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Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SI NATE February 24, 1966 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without abjection, the nomination will be con- :7idered; and, without objection, the nomination is confirmed. NOMINATIONS PLACED ON THE SECRETARY'S DESK The legislative clerk proceeded to read routine nominations placed on the Sec- retary's desk in the Environmental Sci- ence Services Administration and in the Coast Guard. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, the nominations will be con- sidered en bloc; and they are confirmed. Mr. LONG of Louisiana. Mr. Presi- ent, I ask that the President be immedi- I,ely notified of the nominations con- l i rmed today. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, the President will be notified forthwith. I. ECMsLATIVE SESSION Mr. LONG of Louisiana. Mr. Presi- dent, I ask unanimous consent that the Senate return to legislative session. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there objection? ''here being no objection, the Senate resumed the consideration of legislative business. RETIREMENT OF SENATOR McNAMARA OF MICHIGAN Mr. PEARSON. Mr. President, today I wish to add my own personal comments to those of my colleagues who have re- cited the accomplishments of retiring Senator PAT MC.NAMARA. Since I came to the Senate 4 years ago I have had the distinct personal privilege of serving on the Public Works Commit- tee with the distinguished Michigan Sen- ator as chairman. Our committee has made considerable progress in the last 4 years, and I wish to echo the comments of other Senators when I say that PAT McNAMARA'S leadership and guidance will be missed. Ifs 12 years of dedicated and progressive service to the Nation shall never be forgotten. not poor would qualify for subsidies. Where- Upon L.B.J. came right back this year, asking for $30 million for re; it subsidies in the fiscal year ending .June 30, and requesting that the yearly payments be increased over 4 years to an annual rate of $150 million. Under the plan. tenants would pay a quur.. ter of their wages for rent, the Federal Gov- ernment would subsidize the remainder. If the family's income increases, the rent s-;ib- sidy will be reduced proportionately. Unlike public housing, which requires families to move after their laconic reaches a cerl,dn leve`, these famines can continue living in their apartments waste ver their income level, although they will not qualify for a subsidy if their income exceeds a specified ceilini'. Few would deny the need for rich America to provide adequate housing for its im- poverished. And perhaps the rent subsidy plan will succeed where public housing, for all its good inten ;:ons, has not. But we would hope that Congress examines the pro- posal with a cold eye, to insure that it does not become a carrot for politicians to dangle before voters. If' such a possibility seems farfetched, we need only point to the experience of rent controls, which clearly were used as poli, Kcal bait to curry votes at the expense of a rela- tively small minoetty (i.e., the house and apartment owner) . In an incisive rrec nt book, "Welfare, Free- dom, and Inflation," world-famed economist Wilhelm Ropke noted: "We have reached a stage when, to many people, it sounds strange when we ask the question why the earlier rule no longer holds good; that anyone who can afford to buy his cult out of his own pocket at the economic price, should also pay as economic price for his lodging. "flow does it come about that an otherwise perfectly reasonable citizen, who would be ashamed to let any body else pay for his re- frigerator, his motorcycle, or his lunch, has come to look on it as his unassailable right to shift part of the burden of the economic cost of his lodging onto someone else's shoulders?" Professor Ropke was not, of course, refer- ring to the truly poor, those whose impov- erished condition puts them at the mercy of the state. He meant those greedy citi- zens who agitate for handouts or subsidies because they bel.eve, or choose to believe, that nobdoy pays for anything that comes from the Government--that a handout or a subsidy is "free." By all means, Congress should make pro- visions for those who genuinely need i,ous- ing assistance. But it must take pains to ex- chade from the Government watering trough those who merely have their hands out in hope of something for nothing. to substitute athestic communistic cere- monies for the deeply religious feelings of these brave people in the Baltic States. Naturally, Mr. President, the sons and daughters of these captive nations who immigrated to the United States vigor- ously reacted to the destruction of free- dom in their former native lands. De- scendants of the peoples of the Baltic States continue to point out to the world this oppression under Soviet rule. All Americans resent the subjugation of these small nations. The policy of our Government reflects these sentiments, for our Government fails to recognize the cruel annexation of the small coun- tries by the Soviet Union. Mr. President:, I know free people everywhere join me today in hoping that the 25 years of enslavement of the Lithu- anian, Latvian and Estonian people will someday be ended and that these small countries together with all the nations of the world will be able to determine for themselves their own destiny. THE IMPORTANCE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY TO LEGISLATIVE BODIES Mr. TALMADGE. Mr. President, last November when the Interparliamentary Union Conference met in Geneva, Switz- erland, which I attended as president of the U.S. delegation, a most interesting and informative address was delivered to the group by Edward Wenk, Jr., of the Library of Congress on the increasing importance of science and technology to legislative bodies in the world today. Mr. Wenk made a scholarly and in- formative presentation, and I ask unani- mous consent that this address be printed in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. There being no objection, the address was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: INFORMATION REQUIRED BY PARLIAMENTS IN A WORLD INCREASINGLY DEPENDENT UPON SCI- ENCE (An address before the Interparliamentary Union Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, Nov. 5, 1965, by Edward Wenk, Jr., Chief, Science Policy Research Division, Legislative Reference Service, Library of Congress) Mr. President, Mr. Secretary General, ladies and gentlemen, it is a very great privilege to have been invited to participate in this sym- posium of the Interparliamentary Union. And it is all the more an honor to represent the scientific community at this auspicious dedication of the Union's new home. The long history and high purpose of this body in seeking world peace and enhance- ment of the democratic process are well known. Especially in Geneva, the city of peace, I felt it all the more appropriate to recall the basic relationships of science and politics that constitute the theme of my assignment. Science knows no national boundaries. In a troubled world, communi- Mr. TANNIN. Mr. President, on Feb- ruary 6, the Arizona Republic in Phoenix--the largest daily newspaper published in my State-published a thoughtful and well-reasoned editorial on some of the dangers inherent in a program of rent subsidies. I believe this editorial deserves a wider audience and I therefore ask unanimous consent to have it printed in the RECORD. 'i1'here being no objection, the editorial was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: lrrom the Arizona Republic, Feb. 6, 1966] Rear SUBSIDY PLAN One of the more controversial Great So- ciety proposals is that of rent subsidies for those who do not otherwise qualify for public iiousinl,5. Last year Congress approved such a plan, but then the legislators refused to vote the necessary funds, charging that eligibility rules were so vague that persons who were CAPTIVE NATIONS Mr. MURPHY. Mr. President, 48 years ago on February 16, the people of Lithuania declared their independence. Latvia and Estonia, also proclaimed their independence the same year. In the two decades of freedom that they enjoyed great progress was made. Agrarian re- form was brought about, culture flour- ished, foreign trade was expanded, r.: .table currency was introduced and other needed social reforms occurred.. In the outlock for these small nations short , was bright. Independence and freedom, In the United States, we have a long rradi- u.nfortunatelY, were too short-lived, for tion of recognizing that politics and science in 1940, these small Baltic States were mix. Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jeffer- ruthlessly overrun by Soviet aggression. son actively sought advancement and appll- In addition to exercising totalitarian po- cations of science to serve public purposes- litical control, the Soviet Union has ex- then to help a newly developing nation. were cultural development cand has attempted found to blend 1 easily. They still doStoday. Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 cations between scientists have often supple- mented and aided international understand- ing when political solutions seemed remote. Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 February 23, 1966 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE ness was going off the books than was being issued. The company, along with the rest of the country, began to recouperate from the shock and the initial effects of the depression, however, and in 1936 Bertrand J. Perry was elected president of the still-growing com- pany. Mr. Perry served as president until 1945, when he became chairman of the board. When he retired as a director in 1955, his association with the company spanned 58 years. Alexander T. Maclean had succeeded Mr. Perry as president and served until his death in 1950. On May 19 of that year Leland J. Kalmbach became president and served in that position until 1962, when he was elected chairman of the board and chief executive officer, and Charles H. Schaaff be- came the company's 10th president. In 1951, the company's 100th anniversary year, its assets were $1.4 billion. Insurance in force totaled $3.2 billion. New insurance delivered that year amounted to nearly $348 million. This past year-1965-new insurance de- livered amounted to well over $1.8 billion. Insurance in force passed the $12 billion level. And assets, which have doubled about every 12 years since 1928, increased to more than $3.3 billion.. New alltime records in the sale of both individual and group life insurance were set during the year with indi- vidual insurance sales topping $1 billion for the 7th consecutive year. January of 1965 was the largest individual-life-sales month in the company's history. Another milestone achieved in 1965 was the surpassing of the $1 billion level in out- standing mortgage loans. The company's first mortgage loan of $2,000 was made in 1859. The company today ranks as the 10th largest in assets of the more than 1,600 life insurance companies in the Nation. It also is ranked among the country's top 22 finan- cial institutions and the top 40 business organizations in general. The company lists more than 700,000 individual policyholders, and is licensed to do business in all 50 States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Its Springfield home office staff numbers some 2,200 and its field force of 3,500 is distributed in 120 general agencies, 285 dis- trict offices, 42 group insurance offices, and 9 mortgage loan and real estate offices. Also in 1965, the company occupied a four- story addition to its home office site. The new east building, which provides some 184,- 000 gross square feet of additional floorspace, is one of the largest commercial structures erected in the Greater Springfield area since the present home office was built in 1927. The entire home office complex now occupies some 85 acres of land. The company also reported in 1965 that its new investments now average more than $1.5 million each working day. Total amount of the company's entire investment portfolio now at work in the Nation's economy is ap- proximately $3 billion. The company's in- vestment division comprises three major de- partments-securities, mortgage loans, and real estate. The company is considered to have one of the outstanding field forces in the life in- surance industry today. Substantiating this is the fact that one out of every eight com- pany field men and women is a member of the industry's elite sales group, the million- dollar round table. The industrywide aver- age membership in this group is one of every 72. In addition, one out of every five Massa- chusetts Mutual representatives is a char- tered life underwriter, the industry's highest educational designation, compared to 1 of every 18 for the industry. Also, two of every five Massachusetts Mutual representatives have qualified for the National Quality Award, an industrywide honor, compared to 1 of 13 in the entire industry. The company prides itself on Its quality field force, as well as on its contracts and its policyholder service. The company's letter- heads are impressed with the trademark, "In Our Second Century of Service." Best's Life Insurance Reports, an annual edition reporting on many aspects of "legal reserve companies, fraternal benefit societies and assessment associations operating in the United States," makes these comments on the Massachusetts Mutual: "The company, now in its second century of operation, is purely mutual and is par- ticularly a policyholders' institution. It has long been most ably managed. It ranks very highly and enjoys a most excellent reputa- tion in all respects * * *. Every important benefit and privilege which the company has given to new policyholders has been given to old policyholders on the same terms, except when expressly forbidden by State or other laws." In another section, the report adds: "In operations a very important item is expenses, which have been kept remarkably low. Care- ful selection and underwriting of business has produced a very favorable mortality experience. Policy lapses and surrenders have been low. Net cost to policyholders is remarkably low." Throughout its history, then, one of the company's foremost objectives has been superlative service to its policyholders. Though the implementation of ZIP codes to its master file is merely one area of service, it points up the company's constant efforts toward that foremost objective. The com- pany, in this area alone, has at all times coooperated with the Post Office Department. Since its inception in July 1961, company secretary, Harrison B. Clapp, has chaired the Springfield Mail Users Council, which has sponsored discussion meetings on the na- tionwide improved mail service program, the accelerated business collection and delivery program, the ZIP code program, and the scheduled parcel post program. Communica- tions Manager Alexander T. Muir has spoken on postal matters to various groups, and through nationwide test mailings has as- sisted Springfield Postmaster Morin and the New England regional office to provide sub- stantially improved airmail service for the area. In this area of policyholder service and in every other area, the company, indeed, takes pride in Best's comment that the Mass- achusetts Mutual is "particularly a policy- holders4, institution." 0 ` - POLICY BACKED (Mr. MACKAY asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his re- marks.) Mr. MACKAY. Mr. Speaker, Thai- land understands the domino theory much better than some of us back home, the Atlanta Constitution is convinced. Editorially the paper declares: We are in Vietnam to make it clear that communism may not achieve cheaply, through the guise of wars of liberation, what it knows would be costly on the open battle- field. For if we are found wanting in the will to resist covert aggression, we are in effect inviting use of the method again in other parts of the world. Thailand knows it is "one of those parts of the world," the paper continues, adding that the Vice President visited Bangkok "to assure our Thai allies of aid in case of guerrilla aggression, as well as to discuss economic development of the area." Because this editorial discusses an issue on which we are committed to stand firm, it will be of general interest to my colleagues and I therefore am making the article available in the RECORD. [From the Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution, Feb. 15,19661 THAILAND UNDERSTANDS Vice President HUIIPHREY'S mission to Thailand pulls back into focus the underly- ing reasons for our massive commitment in South Vietnam. That focus often slips away in the day-to-day heat of battle and debate over specific tactics. We are in Vietnam to make it clear that communism may not achieve cheaply, through the guise of wars of liberation, what it knows would be costly on the open battle- field. For if we are found wanting in the will to resist covert aggression, we are in ef- fect inviting use of the method again in other parts of the world. Thailand is one of those parts of the world. The kingdom's rulers know it. Already, ex- ternally trained or inspired guerrillas are practicing terrorism in northeastern Thai- land. In fact, Thais are concerned that if the war is ended in South Vietnam, Chinese and North Vietnamese efforts may be centered on Thailand. So they are less than enthusi- astic about a negotiated settlement. Thailand has been a consistent friend of America in southeast Asia. It provides air bases that bolster our Vietnamese operations. And if we should later find it necessary to expand our troop commitments extensively and attempt to seal off the Vietcong's supply routes from the north, Thailand would be a base of our operation. So the Vice President Is in Bangkok to assure our Thai allies of aid in case of guerrilla aggression, as well as to discuss economic development of the area. To the Siamese leaders, the domino theory is not such an object of ridicule as it is to some back home. LANDOWNERS BATTLE BRUSH PROBLEM TO RESTORE GRASS AND SAVE NEEDED WATER (Mr. POAGE (at the request of Mr. Moss) asked and was given permission to extend his remarks at this point in the RECORD.) Mr. POAGE. Mr. Speaker, landowners of my State and probably of your State are engaged in a real fight to repulse the spread of moisture stealing, worthless, woody plants and brush-more than 50 percent mesquits-that threaten to en- gulf the land. It may sound like so much science fic- tion, but these dense, prolific brushes are suffocating the livestock Industry throughout many other sections of our country, robbing the ranchers of soil, water and livestock grazing. The Soil Conservation Service and its range conservationists have surveyed the problem twice in the past 18 years and verify the alarming situation that more than 80 percent of the grassland in Texas has become infested with brush. Neither livestock operators, nor the Nation, can afford grasslands in poor condition, nor can we afford to lose the millions of acre-feet of water consumed annually by brush and weeds. Water lost to brush is water lost to all beneficial use. In Texas alone there is more water lost in 1 year to brush alone than is Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 CONGRESSIONAI. RECORD - [[OUSE February 23, 1966 used by the city of Los Angeles. Just this morning the President sent this Con- gress a special message pointing out our critical shortage of water. Where can we hope to save so much water as cheaply a.s we can through adequate brush con- trol? in the face of this tenacious enemy farmers and ranchers, not only in Texas, but throughout the rangelands of the entire country., are struggling to restore the abundant grasslands that once cov- ered our plains and prairies. The landowners in my district-the 11th Congressional District of Texas- are excellent representatives of the stal- wart stewards of soil, water and grass- land who are waging this battle all across the United States. The whole Nation owes these people a continuing debt of gratitude for their efforts at increasing grassland agricul- ture. to maintain its role in production, and to protect American agriculture. Though treatment is going on all the time, the progress being made against the woody invader is far from encourag- ing. Treatment is costly, it is complex, and. there is the disheartening probabil- ity of reinfestation on treated acres after a few years. Actually, most treatment results only in control, not elimination of brush. This is a serious matter and Texas landowners have no illusions about the toughness of the job. On the other hand, I have no misgivings about their competence and will to handle it, but they must have the cooperation of their government, and above all, we must not lose to enthusiasm and the momentum which has been built up over the years. The Nation will suffer or benefit as these landowners lose or win the struggle. The Soil Conservation Service is keep- ing close watch on the problem and pro- viding technical assistance in treatment programs. Its plant materials centers are working at adapted grasses and legumes to recapture the land from brush, but a great deal more research and work is needed, and important as it is, brush control is only one of the many problems which should be studied in a grass and forage research center. Until such a center is a reality, one of the larg- est and most vital segments of our food supplying effort is going to be without needed coordination. 1.;,EDWOODS (Mr. HANK A asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his re- marks.) Mr. HANNA. Mr. Speaker, the Presi- dent's message on restoring the quality of our environment is a remarkable doc- ument. In addition to masterfully sum- marizing the problems we face,. and the opportunities which we have neglected, it sets the stage for a meaningful exposi- tion of the whole problem in the public forum. It is time that we begin to give our best thinking to this vital subject. I am at heart an optimist. Therefore I have concentrated my attention on the opportunities outlined in the message. The various recreation proposals which are outlined in. the message seem to me to be the essence of these opportunities. The proposal that we establish a Red- wood National Park is a case in point. But it is not one on which we can ponder long. We must not allow hesitation or procrastination to overcome the need for quick action. Even as I talk, the last of the great redwoods forest is being felled. Only a fraction of virgin forest still remains and the lumber Indust y is making short work of that fraction. The redwood is a valuable resource. The wood has many unique and desir- able characteristics. It resists rotting. It is almost impervious to insect attack. It weathers well. It is beautiful and can be worked easily. This is the reason there is a steady demand for its use in lawn furniture, house siding, and dec- orative fences. Its resistance to insects is also the reason why it lives for thou- sands of years in its native state. But the redwood is also a national re- source that must be preserved. I do not suggest that we deny the lumber indus- try the right to use redwoods. I do sug- gest that, considering their needs, we de- vise some way to preserve part of the forest for future generations. Redwoods are fast-growing trees. They replace themselves as usable lumber within 100 years. It is my feeling that it would serve all purposes, the naturalist and the public, and the lumber industry, to preserve part in virgin stand and al- low the remainder to be managed in the manner the lumber industry does so well, to provide sustained yields of a valuable lumber. Establishing a Redwood Park does not preclude lumbering. Preserving a unique and unparalleled scenic masterpiece is not antithetical to the interests of the lumber industry. You have all heard of the Cedars of Lebanon.. I am told that a bare rem- nant is ]eft. In fact, this storied grove of trees existed mostly intact weld into this century. Now the remaining virgin forest is measured by individual trees, some of which are a thousand years old. The visitor today is not struck by the beauty of the individual trees in their unique majesty, but rather is appalled at the short-sightedness of the men who allowed all but this pitiful remnant to be cut and used. I propose that, when the administration's proposal for a park reaches this House, we find a way to en- act it quickly, lest we be judged in the sane manner the stewards of the Cedars of Lebanon are now judged. TRAILS (Mr. RONCALIO asked and was eiven permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his re- marks.) Mr. RONCALIO. Mr. Speaker the :President has addressed our attention to the problem of restoring the quality of our environment. It was a disturbing ;message. I admire his courage in de- tailing, In such graphic form, our so- ciety's "sins of omission." We did not consciously set out to de- stroy our environment, but rather :like Topsy, it "jest growed that way." But whatever the reason, it is time we faced our obligations squarely and set about righting the wrongs we have visited on what most of us consider the most beau- tiful piece of real estate in the world. I was particularly impressed with the President's reference to the establish- ment of a nationwide system of trails. A visit to the C. & O. Canal on Sunday illustrates the universal appeal a pleas- ant surrounding and a path have for our citizens. There is no reason why we cannot en- courage this type of facility throughout the country. By the turn of this cen- tury it is estimated that 85 percent of our people will live in cities as opposed to 65 percent now. As the cities grow the land that is available will be put to some use. Part of that land should be reserved for just such simple pleasures as the weekend stroll. It would have been a tragic waste of good real estate had the C. & O. Canal been filled in and con- verted to residential or industrial use. But throughout this country this is ex- actly what is happening to other lands within or adjacent to our great cities. No one is consciously planning its destruction and removal as a recreational asset, it is just happening because there has been no thought given to this type of use. This certainly is a sin of omis- sion. We can stimulate local communities to provide facilities for the stroller, the walker and the hiker. They should be located near him. A nationwide system of trails will stimulate local communities to provide their own systems. A program to encourage the estab;ii h- ment of trails and hiking paths need not be an expensive one. The land and water conservation fund will surely en- courage development but mostly it re- quires that government provide the vision and the leadership by judicious designation of areas already in the pub- lic ownership. By making such a de- signation of suitable areas the Federal Government can stimulate the develop- ment of a trails system which will meet the needs of both the urban dweller and the serious outdoorsman. Wyoming is pleased to recognize this national need and to help fulfill it, Mr. Speaker. BENNETT CITES NEED TO CHANGE SYSTEM OF ELECTING PRESI- DENT (Mr. BENNETT asked and was given permission to address the House for I minute and to revise and extend his re- marks.) Mr. BENNETT. Mr. Speaker, since 1959 I have introduced and supported legislation to change the system of elect- ing the President and Vice President of the United States. I am gratified that there is a renewed interest in this major constitutional problem and I am hopeful that positive action will take place in the 89th Congress. I am today reintroducing legislation first introduced by me on the opening day of the 87th Congress dealing with this important subject. Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE February 23, 1966 The stalwart resistance they have shown and are showing cannot help but be a source of inspiration to others suffering under the same yoke. And especially is it an inspiration to those of us living under a flag of liberty. By observances such as this you are re- minding yourselves and free men everywhere that human bondage has not yet been wiped from the face of the earth and that much needs yet to be done. The way may well be long and hard for all of us. Freedom was never easily won. It is never easily held. Four times since I was a young man in the uniform of World War I, my country has come to the defense of freedom. We are in such a conflict today, and we must be prepared for whatever else may be demanded of us in the months and years to come. As we look ahead, it might be well to re- call the words of the late John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State under our great President, Dwight D. Eisenhower. Speaking at the congressional inquiry into the incorporation of the Baltic States by the U.S.S.R. 13 years ago, Secretary Dulles said this: "What of the future? First of all, let us never lose hope that there is a future." "I recall," he said, "I was looking in my Bible yesterday-some of the earliest history recorded in the books of the Old Testament. The nations there mentioned are such as Israel, Arabia, Egypt, and Lebanon. How many times have these nations of many thousands of years ago been submerged; to rise again?" "The Baltic peoples," Secretary Dulles continued, "in the face of every imposition, retain their will to be free and maintain their steadfast opposition to Soviet despot- ism. Terrorism has been prolonged now for 13 years. Many of their courageous and noble representatives have been executed, deported, or driven into exile. But their martyrdom keeps patriotism alive." - Then Secretary Dulles said this: "Some may say that it is unrealistic and impractical not to recognize the enforced incorporation of Estonia, Latvia, and Lith- uania into the Soviet Union. We believe, however, that despotism of the Soviet type cannot indefinitely perpetuate its rule over hundreds of millions of people who love God, country, and who have a sense of per- sonal dignity." "The Soviet system which seeks to ex- punge the distinctive characteristics of na- tion, creed, and individuality must itself change or be doomed ultimately to collapse. The time of collapse depends largely on whether the peoples who remain free pro- duce spiritual, intellectual; and material richness; and whether we have a faith that can penetrate any Iron Curtain; and we, must be sure that captive peoples know that they are not forgotten, that we are not reconciled to their fate, and above all, we are not prepared to seek illusory safety for ourselves by a bargain with their masters which would confirm their captivity." Let me say now for myself: As Majority Leader in the U.S. House of Representatives at the time Mr. Dulles made that statement, I shared those sentiments with him. I still hold to them. We would be guilty of wishful thinking if we believed the collapse of the Soviet Union is imminent. But there is a growing evidence that all is not well with the Red conspiracy. Cracks are beginning to show in the com- munist front. Mr. Castro, who not so long ago was wel- . coming the Red Chinese to his shores and boasting of his alliance with them, now ac- cuses them of bad faith. Red China, in turn, is increasingly bel- ligerent toward Russia, accusing the U.S.S.R. of all sorts of things, while the Kremlin casts an increasingly wary eye at the inten- tions of Chou En-lai and Mao Tse-tung. Apparently there has been a falling out among thieves. This is the weakness of gangsters, whether they are gangster lords of the numbers games or gangster nations. They rule only through terror and vio- lence. There is no sense of honor within their own ranks. And there is room for only one at the top on the world of dictators. I learned with gratification that the re- cently completed Ecumenical Council in the Vatican consecrated two Lithuanian bishops. This, it seems to me, is a significant develop- ment for Lithuanians here and abroad. And I read with a great deal of interest that Communist masters are becoming in- creasingly concerned about the generation of young Lithuanians. As I understand it, they are becoming a touchy problem. It seems they just are not conforming the way they are supposed to. They refuse to be brainwashed. We hear there are commotions when Com- munist Party or governmental decisions have been published and when the campaign to explain them and enforce them is underway. In other words, a lot of Lithuanians just are not buying this business of government from the top down. Thus is history repeating itself in this brave country. Because through the ages, whether occu- pied by German, Polish, Swedish, or Russian forces, the people of Lithuania have re- mained faithful to their culture, their his- tory and their church. Every year in the House of Representatives many Members arise to join with you in the observance of the anniversary of your Inde- pendence Day. And I find one theme running through the remarks by my colleagues on this occasion- a universal respect for the character of the Lithuanian people. Today, as I am sure you knew, the largest Lithuanian community beyond the borders of your native land is here in America, with more than a million of your countrymen having been welcomed to our shores. Here you are giving full measure of your energies and talents to help us produce that spiritual, intellectual and material richness that will speed the end of bandage for all freedom-loving people. One thing the Communists either refuse to believe or just do not understand: that "Truth, crushed to earth shall rise again," There is solid evidence that truth is rising again in Lithuania in spite of all Soviet efforts to keep it down. Our task here in this great land of freedom and opportunity, of blessings and bounty, is to make sure the people of Lithuania know they have a powerful and faithful friend who has not forgotten and will not forget their hopes and aspirations. Thank you for inviting me to take part in this significant occasion. BOXCAR SHORTAGE IS YEAR- ROUND PROBLEM (Mr. LANGEN (at the request of Mr. BURTON of Utah) was granted permis- sion to extend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include extraneous matter.) Mr. LANGEN. Mr. Speaker, the box- car shortage at harvesttime has grown into a year-round problem, and I have ;o uolluallu atll of uollunlls slut pall'co the House Interstate and Foreign Com- merce Committee. I have asked the dis- tinguished chairman of that committee to request a rule on the.Senate-passed bill to give the Interstate Commerce Commission additional rate-setting pow- ers that would lead to an adequate sup- ply of boxcars in all parts of the Nation. This is the bill for which hearings were held by the House Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee last fall, in which many of our colleagues, including myself, spoke in support of passage. The Interstate Commerce Commission tells me that the boxcar shortage has been in existence in varying degrees of severity for 17 years, and that the Com- mission would be in an excellent position to remedy the situation if the House joins the Senate in passing this bill giving the ICC the authority to establish reasonable per diem rental rates on boxcars. The House Committee completed the hearings on this bill last year, and all that now needs to be done is for the com- mittee to request a hearing from the Rules Committee so that the bill can reach the House floor for action. I hope this is done without delay, so an end can be put to the deplorable situation that sees the Nation's boxcar supply decreased by over 2,000 cars a month. With mounting international problems and plans to increase food shipments to needy nations, the United States cannot afford to have a further deterioration in the railway freight system. (Mr. ASHBROOK (at the request of Mr. BURTON of Utah) was granted per- mission to extend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include ex- traneous matter.) [Mr. ASHBROOK'S remarks will ap- pear hereafter in the Appendix.] (Mr. CLEVELAND (at the request of Mr. BURTON of Utah) was granted per- mission to extend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include ex- traneous matter.) [M'. CLEVELAND'S remarks will ap- WHEELING NEWS-REGISTER AND CHARLESTON GAZETTE PUBLISH FORTHRIGHT VIETNAM EDITO- RIALS (Mr. MOORE (at the request of Mr. BURTON of Utah) was granted permis- sion to extend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include extra- neous matter.) Mr. MOORE. Mr. Speaker, there is mounting concern in my State about our involvement in Vietnam. Two promi- nent Democratic newspapers in West Virginia have-published forthright edi- torials reflecting this concern. They are the Wheeling News-Register and the Charleston Gazette. So that my colleagues will have an ,opportunity to read these penetrating editorials I include them in my remarks. Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 February 23, 1966 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE cent of the voting-age population went to tho polls in the November 1964 election. The election specified by the voting. rights law as the test was a presidential election. 'o'bis usually attracts in some parts of the country a large percentage of voters, but just the opposite may happen in other parts. In the South, for example, where the Demo- eratt, party has been dominant for many years and the party for which the State's electoral votes will usually be cast has for a long time been a foregone conclusion, many citizens feel their vote would be superfluous. Yet the law says that in any State where lit:aracy "test or device" existed and the a turnout was less than 50 percent in the 1964 presidential election, either statewide or in a subdivision, Federal voting examiners may be appointed and the tests suspended, while the State is penalized for a period of 5 years. The Supreme Court is now dealing with the constitutionality of these provisions, and in the recent arguments before the Court some of the Justices questioned the basis for the ad-percent rule. 't'he New York City election is a conspicu- ous illustration of how inconclusive or irrelevant the 50-percent yardstick can prove to be. REV. DR. BERNARD BRASKAMP. CHAPLAIN (Mr. CLANCY (at the request of Mr. BuR'?oN of Utah) was granted permission to extend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include extraneous matter.) Mr. CLANCY. Mr. Speaker, it was with deep regret that I learned last night of the death of our beloved chaplain, the Reverend Dr. Bernard Braskamp. In these troubled times we all leaned heavily on his spiritual guidance and inspiration. The prayers he offered at the opening of our daily sessions were filled with wisdom and deep concern for our Nation. Dr. Braskamp was a most conscienti- ous and devoted servant of mankind. His own great personal integrity, his loyalty and dedication have been an in- spiration to all of us. I believe it is the universal sentiment of the House that he has endowed us with a spiritual enrich- meni; that we shall long remember. He gave us renewed strength and courage in difficult times. For 40 years Dr. Braskamp served as paator of churches in the Washington area and then in 1950 assumed his duties with the U.S. House of Representatives as its f irst full-time Chaplain. We were fortunate indeed to have the benefit of the ministrations of a man of his caliber, and f wish to join my colleagues in pay- ing tribute to his everlasting memory. f l\dr. MORSE (at the request of Mr. P,um,oN of Utah) was granted permission to extend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include extraneous mat- ter.) Mr. MORSE'S remarks will appear hereafter in the Appendix.] M"r. MORSE (at the request of Mr. 13uluoN of Utah) was granted permis- sion to extend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include extraneous matter.) J Mr. MORSE'S remarks will appear hereafter in the Appendix.] REDEDICATION TO THE CAUSE OF LITHUANIAN INDEPENDENCE (Mr. HALLECK (at the request of Mr. BURTON of Utah) was granted permis- sion to extend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include extrane- ous matter.) Mr. HALLECK. Mr. Speaker, it was my recent pleasure to be invited to speak at an observance of the 48th anniversary of Lithuania's Independence Day.. The program., held in Beverly Shores, Ind., was sponsored by the American- Lithuanian Club of Beverly Shores and featured. a colorful presentation of Lith- uanian folk songs and dances, with par- ticipants wearing native costumes. Under leave to extend my remarks I would like to include the observations I made on that occasion, Sunday, Febru- ary 13: ADDRESS DY Mr. CHAR.Lii:s A. HALL ECK In one sense I am happy to be with you today. Happy, particularly to meet with you, to enjoy your friendly hospitality and to take part in the observance of a historic occasion. On the other hand, apart from the feeling of fellowship, we cannot really rejoice that the 48th anniversary of Lithuania's inde- pendence must be celebrated "in exile," so to speak. We would all rather, very much rather, 't'hat the situation might be other- wise-that we could be celebrating a con- tinuation. of Lithuania's independence and membership in the world's family of free nations. But I can say, honestly and sincerely, that I am proud to be here. I am .Flattered that you have asked me to be with you on this ceremony of rededication to the cause of Lithuania's independence. In a larger sense what you are doing here today is rededicating yourselves to the cause of freedom for all mankind,. You are demonstrating your opposition to tyranny In whatever form. Certainly nobody knows better the mean- ing of the words "freedom" and "tyranny" than the Lithuanian people. Throughout their difficult history they have had to take up arms against invading armies. To the people of your gallant nation, tyr- anny is not just a word found in speeches. It is a real and terrible experience. By the same token, to the Lithuanian people freedom is not something to be taken for granted, like the air we breathe, Freedom is something for which they have for centuries fought and died. Let's review a little history. Forty-eight years ago, almost to the day, the Lithuanian nation proclaimed its inde- pendence. This marked the survival of this country, with its long history and rich tradi- tions, in spite of more than a century in the hands of the Russian czars. Reborn in the midst of World War I, Lith- uania was able to assert her independence only after Soviet troops, which had moved into her territory, had been driven out with Allied help. On July 20, 1920, in a treaty with Lith- uania, the Soviet Government declared "the right of all nations to free self-determina- tion" and, on this basis, recognized "the sovereign rights and independence of the Lithuanian state." The Soviet Government further renounced for all time "all the sovereign rights of Rus- sia over the Lithuanian people and their ter- ritory." During the two decades of Lithuanian in- dependence which followed, the Soviet Gov- ernment reiterated these pledges in other agreements with the Lithuanian Govern- ment. As late as October 1939, while forcing Lith- uania to sign a "mutual assistance pact," the U.S.S.R. claimed to guarantee Lithuania's independence. By that time, as we now know, the Soviets had already reached secret agreemnts with Nazi Germany under which the Baltic States were to fall within the Soviet sphere of in- fluence. Thus Lithuania, as so many times before, had again become a pawn on the chessboard of European power politics. By the summer of 1940 Lithuania had been occupied by Soviet troops and, after rigged elections during July of that year, the coun- try was incorporated into the Soviet Union. And, as we all know, "incorporated" means that Lithuania was declared to be an integral part of the Union of Soviet Socialist Re- publics. It is not merely a satellite country, but has been totally swallowed up, with not even the pretense of a separate nation. Thus did the Communists betray their earlier promise to recognize the sovereign rights and independence of the Lithuanian state. It was typical of Soviet treachery. Everyone recognized that the claim of self- determination was pure fiction--an insult to 'the intelligence of all loyal Lithuanians. The United States was quick to denounce this illegal act and has consistently refused to recognize the forced incorporation of Lithuania into the U.S.S.R. And in spite of the walls behind which the Soviet Union seeks to hide it, we know that the Lithuanian people have not accepted the denial of their independence. I recall that some years back, a committee of the House of Representatives exposed the Soviet use of deportation, persecution, and economic exploitation in an effort to con- solidate its control of Lithuania. But none of these actions has destroyed the enduring will of the Lithuanian people for freedom and independence. In short, the U.S.S.R. has been unable to either "Rus- sianize" or "Sovietize" the Lithuanian peo- ple. I know that you are not surprised at this. Nor do I think that anyone who knows the character of the Lithuanian people is surprised that a nation which has produced such great champions of liberty as Mindau- gus and Vytautas the Great-and which got the sweet taste of freedom under President Smetona-refuses to forget its own history. We are not surprised that a people as vig- orously independent as the Lithuanians re- fuses to submit to forced "collectivization." Nor are we surprised that such a deeply religious people refuses to renounce God.. And we are not surprised that a people with such a rich and distinct ethnic and cultural background and tradition refuses stoutly to even pretend to be "Slavic." In a word, the free world is not surprised at the courage of the Lithuanian people now struggling under the stifling hand of corn- munism, or at their determination to one day regain the independence they have tern- porarily lost. For history has demonstrated, time and again, that Lithuania is a nation with a fighting heart. But I have an idea I know who Is sur- prised: the rulers in the Kremlin. Because they have failed to destroy the Lithuanian nation as a distinct people. For that Is exactly what the Red regime has tried to do. But all of the well-known Communist techniques-from use of outright force and terror to sly propaganda and "re-educa- tion"-have not succeeded in subverting the Lithuanian character or in destroying the Lithuanians' sense of Identity and love of freedom. Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 February 23, 1966 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE [From the Wheeling (W. Va.) News-Register, Feb. 21, 1966] WHERE THE REAL DANGER LIES In arguing for the administration's stand in Vietnam, Secretary of State Dean Rusk constantly seeks to draw a parallel between Vietnam and the war against Hitler, thus arousing all the complex emotions bound up with World War II and its aftermath. Yet any analogy between an international war precipitated by a dictator's career of brazen territorial conquest, and the conse- quences of a social revolution arising from the ashes of colonialism, is utterly false. There has been aggression in Vietnam, we admit. But the essential facts are that an indigenous national revolution began there during the Japanese occupation, that under Communist leadership the revolution swept away French colonial rule, that to fill the vacuum an international agreement was reached at Geneva providing for military neutralization and self-determination for all of Vietnam, and that the United States then set out to upset the Geneva pacts by estab- lishing a military satellite in South Vietnam. North Vietnam's response, first by supply- ing and training guerrillas and then by send- ing in its own troops, was certainly aggres- sive, but it was above all a response. To equate it with Hitler's aggressions across na- tional frontiers is a spurious debating tac- tic and nothing more. Were the two situa- tions comparable, the United States would have no trouble winning support and sym- pathy from the overwhelming majority of U.N. members, as we did in resisting a gen- uine case of internationally indicated aggres- sion in Korea. Support and sympathy in the U.N. on Vietnam is something we conspicu- ously do not enjoy. As long as Mr. Rusk and others high in the administration insist on distorting and mis- representing the true facts of this situation the greater the chances of an even wider war at the expense of thousands of American lives. If we will stop confusing the containment of China with the containment of commu- nism, we will understand that the best bar- rier to Chinese national ambitions is the indigenous nationalism of southeast Asia- which Ho Chi Minh represents in Hanoi whether we like it or not, and which a neutralized coalition regime could represent in Saigon. Some fear that if we left it to the Vietnam- ese to make their own choice the two Viet- nams might later be reunified under Commu- nist control. This is not at all certain. Yet even a Communist Vietnam, truly expressive of popular aspirations and militarily neutral- ized under Russian, American, and perhaps U.N. guarantees, could stabilize the area far better than an open-ended American military commitment which generates its own insta- bility. The issue is not one of ideology, but native, anticolonlial revolution. The real danger in the administration's blind position with Vietnam is the general- izing of this particular adventure into a doc- trine of counterrevolutionary responsibility. To say that we have a duty to wage a war of antiliberation wherever the Communists choose to wage a war of liberation is to ful- fill their own prophecy for them. America has in fact no obligation to police the world against social uprisings, and could not do so if it tried. Whatever the outcome in southeast Asia, let us avoid being trapped by Marxist dogma into accepting a role the Marxists invent for us, [From the Charleston (W. Va.) Gazette, Feb.22, 1966] VIETNAM RAISES QUESTION OF WHO's BEING CONTAINED Assuming even that South Vietnam's Gov- ernment is prepared to initiate the desirable and necessary reforms outlined by President Johnson at Honolulu, no one should get the idea that the war will suddenly terminate. To begin with, Laos received, under the Kennedy administration, more aid per capita than any other country. Yet, as Arthur M. Schlesinger, in his recent book makes clear, "Laos simply did not have the national or so- cial structure to absorb the remorseless flood of American bounty." South Vietnam, of course,. is considerably worse off than Laos ever was. And in the second place, the assumption that Marshal Ky's privileged regime is an- xious to spread the wealth around ranks on a par with the assumption West Virginia's Board of Public Works is panting to sup- port executive budget and short ballot amendments. By this time Americans should have realized the vested elite, home or abroad, never surrenders prerogatives and powers voluntarily. "There are" said the New York Times, about a week ago, "no shortcuts out of the Vietnamese morass." Indeed, if there were, the world may rest assured President Johnson long ago would have discovered them and acted upon them. The President, whose political antenna, in any event, is as sensitive as any man's, is well aware of the divisive force the Vietnam war has become in our society and what that division can do to wreck consensus govern- ment. To quote the Times again: "The United States is in for a long, hard, more costly, and more dangerous war." France found this out during the late 1940's and early 1950's. Unwilling to learn from France's bitter lesson, apparently the United States must suffer through a similar harsh experience. Despite advice from every acknowledged Far Eastern expert, including General Mac- Arthur, that the United States has no busi- ness getting bogged down in a land war on the Asian Continent, the United States is now in a full-scale land war on that con- tinent and daily pouring additional Ameri- can lives down a vast, bottomless maw. The war is being pursued and carried out largely on the advice of diplomats and mili- tarists who have consistently and unerring- ly erred in their predictions as to what was required to win the war and who have yet to admit they and their panaceas have been everlastingly wrong. The eternal excuse for failure has been not enough. Not enough firepower was brought to bear, not enough bombs were dropped, not enough of the right targets were hit, not enough American troops were committed to South Vietnam's defense, not enough of our allies have wakened to the seriousness of the situation, not enough re- solve has been demonstrated by the United States to convince Hanoi and the Vietcong of our purpose in Vietnam. Always not enough-never a doubt that no matter what is tried or how much is waggered in materiel and in manpower, the bet may not be enough to counter the stakes shoved in by the other side. Thus, the United States has been gradu- ally and steadily upping the ante.. In a brief 3 years its complement of troops has risen from about 25,000 to more than 200,000. Within 6 months thousands addi- tional cannon fodder will have been trans- ported across the Pacific by boat or air. In fact, the same brilliant tacticians who've recommended covering all bets are today cautiously proclaiming that some time dur- ing 1967 the United States will need and will have 600,000 youngsters fighting for the fatherland in Vietnam. This is what our foreign policy of the last 18 years is leading to. This is the policy known as containment, conceived under Sec- retary of State Dean Acheson, continued un- der Secretary of State John Dulles, and still chugging along under Secretary of State 3587 Dean.Rusk. Somehow, isn't it time someone asked the question: "Who's being contained-them or us?" TVA BRIDGE ACT (Mr. BROCK (at the request of Mr. BURTON of Utah) was granted permis- sion to extend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include extraneous matter.) Mr. BROCK. Mr. Speaker, I am in- troducing today legislation which would amend the TVA Bridge Act to provide for the alteration, reconstruction, or re- location by the Tennessee Valley Au- thority of certain highway and railroad bridges. This amendment is necessary to give the authority to use appropriated funds to the TVA in order to raise, widen, or reconstruct bridges which have become obstructions to navigation on the Ten- nessee River and its tributaries. There are several points where bridge altera- tions would permit more effective use of the waterway but especially important is the Tennessee State Highway 58 bridge over the Hiwasee River, near Charleston and Calhoun, Tenn. When this bridge was originally constructed there was little prospect of great water traffic. Now, however, the Hiwasee services a tremendous industrial com- plex, including a giant Bowaters paper- mill and an Olin Matheison plant. The TVA has deepened the present channel to accommodate present and potential traffic but the full benefits of this vital waterway cannot be fully realized until bottlenecks have been removed. Mr. Speaker, I urge members of the Public Works Committee to favorably consider this important legislation. NEED FOR BAIL REFORM (Mr. SCHWEIKER (at the request of Mr. BURTON of Utah) was granted per- mission to extend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include ex- traneous matter.) Mr. SCHWEIKER. Mr. Speaker, a short time ago the attention of the coun- try was focused upon an incident that happened in Pennsylvania involving 19- year-old Tyrone Collins, who, while free on $500 bail pending the trial of an as- sault charge in Mobile, Ala., moved to his new home in Pennsylvania in alleged violation of the conditions of his bail. Alabama bondsmen, without the aid of Pennsylvania law enforcement authori- ties, or any search or arrest warrant or any other judicial process, summarily removed Collins from his home in Nor- ristown, Pa., by force during the middle of the night and, without the interposi- tion of any judicial authority, removed him some 1,000 miles away to Alabama. The country was shocked, not because it felt that Tyrone Collins should not have to stand trial on the charge levied against him by the authorities of the State of Alabama, but because of the procedures employed by the bondsmen to return Collins to Alabama. The decision of private citizens, motivated simply by a desire to protect their financial invest- ment, using summary action and force to Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - IIOUSE February 23, 1966 .abduct their quarry from the domain of I lie sovereignty of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to a distant part of the -ountry, without any judicial sanction ;?ttd consequently without any assurance of procedural due process, was more ti gall most people believed tolerable. Yet, ;v.cording to longstanding court deci- sions, what happened in the Collins case was not proscribed by the due process !.uarantees of the Constitution, nor by sly other provision of Federal law. 'a'lfe Collins incident brought to light a situation not generally known to the 'ublic: that at common law a bondsman possesses the power to take a bailee into custody summarily at any time and re- turn him to the authorities who initially sanctioned his release, and that this ;lower may be exercised even when the l,ailee has fled to another State or juris- o iction. Virtually no restriction is placed ii-)0n what the bondsman may do to ef- ti'etuate this return. There need be no rurllpliance with State arrest procedures, with procedures securing persons against unreasonable searches and seizures, or with any requirement that a person Laken from one State to another without his consent be given a judicial hearing on the reasonableness of the removal. I u short. the bondsman can act without the sanction of any State or Federal tribunal. This common law rule is still I tie law today. Not only had the integrity and sov- u reignty of the Commonwealth of Penn- ssylvania been flaunted by what had hap- tinned, but it was also apparent that there had been, at least by modern standards, a violation of individual rights that in analogous circumstances could never legally occur. It was evident that this situation could no longer be l.stler.ated. No longer could society con- done a philosophy that regarded the Bailee as nothing more than the bonds- uian s chattel-a mere piece of property l.hat the bondsman-owner could abuse iii any way without answering to the law for his actions. The irony of t.tir' Collins situation was made all the more poignant by the fact that when the State officials request the t el,urn of a fugitive from justice who has taken refuge in another State, they com- ply with very strict procedures, speci- tiied by article IV, section 2, clause 2 of the Constitution, which utilize the exec- utive authority of the refuge or asylum Mate for taking the fugitive into custody. Only after the fugitive has been given a hearing in the asylum State by the au- thorities of that State, and it has been determined that he has left the jurisdic- tion. of the demanding State in violation old law, can the fugitive be turned over t , the authorities who seek his return to the State whence he originally fled. If it public official must go through this sort of procedure to get back a person who is already a convicted criminal, how strange it was, people thought, that a private person, owing no allegiance and =.o sense of public duty to any State au- thority, answerable to nothing but his own conscience-, could ignore such pro- vedures in seizing= an individual who was not a criminal but simply an ac- cused, presumed by the law to be inno- cent of the charges pending against hint. Recognizing that something should be done, I resolved to correct this state of affairs, so as to make bail bondsmen sub- ject to minimum standards of procedural due process, as are State authorities in comparable situations. Accordingly, I have introduced a bill, which has also been introduced in the Satiate by Senator TYDINCS and is being cosponsored by several of hilt; colleagues, which will provide for the implementa- tion of these minimum standards in cases such as that involving Tyrone Col- lins.. In formulating the content of the bill, we were fortunate to have the coun- sel and advice of Mr. Ronald Goldfarb, a noted authority on bail problems, whose recent book., "Ransom," pointed out the need for reform in this area. ;Simply stated, the main provisions of the bill I have introduced are these: "irst, when a bondsman seeks the re- turn to another jurisdiction of a person who has violated the conditions of his bail, the bondsman must apply to a ju- dicial officer of the United States-either a ;Federal judge or a U.S. Commis- sioner-for a warrant authorizing the taking into custody of the fugitive bailee. Second, if the bondsman is able to show probable cause that the person named in the warrant application has violated the terms and conditions of his bail, the :judicial officer shall issue the warrant, and the person is to be brought promptly before the judicial officer for a hearing. 'I'llird, at the hearing, the fugitive bailee is to be informed of the nature and purpose of the proceeding against him, of his right to retain counsel, of his right not to make a .statement, and of the fact that any statement made by him may he used against him. He also is to be given reasonable opportunity to consult coun- sel. Fourth, at the hearing the bondsman must establish that the identity of the alleged fugitive bailee is as he asserts, that the bondsman and the fugitive are in a bail relationship, and that the con- ditions of bail imposed to secure the fugitive's appearance in a future ju- dicial proceeding have been broken. Fifth, if the necessary showing is nlacle at the hearing, the judicial officer is to issue a warrant for removal of the fugi- tive bailee, promptly and directly, to the appropriate authorities of the jurisdic- tion whence he has fled. Sixth, violation of these procedures by the bondsman is made a Federal crime, punishable by a fine of up to $5,000, or imprisonment of up to 2 years, or both. It is my hope that this legislation will receive the prompt attention of both Houses of Congress and that hearings will be held at the earliest possible date. I invite my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to join me in this effort. to remedy a long-standing and grievous flaw in the pattern of existing law. I From the Philadelphia Inquirer, Dec 27, 14)S51 AN ALABAMA INVASION We are glad that Tyrone Collins has been res bored to his family in Norristown after a harrowing experience with two Alabama. bail bondsmen during the previous week. It was quite a Christmas story. And it is to be assumed, of course, that with the proper recourse to proper legal pro- cedures, he will yet answer whatever boon fide charges may be facing him in Mobile. In any event, it should be made clear that Pennsylvania is net in the business of being a refuge for persons wanted in out-of-Suite courts. Nevertheless, the manner in which young Collins was virtually kidnaped from his liome a week ago by the two bondsmen-in a man- Iicr too reminiscent of old-time bounty- hunters---was such an outrageous infringe- ment of the laws and procedures of this Commonwealth that it should not be forgot- ten or brushed aside. Representative RICHARD S. SclrwEruEa, Tie- publican, of Pennsylvania in whose district the highly illegal "grab" was made, has in- terested himself rightly in this case since the start and is intent not only on investiga- tion but corrective legislation, if it is needed, in Congress. In view of the appearance of an armed invasion of this sovereign State by citizens of Alabama, which the Collins case presents, it is evident that some very specific legislation may be required. In Alabama bail. bondsmen may riot need warrants in "hot pursuit" of their quarry, but in Pennsylvania they do. We expect visiting bondsmen-or law officials, for that matter-to abide by this Commonwealth's rules of procedure when they are in this jurisdiction. It does not seem much to ask-- but if it requires Federal law to make the point, then let us have such a law on the books. (From the Evening Bulletin, Dec. 29, ices j TnE COLLINS CASE LESSON A. rap on the door on a Sunday night. Men bursting in to snap handcuffs on a suspect- men men with the effrontery to demand money from a mother, "if you want this boy to eat." Then a trip of hundreds of miles to put a bail bond jumper named Tyrone Collins back in Alabama. Such tactics are repellant to Pennsyl- vanians' sense of fair play. They sound too much like the gestapo, or the Soviet secret police. Therefore there was instant indigna- tion in this part of the country when Tyrone Collins was grabbed at his Norristown home by representatives of a Mobile bonding firm. Not only the NAACP was outraged; thousands of Pennsylvanians felt the same, including a Congressman, a Governor, an attorney general. The charge on which young Collins pre- sumably skipped bond was serious enough--- knifing a fellow high school student. It de- veloped that this was not the only charge against him. He had racked up two counts of driving without a license since his return to Norristown. But though it began to look as if Collins was not the ideal teenager, the idea of bail bondsmen breaking and enter- ing, without a warrant, still was repugnant. Surprisingly enough, some legal experts dug into their books and read them to say that the bondsmen were legally right. There is, therefore, a lesson in the case of Tyrone Collins, though perhaps not wh-,-A it first seemed to be. The point is that Amner- ica's laws on return of bail skippers are primitive and need statutory correction. Certainly, no felon ought to be given refuge merely because he crosses a State line; but a man on bail is not yet tried, and therefore is presumed to be innocent. An orderly, legal procedure ought to be necessary before he can be dragged out of a home at night. The Collins case makes the need for revised laws evident. Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 . CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE February 23, 1966 to be determined by the service Secretary on a case-by-case basis, taking into account professional training requirements for doc- tors and availability of beds in civilian hos- pitals in the area. (The Rivers subcommit- tee had recommended 10 to 20 percent of new beds for retirees and I understand this is what the Surgeons General prefer.) At age 65, retirees who, are eligible for so- cial security medical care would be trans- ferred to that program. Those not eligible under social security would continue in the military retiree program. In provisions not related to retirees, the bill also provides outpatient care to active duty dependents and long-term care for re- tarded children of military personnel. Both are new benefits, and both are extremely worthwhile. The program would cost about $120 million in fiscal year 1968, its first full year of oper- ation, and could be expected to rise gradu- ally to an annual cost of about $190 million. Now, of course, I don't want to prejudge the legislation before our subcommittee has had a chance to consider it. But it has some obviously attractive features. Some retiree beds would continue to be programed in mili- tary facilities. Retirees would get a program of care in civilian facilities for the first time, and those who live far from a military hospital would no longer be denied this im- portant benefit. Some of the other provisions are going to take careful study. The social security med- ical care supplemental program has some features, such as nursing care, which are not available under the Dependent Medicare Act. These may prove desirable to military re- tirees. On the other hand, we are going to have to take a close look at cost to see the individual is not charged more at a time in life when he is least able to pay. The provision for higher charges for those with less than 30 years service is also going to need close scrutiny. With so many laws designed to encourage retirement before 30 years, there may be serious questions of equity as well as problems in administering the provision. Speaking personally, I cannot approve the section which establishes higher priority of availability of medical facilities for 30-year retirees than' those with less than 30 years. I can justify a reduced deductible payment for the 30-year retiree because he has con- tributed of himself for a longer period. But as long as we have laws which allow retire- ment at less than 30 yea' s, I cannot discrim- inate against any retiree on the basis of availability of hospital facilities. When a retiree is sick, a hospital bed should be avaliableperiod-whether he served 20 years or 40. The Department of Defense has created discrimination against some retirees with its ill-advised recomputation system-let's not create another type of discrimination. But these are details to be worked out. The important thing is to have a bill the executive branch supports that we can shape into acceptable legislation. Admittedly, this bill is quite different from the legislation I first introduced on the sub- ject which was based on a program proposed by the Fleet Reserve Association. But, as I indicated, that was meant to be a catalyst. Frankly, I am not so concerned with the method as with the principle. We never get everything that all of us want in any one bill. But what is important is to prvolde for all of our retirees an assured program of care, one that cannot wither away because of administrative neglect. We are in a time when the Government is making an enormous effort to improve the health of all citizens. Most of you will prob- ably be quite surprised to hear that our an- nual Government expenditure for health programs of all types is in the neighbor- hood of $7 billion. in the face of that gigantic national commitment, it is simply unthinkable that we would let lapse the medical benefits of military retirees that have been provided for over 100 years. Finally, and most important of all, we must reinstill in the hearts of all our retirees faith in their Government's promises, faith that when their Government pledges them a benefit it will never be taken away. The moral obligation of the Government to keep its word to individual military men is more important than any amount of dol- lars involved. I believe that during the recomputation fight and I believe it now. And this time, I think we are going to win. COST-OF-LIVING INCREASES FOR SOCIAL SECURITY RECIPIENTS (Mr. SHRIVER (at the request of Mr. BURTON of Utah) was granted permission to extend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include extraneous matter.) Mr. SHRIVER. Mr. Speaker, I have today introduced legislation to provide cost-of-living increases in the benefits paid under the Social Security Act. My bill would provide an automatic 3 percent increase in benefits whenever the Consumer Price Index reflects a similar increase in the cost of living. I am advo- cating these cost-of-living adjustments to social security payments because cost studies by the Department of Health, Education and Welfare indicate that this method, alone,, among all the proposals for reasonable improvements in benefits can be accomplished without further in- crease in social security taxes. The actuarial studies show that the growth of the economy would provide the necessary revenues to provide cost- of-living adjustments. Mr. Speaker, the most effective action we could take to protect the earning power of those living on fixed incomes would be to stop Government-stimulated inflation which reduces the value of their dollars. Unfortunately, the administra- tion has not demonstrated any inclina- tion to hold-the-line on deficit spending. We, therefore, should make a strong ef- fort to protect older Americans from the loss of income because of factors beyond their control. From 1958 until the most recently enacted increase in social security bene- fits, recipients suffered a 7 percent loss in buying power. The bill I have intro- duced would prevent such loss of pur- chasing power in the future. There are other changes which should be considered in the present social secu- rity system. One of these is a bill which I introduced during the first session of the 89th Congress. It is H.R. 7340, a proposal to pay 100 percent of primary benefit to widows under the Social Secu- rity Act. I urge that consideration be given to this legislation at an early date. CELEBRATE GEORGE WASHING- TON'S BIRTHDAY ON SUNDAY PRECEDING AND CELEBRATE FREEDOM WEEK (Mr. ELLSWORTH (at the request of Mr. BURTON of Utah) was granted per- mission to extend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include ex- traneous matter.) Mr. ELLSWORTH. Mr. Speaker, I have introduced today a House joint resolution to authorize the President to issue annual proclamations designating the Sunday of each year immediately preceding February 22-the anniversary of the birthday of George Washington- as Freedom Sunday, and to designate the calendar week of each year during which February 22 occurs, as Freedom Week. For some years, Freedom Week has been celebrated by the members of Ser- toma International. This Is an organ- ization of business, professional and agri- cultural men who have come together in bonds of personal friendship-united in dedication to service of their commu- nities. Sertoma, which has over 450 clubs throughout the United States, Canada, and Mexico, derives its name from the organization's slogan, "Service to Mankind." Many Sertoma Clubs in the State of Kansas have visited schools this week, distributing to_ each student a copy of our Declaration of Independence. Cer- tainly it is right and proper that Amer- ica's young people be instilled with a sense of national heritage. It is also proper that all Americans everywhere be given the opportunity to celebrate a week each year as a tribute t o,i+lis same national freedom heritage. f V SHORTAGES IN VIETNAM (Mr. LATTA (at the request of Mr. BURTON of Utah) was granted permis- sion to extend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to Include extraneous matter.) Mr. LATTA. Mr. Speaker, the ever- lengthening list of shortages being suf- fered by our fighting men in Vietnam is, in my opinion, a national disgrace and this Congress should investigate them forthwith. I believe these critical short- ages can no longer be swept under the rug and ignored by this Congress. They have now become common knowledge to the parents of our servicemen serving in Vietnam and they are demanding to know why these shortages exist when we have been spending approximately one- half of our Nation's total budget for de- fense and related items. When one con- siders the staggering expenditures of the Department of Defense over the past cou- ple of years, our fighting men in Vietnam should be the best equipped soldiers ever sent into battle. Instead, reports indi- cate that they are not only unbelievably Ill equipped, but are improperly fed. It has been reported that until recently, an estimated 70 percent of our troops in Vietnam were eating, C-rations as' a steady diet because of food shortages and the shortage of food-storage facilities. Soldiers from my district are writing home, as I am sure they are from every Congressman's district, asking their fam- ilies to mail them such essentials as jun- gle boots, fatigues, underwear, socks, and so forth. The New York Times of Mon- day, February 21, 1966, verified the needs of our fighting men when it revealed: Shortages of winter and summer uniforms, overcoats, raincoats, fatigues, jungle boots, underwear, socks, and other items are widely reported. The Army has reduced consider- ably the normal amount of clothig initially Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 3594 CONGRESS[ON.AL RECORD -?- HOUSE February 23, 1966 point in the RECORD and to include ex- And [ should like to ask this ques- traneous matter.) implicit in the following article, from tion: Why should we at this time con- the Washington Post of February 15: Mr. BOB WILSON. Mr. Speaker, I cern ourselves about furnishing an ex- am today introducing legislation calling pensive house for the vice Persident, ad- MOSCOW CLEARS "IMPOSSIBLE" SNOW for naming our next nuclear aircraft raittedly needed, when the Secretary f Moscow, February l4. a chines Moscow darneo out carrier after one of America's great naval Defense refuses to use the funds w o t e have attack what ]Tars ecalla rsuch an u~ precec figures, the late Meet Adm. Chester W. already appropriated to furnish proper dented snowfall that "even oldtimers cannot Nimitz. housing for our fighting men? remember." I believe that Admiral Nimitz' career If proper housing for our servicemen And. the soviet news agency added, the symbolizes our U.S. Navy. He was tough, is to be deferred because of budget, limi- machines "did the impossible: Transport adroit, well schooled in Navy tactics, tations and inflationary pressures, why services were not interrupted fora single every bit a leader of men of which our should not the same principle app-Al in mimeo." Tass said 27.5 inches of snow fell Nation can justly be proud. His job, connection with. an expensive house for in -several houss.^ after we were attacked in 1941, was to the Vice President? First things first. L,iko A AT-? 4.. 1.. -- build build our might on the seas. DISASTER STUDY NEEDED NOW (Mr. NELSEN (at the request of Mr. His epic battles in the Pacific brought (Mr. 1MATHIAS (at the request of Mr. BURTON of Utah) was granted permis the aircraft carrier into prominence, and 13URTON of Utah) was granted permis- sion to extend his remarks at this point t proved that it, could be a devastating in- lion to extend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include extraneous strument? of war. The submarine was in the Recosn and to include extraneous mater.) also brought into the Pacific sea war, "natter.) minis nis Ntration t+ion today Mr. Speaker, ohs ato and proved itself deadly. Mr. MATHIAS. Mr. Speaker, three raise taxes the tune asks of the $6 Husn No one can adequately measure the times in recent months we have seen reimposing e the ta leph o es gratitude that our Nation has for the transportation tangled, communications and excise taxes on telephones courageous and skillful leadership Ad- snarled, commerce crippled, and Govern- and cars and by changing withholding miral Nimitz gave our Pacific fleet when ment stalled by regional disasters. It is these e collection are necessary methods. We raise are money the chins were down. He had vision, ironic that this great Nation, while per- to finance t an Vi a t put daring, and an uncommon sense of strat- fecting its defenses against enemy attack th the war in Vietnam and to pee e ty and planning. and sabotage. should remain so vulner- the lid oil inflation. to these are told it we Two decades after World War II we able to the whims of weather and the do not in to these taxes, we will be are again in perilous times. Our depend- failures of any single public utility. deeper in debt. ewer upon the aircraft carrier increases Northeastern commerce and industry the I only refuse co to urse buy open this to line. This Congress is not its the danger of another large-scale con- have been gravely hurt. by the trans- on and adiet grows. It is only appropriate that portation and communications break- wthis Great administration. The is top istr y we bestow upon our next nuclear carrier, downs accompanying last November's with ith Society ng lard. There is the latest development in our nuclear blackout and the New York transit strike. domestic reac spending lard. be There Navy, the name of the man who made the During the blizzard last month, no sound reason why cannot be taken aircraft carrier a potent and formidable services throughout the great Washing- out to avoid this tax increase. element in sea warfare. ton metropolitan area were virtually sus- Cars and telephones are necessities. I am hopeful that my colleagues, who pended, and the Federal Government end zshould of ed w users there these so many be es and respect the late Admiral alone lost $10 million in salaries on a penalized when where nonessential spending Nimitz, will join with me in this effort. single snowbound day. Most serious, of can course, have been the human tragedies th be curtailed? The answer is that there is no more logic to this course than l OME FOR THE VICE PRESIDENT caused by these periods of temporary there is to cutting back existing, proved paralysis, programs, like the school lunch and milk (NIr. ARENDS at the request of Mr. ?We have ample proof that our present programs and the land-grant college pro- 1lURTON of Utah) was granted permis- precautions against such occurrences are grams, while at the same time moving to :;ion to extend his remarks at this point inadequate. We need, right now, a full set up dozens of new, untried expensive in the RECORD and to include extraneous national survey to discover what re- programs. matter.) sources we do need and where they can The administration has ignored our UIr. AR1 NDS. Mr, Speaker, tomorrow be found, so that all levels of American constant warning that you cannot fight forming the Committee on Public Works government and all public utilities might a major war of unpredictable costs while =.vill open hearings on a bill introduced be prepared to meet every conceivable at the same time spending borrowed last Monday by my distinguished cemergency. money at home harum-scarum. . GRAY] for col- the I am today introducing a bill author- It is time for Congress to insist that lestgue on from of a Illinois l Mr. for the Vice izing and directing the Office of Emer- this administration start acting with el eti President, of the Un00d States. gericy Planning to study this question, in fiscal responsibility. It is apparent the en lOf the swith which cooperation with State and local govern- only way to insure that the spenders do In the light igh is. acting speed this proposal meats, and to make a full report to Con- so is to refuse to go along with their I1re committee is apparently tonne emergency with gross by December 1, 1966. In my "tax and spend" philosophy which is th ere are not aware. But, paradoxi- with the OEP is best qualified to damaging this Nation's economic foun- c ahic there is no eare Bu from the take such an :inventory for three sea- dations and sapping the strength of '1 of oin, t erew of the merge ct, administration with sons: First, because national security is American taxpayers. respect to furnishing proper housing for directly involved; second, because the I therefore intend to vote no to this our servicemen. Oh .P already has relevant information; preposterous tax increase, and third, because the leadership of the Last September the Congress provided Federal disaster agency is essential in I ends for military housing sorely needed. preparing to meet emergencies which do (Mrs. DWYER (at the request of Mr, Some of our servicemen have been liv- not respect State and local lines. BURTON of Utah) was granted lprmis- - in little more than barns, even in Through the survey I propose, the sion to extend her remarks at his point chats. Last December the Secretary of OEP should be able to submit reasonable in the RECORD and to include extraneous t )efense arbitrarily shelved our appro- recommendations to Congress, and also matter.) uriation for military housing. In testi- encourage local and State governments [Mrs. DWYER'S remarks will appear ur:rrry before our committee the Defense to evaluate their own resources and pre,- hereafter In the Appendix.] i)epartment claimed that this unilateral pare realistic contingency plans. ;ration was taken because of other budg- While we may never be able to fore- demands and that the expenditure stall all blackouts, or anticipate all (Mr. WYDLER (at the request of Mr. v:nuld add to the inflationary pressures. storms, we should be able to combat BURTON of Utah) was granted permis- I concur in the desirability of fur- their crippling effects. The study pro- sion to extend his remarks at this point fishing proper housing for our Vice Pres- posed in my bill would help us mobilize in the RECORD and to include extraneous ci+mnt. But why the rush? our resources and meet the challenge matter.) Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 wiwaiw.nr~h ~wwnuammnr.riw~ ~~~m~~d Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 February 23, 1966 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE to protect our freedoms, our heritage, our Integrity. A newspaper has been rightly called the conscience of the community. Columbus, I believe, is blessed with a good conscience. As long as your paper objec- tively and honestly reports the news, it will continue to be a good conscience and a strong link in the chain of democracy. NASSER RETREATS FROM HIS PEACE PLEDGE The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under previous order of the House, the gentle- man from New York [Mr. HALPERN) IS recognized for 15 minutes. Mr. HALPERN. Mr. Speaker, I have read with great disappointment that President Nasser, in a recent speech at the University of Cairo, rejuvenated his warlike stance vis-a-vis the Yemen. This recent speech by President Nasser, wherein he threatened to maintain his Yemen intervention, contrary to treaty provisions, contradicts the widely voiced optimism that has reigned for some months. President Nasser is quoted in this morning's New York Times as having said: if anyone thinks we have become tired be- cause we have stayed in Yemen so long, let me say that we are a struggling nation, a fighting nation, a patient nation. We can stay in Yemen for 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, or even 5. Thus it appears that the Jiddah agree- ment, which provided for a staged with- drawal of Egyptian troops from Yemen, is threatened. Nasser excused his bel- ligerence by pointing to the sale of Amer- ican Patton tanks to Israel, and claiming that conservative, reactionary forces in the Middle East, goaded by Western pow- ers, were bent upon countering his in- fluence and even plotting against his life. These are charges which, due to lack of adequate, firsthand knowledge, I can neither substantiate or reject. But in the first instance, I cannot un- derstand how 200 Patton tanks added to Israel's defenses could possibly, in a seri- ous way, undermine the security of Egypt, In view of that country's massive procurement of Communist arms. I am inclined to believe that President Nasser Is an inherently suspicious ruler, intemperate, and not to be trusted. Per- haps it is impossible to find the opposite in the Middle East, a region perpetually upset by extreme political shifts, per- sonal feuds, and contradictory ambitions. The truth is that it is foolish to expect, through aid commitments, that Ameri- can policy can effectively influence the realities in the Arab world. The Jiddah conference was an Arab initiative. It seemed that President Nas- ser had faced the hurtful consequences of his intervention, and had concluded that nothing useful could be gained by continuing a war which showed little prospect of political advantage or mili- tary victory. This was the opinion expressed to me by many people. I must say, however, that this tenuous supposition hardly justified the renewed aid agreement with the United Arab Re- public, which was undertaken during the congressional recess and in spite of clearly understood congressional senti- ment. The Jiddah accord spurred the optimists onward. As I review recent history, I have come to doubt the wisdom of buying Influence, particularly in an area of unique Insta- bility of constantly shifting loyalties. Under the present circumstances, the United States is not justified under any pretext to render agricultural assistance to Egypt, when such assistance merely facilitates foreign intervention.. Unless the United Arab Republic fulfills its treaty obligations with respect to the Yemen, we should not be expected to honor an aid commitment which the re- cipient can use to underwrite its hostile exertions. Past American attempts to curb Nas- ser's obsession with foreign troublemak- ing have repeatedly failed. Officially, we have been setting unreal expectations. I cannot agree with the State Depart- ment that we are, in consequence of our generosity, gaining any so-called lever- age over the course of events. In any case, these are not, in substance, for us to determine. It is contradictory to as- sist a developing nation which expends its meager resources on external adven- ture, intrigue, and excessive arms pro- curement. The United Arab Republic has been spending millions of dollars to support its Yemini venture. Additional millions have gone to arms purchases, for the stated reason of contending with the so- .called Israeli threat, but actually used as an instrument to bolster the power and prestige of Nasser's Egypt as against real and potential Arab rivals. It does not seem to me that this is a particularly promising field for the projection of American influence and, indeed, our mingling in this uncertainty may actually damage our cause. I thoroughly agree that it is in,our national interest to sup- port a balance of power in this troubled area, especially in view of Israel's threat- ened existence. But I doubt earnestly that this can be accomplished through periodic efforts to court the favor of in- consistent personalities. In any case, we invariably wind up in a very ambig= uous, and often embarrassing, position. If honest self-help is the new look in our foreign aid program, then per- haps we should take a longer view of Egypt. President Nasser's recent threat to break the Jiddah agreement underlines the insurmountable contingencies with which, by force of our policy, we are faced with in the Middle East. It is an anxious warning to all who would place their trust too quickly and none too wisely. I must add, Mr. Speaker, that it is par- ticularly curious, and most discouraging, that Nasser's words came on the eve of Mr. Anwar el Sadat's good-will visit to this country. I fail to see what can be won through recourse to bluster and threats to the peace, lacking both va- lidity and commonsense. PERSONAL ANNOUNCEMENT (Mr. DUNCAN of Oregon asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute.) Mr. DUNCAN of Oregon. Mr. Speaker, I have been advised by the Clerk I am not recorded on this last vote. I was In the Chamber at the time the vote was being taken. If I had been re- corded, I would have voted "yea" on the bill, If.R. 12752. V (Mr. GALLAGHER asked and was given permission. to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.) Mr. GALLAGHER. Mr. Speaker, among the many statements which ap- peared on George Washington's Birth- day, there was one which particularly caught my attention because it shows what history still has to teach us. In the New York Journal American an editorial quotes these words of our first President at the time of the Revolution: I am under more apprehension on account of our dissensions, than the effort of the enemy. As the Journal American pointed out, those deeply concerned words could just as well have been spoken by President Johnson today. We have nearly 200,000 American servicemen in Vietnam. Within recent days, the parents, the wives, and the children of these men-more than half a million of our citizens-have been treated to television programs, and a few newspaper headlines which seem to imply that our boys in Vietnam do not have the support of American public. We are engaged with an enemy who does not believe that American public opinion will ultimately turn against our efforts in Vietnam and make it impos- sible for us to continue. This is a delu- sion, but one which the events of the last few days have undoubtedly strengthened. Those who sincerely seek peace in Viet- nam must be made aware of the fact that every newspaper headline and every televised speech which feeds the delusion of doubt in Hanoi and Peiping serves only to prolong the conflict. It is time to tell our soldiers and our enemy, alike, that the American public overwhelming- ly supports our objectives in Vietnam. Furthermore, they support overwhelm- ingly the policies which President John- son is pursuing to accomplish those ob- jectives. Let us look at the facts. On "Meet the Press" last Sunday, White House aid McGeorge Bundy-who has been the key national security ad- viser to both President Kennedy and President Johnson-pointed out that the President has been acting in Vietnam with the greatest of restraint. He cited as evidence that perhaps 10 percent of the public actually would like the Presi- dent to go farther. I have examined several recent opinion bolls on this matter, and I find that the figures are even higher. Roughly one- third of the country believes the Presi- dent should take much stronger military action than he himself has as yet found necessary. For example, in December of last year according to the Harris poll, fully 33 per- cent of the American people believed that we should carry the ground war into Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 3598 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -- HOUSE February 23, 1966 North Vietnam. Some 39 percent be- There are, too, sincere doubters who be- quire food for world needs as they arise. lieved that we should step up the bombing Heve our engagement in Vietnam should This a in North Vietnam at the very time when never have been started. These, too, are in pproacl r would be of tremendous the President called for a suspension of demanding chorus, benefit to the American taxpayer as well, the bombings to let the world see who And there are, of course, the outright Com- because we would be spending less money was sincere, and who was insincere, about munists within our midst, and their duped to stockpile and store commodities. It peaceniks who seek by clamor to frustrate would be a boon to the American farmer. the desire for peace in southeast Asia. reason. Again, in January according to the There are dissensions by many whosa stat- For example, the President is asking for increase of .Iowa poll, 36 percent of all Americans tire gives importance to their views and by an 1966. H 1a percent in rice lion to thought that we should bomb Hanoi and many of low station whose importance is in 1966. He i s asking for permisson to the other large cities of North Vietnam. that their noise may convey to Hanoi the buy dairy products for distribution. According to the Gallup pall, 31 per- tragically mistaken assumption that our Na- abroad, as well as at home. He is re- cent cording to bombing the big cities of tion prepares to unfurl a white flag. questing an increase in soybean produc-fla and North Vietnam. As recently as this ofBvictory, a b nstill neriof mewiinf ul stars anday tion this to year in, a supplement to oduc- month, a Mutual Broadcasting poll re- stripes so historically made possible by g decisions to t andsbthis year's finally, tion of wheat and barley. Anp fiared and say- ingt that we should go all Americans o maintained by ned gP President hnsonlsar do the the President states that he is prepared whatever is necessary to defeat Hanoi. vast majority of the American people. to divert some of our 60 million acre;; now from Vietnam. The Harris poll puts the (Mrs. MINK (at the request of Mr. A third major change in the F'resi- number at 9 Percent; the Iowa poll puts Boots) was granted permission to ex- dent's program is a shift from accept- it at 15 percent. tend her remarks at this point in the ante of local currency in foreign coun- It is obvious from these aall the 13,ECOlto and to include extraneous mat- tries to a dollar credit sale. This will be other gobs that the these and our all the ter.) an orderly transition to be completed policies other ment polls Is now pursuing in Vietnam Mrs. MINK. Mr. Speaker, the I'resi- within 5 years, as the attempt will be to represent what the overwhelming ma- dent of the United States sent to Con- establish a pattern of loans comparable jority of our citizens believe should be press on February 10 a message in which to present development loans. The done, he outlined his proposals to open up a thrust is to move out of local currency President Johnson has said that we new war of great importance to all Amer- to the point where we will have a de- intend to stay. He has also said that we scans-a war against hunger. Let me mand on the dollar resources of the intend to stay. no) more than Is absolutely that we quote for you the opening sentences of countries involved. As a practical mat- necessary to bring the other side to the this message, ter, most countries receiving aid would conference table. This is a positive Men first joined together for the nothin- not be able to meet dollar commitments program which contains our best hope ties of Air t food for their families, clothing readily, nor would they be forced to do so, r peace, not only in Vietnam but to protect them, housing to give them shel- but this change would give us a claim on foroughoe sot only Asia. n Presi- ter. These are the essentials of peace and dollars on a long-term basis. dent's critics, as I have shown, repre- nEedseS But till largethe ly wu n flfilled. these hen Summed up briefly aken, the P1cean .seat no significant portion of U.S. public men and their families are hungry dent's proposal will make self-help an , poorly integral part of opinion, nor significant they offer any sensible, clad and ill hoard, the world is restless-- rour pl food re aid program, workable alternative whatsoever. and civilization exists at best in troubled eliminate the surplus requirement for The voices of dissent will continue. peace. food aid, emphasize the development of The timid, the uncertain, and the be- Hunger poisons the mind. It. saps the markets for American farm products, au- The timi will , he nce to n, heard. They body. It destroys hope. It is the natural thorize greater food aid shipments over were heard during our Revbe enemy olution, but in that the of Uneverv ited rStatesnlead the I world propose in cash markets and h fize the i arc g history, their echo becomes dimmer with a war against hunger. There can only be food foo marks gshit toward financing nollar credits every passing sear. What is remem- victors in this war. Since every nation will rather aid through r than h sales for long-term tiered now is the determination, the wis- share in that victory, every nation should cottign currencies, nom, and the restraint of the leader who share in its costs. n: urge all who can help continue the financing of the food aid ]drought us safely through. to join us. program under the Commodity Credit, i would like to assure the President 'With these inspiring words, President Corporation, increase emphasis on com- that,. In my opinion, history is going to Johnson submitted his new proposed bating malnutrition, continue to wook repeat itself. Food for Freedom Act to the 2d session people agencies in and provide I fully expect that at some future of the 89th Congress. for better people assistance programs, and provide time, a Member of this great body will ]Populations are exploding today. other economicas ist nce. food aid with rise to quote from an editorial concern- Every nation in the world recognizes this. Hearings have already begun in the 'sag President Johnson in Vietnam sim- Yet, tragically, some of the most under- House Agriculture Committee on the ilar to the Journal American editorial developed countries are girding their overall problem of world hunger. I am about President Washington which I production to industry often to the following the progress of these hearings iiold in my hand, and which I now insert manufacture of implements of war. But closely, for I am deeply concerned with in the RECORD: food for peace will mean just what it says the problem of hunger in the world. I From the New York Journal-American, if the President's proposal is approve: d-- While in India last year, I got afirst- rles22, 19661 only nations that gear their own efforts Now, AS THEN to increased agricultural output will re- that hand look most Americans the suffering suffering of osiibly "r am under more apprehension on ac- ceive maximum aid from the United cannot possibly understand ronzni; of our own dissensions, than the effort States. The key to the new program is am in to sl accord much of the sdent of the enemy. self-help. I when al accord with the Presidcatt '"'11,3 deeply concerned words could well. Also, references to friendly wehe says: have been spoken by President Johnson who nations would be deleted, taking food We can make our technology and skills lids, indeed, expressed similar concern. But for peace out of the political sphere. powerful instruments for agricultural pr?u they were written by George Washington. The whole emphasis will be on g giving less throughout the world-wherever urea They are as applicable today, as then, and agricultural aid to those countries which commit themselves to the task of feeding his birthday makes their recollection appro- help themselves. the hungry. prlate in this time of national stress when The second innovation in the Presi- I believe this to be a task worthy of our difficulties without are rendered more dent's proposal is his intent to eliminate Americans, It calls upon us to give the s;rions by dissensions within. The quitters are in full, loud voice. They the requirement that food aid be out of best of ourselves, to stretch forth the would have us pull out of Vietnam, wiry- our own surplus. No longer would food hand of brotherhood to all who are in niuy, in virtual surrender and world dis- allotments be based on mere availability need. I am convinced that we cannot grace, in shameful abandonment of pledge in Our storage bins, but the Secretary of remain apathetic to the accelerating and honor. Agriculture would be authorized to ac- seriousness of the problem of world Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 =Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 3612 the president of one of the oldest and, by reason of his association with it, one of the leading hospitals of our country. Blessed with the Insight of leadership, he chose wisely in his selection of peo- ple of similar purpose, energy, and con- cern for others. He brought Rhode Is- land Hospital to the forefront of excel- lence in its avowed functions of quality patient care, education, and research to benefit the people of the Providence Plantations and the entire State. He developed new concepts of care for an institution that has provided a cen- tury of service to the sick and injured. He and Rhode Island Hospital together have been in the vanguard of progress for meeting the health needs of our State. Before Congress passed legislation to help stimulate local financing of facil- ities for student nurses, Rhode Island Hospital-recognizing the need to attract more qualified young women to this im- portant profession-constructed a nurs- ing arts building and a senior student nurses dormitory, appropriately named the Gerry House. Before Congress undertook to support Mr. Johnson's present master plan for advancing the Nation's health, Rhode Island Hospital faced the problem of its responsibility to the people of Rhode Island and is at this moment in process of developing plans for a large, 12-story building solely dedicated to the care of the ambulatory patient. This ambula- tory patient center will meet the increas- ing need for health care at the most economical levels of construction expense and cost to the patient. Such are two examples of long-range planning which only the most progressive of our country's medical centers are pro- viding. By reason of leadership such as Mr. Gerry's, such hospitals demonstrate an understanding of Mr. Johnson's theme, which he expressed recently in these words: It is imperative that we give first attention to our opportunities-and our obligations- for advancing the Nation's health. For the health of our people is, inescapably, the foundation for the fulfillment of all our aspirations. Louis Cardell Gerry, in an annual re- port to his hospital's corporation a few years ago, voiced a similar concern: We have indeed come far. What a comfort it would be to be able to stop climbing, seat ourselves comfortably and view our accom- plishments. Such, however, is not desirable; it is not even possible. We have come far, it is true, and although it sounds paradoxical we have even farther to go than ever. As we progress in one area, several more areas are opened up. We are, in the truest sense of the word, in an expanding universe. I McNAMARA'S CONTRADICTIONS The SPEAKER. Under previous order of the House, the gentleman from Louisi=ana [Mr. WAOGONNER] is recognized for 20 minutes. Mr. WAGGONNER. Mr. Speaker, like every other Member of Congress, I imag- ine, I am receiving an increasing number of letters from the district I represent concerning the war in Vietnam. I am well aware that this is a theater of operations 8,000 miles from our shores CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE in an area of the world where newly cre- ated nations abound and this, to some degree, contributes to the confusion that exists over the entire aspect of the war there. But an even greater contribution to the confusion and, in my opinion, the single most significant factor causing the controversy over our policy and actions there, is the record of contradictory statements for which Secretary McNa- mara is responsible. I believe as well that, because we have withheld the truth from the people and camouflaged what the situation was in Vietnam a year ago, that we cannot now show the people how much better the situation is today. To do so would prove beyond question that we did not tell the truth a year ago. I am a great believer, Mr. Speaker, in "the record," that chronicle of events made famous by Al Smith when he first said, "Let's look at the record." It is quite fashionable these days for officials of the Government to make one statement one day and then deny it the following day or else say something quite different and hope that no one will re- member what they said the first time. This is a dangerous and deplorable habit; particularly deplorable when it is prac- ticed by the Secretary of Defense. Secretary McNamara's statements on the war In Vietnam make a fascinating collection of confusion and contradiction which would be amusing if the subject matter were not so grave. I think it will serve an enlightening purpose if all his statements are put together in one place in the RECORD so future historians can study it. Let us begin with a statement he made on March 22, 1962. At that time, return- ing from a conference In the Pacific, McNamara told newsmen that South Vietnam had taken the offensive. Less than 2 months later, while in Saigon, McNamara told newsmen "there is no plan for introducing American combat troops in South Vietnam." This was on May 9, 1962. Two days later, on May 11, 1962, Mc- Namara said he was "tremendously en- couraged." A White House policy statement dated October 2, 1963, contains this statement: Secretary McNamara and General Taylor reported their judgment that the major part of the U.S. military task can be completed by the end of 1965. Secretary McNamara, in Honolulu on November 20, 1963, announced that American troops would start being with- rawn before the end of that year, 1963. he following month, Secretary Mc- Namara changed his mind. He said in Saigon on December 21, 1963, that we would not go ahead with troop with- drawal plans. Another month went by before the Secretary delivered another pronounce- merit that should be made a part of the RECORD. After the fall of Diem, in which he, himself, undoubtedly had a part, McNamara said: The new government ? ? ? has consid- erably more support than its predecessor, and the military revolutionary committee is be- binning to take action to intensify military operations istration. February 23, 1966 and to Improve civil admin- Everything was corning up roses ac- cording to the Secretary when he testi- fied here on the Hill a month later, on January 27, 1964. At that time he said that most of the 15,000 U.S. troops In Vietnam should be withdrawn before 1965 was over. He said he did not be- lieve the United States "should assume the primary responsibility for the war in South Vietnam." The Secretary continued to see the situation there through rose-colored glasses 2 months later. Back from his fourth trip to Saigon, he reported that the Khanh regime had "produced a sound central plan for the prosecution of the war" and that the situation "can be significantly improved in the coming months." Nine days later, the Secretary's opin- ion had taken a turn of 180 degrees. On March 26, 1964, he said: The situation in South Vietnam has un- questionably worsened, at least since last fall. He said also that the situation was "not hopeless, but not particularly optimis- tic." Three days later, however, things took another turn for the better. On March 29, 1964, McNamara said: The training personnel we have assigned there will come back as their training mis- sion is completed. Perhaps some can return this year; some next. The truth of the matter came from his own statement a month later when, on April 24, 1964, he told newsmen that U.S. strength in the Vietnam area was on the rise. He said: I don't want to predict what the totals will be at the end of this year or at the end of 1965. On that same day, the Secretary came up with a real prize in this statement: I don't object to its being called McNamara's war. I think it is a very im- portant war and I am pleased to be identified with it. Back in Saigon for another look-see, the Secretary was very pleased with what he saw. He said: Excellent progress. The plans we laid out in March, if they are consistently followed up, will work effectively. This was on May 13, 1964. Back in Washington the next day, May 14, 1964, he said that "certain additional U.S. per- sonnel will be needed in Vietnam." Let us mercifully draw the curtains to denote the passage of 24 hours. On May 15, testifying again here on the Hill, the Secretary was reported to have been "gloomy" and to have said that the anti-Vietcong efforts had deteri- orated. Oh, "what a difference a day makes," as the songwriter says. On August 5, 1964, the Secretary re- ported U.S. bombing raids against North Vietnam and reported "energizing" ad- ditional Army, Marine, Air Force, and antisubmarine units. If there is one point in this recount of a thoroughly shoddy situation when it can be said that the custard pie had hit the fan, it was on November 26, 1964, Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 February 23, 1966 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 3611 ulation of the United States, particularly com:onunity education programs on pre- I the aged and the aging, in protecting, ventive health care. h, tomised, o t iu my "Living Care" ce legislation to maintaining, and improving their Finally, a 12-man Advisory Council on the elderly. r bill I introduce today is health." Adult Health Protection would be estab- the first piece of such legislation i intend Mr. Speaker, from this premise we lished to advise the Surgeon General of to introduce in this 2d session of the 89th p:'opose for the first time to provide Fed- the Public Health Service in the admin- Congress. It is a vital piece of legisla- cral assistance in the establishment and istration of this program. This Council tion, for only by preventive care can we operation of regional and community will include men who are leaders in the hope to reduce the staggering load of suf- hea.lth protection centers for the detec- fields of medicine, public health, public fering borne by the elderly in our midst. Lion of disease; to provide assistance for welfare, or representatives of national As most of you know, I have concerned the training; of personnel to operate such organizations concerned with the inter- myself with the centers ; and to provide assistance in the ests of the aging. And it shall include for the past decades Problems 1956 I supported conduct of certain research related to one or more national leaders known for the President in establishing a Federal. :;uch centers and their operation. their dedication to the national interest Council on Aging, and in 1959 I intro- 1 do not propose to read this bill aloud and tine welf are of the Nation's citizens. duced legislation calling for the White to you here, but its purpose is to en- The basic idea behind the act, put House Conference on Aging that was courage and assist, through grants, in simply, is this: to launch a genuine. held in 1961. the planning, establishment, and opera- nationwide preventive medicine ca. m- In 1963 I introduced the Older Amer- Lion of regional health and community paign. By making these testing services leans Act which finally passed in 1965. ;retection centers, each of which will available to any person age 50 or above, I am happy to say that the Aging Ad- tarnvide health appraisal and disease de- on a voluntary basis, we will encourage ministration that it created within the section services, on a periodic basis, to men and women approaching retirement Department of Health, Education, and any adult who requests such services, if to take regular health examinations and Welfare is now a going concern. he has attained age 50 and resides with- we will facilitate the giving of full ex- I am proud of this record and of these in the geographic area served by the aminatiols by practicing physicians. successes. Yet it is no exaggeration to center's. Mr. Speaker, the long-range answer to say that I believe that the Adult Health These health protection centers would the health problems of the aging is in Protection Act of 1966 will be the most provide a series of basic tests for the early identification and control of important single piece of legislation con- detection of abnormalities in the cardio- disease and prevention of illness and dis- cerning the aging and the aged that I vascular, respiratory, gastro-intestinal, ability. have ever introduced into this House. scul r and musculo-skeletal Now, ideally, we would achieve this systems as well as defects in metabolism goal by having periodic health examina- a.nd organs of special sense. tions for everyone. Realistically, of LOUIS CARDELL GERRY flpecific diseases or conditions to be course, we know that there are not Mr. FOGARTY. Mr. Speaker, on F'eb- test:,ed might include hypertension, vari- enough physicians to accomplish apro- ruary 5 the House of Representatives to , rheumatoid ar van - gram of this scale. lost a constituent, a taxpayer, a business tis, us forms orms respiratory of cancer, rheumatoid o t dFortunately., a way has been found out leader, a Republican, a a kidney disease, obesity, insufficiency, diabetes, i hearing and of this dilemma. friend of the people and, I am both proud vision vision disease, What we are proposing in this act is and personally grieved to say, a fellow tests would be administered by to take the proven automated testing Rhode Islander and a friend. Le 'I he t sts ts ouland medical special- techniques from an unusual project in Mr. Louis Cardell Gerry, of Provi- jec nicia nurses, d sedi al specs l- California-called Kaiser Permanents- dence, R.I., died on February 5 at the its using automated .t which has already been and adapt them for demonstration on a age of 81 after a career as business exec- cgiup n give swift, accurate, been communitywide basis in other areas of utive and financier, after nearly two prole results. The results of these tesre- ts, the country. decades as along with data Assisted by a grant from the Division president of Rhode Ice to provided by the person of Chronic Diseases, Public Health Serv- Hospital, mter a lifetime of service to undergoing the health appraisal, would ice, the Kaiser Foundation health plan his fellow man. be fed into a computer. It is estimated in Oakland has p He was a director o of a Brown score of copo- i!at t;he battery of tests could be ad- developed a multitest rations, a trustee of Brown University, flinir,the within of hours. laboratory that is immensely accurate a former chairman of the Providence The results of the tests, summarized by and Some 40,000corr Kaiser-Permanents chapter of the American Red Cross, the t.lu computer. would be referred to the health plan beneficiaries are participat- 33d degree Mason, a recipient of the Private physician of the person taking ing in this pilot health Program. Their Cost Greater Providence Chamber of ommerce I,hem, In. cases where the persons either experience will now become the basis for ward for nnanl Roger Williams did not have a private physician or was this first nationwide preventive medicine Award fooutstanding service to the med".tally indigent, the tests would be effort, so far as the chronic diseases are community. referred to a physician in accordance concerned-just as, once upon a time, a Ovted a lowithng the period Rhode of ode time Isla hen d was Coln- as- with local practice. Preventive medicine effort had to be sociahe adult health protection centers launched against the infectious diseases. without rnunity Chests. He compensation as served racing the and State are intended to provide an efficient means May this new effort be as successful l' former [or the detection of abnormalities or in- as that campaign proved to be, letics administrator under the former dilations of disease--but not to replace Once again I want to repeat what I Gov. William H. Vanderbilt, during full examinations. Their purpose is to said at Cranston last fall. which time he was the author of a mod- place in the hands of the examining I know well that, hearing this ernized set of racing rules for the State. pro- phys:.cian a summary of basic data and posal, many voices will cry out-cry o ut During World War II he served with I,o place promptly under a physician's as they did against medicare, and as mthe an of the Rhode Island Salvage Conn- care a. person with indications of disease they did against thelhea:rt disease, can- mission, a member of the committee of coned: Lions. cer, and stroke program, and as they Veterans' Information Center, and both 1'11)? health protection centers would cried out against most of the other far- during the war and afterward was a conduct training programs in the opera- sighted public health bills passed by the member of the First Army Advisory i.ion of technical disease detection pro- 89th Congress. Committee. c'e dares and would research and develop But I say to them, as I said in this The new disease detection tests and equip- House last year, when asked where "this man of whom I speak did not hold public merit. Additional grants to the centers kind of business" will end: that I, for office, though he was a devoted ,vonto be authorized for operational re- one, intend to keep going and going until amplified enlightened and +earch and for the establishment of in- we take adequate care of as ma Public servant; a private citizen who - iernships to give on-the-job training to as we cis.people support of sound legislation; a friend rof physicians, nurses, and technical person- better heal Congress. thyservices, can who so no matter how Particularly, to men he was a source of net, V Ile centers would also conduct long it takes. =aspiration in his chosen avocation as Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 Approved For Release 2005/06/29 CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 February 23, 1966 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE when Secretary McNamara told news- men they should not interview General Taylor because in his words: It would be impossible for Max to talk to these people without leaving the impression the situation is going to hell. Bear with me, 'Mr. Speaker. I know that this recounting stretches the credi- bility to the snapping point, but there are three more "pronouncements" I would like to include. On February 18, 1965, buoyed up by heaven knows what, the Secretary of Defense said: The past year has also brought some en- couraging developments. Visiting in Saigon for the sixth time, the Secretary assayed the situation and delivered himself of this: We are no longer losing. It will be a long war. One more quotation, Mr. Speaker, and I will rest my case. In December of 1965, Mr. McNamara said, when he returned from his seventh trip, that he was "su- prised" at the intensity of the war. I wish I could, like Shakespeare, leave him to heaven, but I cannot. This man, this computerized genius, is at the helm of our ship of war and this dreary record of his faltering, misunderstanding of the situation and the foe we face in Vietnam is a cause for alarm. If the Secretary had had confidence in the American people and had told them the truth about the situation in Vietnam each time I have recorded his statements, there would not now, be the division, the controversy, and the confusion which exists in the minds of many. I hope this recording serves a useful purpose in setting his record straight. LEAVE OF ABSENCE By unanimous consent, leave of ab- sence was granted as follows, to: Mr. HANSEN of Iowa (at the request of Mr. ALBERT), for. February 24 and 25, on account of official business. Mr. CHELF (at the request of Mr. NATCHER), on account of death of close friend. Mr. DYAL, for Thursday, Friday,' and Monday; February 24, 25, and 28, on ac- count of official business. By unanimous consent, permission to address the House, following the legisla- tive program and any special orders here- tofore entered, was granted to: Mr. HALPERN (at the request of Mr. BURTON of Utah), for 15 minutes, today; and to revise and extend his remarks and include extraneous matter. Mr. BUCHANAN (at the request of Mr. BURTON of Utah), for 1 hour, on Febru- ary 28; and to revise and extend his re- marks and include extraneous matter. Mr. FOGARTY (at the request of Mr. BOGGS), for 15 minutes, today, on two different subjects; to revise and extend his remarks and to include extraneous matter. Mr. WAGGONNER (at the request of Mr. BOGGS), for 20 minutes, today, and to re- vise and extend his remarks and to in- clude extraneous matter. EXTENSION OF REMARKS DEATH OF REV. BERNARD By unanimous consent, permission to BRASKAMP, CHAPLAIN extend remarks in the Appendix of the The SPEAKER. Under previous order RECORD, or to revise and extend remarks of the House, the gentleman from Iowa was granted to: [Mr. GREIGGI is recognized. Mr. KEOGH asked and was given per- Mr. GREIGG. Mr Speaker and Mem- mission to revise and extend his remarks. bers of the House, it was with a great deal Mr. SCHMIDHAUSER (at the request of of sadness that I am called upon today Mr. BOGGS) to extend his remarks during to announce to you the sudden death of the debate on H.R. 12752 and to include our beloved Chaplain, the Reverend Ber- extraneous matter. nard Braskamp. Mr. Speaker, Dr. (The following Members (at the re- Braskamp was born in Alton, Iowa, a quest of Mr. BURTON of Utah) and to in- small farm community in my district of elude extraneous matter:) Mr. HALPERN in three instances. Mr. DERWINSKI in four instances. Mr. LAIRD in two instances. Mr. RuMSFELD in three instances. Mr. MORSE in two instances. Mr. YOUNGER in two instances. Mr. SPRINGER in two instances. Mr. DAGUE. Mr. HALL. Mr. FINo. Mr. CONABLE. Mr. QUILLEN. Mr. ANDERSON Of Illinois. Mr. CUNNINGHAM. Mr. MOORE in two instances. Mr. BROCK in three instances. Mr. KING of New York in five instances. Mr. TALCOTT in three instances. Mr. SHRIVER in two instances. Mr. MCCLORY in two instances. Mr. LIPscoMB. Mr. MATHIAS in five instances. (The following Members (at the re- quest of Mr. BOGGS) and to include extraneous matter:) Mr. MOELLER. Mr. DADDARIO in five instances. Mr. Moss in six instances. Mr. WILLIAM D. FORD in two instances. Mr. THOMPSON of New Jersey in three instances. Mr. GIBBONS in four instances. Mr. NATCHER. Mr. RONCALIO in two instances. Mr. SCHMIDHAUSER in four instances. Mr. GILLIGAN in two instances. Mr. BROOKS. Mr. O'NEAL of Georgia. Mr. CASEY in two instances. Mr. ROONEY of Pennsylvania in two instances. Mr. GONZALEZ. Mr. CAREY in two instances. Mr. VIVIAN. Mr. DINGELL. Mr. MULTER in three instances. Mr. Nix. Mr. RACE. Mr. IRWIN in six instances. Mr. POWELL in six instances. Mr. Dow. Mr. FRASER in five instances. Mr. ROGERS of Colorado. Mr. EDWARDS of California In two in- stances. Mr. CooLEY in two instances. SENATE ENROLLED BILL SIGNED The SPEAKER announced his signa- ture to an enrolled bill of the Senate of the following title: S. 1904. An act to authorize the Secre- tary of the Interior to give to the Indians of the Pueblos of Acoma, Santa Ana, and Zia the beneficial interest in certain fed- erally owned lands heretofore set aside for school or administrative purposes. northwest Iowa. Since coming to the Congress last year, I was most pleased and proud to have had a series of opportunities to reminisce with our Chaplain about the heritage we both shared. Through this association, I developed a strong sense of respect and admiration for Reverend Braskamp. He typified the personal elements so necessary to the stature of the honored position he held for 16 years. It is significant to recall that the position of Chaplain of the House of Representatives assures us that our daily deliberations begin with thoughts of our Creator-and the burden of such a re- sponsibility was fully carried by the man whose memory we honor today. The toll of time which placed him among my elders never suffered him to be anything but enthusiastically concerned with his duty to God and this honored body. My predecessor, the Honorable Charles B. Hoeven, resides in the same com- munity of the birthplace of Reverend Braskamp. There was a great friend- ship and affection between these gentle- men, and it has been a source of real pride over these many years to the citi- zens of Alton to have a native-born son serve in as high a position as Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives. I join with all of the Members of the House of Representatives extending to the immediate family our deepest sympathies. Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield? Mr. GREIGG. I yield to the distin- guished majority leader. Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, all of us are deeply grieved by the loss of our be- loved Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp. Only a few days ago he walked with us and among us In this chamber, and to-' night he walks with angels. This man of God, this noble character, has been our spiritual adviser and men- tor for 16 years. His was the voice of the servant of the Lord, adjounring us to maintain the added dimension of spiritual values in all our earthly works. His prayers di- mension of spiritual values in all our earthly works. His prayers often re- flected the mood and tempo of the House-its crises, its defeats, its victories. In every case he reminded us that these things shall all pass away, but the King- dom of the Lord shall endure forever. His messages were essentially messages of hope-as it the Christian philosophy itself. Therefore, while we sorrow at his passing, we are comforted by the knowl- edge that our friend and spiritual shep- herd, has gone to the just reward that surely awaits him. Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030093-2 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 17ebruary 23, 1966 This distinguished churchman served sions made here this afternoon by the this Chamber daily a quiet radiance his Presbyterian congregation for 40 distinguished gentleman from Iowa, by of certainty: that life is continuous; that years and was the dean of Presbyterian the distinguished majority leader, and what we do here is part and parcel of ministers in Washington, D.C. He was by the distinguished minority leader in the long trek man Is making out of un- moderator of the Synod of Baltimore, the tributes they have paid to our late conscious perfection to perfected con- comprising Presbyterian Churches in Chaplain, Dr. Braskamp. It was my sciousness. To him the ancients ex- Wa>shington, Baltimore, and New Castle, privilege to have been closely associated pressed his deep belief that "never the Del. His outstanding leadership in send- with Dr. Braskamp. I saw him almost spirit was born, the spirit shall cease to ing church aid to the people of Holland every day. His office was very close to be never, end and beginning are during the war caused Queen Wilhelmina mine. dreams-birthless and changeless and to knight him. in the order of Orange Invariably he was a man of good cheer deathless remains the spirit forever, (lead Nassau. arid good spirit, optimistic by nature. though the house of it seems." Dr. Braskamp's 16 years of service in Ile loved his fellowmen. He loved this He exhorted us daily to be true to the the House were the capstone of a long House of Representatives. He loved our best that is in us-true to the principle and effective career. His interest in country, and he loved his church and his of integrity, honor, and loyalty upon politics and government dated back to God. As those who have spoken pre- which this great country that he loved the days when he enrolled at Princeton viously to me have said, all of us in this so deeply was founded. specifically to have the opportunity to body are better off because of his years I am sure all who knew him rejoice hear the lectures of its then President, of service here. that he has stepped across the threshold Woodrow Wilson. Mr. Braskamp was He lived a beautiful life. He was sad- so quietly, so gently-may the Infinite originally an Iowan and earlier had at- dened with the passing of his wife a few bless and keep him now and always. tended Grinnell College. years ago. We used to talk about that. Mr. GREIGG. Mr. Speaker, I thank As the House knows, Reverend Bras- But he was a man of great courage and the gentlewoman. kamp was a learned theologian and ? neat faith. Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, will philosopher, notwithstanding his love of Mr. Speaker, the House has lost a, dear the gentleman yield? baseball and his boyhood desire to be- friends in the passing of Dr. Braskamp, Mr. GREIGG. I yield to the very dis- come a major league player. His schol- our Chaplain for snore than 15 years. A tinguished Speaker of the House. arship did not prevent his enjoying sim- k:ind and gentle man was Dr. Braskamp, Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, the ple, human things. His humanity was and we in this House are finer men-we sudden death of the Reverend Dr. the quality which made him our friend are of stronger faith-because he dwelt Bernard Braskamp has come as a pain- and confidante, as well as our official among us for so many years. ful shock to the membership of the pastor. We shall greatly miss him; we When I think of Dr. Braskamp, I think House of Representatives. In his 16 can never repay our debt to him. of those words which he lived by, from years of ministering to the spiritual Mrs. Albert and I extend his children the Book of Joshua, chapter I, verse 9, needs of the Members, of opening our and all his loved ones our deepest when the Lord said to Joshua: daily sessions with a simple, earnest sympathy. Be strong and of good courage; be not Mr. GREIGG. I thank the gentleman. afraid, neither be thou dismayed: fe r the prayerual prayer, and Members of and friendly talk informal with groups, individ- Mr. Mr. GERALD R. FORD. Mr. Speaker, Lord Thy God is with thee whither soever i;hau guest. Braskarnp had gathered to himself a will the gentleman from Iowa yield? host of warm friends. Characteristically, Mr. GREIGG. I yield to the distin- I think that describes the beautiful, his daily opening prayer, by which Dr. guished minority leader. inspiring mind of the man who served Braskamp's name became familiar to Mr. GERALD R. FORD. Mr. Speaker, us so well and so faithfully for so many many whose needs or inclinations lead in the passing of Dr. Braskamp, all of years. them to consult the CONGRESSIONAL us in this Chamber have lost a good Dr. Braskamp was born to humble be- RECORD, was 'brief, to the point, and friend and wise counselor. We have ginnings, but through his own inspira- marked by both a strong religious feeling served during his chaplaincy have been tion, intelligence, and hard work, he and a logical commonsense. Since 1958, strengthened spiritually and religiously earned. his first degree from the Utiiver- he had prefaced his prayer of each day by his daily prayer and by the messages sity of Michigan, while working at odd with a Scripture text, an admirable cus- which he gave at the opening of each .jobs on the Campus. His academic rec- tom which I hope his successors may session. -ord was so superior that he was awarded keep up. His strongly held Presbyterian- I was particularly fortunate to become a scholarship to the Hartford Theologi- ism was not allowed to narrow the scope well acquainted with him. We were both cal Seminary in Connecticut. From of his ministry in the House of Repre- graduates of the University of Michigan, there, he transferred to the Princeton sentatives, and both his prayers and his and would reminisce on many, many oc- Theological Seminary where he earned Scripture selections were always made in. casions about Ann Arbor and our at- both a bachelor's degree in theology and such a way as to hearten and encourage: tendance at the university. a, master's degree in philosophy. He each Member of the House, whatever his Although Dr. Braskamp was a man of came to us, Mr. Speaker, as acting chap- particular faith or denomination might God, he was an individual who had a lain for 3 years, and then in 1950, lie was be. Those of no creed, or of faiths widely broad interest in all facets of life and a elected Chaplain. differing from his own, were alike respon-? deep appreciation for all people. His A man of wisdom, of kindness and of sive to Dr. Braskamp's human and daily prayers while we were in session re- noble spirit was the Reverend Braskamp, spiritual warmth, to his evident sincerity, Elected this interest in and concern for and we shall all miss him. Mr. Speaker, and to his moral force. his fellow men. it is the spirit a man leaves behind for Dr. Braskamp came to the House of l can speak for those of us on this which he is most remembered, and Dr. Representatives as Chaplain after a side and say without hesitation or quali- Braskarnp was a noble servant of our career of 40 years' service to Presbyterian fication that this Chamber and its Mem- Lord, who gave of himself unselfishly congregations in Washington, D.C. He hers were better, each and every day, be- for his fellow man. His soul now lies had first come to Washington as a young cause we had as the Chaplain of the with God, where he will receive eternal man, in 1911, immediately after his mouse. Dr. Bernard Braskamp. We will love. We thank our Lord that Dr. graduation, with degrees both in theology miss him, and we all extend to his family Braskamp ministered to us for so many and in philosophy, from Princeton our very deepest condolences. Dr. years. Theological Seminary and Princeton's Braskamp has left an indelible impres- Mr. GREIGG. I thank the gentleman. Graduate School of Philosophy. At first lion on the House of Representatives. Mrs. BOLTON. Mr. Speaker, will the he was assistant pastor of the Church of Mr. GREIGG. I thank the gentleman. gentleman yield? the Covenant, which is now the National Mr. BOGGS. Mr. Speaker, will the Mr. GREIGG. I yield to the distin- Presbyterian Church, and then was called :icritleman yield? guished. gentlewoman from Ohio. to the pastorate of the Gurley Memorial Ur. GREIGG. I yield to the distin- Mrs. BOLTON. Mr. Speaker, this Presbyterian Church. He took the lead guished majority whip. House has suffered a deep loss in the in the merging of the Gurley congrega- Mr. BOGGS. Mr. Speaker, I should death of its Chaplain, the Reverend tion with that of the Gunton-Temple like to concur in the beautiful expres- Bernard Braskamp. He brought into Church, and in building the present Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 h'ebruary 23, 1966 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE CONTROL OF AIR POLLUTION The Clean Air Act of 1963 and its 1965 amendments have given us new tools to help attack the pollution that fouls the air we breathe. We have begun to counter air pollu- tion by increasing the tempo of effort at all levels of government. In less than 2 years Federal financial =assistance has stimulated a 50-percent increase in the air pollution budgets of States and local governments. Federal standards for the control of automobile exhausts will apply to the 1968 models. 'J'he Federal interstate abatement pro- ?:ram will significantly supplement State and local efforts to deal with air pollu- tion. I am heartened by the progress we are making. But I am mindful that we have only begun our work. I am forwarding to the Congress proposals to improve and increase Federal research, financing, and technical assistance to help States and local governments take the measures needed to control air pollution. POLLUTION FROM FEDERAL ACTIVITIES The Federal Government is rightly ex- l:ected to provide an example to the Na- tion in pollution control. We cannot make new demands on State and local governments or on private industry with- out putting the Federal house in order. We will take the necessary steps this year to insure that Federal activities do not contribute to the deterioration of our water and air. Last November I signed an Executive order requiring that all new Federal in- stallations include adequate water pollu- L:on control systems. Agencies are re- quired to submit long-range plans to bring existing installations up to the high level of pollution control required of new facilities. These plans are to be submitted by July 1 of this year. We are providing the funds necessary to im- plement them. I also intend to issue an Executive order dealing with air pollution from h'ederal activities. The potential dangers of air pollution have only recently been realized. The technical and economic difficulties in conserving the purity of our air are, if anything, greater than in protecting our water resources. Never- theless, I intend to see that the necessary steps are taken to curtail emissions from Federal installations. :IUMAN RESOURCES FOR POLLUTION CONTROL New projects and new technology are of little value without skilled people dedi- cated to putting them to effective use. I. propose to enlist the services of those in industry and the universities. 1: propose to attract skilled adminis- trators and scientists to the challenges of full-time occupations in pollution con- trol. Critical skills are in short supply in all public pollution control operations. We need to train scientists and social scien- tists in these activities, and to demon- strate the advantages of Government service as a lifetime occupation. I pro- pose to establish traineeships, fellow- ships, and an internship program in Fed- eral pollution control activities. The participants will be in residence in Fed- eral. Pollution control programs through- out the country. IMPACT ON OUR CITIES The pollution control programs I have recommended will benefit all Americans. But nowhere will the impact be greater than on our cities. These steps can clean the air that is today blighted by smoke and chemicals. These steps can bring to growing ur- ban centers abundant supplies Of pure water to sustain today's prosperity and to satisfy tomorrow's needs. These steps can enrich the daily life of the city dweller and his children by restoring surrounding waterways to their unspoiled natural beauty. For we know that ugliness is degrading and costly, but that beauty can revive the human spirit and enlarge the imagination. NATIONAL WATERCOMMISSION In no area of resource management are the problems more complex-or more important-than those involving our Na- tion's water supplies. The water short- age in the Northeastern United States is a dramatic reminder that we must take every possible step to improve the man- agernent of our precious water resources. I propose the establishment of a Na- tional Water Commission to review and advise on the entire range of water re- source problems-from methods to con- serve and augment existing water sup- plies to the application of modern tech- nology, such as desalting, to provide more usable water for our cities, our in- dustries, and our farms. This Commission will be composed of the very best minds in the country. It will judge the quality of our present ef- forts.. It will recommend long-range plans for the future. It will point the way to increased and more effective water resource measures by the Federal Government, working in close coopera- tion with States, local communities, and private industry. SAVING OUR FORESTS Since the century's beginning the Na- tional Government has labored to pre- serve the sublime legacy that Is the American forest. Time after time public intervention has prevented the destruction of irre- placeable forest lands. Our national park and forest systems are America's principal trustee in the vital task of conservation. That task cannot be accomplished in a single stroke. It requires patient determina- tion and careful planning to secure for our people the beauty that is justly theirs. It merits careful planning. I propose that we plan now to com- plete our national park system by 1972-- the 100th anniversary of Yellowstone, the world's first national park. Substantial progress has been made during the last 4 years. Yet many scenic masterpieces remain unprotected and deserve early inclusion in the national park system. A REDWOOD NATIONAL PARK I propose the creation of a Redwood National Park in northern California. It is possible to reclaim a river like the Potomac from the carelessness of man. But we cannot restore-once it is lost-- the majesty of a forest whose trees soared upward 2,000 years ago. The Secretary of the Interior-after exhaustive consul- tations with preservationists, officials of the State of California, lumbermen, and others-has completed a study of the de- sirability of establishing a park of inter- national significance. I have reviewed his recommendations, and am submitting to the Congress leg- islation to establish such a park. This will be costly. But it is my recommen- dation that we move swiftly to save an area of immense significance before it is too late. OTHER OUTDOOR RECREATION PROPOSALS Other major outdoor recreation pro- posals which should be approved in 1966 are: 1. Cape Lookout National Seashore, N.C. 2. Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lake- shore, Mich. 3. Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, Ind. 4. Oregon Dunes National Seashore, Oreg. 5. Great Basin National Park, Nev. 6. Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Tex. 7. Bighorn Canyon National Recrea- tion Area, Mont.-Wyo. 8. Flaming Gorge National Recrea- tion Area, Utah-Wyo. For a region which now has no na- tional park, I recommend the study of a Connecticut River National Recreation Area along New England's largest river, in the States of New Hampshire, Ver- mont, Massachusetts, and Connecticut.. I propose the early completion of stu- dies and planning for two new parks-- the Apostle Isles Seashore along Lake Superior and North Cascades in Wash- ington State. NATIONWIDE TRAIL SYSTEM In my budget, I recommended legisla- tion to extend Federal support to the Ap- palachian Trail, and to encourage the development of hiking trails accessible to the people throughout the country. I am submitting legislation to foster the development by Federal, State, and local agencies of a nationwide system of trails and give special emphasis to the location of trails near metropolitan areas. PRESERVATION OF HISTORIC SITES Historic preservation is the goal of citizen groups in every part of the coun- try. To help preserve buildings and sites of historic significance, I will recommend a program of matching grants to States and to the National Trust for Historic Preservation. WILD RIVER SYSTEM I am encouraged by the response to my proposal for a national wild rivers sys- tem, and I urge the Congress to complete this pioneering conservation legislation this year. COSTS OF LAND ACQUISITION The spiraling cost of land acquisitions by the Federal Govermnent, particularly for water resource and recreational pur- poses, is a matter of increasing concern. Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 February 23, 1966 Mr. MORSE. I wish to comment on two points the Senator has made. First of all, I wish the Senator to know that I agree with him on the desirability of a vote this week. I want him to know also that I shall not agree to a unani- mous-consent agreement to vote on it, because I believe that if we hold sessions for a reasonable number of hours each day, we will get a vote on it this week. Some of us are busily engaged in pre- paring what we consider to be a very basic statement of policy on the part of those of us who disagree with the esca- lated war policy which we think is in- herent in the pending bill. As far as the senior Senator from Oregon is concerned, I would join in any objection to a fili- buster on this bill. But I have not heard anyone talking about a debate that could possibly be characterized as a filibuster. However, some of us have an honest, sincere belief that the pending measure raises such vital questions of policy in the field of American foreign relations that we feel we should not vote on it until certain statements on that policy have been made. We think each Senator should have the right of discussing the pending measure on its merits without any time limitation being imposed upon him. I would be the most surprised man in the Senate if we did not reach a vote on the bill before the week is over. I think we should vote on it before the week is over; but only after the regular course of debate has taken place. As to the comment the Senator from Louisiana has made that he thinks the point of view of some of us may be aiding and abetting the enemy, that, of course, he is privileged to discuss, and we shall reply. Mr. LONG of Louisiana. Mr. Presi- dent, may I say that as far as I am con- cerned, my position is well known. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- pore. The Senator's 3 minutes have ex- pired. Mr. LONG of Louisiana. I ask unani- mous consent that I may have an addi- tional 2 minutes. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- pore. Without objection, it is so or- dered. Mr. LONG of Louisiana. My position is well known, and I am proud to speak for a State that is united almost to a man behind our national policy. While I have received some criticism, I have received a great amount of applause as well from such States as New York and California. Mr. President, as far as Louisiana is concerned, my mail runs 99-plus percent in favor of the position I take, that we should give those men in Vietnam all the help they need, and that, having com- mitted ourselves, we. should not renege on those commitments. I say further, Mr. President, that in Louisiana-and I was there last weekend-and also in Ar- kansas and Texas I have yet to find a single person who expresses any dis- agreement with the firmness that this Nation proposes to show in resisting ag- gression in southeast Asia. Mr. DIRKSEN. Mr. President, I con- cur with the distinguished acting ma- No. 31-18 RECORD - SENATE 3655 jority leader. I have prepared a short statement, which I may as well present to the Senate at this time. Yesterday, we observed the birth an- niversary of George Washington. He was our first Commander in Chief. He was made general and Commander in Chief of the united Colonies on June 15, 1775. In that capacity, he had his problems with the Continental Congress in secur- ing supplies, weapons, pay, and other necessities for his army. Those experiences were a factor in making the President the Commander in Chief when the Constitution was written. Now, 191 years later, a similar prob- lem confronts us. The Commander in Chief, based on estimates which have been prepared and supported by our field commanders in Vietnam, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the National Security Council, and the Budget Bureau has presented a request for $4.8 billion for aircraft, missiles, naval vessels, and other items. The request has been carefully proc- essed by the Armed Services Committee and the Defense Department Appropri- ations Subcommittee. They heard 11 witnesses. From 16 to 24 Senators were present at all of those hearings. The bill which the committee reported is not a policy measure. It is a bill to authorize funds for needed equipment and research. After it was reported to the Senate, the Foreign Relations Committee began hearings on another measure. It trig- gered a broad discussion of our policy in and toward Vietnam. In and out of committee, on and off the Senate floor, a diversity of views and viewpoints have been freely expressed to withdraw, to pause longer, to escalate, to de-escalate, to limit the struggle. And all this time, the request for weapons and equipment languishes. Virtually no speeches have been directed to the measure before us. There have been allegations and ful- minations that "we are spread danger- ously thin" and that "shortages appear" but the request of the Commander in Chief for authority and funds to pro- cure weapons and supplies reposes in the Senate without action. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- pore. The time of the Senators from Illinois has expired. Mr. DIRKSEN. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent to proceed for 3 ad- ditional minutes. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- pore. Without objection, it is so ordered. Until this authorization is approved, no money can be appropriated. If the Commander in Chief because of urgent necessity should obligate funds without this authority, the Congress would be the first to castigate him. The time for more talk on this pending measure is past. The time for action is here and now. The well-being of more than 200,000 American troops, 12,000 miles from home, is involved. The continued and successful prosecu- tion of the present struggle is at stake. To delay further action on the pending request means that Congress must accept responsibility for failure to act. It has been said that in the 10-year struggle of the French with the Viet- minh, that the war was lost not at Dien- bienphu but in Paris. I trust it may never be recorded that if we fail in our objectives, that the failure occurred not at Danang, or in the highlands of Viet- nam, but in Washington. To seek cloture on a measure involv- ing our national security, our pledges to Vietnam, and our obligations under the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization would be absolutely incredible. The im- pact of such action on troop morale could scarcely be measured. Its impact on world reaction could scarcely be evaluated. The time has come to close the debate and act. I believe I speak for the vast majority of the Republican minority when I say we are ready to act now and approve the request which is before us. Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, I am very glad that the Senator from Illinois read the statement which he read a few minutes ago with regard to the situation which confronts the Senate in regard to the pending business. Many of us do not agree with the conclusion he has reached that there is no basic policy question involved in the pending bill. That is where we find an honest differ- ence of opinion among Senators, because some of us think the pending bill does involve a basic policy question. It in- volves the foreign policy vis-a-vis the United States and Asia. That is the policy issue involved in the pending bill. I say it should be discussed in some detail in the discussion of the bill. I simply wanted to file this caveat of disagreement with what the Senator from Illinois had to say, to at least show the public that there is a difference of opinion with regard to the policy and that it is involved in the pending bill. In view of even what the Secretary of Defense has said, I will show in remarks on the floor that we are drawing close to a potential escalation of the war which will result in the killing of thousands of American boys whose lives should not be sacrificed. The bill involves the deci- sion of the President of the United States to escalate the war. We think it involves a policy question and we think we ought to discuss that policy question in this authorization bill. I do not question the sincerity of the Senator from Illinois [Mr. DIRKSEN], or the Senator from Georgia [Mr. RussELLI, or the Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. SALTONSTALL], who have already said they do not see a policy question in- volved. It comes to a question of a time limit. I have already announced, and I now announce, that if we devote our- selves to a discussion of the bill on the floor, and if we do nothing but discuss the bill, we will get to a vote by the end of the week. The Senator from Illinois calls the at- tention of the public to the allegation that any prolonged discussion of the bill somehow, in some way, is letting down the boys in this area. We do not accept that. We think, because of the policy is- sue involved, this issue should be deter- Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE February 23, 1966 mined in order to seek to protect the boys in southeast Asia, because some of as believe that if we follow the policy which can be followed under the bill we pare going to sacrifice unjustifiably many boys who ought, to be saved. That in- volves a policy question. So far as the time element; is con- cerned, there is already delivered mate- vi.al of war to the boys in southeast Asia that cannot even get unloaded and we cannot get the ships in now. is have not heard a scintilla of evi- dence that there is being denied to our boys over there anything in the way they need. for the conduct of the war on its present scale. if that were the case, we would be unanimous in wanting to take whatever steps were necessary to see that they will get whatever materiel, to the maximum extent necessary, for their protection. I do rot think there is any basis for creating the fe.r in this country that a discussion of basic foreign policy in the '.=cnatc for a week is going to jeopardize our boys in that area. If that were the ease., we would wonder why those boys had not been given that protection long before this. My judgment is that if we discuss this bill, with our differences of opinion, and have a full discussion, we will get to a vote on it by the end of the week. My friend, the Senator from Illinois, said he thought cloture would be a mistake be- cause of the effect it would have not only on our American boys overseas, but on others as well. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. 'i';7niN(-.s in the chair). The time of the Senator has expired. Mr. MORSE. I ask unanimous con- s;ent to have 2 additional minutes. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. Mr. MORSE. He is quite right when he says that we ought to get to the issues in the pending bill and vote on it. I be- lieve we ought to do it. I believe we can do it if we discuss this bill fully. I think we could get to a vote by the end of the week. Mr. S'I'ENNIS. Mr. President, will the Senator yield for a question? Mr. MORSE. I yield. Mr. S T ENNIS. First, I want to com- mend the Senator when he says that after reasonable debate we should be able to vote sometime this week. His attitude is encouraging. Second, he said he has no evidence that our boys over there are in actual need. E'ortunately, they are getting material there for their needs, but if there is much more of a delay, there is going to be a critical need for some items. Mr. MORSE. Of course, I do not think we should continue the present policy. There is a great difference be- tween the question of supplying our boys and the question of whether we should continue the present policy. It is the policy we are discussing. As I am going to urge in my remarks, if we continue this policy, we are headed for an esca- lated war that will end up in a war with China. NIr. ' JAVITS i. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the time for this discussion. be extended 1 additional minute. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. Mr. JAVITS. :I do not think there is division of opinion on supplying what the boys need, as the Senator from Ore- gon has said, but there is a need for debate on the President's policy. There- fore, when I make my address, I shall discuss the policy. I think the debate oir the question of policy is good for the country. 1 hope that we do see it through,. There is nothing to stop the Senate from having night sessions. I have a speech to make. It will not take more than 35 or 40 minutes. I un- derstand that others wish to speak also. Let us give everybody an opportunity to speak and still vote on Friday. Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, will the Senator yield? Mr. JAVITS. I yield. Mr. MORSE. I completely agree with the senior. Senator from New York that this is the issue before us. a believe there is a policy issue here as to whether or not there is going to be a reassessment of the position of August; 19154. I believe that a vote on this meas- ure does exactly that. That is why I am going to give the Senate all opportunity to vote on the resolution of August 1964. Do not forget that it provides a re scis- sion clause. I believe the time has come to place restrictions on the President and not give him carte blanche authority that the resolution of 1964 gave himr. T refuse to believe there have only been two of us who would have voted against it in August 1964. There are other Sen- ators who believe as Senator GeuENnvc and I believe and. continue to believe. At that time we had 20,000 soldiers there. There are 200,000 men there now. The figure could go to 400.000, 600,000, or 800,000. If we get into a war with China, it, may go to 3 million in 36 months after theftwar breaks out. T think the time has come to place a restriction on the Commander in Chief and not give him carte blanche author- ity. I am going to offer that as. an amendment to this bill. Mr. SY:MINGTON. Mr. P:i'esident. may I ask a question? Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President. I would like to finish this and then yield to the Senator. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Tvnrnos in the chair). The Senator is recognized for 1 additional minute. Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, I believe the President got a power of attorney limited by the situation which we have S:rere, notwithstanding his words. I believe this vote approves h~s policy to the date covered by the appropriation, which covers 400,000 personnel. Therefore, I and others will reserve the right to vote against the appropria- tion if the President is unwise enough in persisting in not joining with us in connection with the resolution of August 1964. I agree with the Senator that there is a replacement clause. I shall vote no, but I reserve the right to vote yes tomorrow if the President persists in not joining us in this decision. Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, I wish to say to the Senator from New York, the former attorney general of his State whose legal advice I follow frequently- but not on this occasion-a power of attorney can be given, but one can sub- sequently fire the attorney. Mr. SYMINGTON. Mr. President, I rise in the Chamber at the end of this discussion. In answer to a direct question as to whether or not this money was needed promptly and whether this bill should be passed promptly to help our military effort in Vietnam, the director of the AID program, Mr. Bell, said, in his opin- ion, it should be passed, the sooner the better. Inasmuch as this is a supplement; to the 1966 appropriation, and in the in- terests of the men who are now fighting on the front in South Vietnam, I hope the Senate will pass this bill. Mr. STENNIS. Mr. President, quite briefly on this subject, and as one who handled the appropriation bill last year, and urged that more money be put in at the time for the war in Vietnam, I can state as a fact, knowing the background of these needs, that this money is needed now; that the critical date is fast ap- proaching when failure of it will cause actual delay in providing the hardware of fighting a war, including helicopters, 2.45 rockets, and items of that kind. There is no question about the critical timing, and it is necessary to pass His bill as soon as we can. I commend the Senator from Oregon for his willingness to dispose of it with dispatch this week. Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, in the presence of the acting majority leader and the Democratic whip-and I have postponed making this request until lie was in the Chamber-I ask uanirnous consent that certain communications, editorials, and newspaper stories dealing with my position in regard to the war in Asia be printed in the RECORD. Mr. LONG of Louisiana. Mr. Presi- dent, reserving the right to object-and I hope that it will not be necessary to ob- ject-I note that the Senator has, from time to time, placed in the REcora in support of his position great numbers of communications. I understand that in some instances it has taken up as much as 40 pages of fine print in the RECORD. Mr. President, let me say, as a Sena- tor from Louisiana, that I would imagine the majority of those communications- perhaps all of them-support the posi- tion of the Senator from Oregon, a posi- tion which is contrary to the one this Nation is taking today on the subject of the war in Vietnam. I do not wish the RECORD to give the impression that the people of this Na- tion are not behind their President. are not behind their Government, or that they are not in support of our young men fighting in Vietnam. I, for example, have many thousands of communications and letters support- ing the position of President, the posi- Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 February 23, 1966 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE tion of the Government, and the position I have taken in regard to this matter. I do not object to the Senator's placing certain selective matter in the RECORD which supports his position. I would hope that the Senator is not seeking to place in the RECORD all correspondence in support of his position, because it would seem to me it would only be fair for those of us who take the opposite position in the matter to place an equal amount of correspondence in the REC- ORD. The question would then become to what extent should we burden the RECORD with more of the same. In other words, there' is no doubt in my mind that some of the letters I receive-and some of these letters come from the State of Oregon, and other States-that there are people who sup- port his position. There is also no doubt whatever that many people do not. Likewise, in the State of Louisiana, let me say that the mail I receive is very nearly unanimous. As of this date, it might very well be unanimous in sup- port of my position. I would hope that we could work out some rules of proce- dure by which we would be able to give 'both sides an equal opportunity to load the RECORD with correspondence in sup- port of both positions. Let me ask the Senator from Oregon whether this is all the mail he receives, or only certain selected samples which he believes most adequately support his position? Mr. MORSE. I will be glad to tell the Senator, if he will allow me to respond. Mr. President, since last Friday, my office tells me that we have received over 15,000 pieces of mail. In fact, we have a group of volunteers over there today opening up the mail. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The time of the Senator from Oregon has expired. Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent to proceed for 3 addi- tional minutes. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. Mr. MORSE'. Mr. President, the last count shows well over 90 percent in sup- port of my position. The reason I have from time to time put communications, pro and con, in the RECORD, is as follows: There are those who seek to give the impression that, the Senator from Oregon is a lonely voice in the wilderness in this country in connection with his opposition to the war in South Vietnam. I am satisfied that there are millions of Americans who share my point of view, and they are going to be heard from in increasing numbers in the months ahead. Mr. President, look at what those of us opposed to this war are up against. So far as the media of information in this country are concerned, the President has only to raise a little finger and he is on television for as long as he wishes to be. The top officials of the Government have only to let it be known that they wish to make a statement, and the statement is reproduced throughout the press of the country. Now, Mr. President, it takes a great deal of immodesty-and I plead guilty; it takes a lot of nerve-and I plead guilty; in fact, some would say a lot of brass to walk onto the floor of the Senate and ask unanimous consent to have these communications placed in the RECORD. But, I owe a great deal to those citizens who have sent them to me. Mr. President, there are forces in this country who feel they are not being heard, that they are not being given an opportunity to present their points of view. I am even having difficulty in the Committee on Foreign Relations, thus far, getting certain witnesses that I be- lieve should come forward in a public hearing to testify on the basic policy questions involved. For, whether we know it or not, we have come to a crossroads in American history. Mr. President, if you and I could come back to the world 35 or 50 years from today, we would then be reading about the his- toric debates of these days in the Senate. But none of us can even guess or prophesy in what direction this great Republic is going to go. It is for each Senator, in my judgment, to exercise his own judgment as to how best to represent the people of his sovereign State. It happens to be my judgment that I owe it to the many peo- ple who have communicated with me- and I do not begin to place all their com- munications in the RECORD, but I wish my friend from Louisiana to know that I believe it is a fair sampling-that I want those who are protesting to have an opportunity, through this medium, to be heard throughout the country. The Senator from Louisiana knows that there are a variety of parliamentary ways in which we can get the same ma- terial into the RECORD. I think, how- ever, that in the interests of time we should insert this material in the RECORD, and let the Senator who inserts it assume the responsibility for inserting it. I want the Senator to know that I have been very careful, that I have given the strictest of instructions to my staff that no communication shall be placed in the RECORD which in any way would reflect on anyone or violate any of the rules of the Senate. - As part of this historic debate, there should be placed in the RECORD the ma- terial that I ask to be inserted. It is up to the Senator from Louisiana and every other Senator to decide what they wish or do not wish to insert in the RECORD. The Senator from Louisiana is within his parliamentary rights to object. But, Mr. President, if I cannot get these com- munications inserted, I shall get them into the RECORD by reading them. Mr. LONG of Louisiana. Mr. Presi- dent, I do not propose to deny the Sena- tor his right to put this information in the RECORD. I merely say that I have never known any time in the history of this great country, in my study of his- tory, when American boys who are fight- ing in a battle in support of the Nation's position, both in terms of its solemn treaty commitments and an act of Con- gress authorizing that our troops be sent there, when a Senator has so much seized upon the opportunity-particularly to fill the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, or to seek to appear before the American people and urge that this Nation was going to lose in its courage, its determination to see through an international commit- ment which it has made. I am not going to object to putting this matter in the RECORD. I merely say, that to the Sena- tor from Louisiana, the impression would be given that these communications speak for a majority of the American people. They do not speak for 1 per- cent of the people of Louisiana. They do not speak for 1 percent of the people of Texas, to the best of my knowledge, and I doubt that they speak for a substantial percentage of the people of any State which touches the great State of Lou- isiana, which I have the honor to repre- sent in the Senate. It does seem fair to me that if there are going to be a great number of com- munications placed into the RECORD by any one Senator, every Senator should have the same opportunity, and I have some doubts as to the great burden that will be imposed on the printer. If each of us has 15,000 letters, we might be asked why we did not print the rest of them when we put some of them into the RECORD. I simply urge that we have some rule of fairplay as to what extent we are going to burden the RECORD. I have many letters supporting this Government that I would like to put into the RECORD. I would like to have letters from Americans whom I regard as pa- triots put in the RECORD, because I sus- pect that many of thosl letters that are printed may not be exactly loyal Amer- icans. I know there are some heart-touching letters I have received from American citizens who realize this has been a great sacrifice to them. Many of them have paid a great price in the loss of loved ones and personal sacrifices, but never- theless they support the commitment of the United States. Mr. GRUENING. Mr. President, will the Senator yield? Mr. LONG of Louisiana. I yield. Mr. GRUENING. I should like to say to the Senator from Louisiana that those of us who oppose what we consider the great folly of preceding administra- tions, particularly this one, in involving ourselves militarily in Vietnam feel that we should not be sending our boys to fight and die in South Vietnam because the defense of South Vietnam is not essential to the defense of our Nation. Nothing that happens in Vietnam affects our national security. We invited our- selves in. We are fighting there for peo- ple who do not fight effectively for them- selves. We have had very little support from our allies, with whom we have pleaded for it. The report of the hear- ings released by the Armed Services Committee on the pending authorization bill, makes it apparent that we are going it practically alone, except for a few token contributions that we have had to work hard to get and that came in late. Those of us who oppose this partici- pation in an Asian civil war do not yield to anyone in our patriotism. It is our desire to see that we do not embark on a course which cannot be successful, in achieving the ends we allege we seek, that is too costly in lives and treasure in Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 CONGRESS][ONAL RECORD - SENATE February 23, Y D ii 6 an area which I do not think is worth the life of one American boy. Mr. LONG of Louisiana. We are there because of a commitment we had in the protocol to the southeast Asia Defense Treaty, which permitted us to resist ag- iression in the very area of South Vietnam. I rather resent the Senator's saying that the people of South Vietnam are ..lot willing to fitght for their country against the threat of communism. Let as understand this. There have been ,everal governments there. Some of those governments were not as popular as some of us would like them to have been, but not one of them has been as unpopular as is communism. More than 1 million people left North Vietnam with nothing more than they could carry with them, after having worked a lifetime to accumulate certain property and goods, in order to go to South Vietnam to try to escape com- munism, not knowing what kind of gov- ermnent they were going to have in South Vietnam. When they did get there, they did all they could to uphold an anti-Communist government to try to save themselves from communism. Little mayors, little aldermen, little chiefs of communities have been slaughtered by the Commu- nists. Nevertheless, they continue to op- pose communism-50,000 people have been killed by the Communists because they did not want to live under com- munism and support communism; 45,000 men of the South Vietnamese Army have .made the supreme sacrifice in fighting on the field of battle, not counting the hundreds of thousands of those who have been injured lighting for their country. If one considers the sacrifice these peo- ple have made in fighting not to be under the Communists, as General 'T'aylor has said, to compare the number to this country, we would have to multiply that number by 20. if we compared those sacrifices to the population of the United States, it would amount to 1,800,000 peo- ple in this country-mayors. and other little town leaders, who would have had their heads chopped off. The South Vietnamese continue valiantly. There are 20 South Vietnamese units compared to 5 American units on the field of battle today. So those South Vietnamese are fighting bravely. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The time of the Senator has expired. Mr. LONG of Louisiana. I ask unani- mous consent that I may have 3 addi- tional minutes. The PRESIDING OFFICER. With- out objection, it is so ordered. Mr. LONG of Louisiana. We did not decide to send troops into South Vietnam until North Vietnam did. South Viet- nam made it c`-ear that its people did not want to be overwhelmed by aggression from the Communists. We saw that they were going to need help. So when the Government of North Vietnam marched its troops in tl...ere, we sent our troops in, in accordance with our treaty commit- ment. People should look long and hard at the fact that we are living up to our commitment. South Vietnam Is a nation which has paid much to stand up against commu- nism, and yet we hear on the floor of the Senate that the people of South Vietnam are not fighting. The South Vietnamese have paid a greater price in relative terms that this country has ever paid in any war it has engaged in. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is t.!,ere objection to the request of the Senator from Oregon that certain matters be printed in the RECORD? There being no objection, the material was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: .Los ANGELES, CALIF., Febr2ary_22, 1936, S~nator WAYNE MORSE, Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.: Support your stand in the Vietnam war. Americans should have more represent:stion like yours. LA JOLLI,, CALIF., February 22, 1!666. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Washington, D.C.: Your views make sense to us on Vieinam. Please continue. LT. and Mrs. ROBERT MISHE: LL. SACRAMENTO, CALIF., February 22, 1:366. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.: In full support and appreciation for your courageous leadership on Vietnam issue. ROBERT and MARGARET C S . Los ANGELEi,. CALIF., February 22, 1x66. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Senate Of ffice Building, Washington, D.C.: Thank you for your courageous stand re- garding Viietnarn. Your publicizing the issue urgently needed. NEW ROCHELLE, N.Y., February 22, V, 66. Senator WAYNI. MORSE, Washington, D.C.: Continue open debate. No support for Vietnam war. Admire your courage. Mrs. RUTH SCHWARTZ. Los, ANGELES, CALIF., February 22, 1:166. Glen ator WAYNE, MORSE, Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.: The 60 members of our Democratic Club and the great majority of mothers at our ilarsery school are solidly behind you We are for cessation of bombing, recognition of NLP, no further escalation. We are ab- solutely against blank check appropriation for war. We think recent CDC resolutiin on Vietnam very significant of public feeling. Many middle-of-road Democrats locally go along with this position. Thank yo].I. and good luck. Mrs. STEPHANIE FI:DERAMN. President, Los Feliz Silverlake Dc?n.o- cratic Club. PALO ALTO, CALIF., February 22, 1366. Senator WAYNI,: MORSE, Washington, D.C.: I urge you to do your utmost to step the useless slaughter of Vietnamese and Ameri- can men. NEW ROCHELLE, N.Y., February 22, 1966. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.: Thank you for open hearings. We must oppose increased appropriation and insist on negotiations. Mr. and Mrs. HAROLD L. I'osN ER. NEw Yonic, N.Y., February 22, 1966. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Washington, D.C.: Thank you for your courage. Please con- tinue. MORTON KLEINMAN, M.D. SAUSALITO, CALIF., February 2.1, 1966. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Senate Building, Washington, D.C.: Congratulations. GERTRUDE and ALEXANDER SAXTO N. PTTTsnuRGII, PA., February 21, 1966. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.: I share Vietnam views on full disclosure, including Galbraith report. JOHN H. Gooowor'TH. GREENVILLE, CALIF., February 21, 1966. Hon. WAYNE MORSE, Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.: Keep fighting in courage and patriotism. You and GRUENING among the great of Amer- ican history. NEW YORK, N.Y., February 21, 1965. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.: Agree with you. ROCHESTER, N.Y., February 21, 1966. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. DEAR SENATOR: Your courage and convic- tions are admirable, realistic, and humane. You, and the members of our Government who oppose further expenditures for the escalation of the Vietnam war are ne.tiier puppets nor politicians, you are true states- men. There are thousand like me, who :ire backing you every inch of the way. Our democracy and our culture belong to us, as Americans. We cannot foist or project our way of life to satisfy the few who may profit from an empty victory, while sacrificing our boys, and children and little babies of both sides. Thank you for being concerned about the dignity of man, Very sincerely, MOUNT DORA, FLA., February 21, 1966. Hon. WAYNE MORSE, Washington, D.C.: Now is the time for the free nations of the world to actively demonstrate their true desire for freedom. Now is the time for us to reevaluate the extent of unity we may anticipate from our foreign aid policies. Every nation of the free world should be represented with military aid in Vietnam. This is a struggle of the free world over com- munism and should be represented as such thus eliminating the United States as prin- Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 February 23, 1966 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE cipal protector. Nations receiving our for- eign aid should discontinue shipments to nations jeopardizing the peace of the world. Our minority population will not enable us to stop communistic infiltrations and up- risings throughout the world as a sole trustee for peace. Now is the time for our people to support and commend Senators FULBRIGHT and MORSE for their valiant convictions in our behalf as well as union leaders' recom- mendation curtailing shipments to North Vietnam. . ALFRED P. BERRY. OLYMPIA, -WASH., Senator WAYNE MORSE, February 21, 1966. Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.: We heartily endorse your views on Vietnam and foreign policy, also your courage and loyalty. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. MCCLEARY. HOD. WAYNE MORSE, Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.: We commend your stand opposing Vietnam war. Mr. and Mrs. DAN RICH. DENVER, COLO., February 21, 1966. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Senate Building, - Washington, D.C.: We applaud your continued efforts for peace in Vietnam, especially recommenda- tion for Vietcong participation. PEACE WORKERS. KNOXVILLE, TENN., Senator WAYNE MORSE, February 21, 1966. U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C.: . God bless you for speaking up for all Americans. LORRAINE and BURT WOMACK. CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL., Senator WAYNE MORSE, Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.: Appreciate what you have done In inform- ing oitizens of this Republic what is going on in our Government. Our sincere grati- ture. Keep up the good work. GEORGE D. LYNCH. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Senate Chamber, Washington, D.C.: NEW YORK, N.Y., February 21, 1966. You are not alone. There are many of us that support you. I spent 5 years in the Pacific, so therefore I support you entirely. NORMAN B. PRINCE. MOUNT VERNON, N.Y., Senator WAYNE MORSE, Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.: Keep up your courageous stand. You are so right. Dr. and Mrs. DONALD S. SEARLE. KINGS POINT, N.Y., Senator WAYNE MonsE, Senate Of ee Building, Washington, D.C.: Your courageous efforts on behalf of sanity are truly remarkable. God give you the Strength to continue. Mr. and Mrs. EISNER. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.: You were great at the Senate Keep up your efforts. Sincerely, .., revraary LV, 2y66. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Washington, D.C..- Finally your voice is being heard. Please continue your courageous effort 't s o bring hearings. about a negotiated peace in Vietnam. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.: Keep up your good fight. Since we don't care to wage a sincere war, we should stop this faucet dripping blood. The draft should be replaced by an American system of well- paid and honored volunteers. Mrs. PAUL HARVEY. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.: We fully support your views on our in- voivement in Vietnam and would wish that more Members of Congress had your under- standing of the situation. GEORGE and AGUSTA LIPPMANN. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Washington, D.C.: MIAMI, FLA., February 20, 1966. Please continue your gifted effort to pub- licize the truth about Vietnam. WILLIAM B. NALL and CHARLOTTE NALL. DETROIT, MICH., Senator WAYNE MORSE, Washington, D.C.: We feel that you represent the very best in American politics. We urge you to continue your courageous efforts to bring the truth to the American people. Your longtime admirers, PAT RYAN. HELENE MROKOWSKI. MARY LOU LANGAN. JACK ZOBEL. PETER ZOBEL. JUDY SMALE. Washington, D.C.: Fully support your position on Vietnam and hope you escalate your efforts informing the public. LEONARD and BARBARA FASS. DETROIT, MICH., February 20, 1966. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Washington, D.C.: Support KENNEDY'S Proposal. - Negotiate with Vietcong. We applaud your efforts to stop Viet war, Mrs. E. KALISII. BUFFALO, N.Y., February 20, 1966. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Washington,,. D.C.: You and Senator FULBRIGHT are to be congratulated for your insight and patriotic work. Please accept my profound respect for your stand. R. C. TRAVIS. LAKEWOOD, N.J., February 20, 1966. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.: Support your stand on Vietnam. Urge you to continue to fight for curtailment of U.S. involvement. JEROME and BEATRICE SCHURGIN. DAVID HUNTER. REDONDO BEACH, CALIF., Senator WAYNE MORSE, Senate Building, Washington, D.C.: No nation has the right to intervene in the internal affairs of any other nation with the whole world apprehensive of our con- duct. Let us pray that the other side does not have another reckless man. Stand your ground, Senator. FRANK MORRIS. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Senate Office, Building, Washington, D.C.: MASPETH, N.Y., February 20, 1966. We support your stand on the Vietnam policies for a peaceful solution. ROSARIO LAVEIDI. LITTLE NECK, N.Y., Senator WAYNE MORSE, February 20, 1966. Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.: Full support for your stand on Vietnam. Please continue to speak for those who are opposed to our involvement in Vietnam. LESTER RHOADS. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.: We of the Long Island committee to end the Vietnam war gratefully applaud now as always your forthright stand against Amer- ican Vietnam policy. We feel there is suffi- cient ferment in Congress for many Senators to express their concern in a concrete way. Therefore, we hope your amendment, even though fully justified, will not be worded so strongly as to scare off the votes of FuL- BRIGHT, KENNEDY, CLARK, etc., in which case, Johnson would announce another mandate in his favor. We suggest wording which is palatable to enough Senators so that John- son will have no victory in Congress. Yours with deep respect, DAVID BLUM. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Senate Building, Washington, D.C.: Strongly approve your Vietnam investiga- tion. Wish you were my Senator. JIM KINNEY. MARINETTE, WIS.,966. Senator WAYNE MORSE, February 19, 1 Senate Building, Washington, D.C.: Thank you very much for your stand on the Vietnam question. Sincerely, Senator WAYNE MORSE, Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.: I want to thank you because you told the truth. And I will not let my boy fight Viet- namese. Let them fight their own war. Mrs. DOROTHY LOVINGS. Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SE HATE February 2v, _19,6!)' I:V i:w HAVEN, CONN., February 20, 1966. Senator WAYNE MORSE, ,,hate office Build,in.g, itlasti.ington, D.C.: War obsolete. We also, unless Vietnam oar stopped. Fight against ignorance ad- ssirable. keep pressure on. Deals W. and ERIC G. CIIANNON. TLevITTOWN, PA., February 19, 1966. ator WAYNE M( sas, Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.: ood work. Congratulations. Keep up the g C. EELMAN. RANCIZSCO, CALi1'., February 19, 1966. 'eater WAYNE MORSE, Washington, D.C.: 1Sooray for guts, decency, ratiosiclity. Up peace, down war for peoples of world. Hoe- i':+y, MORSE. BEATRICE FOGIN. I`'RANCISCO, CALIF., February 19. 1966. Tlator WAYNE MORSE, W;_r;;li.ington, D.C.: Ain firm admirer your dignified approach in persuading p epie to goodness, reason, tolerance, debate. GERALD PAUL. l oS ANGELES, CALIF., February 19, 1966. Senator WAYNE MORSE, :;rn.ate Chambers. Washington, D.C.: Splendid work. Please continue to oppose war in Vietnam. All want peace. l+:T,AINE M. `,ULLIGER. NEW YORK, N.Y., February 19, 1966. Senator WAYNE MORSE, U.S. Senate I71:rvcsligating Committee on Vietnam, We.srrington, D.C.: Ile assured that the great majority of Americans are behind you. True patriotism as you know is humanity, strength, and -sanity. SARAH BROWN. NEW HAVEN, CONN., February 19, 1966. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Senate Office Building, W!r')Iington, D.C.: Wholeheartedly and warmly support your position that we have been misguided by the administration in the conduct of Vietnamese war. Please continue vital hearings until the balance of the Senate awakens to their 1'. IT. POLLACK. 1,0-; ANGELES, CALIF., February 19, 1966. LOS ANGELES, CALIF.. February 20, 1966. Senator WAYNE MORSE. Senate, Office Building, Washington, D.C.: A copy of following telegram sent to Pre 91- dent Johnson. Rusk's statement that we mu1,^: teach Communists that they cannot win in Vietnam is reminiscent of nothing so much as the Nazis on the occasion of inv:-.d- ing Poland. In the name 01 this cOUi s'y and it democratic foreign policy, stop it. JA\4ES a11d KATHERINE C.IALI.AGHE' NEW YonK, N.Y., February 20, 196 . Senator WAYNE MORSE, senate Office Building, Washington., D.C.: Your courage, honesty, and consistent ef- fort to end the immoral and inhumane var in Vietnam gives us some hope. We agr;'c a vote should. be taken, but there must be in- sistence that our Congressmen truly re >re- cent the people's will for peace. RUTI.-i SI ALL IT and EVELYN IIYMA.'J. CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL., February 21, 19f:'6, Senator WAYNE MORSE, Senate 0lfice Building, Washington, D.C.: Appreciate what you have done in ini, rm- ing citizens of this Republic what is i,r ling on in our Government. Our sincere i; rati- itale. Keep up the good work. E'. G-. HARV rS. Ai;BANY, CALIF., February 20, 1946. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Senate office Building, Washington, D.C.: 'We appreciate your long fight to end American invclVernent in Vietnam. Don't geet discouraged. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. HUGOS.S. PHILADELPHIA, PENN., February 19, 1-66. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Senate Office Building, Washington, D'.C.: Applaud your position at bearings. JAMES MCBR1i,F:. JACK DASCHI%.CII. MILL VALLEY, CALIF.. February 19, 1966. senator WAYNE MORSE, Washington, D.C..' We support your Vietnam stand fora lneri- can decency. Wish we could help more. NATHAN AuLER. PASADENA, CALIF. February 19, (!)66. lion. WAYNE MORSE, Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.: We approve and support open lei er on Vietnam New York Times of Sunda Feb- ,Senator WAYNE MORSE, Senate Once Building, Washington, D.C.: We agree with your position. This is a cruel and senseless war. Keep lighting. Gratefully, l1''l1'. and Mrs. ALBERT AIZUSS, (,'HInIIALIS, WASH., February 19, 1966. Senator WAYNE: MORSE, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, W.^sihington, D.C.: Heartily endorse your concern to prevent escalation of Vietnam war. Extensive mili- tary personnel increase and North Vietnam bombing undoubtedly pressures China to- ward aggressive defensive action. Escalation will be disastrous. Appreciatively, W. CLYDE BEECHER. ARTHUR H. VAIN, IAN. AUDREY J. VAUG:[AN. MIAMI BEACH, FLA February 19. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Washington D.C.: OAKLAND, CALIF.. February 19, 1966. senator WAYNE MORSE, Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.: Congratulations Senator MORSE. Our fam- ily is grateful to you. We fear the backward element of the South, the Birchers and the extreme right have taken over foreign policy of our country. We suggest the character of General Ky in all its monstrosity be given publicity. Best wishes and thanks. The KANE FAMILY. MANHASSET, N.Y., February 19, 1964. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Washington, D.C.: Regarding Vietnam this is the first time you've been right and I approve. P. DANA;:.. PALO ALTO, CALIF., February 19, 1966. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Washington, D.C.: We support your position on American policy in Vietnam. Mr. Johnson's return to the theory that any acts are justified if they are anti- Communist is irresponsibility which jeopardizes the entire world. WILLIAM C. PAULSEN. MARI G. PAULSEN. DETROIT, MICR? February 21, 1969. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Washington, D.C.: If we cannot investigate State and CAA, we are going Fascist. C. MACAR. PORTLAND, OREG., February 20, 1911;. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Washington, D.C.: As an Oregon. resident of less than 2 months I am pleased and proud to Rod my- self represented by you. As a Johnson sup- porter in the last election I find myself in full support of your position on Vietnam. There are more people who support you and your position than even you realize. H. FREDERICK WESTON. MONMOUTH. OREG., February 19, 1966. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.: Congratulations on magnificent fight in Senate hearing on the war in Vietnam. The statement that million more Americans will support the President and Rusk is false. We want our boys home with us; to be free of the dreadful fear of nuclear warfare with any nation. Mr. and Mrs. EDWARD A. HEwT:'LL. BAKERSFIELD, CALIF., February 19. 1966. Senator MORSE, Washington, D.C.: We are with you all the way. Billions of people are counting on you to speak for us. Sincerely, M:r. and Mrs. THURSTON 1111NT. MOUNT VERNON, N.Y., February 19, 1966. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.: You are doing a remarkable job in the hearings before Foreign Relations Committee. You are speaking for our family and dozens of others we have spoken with. You have our unqualified support. ARTHUR and BETTY FAST. We wholeheartedly agree with your views on the Vietnam war. Your gentlemanly but firm debate with General Taylor was well stated. Hope the leaders of our coun try will heed your advice. Continued heal h and good luck to you.. Sincerely, Mr. and Mrs. HYMAN KIRSNEI and Family. Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B0044,6R000400030003-2 February 23, 1966 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE PORTLAND, OREG., February 19,1966. Senator WAYNE MORSE, U.S. Senate Building, Washington, D.C. DEAR Sin: Your efforts to keep American public informed on Vietnam war are sin- cerely appreciated. Do not become discour- aged. We support your action in the Senate hearings. Mrs. PAUL RAMONOWSKI, Mrs. FRANK J. LATLER, Mrs. B. E. HAFFNER, C. J. STACEY, DORIS CURTIS. HUNTINGTON, N.Y., February 19, 1966. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.: We support your courageous, intelligent Vietnam position and urge continued open debate in the Senate. Ruth Kelsey, Jean Levine, Maxine Roz, Mafalda Yurkewicz, Philip Greene, Judy Greene, Sally Lineweaver, John R. Lineweaver, Elizabeth Barkell, Richard Barkell, Stephanie Elind, John Lowry, Muriel Kanter, James McKay, B. J. Zukas, Sam R. Raskin, Mildred Raskin, Blayne Seligman, Theodore Salzman, Nanette Salzman, Adam Raskin, Henry Lowry, Louis Kanter. NEW Your, N.Y., February 18, 1966. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Senate Building, Washington, D.C.: Congratulations, debate General Taylor. Disaster if we do not pull out in time. Thank you. NEW YORK, N.Y., February 18,1966. Senator WAYNE MORSE, U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C.: I fully support your stand on Vietnam, yours being one of the few voices of sanity now heard in Washington. PHILADELPHIA, PA., February 19, 1966. Senator WAYNE MORSE, U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C.: Keep up the good work. PHILADELPHIA, PA., February 19, 1966. Senator WAYNE MORSE, U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C.: Keep up the good work. VANNA VENTURI. Hon. WAYNE MORSE, Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.: NAVARRE, OHIO, February 19, 1966. Keep up the good work. America is behind you. The next President of the United States will be the man that brings our boys back from this useless murdering in Vietnam. DAVID COLUCY. CORTLAND, N.Y., February 19, 1966. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.: Support your analysis and commend your stand during the hearings. WILLIAM AND JUDITH GRIFFEN. WESTBURY, N.Y., February 20, 1966. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Washington, D.C.: Please communicate to the President that I share your wise sentiments concerning Viet conflict. Dr. and Mrs. JULIAN G. KIRCHICK. ROSLYN HEIGHTS, N.Y., February 20, 1966. Senator WAYNE MORSE, U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C.: Congratulate you subject Vietnam. MORSE will be included in future "profiles" in- curred. SAN PABLO, CALIF., February 20, 1966. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Senate Building, Washington, D.C.: We agree 100 percent with your stand on Vietnam. Mr. and Mrs. DONALD KAY. Senator MORSE, Washington, D.C.: Congratulations peace. " CULVER CITY, CALIF., February 20, 1966. continued struggle world JUNE HUGHES. - FREEPORT, N.Y., February 20, 1966. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Washington, D.C.: Your leadership in Opposition to current policy in Vietnam is in the highest tradition of our country's ideals. Dr. and Mrs. CHARNEY and Family. SAN PEDRO, CALIF., February 20, 1966. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Washington, D.C.: Urge more public hearings exploration constructive proposals from University In- ternational Relation Centers and Ambas- sador Goldberg. RUTH MILLER THOMPSON. RUTHERFORD, N.J., February 19, 1966. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.: Good show sir. Carry on for the sake of the Nation. MOUNT VERNON, N.Y. February 19, 1966. Han. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Washington, D.C.: Thank God for your courage and your de- fense of decent principles and of America. Bravo Senator MORSE. NEW ORLEANS, LA., February 20, 1966. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.: Myself, my family, and a great many of my friends are in complete sympathy with what you are trying to do. You are saying what definitely needs to be said. GEORGE B. HOOVER. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Washington, D.C.: NEW YORK, N.Y., February 20, 1966. Please continue your courageous_,flght against administration policy in Vietnam. JOSEPH and MARJORIE GROELL. MOUNT VERNON, N.Y., February 20,1966. Hon. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.: Bravo, bravo, bravo, your stand On Amer- icas Vietnam policy is the worlds last hope. Gratefully, SAN JOSE, CALIF., February 21, 1066. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.: We deplore Rusks cynical testimony on Vietnam and support your opposition to the war. NEW YORK, N.Y., February 21, 1966. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.: The Nations hove for peace lies in your continued courageous quest for same Viet- nam policy. MARC KAMINSKY. Miss RITA CAHN. UTICA, N.Y., February 21, 1966. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.: Appreciate your concern, urge accepting World Council of Churches 10-point program for Vietnam peace ending wars brutality. Dr. and Mrs. H. ROBERT GEMMER. INDIANAPOLIS, IND., February 21, 1966. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.: Appreciate and support your position Viet- nam. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. LEWIS. THOUSAND OAKS, CALIF., February 21, 1966. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Washington, D.C.: We agree stop killing Americans unconsti- tutionally. Civil wars aren't within treaty commitments. Negotiate don't escalate. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. HENRICIISEN. Los GATOS, CALIF., February 21, 1966. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Senate Office Building, Washington. D.C.: I concur with your convictions regarding the potential of the Vietnam situation. Please persist in your efforts. DONALD W. JOHNSON. CHATSWORTH, CALIF., February 21, 1966. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Washington, D.C.: . Our hearts and hopes with you on Vietnam issue. How can we support you? Mr. and Mrs. ROLAND F. BRYAN. NEW HYDE PARK, N.Y., February 21, 1966. Senator WAYNE MORSE, Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.: Congratulations on your position taken at the recent Foreign Relations Committee hearings. Hope it will help toward bring- ing about successful negotiations and peace in Vietnam. Wiring the President to give full consideration to your suggestions. ROBERT, KAREN, LAURIE, BETTY, and FRANK PHILLIPS. Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 Approved For Release 2005/06/29 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000400030003-2 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE February 23, 1