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December 27, 2016
Document Release Date:
June 12, 2014
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Publication Date:
June 9, 1960
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved -for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/06/12 : CIA-RDP68-00046R000200090024-3
11, ?
Dote' ?
Navy seuadron, with su se-:
anent orders by tie Air ?F rce- ?
to keep it secret."
The NICAP says some e* th
above items are Ain a newt
CettArt by Donald E. Ke?-;ic,
director of the organizali m.
'Which "details" theestory of 1.'..1%
NICAF's "fight to end UFO
ceritorehip and determine the
acts." ? ?
Whether the "facts" will ever:
?be determined is a question..
'The apparent lack of guidance'
riteria in estimating what is.
Itteal", "Probably real", or What
lathe result of Imagination of
;"natural phenomena" makes it
',diffictilt to have a 'Meeting of
l,tilinds" on the subject ? .
from the Ale Force's teluctahce
'discuss tt-rouch beyond a feW
are' Wince. of information.
Flight Developments
,Atoinic plane: ,E3 ur vey by
committee of Air Force Seien.:
UI IC Advisory Board on nuclear
plane Program will start with
Visit, by :members to Pratt. le
Whitney Aircraft fetiltties at
CANE', (Connecticut. ..Aircraft
Nuclear Labore.tOrV June if.
P.fisWA. is paling sine al' two t
:types Of Poterplant systems.
limn 061= of Which is expected :
UNAR BASE LOOK One concept shows U. S. Army inineerstidest of ito* moon bast
could be cstoblistled in next i0 years. ,Cylin.ders ore prefabiicatcd, ciesilneiti, or easy
each onc being tninsperted with own socket. Bulldozer ttioves cylinder. into abettor.
JFO'Visors from pd
Tin-Los Aviation, Editor
While' the Russians are'
getting indignant about
mayhZt all of tis,
eluding the Soviets, shOuld,
watch :out, for III Os spy-'
Flight Lines
Mg on the woeld.
UFOs (Unidentified Fl,yn.
Objects, but better known az
plain "flying saucers") are, ac-
cording to the former head of
the CIA (Ceiltral Intelligence
Agency), "operating under in-
telligent control."
? Vice Adm. Ft. H. Hillenkaetter
speaks as a member of he
board of an organization which
has long been taken lightly, hut?
is getting more of a serious
Rearing smee the dawn of thei
? space age some three years ego'
?the NICAP, or Nat?lanal
vest:gat tons Co mnett t cc- on;
At?rial l'hcnoremia. ,
litU:re :hQufl
, .
grew cerritriittees,:this report; '
which NICAP wants to use to r
start official heatings oh l the ,
subject, includes these: Points: .
Tiii Air Fore.' "amerstlt or-
,' . ? ... -- .?,....i
dared" an -airliner Carr/Mir
teligetti to leave its assigned- -
course 'and dune a tiiiti.,i
Half, a former Hartford -
resident and now meretafie'.fof!
the NICAP down in WaS
ton, and asked Why' the adm
Who hasn't tit:Prase:ad yhtniself
? publicly before, on the UFOs,
now Comes out,' With tin (Minion.
It's ba-sed upon offitial
' A
Mg reports in World War II' aeservgtietertibffenieetr, Majoran Airponwereye
and the years following When i
Fournet, who as an intelligence ?
he headed CIA. '14.r, Hail ''s/: officer assigned to 'Monitor the '
Maim; "Irhe -f_trr nl, &.,t_i?_n Bs, UPO Pftitet, "Blue ft-
changes in PesiT,-Ien .0111,1b__Ilei, w' the Alt Force headquarters and
and pacing of a's,ralmrs,?" Irl' now a HICAP.board member,
many cat" where 'Litre l" 110 who says that there is a "t4P
other explainable reason. secret" intelligence estimate,
As for the 1 posslitYej. drawn up-by the Air ?tree in
Intin," tliat "I linow that neither never been admitted by tbe Air
"secret weapons he On e', 1948, cancluding.that the UPOS
the admiral states, in What, the ?were interplanetexy apace-
NICAP bills as a "special bul- thips... memo= of this bita
Russia nor this &runt* h.f`,1,11poree.. .,.
anything even approaching 61.1-cht "Hidden" UFO sightinis
high speeds and maneuvers.: ? :
"from confidential, sources."'
. LIFO Evidenre eluding: An encol,!nter with a
,"giant Vying 'disc by a Navy
The NICAP board also ttfaintplarta over the Atlantic: a
tains the same teonelusion ?as ''close-up observation' by a
the Admiral, and *hat the ,Navy commander Who
NICAP terms "dotennentary mitted .the sighting had towed
proof" of the "corer-Op" by The him"; a sighting by a 'well- e :
Air Force on. TIFO reporting has own scientist and some of his '.? ,
been prepared for seven -Con- statf",;, ati encounter with "a
- ? tenctit?-attaped Declassified bYdAtictta.o.t...---
in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/06/12 : CIA-RDP68-0004ARnnn9nnn&IMA