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HJREi8 flOC!1r+ryt~p 1}re~dfi~wr M ~ 7~7 It ~91958,v 7 pp 9 & i Sharkcv wi.~ilwr ^ w i ~~fy it~~s iR The purpose of this article is to refute misrepresentation" of the achievements of the '3oviet eaxmovy as expressed in "'bourgeois imperialist propaggx da.R The article focuses an statements rmede by Rllen Dulles in articles and speeches written or delivered since October 1955. The article contains a erous statistics on the development of the Soviet economW in comparison with the =$or western capitalist countries. Allen Dulles is referred to one or more times in 20 of the 85 paragraphs in the article. The numbs in the left margin refer to these paragraphs. 1) The author notes that "particular zeal' has been mentfested by Allen Dulles compared with other "bourgeois critics" of the Soviet eoonoaW. "In several articles published In American Journals, and in speeches at the Universities of Pennsylvsnnnia, Cincimasti? Princeton, and elsewhere, Dulles has launched a malicious campaign against the Soviet Union and the whole socialist aaa . One of the most characteristic traits of these 'theoretical' speeches by the director of American intelligence is their complete rev nation of the direct connection between the ideological campaign being waged by bourgeois 'science' against socialism and the esplonv4p and subversive activity of t13 intelligence organs. Dulles himself admits, #-As Director of the Central Intelligence Agency* I have the task of gathering from all available sources of lntefigeenoe, both here and abroad, the variow facts and figures on the 3viet econo,. Then I charge the most competent experts both within and without the government... to examine awl analyze these facts and figures.' (L. S ? News 11 ! y 1956, p 124) "In anther speech to the members of the International Association of Chiefs of Police in Philadelphia, he spoke still more frankly: Approved For Release 2000/05/04: CIA-RDP70-00058R000100240020-2 Approved For Release 2000/05/04: CIA-RDP70-00058R000100240020-2 *Science in our tim plays a=1 ever increasing role in gathering intelligence data.' Mart ,t f State h#illatin 17 October 1955, R p 602) This reveals that ie a o-aallsd 'ree e h # on the Soviet "critiques of socialism in which trained agents of the ieeper t bourgeoisie so ezeel to placed directly at the service of the most reactionary forces and has no scientific foundation whatsoever: The author asserts that "bo?egeois Propagar, & attempts to discredit socialism by denying the "advantages" of the socialist economic system, by nisrepaeesensting the everyday life of the Soviet people while eulogising the American way of life and free enterprise? by saying distrust between countries of the socialist eanq3t and by slandering the econa -', politicos, and culture of the Soviet ibis. 'The authearsa of a report published in July 1957 by a joint congressional committee entitled Se_.m"_thehs A w ith &Ij i1- _ St ts:.. were forced to admit that the UM has been converted into a powerful :industrial country which exceed eda the TBA In the rate of industrial grmdh. 3) A. Dulles, too, in considering the results of industrial development in the 1i3SR, can only evalte positively the achievements of Soviet industry, especially in metalliargy and electronics. His article published in U. S. etnd world Res t m der the datives title 'The Oeth of Russian Pbver Can Become a Weakness I. typical in this respect. In this article he admits the followings 'The fact ..,.. as has been pressed - that we possess an advantage in teohenieal skills and that va are able to oroduco atomic weapons, airplanes, etc., beyond the capacity of the Soviets has proved to be a ntireely mistaken.... The Soviets have demonstrated high competence in the 1eeeelopwnt of nuclear teehnology both for ry and peaceful purposes. They are producing efficient Approved For Release 2000/05/04: CIA-RDP70-00058R000100240020-2 Approved For Release 2000/05/04: CIA-RDP70-00058R000100240020-2 airplanes of a high qulityy from heavy bombers to helicopters. TbW bane *own themselves to be highly a a mp s t in electronics, eel industry is effie . t Be concludes that 'Soviet leaders lava covered a century and a balf in several yon, 4) n attained only suer 'free enterprise, i.e., sander capitelts and that they are impossible alder soccisal to a..?. 6) *?be assertion of A. A,il1esa that Soviet technology to being developed an the basis of A rien models is clearly a fiction. The whole world know the enormous scientific and techoioal discaav ries which were sersede l psrerensoluti+oe7 Russian scientist and it knows the achIe is of Soviet space and to logy. by d*WJM its advantages, y 1456, p 121x) ... slicing -hest a neapttive effect such admissions bourgeois rolega* A, Dulles critioi who take a sober view of the went situation and corn eetly a valuate the achievements of Soviet industry &M science. 't3ecnuse of rapid f 3oviee preogross,' he wril;es, ISOM people in scientific 4Am1.eses have tried In recent years to exaggerate Soviet echievi cents, and to depiet the Soviets as *gl&VW In the Industrial world.' Men Dulles clearly fears an objective evaluation of reality. *A. Dallas begins his 'refutation' of the socialist system fsslse send alandorceus aseertions about the course vhiah the Soviet Vain has followed. Be strives to represent Soviet economic smcaseses not as the result progressive forces of ssoc#aliet but as due to the Soviet Union's use of teabnieel discoveries ace in the s 'which, e he wrritess. sw geeve them on a silver platter.' Ibreover, he attempts to demonstrate that the ssucaeessesee of contemporary Approved For Release 2000/05/04: CIA-RDP70-00058R000100240020-2 Approved For Release 2000/05/04: CIA-RDP70-00058R000100240020-2 The author remarks that the Soviet Union gindly utilizes ecientifio experience the world over, but at the arse time is developing an independent tecbnologgy. lie cites several Soviet "firsts" such as the sputniks, an atomic electric per station view of the outstanding successes of Soviet science ics1 esker, and others,, and tsobnojog7v bourgeois leaders (especially A. Ies) look trying to belittle Soviet science and teohuolo; ing Soviet scientists as 'I aitaterst of American Several Amerie n press organs criticise caustically the irresponsible propagandistic boasters who cry that only the USA can make scientific and technological progress. The ttai y r writes, flow we appear rather silly with all our propagandistic whining, sine we asserted to the whole world that the Russians were dragging along behind in scientific aobievesents. r ,^ r lc- bola 6 6 October 1957)0... "Utilizing the experience and technical assistance of the Soviet Onion, all countries of the socialist crap are a atinv their own industry. Socialist construction in the ? x3R to also having an enormous influence on the eaononieally ucderdeveloped eountries.e well-known fact, and even A. Dulles cast hide it. He writes, 'The rapid industrial progress of the Soviet 1 ttion ha doubtless had enormous infly ae on wry countries -- especially the Asian -- who have obtained their liberty during the past des ads. This influsenoe has increased all the more since the Soviet Union has made alluring offers to supply military and industrial equipreent. (U. So *eve and World Report, 11 Way 1956, p 125) The author becomes very exercised about the "slanderous" allegation that Soviet induj trialization has been achieved by sacrifice of the workers t standard of living, about the assertion that toftAr3ailsati n has cost the Soviet worker more deer it cost the capitalist worker, and a bout the view that only free Approved For Release 2000/05/04: CIA-RDP70-00058R000100240020-2 Approved For Release 2000/05/04: CIA-RDP70-00058R000100240020-2 enterprise is capable of bringing about simultaneous industrialization end in eases in living standards. wing 9) to the author, such assertions were made by Allen Dulles in article published in bosrtceeant of Stets h 11.t3n of rwwYr.rrrrir 21 October 1957. Data is presented to refute the contention that the progress of hmrW industry in the ISM has not been accompanied by progress in the consumer goods industries. This is foil rd by a quotation from William R. Hearst to the same effect. The author turns next to agriculture. The attempt to conceal recent successes In Soviet agriculture is very typical of bourgeois propaganda. Despite obvious f9aactas? A. Dashes repeatedly talks about the 'unsolvable difficulties of Soviet agriculture r and even about the 'agricultural crisis.'' Soviet plans for further progress In agriculture disturb him, ueverth es especially the plan to overtake the USA In per capita production of meat, milk, and hatter. H. tries in every way to suggest that this plan is ' rol gsmda.'... 21) *In order to discredit socialist agri ulturer, A, Dulles speaks of the reduction of the umber of people smplayed in agriculture..... "This doubtless a positive facet. One must consider that while the preiaortion of people engaged in agriculture has been reduced almost 50% compared to the prerevolutionary period, agricultural p duction has increased m%zWfold.... In spite of the 12) fabrications of A. Dulles about the ar thicaal 'agricultural crisis' in the US3Zp agriculture is presently in a period of sharp upturn." The author next mentions an article in a' of irebc rir 2957 JA= which maintained that the Soviet Union "viii never overtake the bests in production pert apita. ib follews this up by quotations from and Hew7 Roberts' and w A rjM to the effect that the Soviet Union - well outstrip the West Industrially. Approved For Release 2000/05/04: CIA-RDP70-00058R000100240020-2 Approved For Release 2000/05/04: CIA-RDP70-00058R000100240020-2 "A, Dutle s, also, does not sonossi his fears about the PrOOpecl a of econoesie competition between eocialims and osxttalism* e tIhiversitd- of Cinoiteaati, be found it admits 'In spite of the fact that Soviet industry is equivalent to only a portion of oars, the Soviet industrial be is sufficiently large to make it possible for Soviet leaders to ry power, to play a more active e0ono*io role in underdeveloped regions, and to talk with assurance at the 20th Aarty Congress about ending the gap between their output and c m"41#66 U) "A. Dulles cannot ooneeal his alarm at the growth of Soviet trial povert 'If- SWIM. plus for the next flye years are realised, the a ilitary potential of the TESR will be considerably strengthened. ? ($. s. s< an4 Vorld Rs rt. II M*y 1956, p 226) At the same, time he falsifies and distorts the decisions of the 20th Party Congress, striving to conceal their true human character a and the concern e " the Com . ist Party for the needs of the people ..S* 15) "A. Dulles does not jest attempt to keep silent about the fact that the improvement amt livino standards is the basic economic objective of the 91 he Ills further and -- turning everything upside down ..,.. falsely asserts that the realization of the basic of the willl, cause a 'low living standard.9 trly bad for the Mwrioan Imperialists, if they to this kind of slander." presents slatietios in order to demonstrate of be ato industrial a ittes in the is steadily approaching that of the major western csountries. Be emphasises the disparity in growth rates between th Soviet Union and the ;eat. 16) "?s the fact of Indisputable, fasts, A. Dulles is forced to acknowledge the advantage of the -iet Union with respect to Approved For Release 2000/05/04: CIA-RDP70-00058R000100240020-2 Approved For' Release 2000/05/04: CIA-RDP70-00058R000100240020-2 growth ratess No still are in advance, but the Soviet grw4th rates are trots rapid. $ As Is kesmv the a oeie vompetition between socialisse and capitalists will in large measure be decided by increases in labor productivity. Several bourgeois economists are aware of this and reaeognise...that the rate in increase in labor productivity is higher in the D.5SR than in the ML.... 17) "l. Dulles refuses stnbborn]y to recognize this fact. e aamot conceal the rapid production increases in the t>SSR,, the high g with rate of industrial production, nor deny the advantage of the TSZ' in the growth sate of labor productivity, for recognition of this would mean recognition of failure in peaceful economic evaepetition." Tables follow showing labor productivity in the map Wk. Britain, and I*Onee in 1928, 19371, 1940, 1950, and 1956? all on a 1913 base. "Xsctolling the I social syst r and high production levels 18) in the tAA, A. Dulles assiduously avoids the main criteria which determine the value of a ,serial-epic system which system to the broad saes..; ttow the material and spiritual needs of the people are actually satisfied; who actually disposes of the country's wealth; and for whom is the production process mane Several paragraphs follow citing figures aunt national income ison with western countries; increases in Soviet wages since 1913; social iance and pensions in the W3R; Production Increases in Soviet consumer goods industries; Soviet rates, on rents and municipal services. "Our government in showing particular concern over housing itions for the workers, All the apologists for i srialtsm, 19) Including A. Dulles, attempt to speculate about our housing pfioblem. We do not mil the acuteness of the problem, but at the same time we !5e* its future prospects. The housing crisis has been with us since prerevolutionary Russia." Approved For Release 2000/05/04: CIA-l DP70-00058R000100240020-2 Approved For Release 2000/05/04: CIA-RDP70-00058R000100240020-2 As further evidence of impmwed living conditions in the the author presents data on increases in Soviet housing between 1913 and 1957, and a table ahosiing a between the tBSR and the major western countries with respect to death rates per thousand of population In 1913 and 1956. 20) "A. Dulles extols the 'American way of lifej,' trying to depict the spirit of the t gination of the bourgeois apologists for 'people's capitalism.' fir, American reality is a sharp polarization of wealth and luxury on one side and poverty of the broad working misses on the other." The author concludes the article with three pages of data which are intended to indicatest tremendous Inequality In the distribution of wealth in the 'USA; the Ooonomic difficulties of Anerioan workers and farmers; enormous increases in corporate profits in the .; and the Soviet advantage in current output of veers and fined spe-aialists. According to the author, all these figures indicate that every r the Soviet ihston is nearing its goal of surpassing the MA in living standards, Approved For Release 2000/05/04: CIA-RDP70-00058R000100240020-2