Assignment of New Task Order to Contract 630 with(Classified)

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Publication Date: 
March 12, 1964
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Approved For Release 2001/07/26 : CIA- 587A000100130068-8 MEMMANDU R: Director of Logistics 'ABJECT Assignment of New Task Order to Contract 630 with 25X1A5a1 I. The Office of ELINT, under Project 7032 has been 25X1A5a1 engaged in a contract with under Con- t act 630, Task Order 14. This task provided for the develop- ment of a miniature battery operated time code generator. A satisfactory engineering model has been developed and Task Order 14 will expire on 30 March 1964. Therefore, this Of rice requests the assignment of a new task order to permit con- sdruction of five service test models of the time code gener- ator. 2. The miniature time code generator developed under Task Order 14 is capable of delivering binary coded decimal signals representing elapsed time in days, hours, minutes and seconds. A 1000 cycle reference tone is part of the signal format. The generator has the capability of operation over a period of sixty days unattended. The time code format is compatible with the EEC') Model 803 to the extent that hours, minutes and seconds my be read out by equipment utilizing that format. The days portion required additional readout equipment. The output of the time code generator can be re- corded on magnetic tape. Either continuous time signals or time signals triggered by an external source may be selected. Accuracy of one second per month with a frequency stability of 3 x 108 has been achieved through the use of a compensated crystal oscillator. Totalpower consumption has been reduced to an absolute minimum through the use of the compensated oscillator. Solid state microelectronics techniques are employed in the construction. The instrument satisfies re ,quirements for a portable battery operated time code gener- ator having an accuracy comparable to larger fixed AC powered time code gerators. Approved For Release 2001/07/26: CIA- 87A000100130068-8 GROUP 1 Excluded from mflernallo downgrading and deglassillcalloq Approved For Release 2001/07/26 : Cl 25X1A5a1 of T pro of from for a 4. The c e.ton 4518. A two t A. %pp::ovo: D. Direc (Science and Technology) t hss been ope of the work which is an growth hment A is 25X1A5a1 lit imatitiMMI (R.11.IWO . Delivery models-ii-TE-be within six mo this 25X1A5a1 order assignment. Task order duration is n months from date of assignment. 00587A000100130068-8 d with Two 25X1A5a1 rant project ong 'EORGE C. Ass istnt Director Distribution: Orig. & 1 - Addressee w/att. DD/S&T Registry 2 - AERB/RDD/OEL 3 - LSB/OEL 1 - OEL Registry 25X1A5a1 AERB/RDD/OEL:IIIIIIIImh/4518 (9 March 1964) 25X1A9a "Rifie Approved For Release 2001/07/26 : CIA-RDP67R00587A000100130068-8 25X1A9a 25X1A9a