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? STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/19: CIA-RDP68-00046R000200190006-2 ? -- Ivy CONGRESSIONAL. RECORD ? APPENDI ih appeared before- sauthern student groopt as a youth leader. (Ile is national 1stlh director of the. Communist Party.) And he solicited the support of white stu- d.m%s ior sit-In demonstrations. On March 211 at the University of Wiscon- sit relinquished the main speaking r.le at a youth forum in favor of Herbert f,piheser. known to his youthful audience as ed: tor of Political Affairs. Affairs is the notorious "theordtl- cai" magazine of the Communist Party.) 1Zubm's barnstorming grand tow included app.,,ar ,ores at W4I1lam and Mary College, Will!amsburg. Va.; Universay of North Caro- Ins. Chapel Hill,: Duke University, Durham. rs7 C.. and Union Theological Seminary, at- to the University of Virginia. ? h the. groundwork well laid in parts of ti'- South and Midwest. the Communist functionar.,, swung to the west coast. On Oct,.,ber 26 he met with an assembly of stu- Cents at Reed College, Portland, Oreg., and on November 1 at the University of Wash- ?toti. Seattle, the youth leader unveiled a new none-on. .SUPF.RI3 SALESMAN He di.dributed copies of New Horizons for' Youth, a Monthly Marxist publication edited by M.,itliner-Danlel Rubin, ? On the following day the editor addressed ,?outli rally at Seattle's Wilsontan Hotel. 1-tirotiehout his tour of campuses, Rubin urg.d students to participate in the na- tion,i org-nizing conference of progressive youth tq be held In Chicago .starting De- (MIlloer 30. it.ihin proved to be a superb salesman. No less rhri 86 delegates appeared- at the 3-day meet-tog helci In Chicago's Albany Park Cul- itiral Center. AVERAGE AGE 22 Their average age was 22 and they reg- ,rc,.. from these States: California. 3: "Ka .11:-gton, 4; Pennsylvania. 21: Ohio, 5; New 19; Minnesota, 2; Illinois. 29, and fruit:. Oregon. Michigan, and Iowa. and two other group leaders con- ed a preconferenee press intervievi to (h.ity dl Communist Party connections with tie ti:ecting At his side were Alva Buxern- la 24. teacher-in a Philadelphia suburb, .net Mill on ,Anthopoulos, who identified him- self as being from the College of the City of Nov York, . While conference sessions were barred to ;he ,,ress, here's what. transpired: MIss Buxenhaum lauded the technical ad- ;,.,nce and increasing strength of the S R. and her satellites, and said this con- 5 challenge to the United States. With youth demanding a brighter future. ? I tire is need for a new youth organization I ? uproot racial; inequality, to fight, for better -chools and crap witch-hunting. HITS HOUSE COMMITTEE MC new group would exploit the evalua- t.te, of relentitic socialism, which, of course. is ...-etimunisni Anoi her speaker launched a bitter 'attack Use House Un-American Activities Com- mittee and the FBI. Pearl Hart, president of u?- Chicago chapter of the National Lawyers' Guild; received a standing ovation after her talk t The "National Lawyers' Guild has been cit,-rt as a Communist front. "the foremost legal bu:Natk of the Communist Party.?) c:?,tiferenee 'readers beat down a delegate's ,iuggestion that the new youth group should tailpl,,y the word "socialism." They de- r, ,Thed ;.s.s, more acceptable a "broad leftwing sludeet. teenage and working youth .organl- 7.al. Inn." Ori February 1'1, 1961, I inserted in the Appendix of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-- zir.'C page A1030?an article which, as I said, pointed up the heed to inform fully our university students about commu- nism and Communist tactics. It Was bst L. Jack Allen, Nebraska chairman, Young Amertcans far Freedom, and dis- cussed the danger of communism with special- references to Nebraska Univer- sity. Anyone who reads these and other articles will only ask one question, That question is: "Why is not Congress doing more?" The Washington Post and some other newspapers say the student riots at the San Francisco committee hearings last May were not Communist inspired. t As long as such publications close their eyes to what is going on the public interest requires that Congress investi- gate and inform the American People about Communism and Communist tac- tics. University students and the public must obtain the facts. Mr. Walter and the other members of the Committee on Un-American Activ- ities have given patriotic and dedicated service. I cannot praise them too highly. Public apathy, not opposition to the Un-American. Activities Commit- tee is the only weapon the Communists can use which could be fatal. Would that the committee had avail- able twice as much money and a much larger staff. I would favor increased funds also to print more reports as to -the menace of communism. The answer to Comniunist propaganda and tactics in our country is an informed public and laws to punish traitors within the framework of tile Constitution. In conclusion, I repeat, Mr. Speaker, I strongly urge an adequate appropria- tion for the expenses of the House Com- mittee on Un-American Activities. What, Every Woman Should Knpvt About the Communist Conspiracy EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF ? HON. WILLIAM C. CRAMER OF FI?0ESIDA IN TUE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, February 21, 1961 Mr. CRAMER. Mr. Speaker, reeently I had the privilege of hearing One of the most stirring speeches Concerning com- munism that T have ever heard, by Mrs. Prankfin B. Nott, chairman of the Status of Women Division, of the Florida feder- ation of Women's Clubs. The General 'Federation of Women's Clubs is the largest organization of women in the world. numbering, I be- lieve, around 11 million women through- out the free world. Within the United States, it is Well over 5 million. This is a tremendous potential for survival if we can encourage these women to' become informed concerning Communist tactics and strategy, and certainly Mrs. Nott is doing her share b.nd more. Billy Graham recently stated: Communism is on the march around the world because its supporters bring to -it a high degree of dedication and missionary Zeal. ,wr e we go Merr y on our w Mg it can't. happen here. }tow true are these' words. arid I hope that--every American woman who reads Mrs. Nat's speech will take these words to heart. WHAT EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW AD'OUT THE COMMUNIST CONSPIRACY tBy Mrs. Franklin B. Nott) ? As chairman of Status of Women Division for. the Florida Federation of Women's Clubs. I feel that it is urgent that we, as clubwomen., become informed concerning the strategy and tactics of the Communist conspiracy. There is nothing that would so downgrade our sta- tus as women as would international com- munism. With the increasing number of women who vote and take part in public life today, it is urgent that we become informed as to the facts concerning this atheistic conspiracy which seeks to engulf and destroy us. Down through the years, it has been women who have set and: maintained the moral standards in the homes and commit - ,iities of this Nation. The theme of the General Federation of Women's Clubs is "Responsible, Responsive Citizenship for Survival" and the theme of the Florida Fed- eration of Women's Clubs is "Conservation for Preservation" (conservation of human, spiritual, and 'natural resources for preser- vation of Ameriban ideals). With these themes in mind, clubwomen of today can play a maim- role. in the defeat of this con- spiracy. Imagine, if you will, a person who is capable of criminal acts, who can lead a double life under a false name, travel on a false passport, deny 'religion, morality. the sanctity of an oath, preach violence, and practice treason. That man or that woman is a Communist, a member of the interna- tional Commtinist conspiracy?A member of the Communist Party? Today, just as we sit here within this meeting, somewhere within and without: our borders, Communists are also meeting and plotting the destruction of the United States of America.: The Communists say. "We must train men and women who devote to the revolution not merely their spare evenings but the whole of their lives." ? As long as this conspiracy exists, nothing we have ever accomplished in the past or hope to accomplish in the future is secure. To a Communist, anew youth center is a new center of indoctrination; a new library is a means of reeducating the masses; -a home, an allotted number of cubic feet per person; a mother, one to be liberated to manual labor or perhaps to become part of a com- munity of women where the sanctity of mar- riage no longer exists; a child, something to be educated to atheism and the vision of a world in which man the animal reigns su- preme. Already, pne-third of the peoples of the earth are under. .Communist domination. Today, let us ask ourselves, how close is communism to those of us sitting in this room.' rhe Colrain/nista already cOnfi-ol most of Eastern Europe. In Asia. we find Red China, North Korea, and Tibet, In 1.959, General Cabell, Deputy Director of our. Central Intelligence Agency, reported: "In Latin America. the Communists hope to establish governments which, if not ac- tively pro-Soviet, are at least neutral." In 1959, J. Edgar Hoaxer warned: "During the past several years, certain elements in Latin American countries have played an increas- ingly important role in the Communist plot against the United States." During. the past year or so we .hare watched the devel- opments in the island of Cuba, 90 miles oil our coast. As recently as July 1960, IChru- shchey said: "Now the United States Is not as unreachable as before." STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/19: CIA-RDP68-00046R000200190006-2