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September 16, 1956
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SEP 1 61956 UTICA DISPAT~. i~I(9Release 2000/08/24: CIA-RDP70-00058R0001001 ?ISPA I Circ.: a 44,733 S 51,224 Front E it Other Page P,ge Page c3f4 Thinks Italy, France, Indonesia rue following resume of a , -sport to the Committee on tTn-American Activities by., Allen W. Dulles, director of r,he Central Intelligence Agency., the U. S. agency for ferreting out information about ,.world dangers, is presented in more detail' than the spot news report because of its in- ,crest and importance. Where the dangers' of Communist G(P* f rest, and why, is t a subject. t.hne Central Itltelligence Agen- , listed Italy, France and dofl sia as principal targets the Kremlin's new strategy f "park . entary" conquest. He cited these areas as ones which present "fresh oppor- ,,unities where the clearly an ounced program of Messrs. r-hrushchev and Bulgaali.n might now be put into opera- >,. Lion." Dulles" warning istcontained in an anal ysWvf`6 'l'ent Com- munist tactics w rich he sub- mitted to he Gjommittee in "Un-Ameriqan Activities. Dulles,. together with more .han 120 other prominent 17. S. government officials, nilitary leaders, educators, journalists, lab-dir officials, iusiness skecutives, and po- itical scientists are contrib- uting statements for a sympo- dum on the techniques of So- .,let 'cold-warfare which the lommittee on Un-Alertean Red Targets for quest Activities is now p for publication. tion; Val Peterson, Federal Civil Defense administi : ~" the Chiefs of Staff, Gen. hf well D. Taylor, Ad1n. Arles mander, Allied Forces Europe; G e o r g e Meahy, president, AFL-CIO; David Sarztoff, chairman, 'RCA; Prof. James D. ` Atkinson, chairman, Pay- chflogical Warfare Commit- director, Foreign Policy ite- search Institute, 'University of Pennsylvania; Prof. Rodger Swe-aringen.', coordinator, School of International Rela- tions, "UCLA. As"iother part of its study of international communism the Committee Is also plan- ning to obtain public testi- mony from experts on com- munism from Europe, the Far East and Africa. "A few years ago," Dulles said, "I would have' thought that Communist Parties in Europe would have great dif- ficulty in ever again obtaining allies among any non-Com- munist parties. . . . Today, however, the danger of parlia- mentary compromises th the Communists, even in u- rope, is not to be ignored. ments. In several coun rtes A ^4. Dulles is brother of Secretary of State. "In Asia this threat is even greater because it is generally less well understood. "A recent Indonesian gov ernment permitted Commu- nist influence to reach far into the Ministry of Defense. More than in Europe the Communist Parties have man- aged in many countries to ac- quire a dangerous degree of 'respectability' and of accept- ance as just another political party." "The Communists," Dulles said, "see their greatest op= portunities where they now have the strongest penetra- tion into the parliamentary machinery of free govern- now 143 Communist members. To these must be added 75 Nenni fellaW-travelling left- wing socialists or a total of 4i8 who consistently vote and act with the Communists. To- gether, in the last elections in 1953, their total popular? vote was 9.6. #lllons or 35.5 per cent of.thytotal. "The French Chamber (if Deputies 'presents another sit- uation which the Kremlin ]i'iay be studying. There are today about 150 Communist mem- bers in the Chamber out of a present total of about 600. "In Indonesia, the Commu- nist Party received 6 millionw ~ votes, or 17 per cent of?'-the total electorate in the elec- tions ?f September, 1955, and they stave a representation of 39 me'ribers or 15 per cent of the total of the Indonesian Asseml'ly." Referring to the recent pro- nouncements of tile Soviet leadership, Dulles declared: "Translated into a little less.' flamboyant language this means that,.,the Communists propose to infiltrate our free legislative systems, to take over our parliamentary gov-. ernments, and to use the frees, dom which our system of gov- ernment gives to destroy all. vestiges of , that system. Approved For Release 2000/08/24: CIA-RDP70-00058R000100130042-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/24: CIA-RDP70-00058R000100130042-0 CPYRGHT Jacques DuClos heads the French Communist apparatus. Y it specifically, we can be sure that the Soviet leaders still ac- cept the view"announced most vividly In Lenin's own heyday -in the Statutes of the Third Communist International in 1920-that `the Communist Party enters such institutions (as Parliaments) not. for the purpose of organization work but in order to blow up the whole bourgeois machinery, and the parliament Itself from within'." * * * "In some 35 countries of the world," Dulles noted, "the Communist Party is illegal. Here their rank and file, though seriously large in sev- i11'^1ri01i"rririlll7' underground channels and the more obvious fellow-traveller front organizations without direct political representation in parliamentary bodies. How- ever, in such areas as Singa- pore, Communist - influenced parties have an important po- sition and are effective vehi- cles for Communist activity." While there is no instance where the Communists have taken over a country by free elections or have obtained a parliamentary majority by. free elections, unfortunately it Is also true that the Com- munists have moved in with- out having a majority status." "Past Communist takeovers of free countries have gener- ally featured most, if not all, of these four elements," Mr. Dulles said: "1. The use of force fr9ni outside, or the overhanging threat of force. "2. The obtaining by the Communists through popular vote of at least an effective minority position. "3. The willingness of other parties, most often the parties to the left, but in some cases even parties to the extreme right, to join in political alli- ances and to admit Commu- nists to key positions in the government. comr4unist manipulation of T ministries so that nou- Comm ntstr, elements were driven, out of positions of in- fluence. "The hest example of this Anastase Mikoyan is a vet- mom 'Soviet foreign affairs official. Grechislovakia. Mikoyan point- edly and ominously boasted of this Soviet 'feat' -Additional variants are found in the cases of Hungary and Poland, Ru- mania and Bulgaria. * "In all of these cases, ex- cept for Czechoslovakia, the actual presence of Soviet forces on the spot played a de- cisive role. In Czechoslovakia some of the same effect was obtained by the presence, just across the border, of strong Soviet forces and by the fact that the Soviets had previ- ously occupied Prague and m rnv nth.r im ~nrtsnt (".7nr?.h centers and had been able, by their terrorist and infiltra- tion methods, to gain a posi- tion of strength which far ex- ceeded the numerical repre- sentation in the population at large. In fact, they prepared the way for the coup before they evacuated their troops in 1945." The CIA director declared. however, that the free world has at least two advantages in this situation: "First of all (the Commu- nists) have alerted us to their program. While people world- wide sometimes seem danger- ougly complacent and' even skeptical, it may yet be possi- ble to rouse them to their dangers. "Secondly, the Communists do not have any acknowledged party members in high gov- ernment positions, of cabinet rank for example, in any of the free countries, even there where they have large parlia- mentary representation. In both France and Italy in the, immediate postwar period they did have such representation but were thrown out in the early years following the wart * * * "The Kremlin leaders have told. us what they propose to do. It is up to the leaders of the free world, working toti, gather as allies and friends, to help to uncover and to frus' trate this Communist design which otherwise could threat en to wreck the free Institu- tions of many countries am evan andanzer our awn." Approved For Release 2000/08/24: CIA-RDP70-00058R000100130042-0