these free world ships are
under charter to Communist countries-
Communist China, Soviet Union, Ru-
mania, East Germany, Cuba and others-
that is these free world ships are
mostly carrying Communist goods to and
from North Vietnam. Some have
argued that this somehow removes the
foul odor about this traffic. I disagree.
Any goods or export profits that Ho Chi
Minh needs badly enough to hire free
world vessels cannot but help Hanoi's
overall war effort. I say we should not
concede our enemy one extra spool of
thread. Considerably more economic
pressure can and should be applied to
Similarly, some in our Government
have offered us the assurance that no
strategic goods have been carried by any
of these free world vessels. Again the
fragrance of this trade to my way of
thinking has not been much sweetened.
First of all, although further informa-
tion may exist with others in our Gov-
ernment, the classified reports I receive
from the Department of Defense indi-
cate that we do not have complete knowl-
edge as to the nature of these cargoes.
Second, even if free world ships carry
only nonstrategic goods they in effect
release Communist vessels for the trans-
portation of more war goods. The ulti-
mate effect is the same. The seaborne
source of the supply lines into Hanoi and
down to the South is kept open without
hindrance. Did we not recently read
of members of a crew of a Cuban
freighter who jumped ship when they
learned they had been ordered to carry
weapons from China to North Vietnam
when previously their ship had been
engaged in so-called nonstrategic traffic?
Mr. Speaker, the stubborn fact re-
mains-North Vietnam is on all-out war
economy. Why should free world ships
contribute in any way to such an econ-
omy whether by carrying goods to or
from North Vietnam? I say so long as
there is still one free world ship docking
at Haiphong we should not relent in our
effort to stop this aid and comfort to the
As I indicated earlier some progress has
been made toward drying up the enemy's
seaborne source of supply. I was grati-
fied to learn that a number of govern-
ments have taken steps to remove their
flag vessels from this trade.
However, even though some countries
have apparently removed their vessels
from this trade, it does not necessarily
mean that goods from these countries do
not find their way to North Vietnam.
Let us look again at the unclassified in-
formation concerning data for just 1
month. At this point in the RECORD,
Mr. Speaker, I wish to insert a chart indi-
cating the origin of cargoes of the five
free world ships arriving in North Viet-
nam during December 1965:
Belgium _..______________
Dec. 12
Isabel Erica_________________
Bong Kong_____________
Port Campha___________
Dec. 11
Kanaris---------------- -
Communist China______
Port Campha-----------
Dec. 12
Waisasa Bay-------------__
----- do-------------------
All five of these free world ships were
under charter to Communist Govern-
ments. Four of these ships loaded car-
goes in free world ports: one in Belgium,
one in Hong Kong, and two in Japan. It
is evident, I submit, that what progress
has been made in shutting off free world
assistance to Hanoi, while encouraging,
is still gravely insufficient.
There is another glaring instance of
the need for greater cooperation from
our friends. Of the 119 free world ship
arrivals in North Vietnam during 1965,
67 were vessels registered under the flag
of the United Kingdom. British officials
argue that most of these vessels are un-
der lease to Hong Kong shipping con-
cerns and that they are powerless to in-
terfere with this traffic in the absence
of a formal declaration of war. How-
ever correct this explanation may be, it
clearly does nothing to ameliorate the
situation. I for one am not satisfied that
ways could not be found. Obviously the
British Government has found ways to
shut off trade with Rhodesia. For in-
stance, any British national who carries
or who supplies certain goods to Rhodesia
now faces 6 months in prison or a $1,400
fine or both. I know of no comparable
action taken with those trading with
North Vietnam. The British should
hardly need reminding that our own
Government has given extensive support
to the embargo on Rhodesia in a number
of ways. We now, for instance, require
special export licenses, which, it is re-
ported, the Department of Commerce will
not grant in any case, to carry oil and
certain other commodities to Rhodesia.
It is not my purpose to raise the ques-
tion of the wisdom of our policy toward
Rhodesia, but I would express the hope
that in view of what has taken place the
British Government would reexamine its
policy of "hands off" British-flag vessels
trading with North Vietnam.
If the attitude of the British Govern-
ment leaves something to be desired, so
does, in my opinion, the attitude of our
own Government. It has been the policy
and continues to be the policy of the
present administration to in effect ex-
empt ships engaged in North Vietnamese
trade from the penalties and restrictions
imposed upon ships which engage in
Cuban trade. Why should we be more
considerate of Ho Chi Minh than Castro?
My colleagues will no doubt recall the
partially successful efforts made in the
last session to prohibit funds under the
foreign aid program from going to any
country whose merchant ships trade with
North Vietnam. What was sought was
simply the addition of the words "or to
North Vietnam" to the already existing
prohibition concerning those who trade
with Cuba. By the narrow margin of 174
to 164 the administration succeeded in
weakening this prohibition with regard to
North Vietnam with a proviso permitting
the President, if he determines it in the
national interest, to continue foreign aid
to countries with flag vessels carrying
North Vietnamese trade.
Frankly, I cannot comprehend how it
would be in our national interest to per-
mit in any way free world trade with the
Hanoi regime. To date I know of no
communication from the President to the
Congress indicating that such aid will be
continued to any nation whose vessels
continue. to trade with North Vietnam.
But neither have. we received any indica-
tion that. any foreign aid funds have been.
cut off to any such country.
According to the President's report to
Congress on the foreign aid assistance
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program for fiscal year 1.965, which, of
course, includes the first 6 months of
calendar 1965, the following countries
which appear in the above list of ships
arriving in North. Vietnamese ports dur-
ing 1965 have received, for instance,
military assistance alone in these
'1'1w $1,305,000
Norway--------------- .----------- 35, 051, 000
t,reece ---------------------------- 63,061,000
---------- 106, 000
1a,pan---------------------.-_--- 16,531,000
i,3,nama-------------------------- 20,000
The figures for fiscal year 1966, I am
told, are classified. As I already men-
w.ioned some of these governments have
taken steps to withdraw their ships from
such trade but there are still countries
who apparently have not.
The concern of Congress over this
Lade has not been without its effect.
, recent State Department statement
in making diplomatic representations, the
executive branch is mindful of the provi-
chins of the recerrh amendments to foreign
assistance legislation which call for the
denial of economic: and military aid to coun-
tries that do not take appropriate steps to
remove their ships from the North Vietnam
trade. We have notified all affected govern-
ments of these legislative provisions, and
hive continued to press them to obtain
maximum cooperatioin from those very few
gauntries still having ships in trade.
The "no trade or no aid" provision en-
acted last session clearly indicates the
positive role congressional action has
played in foreign relations. The State
C )epartment's hand was obviously sub-
stantially strengthened in dealing with
these countries as a result of Congress
determination last year.
Unfortunately there is another way in
which the policy of the executive branch
in effect discriminates in favor of trade
in North Vietnam. On February 6, 1963,
National Security Action Memorandum
No. 220 was issued by the National Secu-
rity Council, which prohibited any vessel
winch has arrived in Cuba since January
1, 1963, from carrying U.S. Government-
financed cargoes from the United States.
According to Report No. 66 issued by the
Maritime Administration, 244 free world
and Polish-flag ships have made a total
of 1,024 trips to Cuba from January 1,
1962, through December 13, 1965. None
of these 244 ships are permitted to carry
U.S. Government-financed cargoes out of
U.S. ports. Close examination revealed
that 17 free world vessels which have
called at North Vietnamese ports in 1965
appear on this so-called Cuban blacklist
,tnd therefore are prohibited from carly-
itlg U.S. Government-financed cargoes,
not because of their trade with North
Vietnam, but because they have also
called at Cuban ports. At this point in
the RECORD, Mr. Speaker, I ask unan-
imous consent to include a chart giving
the names of these 17 ships.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there
objection to the request of the gentleman
from Michigan?
There was no objection.
The matter referred to is as follows:
CHART C.--Free world ships prohibited porn
carrying U.S. Government finenced carom's
because of trade with Cuba which Bailed
at North Vietnamese ports in 1965
Name of ship Flag ;'.Iron 1 1) it,
imago arr, cod
^ldia,__..___.._--___' Alaltese__ -
1,iii rifiea_ _ _.-l British ____ _._
.Aviafaith___ ________!____-do-__
Ito 1?ung----------. ~._ do.__-..
JolI)t5 - - - ----- __do_____
"kincy Dee__ _-_~-- - do -- .
Nc.w:;lado__ ___d0____._._
1 'hrvuirian Dawn _.410 __ -..-
Banta (Jranoa----- '-..._._do_
~;hicnf,ron- _ _ -
7. 808
S. G50
fig 547
7, US
7, 229
Aio;,us II___ Lebanese..
I 'an)go'___. I_. do- 193
San pvridon do _- 7 260
Agrra l'herapon ._~ f reek
AIr, CHAMBERLAIN. Mr. Speaker,
these 17 ships could carry U.S. Govcrn-
ment-financed cargoes except for the
fact that they had been in, Cuba. There
is in fact an example of a vessel which
was in North Vietnam on January 25,
1963, which, under charter to the Gov-
ernment of India, loaded at Port Arthur,
Tex:., on July 21, 1965, a food-for-peace
cargo of 10,210 long tons of wheat bound
for India as authorized under title I,
Public Law 480. This vessel, the Greek
flag ship, Saronis, could not have been
hired to carry such a cargo had it ever
been in Cuba in the last 3 years. No one,
of course, wants to impede the flow of
food to a hungry people. This is not
necessary, but what is necessary, as I view
it, is that the policy of our Government
should not be one of awarding public
business to vessels which have carried
goods for our enemy.
J: feel very strongly that we should,
moreover, prohibit ships which trade
with North. Vietnam from not only carry-
ing Government-financed cargoes but
from doing any business at all in U.S.
ports. I have joined in sponsoring legis-
lation to that effect and I urge my col-
leagues to consider doing the same.
The reason for this is made plain by the
fact that this same Greek vessel, Sarorais,
was again in a U.S. port, Newport News,
Va., on December 21, 1965, when it sailed
with a cargo of coal bound for Brazil.
Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent
that a copy of my bill, H.R. 9946, be
placed in the RECORD Immediately fol-
lowing my remarks.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there
objection to the request of the gentle-
man from Michigan?
There was no objection.
The matter referred to is as follows:
F.I.R. 9946
A bill to amend the Merchant Marine Act,
3.920, to prohibit transportation of articles
to or from the United States aboard cer-
tain foreign vessels, and for other purposes
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of
Representatives of the United States of
America in Congress assembled, That sec-
tion 27 of the Merchant Marine Act, 1920
(46 U.S.C. 883), is amended by inserting
"(a)" immediately after "Sec. 27." and by
adding at the end thereof the following new
subsections :
"(b) No article shall be transported in
commerce aboard vessels of any foreign ship-
ping interest which allows vessels owned or
controlled by such interests to be used, on
or after the date of enactment of this sub-
section, in trade with Communist-dominated
North Vietnam.
"(c) As used in subsection (b) of this
section, the term `commerce' means com-
merce between a point in any State or pos-
session of the United States (including the
District of Columbia and the Commonwealth
of Puerto Rico) and any point outside there-
of or between points in the same State or
possession of the United States (includ-
ing the District of Columbia and the Com-
monwealth of Puerto Rico) through any
point outside thereof.
"(d) As used in subsection (b) of this
section, the term 'shipping interest' means
any individual, company, or group of com-
panies which has any ownership interest in
any ship engaged in such trade.
"(e) As used in. subsection (b) of this
section, the term 'controlled' means con-
trol of movements of a vessel by virtue of
ownership interests; agency agreements;
charter hire; or otherwise.
"(f) Whoever willfully violates subsection
(b) of this section shall be fined not more
than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than
one year, or both.
"(g) The President shall issue such regu-
lations as he may deem necessary to carry
out the provisions of subsection (b) of this
Mr. CHAMBERLAIN. Mr. Speaker, at
this point I wish to insert a list of free
world ships which have called at U.S.
ports after having been in North Viet-
nam during 1965.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there
objection to the request of the gentle-
man from Michigan?
There was no objection.
The matter referred to is as follows:
Name Flag Gross In North
tonnage nao'
Iict;_s ____------- Brock.-____-1 7,176 Suns 1.,1964
July lI, 1964
Oct. 9, 1964
Oct. _19,1964
Au;. 28
M;,,, 21
haw 7
Nov. 10
Noy. 12
M :iv 31
Fel 11
Jim ,, 29
June 13
Jar. 21
M; 27
.h.iv 1
Fe!, 23
Sepi. 23
Ja 20
1).n . 28
Slur. 13
Jul'. 11
Oct. 16
1111y 11,1911'.5 31, 1965
7. 271 I Jan. 25,1965
Mar. 10, 19(17, New York, 7,555 long teas of bull: fool
scrap for United Arab Republic.
Jame 23, 1905, San Francisco-Oakland. Loa to(] 13,(10(1
long lone of petroleum coke for Japan.
Aug. 19, 1905, Stockton, Calif. Loaded 11,000 long
tons of safflower seed for Japan.
July 20, 1965, fort Arthur, Tc.x. Loaded 10,210 b u g
tons ol wheat for India (food for peace, title 1, I'u hlie
Law 480).
Dee. 21, 190., Newport News, Va. Loaded coal for
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Mr. CHAMBERLAIN. Mr. Speaker,
there appears to be at least two imme-
diate courses of action open which can
clearly set the record straight with
regard to our Government's attitude with
regard to free world ships in North Viet-
nam. First, the executive branch pos-
sesses the authority to establish a so-
called black list with respect to North
Vietnam as now exists with respect to
Cuban trade. This, as I pointed out,
would affect only Government-financed
It is worth noting that the require-
ment was also established that in order
for a ship to be removed from the so-
called Cuban "black list," it is necessary
for its owners to pledge that none of the
other vessels it controls will engage in
the future in Cuban trade. Secondly,
Congress, I believe should broaden this
prohibition to include all business in U.S.
ports both public and private not only
with respect to specific vessels which
have been in North Vietnamese parts but
with respect to the vessels of any ship-
ping interest which allows any one of
its ships to profit from trade with the
Hanoi regime.
These two courses of action may not
be sufficient to completely put a stop to
free world 'traffic in North Vietnam.
Other steps may be necessary such as the
mining or blockading of the harbors.
Nevertheless these two courses of action
would serve to make clear what in the
past has been unclear; to give Ho Chi
Minh unequivocal notice of our determi-
nation not to support or tolerate in any
fashion any form of free world assist-
ance which contributes to his policy of
aggression and subversion.
In the face of the totally negative re-
sponse to recent efforts to bring the con-
flict to the conference table, we can only
surmise that the Hanoi regime continues
to believe that the United States will
eventually grow weary under the condi-
tions of a long, limited struggle; and
that a Communist victory in South" Viet-
nam is possible.
It seems to me that by failing to elimi-
nate all forms of aid and comfort from
the free world to North Vietnam we have
presented to Ho Chi Minh an obviously
contradictory position which, I believe,
can and has contributed to Hanoi's rapid
escalation of the war in the expectation
of total victory. Until our Government
takes a clearer public stand with regard
to such free world assistance, our efforts
to convince the Hanoi regime of Ameri-
can determination to resist the spread of
communism cannot help but be damaged.
Mr. HOSMER. Mr. Speaker, will the
gentleman yield?
Mr. CHAMBERLAIN. Yes, I yield
briefly to the gentleman from California.
Mr. HOSMER. Mr. Speaker, on this
classification question I just wonder why
the North Vietnamese know what ships
are going to Haiphong, I wonder why the
Chinese know what ships are going to
Haiphong, and I wonder why the Soviet
Union knows what ships are going to
Haiphong and why the American people
should not know what ships are going
into Haiphong.
Mr. CHAMBERLAIN. I cannot an-
swer the gentleman's question, but I ap-
preciate him raising it again. I men-
tioned earlier in my remarks that I saw
no reason for this classification and that
the administration is not telling the citi-
zens of our country the whole truth. I
believe it is well that this information
should be made available. _ I appreciate
the gentleman underscoring my point.
Mr. CONTE. Mr. Speaker, will the
gentleman yield?
Mr. CHAMBERLAIN. I am happy to
yield to my distinguished colleague from
Mr. CONTE. Mr. Speaker, I would
like to take this opportunity to congratu-
late my colleague from Michigan for his
concise and very objective presentation
here today on a very serious matter. I
have joined with him several years now
in an effort to prevent foreign aid to our
allies who are shipping goods and using
their ships to bring goods to North Viet-
nam. I cannot understand for the life
of me how countries like the United
Kingdom, which I understand from the
gentleman's presentation here today is
one of the biggest users of their ships to
bring goods Into North Vietnam, can con-
tinue doing this In view of the fact that
we have been such great friends of the
United Kingdom.
We were the first country to come to
their aid when they ran into difficulty
with Rhodesia. We immediately broke
off relationships with Rhodesia. We im-
mediately stopped brings goods into
Rhodesia because of the difficulties that
the United Kingdom was having there.
I cannot understand for the life of me
why a country like Greece continues to
bring goods into North Vietnam. If it
was not for the Truman plan and our
foreign aid, Greece would have fallen into
Communist hands many years ago.
We have been a great ally of the
Greeks down through the years. We
have helped them tremendously with bil-
lions of dollars of foreign aid. 'Yet they
persist in bringing goods into North Viet-
nam, knowing that these goods will be
used against our soldiers over there in
the conflict at the present time.
I think that the gentleman's crusade
and the arguments that he has presented
here on the floor, time and time again,
have done much to stop many of these
countries from continuing this practice.
I am pleased to report to him the evi-
dence, as it has been brought before my
committee, indicates that the Greek
Government is presenting a bill before
its Parliament to pass a resolution to
stop the ships from going to North Viet-
Mr. CHAMBERLAIN. I would like to
thank the gentleman for his ? generous
remarks, and I would also like to take
this occasion to acknowledge the invalu-
able assistance that he has been during
this past year in helping to amend the
foreign aid bill, to put some limitations
on this problem, some teeth into it.
This is something that is going to re-
quire the combined effort of all of us
here on both sides of the aisle, and my
colleague from Massachusetts has been
an invaluable: help. I look forward to
his assistance in the future.
Mr. CONTE. I thank" the gentleman
very much.
The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. MrN-
Islr). Under a previous order of the
House, the gentleman from California
[Mr. HosMair], is recognized for 25 min-
Mr. HOSMER. Mr. Speaker, last Mon-
day I mentioned to the House two signifi-
cant failures in the management of the
war. These were: First, the failure of
our bombing of North Vietnamese tar-
gets during the period from February
through most of December 1965, to ac-
complish either the objective of slowing
down infiltration of North Vietnamese
military units to the south, or the objec-
tive of raising to Hanoi the price for its
aggressions to an amount it is unwilling
to pay for continuing them; and second,
the failure of the 5 week and 2 day bomb-
ing respite to lure Ho Chi Minh anywhere
near a negotiating table.
The responsibility for these failures
cannot be placed on U.S. military com-
manders. They are not running the war.
It is being run by civilians in Washing-
ton, principally President Johnson and
Secretary McNamara and their semi-
anonymous advisers, most of whom also
are civilians untrained to run a war.
Air action over North Vietnam now has
resumed. It is the duty of these people
frankly to admit that their past choice
of ammunition-TNT bombs-and severe
limitation on targets just did not pro-
duce appreciable results. These Wash-
ington war managers seriously miscalcu-
lated. They should not perpetuate their
mistake. It is likely only to bring re-
newed frustration. Instead they should
give intelligent thought to the discovery
of what additional or alternate targets
could be more meaningful to the North
Vietnamese and apply some creative
imagination to determine what ammuni-
tion will best damage them. Last Mon-
day I predicted that "both the targets
and the ammunition may turn out to be
quite unconventional."
The prediction was based on the fact
that North Vietnam is a backward, un-
derdeveloped country with a primitive
"rice and fish" economy. Unlike the
Germany of World War II it cannot be
bombed to submission by blowing to
fragments a complex, highly integrated
industrial economy. Those who place
so much stress on "bombing Hanoi and
Haiphong to win the war" largely fail
to see this distinction. Similarly, North
Vietnam's transportation is so primitive
it is little wonder that despite United
States bombing of roads and rails the
infiltration rate of men and supplies
from north to south has increased
manyfold. Bomb damage easily had
been sidestepped by a simple switch in
North Vietnamese freightloading prac-
tices-from wheels to the backs of men.
My prediction of unconventional tar-
gets and unconventional ammunition
also was based on the fact that "the cul-
tural level of North Vietnam is undoubt-
edly one - of the lowest imaginable.
Eighty percent of the population is il-.
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literate, ignorant to an incredible degree,
and subject to the most extraordinary
superstitions."--Statement in 1962 by
tine leftist French historian Gerard Ton-
gas who lived many years in Hanoi until
1960. Some rather interesting and pos-
sibly very effective alternatives to our
present kind of air strikes in the north
open up if we recognize it as "a land
where gods, devils, and animistic spirits
of inanimate objects are subliminal
neighbors during daylight and lurk al-
most tangibly among the darker patches
of night"-American Security Coun-
cil Washington Report, August 31,
t ii65. These alternatives-which ob-
viously fall into the category of psycho-
logical warfare----involve no killing, no
maiming, no physical destruction. In
terms of violence they will deescalate
rather than escalate the war. But in
terms of results they well may be
Raising the price to Hanoi for contin-
uing its aggressions to the prohibitive
level by psywar tactics requires actions
to create enough misery, anxiety, wretch-
edness and distress in the minds of the
North Vietnamese people to induce an
intense general annoyance with the war.
Even a Communist dictatorship cannot
long pursue policies so unpopular they
bring into being sweeping national dis-
organization, disturbance, and discon-
tent. Considering the cultural level of
the population and its fearful awe of
superstitious omens, the task of depop-
ularizing Ho Chi Minh's policy of aggres-
hon should be well within the capability
of American ingenuity.
The few examples of many possible
actions along these lines which I am
about to cite are for illustrative purposes
and need not be taken as specific recom-
mendations before they are determined
to meet all the requirements of psycho-
logical warfare operations. They are
based on a study of North Vietnamese
customs and superstitions made for me
by the Library of Congress.
Example: North Vietnam's Red River
Delta is the nation's rice bowl. Flooding
is controlled by damming upstream and
subsequent release of water to rice pad-
dies. Bombing the dams has been re-
jected because a flood would drown thou-
sands and many more would perish later
by starvation from loss of the rice crop.
As a nonexplosive alternative many tons
of harmless soluble dye might be dropped
upstream. A single B-52 is capable of
delivering in excess of 27 tons of dye.
Consider adding an ingredient which
also is harmless but creates an obnox-
iously offensive odor. The dye and the
odor will be picked up by the growing
North Vietnamese eat rice every day
.0. every meal. The need to eat this kind
of unsightly, unappetizing but harmless
and nutritious mess day after day after
clay could become a dear price to pay for
llanoi's transgressions. It also will de-
prive the North of its principal export
commodity helping to pay the cost of the
During their campaigns in East Java
in 1946 and 1947 the Dutch dropped
harmless soluble dyes in rice paddies. It
caused panic among the native people
who believed it to be a manifestation. of
divine wrath. Effort should be made to
assure that a portion of the country's
rice crop remains normal. This will gen-
erate black market woes and instant hos-
tility toward any government official who
attempts to allocate palatable rice, or to
collect it for export.
Example: Along with their superstiti-
ous nature the people of Vietnam, North
and South, have a long, deep-rooted dis-
like for the Chinese. These facts of
their life should be exploited to the full-
est, for instance:
To an oriental there is nothing lower
than a running dog. Cheap plastic i,oy
models of Ho Chi Minh and Mao Tse-
tung joined in the shape of running dogs
could be airdropped in large quantity.
in Vietnam the ace of spades is con-
sidered as deadly an omen as it is in
Sicily. Hundreds of thousands of plas-
tic ace of spades playing cards could be
dropped throughout the country. Pic-
Lures of the two above-mentioned cal-
prits might also be added. to the cards.
Seeing a woman on first leaving one's
dwelling in the morning is a certain sign
in Vietnam the day will be one of mis-
fortune, therefore rain plastic model, of
women from the sky during the night: to
be found as a morning greeting.
On hearing an owl cry "thrice in he
night" North Vietnamese flatly expect
death in the immediate family. The rx-
peri.ence generally results in the strong-
est sense of dread. Cheap air drop
devices which simulate three hoots of in
owl should. be easy to design.
Except for the owl device all bad-luck
air drop items should be constructed to
make a distinctive, audible sound as they
fall through the air to add the distress
of an advance harbinger that bad luck
is on its way. The use of plastic for ti. se
objectionable symbols rather than paper
is cesirable because they are just that
much harder to get rid of. Air dropr of
good-luck symbols bearing identified on
with the Republic of` South Vietnam
should occasionally be made both for the
obvious reason and because they might
induce a Pavlovian reaction. It is to be
recalled that the Russian psychologist,
Pavlov, induced in dogs a state of total
disorganization by alternating acts of ill-
usage and kindness. Although airdrop
items only have been used as illustrations
here, radio and all other media, of cou:?se,
play a role in the conduct of psychologi-
cal. war.
Cutting down the infiltration rate 4, ]so
should be examined in terms of the .ex-
amples just given. The routes w,ed,
loosely described as the Ho Chi Minh
Trail, have their beginnings in North
Vietnam, traverse several areas of Laos
and. Cambodia and have multiple en-
trance points into South Vietnam. Much
of the trail is screened by dense tropical
forests making ground movement very
difficult to detect. A high proportion of
the bombs we drop along it blow up trees
and bushes instead of Vietcong and their
supplies. It is clear that the more super-
stitious dread we can cause the enemy to
associate with this communication line,
the more difficult will be his progress
along it.
Example: On hillsides visible while
marching southward defoliate the shape
of the unlucky ace of spades.
Example : Skywrite this and other
omens of misfortune and death when
Vietcong are estimated to be in loca-
tions where they will see them.
Example: Spike the Ho Chi Minh trail
with various devices emitting sounds,
odors, or other manifestations of doom,
death, or displeasure on the part of the
spirit world with the goings on. Sowing
by air of chemically treated seeds which
grow rapidly into bizarre and ominous
plant forms should be investigated.
In closing I have a few words for so-
called defense intellectuals and assorted
sophisticates who will deride and ridicule
these suggestions. In war it is as dan-
gerous to overestimate your enemy as it
is to underestimate him. If we are go-
ing to continue these air operations over
North Vietnam which are costly in air-
men's lives and aircraft, then we had
better take another tack and start get-
ting some effectiveness out of them more
equivalent to their cost. This is not a
conventional war; it is an unconven-
tional war. Some, but not all, of the
strategy and tactics of conventional war
can be adapted to unconventional war.
Primarily, an unconventional war re-
quires unconventional strategy and tac-
tics. Psychological warfare is as old as
mankind: the assault on the mind is as
ancient as the roared battle cry, as his-
torically familiar as the rebel yell, and as
modern as the sophisticated techniques
of World War II. Its possibilities today
are manifold for defeating war of libera-
tion strategy and. guerrilla tactics.
Lastly, I have a word for the wiseacres
who think they are being cute by shoot-
ing supposedly funny wisecracks from the
hip whenever their pseudointellectualism
is exposed to an idea they are incapable
of understanding and comprehending.
Let them recall that the Vietnam roll of
dead and main:.ed Americans grows
longer every day. Instead of trying to
be funny, they should themselves be try-
ing to figure out ways to speed the war's
successful conclusion. And, in the un-
likely event they :happen to come up with
an idea, even if it is an unconventional
one, they should have the guts to get up
and suggest it.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under
previous orders of the House, the gentle-
man from Iowa [Mr. GROSS] is recog-
nized for 15 minutes.
Mr. GROSS. Mr. Speaker, the efforts
of the courts to oust Federal Judge
Stephen Chandler, of Oklahoma, raises
serious questions that should be the sub-
ject of an immediate congressional in-
vestigation. In the first place, this is
clearly an invasion of the rights of the
Congress, for it is only the Congress that
has the constitutional authority to re-
move a Federal judge by impeachment.
If Judge Chandler is to be impeached,
it should be done by the Congress, and
only after a full investigation of all the
facts surrounding the action by the cir-
cuit court of appeals. I believe that this
is particularly important in the light of
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nedy to testify under oath, refused to
state that he had seen the assault with
the knife, although standing within 3
feet of the scene. Mr. Kennedy states
that he is convinced that this witness
is guilty of outright perjury. The vic-
tim of the assault was so mistreated and
threatened by friends of Jones that he
has now resigned from the Job Corps
and has left the State of Idaho.
Jones was recently brought before the
Third District Court in Boise for sen-
tencing, at which time Job Corps' offi-
cials and his lawyer, Mr. Rowett, also
appeared. The district judge, Hon.
J. Ray Durtschi, withheld sentence on
Jones and placed him on. probation for
2 years, with the condition that he serve
4 months in jail, and then return to the
Job Corps. A further condition was
that he receive psychiatric treatment.
I am sure I reflect the consensus of
the group in stating that the concept
of the Job Corps and the philosophy
which led to its establishment is laud-
able in every respect. Such provides an
opportunity for underprivileged youth
to be trained for work and obtain neces-
sary education. We think it is obvious
that a group of young people in the 16-
to 21-age bracket, most of whom are
lacking in education and in the oppor-
tunity to compete in our society, are per-
haps the most highly impressionable
group of persons who could be assem-
bled. Many of them have already had
minor brushes with the law. I cannot
think of a greater tragedy than having
such a group of young people exposed
to what is obviously a vicious and men-
tally disturbed person. To compound
the problem, such a person was placed
in a position of authority and responsi-
bility over these same highly impres-
sionable corpsmen.
We feel from this incident can be
drawn the obvious conclusion that the
screening process of the Job Corps is at
times, at least, a complete failure. We
are informed that the officials at the lo-
cal Job Corps camp are unable to, or have
not determined how many, if any, of
their corpsmen are on a present active
status of parole or probation from other
States. The State board of corrections
is reasonably positive that such situa-
tions exist and in conformance with the
interstate compact, are desirous of being
informed of the existence of parolees
and probationers from other States who
are presently residing within Idaho. We
feel this is particularly necessary since
we are informed that the Job Corps has
no interest in the supervision of parolees
or probationers.
We also feel it pertinent to point out
that the officials of the State of Idaho
concerned with supervising probationers
and parolees have had very fine coopera-
tion with the armed services regarding
such supervisory problems.
It is also the consensus of the group
that thet basic concept of the Job Corps,
as announced to the public at large, was
not to provide rehabilitation institutions
for criminals. The public acceptance of
the Job Corps locations was, we felt,
based on the asserted purpose of the Job
Corps as providing training and educa-
tion for underprivileged young people
who deserved an opportunity.
From my own personal standpoint, and
while I may not reflect the consensus of
the group, I must state that I am highly
shocked and indignant at the use of Fed-
eral moneys to furnish legal counsel, bail,
psychiatric evaluation and treatment,
and so forth, to an accused, regardless of
whether he be a Federal employee, State
employee, or whatever.
As you know, our system of criminal
justice in the State of Idaho, for many
years has required the appointment of
legal counsel for indigent defendants and
the reports of our supreme court are
replete with opinions stating that the
failure to fully and fairly advise an ac-
cused of his right to legal counsel, and to
furnish such counsel, constitutes the de-
prival of constitutional rights. I se-
riously question the existence of any
statutory authorization for such expendi-
ture of Federal funds. Such certainly
has never been the case in regard to
armed services personnel and I can see
no difference between the furnishing of
counsel to a Job Corpsman, Federal em-
ployee, and the furnishing of legal coun-
sel to a mailman, a U.S. attorney, an ele-
vator operator in a post office building,
or a U.S. Senator, any one of whom could
be charged with murder or an attempted
We sincerely believe that these matters
demand your attention and investiga-
tion, if the Job Corps is to continue to
have the public confidence and carry out
the very laudable program for which it
was designed.
I should add that Mr. Kennedy, some
time ago, wrote to the Director of the
program, Mr. Sargent Shriver, relative
to the problems discussed herein, and has
not, as yet, received the courtesy of a
(Mr. QUIE asked and was given per-
mission to address the House for 1 min-
ute and to revise and extend his re-
Mr.,QUIE. Mr. Speaker, the obvious
result of this case is that enrollees at
Mountain Home Job Corps camp believe
the law of the jungle prevails and that
even officials of the U.S. Government
countenance assault with a deadly
Job Corps officials should be called to
account for this episode. Do they be-
lieve they are teaching the young men at
the Mountain Home camp constructive
values by their actions in this case?
What justification do they have for hir-
ing an attorney with Federal taxpayers'
money, especially when Idaho law re-
quires that indigent defendants be fur-
nished counsel by the State? Why do
Job Corps officials want Jones back in
the Job Corps under these circum-
stances? Do they plan to put him back
in a position of leadership and authority
over his fellow job corpsmen?
This, case, in capsule, demonstrates
two damaging and dangerous things
about the way the Job Corps program is
now being administered.
First, the screening of enrollees is so
incredibly haphazard that officials don't
even know when enrollees are on parole
for commission of major felonies.
Second, the philosophy of Job Corps
officials is so ridiculously soft and con-
fused that they will excuse almost any
behavior by an enrollee, even when it
jeopardizes the chance of other enrollees
to succeed.
The case of 'Paul Dennis Jones in
Idaho is not an isolated one. It is typi-
cal of official policy in the Job Corps.
This kind of approach in handling tough
young men who have committed serious
crimes permeates the entire administra-
tion of Job Corps camps. It can be fatal
to the program unless it is reversed by
direct and immediate action.
Two dropouts from Camp Kilmer re-
cently declared that they would not have
enrolled in the Job Corps if they had
known what it was like. One of them
commented "Many youths sent to court
for a minor crime were given a choice
between the Job Corps and reform
school." A common statement among
enrollees is, "If I go back, the Judge will
put me in jail." Another enrollee said,
"The dormitories are ruled by gangs."
Is it any wonder that Job Corps dor-
mitories are often ruled by gangs when
authorities deal so foolishly with felony
crimes? Job Corps policy provides spe-
cifically :
No dismissals from Job Corps can be made
by centers without getting prior approval
from Job Corps headquarters * * *. Under
no circumstances, explicit or implicit, should
a resignation be asked for or the opportunity
to resign offered.
The Job Corps concept is sound, but it
cannot be administered successfully by
administrators who coddle and encour-
age lawbreakers and gang leaders. Un-
less we start getting some realism into
the Job Corps program, the American
people will rise in indignation and prob-
ably sweep out the good potential with
the bad performance. That would be
tragic for the many youngsters who can
be helped by a good Job Corps program,
as well as for our society as a whole.
(Mr. HALL asked and was given per-
mission to address the House for 1 min-
ute, to revise and extend his remarks,
and to include extraneous matter.)
Mr. HALL. Mr. Speaker, recently the
Under Secretary of Defense commented
extensively and favorably to me con-
cerning the morale effect on combat
troops, of the type of care rendered by
the U.S. medics in South Vietnam. I as-
sured the Under, Secretary that this had
been true in all services and all wars and
engagements since the days of Surg.
Gen. Jonathan Letterman who estab-
lished hospital trains, and a system of
evacuation and medical care in its basic
modern phases during the War Between
the States. I pulled from my desk book
references, "The History of the Medical
Department, U.S. Army," volume 15, en-
titled "Personnel in World War II, and
referred to chapters on "morale" which
under the old War Department.setup was
considered a vital function of G-1-or
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February 7, 1966 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 2287
Lion opposed these proposals, we were
able in 1963 to add such a provision to
the Vocational Education Act. The proj-
ects were never funded by the admin-
The 1964 Poverty Act launched us on
a mass production of Job Corps camps
without the benefit of experience. The
present philosophy of Job Corps admin-
istrators is endangering the entire Job
Corps approach, which can and should
help many youngsters help themselves.
The following case history forcefully il-
lustrates our point:
On November 15, 1965, a vicious fight took
place in a dormitory at the Mountain Home
Job Corps camp. A corpsman was brutally
beaten by Paul Dennis Jones, a fellow corps-
man, for playing a radio in the dormitory.
With his victim prone, Jones slashed his face
and lands with a knife and then plunged the
knife into his abdomen.
lip to this point, the story seems like one
of those unfortunate incidents that can hap-
pen occasionally when you put rough, hard-
core young men together in a camp. The
full sequence of events, however, is appalling
and incredible. They can be summarized in
the following 10 points:
1. Jones, the assailant, was what is known
in the trade as a three-time loser. He had
three felony convictions against him, plus a
parola violation, when admitted to the camp.
2. Job Corps officials violated the inter-
state compact on parole and probations by
failing to notify Idaho authorities that Jones
was a parolee from California. Not only that,
in response to a request from Idaho authori-
ties, officials at the Mountain Home camp are
unable to determine, or have refused to de-
termine, how many of their corpsmen are
presently on parole or probation from other
ii. Jones not only was it three-time felony
loner, he was serving in a supervisory ca-
pacity in the Mountain Home camp as a
dormitory leader, wing; leader and squad
4. The Job Corps paid for an attorney, bail,
and psychiatric treatment for Jones.
The Job Corps, by telegram from Wash-
in tan, asked the court, to release Jones on
probru.tion, without punishment, on the as-
surar.ce he would be accepted back at camp.
G. 9fter release from the hospital, the vic-
t.icn was so mistreated and threatened by
--Jones' friends at the Mountain Home camp
that he was forced to resign from the Job
Job Corps officials refused to sign a
erirninal complaint against Jones and re-
fusec. to cooperate with the local prosecut-
ing attorney, Mr. Fred Kennedy.
11 The prosecuting attorney had to sub-
pena other corpsmen in order to get them to
testify and at least one of the eye witnesses
to the assault, standing 3 feet from the
;:roue, said he saw nothing. The prosecuting
attorney is convinced that this witness is
guilty of outright perjury, but once again
Job Corps officials refused to cooperate or
tako action to assist the prosecution.
9. The U.S. attorney, Mr. Sylvan Jeppesen,
f,7i+, prosecuting attorney. the warden of the
fdah:) State Penitentiary, Mr. L. E. Clapp; the
vice chairman of the Idaho Board of Cor-
secti,sn, Mr. Marls Maxwell; an Idaho parole
and probation officer, Mr. Al Roark; an official
of the Idaho Employment Security Agency,
NTr. Bill Lesh; and the Idaho attorney gen-
eral, Mr. Allen Shepard were so incensed by
the handling of this case by Job Corps of-
ficials that they met jointly and determined
to baing the matter to the attention of Mr.
Shriller and other officials in Washingon.
The prosecuting attorney wrote Mr. Shriver
in December and, at least until recently, had
not even received the courtesy of a routine
10. On the pleading of the Job Corps of-
ficials. the district judge withheld sentence
on Jones and placed him on probation for 2
years with the conditon that he serve 4
months In jail and then return to the Job
Mr. Speaker., this memorandum is
written at the combined suggestions of
certain persons who attended a meeting
recently in the office of Mr. Sylvan Jep-
pesen, ' U.S. attorney. In attendance
were Mr.. Fred Kennedy, prosecuting at-
torney for Elmore County, Mr. L. E.
Clapp, warden of the Idaho State Pen-
itentiary, Mr. Mark Maxwell, vice chair-
man of the board of corrections, Mr. Al
Roark, :parole and probation officer,
Mr. Bill Lesh of the employment security
agency, Mr. Allen G. Shepard, attorney
general of the State of Idaho, and his two
Mr. Jeppesen stated that he had been
requested by Senator CHURCH to attend
said meeting, which was called primarily
at the instance of Mr. Kennedy and Mr.
The discussion involved a recent crim-
inal incident at the Job Corps camp at
Mountain Home, Idaho. It was the con-
census of those present at the meeting
that the entire congressional delegation
should be informed both as to the cir-
cumstances and the thinking of the
group regarding corrective action which
should be taken.
On or about November 15, 1965, a
vicious fight took place in one of the
dormitories of the Job Corps camp at
Mountain Home. Said assault allegedly
took place as a result of Truley Tillman,
a corpsman, playing a radio in a man-
ner disturbing to the other occupants
of the dormitory. The dormitory leader,
one Paul Dennis Jones, brutally beat
Truley'I'illman about the head and face.
While sitting astride the prone body of
Tillman, Jones produced a knife and
slashed Tillman about the :face and
hands, and then plunged the knife into
the abdomen of Tillman inflicting a
wound of approximately 2172 inches in
The matter was reported almost im-
mediately to Mr. Kennedy as county
prosecutor. Because of the question of
Federal enclave, the Federal Bureau of
Investigation had been called. An FBI
investigator was dispatched to the scene
that night, interrogated Jones and ob-
tained from him a statement admiting
participation in the assaalt. Mr. Ken-
nedy was approached that night by of-
ficials of the Job Corps, who attempted
to convince Mr. Kennedy that there
should be no criminal proceedings filed
against Jones and he should be released
to the Corps for administrative action.
No person in the Job Corps camp, either
corpsmen or official, would sign the
criminal complaint against Jones for as-
sault with a deadly weapon, and Mr.
Kennedy was, therefore, required to sign
the complaint himself.
It was necessary to issue subpenas
and require attendance of Job Corps
witnesses in court. The Job Corps of-
ficials, through their Washington, D.C.,
office, hired Mr. Robert Rowett, an at-
torney at Mountain Home, to represent
the accused at Federal expense.
At the hearing held therein, Jones en-
tered a plea of guilty to assault with a
deadly weapon, and as is usual in such
cases, the district judge deferred im-
posing sentence pending presentence in-
At the hearing for sentencing, officials
from the Job Corps camp were present.
A telegram from the Job Corps head-
quarters in Washington, D.C., was sub-
mitted to the court, which requested that
the judge place Jones on probation and
affirmatively stated that if said Jones
were placed on probation by the court
lie would be accepted by the Job Corps
and returned to the Job Corps camp.
In the course of the presentence in-
vestigation, it was determined that Jones
is a three-time loser on felony charges,
having been convicted and served sen-
tences in California State correctional
institutions. The criminal record of
Jones can be summarized as follows:
At the age of 16, he attempted to kill
two persons by firing nine shots from a
revolver. He was admitted to the Cali-
fornia Fort Springs Boy's Camp. In
1962, he was convicted of auto theft and
received a jail sentence and 3 years' pro-
bation. Later in 1962, he was convicted
of auto theft and sentenced to an addi-
tional 2 years' probation. In 1963, he
was adjudged a parole violator, con-
victed of another auto theft and sen-
tenced to the Soledad Correctional Insti-
tution. In 1964, he was paroled and on
September 8, 1965, was arrested for driv-
ing with a revoked or suspended driver's
license, and served a total of 25 days in
At the time of his induction into the
Job Corps, he was, and still remains, a
parolee of the California correctional
system. Idaho, as are all States, is a
member of the interstate compact on
parole and probations. Under the terms
of said compact, each State agrees
that it will not permit one of its parolees
or probationers to move to another
State's jurisdiction without, in advance,
informing the receiving State of such
desire and making arrangements for the
supervision of such parolee or proba-
tioner by the receiving State during the
balance of parolee or probationer's time.
No such notification was received by the
State of Idaho, or its, board of correc-
tions from either the State of California
or the Job Corps. We were informed
that said Jones, while at the Job Corps
camp, was made a supervisor of other
corpsmen in three capacities; dormitory
leader, wing leader, and squad leader
which would indicate he had rather close
supervision of other corpsmen.
Mr. Kennedy has further stated that
lie has received practically no coopera-
tion from fellow Job Corpsmen witnesses
in investigating or processing the defend-
ant for what is obviously a serious crime
in the felony category. This, in spite
of the fact that the defendant was a
three-time convicted felon and but for
extremely fortunate circumstances, his
latest victim would have died.
One of the eyewitnesses to the assault,
another corpsman, called by Mr. Keni-
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A ed' For Rel ~~pp~~~~//~~112~9g CIq Rp P67B00446ROD0400020007-9
February 7, ~? ~GRE55IONAL RECORD -HOUSE
the Chief of Personnel-but is now for-
gotten in a computer age. Admittedly,
I slipped in a remark about lack of such
coordination, referral to, or acceptance
of advice of the Chiefs of Technical Serv-
ices, whether :it was in matters of supply
taken over by the computers of DSA-
Defense Supply Agency-or class 2 con-
trol-command and professional assign-
ment of people by the Surgeons General
in all services, at all levels-except the
theaters of operation.
There was a time when medical care
in South Vietnam by so-called t7SCOM
units was primarily "among civilians di-
rected by the White House and State
Department, and lowered quality medical
care to the level of the Far Eastern
trained-and French trained-physicians
working and operating in barrios and
under nonmodern conditions; rather
than elevating and trailing their type
care to our standards of know-how,
equipment, and technique. Toward this
end, as early as January 1964, hearing
records will indicate that I recommended
to the Secretary of Defense that our mil-
itary installations be beefed up and used
for both direct care for our service cas-
ualties as well as training and demon-
stration units for the civilian for the
physicians and their aids of South. Viet-
nam. From the attached article, para-
phrasing the Theater Surgeon Col. Spur-
geon Neel, Medical Corps, U.S. Army, I
am pleased to report that this has been
done. I know many military units have
been commended for lack of loss of life,
including one in support of units north-
west of Saigon which was commended
for handling 128 battle casualties in one
24-hour battle without a single loss of
life. In the field of evacuation we have
recently recommended forward place-
ment of the trained and ready tactical
aeromedical evacuation squadrons in
order to better maintain the highly de-
veloped, but ofttimes improvised rapid
Physicians have always served with
professional know-how and quickly ac-
quired military acumen, where needed
around the world in times of stress. Be-
cause their know-how on completion of
training is geometrically progressive and
greater than their forebearers in recent
wars, I predict that the death rate from
battle casualities-as well as sick and
nonbattle injuries-will continue to im-
prove. It is now less than 1 percent in
South Vietnam. No wonder there is high
morale among those fortunate enough
to be evacuated.
This article, dateline Saigon, South
Vietnam, is self-explanatory, and I com-
mend it to all, not only as interesting
reading concerning the entire medical
departments, but as an accurate esti-
mate of the situation which will improve
the morale of the retirees concerning
their own, as well as the Nation's youth,
who are in this hapless situation:
Neel is a happy man. He has the tools to
do his job-save the lives of wounded United
States and Vietnamese soldiers in Vietnam.
Neel, chief surgeon for the Military Assist-
anceCornmand, Vietnam (MACV), feels that
he has a more than adequate supply of neces-
sities needed for healing-well trained, dedi-
cated doctors and nurses and excellent medi-
cal supplies.
He is free, too, of the usual military red
tape. His only boss here is Gen. William C.
Westmoreland, U.S. Military Commander in
An ebullient, loquacious man, Neel has
first call on anything in the U.S. Army Medi-
cal Corps.
The supply of doctors to treat wounded
Americans is good, he says: "We are in excel-
lent shape both qualitatively and quantita-
Military spokesmen estimate there are well
over 300 Army doctors and more than 200
Army nurses in South Vietnam. The Air
Force and Navy likely have 150 additional
doctors and about 100 nurses.
In Vietnam Neel has two mobile Army sur-
gical hospitals, three field hospitals and two
evacuation hospitals. The Navy has Its 3d
Medical Battalion with C Company at Da
Nang, the "Charley Med" that has taken care
of so many wounded marines.
In addition, the Korean division has an
evacuation hospital of 400 beds, 26 doctors,
and 33 nurses.
Working with the medical people in Viet-
nam, but not under MACV control are six
military hospitals in Japan, one on Okinawa
and one at Clark Air Force Base Hospital in
the Philippines.
Neel says he sometimes has an unusual
problem: overreaction to his requests by au-
thorities in the United States.
Sometime ago he asked for a flight surgeon,
and they sent out a man who had been in-
strumental in flight-surgeon training at Fort
Rucker, Ala.
I was glad to have him, and he was en-
thusiastic about coming," Neel said, "but
actually it would have been better if he had
kept on training other flight surgeons at
Neel does have other problems, of course,
mainly concerned with logistics. Although
he has first priority in the Army Medical
Corps, there is still the problem of getting
supplies to' their destinations at the proper
The death rate for soldiers arriving at
forward hospitals in World War I was 81/2
percent. By World War II this had dropped
to 41/2 percent, and only 21/2 percent of the
soldiers reaching forward hospitals in Korea
In Vietnam the ratio has been 1 percent or
a trifle less.
Neel is proud of the low rate, but he real-
izes it could easily change if the Vietcong
start throwing large masses of troops Into
battle or bring in heavy artillery or air at-
"Actually, we haven't been strained too
much yet," Neel says. "Our buildup has been
gradual enough that we could pretty well
project our medical needs and keep up with
them. It hasn't been like Korea, where we
found ourselves smack in the middle of a war
one Sunday."
Besides the first-rate personnel available to
him, Neel believes two factors have been im-
portant in the reduced death rate: improved
anesthetics and techniques and the ability to
provide whole blood to surgeons near the
Amputations have been greatly reduced by
improvements in vascular surgery and the
fact that more surgeons can now perform
such operations involving the blood vessels.
"In Korea at one time we had only one
man in one hospital who was an expert at
this," he says. "Now vascular surgery is per-
formed at every military hospital. We also
have plastic tubing .now that we can use as
'spare parts' in replacing damaged arteries
and veins." -
Swift movement of wounded men from the
battlefield improves the chance of survival.
In Korea only 10 percent of the wounded men
were taken out by helicopter. Here it's 90
The titles "field" and "evacuation" hospital
mean little In Vietnam. The 85th Evacua-
tion at Qui Nhon on the central coast, for
example, handled many of the first- cavalry-
men wounded in the Ia Drang fighting, and
by no means all of them were evacuated.
And the 85th currently is treating about 300
serious malaria cases, most of whom will be
returned to duty from the hospital.
Two of the six U.S. military hospitals in
Japan handle most of the Vietnamese casual-
ties that arrive in that country. They are
Johnson Hospital and Camp Drake, both run
by the Army and both recently renovated.
About 1,000 evacuees are in the facilities in
Japan, but only 15 percent are men wounded
in battle. The others- are sick or were injured
outside combat.
Only the less serious cases among evacuees
are taken to Japan. They are men who are
'expected to be returned to duty. Serious
cases or those, for example, requiring plastic
surgery, are flown on to the United States.
U.S. medical authorities in Japan say their
supplies and personnel are adequate.
The U.S. Army hospital on Okinawa has
been expanded from 350 to. 500 beds. The
hospital has a sufficient staff, its administra-
tors say.
One of the key out-country hospitals han-
dling wounded is Clark Air Base Hospital near
Manila. At Clark some casualties remain,
but others, usually critical cases that can be
moved, are quickly transferred to other mili-
tary hospitals in the Pacific area, including
Honolulu and Formosa. Some are sent di-
rectly to the United States.
There are no serious shortages at Clark,
but- during such major battles as Ian Drang
the hospital was jammed, and doctors and
nurses sometimes worked for 48 hours with-
out sleep.
The most serious problem confronting
Army doctors is. wounded who require brain
surgery. There are not many brain surgeons
in the Army.
Some U.S. doctors are attached to South
Vietnamese units, and many American physi-
cians serve as advisers to the Vietnamese.
U.S. medical personnel also hold clinics in
every village the Army passes through, pass-
ing out medical supplies and treating every-
thing from a scratch- to surgery. Individ-
ual treatments, a spokesman says, average
20,000 to 30,000. a week.
(Mr. GROSS asked and was given per-
mission to extend his remarks at this
point in the RECORD.)
Mr. GROSS. Mr. Speaker, I have
had strong misgivings about the Trade
Expansion Actof 1962 and the 50-per-
cent tariff reductions proposed under it.
The tariff cuts would be across the board
and very few items would be spared from
the 50-percent cut.
The act itself in no sense called for
such a drastic operation. This was
superimposed on it later by the Presi-
dent's Special Representative for Trade
The act itself contemplated something
very different. The legislation called
for very extensive and detailed hearings
by both the U.S. Tariff Commission and
the Committee for Trade Information.
It called for the gathering of --detailed
information on the many tariff items,
which- is to say, the many products
which would be subject to- duty reduc-
tions. The act spelled out the type of
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levels, but the American taxpayer has
made up the difference between our
costs and foreign prices. Therefore the
evidence does not support any notion of
our competitive superiority.
If the proper corrections are made in
our statistics we will find that our
vaunted export surplus vanishes so far as
it could be taken as evidence of our com-
petitive standing in world markets.
This being the case it is not possible
to justify any serious tariff :reductions at
the present time, much less one of 50
Since our machinery exports indicate
a competitive advantage perhaps talat
item could withstand a duty reduction;
but we should not jeopardize scores of
other important products on the ground
that our exports of machinery are boom-
Mr. Speaker, I am introducing a joint
resolution designed to correct the stai,is-
tica.l practices complained of so that we
may feel confident that the official
statistics on which policy is based is
sound rather than deceptive.
pertinent information that was to be
ieveloped in the public hearings.
The hearings were indeed held-3
years ago, or from December 1962
through March 1963. Some 800 wit-
nesses testified or sent in statements,
including many Members of this House
and the other body. The purpose was
to gather full information for measur-
ing the probable effect of tariff reduc-
tions on different products.
If a general tariff reduction across the
board had been contemplated it would
have been unthinkable for Congress to
require such hearings or for the hear-
ings actually to be held as they were
field. It is obvious that the Congress
had no intention of calling for a 50-
percent cut across the board. Yet that,
with minor exceptions, is precisely what
was agreed to with the GATT represent-
ttives in a meeting held in May 1963,
or nearly 3 years ago.
The agreement with GATT placed the
Congress in a ludicrous light and made
of the public hearings held by the Tariff
Commission and the Trade Information
Committee an unaccountable exercise in
the waste of time and money. It was
worse. it broke faith with accepted
procedure and upset the trust placed in
legislative enactments.
Mr. Speaker, these highhanded pro-
cedures and the flouting of the statute
have been enough to condemn the whole
American participation in the Geneva
negotiations. Congress should call for
a correction, and insist that the unques-
tionable intent of the law as reflected by
the provisions I have mentioned be
honored rather than brushed aside as
to much chaff. If the Congress per-
mits its laws to be thus interpreted at
will by administrators there would be
no need of legislating.
't'his is not all.
On the economic side a deep flaw in
our trade statistics that has been pro-
ducing deceptive effects about this
country's competitive position in foreign
trade, is coming to light. The public has
been led to believe that our position is
so strong that we have succeeded in
ringing up export surpluses of $5 to $7
billion per year in recent years. This
optimistic impression has been chal-
lenged in recent times. I myself chal-
lenged it in a statement on this floor last
fall; and I am convinced that the United
titates is not in good shape in foreign
markets. as measured by truly competi-
tive exports.
The one itern of manufactured goods
in which our exports have prospered has
been machinery and industrial equip-
ment: and this is accounted for by the
large outflow of capital from this coun-
try into production facilities in foreign
countries, where labor costs are dis-
tinctly lower than here. In manufac-
tured items other than machinery our
share of world markets has been shrink-
We have also increased our exports of
farm products, but the increase is ac-
counted for wholly, not by our competi-
tive advantage, but by governmental
assistance. Shipments under foreign
aid, the food for peace program, et cetera,
have lifted our farm exports to record
(Mr. MIZE asked and was given per-
mission to address the House for 1 min-
ute and to revise and extend his
remarks. I
Mr. MIZE. Mr. Speaker, in view of
our consideration of legislation to pro-
vide education, training, and other rcad-
justment benefits to the men and women
of our Armed Forces, I think it is ap-
propriate to call attention to a st:Lte-
ment which I have filed with the House
Veterans' Affairs Committee in behalf of
the bill I have introduced, H.R. 12168,
the Veterans' Educational Assistance Act
of 1966.
The statement follows:
HALF OF H.R. 12168, THE VI':rERANS' i"DU-
7, 1966
Mr. Chairman and members of the Vet-
erans' Affairs Committee, the United Si,ates
has always been generous with its veterans.
The Congress and the people have always
recognized that compulsory military serv-
ice demands sacrifices on the part of those
called upon to serve their country in times
of peace as well as in times of war. Young
men and women must leave their job::., in-
terrupt their educations, and disrupt their
family lives in order to All positions e.ven-
tial to the national security.
In the past we have helped compensate
for these sacrifices through federally spon-
sored programs, After World War IT, it. was
the GI bill of rights; after the Korean con-
flict it was the Korean bill of rights. 't'hese
were programs to help the veteran continue
his education, retrain for his job, geer his
family into a home, or start a new business.
They have cost billions of. dollars, but we
have accepted these costs as part of the
price we have to pay to keep the Nation se-
cure against the efforts of those who would
destroy us or enslave us. It is interesting
to note, however, that the billions we spent
in these programs have-returned additional
billions to the economy from the getter
salaries of the better trained and the better
educated veterans.
Since the expiration of the Korean GI bill
in January 1955, our country has still had
compulsory military training because there
has never been a time when we didn't need
the services of GI's to carry out defense do-
ties around the globe. We've referred to
these periods of service as cold war duties
even though they have had the habit of
heating up now and then in Berlin, Lebanon,
Quemoy and Matsu, Cuba, southeast Asia,
and the Dominican Republic.
Legislation has been introduced as a cold
war bill of rights and has passed the Senate.
This legislation has strong support among
Members of the House of Representatives, as
witness the number of bills which have come
before this committee. It is generally ac-
cepted, although somewhat reluctantly by
the administration, that the Nation provide
readjustment benefits for our service men
and women as long as we find it necessary to
call them into the service of their country.
We differ as to the degree of this assistance,
however. In the introduction of my bill, I
have joined with my colleagues who feel that
we should include all veterans who have bad
at least 6 months of military service from
February 1, :1955, to the termination of their
compulsory service. Those who become eli-
gible on the basis of their service would earn
education or training time at the rate of it l