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August 31, 1965
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Approved For Release' 2006/11/09: CIA-RDP67B00446R000500030009-4
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Approved For Release 2006/11/09: CIA-RDP67B00446R00050003000-4
Approved For Release 2006/11/09: CIA-RDP67B00446R000500030009-4
(01, : 3DT:3 ti a
armored superiority; Pakistan does enjo a qualita-
tive superiority in sodium tanks which is unlikely
to be reduced by India's acquisition of Soviet light
tanks, but the superiority is not as narked as he
states, he also have a fundamental reservation about
the possibility of any tacit US?Soviet arms freeze,
such as Harrison mentions, in the present state of
US-Soviet relations.
Director of Current Intelligence
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Approved For Release 2006/11/09: CIA-RDP67B00446R000500030009-4
Approved For Release 2006/11/09: CIA-RDP67B00446R000500030009-4
September 24, 1965 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD HOUSE 24175
d f acre fence of the first democratic constitu-
o p
Ernest Schein, a former employee of the
Philippine War Damage Commission and as-
sociate of O'Donnell, registered as a lobby-
ist May 21, 1962, for the Dlstribuidora de
Azucares, Bogotf, Colombia. Press reports
said Schein was receiving $15,000 a year to
represent Colombian sugar interests. His
name also figured in the 1963 congressional
investigation involving O'Donnell.
The firm of. Purcell and Nelson registered
as a lobbyist March 20, 1964, for Sugar Sales
Ltd., of Southern Rhodesia. Reports said
the firm was receiving $5,000 from Rhodesian
sugar interests to present their case.
Robert L. Farrington, a former Agriculture
Department official (solicitor, 1954-56; gen-
eral counsel, 1956-59, among other jobs) reg-
istered May 8, 1964, as a lobbyist for the
Chinese Government Procurement and Serv-
ices Mission, Division for Taiwan Sugar Corp.
Press reports said he -was receiving $250 a
month to represent Taiwanese sugar inter-
Washington lawyer James N. Earnest, reg-
istered as a lobbyist September 1. 1964, for
the Mauritius Sugar Syndicate. Press re-
ports said he was 'receiving 5,000 British
BAs ($1A 000)
The law firm of Casey, Lane & Mittendorf munist aggression against the peoples of the
registered as a' lobbyist June 22, 1962. for free world.
the South African Sugar Association. In What is even worse, the Poles deprived of
1964 the firm reportedly received a fee of their freedom by the Moscow aggressors are
$24,000 from the association. forced to pay_for the Communist poisoning
MADAGASCAR of the younger generation and for the God-
less education full of lies and immoral de-
Seymour S. Guthman registered as a lobby- pravations.
1st May 12, 1964, for the Syndicat des Distil- Poles have to defend Cardinal Wyszynski,
lateurs et Producteurs de Sucre de Madagas- Polish clergy and the Catholic Church and
car, which was said to be paying him $625 a help them in their fight against the commu-
month. nization of Poland.
We should increase our efforts, and inten-
ADDRESS OF MR. STANISLAW sify our fight for the just division of the
nation's loaf of bread in Poland, because
MIKOLAJCZYK of the great injustice being committed
(Mr, DERWINSKI (at the request of against the Polish nation.
Mr. DEVINE) Was granted permission to Today, however, we have to think in global
extend his remarks at this point in the terms. When the Communist aggression
against the free world is constantly spread-
RECORD and t0 include extraneous mat- ing, you in Chicago took a right stand in your
ter.) resolutions on the Polish Peasant Day.
Mr. DERWINSKI. Mr. Speaker, as You supported in those resolutions the ef-
we know, the situation in foreign affairs forts of President Johnson to stop the Com-
h f world-
t t
meets already today all the requirements to
qualify her for help from the great free
nations of the world in their struggle for
independence and freedom.
Mr. Speaker, Mr. Mikolajczyk's address
was delivered to leaders of Albania, Bul-
garia, Czechoslovakia, Lithuania, Serbia,
and Ukraine peasant movements who
likewise with great authenticity speak
for their oppressed brethren held in
bondage by the Communist colonial dic-
tatorships. It is my hope. that their
words and observations will receive more
respect and review from our foreign
diplomats than they have heretofore.
(Mr. TUPPER (at the request of Mr.
DEVINE) was granted permission to ex-
tend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous mat-
continues to deteriorate, in substantial munist aggression agains
part due to the failure of the Department In Tibet where the people were deprived of [Mr. TUPPER'S remarks will appear
of State and the President's foreign pol- their freedom and independence,-in Viet- hereafter in the Appendix.]
nam, and in the Dominican Republic.
icy advisors to recognize the fundamental We wish the President, as we wish our
problems in Eastern Europe. This is brothers in Poland, that the efforts and
especially tragic since there are out- sacrifices of the American people could bring
standing exile leaders of the respective as early as possible the expected results. We
captive peoples of Eastern Europe who wish that out of this fight and sacrifices could
can properly advise the administration also come tha atlthefwill a nded fight
(Mr. CRAMER (at the request of Mr.
DEVINE) was granted permission, to ex-
tend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous mat-
of true conditions within their countries. we w s
for equal rights and freedom of all peoples, [Mr. CRAMER's remarks will appear
One of these outstanding leaders is regardless of their color or origin will also hereafter in the Appendix.]
Mr. Stanislaw Mikolajczyk, chairman of include the Polish people.
a continuation of my remarks excerpts has the same riguu w =aaucyc==~~?-~~ w-->
from his address before the annual Har- dom as the nations of Far East and Africa, Mr. GROSS. Mr. Speaker, in view of
vest Thanksgiving Day sponsored by the which justly obtained their independence in the remarks of the distinguished major-
recent years. ity leader, I ask unanimous consent that
Alliance of Friends of the Polish Village Seventy years of the organized work of after completion of the legislative busi-
in America, held in Chicago on Septem- the Polish peasant movement is not only an ness of the day and special orders pre-
I 5: enormous effort of our forefathers with
I myself came from the part of Poland, Wincenty Witos as a leader at the top but viously entered, I be permitted to ad-
which enjoyed a relatively higher standard long years of fight and work for the enlight- dress the House for 1 hour on December
of living-not, because peasants were in enment and education in the civil rights of 24, 1965.
majority in this part of Poland, but, because all the common people in Poland. This work The SPEAKER. Without objection,
of the advanced industrialization based on has already paid good dividends: After the it is so ordered.
the processing of their own agricultural First World War-free and independent
products. In this part of Poland the peasants Poland with an access to the Baltic Sea; the There was no objection.
No. 177-8
were quickly adopting the new me
production in agriculture, and therefore re- tion in 1921; the land reform; the establish-
ceiving better harvests from their soil, and ment and the organization of the state ad-
higher income from their work in the village. ministration are just a few examples.
In fact the rural population in that part of This education and tradition have guided
Poland was in the minority. us in our fight against the Nazis during
The unfavorable climatic and poor soil World War II, and it helped us very much
conditions were overcome by the independ- in the fight against the new Communist oc-
ent agricultural organizations and the coop- cupants of Poland after the war.
eratives. Also we were helping ourselves by The most important result of those
the wide territorial self-government. This is 70 years of work and fight of the Polish
the way it was before the Second World War peasant movement Is the fact that out of
and this part of Poland is today still leading all the nations behind the Iron Curtain,
in the national agricultural production. Poland has today the smallest percentage of
Can a citizen of today's Poland even dream the land in the Communist collectives, and
about the just cutting of the national loaf Communists to communize the Polish troubles their
villages. The
of bread?
Certainly, nat few existing . Kolchozes in Poland were
There are no free elections in Poland. liquidated by the Polish peasants immedi-
There are no independent agricultural or- ately after Stalin's death.
ganizations. The ideals of the Polish peasant; movement
And the free territorial self-government are so deeply rooted in the souls and hearts
does not exist any more. of the people of Poland, that even the long
The last elections in Poland, like the pre- years of the occupation by the enemy were
vious ones, were only a Communist comedy. unable to destroy them.
The citizens did not have a right to elect This is the most important heritage of the
or to choose, but only a right to vote for the Polish peasant movement in its 70 years of
Communist agents of Moscow, who were work and fight.
brought to Poland and imposed by Moscow We believe which that tin this heritage lies the
power, In future to
on the Polish nation.
Not Poles, but the Communist agents are Poland the just cutting of the nations loaf
deciding about the cutting of the national of bread. Today this heritage forms the base rive loaf pf bread. In addition, the~Communists s for tt hefre0dt dand i of the en Pocsh people
Approved For Release 2006/11/09: CIA-RDP67B00446R000500030009-4
Approved For Release 2006/11/09: CIA-RDP67B00446R000500030009-4
24176 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE September 24, 1965
MEMORIAL TO FORMER SENATOR INTER,AMA-H.R. 30 thus far each country has spent enough
ELBERT THOMAS (Mr. PEPPER (at the request of Mr. to build - a great steel mill-enough to
(Mr. PEPPER (at the request of Mr. GETTYS) was granted permission to ex-. furnish needed food for millions of hun-
GETTYS) was granted permission to ex- tend his remarks at this point in the gry people and a better life for count-
tend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include extraneous mat- les numbers. It is the earnest hope of
RECORD and to include extraneous ter.) the world that the United Nations will
matter.) Mr. PEPPER. Mr. Speaker, in the de- continue its good offices- until there shall
Mr. PEPPER. Mr. Speaker, because bate on H.R. 30 in the House on Septem- be a fair and honorable settlement of the
of my great affection and regard for ber 22 I inadverently failed to comment controversy respecting Kashmir between
former Senator Elbert Thomas I would on the absence from H.R. 30 as amended these two great states.
like to insert in- body of RECORD copy of by the House Foreign Affairs Commit- But aside from the termination of the
letter I recently wrote his son on the tee, of the provisions of my H.R. 30 as hostilities between India and Pakistan
passing of the Senator, and an article originally introduced relative to the ap- three other great events have emerged
from the Washington post on his death. plicability of the Bacon-Davis Act, as from this episode:
SEPTEMBER 21, 1965. amended (40 U.S.C., sec. 276a-276a-5). First. The resurgence of the power and
Mr. W. S. THtoMAS, I am informed the reason those provi- authority of the United Nations as the
Lawton, Okla. sions were deleted from H.R. 30 as peacekeeping organ of the world-a high
DEAR MR. Tiros. s; Your loss of your great amended by the House Foreign Affairs in the experience of the United Nations
father and our cherished friend and neigh- Committee was that the provisions of the dramatically following the saddening low
bor for so long in Washington saddened Mrs. Bacon-Davis Act would ' apply to which only a little while ago brought so
Pepper and me very much. I was n any
ot only the contract for the construction, repair or much concern to the hearts of the peace-
colleague of your father in the senate but
Mrs. s. Pepper and I were warm friends of rehabilitation of any exhibit by the loving people of the world.
Senator and Mrs. Thomas. Your father was United States under H.R. 30 without second. The cooperation of the United
a great statesman, a -dedicated American, a specific reference thereto being made in States and the Soviet Union through the
devoted public servant, a gracious and H.R. 30. United Nations in terminating this tragic
charming gentleman. I wish it definitely understood that i and dangerous war-a momentous ex-
Mrs. Pepper and I shall ever cherish the am speaking by the authority of the ample of what these two great countries
memory of our happy associations and rthairmon of th
can An in trnnri.... ?h.,
Thomas. Please extend to the other mem-
bers of your family our deepest sympathy.
Believe me,
Always sincerely,
Member of Congress.
From the Washington (D.C.) Post, Sept.
20, 1965]
Former U.S. Senator Elmer Thomas, 89,
a Member of Congress for 28 years, died
yesterday in a Lawton, Okla., hospital after
The lifelong Democrat represented Okla-
homa in the Senate for 24 years until his
deTeat in the 1950 primary by Senator Mmz
MONRONET, Democrat, of Oklahoma.
After losing his last senatorial campaign,
Mr. Thomas practiced law in Washington
until he returned to Oklahoma with his
wife in 1957. He once explained why he
stayed in Washington even though he was
no longer a Senator.
"I'm a bit like a prizefighter-it takes
a little time to cool him off before he goes
But Mr. Thomas never visited the-Senate
Chamber where he spent so many yearrs.
"In my time," he said, "I saw so man
and asking favors, that it disgusted me."
During his last Years in Washington
"Forty Years a Legislator," and "Legislative
History of the Atom Bomb."
He was recognized as an authority on fi-
nancial affairs, Indian legislation, agricul-
ture, and oil while he was in the Senate.
During the New Deal he was, a strong
supporter of inflating the currency and
making silver legal tender.
"We have taken-43 cents of value out of
the dollar during this (the Roosevelt) ad-
ministration," he said in 1935, "We have
got to further cheapen the dollar before we
have prosperity."
Mr. Thomas served for many years as
chairman of the Senate Agriculture Com-
Before entering the Senate in 1927, he rep-
resented Oklahoma's Sixth District in the
Mr. Thomas is survived by a son, W. S.
Thomas, of Lawton, and three grandchil-
Inter-American Cultural and Trade
Center, the State agency which is the
legal authority for the operation of the
center, that it commits itself, insofar as it
may have legal authority in the matter,
to see to it that the Bacon-Davis Act
does apply to any construction, repair, or
rehabilitation in the center under H.R.
30 as amended.
I am further authorized by the chair-
man of the Inter-American Cultural and
Trade Center Authority to state that the
authority commits itself to apply the
principles, of the Davis-Bacon Act to all
construction, repairs, or rehabilitation
done by the authority at the center with
the use of any funds obtained as a loan
from the Community Facilities Adminis-
tration, an agency of the United States;
and agrees to the inclusion of a provi-
sion to that effect in the formal agree-
ment evidencing the loan of the Com-
munity Facilities Administration to the
Inter-American Cultural and Trade
Center Author ty in respect to any con-
structloji, des or rehabilitation upon
the ce ey-premises.
GETTYS) was granted permission to ex-
tend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD, and to include extraneous
Mr. PEPPER. Mr. Speaker, the people
of the world have breathed a prayer of
gratitude to the United Nations for
bringing about a cease-firein the enlarg-
ing war between India and Pakistan in
which Communist China was threatening
to take a part. All honor and tribute to
our great President to whom the prin-
cipal credit for this mighty achievement
is due and to the United Nations which
brought it about.
These two great countries of India and
Pakistan, like all countries, cannot afford
the cost of war in treasure not to speak
of the priceless assets of human life.
Already it is reported that in the war
tended they should do when the United
Nations was formed.
Third. The setback to the aggressive
designs of Communist China against
India, and after India vast areas
beyond, through the strong voice of
the United Nations supported in un-
ity and determination by the Unit-
ed States and the Soviet Union-
indeed by the great powers which as-
sumed the obligation to work together in
the inception of the United Nations
Mr. Speaker, let us hope that upon
the foundation of this meaningful
achievement the edifice of the United Na-
tions shall rise to greater and greater
majesty as the instrument of peace, jus-
tice, and the promotion of human
welfare and dignity in the world.
And let us hope most fervidly, Mr.
Speaker, that the Soviet Union will see
in this experience the reward of work-
ing for peace in the world with the
United States and the other peaceloving
powers and will in the future dedicate
itself to following that course. For if
the United States and the Soviet Union
with their great might and power will
honorably and earnestly work together
for the peace and the betterment of man-
kind, of course with the cooperation of
most of the other nations of the world
anxious for such a course they can stop
war, reduce the danger of a nuclear holo-
caust, bring about disarmament to the
point where no nation shall longer be
a dangerous-aggressor, and lift all man-
kind to walk on higher ground than its
feet have ever trod.
(Mr. SCHEUER (at the request of Mr.
GETTYS) was granted permission to ex-
tend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous mat-
Mr. SCHEUER. Mr. Speaker, con-
tamination of the environment is now
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Approved For Release 2006/11/09: CIA-RD P67B00446R000500030009-4
September 24, 1965
The major difference between the two
versions of the bill is the authorization
by title, resulting in a total authorization
of $1.895 billion in the House bill, and
$1.650 billion in the Senate bill.
The conferees arrived at a compro-
mise, figure of $1.785 billion, which rep-
resents an increase of $135 million over
the authorization in the Senate bill, and
a decrease of $110 million from the au-
thorization in the House bill.
The primary difference may be found
in title I, where the conferees increased
the authorization $165 million.
Q pro
The reason for this increase was t -
vide more money for the Neighborhood
Youth Corps, which has had great suc-
cess both jn the number of youths par-
ticipating, ` and the benefits resulting
from their participation.
The conferees received telegrams from
many State officials urging that the au-
thor on atifor this program be in-
The Senate conferees have receded
from the Senate position in section
209(c) In regard'to the Governor's veto
As the Senate will recall, during Sen-
ate consideration of the bill the Gover-
nor's veto was dropped from the bill and
the Senate rejected seven or eight
amendments' to reinstate some form of
The Senate position was adopted in
conference, in lieu of the House lan-
guage which permitted the Governor's
veto but which permitted the Director
of OEO to, reconsider such- actions and
override them. _ _
However, the House subsequently voted
to recommit the conference report to
conference, with instructions to its con-
ferees to insist on the House position.
On returning to conference, the Sen-
ate conferees were reluctant to recon-
side and recede on this. point.
However, in view of the House action,
the Senate conferees agreed to recede
and to accept the House language.
The Senate c. referees, receded from
the Senate position which provided for
Hatch Act coverage to VISTA volunteers
and persons employed by agencies ad-
ministering or carrying on community
action programs, and whose salaries are
paid in principal part from funds ap-
propriated under the act.
The exclusion of these provisions was
based upon the difficulty of applying the
existing statutory restrictions to orga-
nizations and. agencies for which they
were not designed.
In no way did the conferees intend any
retreat from the principle that these
programs must be conducted in a com-
pletely impartial manner, free of any
partisan political activity or any activity
designed to further the election or defeat
of any candidate for public office.
In. addition, a letter was received from
John W, Macy, Jr., Chairman of the
U.S. Civil Service Commission, opposing
this $enat,ealne? dnie t,
I aslt ulani: rnous , consent that Mr
Macy's letter be printed in the RECORD
The fig t SI151l~TC OFFICER. With-
out objection, it is so ordered.
Mr. McNAMAR,A. Mr. President, the
remaining ?differences resolved by the
House and Senate conferees were rela-
tively minor in nature.
An explanation of the action taken on
these amendments is contained in the
statement ' of the managers on the part
of the House.
I ask unanimous consent that the
portion of the House conferees' state-
ment in explanation of the conferees'
action be printed in the RECORD at the
conclusion of my remarks.
objection, It is so ordered.
(See exhibit 2.)
Mr. McNAMARA. Mr. President, in
conclusion, this bill, the Economic Op-
portunity Amendments of 1965, provides
an authorization of funds for fiscal year
1966, and a 1-year extension of the Fed-
eral share of financing at 90 percent for
programs under title I, parts B and C,
and title II of the act.
The legislation was enacted on August
20, 1964, and not funded until October 8,
1964. Involved in its many programs
are new concepts to assist in the war on
poverty. The progress made thus far
deserves our continuing support.
I believe we arrived at an excellent bill
in conference, and I urge Senate approval
of the conference report.
Washington, D.C., September 1, 1965.
U.S. Senate.
Commission respectfully submits the follow-
ing views regarding section 18 of H.R. 8283,
added by the Senate, making the Hatch Po-
litical Activities Act applicable to employees
of private nongovernmental agencies which
administer or conduct community action
programs under the Economic Opportunity
Act .of 1964, as amended. The amendment
adopted by the Senate would revise section
211 of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964
by inserting a new subsection (a) as follows:
"(a) Any person who is employed by any
agency administering or conducting a com-
munity action program receiving assistance
under this part and whose salary is paid in
principal part from funds appropriated pur-
suant to this part, shall be deemed to be an
officer or employee of a State or local agency
for the purposes and within the meaning of
the act entitled 'An act to pirevent perni-
cious political activities,' approved August 2,
1939 (53 Stat. 1147) as amended."
The Commission believes that it would be
unwise to extend the general political activ-
ity restrictions of the HatchAct to such a
sizable group of persons in the private sector
of community life.
Before action is taken on the bill the con-
ference managers should appreciate the full
scope and impact of this provision which
would constitute a major departure from
long-standing precedent in legislation of this
type, as established by the Hatch Act.
Whereas the Hatch Act covers those who oc-
cupy positions of public trust as employees
of executive agencies of the Federal Govern-
ment or of State.-or local governments, the
amendment as adopted by the Senate would
prohibit certain employees of private organi-
zations from taking any active part in par-
tisan political affairs. The Senate amend-
ment can be read so as to include, poten-
tially, employees of such organizations as
legal aid societies, religious and charitable
organizations, and other groups which we
believe do not normally have any substantial
The primary justification for the restric-
tive provisions of the Hatch Act is found in
the fact that those whose political freedom
is curtailed are governmental employees who
are expected by the general public to refrain
from active political partisanship.
Under the 1940 amendments of the Hatch
Act, such restrictions are applied to em-
ployees of State and local governmental
agencies whose principal employment is in
connection with activities financed by Fed-
eral loans or grants. There again the Con-
gress directed the prohibitions to officers and
employees of governmental agencies only.
Of course, the Commission concurs in the
view that partisan politics should be kept out
of community action programs financed by
Federal grants. In this regard it should be
noted that existing law goes far to proscribe
partisan political activity in community
action programs. Section 12 of the Hatch Act
prohibits partisan political activity on the
part of any officer or employee of a public
agency who is principally employed in con-
nection with such an activity financed by
Federal loans or grants. The same section of
the Hatch Act would also prohibit such an
officer or employee from using his official
authority or influence for the purpose of
interfering with an election.or promoting the
solicitation of money for political purposes.
It is the Commission's position that the
Hatch Act will deter most of those engaged in
community action programs who otherwise
might be inclined to become active in par-
tisan political campaigns.
The Commission believes that the Congress
should seriously consider the effect of a leg-
islative prohibition against political activity
on the part of private employees. We urge
that the amendment be rejected.
By direction of the Commission.
Sincerely yours,
The Senate amendment contained a pro-
vision, which had no counterpart in the
House bill, which prohibited the Director
from authorizing a Job Corps program which
would result in the displacement of em-
ployed workers or impair existing contracts
for services. The conferees have agreed upon
a compromise under which the Director is
required to prescribe regulations to prevent
Job Corps programs from displacing pre-
sently employed workers or the impairment
of existing contracts for services.
The Senate amendment prohibited the Di-
rector from making payments to any in-
dividual or organization for the service of
referring candidates for enrollment in the
Job Corps or names of such candidates. The
House bill contained no similar provision.
The conference report contains a substitute
which provides that the Director shall make
no payments to any individual or organiza-
tion solely as compensation for the service
of referring the names of candidates for the
The Senate amendment provided that com-
munity action programs must include pro-
visions for feasible access, of the public to
information, including but not limited to,
reasonable opportunity for public hearings
at the request of appropriate local commu-
nity groups. The House bill contained no
comparable provision. The conference agree-
ment adopts the Senate provision, except
that the word "feasible" is changed to "rea-
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plan for the assistance and has not disap-
proved It within 30 days.
The House bill amended this provision so
`that, in the event of the disapproval of a plan
by a Governor, the Director could reconsider
It, and if he found it fully consistent with
the provisions and in furtherance of the
purposes of this act, could override the Gov-
ernor's disapproval.
Pursuant to the instructions of the House,
the House conferees have insisted on the
inclusion of the House provision in the con-
ference report. The conferees expect that
the procedures established by the Director
of the Office of Economic Opportunity under
section 209(a) will include provision for in-
formal hearings held by the Director at the
request of the Governor of a State or other
interested parties.
The House bill provided that when the
Director receives an application for a com-
munity action program to be carried out in
a community in which a community action
agency is carrying on a program consisting
of several component programs, he must
give notice to that agency. The Senate
amendment added a requirement that the
Director also give notice to the Governor of
the State. The Senate amendment also
provided that when the Director determines
that a separate contract or grant is desira-
ble and practical and that special cause has
been shown, he may make a grant directly
to, or contract directly with, such agency.
The conference substitute includes both
of these Senate provisions, except that the
requirement that "special" cause must be
shown before the Director may contract di-
rectly has been altered to require "good"
cause to be shown.
Voluntary assistance program for needy
The House bill struck out part C of title
II of the act providing for the establishment
in the Office of Economic Opportunity a
center to encourage voluntary assistance for
deserving and needy children. The Senate
amendment retained part C, but deleted the
provision under which the center was di-
rected to collect the names of persons who
voluntarily desire to assist such children
financially, and to obtain information con-
cerning deserving and needy children from
social welfare agencies.
The conference report adopts the Senate
Indemnity payments to dairy farmers
The Senate "Mendment extended until
June 30, 1966, the program provided for by
the act for making indemnity payments to
dairy farmers who have been directed to re-
move their milk from commercial markets
because It contained residues of chemicals
registered and approved for use at the time
of such use. The conference substitute
adopts the Senate provision.
Programs for the elderly poor
The Senate amendment added a provision
to the act stating the intention of Congress
that whenever feasible the special problems
of the elderly poor should be considered in
the development, conduct, and administra-
tion of programs under the act. The con-
ference report retains this provision of the
Senate amendment.
The Senate amendment also provided for
the establishment in the Office of Economic
Opportunity of a Task Force on Programs
for the Elderly Poor. The conference sub-
stitute does not include this provision.
National Advisory Council
The Senate amendment provided for a
National Advisory Council of 21 members
with the Director an ex-officio member to
review and to make recommendations of the
programs under the act. The House bill In-
creased the members from 14 to 20 but made
no,other changes in the provisions of the
act. The House bill provision was accepted
by the conferees.
Transfer of funds between titles
The Senate amendment added a section
to the act permitting up to 10 percent of the
amount appropriated or allocated for any
title to be transferred for use in carrying out
other titles, but the amount available for
use for any title could not be increased" by
more than 10 percent. The conference sub-
stitute includes this provision.
Equitable distribution of benefits between
urban and rural areas
The Senate amendment required the Di-
rector to adopt such administrative meas-
ures as are necessary to assure that benefits
of the act will be distributed equitably be-
tween residents of rural and urban areas.
The substitute agreed upon In conference
contains a modification of the Senate provi-
sion under which the Director is required to
adopt appropriate administrative measures
to assure such equitable distribution.
Authorization of appropriations
The House bill authorized the appropria-
tion for fiscal year 1966 of $825 million to
carry out title I of the act. The Senate
amendment authorized the appropriation for
such year of $535 million for such purpose.
The amount fixed in conference is $700
The House bill authorized the appropria-
tion for fiscal year 1966 of $680 million to
carry out title II of the act. The Senate
amendment authorized the appropriation
for such year of $880 million for such pur-
pose. The conference substitute authorizes
the appropriation for such purpose for such
year of $850 million.
The House bill authorized the appropria-
tion for the fiscal year 1966 of $70 million to
carry out title III. The Senate amendment
authorized the appropriation for such year
of $55 million for such purpose. The con-
ference substitute adopts the Senate figure.
The House bill authorized the appropria-
tion for the fiscal year 1966 of $300 million
to carry out title V. The Senate amend-
ment authorized the appropriation for such
year of $150 million for such purpose. The
conference report contains the Senate figure.
The House bill authorized the appropria-
tion for the fiscal year 1966 of $20 million to
carry out title VI. The Senate amendment
authorized the appropriation for such year
of $30 million for such purpose. The substi-
tute agreed upon in conference adopts the
Senate figure.
Mr. CLARK. Mr. President-
Chair recognizes the Senator from Perm-
Mr. CLARK. Mr. President, I ask
unanimous consent that I may yield 3
minutes to the Senator from Wisconsin
[Mr. PROXMIRE] without losing the floor.
out objection, it is so ordered.
The present act contains examples of pro-
grams which fall within the purposes of
community action programs. The Senate
amendment added to the list the fields of
family planning, consumer credit education,
and consumer debt counseling programs. -It
also gave emphasis to the fact that the list
Is merely to give examples by providing that
the programs falling within the purpose of
the part include, but are not limited to, the
listed fields. The House bill contained no
.comparable provision. The conference sub-
stitute omits the listing of additional ex-
amples of types of permissible programs. It
adopts, however, the Senate provision In-
suring that the listed fields are not the only
ones In which programs may be carried. The
managers on the part of the House wish it
to be understood that the omission of the
Senate provision in. no way indicates that
It-is their intention or the intention of the
Senate conferees to discourage the continua-
tion and expansion of 'programs in these
fields. Programs In these fields are now be-
ing carried on, and are to be encouraged.
The Senate amendment authorized the Di-
rector to make grants for special programs
directed at the needs of those chronically
unemployed poor persons who have poor em-
ployment prospects, and are unable, because
of age or otherwise to obtain appropriate
employment or training assistance under
other programs. These programs, in addition
to other services, will enable such persons to
participate in projects for the betterment or
beautification of the community served by
the program, including activities which will
contribute to the management, conservation,
or development, of natural resources, recrea-
tional areas, Federal, State, and local govern-
ment parks, highways, and other lands. The
program must be conducted in accordance
withstandards adequate to assure that the
program is in the public interest and other-
wise consistent with policies applicable
under the act for the protection of employed
workers and the maintenance of basic rates
of pay and other suitable conditions of em-
ployment. It was also provided that $150
million of the funds appropriated for carry-
ing out title II of the act for the fiscal year
1966 could be used for this purpose. The
House bill contained. no similar provision.
The provisions for these special programs are
retained in the substitute agreed upon In
.conference. However, the provision for ear-
marking a portion of the funds appropriated
for title II for this purpose was not retained.
The Senate amendment contained a pro-
vision requiring the Director to give special
consideration to programs which would,
through self-help, rehabilitate substandard
housing and provide instruction in basic
skills associated with such rehabilitation.
This provision is not included in the substi-
tute agreed upon in conference. However,
programs in these fieldsare now being car-
ried on and are to be encouraged.
Participation of State agencies
The Senate amendment provided for con-
tinuing consultation with approximate State
agencies in the development, conduct and
administration of community action pro-
grams. The conference substitute includes
this provision except for the word "contin-
Disapproval of plans
The present act provides that no assistance
can be made available for work-training pro-
grams or community action programs until
the Governor of the State in which they are
to be carried on has been given notice of the
Mr. PROXMIRE. Mr. President, it
has been a long, dry 1965 for the United
Nations. The U.N. has been unable to
contribute significantly to peace in Viet-
nam. The U.N. Assembly has been un-
able even to cast a substantive vote.
But now, thanks to the great skill of
the Johnson administration, the for-
bearing cooperation of the Soviet
Union, and the quiet but vigorous efforts
of the United Kingdom and others, the
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September 24, 1965 CON041 SSIONAL RECORD - SENATE '24197
United Nations has achieved what ap cL6sE SHAVE FOR PEACE big four that succeeded in isolating the con-
pears to be'a 10-strike for peace in sue- And only a few persons knew how close to Met from the opportunism of Peiping.
cessfullywinning a cease-fire between disaster the path to peace had come in the (The U.N. General Assembly's steering
- - - tense hours between 1:45 am. Monday, when committee recommended-without taking a
India and Pakistan. the Council demanded a cease-fire, and 3 a.m. formal vote-that the Assembly, again take
The war between`these two major non- Wednesday, when Bhutto agreed. up the Issue of a seat for Red China, Asso-
Gommunist Couritlie_S of Asia was not There was almost universal agreement elated Press reported. U.B. Ambassador
only developing into the tragedy of vio- among diplomats that this was the Security Charles Y. Yost said the United States had
lence and death that characterizes all Council's finest hour. The threat of this war, no objection to full-scale Assembly debate,
war, but also threatened to collapse the with the backstage role of Communist China, but added that in the light of recent events
major bastions of freedom in Asia, with had an importance that most thought greater he believed the debate "would serve no use-
Red China picking up the pieces. than earlier Council peace actions. ful purposes." The steering committee also
A few days. ago, it seemed impossible Most of the delegates agreed that much of overrode Communist objections and recom-
for the U.N. or any other force to call the credit belonged to Goldberg, even though mended that the Assembly again take up the
he had risked a mutiny by some of the mem- Tibet issue.)
ligious war.
President Johnson should be especially
singled out for commendation. It must
have been tempting to step into this con-
troversy as the peacemaker-as, indeed,
he was urged' to do by the belligerents.
His credentials for this peace-directing
role as the President of the principal
source of economic aid for both coun-
tries, and the major supplier of arms for
Pakistan, were mighty impressive.
But the President had the wisdom to
restrain the Nation from the glory and
the danger of such a role. He wisely
recognized the part that the Soviet
Union and the United Kingdom could
and should play, and he especially per-
ceived how very important this role
could be and should be for the United
The success of the United Nations in
serving as the agency that has brought
a man-
kind cease-fire in better this than"~ war will
a"US. unilaterally
enforced peace, even if we could have
achieved it. This gives confidence to the
United , Nations and in the United
As the Washington Post put it in Its
headline yesterday, "U.N. Makes Peace
in Its Finest Hour," the U.N. achieve-
ment can 'be a real harbinger of
strength-along with the U.N. success in
Korea, the Suez, Cyprus, the Congo, and
Americans should be proud that this
Nation, under the leadership of Presi-
was threatened by a waixouz Os sou.G vi a.~
same angry members early today.
Goldberg himself was convinced that the
agreement early Monday morning was the
fruit of continuous negotiations he had de-
manded as Council president.
At the crucial moment in these negoti-
ations Monday, the six nonpermanent mem-
bers of the Council handed Goldberg a let-
ter threatening to walk out and challenging
his extended talks alone with France, the
Soviet Union and Britain while they cooled
their heels outside. Fortunately, he had just
won agreement from the Big Four on a reso-
lution almost identical to one he had nego-
tiated earlier in the day with the six.
Their mutiny was abandoned and the
Council adopted the resolution.
Council members themselves were kept in
a state of suspense by Pakistan until Bhutto
read the agreement of his government at the
exact hour set for the ceasefire in the Coun-
cil's Monday resolution.
At 2:36 a.m. Goldberg Invited Bhutto to
address the Council. At this point, no one
on the Council yet knew what the Pakistani
would do.
For 20 minutes, the Foreign Minister gave
a traditional Kashmir dispute speech, ring-
ipg oratory, bitter charges against India, pro-
tests of absolute innocence on the part of
Pakistan, a threat to fight for 1,000 years if
necessary to defend the right of self-determi-
nation for the people of Kashmir.
But he kept looking at the clock. Just
at 3 a.m., the hour of the cease-fire dead-
line, he halted his speech, pulled out a piece
of paper, and carefully read the following
message from Pakistani President Ayub
dent Johnson, made this U.N. success Khan: "Pakistan considers Security Council
possible. Resolution 211 of September 20 as unsatis-
I ask unanimous consent to have the factory. However, in the interest of inter-
article published in the Washington national peace and in order to enable the
Post, and written by Louis Fleming, to Security Council to evolve a self-executing
procedure which will lead to an honorable
which I 'have' referred, printed in the settlement of the root cause of the present
RECORD. conflict; namely, the Jammu and Kashmir
There being no abjection, the article dispute, I have issued the following order to
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, the Pakistan armed forces * * *."
as follows: Pakistan would stop shooting in 5 minutes,
U.N. MAKES PEACE IN ITS FINEST HOIIR he informed the Council.
Council members recessed to draft their
(By Louis B. Fleming) acceptance. The final cease-fire deadline was
UNITED NATIONS, N.Y., September 22.- postponed for 15 hours to give both armies
There was a glow of satisfaction and the re- time for' implementation.
turn of a long-lost sense of confidence at the Elation over the peace agreement was tem-
United Nation's today following the early- pered with a realization that, as Goldberg
morning agreement on a cease-fire between said, the cease-fire was just the beginning.
India and Pakistan. Pakistan obviously was dead serious when
The United Nations had made peace-and it said it would quit the United Nations if
so had Arthur J. Goldberg. Corridors buzzed the Council allows the question of Kashmir
about both. to drift as it has for _ 16 years.
Only a handful of hearty diplomats had But it was impossible to exaggerate the
be ' la - n" d in the Council chamber at 3 achievement in terms of revived prestige for
zri, t o . g
kar Ail uttoa~read'the cease fire a regiment the to ation. U It was a ore 9- to Secace
General U Thant, whose 9-day peace
Only eight reporters had stood in a corri- mission to India and Pakistan laid the foun-
dor an hour later to hear U.S. Ambassador dation for the cease-fire agreement.
Goldberg say: "This is a great moment in And, for the Council, it was a moment
the history of the United Nations." particularly significant for the unity of the
thank the distinguished Senator from
Pennsylvania [Mr. CLARK] for so gra-
ciously yielding to me.
Mr. CLARK. I commend the Senator
from Wisconsin for the comments he has
just made. I invite his attention to what
I hope is .the beginning of a real peace
offensive, as the result of our success in
bringing about a cease-fire between India
and Pakistan.
This peace offensive got underway 2
weeks ago at the Washington World
Conference on "World Peace Through
World Law," which was addressed by the
President of the United States, the Chief
Justice of the United States, and by
Ambassador Arthur Goldberg who, by
the way, Is reported in the press this
morning as having delivered an excellent
speech at the United Nations in connec-
tion with the cease-fire between India
and Pakistan in which he also indicated
his intention to support the views of
President Johnson that we should now
get going on a peace offensive which
would include a number of measures on
Mr. President, I hope to have some-
thing to say about that later in the day.
I commend my friend the Senator from
Wisconsin for his activity in this regard.
Mr. PROXMIRE. Let me say to the
Senator from Pennsylvania that I agree
with him wholeheartedly in his remarks.
I also invite attention once again to the
brilliant speech made at that conference
by the Senator from Pennsylvania, on
arms control and disarmament. I
though so highly of it that I inserted it in
the RECORD. I thought it was a great
contribution to the peace offensive to
which he has referred..
On request of Mr. MANSFIELD, and by
unanimous consent, the reading of the
Journal of the proceedings of Thursday,
September 23, 1965, was dispensed with.
Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I
ask unanimous consent that the Secre-
tary of the Senate be authorized to re-
ceive messages, and that the Vice Presi-
dent be authorized to sign bills and reso-
lutions during the adjournment of the
Senate, which is anticipated until next
Tuesday, September 28, 1965.
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MusxIE in the chair), Without objec-
tion, it is so ordered,
On request by Mr. CLARK, and by
unanimous consent, the Committee on
Interior and Insular Affairs was author-
ized to meet during the session of the
Senate today.
Mr. SYMINGTON. Mr. President, as
everyone knows, coal-coke-is essential
to the production of steel.
Recently the American Iron and Steel
Institute Put out a statement showing
that foreign steel now flows into the
United States at the new high rate of16
tons a minute.
Nevertheless, according to the Nathan
Report, West Germany, the Netherlands,
France, and in this case the United King-
dom, have almost prohibitive quantita-
tive restrictions, quotas, licensing ar-
rangements, and so forth, on the imports
of coal.
According to this report, these non-
tariff barriers cost the United States up
to $500 million a year on coal alone.
I believe it just and proper that we ask
for more economic cooperation from our
friends and allies of the free world. We
are all in this one together.
I ask unanimous consent that the ar-
ticle in question be printed in the RECORD.
There being no objection, the article
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
Foreign steel mill products entered the
United States at the rate of 16 tons per
minute during the first 4 months of 1965.
That record was set despite the January-
February dock strike on the east and gulf
In comparison, imports averaged a little
less than 11 tons per minute during the same
4 months of 1964 and about 12 tons per
minute for the full year. A decade ago, the
rate-was less than 2 tons per minute.
Within the general increase in steel mill
product imports which, at current rates,
could bring the 1965 total to almost 8 million
tons, significant changes are in progress.
Prior to 1959-the year in which this coun-
try became a net importer of steel for the
first time in half a century-sheets and strip
comprised a negligible item in the total im-
port picture. For example, in 1955, sheets
and strip brought in from foreign countries
came to a little.more than 54,000 tons, or 5.5
percent of the 973,000-ton total. The United
States was then. as it is now, the world's
largest producer of sheets and strip.
In the steel strike year of 1959 when many
domestic steel consumers had to turn abroad
for supplies to keep their factories running,
sheet and strip imports jumped to over 8
percent of total imports, or 386,000 tons.
During 1964 the tonnage of sheets and strip
brought into this country from foreign
sources increased to almost 1.2 million tons
which was 18 percent of total imports.
Through the first 4 months of this year,
sheets and strip accounted for 28 percent of
all imported mill products-766,000 out of
2,732,000 net tons.
Among the foreign sources of imported
steel mill products, Japan has shown the
moat remarkable gain. During 1955, the
96,000 tons of imports originating in that
country accounted for a little less than 10
percent of the total. By 1959, the tonnage
had increased to 626,000 net tons (14 per-
cent) and Japanese products have accounted
for a larger percentage of total imports in
each year since then. In 1964, imports of
2,446,000 tons from Japan represented 38 per-
cent of the total.
Through the first quarter of this year, im-
ports from Japan accounted for nearly 44
percent of all steel mill products entering the
United States, and that country is by far the
largest single source of sheets and strip.
All sections of the country are affected by
the inroads of foreign steel into the domestic
economy, as shown below.
Particularly noteworthy among the data
shown is the high rank of Japan as a source
of steel mill products at the end of such
long shipping routes as the Atlantic and
gulf coasts and even in customs districts
along the "north coast" created by the St.
Lawrence Seaway.
In that latter connection, the Michigan
customs district (with Detroit primary)
ranked third in tonnage of foreign steel re-
ceived last year-exceeded only by Los An-
geles and Galveston districts. New York and
New Orleans were the next largest, followed
by Chicago.
Together, the great industrial centers in
the vicinity of Detroit and Chicago were the
targets of more than a million tons of foreign
steel last year. Buffalo received 306,000 tons.
Mr. SYMINGTON. Mr. President,
everyone is becoming interested in the
problem of our continuing unfavorable
balance of payments, and its relation-
ship to liquidity in the promotion of
world trade.
In this connection, I ask unanimous
consent that an editorial from the Kan-
sas City Star, entitled, "{Secretary Scores
Points for Monetary Reform," be printed
in the RECORD.
There being no objection, the article
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
Henry H. Fowler, Secretary of the Treasury
and traveler, returned from Europe with a
fever and a reasonably optimistic report on
the prospects for reform in the international
monetary system. Armed with proof that
the United States is successfully grappling
with its own balance-of-payments problem,
and bolstered by the momentum of the U.S.
initiative, Fowler has obtained agreement
from the major nations to get the show an
the road. Presumably this will be done at
conversations which will begin in October.
We are sorry about the fever but we must
say that the Secretary turned in a fine piece
of work.
In the simplest of terms, the immediate
problem-and by immediate, we do not mean
tomorrow or the day after, but within the
decade to come --stems in part from the
U.S. success in bringing its payments bal-
ance into line in the second quarter of the
year. But the dollars that constituted the
American deficit for so many years were
the chief fountain of international liquidity.
That simply means that dollars dispatched
overseas for various purposes were used to
finance world development. Not just dol-
lars, of course; but mostly dollars.
September 24,'1965
It is obvious that the United States does
not intend to-and cannot afford to-let its
payments balance get so badly out pf.:Line
for such a prolonged period. Thus there
will be fewer dollars to go around. Moreover,
with the expansion of the various national
economies and with the rapid growth of the
population, there is a need for more funds
to assure orderly growth. The question is
thus proposed: Where are the funds to come
This is the crux of the issue at the mo-
ment when Fowler can report that the so-
called group of 10-the United States, Bel-
glum, Canada, France, Germany, Great
Britain, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, and
Sweden-will begin negotiations next month.
These will be preliminary in nature. And
Fowler has ben extremely careful in assur-
ing the underdeveloped nations that the
intention is not to create a rich man's club
to take charge of reform. Rather, all the
members of the International Monetary
Fund will be considered and in due time
will be consulted. This must be so even
though only a few nations-in all proba-
bility the group of 10 itself-will provide
the bulk of the funds to be used in any
monetary reform. That is the way it must
be. Nevertheless, the industrial nations
have a large stake in the development of
the new and poor nations, and the interest
of those nations must be considered.
It thus is a matter of extreme delicacy,
involving the intricacies of international
finance and the pride of nations. Fowler,
as we see it, has so far handled the matter
masterfully. And the talks that begin next
month could be the opening of a genuine
monetary reform that would give new sta-
bility to the entire free world.
Mr. SYMINGTON. Mr. President,
some of us plan to pay our respects and
tribute to one of the great public servants
of our time, Secretary of the Air Force,
Eugene M. Zuckert, who is retiring next
We planned to do so next Monday,
but inasmuch as I understand the Sen-
ate will not be in session on that day,
I should like all Senators to know that
immediately after the morning hour on
Wednesday, September 29, it is our in-
tention to pay tribute to Mr. Zuckert.
I thank my friend the Senator from
Pennsylvania [Mr. CLARK], for his typ-
ical courtesy in yielding to me.
Mr. CLARK. The Senator is most
The Senate resumed the consideration
of the report of the committee of con-
ference on the disagreeing votes of the
two Houses on the amendment of the
Senate to the bill (H.R. 8283) to expand
the war on poverty.
Mr. CLARK. Mr. President, I address
-myself to the conference report on the
Economic Opportunity Act amendments
of 1965.
The Senate version of this act added
in section 205(a), "family planning,"
which is illustrative of the programs
which the Director is authorized to make
grants to, or to contract for with local
public or private nonprofit agencies.
This addition to the major programs
initially authorized by the act was in-
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September 29, 1965 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD=, A ppNDIX A5501
General in his news release saw fit to quote Industry in Jasper today ranges from dress named are those relating to: apprentice-
.1050 voter figures for Bolivar County. The shirts to dressed chickens and from stripe training, on-the-job training under
Mississippi Legislature passed a simplified mining to mink food. the Manpower Development and Train-
voter form about June ,28, 1965. This form "We're not a one-engine town now," John ing Act, cooperative work study pro-
is as simple or is simpler than the laws of Oliver, chamber vice president says, "We've
206 , r heStates. ;gat good diversification in industry and grams, and tuition refund and organized
Sipes that .date .1,763 people have reg- we've got everything needed for industry- group instruction payments by employ-
stered to vote in Bolivar County. In a pe- railways, highways, water, and a good trad- ers.
rind of less than 90 days the voter registra- tag center." This would give an employer an incen-
tion has increased by more than 25 percent Jasper has developed a 95-acre industrial five to expand his training programs and
and the overwhelming majority of these park to attract more industry while adver- to initiate new programs for his em-
1,763 people are Negroes. Mound Bayou has using its most valuable resources-good
Increased its registration by 223 since that plant sites, abundant timber, available labor, s. By participating in advanced
date. The East and But Cleveland, a pre- three railroads, water, river transportation, training, an employee can improve his
dominately Negro precinct, has increased by and community cooperation, skills and thus improve his job security
832. Mr. Katzenbach has the reputation of Jasper and other county communities and earning ability. As those presently
being 'a fair and honorable man, We, believe -speak with pride about their school system, employed move up to better jobs through
that if these facts are brought to his atten- their good hospitals and particular pride is more training, those now unemployed
on he will rescind his previous order to taken in Walker College, a private, rode- because of insufficient skills can be hired
send re
pie of Miss rsitoBolivar County. e peo- pendent, and nondenominational 2-year lib- to take their places. Also it would offer
Mississippi adopted simple voter eral arts college. Established in 1938, the
form by 3 to 1. The vote in Bolivar County college now has a faculty of 25 with an en- new hope to workers whose jobs are
was 7 to 1. We have made an, honest effort rollment of more than 400. threatened by automation or by shifting
to do the right thing. The Attorney Gen- Strip mining is a major factor in the coun- defense contracts.
eral's announcement, in view of our attitude tyeconomy but the adversity of the fifties In passing the Manpower Development
and our. past action of no discrimination, really taught the people alesson--don't put and Training Act, the Congress indi-
astounded us because ,of its ;gross unfair- all those economy eggs in one basket. cated its awareness of the need for meet-
ness. We are calling eon you as our
case-to e the Agricultural products, displayed every year Ing the increasingly serious problem of
people in Washington in the Northwest Alabama Fair in Jasper, structural unemployment caused by a
that President
And have grown. from a $5 million industry in labor force ill fitted for existing and de-
this unjust order bee itle cndedd Urge
ju 1954 to a total farm income of $15,310,000 in
we request that you inform us as to the ac- 1983, veloping job opportunities. The Human
tion taken. Poultry business zoomed from a small Investment Act will link private enter-
C. W. Capps, Jr., H. B. Boykin, G. D. Criss, $1,210,000 in 1954 to an income of $11,500,- prise efforts with those efforts being made
Milton Smith
. Opp in 1963.
Moore, Wm. B. Alexander, Max D11-
A pet project currently underway is the
Worth, Elmer Prewitt, Alfred Welsh- development of Smith Lake as a recreational
Ans, 0. J. Scott, Waiter- Sillers, J. A. area. The huge body of fish-filled water has
Thigpen, E. H. Green. a shoreline of 500 miles and covers 21,000
of the proposal which I am introducing
is that private business has over the
years learned how to obtain the most re-
sults per training dollar and should now
be encouraged to expand its training
programs to meet this national need.
It is my hope that my colleagues on
both sides of the aisle will examine seri-
ously the merits of this legislation.
The Real Alabama-Part LXVII
IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dance of the companies and organizations
uboth local and foreign whp brought many
3~ednesday, September 29,1965 jobs to our county." Be sees the area as an
Mr . EDWARDS of Alabama. Mr, ideal geographical location for industry
Speaker, many cities in Alabama have Atha a healthy and mature labor atmosphere
undergone basic economic changes in re- Population determined to help Itself."
cent years as colnditions change to re-
wire new enterprise and development.
Many cases great diversification has Human Investment Act of 1965
been, the result, bringing with it a broad
ne example of this is the city of Jas-
per. The story ,of Jasper has been told
in an article, appearing in the Birming-
.lfam News, an(LI,nclude the text of that or OHIO
`.'The development of Smith Lake will mean
a tremendous amount of money for our
community," Joe McCluney, chamberexeeu-
tiv director says.
he A. R. Simmons, chamber president's
view, "The diversification in Jasper and Wal-
ker County since the coal mine recession is
a monument to the determination and ini-
tiative of the people."
Simmons also paid tribute tp the confi-
noni;, depression in' the early 1950's when weanesaay, seprem.oer Z9, 1965
the coj ?i ;Aarket collapsed. Through deter- Mrs. BOLTON, Mr. Speaker, I am in-
minati initiative, and confidence the city troducing a bill today which I believe to
k t
o rea
ze.e versatile industrial be a sound approach to an aspect of the
,*mple0 a solid economy. --------
Jasper -oesn't fint.,it difdcult"to remember tinguished gentleman from Missouri
a days of the, 1950
s when-they saw [Mr. CURTISI have introduced similar
6000 county coal miners lose their jobs over-
+v Up until 1960," Ad )?oug Leaks, former The
chamber 0, coma erce.. ,president explains, courage Investment Act would en-
ge private business both large and
"this county was mainly dependent on coal. small to invest in upgrading the job skills
The st}dden,decline in.tll_e market gave Walk- of the Nation's labor force. It would
er County its own ,private depression." accomplish this by providing a 7-per-
,Leake said the citizens e]ldeavored to find cent tax credit to an employer toward
other industries to replace coal and with an certain of his employee training ex-
ye toward diversification, penses. Among the expenses specifically
Whose Side Are We On?
Wednesday, September 29,1965
Mr. HANSEN of Idaho. Mr. Speaker,
many of us have been, to say the least, a?
Fortuna e , 10Ir' rt Buchwa writ-
ing in the Washington Post of S tember
23, 1965, has brilliantly clarified any con-
fusion that might have existed.
I commend his article, which follows,
to all Members of Congress and to the
State Department:
(By Art Buchwald)
It is very important, the psychiatrists say,
to answer your children's questions honestly
and concisely no matter how difficult they
become. I thought of this the other day
while I was watching a news broadcast of
the Indian-Pakistani war and my 11-year-
old son with a machinegun in his hand
asked, "What are they fighting about?"
"A place called Kashmir," I replied. "You
see, the Indians have Kashmir now, but
the Pakistanis claim the Kashmir people
want to be a part of Pakistan because they're
Moslem and not Hindu."
My son looked at me questioningly.
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"We're not on either side. We have a stay on the employer payroll for at least
treaty with Pakistan and we supplied her 3 months after finishing training.
with most of the planes and arms that she This would meet the problem that
is using against India. At the same time many Government programs have run
we supplied India with arms and planes, into-finding jobs for newly trained
but we didn't think they'd use them to fight e-.,r+4- ,'.,,,lrl he trained
ceoji v~uc+.
"What did we think?" for jobs where labor shortages are cur-
"We thought they'd use them to fight the rent.
Communists." Also, the bill would give an employer
"Why don't they fight the Communists?" an incentive to expand his training pro'-
"It's not that simple," I said, slightly an- grams and initiate new programs for
noyed. "The Chinese Communists are sup- employees. It is the kind of.program all
parting Pakistan and the Russian d
nists seem to be supporting India. a. We We business, big or small, could utilize.
`would probably be more sympathetic toward This tax credit approach places the
the Pakistanis, except that the Chinese responsibility for increased job training
Communists are threatening to invade India. where it belongs-on the private enter-
"Without confusing you," I continued, prise system. This system is equipped
"our main problem is: do we send military to conduct job training more effectively,
aid to India to repulse the Chinese Com- efficiently, and economically than is the
munists or not?" Government. It also offers new hope
He seemed to enjoy seeing me perspire.
"Why is it a problem?" he wanted to know. to workers whose jobs are threatened
"Because if we help the Indians against by automation.
the Red Chinese, the Indians might turn Mr. Speaker, there is ample justiflca-
around and use the equipment on the tion for such a tax credit proposal.
Pakistanis and prolong the war between Gordie Neufeld, in an editorial which
seemed tPakistano appeared in the September 16 issue of
But t h he was as just digesting ng the material. and I relaxed. the Mountain Lake, Minn., Observer,
Finally he said, "What is the solution?" reported that 2.2 million jobs were
I grabbed the sides of the chair.. "The created in 1964 alone by private em-
solution is to take the war to the United ployers in a massive and realistic war
Nations and let them solve it." on poverty. Mr. Neufeld's editorial pro-
"But if we go to the United Nations, won't vides much insight into the need for
the Russians vote against us?" the kind of legislation I am introducing
No, on this issue
against the Russians will ttoday, and I include it in full at this
with They're e against us s in in Vietnam but point in my remarks:
not th in us
not "Why not?" - - WAR ON POVERTY
"Because the Russians are as worried about (By Gordie Neufeld)
the Red Chinese as we are." The Government's antipoverty program is
"I don't understand. Aren't they both coming in for much criticism. Charges
Co "Yes," I s?" said, the program are common. So far,
"Year , "but communistic than an the e Rus- it is said, most of the benefits seem to have
Sin are more coe can c t live with Russian - gone to a well-paid administrative bureau-
comCommunists. can't can cracy-relatively few to the poor.
communism but we live with Chinese se Meanwhile, private employers are creating
communism, unless, around doagthe Russians of jobs in a "poverty war" of their
"startAlie esshoul us we like again the Russians?" ." " own. About 6 million of these jobs have
n should is s uba come into existence in the last 5 years-
them , yes. But 2.2 million in 1964 alone. And, to quote a
don't a have e t to like concerned,
"we don't t oncernedsns against 'nst magazine article, "the private war on pov-
Woufd efight with the Russians erty has been particularly helpful to those
China if thhey attacked India?" "It's possible. At the Negroes, teenagers, and others, who were
same time the Rus-
signs would probably fight with the Chinese without education, skills, or experience."
if we attacked China." Whatever the Government program may
"I don't get it," he said as he aimed a ultimately achieve, the most effective weapon
machinegun at Walter Cronkite who was at against poverty is dynamic, expanding, so-
that moment on the TV screen. cially conscious private enterprise.
"I don't see how I could make it simpler.
Any child could understand it."
A Sound Way To Combat Unemployment
Wednesday, September 29,1965
Mr. NELSEN. Mr. Speaker, I am to-
day introducing legislation designed to
give private industry a 7-percent income
tax credit for providing employees with
needed job training or to improve their
skills. This proposal is advisedly known
as the Human Investment Act.
Under its terms, a tax credit would
apply to wages of apprentices plus the
cost of classroom instruction paid for
by employers. Trainees would have to
Matching Skills to Jobs
Our bill proposes to complement the'
manpower training programs under
Government supervision by offering a,
7-percent tax credit to employers who
train workers in new job skills. This is
an approach to a specific problem which
combines incentive and independence.
It is an approach which, -I am convinced,
will work. It is an approach which will
give private businesss an opportunity to
contribute to its own well-being, as well
as to the well-being of the Nation.
The Daily News edit6rial suggests that
the administration may be considering
supporting this bill. I welcome-and :I
am sure the cosponsors of this bill will
-welcome-any and all assistance which
might be given to this important pro-
posal. Though the bill has been spon-
sored up to this point solely by the
representatives of one political party,
the support of the other party would
represent afine victory. for the best in-
terests of the American people.
The editorial follows:
The human investment bill, introduced in
Congress by a group of Republicans of vir-
tually all shades of party opinion, is a sound
approach to one of the Nation's most nag-
ging problems.
The problem is known as "structural un-
employment" and was defined by Represent-
ative THOMAS B. CuRTIs, Republican, of Mis-
souri, in presenting the bill on the House
floor :
"A large portion of our unemployment is
not because of too few jobs, but because a
large portion of our manpower is untrained
in the skills that are actually at this moment
in serious demand."
The proposed Human Investment Act
would complement the` manpower training
programs under Government supervision by
offering a 7-percent tax credit to employers
who train workers in new job skills. The
credit parallels the 7-percent allowance en-
acted 3 years ago to spur investment in ma-
chinery, plant, and equipment. The GOP
position, CURTIS pointed out, is "that tax
laws should treat humans as at least equal
to machines."
The proposed act has several advantages
over programs under direct Government con-
trol. It accomplishes an important objective
without the waste of collecting tax money
and then disbursing it, and without the in-
crease in Federal control inherent in other
It stipulates that a successful trainee must
.be offered a job and that no tax credit will
be allowed for the training of management,
professional, or advanced scientific employes.
The emphasis is thus placed on new and
better jobs for those at the bottom of the
skills and income ladder. I
By encouraging private industry's role in
retraining, the bill involves the people who
know best what skills are needed and how to
get the greatest results for the money.
There is talk'in Washington that the vir-
tues of this approach are -so apparent the
Johnson administration is thinking of taking
over the bill, in some amended version, and
perhaps eventually portraying it to the pub-
lic as a Democratic achievement in the war
on poverty.
This would be no new experience for CuR-
Tis. As a ranking GOP economic ideaman,
he was chairman of a 48-member subcoai--
mittee of the Republican policy committee
that studied unemployment in 1961 and is-
sued a germinal report stressing the fact of
"structural unemployment" and the need for
job retraining. Much of this Republican
spadework went into the Manpower Develop.
Wednesday, September 29,1965
Mr. RUMSFELD. Mr. Speaker, I am
pleased to call to my colleagues' atten-
tion an excellent editorial which was
published in the September 27, 1965,
edition of the Chicago Daily News.
The editorial discusses the Human In-
vestment Act of 1965, a bill which more
than 43 Members of the House intro-
duced recently. I was pleased to join
the gentleman from Missouri, Congress-
man Tom CURTIS, and Senator WINSTON
PROUTX, of Vermont, in this significant
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September 22, 1965 CO 6RESSIONAt 12ECORb - SENATE
traditional system is too entrenched.
Eisenhower Coll ege, three trimesters per
year will be the standard.
.,,,. An outstading teaching faculty: Col-
le teachers are in short supply. The best
co aege teachers are far too few. Eisen-
era in leading institutions across the coun-
try.) Elements which produce-this gravita-
tional pull include an academic environ-
ment which is stimulating to the keenest
mind;, a challenge to teach well, but with
opportunity for research, " iublication, study
and travel; a sound, but unbiased, Christian
outlook; an academic d6lendar so construc-
ted as to provide refresher breaks three times
each year and a reguRr 4-month leave every
3 years; a currlculiA i trimmed of frills and
Irrelevancies so th5t concentration may be
centered on esseials; salaries competitive
from the very be"$lnning with the wealthiest
colleges{the stffnulus of a new program, a
sh,are in the direction of educational poli-
cies; and such fringe attractions as residence
in an att>tive region near metropolitan
6. A brad range of student opportunity:
Whatev#F the background of circumstances
and pre-college achievement-it is the prom-
Ise, o fhe applicant that will determine his
adsion to Eisenhower College. A com-
the top 10 percent or'even 5 percent of their
high school classes. This excludes many
talent, of significant promise. Under these
standards, many of the most distinguished
graduates of our ivy-covered Institutions
d not gain admission to those same col-
leg es today.
dmission to Eisenhower College will rep-
-regent not solely -a reward for past perform-
ance, but also' a challenge for the future,
Potential motivation-will count heavily in
the balance of qualifications. Eisenhower
College believes that students of promise are
distributed widely throughout at least the
top 40 percent of high'school achievers and
not confined to the top 10 percent. There-
fore, while maintaining unremittingly high
standards, its doors will be open to a much
broader range of"promise than is usual.
6. An efficient college plant: Education
often suffers in quality because of an Inade-
quate, poorly planned, wasteful plant. At
Eisenhower College, the plant will be planned
from the start, and In its entirety, to serve
the highest 'intellectual uses. Kinds of
buildings, size, arrangement and location will
all be designed as integral parts of the edu-
cational program itself. Administrative, aca-
demic and living quarters will be inter-
related for maximunf use and impact. The
plant, like the curriculum, will be designed
to serve 9s a demonstration model. Pre-
liminary architectural studies are proceeding,
and it is Eisenhower College's uncompromis-
ing aim to bring the leading architectural
Insights to the service of its high academic
These, are the six outstanding features of
quality at Eisenhower College: World out-
look, select curriculum, year-round opera-
tion, an outstanding teaching faculty, a
broad range?of student opportunity, and an
efficient college plant.
Certain of these, alone, 'might make Eisen-
hoover Collegge~ a noteworthy undertaking.
Added together, they form a truly unique
profile, significant' for the future of higher
Mr. PROXMIRE. Mr. President, at
9:30 this morning, Mr. Elmer Hoehn
was sworn in as head of the Oil Import
If the administration tried to find a
man who would be least likely to protect
the interests of the millions of American
consumers of oil, it could not have done
Mr. Hoehn was executive secretary of
the Independent Oil Producers & Land
Owners Association, Tristate. This or-
ganization represents producers in In-
diana, Illinois, and Kentucky.
It has played an active role in ad-
vocating the cutting of imports proposed
by the Independent Petroleum Associa-
tion of America.
As Oil Import Administrator, Hoehn
will have the top responsibility for ad-
justing imports of petroleum and petro-
leum products in the United States in ac-
cordance with the Presidential proclama-
tion of March 10, 1959. Hoehn will run
this operation under the Secretary of the
The 1959 Presidential proclamation in
the interest of national security imposes
restrictions on the importation of crude
oil, unfinished oil and finished petroleum
As Administrator Hoehn will allocate
imports of oil among qualified applicants.
He will issue import licenses on the basis
of such allocations.
Thus, a man who had been hired to
represent the oil interests fighting quotas
will now sit in the driver's seat to deter-
mine how big those quotas will be.
It would be difficult to imagine a more
unethical betrayal of the consumers' in-
terests, or a more deliberate insult to the
American oil consumer.
Elmer Hoehn is the same man report-
ed by Oil Daily as active in discussions
with the Democratic Platform Committee
last Fall regarding depletion and oil im-
Hoehn appears to have proved his ef-
fectiveness to the oil industry then.
The 1960 Democratic platform had
denounced depletion as a conspicuous
loophole that is inequitable. But the
1964 platform-showing the influence of
Hoehn-does not mention this most no-
Mr. PROXMIRE. "Mr. President,
there is always a carload of brickbats
thrown at the administration when any-
thing goes wrong with our foreign policy.
In the kind of world in which we live,
with America as the unquestioned lead-
er of the free world and the pre-eminent
military force in the world, this Nation-
and specifically the President of this
Nation-is blamed for almost everything
that happens throughout the world. The
India-Pakistan war is no exception.
Thoughtful and careful observers now
are coming to agree that the way the
President and Secretary of State have
handled the India-Pakistan war has won
very high marks for professional com-
Of course, we can never be sure what
is going to happen tomorrow or an hour
from now, but at present it appears
that the quiet, steady, but powerful, in-
fluence of this Nation may be the big
element in winning a peaceful resolution
of the tragic India-Pakistan clash.
In the course of this development, the
rough and ready willingness of China to
exploit the war has been met by the
Johnson administration quietly but very
effectively indeed. The consequence for
our position in Vietnam as well as else-
where in Asia, and indeed in the world,
has been all to the good.
One of the most thoughtful and per-
ceptive appraisals of this American for-
eign policy success, an analysis by
Joseph Kraft, appeared in this morning's
Washington Post. I ask unanimous con-
sent that it be printed at this point in
There being no objection, the article
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
(By Joseph Kraft)
Victory a Is Hitler and Napoleon, victory
that means seized capitals and subdued
countries, is not In the cards in the Indian
subcontinent. Given the terrain, the size
of the forces, and the state of the local art,
the worst likely military trouble is intensi-
fled fighting ending in the kind of non-end
that has characterized almost all frontier
struggles in the postwar era.
But there is a serious diplomatic danger
that could materialize within a month. It
would be possible for Russia to emerge from
the present troubles as the dominant diplo-
matic power in India. China could emerge
as the dominant diplomatic power In Paki-
stan. It is against that awful outcome that
American diplomacy must be mobilized.
So far it can be said that the administra-
tion has met the test with remarkable so-
phistication. It has shown a clear apprecia-
tion of what has been going on. It has scru-
pulously avoided panicky reactions and uni-
lateral moves that could only make matters
worse. It has even avoided that fatal com-
bination that has been the hallmark of
American diplomacy through the decades-
the combination of force and unctuous recti-
On one side, the Indian side, of the quar-
rel, this country has for once resisted the
temptation to indulge in an orgy of China-
baiting. Unlike the Pakistanis, Indians and
Russians who have all been doing the kind
of things that make the Chinese look 10 feet
tall, the United States has been patient and
The strongest official statement about
Chinese intervention made by the United
States was a remark made last week by the
Secretary of State after giving testimony to
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23846 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -SENATE September 22, 1965
the Congress
cause it produced banner greater weight of the evidence justifies
headlines of an American warning to Peiping, the Conclusion that the recent state-
the statement is worth reproducing in full.
Mr. Rusk was asked about charges that ment of Chairman J. WILLIAM FULBRIGHT,
Communist China has been "egging on" the of the Senate Committee on Foreign Re-
fight died mildness, he said: "j think there are laIIt is to was be noted corroborated
that following the
those who feel that China is trying to fish time Ambassador W. Tapley Bennett,
in troubled waters here. Our own advice Jr? made his frantic call to the White
to Peiping would be not to do that and to
stay out of it and House pleading for the immediate send-
give the Security Council ing in of American marines to save
of the United Nations a chance to settle this
matter." American lives, his plea was immediately
On the other side of the quarrel, the Paki- complied with. Instead of a few thou-
stani side, this country has resisted the itch sand marines being sent in to maintain
to make moral judgments about the Kashmir order and save the lives of American
Issue, Instead of trying, as the Pakistanis civilians, allegedly in danger according
put it, to solve the problem rather than the to Ambassador Bennett, more than
symptoms, Washington has kept its right- 30,000 men of our Armed Forces were
eousness under firm control. The closest this
country has come to a pronouncement on sent in. This would seem almost enough
Kashmir was again the comment made by to sink that little island.
the Secretary of State after testimony on the -I said on May 12, and I consider it a
Hill last week. sound statement, that the threat of a
His words were remarkable for measured Communist takeover was misrepresented
care. And once again, because they were and exaggerated. A theatrical touch
widely misinterpreted, they are worth citing, was added with the statement that our
Mr. Rusk was asked about a plebiscite that
would achieve self-determination on Kash_ Ambassador,'Mr. Bennett, was making
mir. He said: "We have expressed our views his plea from beneath his desk while our
on that subject over the years. That is part Embassy was being fired on. Of course
of a general problem of solution of outstand- our President Is not to be blamed for
ing issues between India and Pakistan. We relying upon the statements of his Am-
believe that these matters, should be taken bassador.
p and resolved by peaceful mean. We do It is noteworthy that not one American
force believe they should be resolved by Civilian was killed or wounded in the
With this country keeping its tone mess- fighting that took place either before or
tired, the Russians and Chinese, far from after Ambassador Bennett made the
scoring great gains as the beaky hawks would frantic plea for help. Unfortunately
assert, have overreached themselves. The there was fighting between the forces of
Chinese, fearful that a settlement of sorts the military junta and those who were
might be in the works. issued their ,n+i
- . .
Stan from coming to terms. Lacking the killed was a marine who was accidently
pacity for truly serious action on the
ground, they have been obliged to extend the
ultimatum. It is now not easy to see how
hey will emerge without a simultaneous loss
of prestige, and a new confirmation of their
role as chief international troublemaker.
For their part, the Russians, after issuing
the kind of warnings bound to incite Peiping,
have pulled the grandstand play of calling
for a meeting of Indian and Pakistani repre-
sentatives in Moscow. If it comes off at all,
ich is extremely doubtful, it is hard to see
Moscow meeting can yield concrete
resin"` from making the most of an
opportui the .Russians seem merely to be
underlining p limitations. They may
'end up with egg all over their face.
The ' lesson here Is not simply Milton's
homily that "they also serve who only stand
add wait"; that, after all, was an ode to
blindness. The true lesson, the lesson for
those who would see in the dark, is that in
this, country's contacts with the Chinese
Communists, the bellicose reaction is almost
always the wrong reaction. The right policy
is to turn to account against the Chinese
the miasmic political swamps that fringe the
Asian heartland.. And nowhere is that more
true than in that other-Asian trouble spot
that we, all know in our bones-is dimly related
to the crisis, Inthe subconti4ent-Vietnam,
Mr. YOUNG of Ohio. Mr. President,
in recent weeks I have tried to read all
testimony available regarding the situa-
tion in the Dominican Republic last
spring. Having heard the discussion in
the Senate in the course of the debate
regarding the judgment, or lack of judg-
ment, of our Ambassador to the Domini-
can Republic, Mr. Bennett, Jr?_ I have
reached my own conclusion that the
assassins of the despot Trujillo. In
Brazil, Venezuela, Chile and other Latin
American countries there are those lead-
ers who are seeking to release the people
fronrthe stranglehold of absentee land-
lordism, and to break up huge estates and
distribute a part of their huge landhold-
ings to the impoverished, underprivi-
leged laborers and peasants and free
them from misery and squalor. Even
though such expropriation proceedings
are proposed by legal action, it appears
that some of our Ambassadors to Latin
American countries have in the past al-
most automatic& regarded such lead-
ers as Communis or Communist sym-
pathizers. On the basis of evidence I
have read, I believi `.there is clear and
convincing proof that Ambassador Ben-
nett, Jr., failed to distinguish between
truly democratic elements in the citi-
zenry and the Communnist4elements. He
showed prejudice in favor bf the military
junta and against democratic elements
of the Dominican Republic.
. I am convinced that the views of
Chairman FULBRIGHT, that the rebel
forces were not controlled by Commu-
nist elements, are correct. I abs. con-
vinced that Ambassador Bennett's-''con-
clusions lacked justification. Further-
more, as an indication that Chairman
FuLBRIGHT's conclusions have basis in
fact, it is well known that almost im-
mediately our President dispatched as
special envoy John Bartlow Martin and
a little later Ellsworth Bunker, to take
over in the Dominican Republic. Fol-
lowing that time
r was restored.
shot by a fellow marine. Citizens of the Dominican Republic seem
It is noteworthy also that practically to have confidence in Ambassador's Mar-
all dispatches made public by our State tin and Bunker when many had appar-
Department and by our President follow- ently lacked confidence in Ambassador
ing the initial plea of Ambassador Ben- W. Tapley Bennett, Jr. It is evident
nett, Jr. referred to U.S. Ambassadors that our President felt the same way.
Martin or Bunker. Ambassador Bunker Mr. President, it seems to me irrefut-
had apparently taken over. Fortunately, able that our President's reliance, di-
has recently been deported from that
unhappy island and is now voicing his
complaints from the safety of Florida.
Disorder and rioting have ceased, civil
authority has been restored. This is all
to the good. I am hopeful that free elec-
tions in the Dominican Republic will be
held as promised.
It is an unfortunate fact that we have
In our State Department some officials
who seem to denounce as Communists
Latin American leaders who take action
in opposition to the wealthy economic
royalists of any Latin American country.
I observed this firsthand while with a
factfindng study group in South Amer-
ica, for some weeks. Personally, I con-
sider that W. Tapley Bennett, Jr. is one
who indicated. sympathy for and agree-
Merit with leaders of the Dominican
junta, and considered the democratic ele-
ments and supporters of Juan Bosch as
infiltrated or controlled by Communists.
There was no justification for that con-
Dr. Juan Bosch, during his 7-month
administration as elected president of
the Dominican Republic, commenced to
give that little island and its people their
first experience in democratic govern-
ment instead of tyranny. He was ousted
by a military junta aided by one of the
rectly after the start of the rioting and
the sending in of Marines responding to
the plea of Ambassador W. Tapley Ben-
nett, Jr., upon John Bartlow Martin and
Ellsworth Bunker and apparent disre-
gard of Bennett, Jr., is further verifica-
tion of the soundness of Chairman FuL-
BRIGHT'S conclusions, In my opinion
our colleague, Chairman FvLBRIGHT, had
the greater weight of the evidence in
support of his conclusions.
Certainly the Dominican Republic is
within of r sphere of influence in the
Western Hemisphere. We cannot tolerate
any Communist takeover of authority in
that little island and I assert there was
no evidence of any Castro-like takeover.
No Communist was a leader in the revolt.
In my judgment there was no preponder-
ance of the evidence available or adduced
that such a Communist takeover was
even remotely in prospect.
Dan Kurzman, staff writer of the
Washington Post, reported that Col.
Francisco Caamafio Deno of the so-called
rebel forces stated that Ambasador Ben-
nett laughed at him when he asked the
Ambassador's help to end the bloodshed.
Colonel Caamafio stated he was ready to
agree to a cease-fire and to negotiate
with the military junta but that Am-
bassador Bennett refused to mediate and
laughed scornfully at him. It Is to be
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distinguished colleague. from the State
of Georgia [Mr. TALDI,ARP __Introduced
S. 2127, in order to provide,, special in-
demnity insuiance fpr4zr embers of,-the
Armed I prces serving in, combat ones.,
I was :1adeed happy to cosponsor' this
legislation with him. It w0,salso cQ-
sponsored by the very able and distin-
guished Senator from Delaware [Mr,
On August 19 the Senate unanimously
passed this measure, and it was referred
to the Com,rn1ttee on Veterans' Affairs
in the House of Representatives,
After the Committee on Veterans' Af-
fairs made improvements. in thelegisla-
tion sponsored by Senator TALMADGE,
Senator WILLIAMs and myself, the House
unanimously passed this legislation.
As it is true in the legislative process
of the Congress each bpdy makes, im-
provements in legislation. before it is
finally enacted.
I would like to compliment the chair-
man of the Committee on Veterans' Af-
fairs of the House Mr.,Ta GVu] and the
members of his committee, for doing a
remarkable job in further improving this
legislation so that today we have before
us a bill to provide needed protection
for those serving in our Armed Forces.
' In discussing the improvements and
changes made, by the House of, Repre-
sentatiVes. with Senator 4LMADGE and
Senator WILT LAMS, I urge my colleagues
to accept the House amendments and
send the measure forthwith to the Presi-
dent hopefully for his approval.
The bill as We", presently before us pro-
vides a group insurance plan for all
members of the unifaxmed services on,
active duty on and, after the effective
date designated by the Administrator of
Veterans' Affairs..
Coverage is automatic with the sere-
iceman being required to take affirmative
action to remove'hir,self from. the pro-
The coverage provided is $10,000 or
$5,000. Premium rates for the service-
men are expected to be $2 a month for
the $10,000 policy and $1 , per month for
the $5,000 policy. These-premiums would
be deducted from the ,pay of the service-
men by the Department of Defense and
remitted to the Veterans' Administra-
All costs traceable to extra hazards, of
servicemen will be borne, by the Govern-
ment, otherwise the program would be,
self-sustaining with the deductions that
I have previously referred to.
Under the, provisions, of the measure,
if. an, individual has,a service-connected
disability, he would be eligible for a com-
mercial policy without medical examina
tion, and in addition would be eligible for
a $10,000 disabled veterans' insurance
policy administered by the Veterans' Ad-
ministration, _ in the latter case he must
apply for the policy within l year of the
date of the establishment .of the service-
connected disability.
Another important improvement made
in the bill as passed by the Senate pro-
vides for the period January 1, 1967, and
continuing until the effective date of the
group insurance plan a maximum death
gratuity of $5,000 to a, widow, child or
children and the parents of individuals
who served during this period in one of
the branches of the Armed Services-and
who lost their lives under certain hazard-
ous conditions as a result of such
This gratuity would be reduced by the
amount of any dependency and indem-
nity compensation, National Service Life
Insurance, or U.S. Government life in-
surance, payable in the particular case,
I feel that this much-needed legisla-
tion warrants the prompt and final
action by the Congress to provide for
those in the Armed Forces who are mak-
ing great sacrifices in defending this
country's freedom as well as that of the
free world.
Knowing that we care at home about
the future welfare of our armed forces
personnel and their dependents certain-
ly would do much toward bolstering their
spirits at times when many of us have a
tendency to forget and take for granted
the freedoms which we enjoy today as a
result of the services they are rendering
to our country.
I, cannot urge too strongly that the
Senate accept the House amendments
and send the bill forthwith to the Pres-
ident for signature.
KENNEDY ,of... New York in the chair),
The question is on agreeing to the
amendment offered by the Senator from
Georgia [Mr. TALMADGE].
The amendment to the House amend-
ment was agreed to.
question now recurs on concurring in
the House amendment as amended.
The amendment of the House, as
amended, was agreed to.
Mr. MANSFIELDresident, the
cease-fire which appears to have been
achieved in the Indo-Pakistan dispute is
an event of great magnitude for the or-
derly and peaceful management of Inter-
national conflicts. It brings renewed
hope in the efficacy of the United Nations
Security Council as a major instrument
for the maintenance of peace. To be
sure, the basic problem of Kashmir re-
mains to be resolved. To be sure, the
cease-fire may not hold indefinitely. But
neither factor detracts from the achieve-
ment. The cease-fire reflects, may I say,
great credit both on India and Pakistan
and on the policies of every government
represented on the United Nations Se-
curity Council. It is the best possible
response not only to the immediate fight-
ing between India and Pakistan but to
those who would fish in troubled waters.
On the part of the United States, I
want to say, further, that President
Johnson has guided our limited but sig-
nificant part in this matter with policies
of exceptional wisdom and great good
In their cautious and restrained ap-
proach to this problem, the President, the
Secretary of State, and our outstanding
Ambassador at the United Nations, Mr.
Arthur Goldberg, have made a highly
significant contribution to the restora-
tion of order in. the Indo-Pakistan. sub
continent, to the forestalling of the rapid
spread of chaos in Asia and to the gen-
eral strengthening of the prospect for
international action for peace through
the United Nations Security Council.
Mr.. JAVITS. Mr. President, I join
with theSenator in expressing gratifica-
tion over what has happened. it is
especially significant because it again
establishes the importance of the role of
the United Nations, which seemed for the
moment to have fallen into a state of
desuetude because of its financial
We are all indebted to President John-
son and to United Nations Ambassador
Arthur Goldberg for the part they
played in avoidance of what could have
led to the terrible confiagraiton of a war
much broader than the conflict between
India and Pakistan, and in the revival of
the role of the United Nations In a most
significant way.
I am grateful to the Senator from
Montana for his comments.
Mr. MANSFIELD. I agree completely
with the distinguished Senator from
New York. Furthermore, I believe that
the outcome of the difficulties between
India and. Pakistan indicates quite
strongly the wisdom of the President's
approach through the United Nations
and, in effect, emphasizes that the idea
of unilateral intervention on our part
was not the correct procedure but, rather,
that it was multilateral intervention, in a
sense, through dependence on the Se-
curity Council of the United Nations,
which, in this instance, I am informed,
was unanimous in its outlook.
Mr.,,JAVITS. I am grateful to the
45mmend the United Nations, Secretary,
eneral U Thant, President Johnson, the
oviet Union, Great Britain, and the
many other nations who have partici-
pated in bringing about a cessation of the
murderous hostilities between India and
This action illustrates the power of
concerted effort by men and nations of
good will. It also illustrates once again
the vitality and urgent necessity for a
world organization such as the United
Nations. I commend that organization
and the principle of collective security.
I applaud the existence of a world or-
ganization where debate and consulta-
tion among nations can occur-indeed,
where debate even between nations en-
gaging in hostilities on the battlefield can
I also applaud the existence of a world
organization in which the power of world
opinion can be focused. Once again it
seems to me that the success of the
United Nations and the members thereof,
in bringing about a cessation of hostili-
ties, demonstrates the necessity and the
urgency for the existence of such an or-
Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, yester-
day, an event occurred in the State of
New York which I believe deserves the
attention of Congress. The first college
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President Johnson sent a telegram of con- Many institutions have excellent courses
gratulation praising officials who named the on international relations; or on the history,
college in honor of "a man who has spent his literature and culture of certain other na-
lifwtin in erin,A.tinnal endeavor." tions; or excellent programs of study in depth
named after our former President,
Dwight D. I Eisenhower, was dedicated at
Sehh6caP'alls, N.Y., which lies in the cen-
- -
4KCiC1'1'.31 CS
Lake, some Jo miles from Syracuse. these are optional, or only for the future
The -college ' Is headed by Dr. Earl J. MI ? Eisenhower flew here from his Gettys- specializer. Only a limited proportion of
, former Federal Commissioner burg, Pa., farm and was greeted by Gov. and most student bodies is touched by these
Ml Grath
of a rith- on. Mrs. Nelson A. Rockefeller. studies. When change and improvement are
He was introduced by his friend and occa- sought, internal solidification is a hindrance
-peaking at the dedication were many sional golfing companion, comedian Bob and only limited extensions can be grafted
distinguished leaders, including, of Hope. The former President laughed hearti- on. But Eisenhower College starts new and
edirse, former President Eisenhower, ly in response to several quips by Hope. unencumbered. Its potential for success is
and Governor Rockefeller, of our State. "This is a great idea, this college," Hope immensely advanced. The means for reach-
-1 had planned to be there but was un- said, adding: ing its goal is built in from the start, not
able to do so because of the possibility "Our future Republicans have to come tacked onto something existing and different.
of, a vote on the immigration bill, which from some place. Where else but in America 2. Select curriculum: "The achievement of
could a man in command of our armies, lead- the liberal arts purpose requires far fewer
is of critical importance to my State, er of our country, and a leader in the field of courses than are common today. With few
and the need for various negotiations in education, wind up in Seneca Falls shoveling exceptions liberal arts colleges have allowed
that respect. dirt." the several departments to expand beyond
'Mr. President, the college is most en- Dr. Earl J. McGrath, former U.S. Commis- any defensible limit. -Studies of a number
terprising. It is a voluntary college- stoner of Education, will serve as chancellor. of curriculums in such institutions disclose
an Independent college, as it were. It of Eisenhower College. The college, which broad arrays of instructions, sometimes near-
will operate in a completely nonsectarian overlooks Cayuga Lake, eventually will pro- ly as many courses as students, much of
way. It proposes to pursue an acceler- vide for an enrollment of about 1,500 stu- which is so highly specialized and technical
dents. that it should be reserved for graduate de-
ated year-round, trimester plan, giving partments or professional schools. This ex-
unusual opportunities to its students. Six SPECIAL EMPHASES cessive proliferation usually results in a large
It will emphasize not only the liberal First, last, and always, the main objective percentage, of small and expensive classes
arts but also political science, and as we of Eisenhower College will be high quality (sometimes over 40 percent of all courses en-
would expect world affairs. education. ? Lessons from the past will be roll fewer than 10 students). These ex-
Mr. President, I join with millions of applied; the mistakes avoided. In six main travagances proportionately dissipate the ef-
other Americans in gratification over the areas of policy and procedure, the focus will forts of the faculty, commensurately reduce
fact that such a college has been initi- be on new contemporary keys for quality their salaries, and make the student's edu-
ated in the name of President Eisen- education. cation a collection of fragmentary and dis-
hower and to wish for it -as I am 'Eisen- 1. World, outlook: "The entire corporate jointed intellectual experiences."
life of Eisenhower College will reflect the fact Again so writes Dr. McGrath.
Will all Americans-a future of prosper- that we live today in an international com- Eisenhower College will keep waste out
ity, success, and eminence in the field of munity in which provincial thought and be- of its curriculum from the start. It can do
higher education. havior areas outmoded as Ptolemaic astron- this successfully because it starts with a
In this connection, I ask unanimous omy. The graduates of Eisenhower College basic curriculum and has no vested faculty
consent to have printed in the RECORD will live in a world completely different from interests to combat. Eighteen academic de-
that Associated Press news story of the that of their grandfathers. Already they can partments (instead of the frequent 25 to
travel to Cairo, Buenos Aires, or Tokyo more 30) will offer fewer than 250 courses plus
ground-breaking which appeared in to-
quickly than their forebears could travel four interdisciplinary courses (instead of
day's Baltimore Sun, and an explanation from Seneca Falls to Albany; and when they the usual 500-600 courses or more), totaling
of the -college's purpose as contained in arrive, they are confronted with a culture and 640 credit hours (compared with the usual
the. booklet, _`A College of Special Prom- a way of life arrestingly different from their 1,500-2,000 hours).
ise,,, own. On transoceanic television they see From this select curriculum will come:
There being no objection, the material events in distant lands as rapidly as they Greater concentration on liberal arts es-
was ordered to be printed in the t ECORo, happen. sentials;
An American who knows little or nothing Better teaching;
as follows:
about the politics, economics, religion, in- Fewer wasteful small classes;
[From the Baltimore (Md.) Sun, Sept. 22, dustry, commerce, ambitions, and needs of Smaller faculty and higher salaries;
19651 other peoples has had an education which All leading to a better faculty and a spiral
*=D ,4g; BREAKS GROUND FOR EIsENHOWER has failed to prepare him to live intelligently of increasing quality.
COLLEGE in the world of today and tomorrow." 3. Year-round operation: Year-round op-
igEx>:cPresident lswl ht D. September 21.Eisenhower=Fbroke armerr So writes Dr. Earl McGrath. And he adds: eration will be brought about through use
'Yet a recent report, entitled 'Undergrad- of the trimester plan. Each year will com-
ground today for a college named after him' uate Education in Foreign Affairs,' reveals prise three 14-week terms. Normally, there-
a dpronounced it an honor that "will be that few students in the 175 institutions fore, the Eisenhower College student will
wi t me every day of my life."' studied understood the facts of international complete his degree work in eight terms, or
pea ing at ceremonies-on the site of life. The causes of their ignorance and in- 22/3 years, although exceptions will be made,
Ziseni ower_College, the former thief Execu- differences are doubtless many, but an an- of course, in cases of illness or other inter-
tivo Said "the liberal arts colle a is the_ key alysis of college courses disclosed little real ruption.
to t'he unaers1a.nding and exercise of- real' effort on the part of institutions to prepare This system of year-round operation em-
citizenship. I feel we must have more of students for the roles they will have to play bodies numerous advantages:
them,, as members of the international community.
(Q1 Grossannual income increase of 30 to 40
'N ~ GREATER HONOR "There were courses in international pol- percent.
Eisenhower -11}{{?4444 liege, scheduled to open in itics, economics and culture, but these were Combined with a smaller faculty as a re-
1967, 1s to be a ear, liberal arts institution: few and designed for the small percentage Of sult of reducing the curriculum to proper
The ode-klelit told an estimated students specializing in some aspect of inter- dimensions, this enables significantly higher
12,0(M ppeerson a ere "at'the 26646e sIte' national affairs. The author concluded that salaries.
east of hcre;0#iia he`conTd thin1t of no greater if all students were to gain an interest in, The college plant does not stand relatively
an"iavi tFie college named for and understanding of, events and peoples in idle for a quarter of the year.
honor, th n
him. ~? sacra'a~A other parts of the world and our relations to
;"This $ Piae them, all departments would have to be in- The student's education is speeded. This
h accorcte me" will be
With me every ]_o mill e5?-$e ass volved. Indeed the entire campus life should is a growingly important consideration for
The 7 -ear oTa_r mer -0 i-iel Executive reflect the institution's concern with the the rapidly increasing numbers who are
-- - world scene." planning an additional 3 or 4 years of post-
said that taid shem l visay Ilbgl' eeeraf~ar"a'_rtsiFi-tbico?Ilose ale athing of ing of Eisenhower College will make international graduate or professional education. Also
~eges are
the pas . fte said' a 1lberal arts college studies part of every student's curriculum. more than a year is added to the student's
Should "seek its.natural habitat in the rural Under a program coordinated by a dean of period of earning power.
,.__,., ~, __ i~___ _?,,, b
e ,,., o Many colleges and universities have con-
He said such colleges would develop in the
student moral standards and "a feeling of
accommodation for understanding his fellow
foundation Tor ail: on -
fiuencea Working on all; on a world view a few have introduced it in one form or an-
which will find practical or philosophic ex- other. Almost inevitably its advantages have
presaion in every department of the curric- not been fully realized since it represents a
ulum. choice and not the norm, and because! the
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minute and to revise and. extend his re-
Mr. WIDNALL, Mr. Speaker, the old
adage that "money speaks louder than
words," may have been an important
underlying factor in what appears to be
a more reasonable attitude on the part
of Pakistan and India in resolving their
differences over Kashmir. Buried be-
neath this morning's headlines concern-
ing a possible cease-fire, was an an-
nouncement by the World Bank that it
had postponed indefinitely a meeting
scheduled for tomorrow of nine Western
nations that were supposed to pledge
contributions to finance the first year of
a new Pakistani 5-year plan for economic
The World.Bank said the session could
not be held at present because of the
"abnormal conditions in the subcon-
tinent. A meeting will be convened as
soon as circumstances permit," a spokes-
man, said.
Pakistan was seeking the equivalent of
$500 million for the first year of its third
5-year plan. Currently, World Bank
economic assistance to India amounts to
approximately-$1 billion per year.
As the ranking Minority , Member of
the House Committee on Banking and
Currency, which has under its, Jurisdic-
tion both the World Bank ap d the Inter-
national Development Association, I
want to take this opportunity to com-
mend the World, -Bank fgr, this timely
The threat to postpone massive eco-
nomic assistance to recipient nations in-
volved in costly wars can be a very real
deterrent to those who. threaten world
peace. I would personally recommend
that any and all World Bank meetings
leading to new economic commitments
be postponed until the Kashmir question
is settled.
Moreover, under the antiaggression
amendment to the Foreign Assistance
Act of 1963, the President .has the au-
thority to cutoff all unilaterial U.S.
economic, aid to India and Pakistan at
any time he deems desirable,
Mr. Speaker, the threat to out off or
postpone large-scale World Bank eco-
nomic aid to these two countries may
very well turn out to have been the single
most important factor in bringing about
a cease-fire,,
(Mr. REINECKE.asked and was given
permission to extend his remarks at this
point in the RECORD.)
Mr. REINECKE. Mr. Speaker, .many
Members have taken notice of America's
any time in the immediate future.
Something must be done now-to alert
the American public to the gravity of the
situation and to point-out to all of our
citizens various ways through which they,
in. their own homes and on their own
Jobs, can help their country in what is
rapidly becoming a desperate situation.
For his reason, I am introducing today
a Joint resolution authorizing and re-
questing that the President designate
November, as National Water Conserva-
tion Month in recognition of the impor-
tance of. water conservation to the main-
tenance of public health and the national
Mr. Speaker, I have notified the Presi-
dent of my proposal and I hope to have
his support in this worthwhile endeavor.
I hope also to have support of all Mem-
bers of this House.
(Mr. WILLIAMS asked and was given
permission to address the House for 1
minute, to revise and extend his re-
marks, and Include extraneous matter.)
Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. Speaker, the
people of Mississippi today mourn the
loss of. one of her most productive and
illustrious sons. Hugh Lawson White,
twice Governor of Mississippi, quietly
passed away September 19, In Jackson,
at the age of 84.
Governor White contributed to his
fellowman at every step in his busy life.
His energetic devotion to economic prog-
ress was the main theme of his being.
Even during the closing chapter of his
life, Governor White tirelessly boosted
his State, Inspired its people, and ex-
pressed faith in its future. His monu-
ments are of his own erection. The din
surrounding the industrial worker will
echo into history as a tribute to the
balance agriculture with industry pro-
gram which was conceived, nurtured, and
ripened by the intellect of Hugh White.
Loved and respected by all who knew
him, Governor White's towering strength
will be irreplaceable in the hearts and
minds of his friends. The world Is a
better place because he passed our way.
I ask consent to insert at this point in
the RECORD an article on the death of
Governor White which appeared in the
]lfcComb, Miss., Enterprise Journal on
September 20, 1965. It follows:
(By Charles B. Gordon)
McComb's proudest native son who became
C+ovragr ippi on two separate oc-
a`stons, died at his home in Jackson early
Monday at the age of 84.
Hugh Lawson White, son of the late Cap-
tain and Mrs. John J. White of McComb,
succumbed peacefully to a heart attack
brought on by his advanced age, relatives
Mississippi officials issued formal an-
nouncements of his death early today, then
ordered that flags at the capitol, which he
graced in two notably successful terms as
Governor, be lowered at half mast.
Governor White's body was scheduled to lie'
in state at the new capitol from 2 p.m. to
8 p.m. today. Funeral services will be held
at 11 a.m. Tuesday at one of Jackson's Bap-
tist churches.
The body will be brought to McComb to
J. J. White Memorial Presbyterian Church for
final services set for 2 p.m: tomorrow.
Burial will take place in the family mauso-
leum in Hollywood Cemetery by the side of
his illustrious parents and his first wife, who
died 5 years ago last May 13.
Governor White's death came 1 week after
this grateful community tendered him
a "Hugh White Day," which he attended and
enjoyed to the fullest.
Governor White was born here August 19,
1831, a son of Capt. J. J. and Helen Tyree
White who had settled near Summit and
operated a sawmill after Captain White com-
pleted his long tour of duty as a Confederate
Not long after McComb came into official
existence in 1872, Captain White moved his
mill and his family to what is now the
Whitestown community of McComb.
The venerable rebel and his wife had three
sons-Will, John J., and Hugh L.-all now
deceased. Will White made his home at Pass
Christian, and J. J. White, Jr., operated a
laundry and other businesses in McComb un-
til.his death about 15 years ago.
White attended the University of Missis-
sippi after his graduation from the McComb
schools. He did not graduate but returned to
the city to enter the family lumber business.
He swiftly gained a place of stature in the
area's business and banking life that foretold
of the immensity of his economic future and
his productive work for his State.
When the pine forests of this immediate
community reached a point of decline that
made the move necessary, he moved the lum-
ber business to Columbia, where he attained
new heights of success over many fine years.
He had married Miss Judith Sugg, who
came from Providence, Ky., to teach piano in
McComb Female College, later a part of Bel-
haven College at Jackson.
The Whites had no children. After her
death he married the former Miss Maxine
Maxwell, who survives as the widow.
Of the immediate White family, only the
following nieces and nephews survive:
Mrs. Helen White Brumfield, McComb;
Hugh Johnson, Mrs. D. A. Ratliff and Mrs.
Howard Rankin, Columbia. and Mrs. George
Evans, Jackson.
He served as mayor of Columbia on three
different occasions, then fixed his sights on
State office. He was elected Governor In
1936 and fostered the now famous balance
agriculture with industry program. The
project sought to equalize the industrial
work force with the traditional agricultture.
He was elected to a second term as Gover-
nor in 1952-66 and sandwiched a term in the
State legislature during 1944-48.
Among his many philanthrophies is the
church in McComb that is a memorial to his
father and a $50,000 contribution to Bel-
haven College for a new dormitory as a me-
morial to his mother.
In April 1962, he honeymooned with his
40-year-old bride in New Orleans.
"It's the condition, the attitude, and the
health of the man that make the difference,"
he said in an interview.
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23804 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE September 22, 1965
"Who knows? She may be too old for me," Mr. Speaker, the Washington Post this spread grassroots interest, particularly
said While with a smile. morning carried a descriptive article on among State and local officials feeling a
"He may be right," his bride said. "I have Senator JAVITs' bill as well as an excel-
6. hard time keeping up with him and the lent editorial commending his sugges- Republicans have made political capital of
busy schedule he keeps:' it. During last fall's presidential campaign,
I~aOCR>?9s tion., I ask unanimous consent to insert even Barry Goldwater embraced the concept,
these two articles at this point in the fathered 5 years ago by Walter W. Heller
not Inrested in holding a political RECORD. shortly before he became President Ken-
Pb as ram in seeing the State move for- [From the Washington Post, Sept. 22, 1965] nedy's chief economic adviser. It was a
ward," he said. prime topic of discussion at the Republican
This philosophy pushed the State ahead JAVITS BREAKS THROUGH Governors conference earlier this year.
at a pace that has been unequalled. Senator JACOB K. JAVITs deserves a burst of But the administration is apparently un-
White was a true Southern gentleman who applause for introducing a bill that would moved by the Javits initiative. A White
was seldom seen withouta coat and a rose provide for the sharing of surplus Federal House source said last night that the reve-
in his label. revenues with the States. The prospect for nus-sharing plan is a "dead duck" and that
,,,I want to see at least one industry in tax legislation sponsored by a member of the there is no present intention of reviving it.
every one of the 82 counties," White said, "I'll minority party cannot be regarded as The Javits bill would follow closely the
work for Mississippi just as long as I have auspicious. But Mr. JAvrrs is performing the Heller concept as developed last year by a
breath to travel:" necessary task of bringing a controversial presidential task force headed by Joseph A.
proposal to the attention of Congress for the Pechman, of the Brookings Institution. The
first time. White House has never released the iPech-
SHARING OF FEDERAL REVENUES Mr. JAvrrs' point of departure has already man report.
(Mr. REID of New York asked and been amply discussed by proponents of rev- The carefully drawn measure also contains
gpermission to extend his re- enue sharing. The Federal Government, a number of safeguards and limitations
was con-
marks a this point in the RECORD and to under conditions ofhigh employment, will which shouldgo far to conciliate both con-
collect more tax moneys than it can wisely servative and liberal critics.
Include extraneous matter.) spend. The State and local governments will It would create a special trust fund of 1
Mr. REID of New York. Mr. Speaker, be spending more money than they can raise percent of the individual income tax base-
my distinguished colleague, the senior through efficient measures of taxation. Both or about $2.5 billion annually under present
Senator from New York JACOB It: JAVETS, problems-=the embarrassing affluence of the conditions.
speaking before the iYew York State Federal Government and the pressing needs Eighty percent of these funds would be
County Officers Association in NP w York of State and local governments-can be allocated the States in proportion to their
ul and work- neatly solved through a program of Federal population. To maintain State efforts to
Cityable, plan for proposed a the sharing thoughtful tax revenue sharing. raise their own revenue, however, these
In the Senator's thoughtful proposal, 1 amounts would be increased or diminished
revenues with the States. Our States percent of the current income tax base- by the amount the ratio of State-local gen-
need additional funds if they are to in- about $2.5 billion-would be deposited in a eral revenues to personal income in the
stitute and maintain Vital programs,- trust fund. The proceeds of the fund would State exceeded or lagged the National ratio.
particularly in education and "health. I then be allocated to the States. Each year The other 20 percent would be distributed
intend to cosponsor the Javits billin the 80 percent would be distributed on the basis to the 12 or 15 States with the lowest per
House of Representatives so that serious of` population and 20 percent would be di- capita incomes.
discussion and debate on this proposal vided among the 12 or 15 States with lowest The funds could be used only for health,
can begin now. per capita incomes. education, and welfare to benefit directly
The Federal grants would be used only to the greatest number of people in a State.
A Federal-State tax revenue sharing support programs in the fields of health, -Earlier critics had opposed a no-strings-type
plaxi, was first. suggested several years education, and welfare. This constraint distribution on grounds the funds might be
qet there has been, little serious die- would leave the States and localities ample misused-say for. an ornate Governor's man-
cussion of the merits and certainly no freedom of action, while precluding the sion, or for highways at the expense of
conbrete action on the proposal since support of programs such as highway con- education.
that time. struction that are already heavily funded The bill also would require an audit of
The need for remission of certain Fed- by the Congress. how the funds are used, the equitable shar-
eral tax moneys to the States and loran- The revenue sharing plan was first pro- ing of funds by the States with local govern-
posed by Walter W. Heller, former Chairman ments, and certification that projects fi-
ties is increasing clear. 15rOperty taxes of the Council of Economic Advisers. But nanced by these revenues comply with all
on which much of education depends the President, seemingly piqued by a pre- Federal laws, such as the Civil Rights Act.
have risen about as high as they can go, mature leak, has maintained an air of chilly
'yet the cost of education and other disdain. It would be ironic indeed if this
vjces and facilities continues important proposal, the brainchild of a Dem- HOUR OF MEETING TOMORROW
to rise] r pid rate. o'trat, should become the property of the Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, :[ ask
Senator ~~ ~`vrrps has' proposed a noes- opposition. unanimous consent that when the :House
saxy and feasible piece of legislation. [From the Washington Post, Sept. 22, 1965] adjourns today it adjourn to meet at 11
'C7Xlder his proposal, 1 percent of the cur- UNITED STATES-STATE TAx-SHARING PLAN o'clock tomorrow,
re it income tax base would be deposited REVIVED BY JAVrrs The SPEAKER. Is there objection to
fII a trust fund. Eigliy percent of this (By Frank Porter) the request of the gentleman from
- CA" would then be orated to the Oklahoma?
A leading Republican Senator plucked a
States, Oll the basis of _population. State controversial Federal-State revenue-sharing Mr. HALL. Mr. Speaker, reserving
efforts to raise their own revenue would plan off the administration's back burner the right to object, may I ask whether
not be discouraged, however, because yesterday and said he will offer it as legisla- the majority leader has cleared this with
State Share would be Increased-6i-de- tion before the end of the current session. the minority leader?
on the ratio of State- "I think it is now generally agreed that Mr. ALBERT. I have cleared this
crease(l. pexit in
local genera" revenues to personal in- some form of Federal assistance to State and with the Republican whip, the acting
come in the 8ta g mpared to the na- local government is necessary but there has minority leader, the gentleman from
tional average ratio. he remaining 20 baeen Ja lack of ACOB K. serious, discussion," s of New Illinois [Mr. ARENDS].
percent would be distributed to the 12 or York. Mr. REID of New York. Mr. Speaker,
15 States with the lowest per capita in- "Debate should begin, and decisions will the gentleman yield?
Comes. should be made on a tax-sharing plan before Mr. ALBERT. I yield to the gentle-
.States could use these moneys only for State and local governments become com- man.
programs that would benefit directly the pletely inundated in the flood of demands
greatest number of people in the State- for new services and facilities, particularly Mr. REID of New York. Mr. Speaker,
such as In the flelds of health and e'du- in the fields of health, education, and wel- it is my understanding that this matter
cation. Equitable sharing by States with fare," JAVITS told the New York State County has been cleared with the minority whip.
local governments" would also be insured: Officers Association in New York City, Mr. HALL. Mr. Speaker, I withdraw
JAVrrs thereby stole a march on the White my reservation of objection.
I am pleased to join with the distin- House itself, which put the plan under wraps
guished senior Senator from New York last. fan after its leaked details aroused in- The SPEAKER. Is there objection to
in sponsoring l'eg'islation along these tense opposition, particularly in labor and the request of the -gentleman from
lines and I compliment him on his inti- liberal circles. Oklahoma?
ative. Since then, however, it has attracted wide- There was no objection.
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September 15, j965 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- 140 It SE
* trade nego ations are cause for serious other trading countries, and better serve GoverninentSpent over 6220 million in pur-
ooncern thatheF United States may not this Nation's agriculture and economy, and chases of surplus beef, but succeeded in
adopt the Sitiie baigainfng position (2) the administration's failure to comply sopping up an amount equal to only 10
nece S y LO 1. , even -- our existing ex- with the directive of Congress, as expressed percent of the imports. eep
in section 22 of the Agricultural Adjustment FARM PROGRAMS svFFEx
v6 ft markets. Act, to coordinate U.S. agricultural import
And ; while these protectionist countries policies with our domestic farm programs. Imports of foreign farm commodities in
and, again and renderedabnorLTm.Sal. farm volume price-havesupport
close their doors to American agriculture, 'U.S. FARMER HURT BY FOREIGN PROTECTIONISM excessive
. ,,,., ,.
they are at the same time demanding
Because of these failures, the U.S. farmer programs ineffective. The Government
and getting easy access to our price-sup- has been penalized by consistently inade- spends taxpayer money to take certain agri-
ported markets. Excessive farm imports quate prices and increasing Government pro- cultural commodities out of production, but
Into the United States have time and duction restrictions. Other countries, dis- when imports of these same price-supported
again made government price-support playing highly protectionist attitudes, close commodities increase excessively and under-
prograrri ineffective, and this lack of co- their trade doors to American agricultural mine our costly farm programs the adminis-
ordination between farm imports and commodities, while at the same time de- tration does nothing-except spend more
f d manding and getting easy access to our val- money for surplus removal purchases.
farm programs has cost
e armor an uable markets. These countries impose
taxpayer millions of dollars. heavy taxes and levies on our exports to
Mr. Speaker, constructive changes in them, while we take on the burden of sub-
our agricultural trade policy are a vital sidizing their exports to us with our price-
necessity if we are ever to come to terms supported markets.
with our domestic farm problems: A EXPORTS VITAL TO FARMER AND U.S. ECONOMY
small shift in the balance between our The maintenance and expansion of U.S.
imports and our exports could turn a agricultural export markets is vital to the
farm surplus into a deficit. And,-look- farmer and to the national economy as a
lug beyond the domestic front, not only whole, from which he purchases yearly some
would such changes help our balance-of- $40 billion worth of goods, and provides
payments situation, but they would also employment for 6 million nonagricultural
vastly improve U.S: international rela- laborers. Last year, the export sale of the
production of one out of every four U.S.
bons. crop acres acted to siphon off some of our
At this point, Mr. Speaker, under farm surpluses, and contributed significantly
unanimous consent I include in the to the easing of our unfavorable balance-of-
RECORD the agriculture task force state payments situation.
merit on this subject, Outlining the need EXPORT SALES ARE THREATENED
for changes in our present agricultural But our export markets are threatened by
Congress authorized a coordinating
mechanism-section 22 of the Agricultural
Adjustment Act, as amended, which allows
the President, pursuant to a U.S. Tariff Com-
mission investiagtion, to impose fees or
quantitative restrictions on agricultural im-
ports which interfere with U.S. price-support
But, in the last 4 years, the administration
has repeatedly failed to use this effective
coordinating device. On two recent occa-
sions, the President actually enlarged the
import quotas of certain .price-supported
commodities, contrary to Tariff Commission
recommendations, and in two instances, in
the face of market crisis, failed even to call
for an investigation.
trade policy, and recommending what the protectionist policies of other countries. Millions of pounds of cheese were imported
the nature of such changes should be: The United States is a highly liberal trader into this country from Italy in 1963 at pre-
I E IIGIISE REPUBLICAN TASK in comparison, protecting only 26 percent vailing world prices, while the USDA was
-FORCE ON AGRICULTURE, SEPTEMBER 13, 1965 of her domestic market by nontariff barriers, storing huge surpluses of expensive CCC
The future of American agriculture de- in contrast to the United Kingdom, 37 per- cheese. In order to dispose of the CCC sur-
cent; West Germany, 93 percent; Australia, plu-, Vie administration- turned around and
alarge degree policy is s conducted. U.S. The extent foreign 41 percent; sold and New Zealand, 100 percent. sold cheese back to Italy for the Italian
to which the United States moves toward Recent actions of the European Economic school lunch program, at one-third its cost.
sound policy goals in this area will greatly Community which threatens to substantially Bizarre transactions such as this emphati-
determine the extent to which we can solve reduce U.S. exports of wheat, rice, poultry, tally point out the need fcr use of section 22.
Our- domestics farm probleIlis. eggs, dairy products, fruits and vegetables to BEEF CRISIS COSTLY
Western Europe, are clear evidence that the
BMAI.L YEA,RIY FARM BURP us The administration apparently did not
The large existing 'stocks of U.S. ag our ri- our tprokadeey of door s s has not changed hiscriminatged the opening highly y learn from the cheese blunder, for it again
cultural surpluses did not build up over- protectionist policies of other trading coun- failed to implement section 22, this time in
night. They accumulated as a result of tries, The key to retaiinng our vital export the face of the approaching beef crisis. It
relatively small year by year imbalances be- markets lies in our negotiations with other remained for the Senate Committee on
tween production and utilization. The countries, such as the current Kennedy to use its power to call for a Tariff
largest postwar change in our national stocks round. y Commission investigation of imports. This
Of iarin commodities, for instance, occurred necessarily slower procedure finally resulted
In 1948, when our farm production, combined AGRICULTURE CAN'T BE SACRIFICED AT KENNEDY in congressional enactment of a beef quota,
yq,3 ,agricultural imports, amounted to 8.4 ROUND but only after a delay which ruined the
peresIt more than we cou'_d export or utilize Recent U.S. actions in regard to the agri- domestic beef market.
tior and agricultural imports from 194'7 to proviue grave cause for concern that, agri-
1964 exceeded the total domestic use and culture may be shortchanged at Geneva. The
farm, exports by a yearly average of only 1.7 United States last year allowed industrial
percent. During -tfiat same period, exports negotiations to proceed without first de-
amounted to 10.9 percent of our total utiliza- termining the rules for agriculture, and just
tion, and imports were 11.6 percent. It is recently announced its decision to go ahead
Qbiveus themthat a small shift in the bat- and submit agricultural trade proposals in
ante between our imparts and our exports September, even if the EEC does not. It is
could change -a farm surplus into a deficit. imperative that agriculture not be sacrificed
~ilADR f?oLIcv GAP' PR6V NT BALANCE .. in these negotiations. Failure to accomplish
some realistic bargaining at the trade nego-
e lack ask force Iles Ound 1T
1 "Owever, that nations table will be a serious blow to Amer-
the laof an de poate_overafl ctiv foreign ican agriculture and to the future of world
agricultural trade policy -as effectively pre- trade.
venteZirly such balance 'from taking place. The United States must point out to her
that ' serioussh
We have found rtcomin s +n
_ o world trade is
g . Al- felon Ac that .i +nsn_mn.a
markets wrenout getting meaningful con-
ell, U:; _agriculturaf trade policy is
. ._,,.1 cessions in return.
A realistic U.S. agricultural trade policy is
badly needed if this Nation is ever to make
any progress toward the solution of its
domestic agricultural problems, and the
liberalization of world trade. The task force
strongly recommends two steps to improve
this situation: (1) Expansion of agricultural
exports for dollars through the adoption of a
more realistic and positive U.S. bargaining
position at the trade negotiation tables of
the world; and (2) congressional action to
insure administration compliance with the
congressional directive expressed in section
22-the directive to coordinate agricultural
import policy with domestic price support
A realistic U.S. agricultural trade policy
will contribute much to the solution of our
domestic farm problems, and will afford the
United States the opportunity to achieve
equitable and truly reciprocal trade agree-
These;, ortcoIoings in our agricultural
fade ,po pies ,result principally from: (1)
Coordinate U.S. agricultural import policies
with domestic
rams has
cost the American farmer and taxpayer mil- (Mr. WIDNALL (at the request of Mr.
lions of dollars. Last year alone, as a result WYDLER) was granted permission to ex-
of the recent excessive beef imports, the tend his remarks at this point in the
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tzcoi o and to include extraneous mat,
-:[Mr. WIDNALL'S remarks will appear
hereafter in the Appendix.]
The SPEAKER, pro tempore (Mr. MA-
TsuNAGA) Under previous order, of the
House, the gentleman from New York
[Mr. WOLFF] Is recognized for 20 min-
tMr. WOLFF. addressed the ?House.
His remarks will ppear hereafter in the
App ridix.ii
The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr..
MATSUNAGA). Under previous order of
the House, the gentleman from. Minne-
sota [Mr. FRASER] is recognized for 30
Mr. FRAgER. Mr. Speaker, we .are all
deeply concerned by the tragic war be-
tween India and Pakistan. If ever a,war
was unnecessary and unwanted, it is this
Mr. Speaker, the dispute over Kashmir
is rooted in religious differences and en-
cumbered with national pride. This
kind of dispute is the most intractable of
all. Yet, unless man is to abandon,hope
for a peaceful world, some means of
achieving a settlement for this, kind of
dispute must be found.
These disputes do not stem from the
cold war. These conflicts arise, from the
mosaic history of man.
It would be well, Mr. Speaker,, if the
world had come to accept the use of arbi-
tration or judicial procedures between
nations. That time is coming. The cur-
rent Washington Conference, on, World
Peace Through Law is an example of an
important effort to achieve this goal.
Meanwhile, the Kashmir dispute is be-
fore the world, and we must face it. If
we can solve this problem through the
use of ' international machinery we will
Contribute significantly to the evolution
toward a world under law. .
The merits of the Kashmir dispute
have been examined by the United Na-
tions. It concluded that the people of
Kashmir should have the right to vote
on the question of accession.. The orig-
inal accession itself was contingent upon
such a vote. This procedure accords
with the generally accepted tenet of the
West that government ought to rest
upon the assent of the governed.
The situation in Kashmir must be
sharply distinguished from those con-
flicts which represent a breakup of na-
tions. The Congo dispute illustrates
this difference. In that case the Ka-
tahga province, historically a part of the
whole nation, sought to break away.
United Nations forces were used to keep
the Congo intact.
The case of Kashmir is different. The
accession of Kashmir to India was never
completed and was attempted in a set-
ting which raised a genuine question of
its fairness. Permitting the people of
Kashmir `to vote on the.. question seems
the only acceptable means of resolving
U.N. NEEDS TO USE MUSCLE _ FOR SETTLEMENT- is my deep conviction that the
United Nations should put some muscle
into the settlement of this dispute.
Merely utilizing its good offices has failed'
for the past 16 years to produce a settle-
The United Nations should resolve
that it will press forward by whatever
means are required to insure that a pleb-
iscite takes place in some fprm within a
reasonable time. The results of that
plebiscite should be backed up by the
United Nations.
Mr. Speaker, the harsh realities of
this proposal must be faced. It is re-
ported that for India-to permit such a
result may be destructive of the political
stability of India, or that communal vio-
lence may be exacerbated. These possi-
bilities cannot be blinked away. Yet
these possibilities must be balanced
against the alternatives and their dan-
One thing is certain. It would be a
thousand times easier for India to give
way to a determined United Nations than
to give way to Pakistan.
This type of action by the United Na-
tions is morally strong in an age when
the moral nature of a decision. is far
more Important than many seem to
Now, Mr. Speaker, I turn to the, posi-
tion of the U.S. Government. If our
Government elects to pursue the course
I am urging, it must, of course, be done
through the quiet diplomatic channels
which precede any effective. U.N. action.
The major powers may not all agree, and
some negotiation among them may first
be necessary.
What I hope our Government will
show, however, is a willingness to actively
urge the use of such muscle by the
U.N. as is necessary to finally settle the
Kashmir dispute.
If the United Nations takes a more
forceful stance, then, of course, the
United States should actively support
the United Nations and should regulate
its trade and aid accordingly.
I oppose unilateral suspension of eco-
nomic aid-on our part, With two na-
tions locked in struggle, the suspension
of our economic aid would have an un-
even impact upon the two nations. The
nation most injured by our action would
develop a lasting bitterness toward us.
We do not want other nations to inter-
vene unilaterally. For the United States
to unilaterally change our basic rela-
tionship with the two countries in trade
or, aid would constitute a unilateral in-
tervention on our part. ' This risk re-
emphasizes the need for the United Na-
tions to take the lead in settling this
Any lead which the United States may
take in urging more forceful United Na-
tions : action will, of course, become
known to both India and Pakistan. We
maybe reluctant to push ahead for fear
fear of such alienation stems from the
cold war.
f hope that the United States does not
succumb to this line of reasoning. It is
self--defeating apd will tend to destroy
the capabilities of the United Nations
which need to be built up, not torn down
or ignored.
The U.N. needs to do what nations
cannot do for themselves. The limita-
tions imposed by internal political con-
siderations are real and tough for any
nation. Thus, the rest of the world,
acting through the U.N., must bring
about the settlement of this dispute.
Mr. Speaker, the United Nations has
a unique opportunity to serve mankind.
The General Assembly has been wisely
freed from the paralyzing dispute over
article 19. The fighting between India
and Pakistan is outside the cold war, the
merits of the underlying cause of the
dispute are generally agreed upon, and
the U.N. has the power to act.
Is there the willingness to act? This
country and other members of the
United Nations must come to fully em-
brace the fact that active employment
of force in support of the political judg-
ments of the United Nations offers the
shortest, most direct path to a world of
This unprecedented opportunity to
demonstrate to the world the capacity of
the United Nations to keep the peace
should be pursued and not lost through
hesitation or indecision.
No one can lightly suggest such direct
action by the United Nations which may
appear to be aimed at the interests of
any nation. In the larger and more im-
portant perspective, the people of each
nation share a common interest with the
rest of mankind in the orderly settle-
ment of disputes.
We have an enormous stake in the
future. of India as we do in Pakistan.
We must help these countries resolve
this conflict so that together we can
build to meet the expectations of all the
people of this world.
The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr.
MATSUNAGA). Under previous order of
the House, the gentleman from Califor-
nia [Mr. HosMERI is recognized for 30
Mr. HOSMER. Mr. Speaker, the
Atomic Energy Commission has so badly
bungled the site selection process for the
Nation's new 200 billion electron volt
(Bev.) accelerator it should cancel all
present proceedings and start anew.
The planned facility, now estimated to
cost around $340 million instead of the
$280 million originally estimated, now
cannot be started on time because no
one can even say where it will be bdi it.
One hundred twenty-six proposalsfame
in from 4f of the 50 States who wanted
it built in their borders. Only The off'
shore States of Alaska and Hawaii faile
to bid, along with Delaware and Vermo
who lack the 3,000 acres of clear, lei
land needed fQr the installation.
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States. They have established and main- seriously-they should have been re-
tained our undisputed leadership in high solved before any nationwide search for
energy physics, nuclear chemistry and sites ever was commenced. This AEC
related sciences. Every single transura- exercise in how-to-succeed-in-site-selec-
nium element has been discovered at one tion - without really saddling any -
or the other of these centers. Lawrence
alone, since its inception, has produced
almost as many Nobel Prize winning
chemists and physicists as not only the
rest of the Nation, but the rest of the
world, combined.
Unless the two new giant accelerators
are located successively at Lawrence and
Brookhaven, these great stars inevitably
will commence to dim. There is no as-
surance that the location of these ma-
chines elsewhere will ever develop new
teams of equal scientific excellence to
replace those which may be squandered
by deliberately dimming the lights at
Brookhaven and Lawrence-a seemingly
inescapable consequence of any decision
to locate the new accelerators elsewhere.
In fact, there even exists a truly seri-,
ous question of whether machines of the
highest quality could be built at any
other locations. Few, if any, of the
Nation's scientists capable of designing
and building such tools-and honed by
experience in doing so-are located at
any place other than Brookhaven and
No one can say that any of them would
be willing to leave these locations for
someplace else-in the boondocks of
scientific thought or not. No one can
say this because no one has bothered to
check with them and find out. It is to
be recalled that the Stanford Linear
Accelerator, a similarly complicated
scientific machine, had to be built on the
Stanford University campus simply be-
cause the only people capable of building
it already were there and declined to go
elsewhere. You can order soldiers
around and you can order scientists
around in wartime-but the Vietnam
war is not big enough yet to pull this now. If these scientists capable of
constructing the 200 Bev. will not move,
then if the 200 Bev. is not located where
they are, it will be turned over to less
capable and less experienced hands and
we will end up with an equally costly,
but second rate machine. The Russians
once had a somewhat similar experience
which proved quite costly to them in both
money and prestige. It hardly is time
to repeat their mistake.
This issue of the future of the two
Laboratories and the quality of the new
machines, which means so much to the
Nation, should have been ;net and de-
cided long before the enticing possibility
of the 200 Bev. bonanza was dangled
bewitchingly before, a host of chambers
responsibility - seriously has just about
turned the 200-Bev. bonanza into the
200-Bev. bungle. It should backtrack
and do first things first.
If doing so indicates that a site other
than Lawrence, and therefore Brook-
haven for the next larger machine, will
not diminish the Nation's interest it then
will be time to resume the site search.
If it does so and pays any attention
whatever to realities and to the site
criteria which have been announced, it
then will become readily apparent that
practically the only really promising lo-
cations radiate out from the Chicago
area into only about five States-Minne-
sota, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, and
Missouri. This indicates clearly that 37
more States could have been lopped off
the list announced today by AEC if only
sound scientific considerations had been
used in making it up.
To forestall any innuendo that my re-
marks are being made parochially as a
Californian let me say that I am a south-
ern Californian representing a district
at least 450 miles distant from Lawrence
Laboratory. From the political stand-
point it affects me not one whit where
the 200 Bev. goes. But as an informed
legislator, concerned both with main-
taining our country's scientific excellence
and with getting the top dollar from
the very expensive public investment, I
have deep concern that we proceed with
it in a sound way. I also have a deep
concern over the delay indicated today
by the AEC from its mishandling of the
site problem. The accelerator was sup-
posed to be authorized next year and
work started. The site selection mess
indicates the project will slip an entire
year. Meanwhile the Soviets are calmly
and deliberately pushing to completion
their new 70-Bev. accelerator, a high
energy research tool over twice the
power of any existing in the United
States. Soon it will be probing for
secrets of the universe having the utmost
strategic importance. While Russia
learns America burns with squabbles in
Congress, at the AEC and at the White
House over where to put a political plum.
In saying what I have said today, let
me assure you that I still have the high-
est respect professionally for the mem-
bers of the Atomic Energy Commission
and for their honesty and integrity. The
doubt I have relates to the lack of a
political competency, which they are not
supposed to have in the first place, and
sociations throughout the country. to the characteristics of commission-
Most certainly it should have been con- type management which inevitably re-
sidered before-not contemporaneously sults in indecision, buckpassing and
with a lot of nonscientific considerations reluctance to assume-, responsibility for
and clamor. My own judgment is that: hard decisions whenever duties are
First, the preeminence of two vital labor- shared amongst several people rather
atories is in jeopardy; second, that de- than concentrated in one strong hand.
velopment of new scientific, teams of
equal quality to existing ones is ques-
tionable; and, third, that the excellence
of the new accelerator itself is in the CERTAIN POSTAL DELIVERIES
balance-may be incorrect. I do not The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under
think so, but I shall be the first to leave previous order of the House, the gentle-
the questions open. However, these man from Nebraska [Mr. CUNNINGHAM1
questions do exist-legitimately and is recognized for 30 minutes.
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.delegations from all interested States
have pounded at the AEC's door to pro-
mote their claims and ,almost afl affected
Congressmen and Senators have got into
the, act one way or another. The 200-
Bev, bonanza-the Government's biggest
free offer to all comers since opening the
Cherokee strip to homesteaders in 1893-
has become one of Washington's biggest
political .hot potatoes. In face of the
political pros' onslaught, the AEC has
become mired in a mammouth pork bar-
rel, It hoped Congress would soon ad-
journ and get some of its more persistent
pursuers. off its back. When that possi-
bility dimmed, it panicked.
A promised screening down of the
number of possible sites has been twice
delayed. With the heat on for some
action, the AEC came up, today with new
list, claiming, progress by a, screening
down to 85 proposals. However, it made
an inept attempt to keep its political
skirts clean by leaving, amongst the 85
proposals a grand total of, 43 States.
Only North Dakota, South Dakota, and
Wyoming sites were, totally eliminated.
These States lave but six, Senators and
five Congressmen between them.. The
fact is that at least half the remaining
proposals on the new list are dogs, un-
suitable for considexation under one or
'more of the . vario>.is site criteria origi-
nally specified by AEC.
The net effect of the action only will
be to.intensify injection of objectionable
politics into a situation which should be
one of purely scientific judgment-which
judgment the AEC _ apparently seeks to
dodge or_ delay. An investment of the
major magnitude ofthis one must pay
the highest dividend's-to-"the Nation and
deserves insulation from either political
politics or university politics. The latter
have, been dragged into the picture by
the EC's futile effort to dodge its cares
by hiring the National Academy of Sci-
ences to advise it on the screening and
site selection, problem.. Almost the first
discussion of the subject by NAS was by
a group in which several university pres-
idents or their representatives partici-
pated. People of this occupation are
notable for zeroing in on prestige-laden
projects-good for the university, but
not necessarily intertwined inexorably
with the highest national interest.
By embarking ,on a nationwide site
hunt the AEQ bas.totally and absolutely
ignored the gut issue on locating this
national facility which should have first
been taken up. That issue has to do not
only with the 200-Bev. accelerator, but
its companion, to follow next, an even
more costly 600-33ev. job. Both accelera-
tors were, conceived primarily by scien-
tists primarily connected with the Na-
tion's two existing hajor high energy
physics locations. These are the Law-
rence Fta4fation.Lp~ jor tDry in northern
California -ud the Brogkhaven National
Laboratory on Long Island. The 200 Bev.
was planned as a -logical extension of the
Ike the Star of Bethlehem4vhiph lead
Three Wise.,Men. to -the- manger,
khaven and Lawrence have become
wo great bright stars in the intellec-
the entire world to the United
$'Ir, G'ijN ? iI Mr. Speaker, in
1$$2, this Ro with only two dissent-
ing votes, pas d legislation denying the
?de~iVCry o iclted Communist po-
paept ~.~.
pit role anda. At that time the
Fe on l j ,the,legislation was the fact
that. Communist countries did not grant
free access._ to, American newspapers,
magazlries,and,.printed matter. There
believe that
was a Consensus thg and I be
there is a consensus now,_ that it is an
imposition on American taxpayers to, ask
our deficit-ridden post office" to ? carry
Communist literature when there is no
reciprocity on the part of most Commu-
nist countries.
Since 1962, the situation has not
changed. Communist countries still do
not deliver our newspapers, periodicals,
and other printed matter. In fact,
postal authorities of the U.S.S.R. recently
announced prohibitions and import re-
strictions which now apply to parcel post
and postal union mail packages ad-
dressed to that country, including
printed matter, pictures, and recordings
which they consider contrary to the in-
terests of the U.S.S.R. The U.S. Su-
preme Court, however, declared the 1962
legislation unconstitutional. In its opin-
ion the Court stated:
We rest on the narrow ground that the ad-
dressee in order to receive his mail must
request in writing that it be delivered. This
amounts in our judgment to an unconstitu-
tional abridgment of the addressee's first
aflnendments rights. The addressee carries
ah affirmative obligation which we do not
think the Government may impose on him.
'Fh1,s requirement is almost certain to have
a deterrent effect, especially as respects those
who have~s_ensitive positions. Their liveli-
hood may be`dependent on a security clear-
ance. Public oiiicials, like schoolteachers who
have no tenure, might think 'they would in-
vite disaster if they read what the Federal
Government says contains the seeds of
treason. Apart from them, any addressee is
likely to feel some inhibition in sending for
literature which Federal officials have con-
clefYined as Communist political propaganda.
in with many eminent law-
yers, ~otfully disagree with the
Court's oporl. Nevertheless, the act
was struck down and the Communist
aotintries are still taking advantage of
t}ur, subsidized postal {system to deliver
their newspapers, magaines, and so
, forth, free in this country, while they
offer us npthing in return. There is a
need for new legislation in this area; leg-
islation which will both offer the'Coni-
munists In ntfvesto deliver oitr`litera-
ture and ;` a the same ime guarantee
the first amen dmen rights which the
Supreme Court believed it was striving to
Today I.LLam offerm, "the house of
Representatives such legislation. ''T`his is
new legislation an cT I liriow it win meet
all of the upr'eme qus ot~ections to
the earlier bill. It is aimed ate' gnes-
-tion of reciprocity. If Communist coun-
tries carry, our newspapers, periodicals
and other printed matter, then let our
postal system be open to them. But if
Communist countries do not grant us
equal postal rights, then it is for the Con-
gress to say whether we will subsidize
their mail when we get no quid pro quo.
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. Let me read the ve ry simple language
ofthe, bill:
() The United States malls, except
firs class and airmail shall not be available
fof the transportation or delivery of news-
papers, periodicals, or other printed matter
originating in any foreign country, or de-
posited in the United States mails by or in
behalf of any foreign country, from which
any type of foreign assistance is withheld
pursuant to section 620(f) of the Foreign
Assistance Act of 1961, as amended (22 U.S.C.
2370(f) unless=
(1) The President determines that any
such country transports and deliver the
United States newspapers, periodicals, or
other printed matter, wherever originating,
or mailed, without restriction in its postal
system; or
(2) Such country shall have entered into
a reciprocal cultural agreement with the
United States under which the United States
and such country agree to transport and de-
liver in their mails equal quantities of news-
papers, periodicals, or other printed matter on
the express condition that the postal system
of neither country shall be available for the
'transportation and delivery of amounts of
matter in excess of the amounts specified in
the reciprocal cultural agreement.
(b) Subsection (a) of this section shall not
apply to newspapers, periodicals, or other
printed matter, wherever originating, ad-
dressed to any (A) United States Govern-
ment agency, (B) public library, (C) college,
university, or other institution of higher
learning, (D) scientific or professional insti-
tution for advanced studies, or (E) any
official of any of the foregoing.
This legislation does not lock out ideas
or deny Americans access to any infor-
mation whatsoever. First class' and air
mail are specifically exempted from its
provisions since it is not intended to im-
pede communications, but to induce reci-
procity. The choice, then, is up to the
Communist governments; if they will
consent to carry our literature, then we
will carry theirs. The issue is reciprocity
and that issue must be resolved.
This legislation is founded on the con-
gressional postal authority and the fiscal
power of Congress. If Congress has the
authority to. set postal rates for different
classes of mail, certainly it has the power
to give or deny a subsidy to a class of
mail originating in countries withhold-
ing free use of their mail service recipro-
cally to the United States.
Vice President HUMPHREY in 1961, then
in the Senate, made the point well when
he said:
I believe the time has come for the U.S.
Government to inform the Soviet Union that
there must be a quid pro quo for the
use of our postal service. In other words, it
is time we said, "all right, Mr. Khrushchev;
you may use the postal service of the United
States when and if you let the United States
use the postal service of the Soviet Union on
a 50-50 reciprocity basis; not a basis of one
horse to one rabbit, which is what is hap-
pening now-With the United States getting
the rabbit."
r am in complete accord w ith the Vice
President in this respect,
'The'tifne for" such legislation is ripe.
The issue fought out in 1962 is even more
serious in 1965 W e a_re now in a hotter
war in Vietnam. - We are in a period of
emergency, There is every reason for
the American point of view to be ex-
pressed in Iron Curtain countries, just as
Iron curtail countries are, now able to
express their views in this country
through our subsidized postal system.
The war in Vietnam is expensive enough
in lives, and less importantly, in funds.
We ought not to add to this cost -by
burdening the American taxpayers with
the delivery of Communist literature
when we get no quid pro quo. Earlier
this year the President appointed a com-
mittee of eminent citizens to report to
him on whether or not we should increase
trade with Communist countries. This
report contained many well-reasoned
recommendations among which was the
In the Committee's view, the time is ripe
to make more active use of trade arrange-
ments as political instruments in relations
with Communist countries. Trade should be
brought into the political arena. It should
be offered or withheld, purposefully and sys-
tematically, as opportunities and circum-
stances warrant. This requires that the
President be put in a position to remove
trade restrictions on a selective and discre-
tionary basis or to reimpose them as justified
by our relations with individual Communist
Trade moves should be adapted to circum-
stances in individual countries and used to
gain improvements in, and to build a better
foundation for our relations with these coun-
tries. As opportunities arise, the United
States should enter into government-to-gov-
ernment negotiations with individual Corn-
munist countries on this front, bargaining as
Yankee traders for reciprocal advantage.
Again, the issue is reciprocity; this
issue must be resolved. I urge-passage
of this legislation.
(Mr. OTTINGER (at the request of Mr.
CoRMAN) was granted permission to ex-
tend his remarks at this point in the REC-
oRD and to include extraneous matter.)
Mr. OTTINGER. Mr. Speaker, no in-
ternal need facing the United States to-
day is of greater importance than proper
management of the Nation's water re-
For the northeastern region of the Na-
tion, this need is not only important, it
is urgent. The serious consequences of
the present drought have dramatically
exposed the dangers of slipshod planning
and the folly of following the counsels of
political expediency in dealing with a
natural resource as important as water.
Later this week, the House is scheduled
to vote upon a proposal which has an im-
portant bearing on the northeastern
water situation. The proposal is con-
tained in an amendment to section 101 of
the omnibus rivers and harbors bill re-
ported favorably by the House Public
Works Committee last Thursday.
This section would direct the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers to prepare a
plan for, first, the construction, operation
and maintenance by the United States of
a system of major reservoirs in the river
basins of the-northeastern region; sec-
ond, a system of conveyance facilities by
which water can be exchanged between,
these basins; and, third, major purifica
tion facilities.
The aim of ' this legislation is laudab
and the distinguished gentlemen of f
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September 9, 1965 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -- SENATE 22521
National Section must be'enabled to function
The Department of State believes that ex-
perience over the past years has demon-
strated that the Institute is an effective
instrument for , promoting geographic and
historical research development throughout
Latin America. Furthermore, the U.S. Gov-
ernment is interested in improving the eco-
nomic structure of these countries, and the
Institute, a small organization whose activi-
ties are especially adapted to the area, is con-
tributing significantly to the overall devel-
opment in this field.
Mr. MUNDT. Mr. President, I intro
duce, for appropriate reference, a joint
resolution requiring the National Capi-
tal Planning Commission to make a de-
tailed study and to hold public. hearings
on the subject of the bes posible site
for the JolUi F. Kennedy enter for the
Performing Arts.
I am sure that all of us have become
increasingly aware and worried over the
public debate and controversy that has
developed as a result of the selection of
the present Potomac River site. Many, at this 11th hour. housing bill, urban renewal funds are
influential and knowledgeable organize- I must admit that I am personally available for the first time for the Dis-
tions have, criticized the Potomac loca- reluctant to see the Potomac River bank trict of Columbia. Such funds have
tion, Recently the American Institute utilized for a project of this type. This been used in other cities to acquire sites
of Architects adopted a resolution which is valuable land. Perhaps not as valu- for cultural centers and this possibility
questioned the whether the present loca- able in a monetary sense as solhe`other should be examined in Washington.
tion is adequate to receive properly a locations might be, but valuable in the Mr.. Pwto make it clear
building of the size and importance of sense that it still contains much God- that President, si
sponsoring this resolution I am
the contemplated Center, and stating given natural beauty. thdent, want
y the lutionutam
to delay construction
that it believed that another location In my home State of South Dakota not attempting
might provide a more appropriate site we are fortunate in having thousands of of only the Cultural Center. in insuring that I the am interested
for this great memorial. Several leading acres of land that still repose in their oon I am
oposing. any Furthermore,
newspapers, including the New York natural setting. It is beautiful scenery site
Times and the Washington Post, have \f or man cannot improve upon the Lord's not oposinging that the particular site but
urged that a better site be chosen. architecture. This is a legacy that has rather proposing selected.
Co that the National Cap-
In view of the serious questions that been given to us by our ancestors and ital Planning
I f f othe detailed
been raised, the permanency of which we in turn should endeavor to to make a Planning C the site see
to of
the building to be erected, the amount pass on to those who succeed us. It is, ion and ndtoion.propose study its Finally, knowledgeable
not of money involved, and the general de- unfortunately, a dwindling legacy. recg that such a study long delay pro-
sire to insure that our Capital City be In Washington this matter is becoming posing that asuc t he terms of the ay the
developed in an orderly and satisfac- particularly acute. When you consider project. the t Under t terms of the u-
tort' way, I think it only logical and the total metropolitan area as belong- tion, required Planning
make Commission n would 90 days its prudent that the National Capital Plan- ing to the city of Washington, it is evi- and no construction could be carried days
ring Commission, which is the agency dent that we are rapidly approaching the while the Commission makes its study.
created by the Congress to be responsi- time when we will be the center of a
ble for the development of the Nation's gigantic circle of concrete miles away Similar resolutions have been intro-
Capital, make this study. from such things as open space, grass, duced in the other Chamber. I urge that
I do not believe that this matter has trees, winding river banks, and fresh air. the Senate pass this joint resolution so
received the detailed consideration that With the exception of Rock Creek Park, that we may bring this matter out in
it deserves. The National Capital Plan- the banks of the Potomac represent just the open. If the relative merits of the
ning Commission has never really been a .bout the last possibility to preserve proposed sites are to be debated, they
consulted. In 1958, when previous plans these natural beauties. should be debated before the agency re-
-calling for a cultural center directly Recreation has taken on added signif- sponsible-the National Capital Plan-
across from the National Gallery were icance during the past decade. It is ping Commission. Passage of this res-
abandoned, the Planning Commission only natural to assume that this trend olution would assure such careful con-
was more or less told to select a site will continue. The Potomac will grow sideration by the appropriate group.
along the Potomac. Attempts to get the more valuable as the demand for recrea- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The
project off the ground were less than tional areas increases. To future gen- joint resolution will be received and ap-
succe ful and it Was not until the sill- orations, a place to swim, to fish, to sun propriately referred.
aural center was selected as, the mei trial, baahe, or simply take a walk along a The joint resolution (S.J. Res. 109)
for the late President Kennedy that, the wooded lane may well be fully as impor directing the National Capital Planning
impetus was provided for the completion tant as a cultural center. Commission to make a study of the site
of the project. I do not believe, however, that the rea selected for the John F. Kennedy Center
At the time it was only natural for sons for calling for a reappraisal of the for the Performing Arts and any other
those in charge of planning the center 1ocation' need rest on these arguments sites proposed for' such Center, want too p oee forward as quicklyy as alone Ti would appear that several post-
possible with the existing authorization. tine factors have entered the scene that duced by Mr. MUNDT, was received, read
The entire country was engulfed`~by a were not considered originally and could twice by its title, and referred to the
wave of emotion that lies never been very well change the initial plan. Committee on Public Works.
equaled. should take a~ sober however. second believe
look and we ~- the hplan for redesigning Pennsylvania
select the best possible site for this me- Avenue came along. Now a Commission
morial. has been established and these gentle-
Mr. President, I do not pertain to be men are attempting, assumably, to make
an expert on city planning. This is why Pennsylvania Avenue into the showcase
I am proposing no particular spot and thoroughfare envisioned by Pierre
this is why I am sugesting that a com- L'Enfant more than 150 years ago. A
petent panel be placed in charge of the cultural center located on the avenue
decisionmaking. I must say, however, could very well contribute to this plan.
that I am not particularly impressed It should at least be considered along
with the reasons advanced by those who with all other attractive and available
wish to keep the Potomac site which is sites.
presently proposed. A location that would be more cen-
The board of trustees of the Kennedy trally located and thus more easily ac-
Cultural Center seem to believe that we cessible would seem to be a cogent rea-
have gone too far to change our minds.. son for relocation. The Potomac site is
I disagree. We have not started to build. nowhere near the center of the city and
We have not expended any funds for visitors would have to rely almost en-
acquisition of land. All that has been tfiely on automobile transportation. In
accomplished thus far is to let the bids contrast, a cultural center located in the
for demolition. While there may be heart of the city could utilize the new
some added cost if the existing plans subway system as well as old-fashioned
would have to be modified, this would be shoe leather. The subway system, once
a minimal sum when you consider the again, is a new factor that has arisen.
total cost involved and how permanent At the time of the original selection it
that expenditure will be once the build- was merely a dream; now it is becoming
ing is constructed. If the Potomac site a reality.
is a mistake, then it should be corrected Finally there is the question of avail-
and it is still not too late to correct a ability of new funds. With the enact
bad mistake, even if we have to do it mint into law of the recently passed
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Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President} behalf
of the Senator from Oregon [Mr.
MoRsE) and myself I submit a concur-
rent resolution concerning the hostilities
which are going on in India and
In submitting this measure I -point out
that the stakes are too high for Ind a,
for Pakistan, and for the world to per-
mit a continuation or escalation of the
fighting that could ultimately lead to the
destruction of one or both of the ad-
versaries and virtually invite Communist
China to Interfere in a major way in
the affairs of the subcontinent.
I feel that Congress, as representatives
of the people of the United States,
should make known its support of. all
efforts by the United Nations and other
international organizations to bring
about an immediate cease-fire in, the
Indian subcontinent.
We should support the President's in-
terim action in withholding military aid
to both countries. We should also sup-
port the President, and not tie his hands,
in the dispensing of nonmilitary aid to
India and Pakistan. The President has
complete authority, under the Gruening-
Javits-Morse amendment to the Foreign
Assistance Act, passed in 1963, to make a
factual determination whether or not
any country receiving our assistance is
preparing for or engaged. in aggressive
military efforts against another aid
recipient, requiring that assistance to
that country be temporarily suspended.
That amendment is now section 620(1)
of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as
We should support the President and
not tie his hands, and we should back
the United Nations in its effort to end the
fighting, and thus maintain a consistent,
unified policy.
I am pleased to note that this is a bi-
partisan concurrent resolution. It is the
great tradition of our country that we
close ranks in international emergencies.
That is what this resolution seeks to
concurrent resolution will be received
and appropriately referred.
The concurrent resolution (S. Con.
Res. 58) was referred to the Committee
on Foreign Relations, as follows:
Whereas the United States is committed
to the peaceful settlement of international
disputes; and
Whereas the current armed conflict be-
tween India and Pakistan is inimical to the
interests of the countries concerned and of
the United States, and endangers Interna-
tional peace; and
Whereas it is the desire of the United
States to maintain mutually friendly and
productive relations with both Pakistan and
India: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Senate (the Houseof Rep-
resentatives concurring), That it is the sense
of the Congress that-
(1) The United States should support and
encourage United Nations efforts and take
other appropriate measures, as the President
determines, to bring an end to the armed
conflict between India and Pakistan at the
earliest possible moment.
(2) The Congress supports and approves,
e interim action of the President in with-
holding military assistance during the con-
tinuation of military hostilities between
India and Pakistan and invites the Presi-
dent to consider making a determination
pursuant to section 620(1) of the Foreign
Assistance Act of 1961 with respect to the
temporary suspension of economic and mili-
tary assistance to Pakistan or India during
the continuatign of military hostilities be-
tween them.
Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, every
Member of the the Senate should be-
heart-ened by the fact that, according to a
news dispatch which has just come in,
the Chilean Senate has approved the
copper agreements which President Frei
negotiated with American copper com-
panies in Chile, The copper accords
already had the approval of the Chilean
Chamber of Deputies, where President
Frei's. Christian Democrats have a ma-
jority, but there had been considerable
question whether the agreements would
be blocked in the Chilean Senate.
The Chilean copper agreements dem-
onstrate the range of possibilities of
mutually satisfactory settlement in a
sensitive area of private foreign invest-
ment in Latin America, and as such have
very broad significance. Not only does
the removal of this last major obstacle
to final approval of the agreements con-
stitute an important victory for Presi-
dent Frei's program, but the action
which the Chilean Senate has just taken
is agreat and constructive contribution
to inter-American cooperation.
Mr. McGOVERN. Mr. President, I
have just submitted an amendment to
the wheat title of H.R. 9811 which will:
First. Continue the domestic certifi-
cate-two-price approach, which has
been used successfully the past 2 years.
Second. Provide for a variable export
certificate under which wheat farmers
would receive the full net returns from
commercial wheat export operations.
Third. Enable wheat to be competitive
with feed grains, ac in recent years, and
thereby permit the continuation of the
popular acreage substitution provision of
the wheat and feed grain programs.
All other provisions of the Senate bill
relating to allotments, diversion, price
support, and income goals would be
The bill reported by the Senate com-
mittee provides direct payments to the
cooperating producer on this entire pro-
duction while maintaining the require-
ment that wheat users buy certificates.
This approach could, in the years ahead,
create difficulties in trade negotiations,
since it supports export wheat as well as
wheat used domestically-a device which
invites retaliation by other governments.
By returning to the domestic parity ap-
proach, the ,McGovern amendment will
enable U.S.'wheat producers to produce
for only the domestic market if they
wish and-receive price support-based on'
parity. If producers want to produce
more, they may do so at world market
prices or near that level without depend-
ing on heavy export subsidies. This will
enable U.S. wheat to compete for a fair
share of the world markets withintrad-
ing rules acceptable to competing
- The variable export amendment would
fallow the pattern now used by some oth-
er wheat exporting nations. On all ex-
port wheat, farmers would receive the
basic price support loan. In addition,
the Department of Agriculture would es-
tablish for exporters on a daily basis
either a certificate sale value or a re-
fund, which would make U.S. wheat
prices competitive at the world level. If
world wheat prices were above U.S.
wheat prices, certificates would be sold
to exporters. Receipts would be pooled,
and net receipts above refunds to ex-
porters would be allocated to wheat pro-
ducers at the end of the year.
The amendment provides that the loan
level shall take account of the feed value
of wheat and will enable farmers who
participate in the wheat and feed grain
programs to substitute, acre for acre, be-
tween feed grains and wheat as best suits
their individual farming operations.
The Senate committee bill did not con-
tain authority for setting the basic loan
level on wheat so that it could be com-
petitive with feed grains. My amend-
ment takes care of that situation.
amendment will be received, printed, and
will lie on the table.
Mr. PROXMIRE (for himself, Mr.
Mr. FULSRIGHT), submitted an amend-
ment intended to be-proposed by them,
jointly, to House bill 9811, the Food and
Agriculture Act of 1965, which was or-
dered to lie on the table and to be printed.
Mr. DODD submitted amendments, in-
tended to be proposed by him, to House
bill 9811, the Food and Agriculture Act
of 1965, which were ordered to lie on the
table and to be printed.
Mr. BREWSTER submitted two
amendments, intended to be proposed by
him, to House bill 9811, the Food and
Agriculture Act of 1965, which were or-
dered to lie on the table and to be printed.
Mr. GRUENING. Mr. President, I
ask unanimous consent that at the next
printing of S. 1676, my bill to provide for
certain reorganizations In the Depart-
ment of State and Department of
Health, Education, and Welfare, the
name of the junior Senator from Wyo-
ming [Mr. SiMPsoN] be added as a co-
objection, it is so ordered.
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(Legislative day of Wednesday, September 8,19 65)
The Senate met at"11 o'clock a.m., on
the expiration of the recess, and was
called to order by the Acting President
pro tempore [Mr. METCALF].
The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown
Harris, " D.D., offered the following
Our 'Father God, as in reverence we
hallow Thy name, so may we hallow our
own as we keep our honor bright, our
hearts pure, our ideals untarnished, and
our devotion to the Nation's welfare high
and true.
As within this quiet Chamber of gov-
ernance we close the door for this still
moment upon the wild and violent world
without, we seek Thee anew within, until
thoughts grow reverent again, waiting
tasks are glorified and our whole being
is dominated by a, faith in the ultimate
decency of the world because the God
behind the shadows, and in them, can
transfigure all common things into shin-
ing sacraments of love.
We ask it through riches of grace in
Christ Jesus, our Lord. Amen.
On request of Mr. MANSFIELD, and by
unanimous consent, the reading of the
Journal of the proceedings of Wednes-
day, September 8, 1965, was dispensed
OF 1965
Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I
ask unanimous consent that the unfin-
ished business be laid before -the Senate.
pore. The Chair, lays before the Senate
the unfinished business,
The Senate resumed the consideration
of the. bill. (HR. 9811) to maintain farm
income, to stabilize prices and assure
adequate supplies of agricultural com-
modities, to reduce surpluses, lower
Government costs and promote foreign
trade, to afford greater economic oppor-
tunity in rural areas, and for other
Mr. ELLENDER obtained the floor.
Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, will
the distinguished Senator from Louisi-
ana yield to me briefly?
Mr. ELLENDER. I yield to the Sena-
tor from Montana without losing my
right to the floor.
Mr MAkVSF~ELD. Mr.. President, I
ask unanimous consent that the Senate
proceed to the consideration of certain
measures on the calendar, beginning
with Calendar No. 670.
pore. Without objection, it is so or-
dered. The clerk will state the first bill.
The bill (H.R. 725) to clarify the re-
sponsibility for marking of obstructions
in navigable waters was considered, or-
dered to a third reading, read the third
time, and passed.
Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask
unanimous consent to have printed in the
RECORD an excerpt from the report. (No.
688), explaining the-purposes of the bill.
There being no objection, the excerpt
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
The purpose of H.R. 725 is to clarify the
responsibility, as among Government agen-
cies, for marking obstructions in navigable
Current law provides that the Corps of
Engineers and the Coast Guard are respon-
sible for marking wrecks in navigable waters.
However, the extent of the responsibility of
each is unclear. This bill, as recommended
by the Secretary of the Treasury, provides
that the primary obligation for marking all
obstructions to navigation rests with the
Coast Guard. This should completely elimi-
nate the present lack of clarity.
The bill in no way abrogates the existing
responsibility of the Corps of Engineers to
remove obstructions, or the existing respon-
sibility of shipowners to mark the obstruc-
Specifically, the Secretary of the Treasury
is authorized to mark wrecks and other ob-
structions which, in his judgment, constitute
obstructions to navigation.
The bill (H.R. 727) to provide for the
administration of the Coast Guard Band
was considered, ordered to a third read-
ing, read the third time, and passed.
Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I
ask unanimous consent to have printed
in the RECORD an excerpt from the report
(No. 689), explaining the purposes of the
There being no objection, the excerpt
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
The purpose of H.R. 727 is to permit the
Coast Guard to select as the conductor of its
band an officer, and to accord statutory
recognition to the Coast Guard Band.
Currently the Coast Guard Band is con-
ducted by a warrant officer, while all other
service bands are conducted by officers. This
bill requires the conductor to be an officer
who is at least a lieutenant (junior grade)
but not higher than a lieutenant commander.
The committee believes this range of rank is
consistent with the duties and responsibili-
The Coast Guard Band is based at the
Coast Guard Academy at New London, Conn.
It performs for ceremonial functions at the
Academy, and also travels throughout the
country for various performances. This bill
will contribute to leveling this aspect of the
Coast Guard with other services, and will
generally promote the prestige of the Coast
The bill (H.R. 7779) to provide for
the retirement of enlisted members of
the Coast Guard Reserve was considered,
ordered to a third reading, read the third
time, and passed.
Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I
ask unanimous consent to have printed
in the RECORD an excerpt from the re-
port (No. 690), explaining the purposes
of the bill.
There being no objection, the excerpt
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
The purpose of H.R. 7779 is to permit vol-
untary retirement by members of the en-
listed Coast Guard Reserve who have served
on active duty on the same basis as similarly
situated enlisted personnel of the Regular
Coast Guard.
Present law discriminates against Coast
Guard reserve personnel in retirement pay.
Members of the Regular Coast Guard who
have served 20"years of active duty are en-
titled to retire voluntarily and receive re-
tirement pay in the amount of 2.5 percent
of their basic pay multiplied by the number
of years of active service. However, there is
no such provision for members of the Coast
Guard Reserve, who have served 20 or more
years On active duty. Members of the Re-
serve who were members in January 1953 and
who will have completed their active duty
by January 1973 may receive similar benefits
under a statute enacted on behalf of both
Naval and Coast Guard reservists.
Presently there are approximately 11 mem-
bers of the Coast Guard Reserve serving on
extended tours of active duty who do not
qualify under the special legislation de-
scribed above, either because they were not
members Of the Reserve in January 1953 or
because they will not have served their en-
tire 20 years on active duty before January
This bill will provide the same treatment
for these excluded Coast Guard reservists
as for members of the Naval Fleet Reserve
and of the Regular Coast Guard.
Mr. MANSFIELD, Mr. President,
that concludes the call of the calendar.
Mr. STENNIS. Mr. President, will the
Senator from Louisiana yield to me for
the purpose of taking up a House bill
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that I believe can be disposed of in a few
Mr. ELLE11DE1%. I yield.
pore. Will the Senator suspend while
the Senate receives a message from the
House of Representatives on this mat-
A message from the House of Repre-
sentatives, by Mr. Hackney, one of its
reading clerks, announced that the House
had passed the following bills, in which
it requested the concurrence of the
H.R. 10775. An act to
construction at military
authorize certain
installations, and
purposes, which. was read twice by its
pore. Is there objection to the present
consideration of the bill?
Mr. KUCHEL. Mr. President, reserv-
ing the right to object, I ask the distin-
guished Senator from Mississippi wheth-
er or not the ranking minority member
on the committee, the Senator from
Massachusetts [Mr. SALTONSTALL] is in
Mr. STENNIS. Mr. President, the bill
has been cleared for passage by the Sen-
ator from Massachusetts. I shall make
a brief statement with respect to the
bill, which will clarify the matter.
Mr. KUCHEL. I thank the Senator.
May I ask whether the members of the
for other purposes; and
H.R. 10871. An act making appropriations minority are in agreement?
for foreign assistance and related agencies Mr. STENNIS. They-are.
for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1966, and
The message also announced that the
Speaker had affixed his signature to the
following enrolled bills and joint resolu-
tions, and they were signed by the Vice
S. 795. An act to provide for the assessing
of Indian trust and restricted lands within
the Lummi Indian diking project on the
Lummi Indian Reservation in the State of
Washington, through a drainage and diking
district formed under the laws of the State;
S.949. An act to promote commerce and
encourage economic growth by supporting
State and interstate programs to place the
findings of science usefully in'the hands of
American enterprise;
8. 2420. An act to provide continuing au-
thority for the protection of former Presi-
dents and their wives or widows, and for
other purposes;
S.J. Res. 89. Joint resolution extending for
2 years the existing authority for the erection
in the District of Columbia of a memorial to
Mary McLeod Bethune; and
S.J. Res. 102. Joint resolution to authorize
funds for the Commission on Law Enforce-
ment and Ad3ninistration of Justice and the
District of Columbia Commission on Crime
and Law Enforcement.
The bill (H.R. 10871) making appro-
priations for Foreign Assistance and re-
lated agencies for the fiscal year ending
June 30, 1966, and for other purposes,
was read twice by its title and referred
to the Committee on Appropriations.
Mr. STENNIS. Mr. President, I ask
unanimous consent that the Chair lay
before the Senate, for immediate con-
sideration, H.R. 10775, to authorize cer-
tain construction at military installa-
tions, and for other purposes, which was
passed by the House on Tuesday last.
pore laid before the Senate the bill (H.R.
10775) to. authorize certain construction
of military installations, and for other
pore. Is were oblectlon to the Presen
consideration of the bill?
There being no objection, the Senate
proceeded to consider the bill.
Mr.' KUCHEL. Mr. President, al-
though I reserved the right to object,
I now have no objection, in view of the
Mr. -STENNIS. The bill now before
the Senate takes the place of the bill
vetoed by the President of the United
States (H.R. 8439). It is exactly the
same as the bill passed by the Senate
and the House heretofore except in two
particulars. The first is the section to
which the President objected with re-
spect to the delay of time in the closing
of camps, posts, stations, yards; or other
installations under the authority of the
Department of Defense.
The section substituted for the one in
the old bill provides that they shall not
be closed until after the expiration of
30 days from the date upon which a full
report of the facts, including justifica-
tions 'therefore for such proposed ac-
tion, is submitted by the Secretary of
Defense to the Committees on Armed
-Services of the Senate and the House
of Representatives.
The position of the Senate was not
nearly so strong with reference to this
delay as was that of the House of Rep-
resentatives. I believe that this section
is satisfactory generally to all members
of the Senate Committee on Armed
Services, and we unanimously recom-
mend its adoption by the Senate.
The other exception relates to a re-
quirement in section 609 of the House
buildings for the Aerospace Corp. mulct
be by a line item authorization, for the
Air Force just as a military installation
has to have a line item authorization.
The Senate denied this provision in that
it was singular in purpose. The con-
ferees agreed on the purpose of the sec-
tion, but broadened it in scope to apply
not only to aerospace but to other simi-
lar undertakings, as well.
There was some confusion about
the meaning of the language, and it was
decided to adopt the section In the orig-
inal-bill and carry over until next year
the technical problem of expanding the
language to cover other installations.
We believe the section is sound and
should be adopted.
The bill was not referred to the Com-
mittee on Armed Services. I discussed.
the question with the membership, and.
it was agreed that the referral was not
The Senator from Massachusetts [Mr.
SALTONSThLL] and I conferred about the:
bill yesterday. He cannot be in the
Chamber at this moment, but he agrees
to the bill in its present form, as do all.
other members of the committee.
Mr. President, I ask unanimous con-
sent that sections 609 and 611 of the bill..
H.R. 10775 be printed at this point in the
There being no objection, the sections
were ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
SEc. 609. Every contract between the Sec-
retary of the Air Force and the Aerospace
Corporation shall prohibit the construction.
of any facility or the acquisition of any
real property by the Aerospace Corporation.
unlees such construction or acquisition has
first been authorized to the Air Force by the
SEc. 611. (a) No camp, post, station, base,
yard, or other installation under the au-?
thority of the Department of Defense shall!
be closed or abandoned until after the ex-?
piration of thirty days from the date upon
which a full report of the facts, including
the justification for such proposed action,
submitted by the Secretary of Defense to the
Committees on Armed Services of the Senate
and House of Representatives.
(b) This section shall apply only to posts,
camps, stations, bases, yards, or other in-?
stallations that are located in the United
States and Puerto Rico and have a total
military and' civilian complement of more
than two hundred and fifty. It shall not
apply to any facility used primarily for river
and harbor projects or flood control projects.
pore. The bill is open to amendment. If
there be no amendment to be proposed,
the question is on the third reading.
The bill (H.R. 10775) was ordered to
a third reading, was read the third time:.
and passed.
Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I
move to reconsider the vote by which the
Mr. S S. Mr. President, I move
to lay tj motion on the table.
otion to lay on the table was
more than a decade and a half, the good.
sense of the leadership in India and
'Pakistan and the work of theUnited Na-
tions have served to maintain a truce in
Kashmir. It is a truce which has been
threatened many times but, always, in
the past has been reasserted.
Now there has been a massive collapse
of the truce. It is carrying down the
whole structure of the comity by which
India and Pakistan have managed to live
in a tolerable peace subsequent to parti-?
tion. The military conflict which began
inKashmir a short time ago hasalready
leaped across other parts of the frontiers
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between India and Pakistan, on both the
east and the west. Reports tell of air
raids against major cities and airdrops
and other military activity in many
places outside of Kashmir. With every
passing hour the conflict seems to be
gaining momentum.
Unless the present trend is promptly
checked, there will be a Himalayan catas-
trophe in the Indo-Pakistani subcon-
tinent. It will be fed not only by the is-
sue of Kashmir but by a fierce national
rivalry buttressed by the clashing forces
of religious communalism. A fore-
shadow of what may be involved is to be
found in the struggle which accompanied
partition, when it is estimated that half
a million persons lost their lives and ap-
proximately 15 million people were up-
rooted from their homes and forced to
seek refuge in one. of the greatest trans-
plantations of population in the history
of mankind.
At the end- of the present course lies,
clearly, the wreckage of much of the
great constructive endeavor which has
been pursued successfully and against
great odds in both India and Pakistan
during the past 15 years. The work of
a dedicated, indigenous leadership and a
? hard-working populace, the contribution
of enormous amounts of aid from many
natlQns, the political achievements
wrought in the context of Common-
wealth cooperation and evolution-all of
this is subject to forfeit in the military
storm which is now spreading.
It is easy enough to preach to both
nations that they have everything to
gain` and nothing to lose by abstaining
from violence. It is easy enough to
urge peace on both India and Pakistan.
But our own involvement in Vietnam-
a far less complex situation-should un-
derscore for us the gap between the great
desirability of peace and the slim pos-
sibilities of its prompt restoration ,once
it has given way.
Therefore, Mr. President, it would be
my hope that we would exercise a meas-
ure of restraint insofar as platitudes on
peace are concerned and, further, that
we would avoid .a unilateral course in
this situation. No single outside nation,
this Nation included, is likely by state-
ments or even unilaterally determined
policies to contribute very much to a
restoration of peace. A good deal more
is needed if, indeed, any outside effort
is to be helpful in this situation.
The fact is that the Kashmir problem
has been a matter of concern to the
United Nations since 1949. The United
Nations Security Council has been able,
heretofore, to play a major role in main-
taming the truce in Kasllmir even
though it has yet been unable to bring
about a resolution of the basic issues.
If there is any outside element which can
be helpful in this situation it would ap-
pear to be, still, the Security Council
assisted by the able Secretary-General
of the United Nations, Mr. U Thant.
:Indeed, the Council, on September 4,
took the first essential step when by
unanimous vote it called for a cease-fire
and a withdrawal of forces to the 1949
truce line in Kashmir. That call has so
far been disregarded and indications are
that other actions will have to be taken.
For us and for other nations that seek
peace within the context of friendly re-
lations with both India and Pakistan,
the great necessity is for a common
course at this critical time. It would ap-
pear to me that such a course is best
achieved through the machinery and
procedures of the Security Council, as-
sisted by the Secretary-General. Deci-
sions properly taken by that body are
binding on every member of the United
Nations. And, indeed, such decisions
should have the firm support of member
nations in view of the common stake of
all in the restoration of peace.
It seems to me especially important
at this time that the U.S. aid pro-
grams for India and Pakistan and
those of other nations, and they are
many, which are inextricably and, in
all frankness, embarrassingly inter-
woven with this conflict must be made
to serve. the ends of a restoration of
peace. Just how that can be done is
not yet clear. But this Nation, it seems
to me, ought to be prepared to join with
other nations in a common pledge that
aid programs in which they may be en-
gaged in both India and Pakistan, with-
in their present dimensions, will be ad-
justed at the request of and in accord-
ance with any relevant decisions of the
United Nations Security Council.
In the present critical situation the
constructive value of all aid, programs-
military and economic-in both India
and Pakistan is thrown into doubt. The
President has acted wisely in promptly
suspending shipments to both nations
under the military aid program. Further
adjustments in the interests of peace
may be necessary. Flexibility is essen-
tial to the President if he is to make
these adjustments effectively. He can
be counted upon to act in close coopera-
tion with the Congress, In this connec-
tion, it might be well to recall that the
President, while subject to much criti-
cism, refused to enter into any aid agree-
ments for this fiscal year until Congress
approved the authorizing foreign aid
legislation and appropriated the neces-
sary funds. It would appear to me that
this is not only a sound approach in
itself but is also indicative of his readi-
ness to work closely with the Congress
as circumstances develop. The complex
and critical nature of the current situa-
tion, however, requires full support of
the President and his representative at
the United Nations Security Council.
Together, they can press the views of
this Nation and adjust them, as neces-
sary, in the light of the views of others
to the end that the aid programs of all
may be brought to the full support of a
United Nations effort to restore peace as
quickly as possible.
Mrs. SMITH. Mr. President, will the
Senator from Louisiana yield?
SELL of South Carolina in the chair).
Does the Senator from Louisiana yield to
the Senator from Maine?
Mr. ELLENDER. I am happy to yield
to the Senator from Maine, provided that
in doing so I shall not lose my. right to
the floor.
Mrs. SMITH. I thank the distin-
guished Senator from Louisiana for giv-
ing me this time.
Mr. President, the distinguished ma-
jority leader had some very kind and
generous words for me in this Chamber
yesterday and I am very grateful to
As we approach the close of this
session, I want to pay my personal trib-
ute to the majority leader for the splen-
did leadership that he has given the Sen-
ate. There may be those who feel that
as a Republican I should restrain myself
from giving such credit to him lest the
Democrats use it for campaign ammuni-
tion. I do not feel that way. I feel that
when a person has done an outstanding
job that recognition should be given re-
gardless of party affiliation. And if any
of my enemies or critics in either the
Democratic Party or the Republican
Party wish to use this as an issue against
me, I welcome them doing so.
In fact, I have been somewhat amused
at some of my Democratic critics having
cautioned other Democrats not to issue
any words of praise about me lest I use
those words to good advantage in cam-
paigning for reelection.
But MIKE MANSFIELD has done an ex-
cellent job and I am not about to deny
him recognition on my part of his
achievement merely because I am a
member of the opposite political party.
He has given the Senate the most orderly
conduct of business that I have ever seen
since I have been privileged to be a Mem-
ber of this body. He has wisely and very
effectively conducted the Senate's busi-
ness in an unparalleled manner of avoid-
ing late night sessions and Saturday ses-
sions, both of which are not conducive to
legislating in the best mental framework
when Members are tired and their tem-
pers affected by their fatigue.
And while paying tribute to the major-
ity leader, I want to pay equal tribute to
the minority leader. I have read some
attacks on EVERETT DIRKSEN for not being
partisan enough in his role as minority
leader-for not being more of an oppo-
nent to the President's program-for be-
ing too cooperative.
Well, I have personally witnessed the
political independence of EVERETT DIRK-
SEN. I have seen him oppose the Presi-
dent when he thought the President was
wrong. I have seen how his actions and
views have had a great influence on the
President and caused the President to
change his original views on legislation
and his legislative program-and change
In the words of the President, EVERETT
DIRKSEN is constructive instead of being
merely negative-he is a builder instead
of a wrecker. And the best testimonial
to his constructive fairness, without di-
luting his duties, as the leader of the loyal
opposition, to the President's own high
regard for EVERETT DIRKSEN and the very
great degree to which he leans upon
EVERETT DIRKSENfor guidance and ad-
Everybody knows this. But it is time
that it should be said in defense of EVER-
ETT DIRKSEN against his overly partisan
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critics. We Members of the Senate, on
both sides of the aisle, share the high re-
gard and esteem that the -President of
=the United_ States holds for EVERETT
Mr. KUCHEL. Mr. President, will the
Senator from Maine yield to me?
Mrs. -SMITH. I yield.
Mr. KUCHI L. I join with enthusiasm
in what the distinguished Senator from
Maine has just said. We have two superb
Senate leaders. The majority leader,
MIKE MANSFIELD, a man of high courage
and conviction, is a great adornment to
his. country, his party, and to the Senate.
Surely his counterpart, the minority
leader, EVERETT DIRKSEN, is equally a
great American leader, a great Repub-
lican leader, and a great Senate leader.
Any man or woman in public service
who attempts to accomplish good for the
people of this country may be subjected
to cruel attack from time to time, and
abuse on occasion, has come, without
justification, to both of those men.
I regret that from time to time the
leader of our party in the Senate, who has
accomplished so much for his country by
his leadership, has been the recipient of
abuse as has been, also, his Democratic
counterpart. Surely the comments of
the Senator from Maine demonstrates
what the feelings of Senators are with
respect to the Democratic leader and the
Republican leader in the Senate and
what the feelings of the people of this
country are with respect to them.
Mrs. SMITH. I thank the distin-
guished Senator from California for his
Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, will
the Senator from Maine yield to me?
-Mrs, SMITH. I am happy to yield.
Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I
take this opportunity to thank the dis-
tinguished Senator from Maine for her
remarks and to join her wholeheartedly
in what she has to say concerning the
distinguished minority leader.
If the Senate is to function, there must
be cooperation on both sides as-a mat-
ter of necessity. Cooperation, under-
standing, and tolerance have been forth-
coming at all times.
Let me say that it is good for me-
really a tyro in politics-to work along-
side an old "pro," who rolls with the
punches, who faces up to events as they
occur, and who manages to emerge smil-
ing most of the time.
Again I thank the distinguished Sena-
tor from Maine for her comments and
to assure her that I appreciate them
more than I can say.
Mrs. SMITH. I thank the distin-
guished majority leader.
Mr. DIRKSEN. Will the charming
lady from Maine yield to me?
Mrs. SMITH. I am happy to yield to
the Senator from Illinois.
Mr, DIRKSEN. Mr. President, I can
only salute and agree wholeheartedly
with what the majority leader says in re-
gard to the-operation of the Senate.
Long ago,, we agreed that the Senate
is a public body which functions on a
two-way street. If it were not so, the
-Senate would be in a constant state of
We dedicate ourselves to the business
of making the Senate a functioning body.
-I am grateful, indeed, for the kind
As for the abuse, I roll with the tide.
For more than 30 years I have been sub-
jected to criticism of one kind or an-
other. I do'not retaliate. I do not reply
in kind. I am content to take criticism
in stride, because that is one of the things
to which one must become inured in pub-
lic service.
-I am grateful to the Senator from
Maine for her kind remarks.
Mrs. SMITH. I thank the minority
leader very much.
Mr. SIMPSON. Will the Senator from
Maine yield?
Mrs. SMITH. I yield.
Mr. SIMPSON. Mr. President, we
have just heard a marvelous tribute
given to our minority leader, Senator
EVERETT DIRKSEN. I haveasked permis-
sion to associate myself with the expert
views of the gracious lady from Maine
[Mrs. SMITH].
"Ev" DIRKSEN is Nature's nobleman
and a great leader with a warm heart and
unimpeachable integrity. He and his
wife, Lou, deserve the tributes which
have just been paid to them.
I thank the Senator from Maine.
Mrs. SMITH. Mr. President, I apolo-
gize to the Senator from Louisiana [Mr.
ELLENDERI for taking all this time, when
it was not my time to yield, and I hope
that he will bear with me.
Mr. ELLENDER. The Senator from
Maine is most welcome.
Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, will
the Senator yield without losing his right
to the floor?
Mr. ELLENDER. I yield. -
Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, -I
Suggest the absence of a quorum.
clerk will call the roll. -
The Chief Clerk proceeded to call the
Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I
ask unanimous consent that the order for
the quorum call be rescinded.
objection, it is so ordered.
The Senate resumed the consideration
of the bill (H.R. 9811) to maintain farm
income, to stabilize prices and assure
adequate supplies of agricultural com-
modities, to reduce surpluses, lower Gov-
ernment costs and promote foreign trade,
to afford greater economic opportunity
in rural areas, and for other puposes.
Mr. ELLENDER. Mr. President, for
the past 3 or 4 months, the Committee
on Agriculture and Forestry has been
giving very serious consideration to the
many problems facing agriculture.
As we all know, the farm price sup-
port program really had its start in 1938.
What the Congress has done since that
time has been to add to and substract
from the original proposals made in 1938.
It will be remembered that the Com-
mittee on Agriculture and Forestry at
that time held hearings throughout the
country, at the grassroots, to obtain all
the information possible with which to
draft a bill in keeping with what was
thought to be to the advantage of the
producers of our Nation.
There is no doubt that we must by all
means keep our farming community on
the go and provide it with a fair in-
come. Our entire economy is depend-
ent on agriculture. One need only visit
various parts of the world to discover
what it means for a country to be in-
capable of producing its own food, and
fiber requirements. Many countries
have neglected their precious land and
water resources.
As a consequence, their economies
Many years ago Persia, which con-
sisted of the present territory occupied
by Iraq and Iran, was able to produce
sufficient food to take care of 100 mil-
lion people. The great valley of Meso-
potamia, between the Tigris and the Eu-
phrates Rivers, was able to grow food
for as many as 15 million people.
I visited those areas. But, because of
the neglect of the people in the protec-
tion of their land and water resources,
the great Mesopotamia Valley is able to
grow food now for only about 5 million
people. Their lands have soured. Their
streams have clogged. The great port of
Basra, which used to be on the Persian
Gulf, is now removed about 30 miles up-
What was the reason? The sedimen-
tation from those two great rivers, the
Euphrates and the Tigris, came down
andnot only built into the Persian Gulf,
but clogged the many streams that emp-
tied into those two great rivers and
made much of the land more or less
We do not want such a condition ever
to exist in our own country.
Mr. President, long before I came to
the Senate I devoted much time and.
study to the -protection and preserva-
tion of our two great resources. I am.
proud of the fact that, as a Senator from.
Louisiana, I have been able to carry on.
this work as chairman of the Public:
Works Subcommittee of the Appropri-
ations Committee, as well as chairman
of the - Agriculture and Forestry com-
mittee of the Senate.
I have been serving on the latter com-
mittee since I came to the Senate, al-
most 29 years ago. Allof the legislation
affecting our farms, affecting conserva-
tion, and other laws affecting agriculture
and the protection and preservation of
our water resources came under my view..
I was there to participate and assist in
passing legislation to protect and pre-,
serve those great resources.
Mr. President, it has often been said
that the cost of our programs has been
too high. I have so stated on many
occasions, but when we consider the
great factory that has been built over
the years, in which we can now produce
food and fiber in abundance, to feed not
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September 9, 1965
it not unusual to schedule so many reso-
lutions on 1, day?
Mr. ALBERT. I would not say it was
unusual. I would say we do have a. pretty
heavy schedule for next week.
The SPEAKER. Is there objection to
the request of the gentleman from Okla-
.There was no objection.
Mr. ALBERT. Mr, Speaker, I ask
unanimous consent that the business in
order on. Calendar Wednesday of, next
week be dispensed with.
The SPEAKER. Is there objection to
the request of the gentleman from Okla-
There was no objection.
(Mr. FOG.A,RT Y. asked and was given
permission to address the House for 1
minute and to revise and extend his re-
Mr. FQGA.RTY.,:, Dfr, Speaker, a
familiar figure in Washington for several
years-Harry Wismer, a coowner of the
Redskins .? from 1950 to, 1960-is still go-
ing strong. He has just completed a
book about professional football called
"The People Call It Sport." I have not
seen the book and'jlierefore car make no
comment on it. However, I remember
Mr. Wismer as one of the lation's out-
standing sports broadcasters for many
years, and especially his handling of the
annual golf matches sponsored by the
Washington Star for the benefit of the
deprived youngsters of this great city.
This annual golf match, participated in
by Members of Congress and the Senate,
and members of the Cabinet and screen
stars, raised thousands of dollars to help
In this cause,
(Mr. DYAL asked and was given per-
mission to address the House for 1 minute
and to revise and extend his remarks.)
Mr. DYAL. Mr. Speaker, 115 years ago
today California became the 31st State
of the Union. Now the Bear State is
first in population. ' Naturally, we Cali-
fornlans think. Qt "-her as, being first in
many other aspects than population: In
agriculture; in her natural resources; her
climate; her citrus and ,her new aero-
space technologies and her amazing
Feather River water plan.
Lately our, State has also been included
in the social problems of this new-era.
Problems are not unknown to a Cali-
fornia that weathered the gold strikes,
the oil booms, the grapes of wrath era,
and other difficulties.
Obviously we are going to need wisdom
and understanding as well as firmness in
holding to_ la v and order to solve our
problems, in both the humane as well as
the legal aspects.
We love our State and we brag about
her-possibly only taking second place to
This being admission day it is hoped
that. California and all that the name
indicates; an adventuresome spirit will
cause us to join with our sister States in
bringing our Nation to its highest fulfill-
ment in the destiny of mankind.
(Mr. ROGERS of Florida asked and
was given permission to address the
House for 1 minute and to revise and ex-
tend his remarks.)
Mr. ROGERS of Florida. Mr. Speak-
er, the Senate has begun to debate the
1965 farm bill. As we know, efforts will
be made in the Senate to remove the
road-block against U.S. wheat sales to
Russia; namely, the requirement that at
least half such wheat be hauled in
American ships.
It must be brought out that only a few
large U.S. grain dealers would benefit
from selling wheat to Russia. Not only
would these few dealers reap profits
from the actual sales, but they have
financial interests in foreign-flag ship-
ping companies which would also profit
from the removal of the 50 percent re-
serve set aside for American shippers.
For example, Continental Grain Co.
of New York City, which figured prom-
inently in the 1963 United States-
Russia wheat deal, is shown as connected
with the United Steamship Corp. of
- Cargill, Inc., of Minneapolis, Minn.,
prominent in 1963 sales of U.S. wheat to
Eastern European Red satellites, has
shipping agent subsidiaries in Argentina,
West Germany, the Netherlands, Bel-
gium, Denmark, England, Japan, and
Italy which simply rechartered foreign
ships to U.S. based Cargill, Inc. ship-
ments to Communist countries.
No wonder the powerful grain lobby
wants to not only sell wheat to Russia,
but ship it all aboard foreign lines.
I urge those who are concerned with
upholding a strong U.S. foreign policy,
and rebuilding a strong American ship-
ping industry as well, to join in halting
the sale of U.S. wheat, subsidied by the
American taxpayers, to Russia and other
Communist countries.
(Mr. FIND asked and was given per-
mission to address the House for 1 min-
ute, and to revise and extend his re-
Mr. FINO. Mr. Speaker, nothing dis-
turbed me more than the recent news
that a number of African and Asian
countries in the United Nations have
formally requested that the question of
admitting Communist China to the
United Nations be put on the discussion
Until 1960, the United States success-
fully prevented the. question of Commu-
nist China's admission from being con-
sidered by the United Nations. Unfortu-
nately, the Democratic administrations
in power since 1961 have not been so
skillful. Slowly but surely they have
been losing the battle to keep Communist
China out of the United Nations.
I hope that our new team at the
United Nations will be able to reverse
this trend, but I doubt it. This admin-
istration has failed completely in win-
ning the Afro-Asian nations to support
our position with respect to admitting
Communist China to the United Nations.
This despite the fact that Communist
China is openly stirring up subversion
throughout both continents. I hope
that this is not the year we are to pay
the price of this failure by seeing Com-
munist China admitted to the United
Nations. It would be a great blow to
the strength of our position in Asia and
certainly a black day for America.
(Mr. MICHEL asked and was given
permission to address the House for 1
minute, and to revise and extend his re-
Mr. MICHEL. Mr. Speaker, I was
shocked and angered to learn that the
American Red Cross is specifying im-
ported wire in its buying orders to deal-
ers. A manufacturer of steel wire in my
district has reported to me that its Seat-
tle, Wash., branch complained that the
Red Cross specified foreign made wire
for fencing to replace flood-damaged
fences in the Northwest.
It is my understanding that the Amer-
ican National Red Cross has been supply-
ing fence for the flood victims in the Pa-
cific Northwest all through the spring
of 1965 and in every case they have speci-
fied "import wire."
It is also my understanding they have
done such a land-office business that on
some orders they have even used a rub-
ber stamp "import only" to speed up
their paperwork.
Mr. Speaker, this action is indeed ill
considered. It damages the U.S. bal-
ance-of-payments position. It is also
the height of arrogance for an or-
ganization that exists largely on the
generous donations of business firms, in-
cluding steel wire companies, to spend
its money on foreign goods. It is work-
ing at cross-purposes to deny the busi-
ness that its operations generate to the
American firms that are its financial
lifeline. The American Red Cross should
be all-American-including buying
American. Otherwise it may find itself
a financial disaster area, in need of fis-
cal first aid.
(Mr. PATMAN asked and was given
permission to extend his remarks at this
point in the RECORD, and to include a
newspaper announcement.)
Mr. PATMAN. Mr. Speaker, there is
a feature that distinguishes all of the
great Presidential programs throughout
our history. They have all been based
on deep insight into the Nation's needs
and a bold vision of its destiny.
President Johnson's Great Society pro-
gram is in that tradition. It is based on
the clear recognition that the continued
existence of poverty in this great Nation
is the biggest barrier to our economic and
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social progress, and that we can no longer
delay in the campaign to drive it from
our midst.
Achieving the Great Society will be a
big Sob, and it will take a long time to
do it, but the time to begin is now. We
have the `power; we have the strength;
we have the will. Delay would not only
be self-defeating,'iiisofar as our aims and
-aspirations are concerned, but it would
be inhumane and heartless, for poverty
and its evil consequences need not con-
tinue to afflict a substantial minority of
It is the people of this Nation who con-
stitute its greatest wealth. Eliminating
poverty and dependency is a double in-
vestment: It gets rid of a liability-
someone, who has to be carried along by
other members of society-and, in its
place, creates a producer who contributes
his share of goods and services to the
community. As the people of this Na-
tion undertake to bring about the Great
Society, we in the Congress must be vig-
ilant in learning the dimensions of the
forts. The Joint Economic Committee
will do its part in helping to navigate the
course ahead.
Members of Congress have expressed
their interest in the Joint Economic
Committee's undertaking in this regard
and so, no doubt, many members of the
public are equally interested in the com-
mittee's current activities in the field of
human progress. For this reason, I
would like to include in the RECORD a
brief announcement describing in some-
what more detail the current and pro-
posed activities of the Joint Economic
Committee in respect to human resources
and the Great Society programs:
WRIGHT PATMAN, Democrat, of Texas, chair-
man of the Joint Economic Committee, to-
day announced that the committee's Sub-
committee on Economic Progress, which he
also chairs, will investigate the basic eco-
nomic problems that the Nation will face in
achieving the Great Society.
"The biggest factor in economic growth is
neither natural resources nor machinery,"
said the Texan. "It's people. President
Johnson's Great Society programs are de-
signed to assure continued growth and pros-
perity of our society by stepping up the na-
tional investment in people. They are not
only the ultimate consumers and benefici-
aries of society; they are equally its pro-
"The subcommittee's economic Investiga-
tions will focus on the-new Great Society de-
velopments in order that the Congress and
the public can have a more precise knowl-
edge of their scope, their mode of operation,
and their effect on the economy. Such In-
formation is vitally necessary to the Congress
in making wise decisions on programs in-
tended to reduce poverty and bring about
economic and social improvement.'
Chairman PATMAN Indicated that one
study now underway will attempt to project
the course of the economy over the next
10 years and assess the economic problems
that will face.policymakers in that period.
He cited employment, tax policy, public ex-
penditures, and technological change as
issues involving big decisions with major
implications for our economic development.
A second study will analyze the many Fed-
eral programs that are directly concerned
with human resources, including appraisal of
their effects on the economy and contribu-
tion to achievement of the objectives of the
Employment Act. Mr. PATMAN noted that
the coordination of such programs would
come in for close scrutiny, particularly since
the Employment Act requires that the Joint
Economic Committee study means of co-
ordinatingprograms tofurther the purposes
of the act.
A third subject of inquiry revealed by the
chairman is the growing need for financing
by State and local authorities to construct
the schools, hospitals, and other public
buildings needed to sustain our growth over
the next decade. He pointed out that States
and localities have been increasing their bor-
rowing requirements by $12 billion a year
and that their total outstanding debt is now
over $90 billion. "They are more and more
dependent on capital markets," he said, "and
more vulnerable to interest rate increases.
A community that builds a $1 million facility
and borrows the money at 4 percent for 25
years, eventually has to raise $2 million-
twice as much. This is the arithmetic that
weighs upon many a local official."
A fourth inquiry will concern itself with
the problems of automation, particularly the
rapid computerization of industry and com-
ute, and to revise and extend his re-
Mr. TODD. Mr. Speaker, we look with
dismay upon the mortal struggle in which
two of our friends-India and Pakistan-
have become engaged. The resolution
by force of their dispute will leave neither
stronger, richer, happier, or more capa-
ble of meeting the needs and fulfilling
the hopes of its citizens. The heads of
-both governments are educated and so-
phisticated leaders, great patriots, and
deeply religious. And yet they are now
engaged in a conflict which can have no
happy outcome, and which, if left alone,
they can only resolve by bleeding and
The cause of this fight lies in who
shall ultimately exercise sovereignty over
Kashmir, a province which has been in
dispute since the partition of India, and
in which the forces of India and Paki-
stan has been kept apart until last week
by United Nations teams.
The inability of the United Nations to
maintain a truce, when it does not pos-
sess overwhelming force, when two na-
tional interests collide, is inevitable.
And yet short of an intervention, in this
case by an alliance of major powers who
are agreed upon the objective of stopping
this war, it may not end without the full
peacemaking potential of the United Na-
tions being imposed upon both sides.
Should efforts of the United Nations fail,
and should any single major power at-
tempt to impose a settlement by threat
of force, other powers would most cer-
tainly be brought in and a disastrous
enlargement of the conflict would result.
Consequently, Mr. Speaker, I believe
it imperative that Members of this
Chamber reaffirm their conviction that
-the United Nations is the proper and best
-mediumfor resolving this conflict: That
we back the administration in its deter-
mination to support the United Nations
and its Secretary General; that we rec-
ognize that the full moral and perhaps
physical strength of the United Nations
will have to be used to convince India
and Pakistan that a bloody war will only
perpetuate and increase the causes of
the hostility.
I hope 1
en U:
permission to address the House for 1
minute and to revise and extend his re-
Mr. BINGHAM. Mr. Speaker, the
hopes and prayers of hundreds of mil-
lions of people around the world go with
the Secretary General of the United Na-
tions, U Thant, as he travels to India
and Pakistan in an effort to achieve a
cease-fire and a withdrawal of all armed.
forces to the 1949 cease-fire line.
His visit was of course authorized by
two unanimous resolutions in the United.
Nations Security Council.
Those individuals and groups, both in
the United States and elsewhere, who
believe that Communist China should re-
place Nationalist China in the United
Nations Security Council would do well
to reflect on what the situation would
be today if that substitution had been
made. Pakistan has so far indicated its
opposition to these resolutions, and there
seems to be no doubt that Communist
China would have vetoed the resolutions
if it had been sitting in China's chair
as a permanent member of the Security
Communist China's friends and admir-
ers around the world would also do well
to ponder the significance of Commu-
nist China's support of Pakistan. Obvi-
ously, this support is not based on any
ideological considerations but represents
nothing more than simple power politics.
The fact that Communist China is an
active partisan in the conflict, instead of
joining with most of the rest of the
world in deploring the conflict and seek-
ing to end it, is a further proof that
Communist China openly rejects the pur-
suit of peace, the basic premise of the
United Nations Charter.
(Mrs. GREEN of Oregon asked and
was given permission to address the
House for 1 minute.)
[Mrs. GREEN of Oregon addressed the
House. Her remarks will appear here-
after in the Appendix.]
The SPEAKER. Under previous or-
der of the House, the gentleman from
Missouri [Mr. CURTIS] is recognized for
60 minutes.
(Mr. CURTIS asked and was given
permission for all Members to revise and
extend their remarks and include ex-
traneous matter.)
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