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Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 RAP? 27 O As 152 s trend r,, &CL*t g, 1, s at 3 too addxsss of Allen w. Doles. Imawr fo sar Dirr r o!' Q.1 A. r Rah. D.C. Saftwe the Th1rd 8 *#,csi art' the A b],jr, C 3f s)anie Tlc "M Ans1eds cf ,iit R i q for t" It is an b= or to addr+zsa the Ameriesa bsr Aenoci&ttcrat I retuun to the PraeUce of the Im *,rd to writing after decade of gs "rament ssrvries. I s is nov sa a ' yrivszts citisan, I }*vs been a1 r Z ma VW acMAmle1 duties a toieut)y Lang to r 4 &J to an eUrrftt taMid~e info -tjo i. In r ' tv t, nottbbW *Vs mare q" tbin a "W at in the fast 149 old of today. It is bbrUy neees y to eq to ycn that durst qr ten ram of service with tb s i ntrs 3. Ingot Agsccy tbn y*ise Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 is da out, bts besu o s ' the VaUai*, t*4Uca ars l tbo pmt l at tbt g+oi*t tax Cbeaas OUt Inteu V wk se to bave a now s q e tbr the ]WYW. It V" sn udnmt asses at the beer and St this A"md" WiUtaa J. Dawvm, po it U kno mR as "Wild } . -t fOrc l bead of the Office of gratogc Bervion d IA Rar U,, VhO .misted a an t> teams a ctxaaiaexstL1* tat lcryers,; sd aura, #ad is ciao Uban he was j1At 4 his -213 *to" in the doWs twin P+carl Buimr. It VW OSUMI DODOM iw&o dr w ? vp the p3sms rasa vb~ rMMISbtad am* or 1 ioit vne tlt 1 to the astsi~t at the feast A the Ibtior 3, orit r Aat of IS47. VA* An% slao unwtad tho De snt tad' Doom"s the SwMal '3# r aril and . a bi$ elownts of our , and ssawit7 *raw- its aa. It gevo Its s+ Ica mad wY*ori,ty to tb. ?tnatsd Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R00020008.0020-9 3 iete13 i~g ass off' oue 1 In, pudding that the Oent-Val Z ' i +brr amd ~t# ir~ta a re1aL:twg to t UWAOMI -" sod sus to it s o ut* c s ti+an uitkta tb it Wit. Aft lxsteilig+azww ark in af:wtaaaat t itb A UVI berth. It tam a >morasio at tame a *At is bs43a nd to be A t,, NVA ds'm 1t tc+a*.. tit rY, in the os+ o aat the 4 S a estistste .t is no adalm Im or t lab aaa+at =J amm waft, be tsst.d. 1 c ibo Owthmte dial not Au" qPft tbIr Ri " VVqw CC the l4.- In NNW Magda C".. the Sotb9i6w waft ago bar '!fit iftdwl~ c Other aatldaepU idli, oueb t Ax g, gLn mites ttma WMt WWLOm 04 IdU *OcWW Unt Stdiad udw tb* ii0 3o to s o tbMr ad;UMI whim Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 Wmay fteful dcatflos in hie s? have cow f i" .v in p o a t 3 e s o f h i t i t two intolusm" ecvaff is , or their f"IUX* to la f r is An the Ah w. As we we-U kaw.. ttw Garmn K&Uw turd b U ad-Awme is 3,914 vrougly TmI d the re tion of Gnat Dritsiu to t viek1atiete at Belgon neut Uty. Uttltr, fortu ately fast XU of uat bed a dim int+eluawQC, except his c!iu tt tuttiou. At the Jim of zowl fi #or, there was a lht3 to ice edema use of tlw InteLligmee avsU U* Cr to d w rat er Oweluele it. MAIm this iute12i e,, ax to $0 often tb* cease, um not oor ve, it sboAld, bwm bsei stmMaiecut to alert us. Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 5 tae ~asans of Paean liaztor, PUN 410 fwvwnluw awe" at Ccarenrn1s , ware t1 ew+4ac innumaing fatten i i wr Ao .t!s declaim to beet1d up ow am iats1liearwe sentao. as pt zpo a Ms to establish pevoo s which VCMU ciaary fix s+a ltty - first, for the pr's eud ooordir ted s *2 '*3s of vital indrtrrer ition affecting our natiosss1 aec uitg 'col, for apttin t)zt aiysjs PrQWVt4 to our chief paltry and datenne otfioar+t of goymmmmt the President, the rent, at State, the a ttsr r Cr Defeme and the Joint Chiat at stark. 9bd.s sartim naddawyp both baiean and tisahemiml, is nav in p2awe. In my ggnt ,, it leas Won fb .an- lag sell. W i t h t h t a t p e tiaaas t a k s n , I b e l i e v e that the fbUw e, fah oaaeasod at t s bases of P.arl Thizto, ia? Qam*1de~e the vitst ie -11imn , is wt M64 to our. put tb* i prmaes is 1pr no caws an exwt acieace. Znts~ s 1 laic rani y am I wIvA a study ot all the tacta riri aer they-&U tam fact t **14= avai]sitte. Ptzr'kb~tuode, Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 d ray 3 ants saw Eta welt OMOOLUA " 04 ap=tsaeanS tt t3* r -",as is w il:lemtxat. w innewo iM inv4ved saves apt di nt twtora than tba Pearl ba%w am. A to t* vsno r 3. MM'b r'ifuraw tot 7 u*iv Ogw*w 19 3-, vbicb 1 ed to CIAM"O 00=mLut I eete ee tiws in ttet Mmm War. 1 sn tod+e - the" is a debts tbir, aware U tut limos GbCUId be" ocabW t tbs t ii + t**. re vacs c of the e?uwe 4a sit imti* which the WII-gmcs amew room so ame4. re vas good iz 1Ug z * as to ' e 3o - sad the std of the laosttU t mmAist fm m s to the acth at the ys , What tee did not r von the paUttt d da m i Paiptug salt YAmem. v+MM t sy Newt ta- traaja an tjo YAU? We vee11 knw the a is GftW%d I Itl ss j vs VMV vrna da to bi intentie . Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 The btu saga of the ia3n b ed..jet b wa aanalw d Ibm t tw C.!.A. V Wk &n V. i c . I bM aftmesd to a p atiee o t the 1mr after ter return in 105 farm rpu:a vaft i#a WerU M I bad evory latanU,an of atio ig to the 1mr. se bed bets a xef iut tpti- in ' 1 ftT*JA t U%Wn bM 900d tee to ttee cf tom, 1e en ?;, to ad, as to t) t r at. o rawdr Uo z of the O.I.A. Vxd tI' of 19471 I lave jutt t r #.. We fj I ad our r laiveas eoea 4ered MW rr+1ll;g~t cs `!1'Leecl. DA i et 1 Bodeu ath, tfq hm torn over tyre j(A of Diroater of the C.I.A. in 1930 th d1 ea aUy. duet ftw ow x t, v'bieh like so wwW su* documents vas AMy ";L* in the M". ". He t two at t t ti av 13 is to one sew, ad-Asa b!!.m bxr tbo report *add to Vft into e . We Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 Approved For Release 1999/10/13 CIA-RDP70-00058R000200086020-9 W* 04y, a fav via b sold. In IV t o ton yaws. MS eb donor at t ag to 6L to . a reports vua be a pwrilaw p it that ten Yom t ez'e have been the t 3qux of inta2U~pnae aoUeutim. , the t!~ ' ! to govermenU bs been can ted Ugpl r b tilt Vii, the solder, the iz t-et7.i. v t` and t, fit this 2AWt s Science tee w an bean i ie ag y In Providiag s now too "g. rev ex0cus air 1 'colt and UG t 3.3.ts.U OVULeOft at bAwt1r tw$0. Add JA a rtxa aics, a4w sa S ~ 4ana Wden b adsveilo'searma. Ume now as of int~sl ig mer ~ +aE+ ge- ,aa sxWomftat ta d Ws v2 u tit' ac mocieV t *qqpft* asmiwt the Closed softie ' c tb C zist ata a. OW ?lUt?ay datMUO Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 at V*Iualwo mw SavuUt. S to, aw OU this !A not so kw&m s 4* it* tbatr s md m sod r .# r Wit... Toftw ot %be r its 401744 Iftat tb* st 3edero WO UWY tv` do We : t *a their tacties Mw a rz over the yvem. It VAX as U41y the bale at n errs in. the days +o'' tb* i O' T, that OWW Ulm 14 tai d1w Ali Mors maw the m at, tte WMIA$ us"' %be t t#, - OS ga tt x ammst NwAfteto ? worktvg aft at 0* vmu wise,.: a& Ac~gi1 MML% to lase tut tb ems VMU low sew MA *A" ?e-e elsM OOLVAd thmxt the g 002404s vi tr amt WAIA bit Um w maw.* 3utsrx Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R0002000 0020-9 t~dW* and , Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 its mw3aw e .tom ftmun the Vogt,.Vw t i n t t t field tbmu wweb*. fie rttv1ds- t fAven . I Of the mat, Ut4a In OVWV2$ d M)a We > r d. Japan rUi o f H u? r Mu urA trowV vac and ta'b tide c t com#mim camaU4ed Ugm to be cm e M Mm Mm in his ri" z r . Aii ". n- h .jai , `'x3 f L IL :x of ; wrwa Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 ~oVed.For Release 1999/10/13 CIA-RDP70-00058R0002000B0020-4 P='W et r tho 2, v 3, =Mbuur to m C t . or the 0O.'ftrtV and shmW be rmAed to its Pdditu3$ M a ett im'i. > , bowwww. t d of p*ww is. iz d*UiVALtSd,IW Iw4Qr. does t fAV, - but t the dim: ; , O, the r4ber A vbaft ids t~ ammdtt+ the Ffttx ~.} xrtnt' a.#r raamft .. to i t t. a that ci ther in tom, O er in t t tt c o it.t t to 1~' to the p po 3 of the dic t . Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 Approved For Release 1999/10/13.: PIA-RQP70 00`05.8R0002000 1POP,` good of PaV ' st u M of the. on* ot vital element cx t uIze this also W~Mw big colusive ocouxa* 2 SVt*V 7t e tVaMaftI,* jo the . of %ftw waft In U= UWAQa ,, in pext at 1t to Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 It vu kum m bom to %in it Out IUMA O40MA a c+ i the Uftl seem vit- that M Uto H 1aad ma Awt IV _o wd *Mr - - tt is +a 40000 ` Ift 1 111111 Ina Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058RO00200080020-9 0 qt the dictow 0 mw Uft* in the m tio' s), tI*UO 26 41WW Si %U*Y dt,G*Uy,, be at alb . os vith ddII god with + . . A $ t no gwou , the mss a aft" ~Oft IMMM "S o 1st x4+ls vim,' $ 4 Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200000020-9 a OuOth ar t outing that iat be "? inaxTOW a so during this VWW tom, I raftr yet-U 3,y to the brok Stith in 204t I* of t fcw !a ev Ymgo&Uv 1* DjU, *We t Rte Vith R $;JUI" "$to## t ar-'. bed > tted. Uw"vw w0AW$ ve we to too t wry, to saw s -? 1St 3M to* I* lam -- to US VIU t' the slow of rIr 9k mvm jetud the mtmiaa5.+~'l 0a f. of a McrSU w ^t r~ r at a vithe 44 1 Us RIMMC. *' "I v swo in tr ' s aap ala s a dutp, cwmi ,, ei . arml the as d MOt PM*rfta Via, for turtky 7.8 Ltd. PrO31" t t waawt ti s- I a atac ci ft' ' t rot 1= ,p, d peat t aa" a4y rx ~ his vaaa a that tbW actin in ter a as -x- tho" . its * the one ideuj y a-ttt n , a that ix hf.* Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 It is t.t t v did . iS dtW r It in trt V**2? 2,049.U* Smist bad d>Eaa~r. to d it ftr t uuc3 dev1cxe. bat so be dispamd e OrMt ti =Mtsry and tb4 a ft atVa wwu "m In the hands cC . vto't secos to omum$xt t ri . , 1x?r t a ,, u iad s str uts "sb +c sMe1 r. ire rr rss+aty t srmtat s a+ #as tb&t t tilt at So I % 8**AW Stu" Obammus to e4qpt cc to des to not a w0tw !'rcotIOWi OGUGM 00 u the Ct t di t2 tbw rlo:t- ire of a D wqjtW eext&tw In it ! an ia3omat aqs t g1dict"O. Zr Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 to o1 a 1 qrwt tit*ide an PmW, the vow *dstmft t 3W Etta ers, a itae!' Oft" tp- tb* e c t p to the a u .t r of gate 3 to t ri&t end into icie ,3. , a . A!' ' St uin be $ &M %be OMO SU *91h 1953, t We VOS e p ri 3. or u t woe mmxbdwv !~wco l ds t o power In W n i e *ad waa .ee to ci t tkw tee to t cte~a Oa c a s t ~. But vrdtbLn about 4 y"m at 9w3#n*i samot ~r bad amov0 . aU DUPIGM *out tj - to for % Vvmm JW +~d"1i c' fit, wt to ,=mm-m j ow ' =`t"W WOOM - in taw am at IOs~S" , W 1.ot , -s'8 eh a of the so "Und anti.- a LU am of IMP majority in t 'w ppNi rt 4 Wb= the OtoftMl Q ttt e, Vhf eh t h4,.e fit' R ratlgltd vrit x : a i c tan! '11'1a,1 E'x1, bU Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 flit ..ttsee doutw o cat' der if mod + + o a e e that a uQw is=* lwtwem er ArA M o' -,v &4 )zis + ?tataee vast tWt o coltm1 at the e+ 'ixity Sorv1t e. B ev*s vwWaie* a that if than sw is b14 bonds a] thedl, . slm7 d t i d t ob, to jjtVj4g a jtt*t* $DZwitW ftrVS". o r to 14 cb t at` .l rie rule ft m th ft s at ZW" AU U+' r s s vc eye to mar, txsi,1,ing it. vban ter Uft this bfttU* ,is In *1 tti*n t-0 LU p dt-'-= at SWA of MuV said of MA'a in so'e eu tr 31 or Uis "Gattgr ftni"S is so bo6ert. Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 rive U tsar powers bad ftund it a a. - b tallrd= bat zi of , Uw Vito 4C $"lok poiier. It Is a fists fu=r t t, la 1954 the duets of S t 1i n t a t R2u rn 1 at his M400 'Mm* son" At taw t it b left =A pr .e"Cu at bia actic z dtri a Zst4r sb=tml d8 s. i s l bath to p 3.< ~i in t o p i tea sal I4Qti a bis can pii , 1i 4 to bit bUs in the forego t 4. mmA9=bSV auo r c that b" a1 . tba victory ct G~ ? u3d tS Ino and bid to to % a a i r$ 11 SONWA different3yt than his rmdeftsaws bad. estiastid. ~ Mve~ to be woaded for the t1 mw tebg. Me ta*%U= 49 terr= In t dta tie fle had to be mated. Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 Approved For Release 1999/10/13 CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 91 Jq uxh*b*,r, tbumftw% , aei spa #s' ss et Js t -e i.a~ bat d. ' 3aios k* rl sommmy t )do t 'i s b 1 ben a LA t +a nOMO and power. Be b" re'c ri $. at 1a t OIr-l'?tr at yews tiUatu `cuumm e ft 1o)ft* t* ,$ COMWS" *00 Cc t c it*Iicc J*1 suprooded the t 1i. of cd, so ComWad= totem wroxtalm t olUds"Q 4 t as U" . i*z ;, O=VW cc I=b Y%W a 344t$ ftvlft state that in ten ' twenty yean itvW4 bm 90* PM&CU S OAV&diW Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 that it VOuU ". = other tt t vou]A tcU SO a teatter' Of OOWW. S ms yet" ad's , the (hattr of *XWWO in teU n6 bw Co aise bad t over that oo=U , detaarl'bed their to tiea as "Salad to t+ a r' the pcutiwa Swumge VMS cut up Viso* Iq pie**. The preva" t be oo to at but m t so drsa*Uc at to invite taxi .~al aRcmcznt r sd aaed t p?3etd ea tsr ,t o t part t p r e s t a t e d t u a eiveI}, try I to .A*. Xb uar rv cs'sa tvod the )its stmt tam bt tza hs4. ant a~ieiazt a es;d misofl tr . as i '!tx'i.7.itt IA1. M sop be mUl be veaa]4 not d3g atar &=vim and VUI& UA* tbet. no veal so* to it that w did this for dvq. we us to prove t Zica isWztmm,, cw=wisn tzAaar dictteata ip or tba aqztm lx+tes att/goverzmaeat fxee ante ri$Sa teat r the most Tsar the Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 New"" 'Op lx+~~ 1 fists a llu~ to do Idasel t. Be z trjIng to di*. iist hfi$M3t tz" id's oat*a to buZ7 and to wke us forget the 1 o1* xmoici at bWIni ? ,Adak I have described, alter st 30 y r* Of t tltmoeae Qictatta thtp Out of t f &'Id a half Qtaatc& Of the Oximteme of the Gaviet arm z to bw7 the rizag w vU aLat.iaa t b" *=Aitiu: .o Ufa it the ii+e V%Wldo ptrtiau3Ar3y in the $ovt.t Umi C -nz o *cut t abwpV in tWW cC the Pxft V rM Os txft t =tst vox1 . Ba must try to bury the t i s it tit mamdw t1 _xm Oacwur4m uhie ha been !shin. VIt Oli? as Yvan riva Ipaatem f ratgg t Ruth and fxc tbr=A& am$ Kunz eu c f t t at even the bO ldiv& et the )eMLIn ttsll ar4 tin str? c:C; siin& Of the Lr and map Owta m bavo m%IY Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 parua1.1 ,:w- ' : thim f1.Uht. rw rat t1, r -ml bvry O at of t 3w arstlou in the Soviet SAM,* pWUWdwd- in intent . awl u tlat2 ~. a bMrv t bed o " t j t3eq vs t mom . J r u or., t2 ax* not astL isd r boa the onlana. ticn given of %Lm .rs of 8ta .inia. an aexe ralur o1. at Staft -sLc ) , : r. iag 5te1 A& d " tiaj their bistories itic t gtve to st a rift to Bto-Un's t irty 7urs a rule th m. Beplaaing the fuLm" sxtss1 es cap Berle La thmar 16 t'1u'gtd pisae on the Xarlx~g Stz*iti om4 to caplUm igo ~. / r 4't'L t tttza wL" mw t trg to U17 the fiat that 08 Sall to t be ~ of the vo rid t off box besi nawrand in this *cuuU!, a e oar s at as arse Wur , Apr the tree trade uaimg vbi,-.h have w i sts i m mad the r3*t+mra act ftraad lab= eeistir, in t s Cw tt ror .d. 3h the $o wet tlaica ttfrs rrt r.o ."rte trade wdms Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 215 mpt try to bw7 the trot t thst tow., with a test e M t i- `' +Ost2y 's 1 l~ 1#~k`: - that eo *t) in in the Ga aaRnist my 10 st O""t YOU Marx? sttaake4 is no ]. gar t2* frs* Dtaprt 4 or tow snd t2a with caps bier living s tsz f t s LI, t Id d txtWtigm Of the wealth than in ray Oai ==iat $tata. ywia- ~a0~sf the i that exists in t2 wrig' tOW is Soviet 3~ie1'1al filet. rat ob ca r tbs t2s*t tb~t at fr eta BJs t tse ev2.den4e bar tbs. r 'v 14 IS sass vital todMq- than wear mss, that bt OM Ipm its eoUxpse naa' can be plc silt' Vredlat tbs trnt tsar1A 1311 ibu a pat, or tsar it* 41f to pia' IV dish or var as Ls in OWUn Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 ,w Ot ImmitIft an ever 1,14 -110 *A 1440w,64 bet eztri*i. 7MmUn Cdr biM i 1 . tt:t ia. Arid tod*y be bps to v rrr t i t qkjah is s s bit vlu find it very di ult to , sNi 5reat q"W a it i*'mU i the ams to t3ti z tt nevi ea s VWId[- 'U" Anti fin &340 be a Tssssgsaina that Ida boost of t unity of the Ommum-st xoe3.d b" bemii ode ,j- d IW t 11iino.4ovtst rift, by air., ft A:ib s Est it b ft= Xq$cW,, ?'c as1t'vts, #~b . a- .it, Mears its * si t aeo.. 'lea *1 tlaette F~ wtbd iv allt out the ex .'t 612=" of the 3st v,ca 4. rte s tam Of ea-l3 -srl .rye emdt ems t bas proved a c3 ii eaaetter. Vbet%Q- U& . o was t 1140siag OOMPAmi" politic. ewtral era tbs., pOitatton bts eve in mazz , c r in output. Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 at ct eo r The a i m imr6m is the standud a t t i v i a g In ti:a G The p11ggt at C. IlOUL t OW an . Mw prWwwx of the Tree Wor1dp sadom as t we -are dwexted wtth th e of the -ist VwId.. 'Pmwj, v* ')tve ple iq to do. here wt oomlotm iee in tk* eiOnr7 ,* duvel3 + +a of Asia, #rr a t imi to this 2mtapbwo. And ve c t overlook the tee that in t3=ma a owitrss the a of C=mmim is sU=g. 1beere they do not 1me+ tm an In t3 Est vw1d or u d,+ rste the V szst a fives at ' ap .s1 at Ommmim is tAsset r Is 4=,, to pwtj, to. tAef Heat tb&t it some to attex? an % ternWv* to ohms, a r*f%mp &M the used to aem re in . The tminit#stad pat raves t in Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 Approved for Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 in the La waist SIOPA that tie states pull MA rr s i g !rte t in ividtI aeoeatfl to b" .tty s give MOMWtrg t* the p ; '.s . tosC`9rtUrAts33r,, to Obo vM than we mess medy t tl r . , E awe a wwrs then the prod ws t+at iaty. We kmw that these Cam zimt nlsg=x we a vInAit a a d4duw.ora. We be 1t,ve in ia4fri3~wa1 is noW11-ty m d ye repiatce the idea that the stste dxmU 200k after us tit ve in retain *h.? i give it the ate t0 uwuW czar liv aaag +T eaar as. U yr aaa s.. ' yam at st $r c qxmwziat SzA all its rrts bmw not left at as a ruslutst. in futo in the 1"t tan yrs mw* s bas bates ride tbm X *XVWAd is %U du k d at gtamn. Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 ct ftwAUAj I di,t #h dWXjIr tbw and the ImliK , ham *00 isteaU r d ~ I ' tvi=414ness f,r tba pwpl* of this aacm q , As n s' about map tb re i a yosming on the raarG at =Y? to fivd A vVW to 4"n to tom' se v S=6 ca*' h bait , srA h X -m apeattmS priu "t1 r tt' the t ,t al 'vsuta iil 't$/t vs bkv*. . WdI zxs c z in ~t des~l sitsea the peopU of Yt - bwm Owe is Ud1dind vp x,sea'vs strmi&h *ieft V06014 80 a* V04LW bet ! than KMwlcbev hf+ and ten t i ho SVr Apr t; i 403 t of this. Wa camot axmat tIa ssba ks -I= qPwar s hit st&W aml ittans of f .zrm t ve am the fob= vith confUenas It is of tha Tnw World xtoW *ted a d fife. Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 thegr 2skvrt hs4 a st a tux itr t 4q- $Q 1 Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9 30 L +f teat zva h v trss at tI M 04 ao % w eaa o prove vhirlh of the tva veers cat lice I. wqwlwo Z4 '0i tact c farthorightl' J ]art us prays the m eztarity- of WNW vay cf lire. mxa ur4Ea' his oim tez we, not her, vi]:. pm- Approved For Release 1999/10/13 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200080020-9