Request for Task Order Assignment to Basic Contract with(Classified)

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Publication Date: 
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Approved For Release 2001/07/26 : CIA-RDP67R00587A000100130076-9 rI inch NAB standard hub reels of 1/2 inch tape stacked configuration. Modular programming of tae of the machine will be 4 x 11 x 13 inches, I characteristics of this recorder are as actions will permit operation over a wide range of AC voltage and frequency, or from a variety of power Bequest for Task Order si -nt to Basic contract with 25X1A5a1 1. The operational requirements of the many user groups varies to such an extent that tape recorders may exhibit wide- ly different characteristics. The complete operational range varies from very low tape speeds at low data rates for long teem recording, to relatively high tape speeds at data rates of annegacycle or higher. Used upon an evaluation of these varied operational needs, the concept of a Modular Programmed Tape Recorder was evolved, which with only one tape transport and a choice of associated electronics, would sake it possible to meet many . of these needs with a minimum investment in equipment. sources Tape tion may be programmed for any speed from 1/8 to 60 inches per second. Other options will permit choice of the number of recorded tracks per pass with a maximum of 7 recorded tracks ; and a choice of heads and appropriate electronics to determine the bandwidth of the recorded infor- mation. "o. m ing for single or multiple passes of the tape; Once the recorder has been programmed with sul. 3 for a specific function, the operator will only be erred with turning the recorder ON and O`, and with changing tape reels as required. Own$radln~ and ~ecla~sitfcaHas Approved For Release 2001/07/26 : CIA-RDP67R00587A000100130076-9 Approved For Release 2001/07/26 : Cl - rR00587A000100130076-9 W10W a too It tL Page Two proposal was rejected on the baste of price and because it appeared that there were a ber of areas of uncertainty in submitted 25X1A5a1 Following an evaluation of the three hi their technical approach. 25X1A5a1 In making the choice between al feasibility of each concept has been based on proven per- formance in sommhat simi lar, bidirectional recorders. determination became one of ice alone. Although nical approach is radically different in each case, Although the quotation for phase I of each company is alt identical, the quote for the complete program shows a 25X1A5a1 marked difference, with = the low bidder. 2. Five (5) companies were requested to submit bids the development of the recorder, based on Specification 25X1A5a 423-D. submitted a "No Bid". C"pletion of Phase I as funded within this fiscal year, result in an engineering "breadboard" of the tape trans-. , and sufficient electronics to prove the team- concept. Initiation of Phase It will be and funding within this next fiscal year. tingent upon evaluation of the program at the appropriate It is, therefore, requested that a Task Order be 25X1A5a1 to the liasio Agreement with for phase I only in accordance with t ended by this memorandum- 25X1A5a1 o funding will be done by phases, ~ has advised o will be an additional sum of Inc (1) dollar as a Approved For Release 2001/07/26 : CIA-RDP67R00587A000100130076-9 Approved For Release 2001/07/26 : Cl L Page Three I *hall be with delivery Proposal . Modular Prcwra o T2.2 VMO...4.A~ eat, and will be a working brea _. ed recorder. The cognizant projec -, extension 4816. Attac =no C. t Director ciiication. ED-64-123--D y Director :e and Technology) Distribution: LLHR Z1.INT, DD/$&T Orig. & 1 - Addressee w/att. 2 - DD/S&T Registry 2 - AERB/RDD 3 - LSB/OEL 1 - B&F/DD/S&T 1 - OEL Registry AERB/RDD/OEL: :mh/4518 (9 March 1964) god fee for each phase. Therefor" The deliverable aateriai is described on Approved For Release 2001/07/26 : CIA-RDP67R00587A000100130076-9