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Document Release Date: 
August 10, 1998
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Publication Date: 
March 16, 1954
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PDF icon CIA-RDP70-00058R000100090048-9.pdf58.51 KB
tl.~ ~I. (co N.) P S3 MAR 16, 1954 Approved For Release 2000/05/24: CIA-RDP70-00058R000100090048-9 rae- JntelCi1ence, ine. WASHINGTON I. D. C. BRISTOL , (Conn.) PRESS Circ.: e. &11,874 Front Edit ? "Other Page Page Pag? Date: "TELLIN.G TOO MUCH I CPYRGHT We well realize the importance of freedom of speech and of the; press but when such freedoms: are'being abused to the point where a potential enemy.nation is being helped. it is high time, that we. became a' little more dis- creet. As it is now, we are hurt= lug our own. cause because of our zeal to keep all of our people ins formed of every move our scien- tists' and military leaders are; making. Let's keep on, building planes and devising the latest in mod ern weapons but let's do it a lit-i tle more quietly. If the variousi news media must publish learned articles on scientific subjects, let them confine themselves to . that, sort of material which can be of. no military or diplomatic bone-. Allen W. Dulles, Director o this country's Central Intelli- gence Agency, declared Monday that the United States is "telling Russia too much".. about secret weapons, strategy and scientific progress, adding that he would give a great deal if he could learn as much about the Soviet Union as that country can learn about us by merely reading the newspapers. As the nation's top intelligence authority, Mr. Dulles, brother of the Secretary of.State, ought to ' s talking about. know what he Like many of us, he is probably fed up with the blatant way some of our citizens insist on accomplish. It seems that we Iron Curtain. As TheodoreRoose- cannot design a new plane or ii velt said, we should "walk softly" contrive a new bomb withou having to put on a show to dem onstrate it to the public. Queerly enough, a few minutes after the story concerning Dulles' dissat isfaction with our disregard fo now the emphasis should be on the "softly." . secrecy came over the Associate Press wire another. story cam in disclosing that the Navy woul soon unveil a new plane. Tha sounded like an invitation t Pussia to send a few spies to th Approved For Release 2000/05/24: CIA-RDP70-06058R000100090048-9