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Document Creation Date:
November 17, 2016
Document Release Date:
August 3, 2000
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Publication Date:
September 13, 1956
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~{~ SLF 1 3195E
UN~NiEAD R~ielease 2000/08/24: CIA-RDP70-00058R000100130047-5
Prow It Oth..
Pmg. rose Pugs
Date: SEp 1 3 195$
4YRGfiW#*, DO$gerous Than Ever
UJ" W..DVLLES, director the Cen?
Circ.: d. 43 46
Intelligence Agency, mcently appTed
on Un-American
ties. The committee released a state-
in which Mr. Dulles remarked that the
Kremlin had been checkmat-
ed in the use of brute force
but is going straight ahead
to use more peaceful means
to gain its immediate objec-
tive - control in free coun-
tries. He said that "in sev-
eral countries Communist
penetrations are serious."
The Italian Parliament
has' 143 Communist mem.
bers, which, added to left-
wing Socialists, gives a to-
muniat ticket in 1953. This was 34.5 per cent
of the total vote. There are 150 Communist
members In the Fr h Chamber of Deputies.
The Communist party received more than 6,-
000,000 votes in the 1955 Indonesian election.
In Japan the Communist party went from a
few thousand to more than AL million votes
in recent general elections.
Dulles concluded: "The Communists propose
to infiltrate our parliamentary governments
and to use the freedom which our system of
vernment gives to destroy all vestiges of
the Communists have taken over a country by
fret elections or have obtained a parliamen-
tary majority by free elections." And then
Mr. Dulles points up the fact that the Com-
munists have moved In. and taken over "al-
ways without having a majority status." Here
In the heart of the whole matter.
This confirms J. Edgar Hoover's statement
that the Communist party's "new look" Is
more dangerous to America than the old.
Approved For Release 2000/08/24: CIA-RDP70-00058R000100130047-5