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Document Release Date: 
August 21, 1998
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Publication Date: 
December 1, 1954
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PDF icon CIA-RDP70-00058R000100040018-7.pdf88.25 KB
I mi WIVWMIF ----Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP70-00058R000100040018-7 OKLAHOMA CITY TIMES CPYRGHT OKLAHOMA CITY TIMES Circ.: e. 110,600 Circ.: e. 110,600 E( 1 Date: CIA Director Says Big Reds. Red Deserters super-secret Central Intelligence Agency, says ^ `~many._ :mogh level Red agents have defected to the west and are now being V,i jannouncements of the net' - fections "are being held back for ;the time being so that we can delve more deeply into ' each case." (Page 8) Defect to U. n tulles, director of the super- rays "many more high level" ed agents have defected to the, est.,pnd are now being ques- oiled, by the United States. jje,: disclosed in a Chicago fecttons "are being held back Secrecy Explained CPYRGHT mmunist intelligence appara 9. The intelligence chief did not rthe, describe these "high ey had taken place or where e CIA was holding the former ie ted the men and disclos_ fficers in Germany, Poland and ,ustralia. .While Dulles mentioned no ames, it was apparent he was Red Secrets Learned All three had fled to the west, eking p o 11 t i c a 1 asylum. hrough Swiatlo, the Noel Field orkings of a Red assassins' ng were exposed. Dulles, whose sensitive position s head of America's principal spionage agency has made him 4etwol alj to describe com- Sanitized - Approved Fo > leaSen CIA F~7 He stressed he was outlining e methods to show r i R d b s v su ve e how a "free society like ours which is based on respect for the laws can deal with the subversive threat of international commu- nism." I3e made these points: ONE-Russia spends 10 percent of its military budget yearly in support of world-wide subversive professionaly a gents and them back to their native co to work "underground." though numerically small, have I Iran. Not Serious FIVE-The Russians "talk indicate they' are willing to a leaves us open to the Ubyers "the FBI and . Edgar Hoover, . are dealing adequately with the problem." This, however, is not WJ`X1d66460t'?-