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Document Release Date: 
August 3, 2000
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Publication Date: 
October 8, 1956
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PDF icon CIA-RDP70-00058R000100130009-7.pdf68.51 KB
RICHMOND (Va.) TIMES, OCT 8 1956 DISPATCH ,Approved For Release 2000/08/24: CIA-RDP~8i~Qj 8 Cif .: m. 123,471 S. 174,705 Front Edit Other Page Page Page fliiiia Off to Seek Soviet Pact TQ*YO, Oct. 7-(.-Prime Mi ter Icnirq Hatog%ma left' C HT Six ay night fir Moscow, where he Apes t_o sign a'peace1treaty with he Soviet Union. lsands of Japanese were al he airport to watch his de- re. Some shouted "Ban-, some distributed leaflets i F ch.. said, his. journey "will t Japan to ruin' and still Ii err, relatives of Japanese s it prisoners ih' Russia, carried bane s urging the prime min- get their men horno. This appeared to be Hato- yarn's last hance to make ( goo on a.195 campaign prom- ige'f r restoration. of diplomatic ref .tGdns between Japan and the US., Crippled and failing, the 7S-Year'-old prime minister has come under .heavy newspaper and'01emy political fire in re- Cent and the general be- lief is that he will quit, or be forced out, before the end of the year. Main tint of theerit-? icisrn is that he 9 too weak and sick to lock horns with the Pus- slang. H4toyama's announced for- mt la fora set tt)ent KatIl Ja- pan, after 11 years would post- pone dec sion.Fon... ,&ppsition of disputed islan,s north ot, Japan, now held; by Russia.. This issue has blocked two p4yious,, efforts to- gain a treaty. In return, IIatoyama wants (1) an end to the technical state of war, (2) exchange of ambas- sads,(3) repatriation of Japa-; riesC'prisoners still held by Rus- sia, (4) Soviet support for a, Japanese seat in the anted Na- tions and (5) activation of a fishing treaty permitting Japa- nese operations in-north Pacific { waters Controlled by?the soviet fleet "IT feel., certain L%-11 return stxcsful,,' j saki 1.a,brief: Sta ent befseepa -tin g. .'t5 n idles, $ouring, chief e eg ntral Ip elligence 1lc g en c y, conferred with the prrrhe ninister for 30 minutes a ~"erv outs eforee de- partur -nffft FFer ;8 "es mid 3tl" r n't eiI - atoyama a message f r o in frig" brother, U ~ F f 1. a 2000/08/24: CIA-RDP70-00058R000100130009-7 S a u es. ere was no hunt of what it contained.