Request for Initiation of Task Order with (Classified)

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Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST): 
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Document Creation Date: 
December 9, 2016
Document Release Date: 
November 4, 1997
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Publication Date: 
March 17, 1964
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PDF icon CIA-RDP67R00587A000100130077-8.pdf84.03 KB
Approved For Release 2001/07/26 -RDP67R00587A0001001300-%" OIL s/L t' 17 M E 9h4 FOR: Director of Logistics Res ust for Initiation of Task Order with 25X1A5a1 bas submitted the attached proposal to 9(1 for the investigation of ltiriaa based on the attached proposl and Project officer is aeorge C. Mill or G C. Ml LL Assistant Dirctor for FLINT DD/&T playing the tape on Instrumentation recorders, arr't tim consuming, cause tape wear and lack standardization. 1 This Office has a continuing requirement for the *valuation of commercial magnetic recording tapes in terms of high-frequency performance. Current methods, such as v some fabricated 1n:':a future: progr stipulates a four-month study to determine the parameters to be measured and to specify the measuring equipment to b4r !. have conducted experiments on the interaction between magnetic fields ulting in an Instrumentation system which ctric output for light waves modulated by c fields. Based on discussions with Agency per- up trite order be initiati.:d oposal & Cost Estimate 2 - AERB/RDD 3 - LSB/OEL 1 - B&F/DD/S&T 1 - OEL Registry ,,Dlr_ctor AERB/RDD: :mh/4518 vice ahd T:chnol.ogy) loon of magnetic tapes. The proposal Distribution: Orig. & 1 Addressee w/att. DD/S&T Registry 25X1A9a (10 Mar 64) Approved For Release 2001/07/26 : CIA-RDP67R00587A000100130077-8