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Publication Date: 
March 11, 1954
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RICHMOND (W.) NEWS LEADER March 11, 195lt Approved For Release 2000/05/24: CIA-RDP70-00058R00010(v8 Prue intelligence, inc. WASHINGTON 1. D. C. RICHMOND (Va.) NEWS LEADER Circ.: , e. 99,877 Front EditV Other Date: MAP? 1 1- 195.4 CPYRGHT Swearing Off Communism at Caracas Despite the almost compete ac o thusipasm for the United States' resolu- rn, on communism at Caracas, the inces of securing at least a majority e for it are now considered better than n. Mr. Dulles has made a strong and .tasive case for the aggressive char- e of international communism and by -1wdly defining its objective as the "in- vntion of a foreign imperialism" in domestic affairs of this hemisphere, has made it difficult for the Latin orican countries to oppose common ion to counteract it. Behind the scenes, neat deal of skillful politicking has been going on no doubt, and as one ,in American diplomat remarked rue- `v the United States could get a reso- z;tr through the conference that two `, two equals five if it used enough C.sure. then it must be confessed that the ttmmendations for common action con- r dicrously innocuous. Aside from a vague and-it may seem to many Latin Amer- icans-vaguely ominous proviso that the two specific recommendations for action are "without prejudice to such other measures as they may consider desir- able," the resolution has no teeth what- ever in it. It seems to have been drafted in the belief that if the Latin American re- publics could he induced to swear off communism, there would be time enough later to decide what is to be done with backsliders. Assuredly, no one believes ,that a mere recommendation to "dis- elose" the identities of Communist agents and the sources of their funds would be effective, while any confidential exchange of information between governments is own Central Intelligence Agency would he the" last to agree to the opening of its secret files. on the international Corn *,ani 4--movement to other Latin-Amer- ican republics, aiid"to argue that it could do so safely is'In fact to argue that there is -no important infiltration of. Commu- nists-and fellow-travelers in Latin Amer- iran voverninents..& Foster Dulles, as ; sc i etary of State, may a 11 ig ;otll burr llan l) iilles as ld of the ( 1 A ti1~st5 c dtY~ ~ tau ',crr' delegation at Caracas c~ r~o